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is it bad to throw your ciggerets butts in the lake? 2024

fishing user avatarbassmasterb007 reply : 

my buddy does this all the time,he says it just cotton, it will be fine.i do not think its bad but i would never do it. what are your thoughts on this?

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

Yes it is. It's bad to throw anything into the lake for that matter.

Use a grocery bag and toss all the garbage into that. When your done fishing is done, you can throw it out. No need to litter anything.

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 

Litter is litter.

Also, the butt is NOT made of cotton. It's made of cellulose acetate and can take as long as 10 years to decompose on their own.

Tell him to quit being lazy and throw them away correctly.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I'm reading this from this PDF on line. ( )


Against popular belief, cigarette filters are not made of cotton. They are made from cellulose acetate, which is a plastic. Most filters decompose in approximately ten years, but it can take up to 22 years for one filter butt to decompose in some situations.

They're NOT biodegradable and they don't just blend back into the

ecosystem. They remain as trash for decades and the poisons collected in the butts, bleed into the lakes and fish and children who swim in the lakes and play on the beach. It only takes 5 milligrams of

nicotine per pound to poison a pet.

How do cigarette butts contribute to water pollution? The chemicals contained in tobacco litter contribute to non-point source pollution when carried through storm drains by rainfall and urban runoff to our lakes, rivers, wetlands, coastal waters, and even our underground sources of drinking water. Non point source pollution has harmful effects on drinking water supplies, recreation, fisheries, and

wildlife (Source: ).

How do cigarette butts impact aquatic life? The EPA's aquatic bioassay studies provide evidentiary conclusion that one cigarette butt per 2 liters of water is acutely toxic to water fleas a planktonic animal that occupies a critical position in the food chain of aquatic ecosystems by transferring energy and organic matter from algae to higher consumers such as fish. Water fleas are widely used to determine acute toxicity of chemicals in aquatic invertebrates. The toxic

chemicals that leach from a cigarettes' cellulose acetate filter and remnant tobacco are a biohazard. One hundred percent of the animals died after 48 hours in the concentrations that were equivalent to the chemicals found in two or more used cigarette filters (Source: US EPA, Aquatic Invertebrate Acute Toxicity Test for Freshwater Daphnids, 1996).

fishing user avatarSlip Gun reply : 

Absolutely - tell him to just throw them into an empty soda can. The moisture puts them out and it makes a very convenient carry source.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Well...Here's another take...

I fish pubic ponds a lot and I carry a trash bag stuffed in my

pocket. On any given day, I remove a few cans, bottles and

wrappers. I suggest everyone give this a shot, it's really no

big deal once you get started.


fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

Hmmm...How about Cigar Butts?

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
Well...Here's another take...

I fish pubic ponds a lot and I carry a trash bag stuffed in my

pocket. On any given day, I remove a few cans, bottles and

wrappers. I suggest everyone give this a shot, it's really no

big deal once you get started.


I agree.  However, for butts that are thrown in the water the leaching of chemicals into the ecosystem may have already occurred and the damage is done.  See the link I posted above.  We need to pick up what we can, but it would be great if we could influence some people to just not litter with cigarette butts.

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
Well...Here's another take...

I fish pubic ponds a lot and I carry a trash bag stuffed in my

pocket. On any given day, I remove a few cans, bottles and

wrappers. I suggest everyone give this a shot, it's really no

big deal once you get started.

I do that too, but it's better to stop people from littering in the first place.

fishing user avatarbassmasterb007 reply : 

i did not know they were made of cellulose acetate. thank for the info, i will tell him to not do that any more. i learn something new here every day! i love this site :)

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
Hmmm...How about Cigar Butts?

I have been wondering that as well. Cigars are just leaves wrapped together so they must decompose pretty quickly.

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 


Unlike cigars which are , for the most part, "natural", cigarettes are filled with nasty checmicals. YUK!!!!

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
Hmmm...How about Cigar Butts?

Cigar butts are made of the same tobacco the cigar is made from, even though they can decompose pretty fast ( being organic ) they are still tobacco which contains nicontin which is a very powerful poison.

Don 't trash them in the lake either.

fishing user avatarShawn OConnor reply : 

I'm not sure but anything that didn't start there probably shouldn't be there.  Easy rule, leave it how you found it or better.  Always pick up trash when you see it and dispose of it properly.  Easy controllable thing you can do to make a difference for others.  

fishing user avatarsteezy reply : 
Well...Here's another take...

I fish pubic ponds a lot and I carry a trash bag stuffed in my

pocket. On any given day, I remove a few cans, bottles and

wrappers. I suggest everyone give this a shot, it's really no

big deal once you get started.


X2 and people that know me will tell you, I am the trash police and will not hesitate to remind others with me to pick and not leave a mess.  I use the example that if every fisherman dropped 1 soda can on the ground or in the water, in a very short time the fish would all be dead cause the water would be full of cans.

fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply : 

this is a good thread,

with info i never knew about the cigarette butts.....

i smoke on occasion, but always put them in an old gatorade bottle, or water bottle.... i always have one of the two with me....

i never figured they would do much harm to the water, but not being the type to litter.... i always disposed of them properly.

some great info was posted here,

thanx to all!

fishing user avatarcabullwinkle reply : 

Who gives a crap about what cigar butts or cigarette filters are made of!  Do they occur naturally in the lake?  NO.  So pack them with you! >:(

fishing user avatarnitro929 reply : 

gather up all the butts you find open his door dump them in his living room bout the same thing as putting them in our lakes haul out more than you brought in

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Well...Here's another take...

I fish pubic ponds a lot and I carry a trash bag stuffed in my

pocket. On any given day, I remove a few cans, bottles and

wrappers. I suggest everyone give this a shot, it's really no

big deal once you get started.


Super suggestion!

Instead of belly-aching about someone else's litter, just round it up and haul it off.

One day after work I took a fellow worker along to do some deer hunting with bow & arrow.

As we were suiting up to go on stand, I noticed a candy wrapper in the fallen leaves behind my car.

I didn't actually see Jim ditch the wrapper, so I simply tossed it into the trunk of my car without saying a word.

Then the next time I opened my trunk Jimmy noticed the candy wrapper and said, "Oh, did you pick that up Rog?".

I said, yeah of course Jim, that's the least we can do after getting permission to hunt this man's land (he got the message).


fishing user avatarslider head reply : 

This has been informative. I never thought what the butts were made of. But from reading the initial post i said.....they cant be made of cotton...if they were once they were wet they would sink.

I hate to see em floatin in the lake. Only thing worse is to pull up to a busy intersection and see hundreds on the ground about a inch deep!

fishing user avatartnhiker44 reply : 

As a smoker I was not sure of the actual make up of a butt, but it is pretty obvious that they do not decompose rapidly... just look around. I always have a can in my boat for butts. And every time out I try to pick up at least one piece of trash that some other soul was kind enough to leave for me to find. Next time you are out on the water just pick up one piece of trash... chances are you will not have to go out of your way to find it.

I live in the cotton belt here in Georgia and I can tell you first hand that cotton does not decompose rapidly any way. There are ruminants from last years crop still laying around along the roadside.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
Hmmm...How about Cigar Butts?

Cigar butts are made of the same tobacco the cigar is made from, even though they can decompose pretty fast ( being organic ) they are still tobacco which contains nicontin which is a very powerful poison.

Don 't trash them in the lake either.

But how much damage can the butt end of a cigar actually do before it decomposes? How much nicotine would it take to kill fish or plant life? How much is in the butt of a cigar?

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Better watch it Dan, before you wind up as the butt end of some jokes on this thread ;D

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Let me know when someone does the research to find out how many cigarette butts it would take to poison a lake of say, 20,000 acres.  In the meantime, I will continue to flick my butts into the water.  If this is of great concern to you, let me know and I will start marking a waypoint on my GPS every time I flick a butt.  After I get off the lake I'll provide you with the exact coordinates to enable you to search for those nasty, poisonous, polluting little cigarette butts.    ::)

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 
Who gives a crap about what cigar butts or cigarette filters are made of! Do they occur naturally in the lake? NO. So pack them with you! >:(


fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 
Let me know when someone does the research to find out how many cigarette butts it would take to poison a lake of say, 20,000 acres. In the meantime, I will continue to flick my butts into the water. If this is of great concern to you, let me know and I will start marking a waypoint on my GPS every time I flick a butt. After I get off the lake I'll provide you with the exact coordinates to enable you to search for those nasty, poisonous, polluting little cigarette butts. ::)

So if someone dumped their ash tray on your front porch, that would be ok?

Poison or not, they are litter. I think the same of people flicking butts that I would of someone dumping car batteries.

On the "poison" side of things, my old chews go in the water.

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Fourbizz, the proper analogy would be "If someone dropped an ash on my front porch."  On the scale of things it would be so minute as to be unnoticeable.  However, you've given me an idea.  I now know how to get rid of my old lead-acid batteries.  I used to take them for legal disposal.  I think now I will just throw them into the lake.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

GEEEEEZ, dump your used motor oil there too while your at it!!!!!

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
GEEEEEZ, dump your used motor oil there too while your at it!!!!!

We're not supposed to do that?   :-?

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 
GEEEEEZ, dump your used motor oil there too while your at it!!!!!

We're not supposed to do that? :-?

OH BOY..................................................... :-X

fishing user avatarSam reply : 


We are the caretakers of the water and by throwing anything into the water is an insult to other fishermen and the water.   >:(

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
Fourbizz, the proper analogy would be "If someone dropped an ash on my front porch." On the scale of things it would be so minute as to be unnoticeable. However, you've given me an idea. I now know how to get rid of my old lead-acid batteries. I used to take them for legal disposal. I think now I will just throw them into the lake.

You've got it all wrong Mike.  First you use them as a core-replacement.  Then you steal them back from the store, then you dump them in the lake.

They make mighty fine brushpile anchors.   :D

fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply : 
Posted by: Dink whisperer      Posted on: Yesterday at 10:45pm

GEEEEEZ, dump your used motor oil there too while your at it!!!!!


Burley Mulder wrote on Yesterday at 10:49pm:

We're not supposed to do that?

i do believe that the correct way to dispose of it would be to disperse it around your fence.... along all of the ant piles.

then put a match to it..... kills weeds, and pests..... great for the ecosystem, right?? ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 

I wonder what the comparison would be between a few butts and any of a few other things like used plastic worms, lost lead sinkers, or plastic pop and water bottles.  I wonder how much pollution gets into the water everyday from those old antique two strokes.

But at least no one had a problem with peeing over the side of the boat!

fishing user avatarDesultory reply : 
Let me know when someone does the research to find out how many cigarette butts it would take to poison a lake of say, 20,000 acres. In the meantime, I will continue to flick my butts into the water. If this is of great concern to you, let me know and I will start marking a waypoint on my GPS every time I flick a butt. After I get off the lake I'll provide you with the exact coordinates to enable you to search for those nasty, poisonous, polluting little cigarette butts. ::)

I won't try to be fancy with some sort of analogy, but to me your attitude is no different than the person who thinks it's ok to leave one can on the beach, throw one wrapper into the water, drop a single Styrofoam cup in the river, or do any other small thing that can't possibly harm the environment on it's own.  That thinking is so flawed as to not be worthy of debate any more.

I don't even know you, but that statement alone makes me think you're kind of an...well, I can't say what I think.  While you're post would be deemed ok me telling you what I think would probably get me a ban. ::)

fishing user avatartnhiker44 reply : 
Fourbizz, the proper analogy would be "If someone dropped an ash on my front porch." On the scale of things it would be so minute as to be unnoticeable.

Not that it is any of my business... but just how big is your porch?

I took some liberties (*) with the numbers I could find:

26.2 million men in the U.S. smoke, if just one percent of that number fish and throw ten butts in the water, the butts would fill up a warehouse that is 42 ft wide by 42 ft long by 12 ft tall.

Thats some front porch you got there Long Mike. You must be rich.

(That is just one trips worth, by the way.)

*(assuming 10 butts equal 1 cubic inch [1.25x0.5x1.5]... it has been along time since I have really tested my math skills)

*(assuming 262,000 cubic inches, or 21,833 cubic feet)

*(assuming 1% of the male smokers in the U.S. fish and throw ten butts in the water)

fishing user avatartnhiker44 reply : 

I will tell you what I think;


I will tell you what I think. Based on this thread alone you are defending a member who arrogantly offers to provide GPS coordinates for others to pick up HIS trash. Again, based on this thread alone, I do not care if Long Mike walks on water and cures cancer... by his post he comes off as the very worst type of sportsman. Until you defended him I pretty much assumed he was being sarcastic in his cigarette butt post. But now, with your defensive counter post, I am no longer sure. Perhaps you tolerate his littering because of his 'high character', but that is your choice, not mine.

In the event he was being sarcastic (which I hope to be true), you have to realize that vague sarcasm will solicit responses like mine and Desultory's. Long Mike very well may be a stand up guy, but in this thread he comes off anything but....

fishing user avatartnhiker44 reply : 


I understand what you are saying, however, some of us are rather busy in our lives and cannot afford to make 12 plus posts a day on a fishing message board. We pop in, take a look around, kick the tires and move on with our lives. We are not afforded the luxury of establishing a personal re pore with fellow message board members. You know this, as does Mike. Some people are rather good at disguising sarcasm. You know this also and yet you defend this particular sarcasm... like it is everyone elses duty to know Mike for the man he is. You acknowledged the sarcasm but get defensive when someone does not see it as sarcasm. That is BS and you know it.

Back on topic... throwing cigarette butts in the water is bogus. I do not care how many generators you have.....

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Anyone have any cigarette butts they want to get rid of, I am going fishing today and will gladly throw em over board, I am willing to pick them up. Pics later

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Littering is a pet peeve of mine.  There is no justifiable excuse for being a slob on property that isn't your own.

I'll guarantee that those who dispose of any form of trash on the water would be the first to howl if someone else's dog takes a dump in their yard, or tosses trash out of a car onto their property.

Our home is on a wooded lot.  We removed only the trees necessary for construction of our home, and a septic system.

We have a bit of lawn around the house, but mostly it is woodland in its natural state, with only the briars and poison ivy being removed.

Our neighborhood is composed of homes with treed front yards, and other homes with most of the trees removed and lawns going right up to the road.

Passersby rarely toss their litter onto those with lawns out to the road, while those of us who left propery in its natural state along the road have to pick up cigarette butts, beer cans, nip bottles, losing scratch tickets, soda cans, beer bottles, McDonald, Burger King, Wendy etc, bags and cups, etc.

People who dispose of their old butts, cigar stubs and whatever on golf courses or other public land show a serious disregard and disrespect for everyone else who owns or uses that property.

The nicest guy in the world, or the most viscious thug, does not excuse the first while condemning the second when it comes to littering.

Several years ago, I was heading home, when a bag of trash came flying out the side window of a pickup truck I was behind, onto the property of a person who happened to have a wooded front yard,

I followed the truck to its destination, then I returned, picked up the bag, put a few tears in it so it would spew its contents on impact, and tossed it onto that person's front yard.

fishing user avatarKoop reply : 

The way I see things...

You can't get wrapped around the axel about other people, you will have a miserable life.  They are going to do what they are going to do, and eventually it will catch up with them.  If I see someone dumping motor oil (which I actually have) I just got their plates and called the DNR.  I was then asked to write a written statement a few weeks later, as I'm guessing the person was caught.

You can't stop people from littering, all you can do is prevent it yourself by not participating and try to pass on the good habits to the people who observe you.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 
The way I see things...

You can't get wrapped around the axel about other people, you will have a miserable life. They are going to do what they are going to do, and eventually it will catch up with them. If I see someone dumping motor oil (which I actually have) I just got their plates and called the DNR. I was then asked to write a written statement a few weeks later, as I'm guessing the person was caught.

You can't stop people from littering, all you can do is prevent it yourself by not participating and try to pass on the good habits to the people who observe you.

Sanity at last 8-)

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 
Well...Here's another take...

I fish pubic ponds a lot and I carry a trash bag stuffed in my

pocket. On any given day, I remove a few cans, bottles and

wrappers. I suggest everyone give this a shot, it's really no

big deal once you get started.


If everyone followed Kent's lead, the world would be a much better place. Some of us already do. As a lakefront property owner, I can tell you cigarette buts are the single most unnatural thing I have to pick up off my beach. Cut up weeds are the worst but that is unavoidable. Cigarette butts are not bio-degradeable. Neither are aluminum cans, plastic bottles and cups, all of which I have cleaned up. Littering = laziness. Koopa put it well. You are never going to stop everyone but educating as many people as possible is a start. There are some ramps in my area where they actually look in your cooler and make sure come back in with what you went out with. These are private ramps though.

P.S. Mike- I hope you're kidding.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Quote from CWB:P.S. Mike- I hope you're kidding.

Followed Mikes boat yesterday and he gave us GPS points of what went overboard ; here is what we collected:  


fishing user avatarUncle Leo reply : 

I have a confession to make. After a night at Hooters eating wings I did not make it back to the dock! I believe most are kidding!

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Some people care and some people don't care. I fall in the "I care group."

I don't know any one else on this forum well enough to make rash judgements about them personally and don't understand how any body can pass judgement on any one by reading a few posts.

We're all human and some times get caught-up in a few soap-box debates (me included). Every one is entitled to their own opinions but let's not get too vicious toward one another.

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

Why would anyone throw litter anywhere..? This is your country, state, city/town ect..wethere it's dry land, or a wet lake..Do people toss trash in their yard..? I have No patience for litterbugs.. >:(

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 
Why would anyone throw litter anywhere..? This is your country, state, city/town ect..wethere it's dry land, or a wet lake..Do people toss trash in their yard..? I have No patience for litterbugs.. >:(

Because they are giant douchebags with no sense of morality.

fishing user avatarSuskyDude reply : 
Why would anyone throw litter anywhere..? This is your country, state, city/town ect..wethere it's dry land, or a wet lake..Do people toss trash in their yard..? I have No patience for litterbugs.. >:(

Because of a lack of respect. Pretty common these days.  :-/

Littering a body of water is about the worst form of common douchebaggery.

fishing user avatardone reply : 

Tell ya would he feel if I show up at his house and throw cigarette butts into his fish tank, pool, kitchen sink?

I MAY come off a little militant here but really I am sickened by folks who make up excuses for why they don't carry their OWN trash back with them and throw it out on a trail, river, lake, etc.

I get especially offended by fisherman who do this. I do a lot of trout fishing in the mountains and i have come within inches of lacking the restraint to viciously beat someone down for throwing worm packages, extra line, plastic bags, etc into the streams. Sometimes you lose your line, you can;t get to it and you accidentally drop it in the streams, accidents happen but for those of us who spend so much time in the natural world, fishing and taking in the beauty of it all, I would expect more respect.

My oldest girl, once and only once, threw trash into Lake Wylie. needless to say she went into the water to get it and from the experience she will not ever throw anything in again.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Want to do something positive; here is what our club does

We bring other folks trash to shore and dispose of it properly , on our home lake

We get involved in one clean up a year with our trout fishing brothers at Trout Unlimited,  they always have a stream to clean that they can use some help with.

fishing user avatardone reply : 

Yeah Muddy, when I hit the streams I always carry trash out, as much as I can carry. On one of the streams I hit there must be a golf course upstream, cause I constantly pick up golf balls. I have pulled a couple hundred out in the last couple of years.

I actually have been looking for a collapsible hook for the boat to let me pull in some of the trash we run into. It is easy and the county puts VERY large trash bins right there at the launch so it would n ot be tough at all to dump a ton in there cans.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Forget a collapsable hook idea; A rake like this in the shallows works great


fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

A just for any park, they have 55 gal trash cans, yet right next them, i.e. within 6" is trash on the ground, plus everywhere else..Morons.. >:(

When we go riding our m/c's off road, we take big ole trash bags, cuz we know there's gonna be trash that needs to be picked up.

At city ponds, I have found 20# mono with hooks tied on, just laying in the grass..what if some small kid were to step on it..? You pack it in, then you pack it out..

Help Keep America Clean.. ;)

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

QUOTE FROM HAMMER 4: Help Keep America Clean..

Then why don't you move

sorry Hammer, you left it wide open, I tried to contain myslef; YOU BEEN MOOKED ;D

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Hey, no fair Muddy.......................................i wanna be a MOOK!!!!!     :D

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

Better Mooked, then Hooked.... ;D

QUOTE FROM HAMMER 4: Help Keep America Clean..

Then why don't you move

sorry Hammer, you left it wide open, I tried to contain myslef; YOU BEEN MOOKED ;D

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I hope I catch as many bass tomorrow as the number of mullets I caught on this thread.  

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

How did you guys do today; is the State record still safe? ;D

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 
Hey, no fair Muddy.......................................i wanna be a MOOK!!!!! :D

You are our secratary, what more do you want?

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 
I have a confession to make. After a night at Hooters eating wings I did not make it back to the dock! I believe most are kidding!

You went there for the great food right?

How do I get a shirt like Mikes?

I'm jealous!

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Muddy, the quest for the state record LMB begins at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow.

Ken, eat your heart out.  I have two of those shirts.  One has never been worn.  I'm thinking about putting it up for sale on e-bay.  Minimum bid - $3,000.  ;D

fishing user avatarVolFan reply : 

When I was 12 we had someone throw a cigarette butt onto our lawn as they drove by.  It burned 65 acres and probably would've gotten my mom who was sleeping in the house if not for some quick neighbors.  If people want to smoke I thinks that's fantastic for them, and if you throw it in a lake it's probably not going to start a fire (unless you're in Jersey), but it's so easy to dispose of it properly why would you not?  Who is that pathetically selfish and lazy?

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 
Muddy, the quest for the state record LMB begins at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow.

Ken, eat your heart out. I have two of those shirts. One has never been worn. I'm thinking about putting it up for sale on e-bay. Minimum bid - $3,000. ;D

 We are trying to get in touch with the supplier to get some more made up. We will get a price and that plus shipping per shirt ;D

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Muddy, wait until I sell my shirt on ebay.  I've got a house payment coming up.  ;D

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Get Gary to sign it, sell it and then I will get more ;D

fishing user avatarMichelle43 reply : 

Surprised Long Mike is a representative of this forum.

Sarcasm or not, polluting waters we all love to fish isn't funny. :'(

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Hey Mike: I guess that straightened you out

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Lets ban Long Mike...................................start a poll for it, LOL!!!         ;D

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Make sure you spell BAN right

fishing user avatarKoop reply : 

I really can't believe this is still going with people not noticing the sarcasm after it has been identified and beaten like a dead horse with a 3 wood.

If it wasn't for seeing Muddy posted here last with a *new* message on the thread and my curiosity of what smart allic mook comment he made I would stop reading it  ;)

fishing user avatarVolFan reply : 

9. There is a great need for sarcasm font.


fishing user avatartnhiker44 reply : 
9. There is a great need for sarcasm font.


Oh, I would hardly call the participation of these two members sarcasm. Trying to stay within the board guidelines I will call it childish antics. Deliberately joining into a thread to simply stir the pot is at the very least childish. They are now labeled Beavis and Butthead in my book and if I can find the ignore function on this board I will place them there.

I can just picture these guys out in a boat.... "Hey, pull my finger" or "Ha ha, you just said wood". Real giants among men I say.....

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Wonder which one I am?

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

You might not realize what is probably about to happen.

But that is a memorable post right there. I shall cherish it. :)

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

You might have chosen the dysfunctional duo of Lewis and Martin

or the hapless duo of Amos and Andy

or perhaps one of the two cartoon duos : Ike and Mike

                                                           Frick and Frack

no you went for the obvious and simplistic Bevis and Butthead

Simplistic,     oh   yes simple ::)

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 
Muddy, the quest for the state record LMB begins at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow.

Ken, eat your heart out. I have two of those shirts. One has never been worn. I'm thinking about putting it up for sale on e-bay. Minimum bid - $3,000. ;D


Just getting ready to do a little perch fishing and checked ebay.

The shirt isn't listed yet. I've got 50 cents burning a whole in my pocket. Wait, maybe that's from someone throwing out a cigarette butt. :D

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 
is it bad to throw your ciggerets butts in the lake?


This topic has been beaten to death !

fishing user avatarROCbass reply : 
9. There is a great need for sarcasm font.


On another website I visit, a member invented sarcasm marks a while back. They are like quotation marks, but to show when you are being sarcastic. Just put plus signs at the beginning and end of your sarcastic statements. I think we can make this work here.

ex: +Throwing cigarette butts in the water is good for the fishery because underwater currents will wash them into a big pile and create a fish attracting structure.+

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 

Ahhhh, feels just like I've returned to Topix!

Did I forget the "+ +"?

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Muddy, the state record remains intact.  :'(  Four dinks is all I could muster.

Michelle43, I am NOT a representative of this forum.  I'm simply a road trip coordinator.  That means I volunteered to do a bunch of crap that the true Representatives didn't have time for.  There is no way that Glenn would allow me to reach such an exalted position as a true Representative in any form.  You probably will not believe this, but my attempts at wit sometimes appear to others as sarcasm.

+Thank you for taking the time to castigate me.  I am humbled beyond measure.+

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

+What many don't realize is there are voluntary groups that clean up trash from our rivers, lakes and streams.

Knowing this, I figured a great way to save a little money for my fishing hobby was to cut trash service to my home and drag the stuff down to the lake with me. I normally dump it all right at the ramp before I launch. I've not only saved a few bucks for fishing but I've given those volunteers something to do.

It's even pre-bagged!   8-)  +

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

This party is over.


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