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Do you have any fishing quirks? 2024

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

It may be borderline OCD for me (I've actually been diagnosed with that before).  I honestly can't buy just one of a given rod or reel.  I have to buy two.  I have to have at least two matching combos.  So all my reels an rods are in multiples of two...6 TDZ's, 2 Pixy's, 2 Alphas, etc.  I just bought two Revo Premiers, but could have bought one last month.  Could have bought ONE...that is key.  I had to wait until I could purchase two  :).  With crankbaits...3 is the magic number.  Even if I have never fished a crank, if I decide I'm going to buy it...I must buy three.   When I fish a tournament, I also have to totally strip down and shine my entire arsenal in-between tournament days (during two-day tournaments).  I have to feel fresh, clean, polished, and ready to go.  Pretty weird.  Do you all have any quirks?!

fishing user avatarWesley reply : 

Monk must be your roll model :P

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 
Monk must be your roll model :P

Yeah...not quite to that extreme...but I do have my merits :).  

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I never fish T-Rigged worms with my fly unzipped.  ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

With plastics, I have to buy a store's entire stock of a particular color.  I won't buy just one bag.  In the last two weeks alone I've cleaned three stores out of one particular color of finesse worm.  :-[

Cranks are similar.  I won't buy just one.  Always in pairs.  Sometimes in three or fours if the color has proven itself.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I have to spend time with every swimbait I get. I mean take it out in the pool and test it, look over every square inch, and just handle it. I will sit here reading BR and spend an hour checking out a particular bait.

I will NEVER make my first cast until I put a fresh chew in.

I have to modify or tweak every big bait I own in some fashion, EVERY single one, I don't know why.

I hope to come close to hitting a deer on the way to the lake. If deer are on the road, it usually means big fish.

I trash talk the fish, trying to aggravate them into biting.

I like hitting land bound creatures with hollow body frogs. The species list is extensive.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I like hitting land bound creatures with hollow body frogs. The species list is extensive.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

replace 4bizz's deer w/ a red fox

Don't be late- I don't mind fishing alone.

Short prayer before going on ANY body of water.  Something Capt Bill always did.

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

;D ;D ;D OK Now I know there's nothing wrong with me,thanks guys! I some how feel very normal again! ;D

Well, then again there my pre tourny chant "Hail to the mighty fish gods where aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare you, Hail to the mighty fish......alright you get it! ::)

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

When I buy a new hard bait, I look at every single one of that particular lure that is on the shelf. I lay them all out and pick which one is best for color and quality.

When I buy softplastic, I will take it out of the package, feel it and smell it.

Buying a reel and rod could take all day. Not only am I looking for the best deal, I am looking for it to be perfect. I will take a reel apart, mount it to a rod and if necessary, I have had sales people spool a few up for me to test out in the store. It can get ugly.

When it comes to using equipment, I am perfectly happy as long as I'm fishing. :)

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I have to throw a Texas Rig & I have to throw a Camo Ringworm  ;)

fishing user avatarbassbob08 reply : 

Just as i get to my spot to fish i have to have at least one sip of coffe,and my kids watch me if i dont they ask if i plan to catch any fish today and they will even get me a cup if i forget.Quite anal if you ask me. ;D

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

When I buy any kind of fishing equipment, I will make my wife drive so that when I get in the truck I can spend time with my new purchases. Aso, before every tournament my wife has to wake up and say her little chant before I leave the house. >:(  :-X

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

I's gotta 'ave me spinach along on every trip. I's don'ts know why. Ahgagagagaga!!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Actually I only throw crankbaits with a rigthanded bc

but will only flip jigs with a lefty.

fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 


When I buy any kind of fishing equipment, I will make my wife drive so that when I get in the truck I can spend time with my new purchases.


I have to throw a Texas Rig


When I buy a new hard bait, I look at every single one of that particular lure that is on the shelf.  I lay them all out and pick which one is best for color and quality.


Buying a reel and rod could take all day.  Not only am I looking for the best deal, I am looking for it to be perfect.

check! (i think) ::)  

I never fish T-Rigged worms with my fly unzipped.


I trash talk the fish, trying to aggravate them into biting.

i also obsess over knots, camoflaging braid with a sharpie, and planning almost every outing the night before as if it were a military invasion. (which invariably makes no difference b/c i will always cut off the baits i tied on the night before and replace with something else when i get to the lake.)

but now that i realize all this is normal, i'll cancel my next psychiatrist appointment.  no, wait a minute, the voices are telling me not to. :o    

fishing user avatarMaxDal reply : 

i also obsess over knots, camoflaging braid with a sharpie, and planning almost every outing the night before as if it were a military invasion. (which invariably makes no difference b/c i will always cut off the baits i tied on the night before and replace with something else when i get to the lake.)

Glad to hear I'm not alone ! ::)

I also religiously cast my Daritsu Popper in Old glory Color every year on July 4th. Never had a bass touch it, I guess they respect the Colors, since they come up to salute.

Oh I can't fish without a cap or a visor on my head ! I just won't fish if I don't have one.

And also, I'm always carrying a sort of Line clipper around my neck, even though I cut the line with my teeth about 99% of the time.

I guess I am not the only one around here, whose dentist knows you're a fisherman ;)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

My first cast is always long and away from where I want to fish. Before "fishing" I want to be sure my equipment is tip-top. Oddly, I occasionally catch a fish on the first cast, more often than you might think!


fishing user avatarfooman reply : 

LOL...I thought it was just me,I have to show this to my GF because she thought it was just me

fishing user avatarlittlefisher reply : 

I have to wear a hat or something on my head.

I always re-tie whatever I have tied on because I'm afraid the knot got weak overnight.  

I always have a horny toad tied on, no matter what.  

fishing user avatarTeamBerettaGold reply : 

1. Fresh chew to start the morning, I dont care if im on the water at 5 am, im putting a chew in before I cast.

2.  If I buy only one crankbait or any lure for that matter, I have to spend the next two hours re-organizing my tackle box (take everything out and start over)

3.  I love to trash talk the fish.

4.  This one is weird.....If I am fishing a multiday tourny, and the first day didnt go well, on the way back into the weigh-in I will take a tin of perfeclty good chew open it up and dump it over the side of the boat (must make contact with the water).  It never fails that the second day goes so much better than the first.

fishing user avatarWillzx225 reply : 

I agree 100% with the multiple crankbaits!  Never fails they will either stop making that bait or that color and as soon as they do you start catching the mess out of the fish on that bait!

On multiple day events, if I have a good day, I will duplicate everything I did the night before.  For instance, I will eat at the same restaurant, order the same meal, etc.  If I am on the second floor of the hotel, I will run up the stairs in the same multiples as the night before the good day.   ;D  Yeah and I thought I was the only freak out there!  haha

I also tend to have a fish call that goes like this:  "Heeerrreee fishy fishy fishy"  Don't know why but its something that I have done for years!

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Must have a hat on,must have my sunglasses on,Must get a dip of tobacco in before i start,Must take one deep breathe before my first cast.

Just recently i started putting everything together the night before i go if it's a planned trip.I remember driving out 30-45 minutes to a lake only to forget my bags of plastic at home.I ended up cussing myself all the way back home.

fishing user avatarbocabasser reply : 

-i always wear the same boardshorts

-i always listen to the same radio station on the way to the ramp (it is an oldie station that my friends dad used listen to every time i fished with him---god rest his soul)

-always order a pizza from the same pizza place every night before a tourny.

-always wear a hat that i cut and made into a visor

-always reel my first cast in @ 90 miles an hour so i don't catch a fish on the first cast.

-always thank god after every first fish

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

Gotta have my polarized glasses with me, even if I know the water I will be fishing is stained.  I've turned around after 20 miles to get them or will stop be a local walmart if one is close and buy a $9 pair. I just go nuts without them.

Willing to fish any condition or climate, even when I know full well from the shore in sub 32 degree weather my chances of catching are less than zero.

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

I have to eat something good for breakfast. The night before, I will usually go to the grocery store and get fresh, OJ, eggs, bacon and a couple of fresh rolls. I get up an hour or more before I have to leave and make my ritual "fishing sandwiches" I usually eat them on the way to the boat ramp. Getting started 'well fed' is a must for a good day on the water.


fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

I wash my hands with lake water right before my first cast.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 
It may be borderline OCD for me (I've actually been diagnosed with that before). I honestly can't buy just one of a given rod or reel. I have to buy two. I have to have at least two matching combos. So all my reels an rods are in multiples of two...6 TDZ's, 2 Pixy's, 2 Alphas, etc. I just bought two Revo Premiers, but could have bought one last month. Could have bought ONE...that is key. I had to wait until I could purchase two :). With crankbaits...3 is the magic number. Even if I have never fished a crank, if I decide I'm going to buy it...I must buy three. When I fish a tournament, I also have to totally strip down and shine my entire arsenal in-between tournament days (during two-day tournaments). I have to feel fresh, clean, polished, and ready to go. Pretty weird. Do you all have any quirks?!

I also have the pairs/multiples thing,and not just with fishing stuff, with every thing I do, it is OCD, and I am diagnosed with it.........seriously. But it is not helping with the fishing stuff, I actually sold extras of things I had in other hobbys to buy more fishing stuff

In addition to that:

I will never fish with out a hat or sunglasses.

After every cast I push my sunglasse up on my nose and tug the bill of my hat once or twice.

And I always make my first cast out to open water and burn it back, I never try to catch a fish on the first cast.

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

Alpster, now that is the way to start! I don't mind eating beforehand either, but once I am fishing. . .

No drinking

No eating

No need for a rest room - it ain't going to happen

I am totally into it.  I have fished dusk to dark without food or drink but the instant I am finished, I suddenly feel hungry and thristy.  ::)

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

I like hitting land bound creatures with hollow body frogs. The species list is extensive.

too funny! ;D I do the same thing.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

When I buy a new rod and reel, the colors have to look good and they have to match. If they don't I won't buy it. Example would be the rod is red and gold, but the "supposed" matching reel is red and silver. I won't buy that no matter how good it is. And I never buy prematched combos, always match my own up.

I will fish a rod in any length as long as it is 6 foot. :D

When I buy a lure I will look at every single one they have and pick out the best one of the lot. If I get two I will take the "next best one" of what's left, and so on.

I never buy Worden's Roostertails in less than 3 quantities. I organize them in order of colors in the box and by weight. Then for the next size down I start over again and duplicate the color arrangment patter of the previous weight laying them out in the Plano 3701 container.

When I get spinnerbaits I have to have chartreuse, white, and chart/white comination in double willow, tandem, and double colorado and in every available weight, 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2 oz. That's 27 spinnerbaits right there.  If I add another color to that list I must get it in all available blade combos and weights too. I will not fish a white spinnerbait unless it has silver blades. If it doesn't, I will swap blades to set one up. The head has to look like a real fish. If it doesn't I won't buy it. Booyah spinnerbaits are my favorites for this, and Strikekings too. If a spinnerbait does not "look good" I won't fish it either. Skirts must be trimmed to an even length on the bottom, no shaggy looking skirts allowed. When it comes to spinnerbaits I have a huge hangup.

When I get soft plastics I take them out and handle them, smell them, and sometimes even taste one to see how they will be liked by the fish.

My tackle bag MUST be totally organized, nothing ever out of place. But I do keep an empty area for quickly stowing a bait I'm finished fishing with so I don't have to find the exact box and put it back immediately. But when I get home I immediately have to fix it all again.

I never put a lure back with any remaining fishing line still tied on, it must be cleanly cut off as if new out of the box.

About once a year I will reorganize my entire tackle system to what "seems" like it's better set up. I usually end up changing it back again soon afterwards.

I cannot fish with dirty equipment, I must wipe it down with a damp cloth if it has dust on it from storage at home.

I do not keep fishing equipment in an outside shed, garage, building. It stays in the house in my family room or in my bed room. I used to have a wooden rod rack that I built to display them on.

If a rod/reel combo wasn't expensive I can't fish with it, seems too "cheap".

I could go on and mother is massively obsessive/compulsive. This must be where I get it from.

fishing user avatarBrian_Reeves reply : 

I'm with LBH.  If I'm taking you fishing, you better be there early.  Because I will watch the second hand on my watch.  I took my colonel fishing and told him that.  He was at the lake 35minutes early...when I showed up lol.

I can't have eyes on jigs.  I don't know why, but I have popped out every eye on every jig for years now.

I can't stand not having eyes on my spinnerbaits.  If need-be, I'll draw them on

I have to have at least 2 rods.  I don't enjoy fishing as much unless I have at least 2 rods.  I'm fishing out of a canoe now...with 2 rods.

I have to catch 5 fish.  If I don't limit out, I'm bummed out.  My goal on the water is to catch a limit, no matter what.  

If I see a duck, I feel compelled to hit it with no less than a 3/8oz jig

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 
Alpster, now that is the way to start! I don't mind eating beforehand either, but once I am fishing. . .

No drinking

No eating

No need for a rest room - it ain't going to happen

I am totally into it. I have fished dusk to dark without food or drink but the instant I am finished, I suddenly feel hungry and thristy. ::)

I am the same way. When I was younger, my mom would have to call me at noon, because if she didn't, I would forget to eat. Sometimes I wouldn't realize I forgot to eat until I stepped off the boat at the end of the day, at which point I would feel dizzy and almost pass out. Sometimes she would call and say "Did you eat?", I'd say "No, but I will after this cast." That cast usually turned into another cast, which turned into another cast, which turned into four hours later.

Everynight before I fish I put lures on all my rods and plan where I am going to fish at different times of the day. When I get to the water, I end up cutting it all off and not following my plan at all.

Also, whenever I go to BPS, I always have a plan as to what I am going to buy. Unless what I have planned to buy is a rod, it never gets bought. For example, if I planned on buying some crankbaits because I need to add to the 37 dozen that I currently own, I will end up buying jigs. And if I plan to buy some spinnerbaits, I will probably end up buying jigs. And if I plan on buying terminal tackle, you guessed it, jigs. Really, the only occasion where I buy non-jig lures is when I go to BPS with the express purpose of buying jigs, in which case I will get the spinnerbaits, crankbaits, and terminal tackle that wasn't bought on other occasions.

Also, before I put pork on the back of a jig, I have to taste it. I don't really like the taste, but I have to taste it anyway.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

I always have these items in my boat during a tourney...


Fudge Shop Cookies

Grape or Melon Gatorade

Turkey w/ mayo and cranberry sauce sandwiches

fishing user avatarfoul hooked reply : 

I dab a little JJ's Magic behind my ears.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 


Just have to start the day with a buzzbait.

Even if it is not buzzbait weather, I have to have a buzzbait tied on to a baitcaster, just in case.

Dumb?  Yes, but that's the way it is.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 
I can't stand not having eyes on my spinnerbaits. If need-be, I'll draw them on.

I have to have at least 2 rods. I don't enjoy fishing as much unless I have at least 2 rods.

I agree with both of these statements also.  I must have spinnerbait eyes, and I won't buy one unless it has them.  And if they're painted on, then the paint has to be evenly applied to both sides and they have to be painted on in the proper places so as to look like it's actually eyes on the head, not blobs of paint randomly applied.

And I have to have more than one rod.  2 is an absolute minimum and I feel handicapped with that few.  5 is my average.  

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

My main quirk is STAY THE HELL AWAY from me and my trolling motor unless you're invited.

fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

I always buy all my worms in bulk now.  I ran out of a particular color the fish really wanted during a big tournament one day many years ago, so now I won't buy less than 100 ct bags.  I seem to have about a 5 yr supply on hand at all times now and carry more than I need in the boat....even though I no longer fish tournaments.  Heck, I have more worms in my basement workshop then a lot of tackle shops have in stock.

I just bought another 400- 7" Powerworms today. :o

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

fishing is always better when the gas light is on in my dads truck! ;D

also ALWAYS must have some sort of metal/hard rock playing on the way to the fishin trip, can never be silent. on the way home its a different story, music is optional. me n' my dad usually hit up the nearest burger king after a fishin' trip too, no matter what time of day it is!

when im fishin w/ mah friend travis on weekday mornings during the summer his dad takes us on his way to work and we always stop at 7-11 for frappuccinos and donuts and usually dont eat the donuts cuz we forget about them cuz we've already started fishing. ;D

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Y'all be a bunch of weird people  ;)

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

oh yeah i ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have my tan adidas hat when i fish and i try so hard to always wear my OG bass fishing t-shirt every time i fish (sometimes its in the wash though >:() even if its winter and i have 3 jackets on i will still have that t-shirt on somewhere in the mix....just see my pictures, i have a pretty standard outfit:

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Being on time is a big one for me.

I fish barefoot. When it's cold I wear socks.

I always have a hat on.

I almost always buy my tackle on sale.

I always forget to pack food.

I always pray before going out.

I find myself singing while I fish.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

First "cast" has to be a dud.  I basically just drop it right at the boat and get it out of the water as quickly as possible.  Can't catch one on the first cast.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

Me too.  I'm going to remember the drop and pull technique.  I usually just throw it out like normal and crank it back in actually trying to catch a fish and the whole time hoping one doesn't hit it.  If it does then the rest of the day usually is no good.

fishing user avatarbugman reply : 

I'll bring every lure I own, but always end up fishing just two of them.

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

I eat fish the night before a tourney..

No bananas on the boat.

Always have dill pickles with my lunch.

I never tag my first fish with my white culling tag.

Man, I need some help.....

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Not sure if you would call these "quirks" or not.... But I do have some obsessive / compulsive habits attached to my fishing.

1) I check my drag litterally like 100 times or more, per trip ! I mean like, every other cast, or even 3 out of every 4 casts. I mean, it's not like I need to do this.... My Okuma drags are always silky, and unless I have bumped them (which is rare) it's always fine. I just can't help myself.

2) I check my hook points constantly ! Again like every other cast.... even when I haven't even bumped anything that might have dulled my point. I just can't help but check my hook point, over, and over.

3) I check my leaders for nicks or frays, really often, also.


Oh.... Maybe this is a "quirk".... I can't fish and socialize at the same time.

And maybe this is one; I can't bring myself to do anything which the masses are doing.... Like Senko's, or drop-shotting for example. Oh, and yes, it does bug me a little that the masses "are now" throwing swimbaits, but I take comfort in the fact that I was throwing swimbaits 10 years ago, "before" it was the mainstream thing to do.



fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Never, ever catch a fish on the first cast. Kiss of death for me...

fishing user avatarMaxDal reply : 

Only once, I had a bass on my first cast ..... A dink ! So I kinda let him swim around until he came off  ;D !

Well the rest of the day wasn't that good anyway ! :-/

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I have no quirks. I think I am normal. Of course my wife may say otherwise...

fishing user avatarHesterIsGod reply : 

I dont have any quirks. Maybe one might be that a retie a bunch, but that is just because i use really light line a lot.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

It's hard for me just to buy one bait , I usually buy three of the same one.

fishing user avatarBassmanDan reply : 

In the summer I have to have my "gunslinger" outfit on...Duster Sunhat, glasses, and my trusty six-shooter...which actually is a leather holster with pliers and fingernail clippers...I can't stand looking for either one with a fish in my hand.

I fish from a rented jon-boat so everything has to be in it's proper place...bag on the left, tackle box in the middle, rods on the right. Never changes.

Of course I buy two or more of any bait that is worth purchasing...that's not OCD, just good sense. ;)

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

Nope, I have no quirks.

What I do is definately normal.   (for me)

Oh yeah I do have one---when the fish aren't biting I say

"Here  fishy fishy"   :-?

fishing user avatarriverfisher reply : 

Oh yeah I do have one---when the fish aren't biting I say

"Here fishy fishy" :-?

Geeeeeeze I thought I was the only one that did that!!! ;D

fishing user avatarriverfisher reply : 

Oh yeah I do have one---when the fish aren't biting I say

"Here fishy fishy" :-?

Geeeeeeze I thought I was the only one that did that!!! ;D

I also tell my baits to HUNT when I cast them out.

fishing user avatarPond-Pro reply : 

This was an entertaining topic to read!  ;D

My biggest quirk would probably be that I never buy the first bag of worms off the rack.  I always take a bag from behind then put the front bag back.   :-?

fishing user avatarguitarkid reply : 

I have to have a song stuck in my head, or the outing really sucks. Another thing is I have to fish like 20 feet away from my little brother. Caught my personal best right after he casted out.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

You guys are crazy  :P

I don't know if it's a quirk, but anytime I catch a good fish, I get a strong urge to kiss it.  I'm able to resist most of the time unless she's really beatiful or a real fatty.  That should be my screen name: Kissin' Fatties  8-)

I've actually kissed a couple smallies when I was fishing by myself and there were other people (strangers) around.  I don't think they understood what was going on.

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

The only thing I can think of is I ALWAYS wear a white or light blue T-shirt while tournament fishing, ever since I fished a tourney years back with a red T-shirt and bombed on a lake where I normally caught fish.

"Don't mind me fishie... I'm just a happy little cloud." :)

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

I too have the affliction of re-rigging most of my rods after I get to the lake.

When I have a bad day, I simply must go the tackle store and get some cool new toy.Guess it makes me feel better.

When I am getting skunked I'll play around with the baby alligators just so I can feel something pull like hell on my line.Also will put something on with large trebles and repetedly cast into schools of tilapia in the hopes to snag one of those pieces of trash.

Have target competions with my buddy to see who can hit the bird,duck,turtle,or piece of floating trash.

I smoke like a chimney while fishing.Gotta have after fish smokes,but on the flip side, smoke a lot when I cant get a bite.

I fish mostly small ponds and I like to try to make sure I am the only one who is fishing it.When onlookers from shore ask"what do you catch in here?" I promtly reply bluegills,even though I have 6 rods,2 jumbo soft tackle packs and a 24 inch duffel bag full of soft plastics.

I like to do an "IKE" after catching a dink when people on shore see me fishing .They usually give a bewildered look and walk away.

I guess Im not the only one who takes the entire peg of baits off at the store and examines each and every one.

When buyin plastics I take them out and feel them,smell them,and hold them up to the ceiling lights to check translucency and flake content.Kinda like a junkie making a heroin deal and sampling the goods LOL.

fishing user avatarUrbanRedneck reply : 

I never tie my baits on the night before, has to be in the morning before launching.  I dont know why but that little kink in the line right at the rod tip bugs the snot out of me.

I have to have my Philadelphia Flyers hat on.  That reminds me, my current one is getting worn out.

My boat has to be well organized while fishing, I stress when everything isnt "where its supposed to be."

I refuse to use a net for big fish when Im by myself; but if my partner wants to bring a net thats ok.

I cant stand it when my partner walks down to the ramp and starts casting before I launch a boat.  If he catches one, which has happened, it usually turns into a crappy day.

I usually start talking to the fish when swimbaiting and not getting bit, it goes something like this "come on fish, Ive been patience and havent complained, Ive been a good person this week, I wasnt mean to anybody, Ive put my time in, Im only asking for one bite, that doesnt seem unreasonable to me........" :P

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

STOP IT!!! Ya'll are really scaring me!!! Sheesh, I thought I had issues ;D...

                           As Ever,


fishing user avatarGummybear reply : 

This has got to be the funniest stuff I have ever heard!

But I seriously think some of you need therapy.

Of course, I am sure that  is why you fish.

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

I am like an OCD freak too!!! Check livewells every 10 minutes (had 1 fish die in my tournament fishing so far and it cost me $700. Never again!!!!) Hung up.Retie.Fish on.Retie.Catch fish.Retie.Rod on deck too long.Retie.Partner catches fish.Retie.Retie.Retie.Retie. I TIE ALOT OF KNOTS!!!!! I usually run as fast as my boat will go(somebody might beat me there if i dont. Even in the middle of the day) I put culling tags on every fish, even though I dont see culling 5 pounders here. If my bait dont lie strait the fist rigging it's ruined, time for a new one! Anything I can watch on I do (batteries,trolling motor,partner,partners knots, livewell,GPS,depthand so on). Somehow I still manage to fish around this. I guess to a tourney angler these thing are second nature though!

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 
4. This one is weird.....If I am fishing a multiday tourny, and the first day didnt go well, on the way back into the weigh-in I will take a tin of perfeclty good chew open it up and dump it over the side of the boat (must make contact with the water). It never fails that the second day goes so much better than the first.

You might want to check with your local wildlife office to make sure this is legal....


Im kidding, but also VERY suprised you didnt get a comment like this from someone being dead seriouse...

fishing user avatarGeneinTX reply : 

I have to get to the lake and fish. No matter what my wife says I am really normal...... or really weird!

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
I eat fish the night before a tourney..


Yep, always Long John's the day before.  

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Great thread.

My H2 and boat must be spotless the night before I leave.  I buy multiple rods and reels as well, and they must match.  Lures I buy three at a time too.  I prep my clothes the night before I fish.  I always have atleast a couple beers in the cooler, even though 99% of the time they dont get touched. So many more I cant remember....

fishing user avatarjwo1124 reply : 

you guys are freaks...I hope I don't turn into one of you

fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 

 Thanks guys after reading this thread I feel like the most normal person in the world!

You guys are exhausting me just reaading this!

fishing user avatarGatorTom reply : 

I always have to have a chew right after I launch.  And I won't spit out of the same side of the boat that I'm fishing from.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

And I thought I was quirky! ;)

It's not really a quirk but on every trip it's (apparently) mandatory that I miss at least one turn and be required to turn around.

fishing user avatarPondBoss reply : 

before rigging a soft plastic I always bite off the tip where I insert the hook.  kinda like pulling the pin on a grenade.  just gets the juices flowing and gets the mood set for fishing.  kinda weird but oh well.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 
before rigging a soft plastic I always bite off the tip where I insert the hook. kinda like pulling the pin on a grenade. just gets the juices flowing and gets the mood set for fishing. kinda weird but oh well.

I hope you don't fish with Powerbait plastics, or especially Gulp plastics  ;D

fishing user avatarguitarkid reply : 

That would be horrible.Hope you don't use live bait either.


fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 
before rigging a soft plastic I always bite off the tip where I insert the hook. kinda like pulling the pin on a grenade. just gets the juices flowing and gets the mood set for fishing. kinda weird but oh well.

I do the exact same thing with Zoom Trick Worms, because the end sometimes sticks out too fer.

fishing user avatarBass XL reply : 

LOL. I was normal before I started reading this, but now I think I've gone crazy....

Some of mine:

1) Always check the livewell during tournaments...ALWAYS!

2) When I'm fun-fishing, I always have some hard core metal playing in the truck...but when I'm driving to the boat ramp on tournament day...DEAD SILENT...I dont know why, but it really gets me in the zone.

3) Always wear a hat...I have a "lucky hat" ( my white Arkansas Razorback) that I always have to have with me. Even when I'm fishing a tourney, I have to at least put it on for 5 min. for some luck to rub off.

fishing user avatarcrazy larry reply : 

So I'm not the only one catching funny looks when opening up a pack of worms and smelling them :o and holding them up to the light... :-? ;D

always seem to hook a big'un shortly after lighting a cigar. never fails. ::)

fishing user avatarbassfanatick reply : 

Some of the comments on here are so true haha.

fishing user avatarJosey Wales reply : 

Now I dont feel so bad...

I always listen to the Wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald before I go out... Even tho im 300 miles from there.

And usually when I tie on a new Big-O I flick it to wake it up.

And my wife says I compulsivly buy tackle.

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

I fish barefoot.

I thought I was the only guy that fishes barefoot. But other then that. I need to wear the same hat. I guess I always have to play some speed metal on the way to the fishing hole. Then on the wy back I play some classic rock.


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