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Asking your wife's permission... 2024

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

I read in another thread where a member was upset with a fishing partner who always had to get his wife's permission to fish. For some reason this struck me as odd.

My wife is the mother of my 4 girls, the manager of the house, she pays the bills on time, buys the groceries, and keeps the schedule for all 6 of us. Plus she has a regular job where she works as hard as I do. The last thing I would think to do would be to go fishing without clearing it with her. If I did, I'd probably miss my own child's graduation.

I'm guessing I went fishing 40 to 50 times in 2007, sometimes all day, sometimes just an hour or two. I also go on 2, 4 day fishing trips every year. But I never go without permission.

So...does this make me ?

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Not at all, hopefully you allow her the time to do what she wants also.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

So...does this make me?

Another name for a "kitty cat"?   :o


fishing user avatarEastTexasBassin reply : 

When you're married, clearing a fishing trip with your wife is a good way to stay married.  

One of my fishing buddies has lost 2 wives over his obsession with fishing.      I have more fun on the water knowing that I'm (hopefully) not going to have to hear a bunch of crap about it when I get home.

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 
Not at all, hopefully you allow her the time to do what she wants also.

LBH, she's pretty active in her own right. She plays softball and bunko regularly and does the annual trip with her girlfriends, but these are just hobbies, my fishing is closer to an obsession.

Here's beauty and the bald...


fishing user avatarRed reply : 

i usually just say  "we got any plans for saturday?"  she says "yes, we are going to blah blah blah's house for supper"  then i respond with "yeah sure, i am going fishin...see ya!"  

just kiddin, she lets me go whenever i want...shes great...pays the bills, takes care of the kids etc etc...and she buys me fishin crap for my B-day and x-mas!!!

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I've lived with my girl for almost 2 years now.

From our very first date I told her that in the springtime I am gone, and that she can yell, complain, moan, whine, belittle, bash, or insult anything about me, except fishing.

I don't go to the bar, I treat her like a queen, and when I say that I am going fishing, d**n it,I AM GOING FISHING!

Works really well. Not one single time in 2 years has she ever even hinted at a complaint about my fishing. As for everything else I do/don't do, well that is another story ;) ;D

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
I've lived with my girl for almost 2 years now.

From our very first date I told her that in the springtime I am gone, and that she can yell, complain, moan, whine, belittle, bash, or insult anything about me, except fishing.

I don't go to the bar, I treat her like a queen, and when I say that I am going fishing, d**n it,I AM GOING FISHING!

Works really well. Not one single time in 2 years has she ever even hinted at a complaint about my fishing. As for everything else I do/don't do, well that is another story ;) ;D

This is how I have been also.  Establish these key points from day 1!!!

I often use this comment for the kids but it applies to all of us,..."There are worse places you could be" ;)

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

I've got it real easy...LBH will vouche for me on that one! :)

I've been with my wife for over 12 years now...It's all about give and take. I tell her I'm gonna be out in the boat with Rick, Rusty, Mike or whomever, and she just want's to know where (in case of emergency), and when (estimated) I'll be back. She always asks me how the day was, wants to see pics etc. It's gonna be great to get my little guy out there to someday soon. 8-)

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

My wife and i have been together for 7 years come May 25 and in that time the only time she has ever complains about my fishing is when I

don't get back when I tell her I will.  The easiest way for this to work is for both of you to get your time in for what you are in too.  

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 
From our very first date I told her that in the springtime I am gone, and that she can yell, complain, moan, whine, belittle, bash, or insult anything about me, except fishing.

I don't go to the bar, I treat her like a queen, and when I say that I am going fishing, d**n it,I AM GOING FISHING!

Works really well. Not one single time in 2 years has she ever even hinted at a complaint about my fishing. As for everything else I do/don't do, well that is another story ;);D

Yep, the lady and I have been together for 4 years now and I approached the situation the same way buddy. Works like a charm. I will admit, the odd time she might make a comment about how much I fish (+ hunt + hockey ;D) but it doesn't go much further then that.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

After 21 years Carol knows that I'm subject to bail at any time and all she asks is that I try to give her as much fore warning as possible. Have all the bills caught up, all honey do's done, and the flight plan wrote down.

Oh yea what ever time and money I spend on fishing she gets to spend on her; piece of cake!

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

If your marriage lasts for thirty-eight years, as mine has,  you and your spouse have learned a lot of give and take.

I have the great good fortune of being married to a CPA.  Her busiest time of the year is during the Spawn.  She's so busy raking in money that she barely knows I exist.  She's working twelve hours a day, seven days a week.

What a perfect time to sneak off on a couple of week-long fishing trips with her blessing.  I've got two planned in March.  One to Lake Fork and one to Guntersville.  

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 
I've lived with my girl for almost 2 years now.

From our very first date I told her that in the springtime I am gone, and that she can yell, complain, moan, whine, belittle, bash, or insult anything about me, except fishing.

I don't go to the bar, I treat her like a queen, and when I say that I am going fishing, d**n it,I AM GOING FISHING!

Works really well. Not one single time in 2 years has she ever even hinted at a complaint about my fishing. As for everything else I do/don't do, well that is another story ;) ;D

I don't think you count on this thread buddy, your girl is one of a kind!!

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

To me family comes i always ask if there is any plans on weekends when i plan to fish during the spring/summer months.I can't wait to get my little guy out there with me,she told me she doesn't care how long i'm gone then. ;D...knowing her she loves to sleep,so while she sleeps me and my boy will be fishing.

I always tell her where i'm usually gonna be at just if something happens and she needs to find me.I really need to invest in a cell phone soon.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I am not married  to Elaine YET, but I have no problem clearing things with her first, I respect her and i am grateful to have her as my partner. 8-)

fishing user avatarRyan_Johnson reply : 

My wife and I don't have kids, and she doesn't like to go fishing, so I just go whenever I want to get out.

Last year, she found out I bought my boat when I backed it into the driveway.  I told her for months that I was getting one, but she didn't think I was serious.  She still uses this as an excuse for buying whatever she happens to want at the moment.

fishing user avataroxbowbass reply : 

The Big Girl and I have been married for 37 years as of yesterday.  Neither one of us asks for permission to do whatever we want to do, but we always tell each other what we are planning and where we are going.  More a matter of courtesy to each other than anything else.

Last year, she insisted we buy a cabin on a lake so we can both fish whenever we feel like it.  The dock and the boat lift go in sometime in late March or early April.  Can't wait for fishing season to begin.

fishing user avatarflippincrazy reply : 

Me and my girl have been together for almost 6 years now. She knows I love to fish and lets me do it without many complaints. However, when I upgraded to a newer bass boat this past summer I got, "what about a ring?" She doesn't know, but its probably coming soon. :-/ :-/

fishing user avatarfisherdave reply : 

It gets hard some times beside the fact that I am an hour and a half from a good lake, I work a job that I am on call 24/7 and day off schedule of 7/2,7/2,7/2,7/3. It is hard especially when we are busy to get enough family time in to get away on the days off to go fishing. I am sure yall are the same, fishing is a big stress releaver and its good after a hard week at work and my wife is pritty supportive. Dont have to ask permition but do talk about it (ahead of time) out of respect for one another. 8-)


fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

My wife never gives me a hard time about going fishing so long as the yard work is done.  I just do the yard work after work a couple of days a week and the rest of my time I am free to fish.

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 

Out of respect for my wife I always ask her if I can go fishing at such and such time. It's not being whipped.....its called being a good husband. She never says no unless I forget about some big gathering that was planned. Like FourBizz I don't go to the bars and get drunk or do drugs. But I used to in my college years so she sees fishing as a great way to spend my time. Now buying tackle is another story lol but when it comes to my fishing, I'm always going to clear it with the family first. Sometimes she will even come along and just read in the raft while I fish.

Marriage is a two way street. If you think you can do what you want, when you want....then chances are your marriage is going to suffer and collapse at some point.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

From April-Nov I get up every day at 4 am, work 12-13 hours and go fishing most nights after work and on my days off. It has been that way since before I was married, and after 15 years, she has no problem with it, as long as she knows where I am, what I am doing, and she can come along any time. Of course I don't blow off any family obligations to fish or any thing, but it's just all my free time is spent fishing. From mid Nov-mid April is her time, she is free to do whatever she wants by herself while I stay home. Works out fait for both.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

My wife and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary in a few months. In all those years I've always OK'd my trips with her. As Davis stated, it's not being whipped, it's being a respectful, considerate husband. Most of my trips were with her and the kids anyway. She is still my favorite fishing partner.

Come to think of it, it was her idea to buy a house on the water. She never complains when I buy new fishing equipment because she buys so many purses and shoes.


fishing user avatardave reply : 

It is refreshing to see that after always seeing the many   on a regular bases,  how most of you guys really feel about your wives and SO's (significant others)

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

Since I do all the "Hop Sing" chores around our place, i.e. pay the bills, do the grocery shopping, laundry, cooking (most of the time), my wife of 38 years supports almost any sport that I want to undertake when I have the time. In fact she'd PREFER that I be doing something like fishing to sitting on the couch getting plastered:o) Seeing as how she HATES fishing (she accompanied me a few times when we lived in Illinois after I retired from the Navy), she doesn't quite understand my passion for it, BUT she still supports it.... so much so that she allowed me to buy a little 2 1/2 acre mini-farm in northern Indiana to live on when I'm back there with my Mom, brothers, and sister visiting and FISHING my rear off after I retire this June. As the old expression goes "I wouldn't trade her for anything!" Still, I do at least TELL her when and where I'm gong to be doing this or that so she'll know where I am in case of an emergency or something like that:o) After all, I am NOT the only "breadwinner" in the house. My wife contributes to the household budget by working at her job which is WAY harder than mine!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


we seem to be talking about two things here.

1.  Checking with the better half to see if there is an event we committed to


2. Asking permission.

In case #1 if the wife (as they always are) is the keeper of the social event calender, then checking with her to see, e.g. if your cousin's baby's christening is scheculed for Saturday, then of course.  This is wise, prudent and relieves you of the responsiblity of having to remember stuff.

But, if you have to ask dude.   You are truly a "meow"

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

I couldn't help but notice that LBH & 4Bizz who "got that fishing thing straight" right up front. Neither of them are actually married.  ;) ;D

I used to pound my fist on the table and TELL my wife "I'm going fishing" and after she beat the crap out of me we would have a nice long talk about good planning, courtesy and respect for each other's needs.  

Seriously, my wife was my favorite fishing partner. She died 6 years ago. The reason I haven't remarried is she set the bar pretty high. If you have an awesome wife like I did, don't take her for granted. You never know what tomorrow brings. JMHE


fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

we seem to be talking about two things here.

1. Checking with the better half to see if there is an event we committed to


2. Asking permission.

In case #1 if the wife (as they always are) is the keeper of the social event calender, then checking with her to see, e.g. if your cousin's baby's christening is scheculed for Saturday, then of course. This is wise, prudent and relieves you of the responsiblity of having to remember stuff.

But, if you have to ask dude. You are truly a "meow"

Yes, there is (or should be) a distinction between coordinating plans/addressing responsibilities and asking for permission.  I help my g-friend round the house and with yardwork every week and in return she never gives me a hassle when I want to go fishing.  And if she wants to go out with her friends, that's fine too.  If she regularly nagged me about my fishing, I'd be singing "I'm gonna miss her..."

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

My wife and I have been together for 19 years. I help with all house work and even go shopping with her. YES shopping with her...Never, ever has she caused me to miss or cancell a fishing trip. Our club tournaments are schelduled out for the next 12 months so she knows that I will be fishing those and she has no problem with me schelduling other tournaments. What ever I spend on fishing she knows that she has free rein to do the same on any items she desires. She will go occasionally but not often. If she can't lay in the back of the boat she is not interested. I never have to ask but I always check to see if she has planned anything for the weeks I decide to fish that are not on the calender.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

My wife has stuff that she takes care of around the house and I have mine. As long as my responsibilities around the house are taken care of, my wife doesn't have a problem with me heading out on the weekend.  

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
But, if you have to ask dude.   You are truly a "meow"

And I'm supposed to be the judgmental one...   that's pretty ironic.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Ask for "permission" ?  :-? ........hmmmmmm, NOPE   ::)

Checking with the better half to see if there is an event we committed to



fishing user avatarRAINCLOUD36 reply : 

My wife and I have been married 43 years and she is a good sport when it comes to my fishing obsession. It was her idea for me to join a club and fish tournaments. She made the first contact with a customer where she works and encouraged me to contact them and join the club.

She also understands that Saturday or Sunday is my fishing day. She takes at least one vacation a year with a friend so it all equals out.

Clearing it with your other half before you go seems to me is just common courtesy.

fishing user avatarDukestor reply : 

I have a 6 month kitchen pass rule.  if you ask at least 6 months out to be involved with something, then if she says no, she'll have to hear about it for the next 6 months.  Works every time.

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 

Clearing it with your other half before you go seems to me is just common courtesy.

Agreed. Maybe thats the way this should have been worded.

Permission sounds like asking your mother if you can go out and play lol. But like I said earlier.....I do clear it with my wife before I go out to the local fishing hole. Everytime. Called respect.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

No comment.   :-X

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

Good question!!!

Anyone WHO IS MARRIED absolutely checks with the wife before making ANY plans never mind fishing. If you don't, then you won't be married for long. I would assume that the fishing buddys mentioned that are peed off are either single or divorced, and are giving their married buddies a hard time. If their not kidding and are truely mad, then I would find new fishing buddies. You don't respect my wife and family, YOU DON'T RESPECT ME!!!

My wife knows how addicted I am to fishing and how much pleasure and peace it gives me. I am in a better mood, less stressed, and have a clearer head.

When she she's NO to fishing, I know she has a very valid reason (money, family obligations etc.) and I don't ask twice. It's no. IMHO  :)


fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 


Married ADULTS don't ask permission from each other They do "run things by" each other...just figured I'd add that...... ;)

fishing user avatarFisher of Men reply : 
I couldn't help but notice that LBH & 4Bizz who "got that fishing thing straight" right up front. Neither of them are actually married. ;) ;D

I used to pound my fist on the table and TELL my wife "I'm going fishing" and after she beat the crap out of me we would have a nice long talk about good planning, courtesy and respect for each other's needs.

Seriously, my wife was my favorite fishing partner. She died 6 years ago. The reason I haven't remarried is she set the bar pretty high. If you have an awesome wife like I did, don't take her for granted. You never know what tomorrow brings. JMHE



Apparently the fact that your wife passed on flew past me, but I truly can't imagine a life without mine (going on 17 years). Your positive attitude and faith in God truly shine through and is a true testimony. My wife is my fishing partner on many fishing trips (1 in 3 probably). I like Bassnajr's statement of "running it by each other" and that's what we do. This proves (not that I doubted) that there are some really classy gentlemen here at You all seem committed to your passion and the sport, but your committment to your spouses first is evident.



P.S.  Somewhere in this, I think about the old Hank Jr. song, "Attitude Adjustment".  ;D

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

"Run things by" is a good way to put it.

But for some (and thankfully, I'm not one of them) it isn't as simple as running things by one's spouse.  I can see how some who haven't experienced it wouldn't understand it but there are controlling spouses/partners (both male and female).  I respect my girlfriend and she respects me.  And both of us have the freedom to do what we want.  We try to work as a team.  But we have a friend who isn't so "lucky."  Even my girlfriend (a female perspective) thinks his wife is far too aggressive and domineering.  It bothers me but what am I going to do?  Except, perhaps, vent on forums such as this. :-/

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Only when I take the boat out or fish locally on weekends.

I can fish in the afternoons before dinner or after dinner or early in the AM as long as I am local.

Otherwise, it is an insult to take off and go fishing and leave her at home.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 
I couldn't help but notice that LBH & 4Bizz who "got that fishing thing straight" right up front. Neither of them are actually married.  ;) ;D

Maybe that is why I get to fish so much ;) . I do know some non married guys whose girlfriends keep their guys  bean bag in their purse though....

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 
I couldn't help but notice that LBH & 4Bizz who "got that fishing thing straight" right up front. Neither of them are actually married. ;) ;D

Maybe that is why I get to fish so much ;) . I do know some non married guys whose girlfriends keep their guys bean bag in their purse though....

LOL,  Fourbizz your killing me.  Maybe thats why I get to fish whenever I want too.  The second job gets in the way more then the lady friend.  Right now I've got it too good to be one of those married guys.  Maybe in a year or ten.

fishing user avatarZel... reply : 

I live with FEAR every day but sometimes she lets me go fishing.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Remember: It is always easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission. That being said I have to put a bandage on this bump on my head.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Good observation gman. There is no similarity between being married and living with someone. Somewhere in the wedding ceremonial words, completely unheard by the male, are those words: do you promise to let the women run your world: and of course the automatic male response is - I do.  :'(

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

That 's because the moment you say : "yes I do" in front of witnesses and friends she becomes in SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED.

fishing user avatardave reply : 
Remember: It is always easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission. That being said I have to put a bandage on this bump on my head.



fishing user avatardave reply : 

There are benefits to mutual respect.  If you know what I mean. ;)

fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 
Not at all, hopefully you allow her the time to do what she wants also.

LBH, she's pretty active in her own right. She plays softball and bunko regularly and does the annual trip with her girlfriends, but these are just hobbies, my fishing is closer to an obsession.

We meet the great the one and only Daniel ( whatever it is this week ) in person ( ok in print ) in the flesh. Not to mention the wonderful spouse!

fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

Ronnie, I'm old enough to know that six years is just the blink of an eye. I'm sure your loss is still felt.

Often my wife is only too happy to get me out of the house to go fishing. Inside, I'm often restless and unfocused, and it drives her crazy. In fact, she will often say, "Why don't you go fishing? It'll make you feel better."

This is my second marriage, and I'm trying to do it right this time. I want my wife to be happy and she wants me to be happy, even if the things that make us happy can sometimes be different things. Sometimes those things are simple: fishing for a few hours, in my case, coming downstairs and seeing the kitchen has been cleaned up (with asking), in her case.

fishing user avatarFishin-Psyantist reply : 

 Ok ok ok Im the one responsible for stiring up this hornets nest by making this quote.


I agree with all of the above mentioned and would like to add;

Someone who does not have to have his wifes permission to leave the house. I mean good grief, How many people have I invited fishing and I get "Well let me see what the wife says, or Well the wife wants me to do this or that". I tell my wife when Im going fishin, or we are going fishing. End of conversation.


 Just wanted to clairify a few things. The post may make one assume that on a day I just barge in and say to my wife "Im going fishing no mater what screw you and your plans". Well thats not the case. My wife does keep me informed of family events so I know whats happening and when. When it comes to unexpected events that require my attention like for example the car is leaking antifreeze and is overheating and she is not able to leave the house, well then if I had plans to go fishing then they would be promptly cancelled. I am lucky by the fact that my wife is very trustworthy of me leaving the house for long periods of time alone.  Her hobbies {mostly craft stuff} and my hobbies dont conflict with each other. So when I say Im going fishing end of conversation, its cool with her because she knows Im probably going to take Jacob my 7 year old son with me and she will be free to do whatever she wants with no kids attatched. Moms like that!  So in fact she kind of likes it when I go fishing.

I had two people in mind when I made this post

One friend I have invited fishing and other activities and he never comes because his wife seems to have another plan for him. His son now about 13 considers it a delight to go to a Bass Pro Shops and just browse but thats about all that happens with his fishing interests so far. I dont even ask anymore.

The other friend does go fishing with me on rare occasion but the past two times I arrive at his house to pick him up he has cancelled on me at the last minute. One of those occasions was a wife had other plans thing. I will say this in their defense, they both have a larger and more active family than I do so it is much harder for them to get away. But I still get frustrated over their reasons for not going thus the reason for answering the post the way I did.

 I did not mention the fact that I do have a 7 year old son that I started teaching how to fish last spring. It is a real blessing to watch him learn but the questions are endless and hard to answer sometimes, but still a blessing. I guess if it werent for him I would fish alone. Perhaps I should have mentioned him in the post too so it would not have seemed so negative. :) :) :)

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

Maybe the hornets nest was buzzing but it wasn't stinging.  Everyone has their opinion and there is probably some wisdom in what everyone had to say.

What's frustrating for me is my friend- the one whose wife likes to boss him-will complain to me about how little personal space or freedom he has and then later if I happen to mention it, he acts as if there isn't a problem.  It's embarassing for me.  I'm largely to the point where I don't care and he's entirely on his own.

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

Everyone has at least one friend like that. I now what you mean farmpond. I used to feel bad, but it's their choice.


fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 

I figured this would be a 5 post and out topic. It has turned out to be quite informative.

I'm not 100% sure on how to reply.

Marriage is a partnership and thus a 2 way street. It is only common courtesy and common sense that everyone respects the partnership. From the posts it appears that " the partnership " is different for everyone. Much like the Shimano, Diaw, Pflueger & Abu preference their is no one patented answer everyone is different.

I also have seen on many many occasions how something reads in print comes accross quite differently than the spoken word in person.

On that note I have a buddy that I fish with a lot. Every time I ask him if he wants to go I always here in the background " is it ok if I go fishing with Matt". It bugs the crap out of me and it shouldn't as she has never ever said no. Its a matter of semantics really, maybe I'm just finicky or a little odd! LOL

I run it by my wife and my fishing crave is pushing the envelope in recent years. With 6 women and 3 of them teenagers in the house, and a still fairly recent job setback I must fish to survive. It is kind like blue collar "yoga " if you will.

If I ever thought my spuse "required " me to have her permission I'd have a lawyer arrange the permanent permission.

Bottom line: to each his own

FFI AKA - Matt Crum

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

Hey Fishin Psyantist,

I think a lot of time when a friend tells me "my wife won't let me" what he really means is "I don't feel like fishing, but I know YOU won't understand that, so I'll just blame the wife"


fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 

Hey fishing P any chance you could take the 13 yr old old w/o the dad on occasion?

 That way at least the kid gets a taste of fishing.

You wouldn't want to undermine the buddy of course, but maybe this would take the pressure off of everyone.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Gray the rules

1. The female is always right.

2. The rules are subject to change at any time.

3. No male can possibly know all the rules.

4. The female is never wrong.

5. The female can change her mind at any given time.

6. The male must never change his mind without the consent the female.

7. The female has every right to be angry at any time.

8. The male must remain calm at all times.

9. If the female has PMS all rules are null and void.

10. If two females have different opinions, they're both right.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
But, if you have to ask dude.   You are truly a "meow"

And I'm supposed to be the judgmental one...   that's pretty ironic.

don't start ok?

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
No comment.   :-X

The new Shriley is probably a better person, but the old Burley was way funnier.  Nice to see you getting in touch with your feminine side.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Hey Fishin Psyantist,

I think a lot of time when a friend tells me "my wife won't let me" what he really means is "I don't feel like fishing, but I know YOU won't understand that, so I'll just blame the wife"


How Whipped is THAT  

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Ahhhhh.......The Single Life ;D :P

The grass is always greener on the other side but this is one thread where I'm on the right side by the looks of it.

Don't get me wrong, a few of you married guys have it set up right (IMO) but.....I know if I WERE married, understanding my "fishing" would have been one of the pre-requisites to her ever seeing the ring to begin with.  

.........Probably why I'm still single,lol

I've also fished with enough women and had enough longer term relationships with girls that I got into fishing, to know that her being able to be a part of that aspect in my life, something I wouldn't settle for not having.

fishing user avatarTpayneful reply : 

My wife and I have two boys 5 and 7.  Over the years taking care of them has sometimes been a challenge.  My wife has stayed home with them and took on the brunt of the hard work.  On weekends I had my hands full helping out and I just didn't fish much.  As the children got older I got more opportunities to fish but I always negotiated the time with my wife.  Whatever time I wanted, she needed to get equal time for herself.  Three years ago we negotiated a yearly trip for each of us.  In February she goes on a 3-4 day cruise with her friends and in April she goes on a 3 day spa weekend with her friends.  In return I go on a 7 day fishing trip to Florida in February.  Now that the boys are older and easier to take care of my fishing opportunities have increased dramatically.  

A friend of mine used to give me a hard time about "negotiating fishing time".  We had an argument about it one time and I told him that I didn't feel that it was right to not take my wife into concideration.  He told me that you had to lay down the law and do what you want to do.  Well he is now seperated and on his way to divorce.  

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
Ask for "permission" ?  :-? ........hmmmmmm, NOPE   ::)

Checking with the better half to see if there is an event we committed to



Back when we were together, my wife was the socialite.  I always checked with her to make sure my fishing wasn't going to conflict with a social outing.  I also made sure anything I was responsible for doing around the house was done.  House repairs, car repairs, etc.


I inform her I'm fishing and where, when I expect to return and where I can be reached in case there's an emergency.

Otherwise, she's never had a problem.  

She should've known anyway.  Back when we were first dating she had to move from one apartment to another.  The Saturday she was supposed to move I had a tournament scheduled......  

I fished the tournament and she moved without me.   ;)

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

The ONLY time I need my wife's permission to fish,

is during those rare occasions when she's not included.


fishing user avatarMicro reply : 
I read in another thread where a member was upset with a fishing partner who always had to get his wife's permission to fish. For some reason this struck me as odd.

My wife is the mother of my 4 girls, the manager of the house, she pays the bills on time, buys the groceries, and keeps the schedule for all 6 of us. Plus she has a regular job where she works as hard as I do. The last thing I would think to do would be to go fishing without clearing it with her. If I did, I'd probably miss my own child's graduation.

I'm guessing I went fishing 40 to 50 times in 2007, sometimes all day, sometimes just an hour or two. I also go on 2, 4 day fishing trips every year. But I never go without permission.

So...does this make me ?

No.  And well said.  

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
No comment. :-X

The new Shriley is probably a better person, but the old Burley was way funnier. Nice to see you getting in touch with your feminine side.

:-X says everything.  ;)

You know, maybe I will comment.

Far too many men don't have wives, they have second mothers.

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

Its been said a few times...


We get it!!

If you have a girlfriend, wife, significent other, what ever, and you don't communicate your plans (both ways) it's just plain rude.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Far too many men don't have wives, they have second mothers.

;D ;D He's BAAAAAAAaaaaaack  ;D ;D

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
Far too many men don't have wives, they have second mothers.

;D ;D He's BAAAAAAAaaaaaack ;D ;D

I never left my geriatric snowbird. ;) ;D

All your page 8's are belong to me!  

fishing user avatarbigdog reply : 

So...does this make me?

Another name for a "kitty cat"? :o


oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :o :o :o :o
fishing user avatarFishin-Psyantist reply : 
Hey fishing P any chance you could take the 13 yr old old w/o the dad on occasion?

Ill Check into that. ;)

fishing user avatarGeronimo reply : 

Ha, well it could mean that, but more than likely it just means there is a good balance in your family life.

fishing user avatarRiskKid. reply : 

Permission???? Maybe I can learn something here.....seems like I'm too much of a catch and release guy......I catch one every now and then but they release me after a while.....wonder if this could be an issue  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
I never left my geriatric snowbird.

Who you callin' a snowbird,,

you young whippersnapper..... >:(  8-)

fishing user avatarmoby bass reply : 

I say to the wife,  "Do you care if I go fishing?" And if she says "no, I don't care", I leave on a good note.  If she says "yes, I care" then I leave on a sour note. ;D

Works well when I roll over close to her in the early morning and start to get "frisky".   When she says, "I'm still tired", I respond, "Then I'm going fishing!" Works every time ;)

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 
Far too many men don't have wives, they have second mothers.

;D ;D He's BAAAAAAAaaaaaack ;D ;D[/quote

Yep! and he's right, too.

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

I don't  have to say anything anymore, it's a given. She will ask, if she needs me for something. She wants to know where and a time, in case something happens. Sometimes she will ask what time I'm leaving, if its not to early she will jump on the boat too.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

I didn't read all your replies.    I just want to commend you for recognizing what your other half does for you daily.

Alot of guys don't care, some do.     Just look at some of the reasons why some guys have cancelled or just couldn't make the Gunterville trip.     Lot of it was family.

Some body asked what makes you a man?    Well, based on your thoughtfullness and consideration of your wife, I'd say you have good handle on being a good father, husband, and pretty good man!!!!

And to say you ask permission is or maybe stretching it, you could simply say, was checking with the wife, she does the family scheduling to see if its a good day for me to go.

There would be less family fighting with that kind of respect towards each other.   Good on you!!!!!

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 
I didn't read all your replies. I just want to commend you for recognizing what your other half does for you daily.

Alot of guys don't care, some do. Just look at some of the reasons why some guys have cancelled or just couldn't make the Gunterville trip. Lot of it was family.

Some body asked what makes you a man? Well, based on your thoughtfullness and consideration of your wife, I'd say you have good handle on being a good father, husband, and pretty good man!!!!

And to say you ask permission is or maybe stretching it, you could simply say, was checking with the wife, she does the family scheduling to see if its a good day for me to go.

There would be less family fighting with that kind of respect towards each other. Good on you!!!!!

Amen. Selfishness is a family killer.


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