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Keeping her interested 2024

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Question for you young ladies. 

My girl friend said she likes to fish but all she has ever done is the bobber deal off the bank,  maybe a couple boat trips here and there.   

How do I keep her interested and not go crazy on a slow bass bite?  I do not want the first few trips for her to ruin it right off the bat.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I'll be interested about what the ladies have to say,

But this is how I kept my daughter interested:


My partner, Speedy, and I set up on white bass

and let her reel them in. After a hundred or so,

she decided to sunbathe, then came back for more!

Most importantly, a few hours were plenty and

I had her back in time for a date with her boyfriend.

Bottom line:

Cast & crank; catch some fish; make it short.


Some girls will like to fish, most won't.

Get over it.


fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 

Definitely do not force it, there are somethings in life, that you will have to accept that you cannot do together. Like my Ex-GF she shared my passion for cars, but not so much for fishing. So I let it be and she was good with it.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

I definitely do not want to force it.  I want her to have a good time and come back for more.   I really don't care if she lays out in the sun on the back either.

fishing user avatarSmallieGirl reply : 

You have to make it fun! Since she's use to bobber fishing you can't get mad every time she gets hung in a brush pile, tree, etc...ha  Don't be too intense, let her develop her own style. And most importantly, Be a true gentleman & give her 1st shot at that perfect spot. Lastly, be aware, you are creating a monster. LOL

                                          "Never Give IN" ;D

fishing user avatarVolFan reply : 

My wife always points to fishing buzzbaits and other topwaters like jitterbugs with her brother when she was younger that really turned her on to fishing.  So maybe try short outings to good spots during prime buzzbait times (evenings).  Then take her to dinner.  Nothing beats the buzzbait strike.  My wife'll still fish a buzzbait for hours on end if there's any slight hope of a strike.

fishing user avatarKeri reply : 

I have to agree with both SmallieGirl and Volfan on this one. Just have fun. :)

fishing user avatarladeeAngler reply : 

It is all about having fun. Why not take her shopping for her own lures and rod? Maybe that will get her excited again. Try not to be too pushy out there. I know my husband tries to tell me one way and I'll do my own thing anyway. Just let her fish her way and if she does ask for assistance, show her in a way that doesn't make her feel intimidated.  All in all, she has to enjoy the sport to want to keep coming back :)

fishing user avatarMGoodFishin reply : 

One, good for you for getting her started. Two, good for asking a great question.

Most beginner anglers need some active catching to get excited about fishing. I'd recommend fishing for whatever you can get to bite. Maybe the bite is better for crappie, perch, white bass, or stripers. Get her hooked on fishing and then go for bass. Unless, the bass is what is actively biting. And, hey, let her use live bait. Most important is getting the fish to bite her line. You can always move her to other types of baits later. Also, a spinning reel is a lot easier for beginners. And, not frustrating for you or her if she used a baitcaster and got a backlash.

After you get her hooked, you might want to look into a couples type tournament. My husband and I fish the local ABA Couples Circuit and have for the last two years. You don't have to be married... it's men/women teams.

Happy Catching!

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Good advice MGoodFishin, and welcome!

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

My girl reads and sunbathes, then picks up a rod once i get on fish ;D

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 
give her 1st shot at that perfect spot.

OH HEEEEEEELL NO!! just kiddin just kiddin...put the tomatoes down :D ...of course i would if...

if i had a g/f & if she was interested in learning...i would definately find some slop or duckweed and get froggy with it!!

for some odd reason that doesn't get a person excited/interested about fishin...i'm not sure what would...

if i had said girlfriend and she didn't like that (which i don't know who in their right mind wouldn't like slop froggin bass ::), i mean really now) i just may have to practice C&R with her...

fishing user avatarBack2fishing reply : 

My best friend my (wife) and I go fishing as much as we can.Donna loves fishing as much as I do,I got her into fishing 3 or 4 years ago.We go for sm/bass ,walleye,pike or what ever is biting at the time.If the fishing is slow we will go for a ride around the lake and just look at things,birds any kind of wild life, look at the cabins what ever there is to look at.We love to be together so it don't matter if the fish are biting or not ,I guess I'm just lucky that my wife is my best friend .I do try to get her onto fish but some times the fish just don't cooperate .


fishing user avatartjmaniac reply : 

the first few times out i didn't even get a bite. i don't think i caught my first bass till i'd fished maybe 5 times. but.. after every time out i put the pole down and jumped in the water and went swimming. it made my day and like others have said take the fishing slow and have a good time.

fishing user avatarzero reply : 

my girlfriend never fishes and she told me she dont want to and i took her to a fishing trip and i was using senko and i caught 3 lbs bass then she want to try it so i gave her a rod and watermelon senko and she caught a fish as well on first cast now she loves going to fishing

if u want keep her intersted give her a senko

fishing user avatarzero limit reply : 

My wife has gone fishing with me twice(w/out the kids) and both times she caught the biggest fish of the day.

Now my daughters are another story they love fishing and are not happy with gills anymore, its got to be bass or crappie

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Thanks for the great insight gals and guys.   This helps a ton.  I do not want to force it on her but I want her to have alot of fun.  Now if it will just warm up!!!!!!!!!  I dont think jerking a rogue in 40 deg water would be a good break in. ;D

fishing user avatarbwell reply : 

I have gotten my wife on the lake with me a couple times, and she always tells me she gets bored using spinners or a buzzbait (these baits work very well on the pond behind our house), so she wants to use a bobber???  I dont get how that is any more exciting...  Oh well, I am going to try again when it get nicer outside.  This time I am going to go out first and try the pond before sending her out to see if they are biting or not.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

GMAN there is wisdom in the advise to give her first shot at the sweet spot. I was night fishing with my wife at Bull Shoals Lake in Mo. a number of years ago. We had caught a bunch of fish, but as luck would have it I was catching the bigger ones. As we approached a dock in a spot where we "knew" we would get bit, she missed by a foot or so, and got hung up on a cable. I pitched in to the spot she was aiming for and caught one just shy of 6 lbs. That was 15 years or more ago, and I still get accused of catching her fish. :-?

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

Forget the fishing, I'm stuck just trying to get my wife out on the boat. 

fishing user avatarmidnighthrasher reply : 

My girlfriend loves fishing. We are going to lake erie for 2 days in may and we are doing some local tournaments together this summer. We did one together last year and she caught 2 lmb and i caught none!!! My buddies made fun of me but i know at the end of the day i am the winner. She also loves the baitmonkey and the boatmonkey!!! She picked my ranger with me and always watches wfn with me. She loves it when i pick up tackle and new gear. My tip for everyone is do what you gotta do to get her interested because once she is hooked its awesome.

fishing user avatarRadical Conservative reply : 

This could be one of the best threads on the site. Great topic. Also, great to hear from other ladies.

This season will be year number 2 of 'training' the girlfriend on a baitcaster. She loves to fish from the bank, but like Bassn Blvd said, gettin' her on the boat is the tough part. ;) It takes a lot of reassuring. 'Honey, I swear I wont go fast.'

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

I took my wife out twice. First time a freak thunderstorm came through so fast, I was about 300 yds. from shore and couldn't get back in to shore before it exploded...VERY BAD!!!!

Second time, there were about 18" (yup INCH!!) "waves" and I was running about 25 mph. She made me take her back to shore!!! I was going to fast in those rough waters!!

I fish alone now....... :-/

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Kmac, that is one thing I really dont care about. As long as she has fun and catches fish I could really care less if I catch them. When she gets better thats when I will worry more about me catching fish. 8-)

Thank you Ladies and gentlemen for the help.  Any more great ideas or info please share.

fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 

Took my wife fishing 8 tears ago. She hasnt been back since. Whatever it is i did that day, dont do it. Ill let you know what it was i did, as soon as i find out.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Jimzee's wife went on the Guntersville Roadtrip.

She had a nicer setup than anything I own.... :-[ ;D

My wife is a big fan of the lighter colored Trick Sticks.  They are weedless, very visible and flat out catch fish.

fishing user avatarBack2fishing reply : 

My wife likes to pick her own bait,when I ask her why that one she says because it's cute  :)so I say ok if you think it will work by all means use it, and most times she gets fish with what she has picked.


fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 
Forget the fishing, I'm stuck just trying to get my wife out on the boat.


fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 

First off I think it is great that you take your girlfriend fishing with you. As for keeping her interested just keep it fun, no pressure. If she wants to use the bobber let her, the more fun it is the more she will want to go and her choices in what she would like to fish with with progress in their own time.

On a side note my hubby says to be careful what you ask for you just might get it.  ;D

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

My wife Carol loves just being outdoors, she will read a book & once every couple years she'll pick up her rod. Carol has her own rod/reel (baitcasting) & tackle box which is off limits to everyone plus anything in my tackle can be confiscated at any moment.

One other thing don't be upset if she doesn't like ;)

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

My wife grew up on a diary farm and doesn't even like to eat fish.

When I take her on the boat she wants to anchor in the shade, but not under trees as trees house snakes, so she can read her book.

I got an umbrella for the boat from her for Christmas last year and when she goes out with me I set up the umbrella and she sits under it and reads and complains about the bugs or bathrooms or rocking from wakes or if we are going to sink.

But I still love her very much and once or twice a year having her join me is worth it as after a trip she is no longer interested for a few months.  ;D   ;D   ;D

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Well, we are off to a good start.  Saturday she told me not to let her forget to get a fishing license.  I had no part of that one either. 8-)

fishing user avatarAtomic reply : 

I kind of don't want mine to like it. Just for the alone time. I have two boys I'll be taking fishing for the first time this year and I'm going to have my hands full with baiting 4 hooks and taking 4 fish off. Scratch that, probably just 3 because I won't have time to fish. Yes I'm selfish but I know I can eventually get the boys to baiting and taking their own fish off.

How do you get a girl to not think this or that is "eww icky!"?  :D

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

I took my wife a few times and every time she says it is fun and when I ask her to go again she says no? oh well my son likes fishing so far and my daughter is too young but maybe next year. my wife says her biggest issue is no bathroom. when we used to go we only had a canoe and sure enough as soon as we get to the spot she has to pee and absolutly will not go in the woods. i have a motor now but she still doesn't want to go.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

If she's not immediately interested in the idea of going fishing, try first explaining that you're not sitting on a dock with a bobber just waiting. It's putting a puzzle together, making casts, tricking fish with lures. Try to explain, in detail, the satisfaction you get from catching a bass on an artificial.

If that doesn't work, explain that it's really important to you that she at least comes out a few times to give it a shot. If she won't do that for you, then she's selfish, and you should probably find another girl.

Once you get her out, like others have said, make sure you catch some fish. The first time I took my girlfriend out was in the spring, and I tied on some inline spinners, which were guaranteed to catch at least a couple bass, crappie, pickerel, or perch. It worked, and since then she's become more and more addicted. It's a great thing watching her catch the bug, just like I did when I was a kid, and get better and better.

One thing to consider though, is that if she really likes it, she's gonna want to go all the time. Personally, I like fishing alone sometimes, and often with a friend or my brother, so it's tough telling her I'm going fishing with someone else. However, I think that minor predicament is much better than if she hated fishing.

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

Remember that her name isn't " Net".. lol ;D

Seriously, let her use live bait like a shiner with a float, and a spinning rod, to start out with. If she wants to try a bait caster, let her try. I learned to pick out my share of back lashes..or "professional Over runs" as he called them. (still do) Then, Hubby showed me how to hook up the flukes and frogs.

After that first top water bite on a Frog, I was hooked !!!

Let her drive the boat too. ;)

You might create a monster, like me..

I ended up buying the boat, then a power pole, learning how to launch it, and load it by myself, practising with the trolling motor down a creek, so I wouldn't interfere with any one.

Now hubby doesn't get to sleep late some weekends, telling his buddies he's created a fishing monster..

Check out a local couples tournament. Just a "for fun, laid back tournament with exemptions. We are in one that starts at safe light, ends at noon, then we all head out for lunch together. Once a month, about $25. fee, pays 2-3 places and big bass. There are 7-10 boats, and lately it's the women who've landed the biggest bass. Last month, you could hear her across the lake when she landed the 9+ lb bass. She ended up with the top weight and big bass pay out.

The other time, one was fishing with his Mom and she caught an 8lber.. that lady was still grinning ear to ear at lunch. Everyone has a great time, with no real pressure.

This weekend hubby has to work, so I am taking the boat out Sunday, pre-fishing W Toho for the couples tournament on the 21st. I'll be in the Red Stratos w/ powerpole.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Thanks FCG.  Very good info. 

Thanks all.  This helps me out alot.  I cant wait until it warms up. 8-)

fishing user avatarurban_angler28 reply : 

Be patient, don't get mad if she gets your fav bait hung up cus that will happen. Try watching fishing shows together and let her find a technique or bait she likes and get her own gear. Also let her find a species of fish that she likes, mine started with bass now she likes walleyes too.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 
Be patient, don't get mad if she gets your fav bait hung up cus that will happen. Try watching fishing shows together and let her find a technique or bait she likes and get her own gear. Also let her find a species of fish that she likes, mine started with bass now she likes walleyes too.

Good idea.  She does help me make lures sometimes so I will let her make her own with my help.  That way hopefully it will be even more fun for her when she catches a fish. 8-)

fishing user avatarHoldemHook reply : 

Remember this is fun...take plenty of snacks, extra clothes, wet wipes, ect....take her early spring and tie on a rattle trap or lip less crankbait that way alot of casts and less down time....

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
Remember this is fun...take plenty of snacks, extra clothes, wet wipes, ect....take her early spring and tie on a rattle trap or lip less crankbait that way alot of casts and less down time....

My wife has about as much patience with throwing a crankbait as do. She likes to work a soft plastic or jig though, and will fish it all day. Since that is my style as well it works out fine. Making sure she has everything she needs is important and mostly my job. She does enjoy going to Bass Pro about as much as I do. You know the more I think about it the more I think I'll keep her. ;D After 33 years it is a wonder she's kept me, but that is another thread. ::)

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 

first time i took my fiance out , she cought a blue crab and was terrified. second time she cought something , it was a 4+ lb turtle. terrified again.

i keep trying to get her to fish with the artificials , but it looks like i need to get her out with some live bait. i always try lol.

fishing user avatarrryager reply : 

As a guide, I've found live bait, senko and topwater fishing to be the best techniques to keep the ladies interested and catching fish.

I get many couples. And she either comes to fish or wants to read or get sun. And often times she ends up catching the biggest fish!

Why??...They are patient and do what you say.

The problem with all the artificial techniques us hardcore types use, is that we are literally trying to force the fish into the boat. We use lures to make it happen....The hardest anglers to take live bait fishing?...The hardcore tournament guys....It is difficult to get them to change gears.

Not all ladies are going to become so affixiated with the lure fishing methods ....Live bait is the opposite...You wait and let it happen versus making it happen....Senkos and topwaters are a close second to live bait...I've had ladies catch nice fish on them simply because you fish them similar to live bait, with a delayed reaction on the hook set.

fishing user avatarRanger 251 reply : 

I fished for bass for 25 years and the wife stayed behind most of the time.  I did bring her and my two daughters fishing over those years, mostly for pan fish, but not often enough.

In 2000, with my girls in high school activities I was not fishing as much and the boat was gathering dust.  So I sold it and did not buy another.  My wife thought I had lost it.

Then four years later we end up at Bass Pro Shops in Springfield looking over all the goodies and out of the blue she told me it was time  for me to buy another boat!  I thought she had lost it and was ready to call 911.  Well long story short, I ended up buying another boat one she picked out, a Ranger.

These days she is my fishing buddy.  We fish together nearly every trip.  It has gotten to the point where I hate to leave her behind.  She has learned to cast a baitcaster and is pretty good at it (as well as learning to pick out professional overruns).

She has her own rods and tackle.  I bought her a GLoomis rod and other top end tackle.  She comes along to all of the tackle stores, which is good and bad.  Used to I only needed to keep a look out for myself on overspending now I need to watch out for her.  But it is all good.   ;D  I let her have her fun in the fishing section at Bass Pro Shop.  Her favorite is the spinner bait and she is deadly with it.

We have even fished a few tournaments together.  Yep, she gets hung up and in the trees and gets aggravated with herself.  But I just tell her, if you are not snaggin you are not baggin.

Needless to say it has been enjoyable to have her as my fishing buddy.

With both of us have pressured jobs, it gives us time together and away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

fishing user avatarbabybasslady reply : 

Okay, a little of my history.....getting around to the father was a HUGE HUGE HUGE bassfisher. He would take me out in the boat with him sometimes but to me growing up it was very very boring, sit there all day and throw lures in the water and "hope" you caught something. After a few times I just stopped going with him. He passed away in 2007. My brother took me mid summer last year. We borrowed a friends boat and went on a larger pond. At first I was like come on I don't want to sit in the boat all day, needless to say we started catching fish pretty much right off...I caught the first one and after that my attention was Try taking some snacks and drinks along, good conversation with your g/f don't get aggrivated when she asks questions or catches the first and largest fish and just enjoy her being there with you....and make it fun for her!

fishing user avatarTrackerG reply : 

I must say....I don't have a clue how to keep her wife (who is also my best friend) loves to fish more than I do!! Shes the main reason I bought a boat. And now we almost always go together. She is getting quite proficient at loading the boat!!   mostly cuz she cant back a trailer up worth a darn!!!   hehe

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

I find one thing that keeps my wife interested in going out fishing with me is picking scenic places.  These places usually give her an opportunity to see turkey, deer, geese, beavers and bald eagles.  That way she enjoys being out on the water even if she is not catching fish.

fishing user avatarNoraJane reply : 

I'll just add to this thread by reiterating what some women have mentioned.  take her shopping!!

My boyfriend's birthday is coming up, and he loves to fish.  I was never really into it, because i don't like to do something I'm not good at.  But once i got to browsing around fishing supply stores, and doing hours of research (because I only wanted to get him the absolute best baits and stuff) I began thinking that I could really get into this.  There are so many options!! I was used to the good ole fashion worm and paperclip routine that I had no idea what the world of fishing was all about!!

Shopping! take her to a basspro store and she will drool.. well.. i did..

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Nora,  You have a great point.  I never thought of that.  I need to buy her some stuff that is "hers". 

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


If you go there, go all the way. Bite the bullet.

Buy her something as nice or nicer than anything

you fish with. You lose the whole point if it's just

"girl stuff".


fishing user avatarTrackerG reply : 

My wife has all her own stuff.....the only problem I have is that she tends to borrow lures from my tackle box.....sometimes they are returned..sometimes not...what do ya do?   lol

It gives me a good excuse to go buy some more!!!

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

If you go there, go all the way. Bite the bullet.

Buy her something as nice or nicer than anything

you fish with. You lose the whole point if it's just

"girl stuff".


Right now she fishes with my BCR853/chronarch and BSR852/sustain combos:o I dont think I set her up too bad. LOL Eventually I will get her a rod and reel but right now she can use them. Tackle wise I do need to get her some good stuff. I need to get her some "guaranteed" fish catchers like senkos, flukes, and a few other things. I think I'll take her to the tackle shop this weekend or just make it all for her. :o

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : got dat covered! I guess I should have

known...Senkos, Fat Ika and flukes...Okay...Add an

original Floating Rapala, Zara Puppy (black & silver)

and a couple of XCalibur Xr50. That's a package for

everyone starting out!

Good luck!


fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 
I'll just add to this thread by reiterating what some women have mentioned. take her shopping!!

My boyfriend's birthday is coming up, and he loves to fish. I was never really into it, because i don't like to do something I'm not good at. But once i got to browsing around fishing supply stores, and doing hours of research (because I only wanted to get him the absolute best baits and stuff) I began thinking that I could really get into this. There are so many options!! I was used to the good ole fashion worm and paperclip routine that I had no idea what the world of fishing was all about!!

Shopping! take her to a basspro store and she will drool.. well.. i did..

Where do I find a girl like you?

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

You might want to break the ice by targeting sunfish using redworms under a float.

Pre-fish the lake to find the best bedding flats and when the fishing peaks, extend your invitation to her.

Be sure to keep her end of the boat in prime fishing water at all times, and while she's panfishing,

feel free to fish for bass. When your girlfriend sees her first largemouth bass,

she's bound to ask, How can I catch one of those?now you're on your way ;)

My wife will tell you that I taught her everything she knows about fishing,

but she'll politely leave out one important part. During the past couple of years,

Lois has been outfishing me on a regular basis, so let this be a warning to men with a fragile ego ;D


fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Rolo,  I hope she gets to that point.  That way I can go more and more. ;D ;D

I did take her to a farm pond Monday evening.  She did a real good job on those bass.  I set her up with a 6" lizard with a 1/8 oz weight.  She caught a few good ones and got really excited.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Rolo, I hope she gets to that point. That way I can go more and more. ;D ;D

I did take her to a farm pond Monday evening. She did a real good job on those bass. I set her up with a 6" lizard with a 1/8 oz weight. She caught a few good ones and got really excited.

Gman, it sounds like you're getting a solid handle on things.

Before I was married, I took my girlfriend fresh & saltwater fishing, duck hunting, upland hunting

and deer hunting with bow & arrow. When we stopped for breakfast, Lois was the only girl

in the lunch-wagon wearing a camouflage outfit. Though I fully expected other deer hunters

to poke fun at me, I repeatedly heard what a lucky guy I was, that most hunters wished for

the same, but their wives disliked hunting.

Today Lois wants to go fishing on every day we're off, and she always has new ideas

about tackle buying. Fortunately, when there are two fishing spouses there is never any

guilt feelings about spending, but on the downside, I need to buy equipment for TWO.

Bottom Line: your girlfriend or wife will make the best fishing companion in the world, bar none.

But you'll have to get used to being out-fished a lot...but isn't that the best part?


fishing user avatarfishingprincess74 reply : 
I took my wife out twice. First time a freak thunderstorm came through so fast, I was about 300 yds. from shore and couldn't get back in to shore before it exploded...VERY BAD!!!!

Second time, there were about 18" (yup INCH!!) "waves" and I was running about 25 mph. She made me take her back to shore!!! I was going to fast in those rough waters!!

I fish alone now....... :-/

Sounds exciting to me! lol :D

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

Me and my girlfriend love to fish together! (even though she outfishes me a lot)

She basically told me on a date, "Will you take me fishing ?" cause she knows i go just about every time i have off.

So step #1: Include her in it and take her with you when you both pick out her gear; (because women do love to shop)

Let her pick out whatever pole or reel she wants, even if she only wants it because it looks cute :)

Dont be serious about it; its about having a good time together, not winning the bassmaster classic (unless she's a serious angler)

Let her get first casts at all the nice looking spots; because its no fun to sit at the back of the boat and not catch anything.

There are rules though. Like...

Her tackle is HER tackle only.

MY tackle is OUR tackle

She DOES NOT touch the fish, ever.

And no areas where snakes might be.

Sometimes i swear my lady knows more about fishing than i do.

She may lose all your tackle, snap your stick and catch all the fish; but at the end of the day she's happy; you still love her; and you had a great time :)

When you find a woman who enjoys fishing just as much if not for than you, keep her, they're hard to come by!

fishing user avatarBassChump reply : 

I don't have any problem keeping my girlfriend interested. Frankly, I have a hard time getting any work done. She wants to fish every second she has off work. She only works 3 days a week so I try and figure my work schedule around hers so we can go fishing. And it's bass fishing for her. If I could find a topwater bite, she would be in heaven. lol.

I pack the camper, hook up the boat and away we go. We fish 4 days a week.

As a matter of fact, I would have my bass boat if it wasn't for her. She found it, had me look at it and I was hooked.

Luckily, we have a gozillion lakes to fish around here so it's never the same waters.

I do try and keep her involved in tackle buying and stuff. We were getting some plastics a few weeks ago and she took an interest in a pink fishing rod and reel so without question, I bought it for her. It even had "Ladyfisher" printed on it. What a sales ploy but it worked on us and she loves the setup.

I'm a lucky guy. She is the best fishing partner I've ever had. With the exception of dealing with a guy hooked fish, I don't have to do anything for her. And yes, she outfishes me on a regular basis and it's a great thing to see her gloating about it. She cracks me up.

       Gotta love a woman that likes camping and fishing as much as I do. She is ready to go at a moments notice.

  Good fishing, a nice campsite, roaring campfire, a little Captain Morgans and guess what, she's happy so I'm happy.

        Good luck to you guys with ladies that don't like fishing.

                          I can't imagine fishing without her.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

Not to hijack this tread but doesn't the subject name sound a bit like a veagra advertisement?

I regularly talk to a female coworker who likes to fish. She and her husband go up north every summer. She actually seems interested in my fishing exploits which is rare among any of my coworkers (or maybe it's just me they're not interested in?) Anyway, I postulated that while a fair amount of women like to fish with their boyfriends or husbands, few would continue to fish if their respective guy stopped (or got hit by a truck, or whatever). She thought this was mostly true. Too bad because IMHO fishing shouldn't be linked to gender. But what can you do?

I was in the sporting goods section of a Farm & Fleet the other day and there was a woman there looking at fishing stuff. I'd seen her there once before. Perhaps she was looking for a gift for her guy but I have to admit that it piqued my interest. (It's almost like she was wearing bacon). Anyway, you just don't see a lot of that.

fishing user avatarbigfruits reply : 

i think its alot easier to get them into fishing if they already enjoy the outdoors. if you mention camping to a girl you just started dating and she says she hates it because of the insects, run away!

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

I wanted the bassboat taken with us on the honeymoon! 8-)

We plan on camping out at one of the lakes and fish all weekend. (Later this fall without the 90+ degree heat).

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

On our honeymoon, my wife and I went to Florida and went fishing on Lake Toho, then saw the Daytona 500.   :)

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 
On our honeymoon, my wife and I went to Florida and went fishing on Lake Toho, then saw the Daytona 500. :)

You were right in my back yard. We went to lake Seminole.

fishing user avatarLynda reply : 

Mind if a very new - novice bass angler jumps in here? :)

My BF is a semi-pro angler (vp of suskie bassmasters) and when we started dating, introduced me right off the get-go to his world (as I did mine - which is medieval rapier/sword fighting). I have since been in several tournaments (mostly river) and the bite has been horrid.. I have 1 more week to actually weigh in - if I'm gonna make the top 30 for championship.. I guess you could say it would be easy for a new female angler to get discouraged with as bad as the bite has been.. but every week I'm back out there doing it all again - and loving every minute I'm on that water.. (he, of course is in 7th heaven about it)..

All in all.. either your going to enjoy it - or your not.. its not something that can be forced..

Oh.. btw.. he's started teaching me to use a bait-caster - and yea.. i get the occasional birds nest.. but I'm having fun and honestly.. although I fished as a kid with my dad.. I never knew there could actually be so much to learn in a sport like this - but I'm learning ALL the time :)

Give me the choice to go shopping and get my nails done - or go out on our bass boat and fish... I'll take "bass thumb" hands down any day!!


fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I think you nailed it on the head Lynda!

fishing user avatarLynda reply : 

Well, its been a while since I posted - so I figured I'd chime in here once again. Not only am I still angling - but I made it to the Wed night series championship and ended up placing 7th! and - made it to the Monday night series championship and we (team tournament) placed 4th :) Not too shabby for a 1st season angler LOL. Anyway.. as I said before the bite has been horrid and is still horrid - I watch many long-time anglers on this river leaving without even so much as getting a bite. Will I continue? You bet!! I'm not only trying to venture out and find women angling organizations - but I'm working on a website and seeking out sponsorships. I look at it this way.. every step I take, every click on a website, every new bait, and even every cast is all a new learning experience and one I can slip into that learning edge portfolio! Only difference now, I must wear a LOT more layers of clothing.. it gets downright cold out there :)

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Good luck.

fishing user avatarGLADES reply : 

My wife likes to fish, as long as the bass are cooperating. Usually the trips are 2-3 hours with excellent weather.

My daughter just turned 3 so I will be doing some bank fishing with her next spring. It should be fun.

fishing user avatarLynda reply : 

Glades.. that's awesome! Hope to see updates as to how she likes it!!

Rob and I went on the river for a few hours this morning.. (hoping it works) this is the little lady I brought in  :)


fishing user avatarLynda reply : 

Did I mention I feel like a helium filled astronaut with all those layers of clothes on? (added of course to all the support bracing on the right lower leg - its a wonder I can breath, much less cast!)  ;D

fishing user avatarLynda reply : 

BTW... I'm building a website and trying to bring a positive awareness towards angling around here and by default, hoping to get more ladies interested. I've started writing articles for a local magazine "Susquehanna River Magazine" and am also submitting tournaments reports to them. Its strange - I never thought I'd be doing "any" of this - and yet, it all feels so natural!! But then - we are all about education and conservation and I hope my exuberance is contagious  :D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Well Mike, it worked for you!






fishing user avatarjeremyryanwebb reply : 

If the bite is slow, bring a bottle of wine.  That'll keep her busy!  Works for my wife. ha

fishing user avatarfishingman88 reply : 

Take her fishing and just observe to see if she likes it or not.  If she has questions, then patiently explain to her various techniques/etc and develop her own method.  When you see that she is getting tired or bored, I would just call it a day and go out for a date somewhere and do some things she really enjoys.


At the end of the day, just be in tune with how she is feeling and gauge how long you plan to stay out there for based on your observations. 


When I'm in fishing fever mode, I usually end up going out with the guys because we tough it out for hours on end until we catch some nice ones, but I've personally found that I when I fish with the girlfriend, it is usually a low pressure/just have a fun time with no regards to whether or not we land nice bass.

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 

Promise to buy her a new pair of shoes every time she decides to come with you and fish the whole time. 

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

When i first moved to FL and my girlfriend was pregnant with our child she always wanted to go the shiner route. She would fish them and I would throw lures. Then after our son came out she caught her first bass on a lure, I believe it was 4 and change on a storm swim bait. After that she didn't want to use shiners she felt same way as me they are boring and catching a fish on an artificial is more satisfying.

Only thing is that she HATES throwing soft plastics they are too boring for her. She much rather throw something with constant action like a crank, spinner bait, frog, etc. I'll never forget her first frog bass at night I was in the car saw & heard her freaking out jumped out and ran over to her and she was laughing because te fish came unhooked on shore and rolled back in she was so excited and she credited herself with the "catch". Then next night we went back and she landed a 5+ pounder with my help this time lol.

It's great when you significant other enjoys your hobby as much as you do, when our son is old enough it will be time for a real bass boat!! I can't wait for those trips

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

You have to teach her to fish just like you would any beginning angler. When you start out, you have to take short trips a most importantly CATCH fish. Bass fishing probably isn't the way to start things out. You'll want to start out panfishing, or crappie fishing, or get her on a school of white bass. It doesn't matter what's on the end of the line, but you wanna make sure that the action is steady. Again, keep the trips relatively short, maybe 2 to 3 hours at the most. From there maybe transition her into bass fishing. You could take her in the late afternoon starting out fishing for whatever is easiest to catch and as the lower light period starts to begin and the bass become more active, go ahead and switch over. Give her something easy to start out with, something like a spinnerbait. Also, if you can find a good topwater bite I think you can get anyone hooked. There's just something about a bass blowing up on top that can hook anyone. If she's made it this far you can then start to lengthen up the trips a bit and transition more into bass fishing most of the time.



Most Important Key Points

  • You MUST stay patient. No matter how many lines you have to untangle or hangups you have to retrieve etc, etc You HAVE to stay a gentleman and keep your best foot forward
  • Keep it fun and entertaining and don't be afraid to take breaks. Maybe pack a lunch to bring along and stop and enjoy the day.
  • Probably the MOST IMPORTANT  thing to remember is that fishing is not for everyone. If she likes it, that's awesome! If not, you have to be ready to be ok with that. Also, remember that people can like fishing in different capacities so she might still like it, just not as much as you do. Again you need to be ok with that and not force it on her. If you do, you will ruin it for her, along with the chances of her ever really getting into it.

Best of luck to you!  


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