I am serious. I am sure almost all of us do, but do they?
I cant really see KVD doing that in front of 100 spectator boats in the middle of Kentucky lake.
What do they do when nature calls?
QuoteI am serious. I am sure almost all of us do, but do they?I cant really see KVD doing that in front of 100 spectator boats in the middle of Kentucky lake.
What do they do when nature calls?
Empty water bottle ?
OK, I'll be the first. Is the answer Depends?
He probably has a Megaphone on his boat and tells the spectators what he is about to do.
They probably have pee pee bottles similar to the ones found in hospitals
I bet they do.
QuoteI cant really see KVD doing that in front of 100 spectator boats in the middle of Kentucky lake.
Why not?
I think I will be fine never knowing the answer to this one.
A catheter draining into a bottle strapped to their ankle, big peeers have 2 bottles.
I do
;D Wasn't expecting this topic when I was scrolling through the forum
QuoteA catheter draining into a bottle strapped to their ankle, big peeers have 2 bottles.
You beat me to it! ;D
What a silly question...but I do actually have an answer (unfortunately!). I fished as a co-angler with the Elites and FLW Tour in 2008 and every guy I fished with did the deed off the bow when nature called. I won't name names, but I dont think they are any different than the rest of us when they need to go
I would...and I'm sure they do. I mean those guys put their pants on just like us in the morning. WAIT.... I have watched a video of KVD pitching a jig into his closet and pulling his clothes from the hanger while simultaneously jumping right into his clothes ;D...come on! Ok I took that a little too far.
Now the scary question is...what about the female pro's? Somehow I don't see them just going off the front of the boat.
They probably kneel down in the middle of their boat, act like they are tieing a lure on or something, and go into a bottle.
I was watching KVD at Kentucky Lake on the BASS live webcam earlier this year. He went to the back of the boat and out of site of the camera, but you could CLEARLY hear what he was doing. It was truly like being in the boat with him!!! hahaha! ;D
i do have an answer to the lady pros when i first started fishing i fished with a lady pro who will remain nameless thats one of the things we talked about when i got into her boat she told me if she had to go she would tell me to just look the other way, and she would do the same for me no big deal
For the women who fish in my boat that is what the second live well is for.... I had my sister in law convinced that it was a marine port a potty. God is she dumb..
My GF raises both rod locker lids, port and stbd, the center tackle storage lid. She has nice large l gallon bucket. She asks me to position the boat with the trolling motor to protect her the best. Trust me, she's well hidden with console and lids up.
Thats what they make large plastic bottles for.
Anyone ever have a catheter? : I'll take a poke in the eye first
QuoteMy GF raises both rod locker lids, port and stbd, the center tackle storage lid. She has nice large l gallon bucket. She asks me to position the boat with the trolling motor to protect her the best. Trust me, she's well hidden with console and lids up.Thats what they make large plastic bottles for.
Anyone ever have a catheter? :
I'll take a poke in the eye first
Shewee http://www.shewee.com/
There are several similar brands available for woman to use.
My old LA Rams beer mug is perfect for peeing into.
LOL Awesome. As the father of 4 daughters 2 of which fish with me, you can understand my personal curiosity. To date, in the summer it is warm, they have lifejackets on and are usually hot anyway, I just throw them overboard. LOL. They love it. I will not be doing that in December however.
What a unique question.
They probably do the same thing that we all do.
So far, only one possibility for the way the question was posed has been discussed.
I, on the other hand, was wondering what the pros, or anyone for that matter do to a boat to get it peed off at them?
I fish off a pontoon boat with a battery op porta potti and enclosure that pops up or folds down. Its the balls.
I use an old stainless thermos or a gallon jug with a hole cut in the side
Call them OPD's : Offshore Peeing Devices 8-)
Been on the boats of several pros, and they hang it over the side like everybody else. No big deal.
For ladies, here's something that works very well:
http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0006654514627a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&Ntt=toilet&Ntk=Products&sort=all&_D%3AhasJS=+&selectedPerPage=72&N=0&_D%3Asort=+&Nty=1&hasJS=true&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form1&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1 (Tip: practice first in the shower to learn how to use it)
QuoteBeen on the boats of several pros, and they hang it over the side like everybody else. No big deal.For ladies, here's something that works very well:
http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0006654514627a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&Ntt=toilet&Ntk=Products&sort=all&_D%3AhasJS=+&selectedPerPage=72&N=0&_D%3Asort=+&Nty=1&hasJS=true&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form1&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1 (Tip: practice first in the shower to learn how to use it)
How do you know, practicing peeing sitting down are we?
QuoteThey probably have pee pee bottles similar to the ones found in hospitals
I carry two of them in my brown truck.
I've gotten to the point where I'll pretty much pee anywhere. If I'm at the ramp waiting, I'll just pee right there. Out on the water? Just hang it out.
I will, however, not unirate in front of someone's house. I'll hang off the other side of the boat.
Jimzee, OTOH, has public pee syndrome to the max. We were out one night last summer and he wouldn't take a whiz within 200 yards of the ramp because there were two women fishing off the courtesy dock.
When you're fishing for a lot of money, you gonna go to the bank to take a leak? The only time I go to shore is to take the browns to the Super Bowl. And lately I've been contemplating just hanging onto the outboard.
Peeing is the easy part. What if they have to take a deuce?
I just had to read this thread!
You gotta go you gotta go.
Now when it comes to a conference meeting that might be difficult! ;D ;D
QuotePeeing is the easy part. What if they have to take a deuce?
double dose some immodium and hope for the best?
" take the browns to the super bowl" Dude ,you ain't right. ;D
A guy here drowned while trying to pee of the side of the boat. He slipped and hit his head on the boat, fell in the water and drowned. I keep a 1 quart plastic mug with a large handle in the boat. It's the official "pee mug" . Use it, dump it, rinse it out, store it away. Much safer than trying to keep your balance on the edge of the boat.
QuoteWhen you're fishing for a lot of money, you gonna go to the bank to take a leak? The only time I go to shore is to take the browns to the Super Bowl. And lately I've been contemplating just hanging onto the outboard.
Haha! Good stuff! I was talking with a dude that fished with a well known pro a few years back in a Tour event in the Florida swamps. He said they ran for and hour and a half to get to their spot, and the pro had to, well you know. With all the gators in the area, he grabbed the steering wheel in one hand and the throttle handle in the other, sat over the side of the boat and dropped the kids off! Every time I see the dude on TV, I have to laugh! Good thing a gator wasn't near looking for a piece of a*&!!! ;D ;D ;D
Well last year when I went to a walleye charter the captain had a pee bottle. He asked everyone else if they wanted to use it I took the pass.
QuoteBeen on the boats of several pros, and they hang it over the side like everybody else. No big deal.For ladies, here's something that works very well:
http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0006654514627a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&Ntt=toilet&Ntk=Products&sort=all&_D%3AhasJS=+&selectedPerPage=72&N=0&_D%3Asort=+&Nty=1&hasJS=true&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form1&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1 (Tip: practice first in the shower to learn how to use it)
$22 is kind of pricey for a beer bong
QuoteA guy here drowned while trying to pee of the side of the boat. He slipped and hit his head on the boat, fell in the water and drowned. I keep a 1 quart plastic mug with a large handle in the boat. It's the official "pee mug" . Use it, dump it, rinse it out, store it away. Much safer than trying to keep your balance on the edge of the boat.
I plucked two people from the pond this April when the guy stood and went to the side of a twelve foot aluminum boat to take a whizz.
They were lucky. I was on the shore, everything loaded on the carrier and ready to load my truck when I heard a commotion and saw they had capsized.
Five minutes later, and I would have been gone.
If you're concerned about 'overspray', move to the bow or the stern. The front of my Tracker offers the perfect platform for calling the fish. If I'm fishing off the back of a boat, I just use the outboard to steady myself.
Pretty sad that some people can't pee without falling in the lake. ;D
QuoteA guy here drowned while trying to pee of the side of the boat. He slipped and hit his head on the boat, fell in the water and drowned. I keep a 1 quart plastic mug with a large handle in the boat. It's the official "pee mug" . Use it, dump it, rinse it out, store it away. Much safer than trying to keep your balance on the edge of the boat.
Heres what I use: Take a milk jug cut the top off leaving the handle still intact on the side. Then cut an entry hole in the side. It is discreet and covers you up and also courteous to your partner.
Rule numero uno: Don't pee into the wind.
[I use to release over the side, but I had a patrol boat that almost caught me. So now I do is Maxwell Coffee Jug. It has a lib and you can sit down and won't get all over the place. As for bowels I do the same thing with immodium. As for the ladies the Maxwell House Jug is large enough also for them. Now I know why Maxwell House Coffee is good to last drop!/b]
It is also wise to wear sunglasses while reading the above post. 8-)
Welcome to the board by the way.
Ok maybe the females yall are talking about aren't as talented as my wife. She peed in a mountain dew bottle when she was in a traffic jam one time. Didnt spill a thing!
I recently fished with a guide that had to pinch one off. He said, "either back to the dock and lose a half hour of fishing or right here, it's your choice." I told him go for it and he dropped the kids off in the lake.
If you're worrying about falling into the lake, try doing it while standing on the rear deck (outside the boat) beside the outboard in 700 feet of water, in four foot seas, while on a fishing boat. Been there, done that. (Heck of a lot better than jumping into the wild blue yonder)
That's good to hear! I thought I was the only one that put my pants on with a chicken in them first.
QuoteI would...and I'm sure they do. I mean those guys put their pants on just like us in the morning.
QuoteThe only time I go to shore is to take the browns to the Super Bowl. And lately I've been contemplating just hanging onto the outboard.
Lol, I had to clean the keyboard and monitor after reading that. Never heard that phrased that way before.
I've had a fast attack of the squirts before and had to hang it over the side to bomb some germans. Luckily it was high pressure and it sprwayed out everywhere. Not long after I get done another boat pulls into this cove and I see the guys sort of looking around wondering what all this brown stuff is on top of the water. The wind had spread it out.
I just left....
TMI. That's short for "too much information."
I rarely get the urge to go. I guess I am to focused to worry about it.
When you got to go, you got to go.
Its got to be hard to pee in some of those tournaments when its freezing cold out. Wonder How ice fishermen do it ?? LOL
P.S. I don't want an answer to that question lmao
QuoteNow the scary question is...what about the female pro's? Somehow I don't see them just going off the front of the boat.
Marine Head
I accomplish three things by peeing off the boat.
#1. The temp of the water.
#2. The depth of the water.
#3. The bottom of the lake structure. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Lol at this thread.
QuoteIts got to be hard to pee in some of those tournaments when its freezing cold out. Wonder How ice fishermen do it ?? LOLP.S. I don't want an answer to that question lmao
Pick a hole any hole.
#2; no problem build a snow toilet seat
QuoteThat's good to hear! I thought I was the only one that put my pants on with a chicken in them first.
QuoteI would...and I'm sure they do. I mean those guys put their pants on just like us in the morning.
this is some great stuff ;D..............a chicken..........lol ;D ;D ;D ;D
I'm glad someone shares my WARPED sence of humor.
QuoteQuoteThat's good to hear! I thought I was the only one that put my pants on with a chicken in them first.
QuoteI would...and I'm sure they do. I mean those guys put their pants on just like us in the morning.
this is some great stuff ;D..............a chicken..........lol ;D ;D ;D ;D
i was watching bass cast today, they had kevin short showing, just as he got all his gear ready to move to another spot with his marshall all buttoned up, he stepped out of camera site, but as he went past the camera, he was unzipping,,,,have to conclude he was going out the back of the boat
I think it would be difficult for some of the pros, when you have camera boats, spectator boats, and helicopters overhead. Big brother is watching.
I believe this was actually brought up at a seminar I attended. The pros have a signal of some sort to tell all cameras to shut down during a pee break.
To me, that is too much attention. I would have to pray my bladder could go the distance.
QuoteFor the women who fish in my boat that is what the second live well is for....I had my sister in law convinced that it was a marine port a potty. God is she dumb..
Is she hot and did u peek???
They wear Depends.......with a B.A.S.S logo or F.L.W. sticker....
QuoteQuoteBeen on the boats of several pros, and they hang it over the side like everybody else. No big deal.For ladies, here's something that works very well:
http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0006654514627a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&Ntt=toilet&Ntk=Products&sort=all&_D%3AhasJS=+&selectedPerPage=72&N=0&_D%3Asort=+&Nty=1&hasJS=true&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form1&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1 (Tip: practice first in the shower to learn how to use it)
$22 is kind of pricey for a beer bong
LOL!! I quote cabela's here, "Item notes:
For sanitary reasons we are unable to accept returns. Please be sure of your choice before ordering."
All of you are wrong. KVD doesn't pee at all.....he's a robot!
There's always the livewell.....
5 pages (so far) and several days of discussion about pee :-?
I have not been able to fish much lately due to a family illness but it would seem that fishing has been slow ;D ;D
when u got to go you got to go.i hate it when the water is choppy because you might fall in.
Quotewhen u got to go you got to go.i hate it when the water is choppy because you might fall in.
...and pee on your shoes!!!!
QuoteQuotewhen u got to go you got to go.i hate it when the water is choppy because you might fall in....and pee on your shoes!!!!
You have far greater problems if you pee on your shoes man, LOL!!!!!!!!!
Quotewhen u got to go you got to go.i hate it when the water is choppy because you might fall in.
That's what I was afraid of on a trip in NY. Choppy waters. And a little stage fright
Yeah, its not so bad in summer but it really sucks to have to go in the winter when the wind is blowing a steady 20mph and its the windchill is in the 30's. Trying to get your business out of all thermals, jeans, coveralls, and a rain suit and then manage to have enough left to direct the stream away from your clothing. Even at a young age the cold and a holding it for 2 hours hoping the wind will die down makes things more difficult. As far as the squirts goes, luckily that hasn't come up in the winter for me. It did earlier this year while I was on a flooded river though, and no there wasn't anywhere to get out of the boat and get er done. You won't get splashed on if the bow of your boat is high, might want to keep it in mind.
But it will cure your athlete's foot
QuoteQuoteQuotewhen u got to go you got to go.i hate it when the water is choppy because you might fall in....and pee on your shoes!!!!
You have far greater problems if you pee on your shoes man, LOL!!!!!!!!!
Buncha whimps, a REAL man can hold his urine!
QuoteNow the scary question is...what about the female pro's? Somehow I don't see them just going off the front of the boat.
My sister uses a bucket so I assume other lady anglers do also.
QuoteI've gotten to the point where I'll pretty much pee anywhere. If I'm at the ramp waiting, I'll just pee right there. Out on the water? Just hang it out.I will, however, not unirate in front of someone's house. I'll hang off the other side of the boat.
Jimzee, OTOH, has public pee syndrome to the max. We were out one night last summer and he wouldn't take a whiz within 200 yards of the ramp because there were two women fishing off the courtesy dock.
When you're fishing for a lot of money, you gonna go to the bank to take a leak? The only time I go to shore is to take the browns to the Super Bowl. And lately I've been contemplating just hanging onto the outboard.
Burley, I had a boater at Lake West Point ask if I could hold him by his wrists so he could hang his @ss off the side of the boat and drop a deuce. I just laughed, but he was dead serious.
QuoteI've gotten to the point where I'll pretty much pee anywhere. If I'm at the ramp waiting, I'll just pee right there. Out on the water? Just hang it out.I will, however, not unirate in front of someone's house. I'll hang off the other side of the boat.
Jimzee, OTOH, has public pee syndrome to the max. We were out one night last summer and he wouldn't take a whiz within 200 yards of the ramp because there were two women fishing off the courtesy dock.
When you're fishing for a lot of money, you gonna go to the bank to take a leak? The only time I go to shore is to take the browns to the Super Bowl. And lately I've been contemplating just hanging onto the outboard.
LOL. Burley you are killing me. Browns to the super bowl. Classic!