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What are your fishing Weaknesses? 2024

fishing user avatarBass_Akwards reply : 

I asked this a bunch of months back.  But now with lots of new members, as well as old members who might have NEW weaknesses (and/or hopefully fixed their old weaknesses from a year ago) I thought I'd ask again....

What are your bass fishing weakneses?

Some of mine in no particular order are...

1. I stink at reading the electronics I have for my pontoon boat, I could be float over a shell bed or just mud and I couldnt tell the difference.

2.  I'm not good with a spinnerbait, swimbait or Jigs.

3. Stubbornness.  If I feel there's fish on a spot, I won't leave the spot even though I'm not catching anything with lots of different lures in different levels of the water column.  Instead of staying for 30 minutes at a dead spot and then moving to another area,  I might stay for 90 minutes or even more.

4.  Fishing deeper water

5. I stink with a baitcasting reel.  Maybe if I ever buy a nice one, I'll get better.

6. Finding patterns.  Just haven't gotten good at it yet.  It's tougher finding patterns being a shore fisherman 80% of the time.

7.  I'm semi cheap.  I never buy the good stuff when it comes to rods and reels and baits like high quality cranks and swimbaits.  I feel this makes a difference sometimes.  All my gear is so..... Average.

8.  I have more weakness but I'm starting to depress myself

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

No patience.

fishing user avatarmicroman reply : 

1. winter fishing

2. lure selection, i cant pick the right lure

3. worm fishing

4. transportation, i don't have a boat

5. novicness, I'm new to bass fishing

6. and bait casting, cast ,backlash,clear,repeat

fishing user avatarBrianinMD reply : 

1. Lake fishing (grew up on river smallies)

2. Deeper water

3. Determining a pattern if its not what I was expecting. Somewhat tied to #2.

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

I do not have electronics so my weaknesses probably wont all be similar to others.  However, my weaknesses include:

1.)  Finding patterns or trying to determine where the fish might be given the current cicumstances.

2.)  Determining what depth to fish at.

3.)  Determining what color lures to use.

3.)  Not being able to knock the bait monkey off my back

fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 

Slowing down is one of them. The other is to learn when the pattern changes all of a sudden, to recognize  it and adjust with it.

fishing user avatarShane J reply : 

A couple areas I'm working to improve are:

skipping baits

reading and understanding my electronics

bed fishing

drop shot rig (never used it)

fishing user avatar190sxchamp reply : 

Here are some of my weaknesses:

1. Probably my biggest is reading and understanding my electronics.

2. Being stubborn about trying new methods or new places on the lake. I seem to go to the same lakes, fish the same places that have worked in the pasts and fish the same baits as I've always fished.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Jigging spoon

30' plus water

Drop Shot

fishing user avatarswilly78 reply : 

1. River fishing, just cant seem to get the hang of reading the water.

2.  Slowing down

3. I need to get a proper boat.

fishing user avatarHook Set reply : 

1.I feel like I fish too fast sometimes.

2.I don't trust my own judgement enough.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

Probably a really good fisherman/woman could spot my weaknesses better than me.  If I knew what or how to do things differently, I would.  Reading electronics would probably stand out, however.

I still stink at flipping/pitching and skipping-which makes things bad as I like to fish docks and under tree limbs, etc.

fishing user avatarzero limit reply : 

1)  being stuck on shore(i need a canoe or boat)

2)   not fishing senkos enough

3)  fishing the same spot

4)  bait monkey ( to many lures, dont use them all)

fishing user avatarEasternPAfisherman reply : 

1. I guess is patience, when I caught my PB last year it was FREEZING cold and very WINDY! but I hung in there.

2. Patterns, I'm a shore fisherman 100% of the time, if the wind is blowing to the one shoreline, I gues there's bass there. Sometimes it's right.

3. Flippin and pitching, I got a new MH 7' so I should start doing that.

Nothing else really, I was good at baitcasting when I started so I think that's all.

fishing user avatarsteezy reply : 

Not being able to stop.

I will fish in the dark and in 20 degree weather for hours just to catch a single  2# fish.

fishing user avatarSimp reply : 

Wow Bass_Akwards what are you good at????

In all seriousness my weakness is getting off the bank and locating fish. There are a lot of little things that you have to be good at or at least have a idea at what to do .  I need to get better at all of them so I can make this happen on a consistent basis.

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

Dropshotting.I can't catch a cold. Need a better setup though.

Basically anything more than 15ft of water. I lose all confidence.

Jigs,jigs,jigs! I despise them. I still cannot for the life of me see the allure of the stupid things or how it is more effective than a texas rig.

I move around too much,fish too fast, and change baits way too often MOST of the time.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

the part about catching fish  :-/

fishing user avatarChaz Hickcox reply : 

Cypress Trees, soft plastics, not having electronics on my boat, jigs, COLD, muddy water.

I grew up sight fishing with swimbaits, crankbaits or topwater, everything else is pretty foreign to me.

fishing user avatarCasca reply : 

1.locating fish

2.catching fish in cold water

3.force feeding fish(I want to catch fish on a T-rig today)



fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

understanding that just because i want to fish a certain way doesn't mean I should. example. I love to fish topwater and i find myself fishing topwater and not catching anything while my buddy will be hammering them on say spinnerbaits.

fishing user avatarJepu reply : 

Getting stuck on routine techniques on familiar bodies of water because they have worked in the past, and not analyzing the conditions and all the other factors and making an educated decision. This is why I enjoy fishing new bodies of water so much. I love the map study and the homework leading up to the outing, and usually it pays off quite well. I feel that I could greatly enhance my success if I better disciplined myself on familiar bodies of water.

fishing user avatarBlade-Runner reply : 

Changing lures/presentations too often.

The number one thing I can do to increase chances for a hookup is to keep that bait (whatever it is) in the strike zone for the maximum amount of time (where are you at walleye guys?).

Instead I'm always dicking around changing lures and giving the fish way too much credit in terms of discretion and selectivity...Just put it in their face!!!

fishing user avatarventureboat reply : 

Good topic, thanks for starting it.

1. Absolutely reading electronics

2. Get further off the bank, fish the deeper water

3. When it comes to tournaments, no more live or die by one bait (usually a french fry when it's tough)

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Should I stay or should I go. When tournament fishing I always question catch a limit of small fish or look for the bigguns. Or maybe the bigguns are with the small ones and I should change presentations. Or how long should I stay in a spot that normally holds fish but is not producing. I  guess the answer to the question is Indecisiveness

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 
Not being able to stop.

I will fish in the dark and in 20 degree weather for hours just to catch a single 2# fish.

Well that about sums it up for me. We need to go on a long *** fishin' expedition. I just need to win the lottery, quit my job and ditch the better half. I'll be in touch.... :o

fishing user avatarMr Jenkins reply : 

1. not letting go of my confidence baits even when they dont work

2. finesse fishing in general, I despise it I wish they would outlaw it

3. fishing anything over ten feet in depth

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Probably pulling the trigger on guiding, I have total confidence I can do it but I don't have confidence I can charge for it.

I'll do it for free & I know it ;)

fishing user avatarFishing Doug reply : 

Losing crankbaits and falling off the boat are the first two that come to mind.   >:(

More importantly-being impatient. I have to constantly remind myself that I am out on the water for fun and that there may be those days where you only put a few (or none) in the boat.

fishing user avatarA-Rob reply : 

1. I think consistency is my biggest issue.

I need to be better at picking apart the patterns with the smallmouth. I find largemouths are more predictable, and I can usually get into a handful of them but smallmouths are still sporadic for me for the most part, and I more often fish smallies.

2. Slowing down, I like to fish fast although the baits I am best at should be used slow! I have adapted a lot of them slow guys to fish them faster and get reaction strikes, but sometimes its just not right.

3. Finding 'the spot'. I fish on the great lakes, there are unlimited places to fish, its not often easy to just pick the 1 piece of cover and assume there's fish there, its picking the best cover out of the unlimited cover. 

fishing user avataropie reply : 

My lures will easily triple their time in good water if I can improve my casting accuracy and boat (or kayak), control.

fishing user avatarA-Rob reply : 

haha it's funny to note that most people have the same locating the fish!

I know I do

fishing user avatartnbassfisher reply : 

1. Crankbaits. Where and when to throw? Different retrieves.

2. Working a baitcaster. I haven't had one for an extended length of time, and just started getting the hang of it before the cold came.

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 

Not refining a pattern. Even if it is working it can be improved.

Not specialized enough. I don't have a go to tactic. I have my favorites. Jigs, jerkbaits, and shakey heads in that order. But still no GO TO tactic.

Refining a system to much. This doesn't jibe with not specialized enough, but I generally stick with a technique to refine it as much as possible, even at times I should change things up.

Mostly with Jig fishing over the last couple of years.

Recognizing changes in environment even if subtle and using them to my advantage.

Those are the ones I'd like to work on this year.

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 
Getting stuck on routine techniques on familiar bodies of water because they have worked in the past, and not analyzing the conditions and all the other factors and making an educated decision. This is why I enjoy fishing new bodies of water so much. I love the map study and the homework leading up to the outing, and usually it pays off quite well. I feel that I could greatly enhance my success if I better disciplined myself on familiar bodies of water.

Spoken like it came from my own mouth. ;D

Same reasons I like new water as well. It's easier to stay more focused.

I find it much easier to stay focused when fishing by myself and plan to do more of that this year.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Sanother siteBASSER, to be consistent your goto should not be a single technique  ;)

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 
My lures will easily triple their time in good water if I can improve my casting accuracy and boat (or kayak), control.

This should be an easy fix. You can do it in your yard. Get a stool, a cup, and get after it.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

I am really surprised no one has mentioned:

"Knowing when you are on fish."

That was one of the hardest things I ever tried to figure out. It is still a question that comes up a lot when practicing.

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

Well 1#Not making more time to go fishing

      2# I always fish the same lures(plastic),not willing to try anything else.

        3#Don't fish deep water much

       4# Fish the same old lakes all of the time.

fishing user avatarbmadd reply : 

My biggest weakness is when I'm in tournaments and I find a good wad of short fish, I have a hard time leaving in search of bigger fish.

Whenever I do leave, if I don't start to catch them quick my confidence goes way down because I know at that last spot I was wearing them out  :-/

fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 

Spending too much time in 1 area with the same lure tied on while most likely overlooking a more productive area.

Fishing too fast.

Reading electronics. Now a days every one has electronics in the front and the rear. As a back boat fisherman in tournaments I am able to see the electronics by the steering wheel, I just can't tell you anything but the depth and temp.

Cold weather fishing. I fish from the shore most of the time and think they should be deep, but will they be deep, and where does shallow end and deep begin, and what is considered deep for this lake, stuff like that.

fishing user avatardeep_wormin reply : 

Fishing a jig.

fishing user avatarkikstand454 reply : 

well other than not having a boat...

i think my biggest weekness is that i need to be more diverse in my selections when im in the back of the boat. when my angler is killing them on a paddle tail for instance over grass... i try to tell myself to throw somethign else... maybe a fluke... maybe a trigged beaver if were going slow enough.... things like that.

you know hoping to catch some that hes missing, or ones that werent in the mood for the presentation he is using. but then after 100yds of not really doing anything and hes still catching them... i switch to what hes doing and just hope he misses spots.

its not very productive and im constantly being "Front boated".

i guess my weakness is developing my own plan when im not making all the decisions.

that and jigs.... why cant i catch fish on them? wth?

fishing user avatardnb reply : 

Continuing to use the same pattern in the same areas for weeks even if it slows down. I've been throwing a shallow running crank for a month and it produced excellent a couple weeks ago but now im lucky to get a few bites. I get stuck on baits after I learn to use them effectively.

Winter is here and I need to learn to slow down. The bass are not going to chase my lure I may get a reaction bite if I get it in front of there face but the shallow crank bite is not the best option now.

Also electronics

fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 

-Catching fish

Nah im just playin.

But whenever i hear like even the smallest splash, i tend to cast over their like 30 times, usually its a frog goin into the water

fishing user avatarsalmicropterus reply : 

1. Not getting a consistently good hookset-I lose too many fish

2. In a tournament situation not knowing when to vacate Plan A to go to Plan B

3. Electronics (I am amazed with all the comments on this that someone out there has not written a good book on electronics-one that matches what you see on the graph with the real time positioning of the fish vs the boat and transducer)

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

not being able to find a haaaawt fisherwoman that loves to fish

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

Beating the dead horse.  I will stick with stuff that is not working WAY too long!!

fishing user avatarlure junkie reply : 

general overall experience as it pertains to decision making, judging quality water,as well as was previously mentioned, knowing your on fish

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

1) Not treating each fishing day as brand new and relying too much on past experiences.

2) Clear water.  I have yet to understand how far a smallmouth will move to hit a bait. My buddy will throw top waters in 50 feet of water and it, at times works.

fishing user avatarnashontheriver reply : 

my weaknesses include, but are not limited to:

-correct equipment combinations (line weight vs. lure)

-still not sure how to properly fish a jig and assorted other lures(i wish i would've gone fishing when my grandpa was still around)

-not investing in very high-quality gear

(using a meijer ugly stick and zebco mystic stick)

-spending lots of time on BR instead of working

(just kidding boss)

fishing user avatarNasTMcfingas reply : 

Not having a boat

Never fished a river

Never really fished a major body of water

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 

I don't like to think of them as weaknesses, but challenges.

1. I need to learn to fish soft plastics, other than T-rigged worms.

2. I Should take more time for weekend trips. Most of my fishing is after work or maybe a Saturday or Sunday afternoon at the two local lakes. I only live a couple of hours from a half-dozen larger lakes, but I can't seem to tear myself away from "everyday stuff" to make the trip.


fishing user avatarHawghead reply : 

I like many already stated am a bank beater, so fishing out in deeper water is my weakpoint 100%.

Need to add carolina rigs, and dropshot rigs to my arsenal.

I can say this website has helped me improve the quality of my gear and get into the "senko" style baits.

fishing user avatarknap reply : 

fishing with cranks, i love fishing with plastic and jigs but for some reason i do not like fishing with a crank bait i usually get ticked and quit fishing with it. :-/

fishing user avatarTriton Jones reply : 

getting to excited...  This is bad for me.. I will rat nest or over shoot my target and get a snag.  I will just make some type of dumb move.  :P  I have a long list of dumb thing i have done when I got too exited when fishing. 

fishing user avatarKenny418 reply : 

Catching fish on spinner baits

Drop Shotting

Reading 2-D sonar

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

#1 reading current in a river, I am uncomfortable with it, and therefor struggle.

#2, and this is a stupid one, I seem to like to leave fish to find fish.

#3 when things go wrong in a tournament I get VERY frustrated, which only leads to things continuing to go wrong.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

My major weakness is that I constantly buy tackle and or equipment that I definitely do not need....

fishing user avatarBass_Fanatic reply : 

1. Reading electronics...apparently no one can do that

2. Fishing water 10+ ft.

3. Carolina Rig/Drop shot/Shakey Head

fishing user avatarbrownbass reply : 

Electronics; You can never learn enough about electronics!

Flipping & Pitching; I don't use these techniques enough!

Jigs; I just don't use them enough!

Fishing a big body of water; I do not prefish them correctly (a mistake i will fix)

Fishing in Spring (Cold Water)

I promise i will work on these!  ;)

fishing user avatartkite16 reply : 

Crankbaits,Senkos and not committing to offshore structure

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

Well, I don't own a boat... :-[  Gee, I really don't have any weaknesses.....cept finding the dang fish.. ;D

Also, I get frustrated when I fish with someone that moves to fast..i.e. 3 cast's and move on.. ::)

fishing user avatarbassinbob54 reply : 

adjusting to changeing conditions during the fishing day

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

What are your fishing Weaknesses?

How would you like that, 'numerically' or 'alphabetically'?


fishing user avatarJohnnyBigger reply : 

What are your fishing Weaknesses?

How would you like that, 'numerically' or 'alphabetically'?


HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Im with ya on that brother.......mine is lck of expierencs with electronics and techniques... I can find the fish but im only 23 and have a hard time picking the right lure,or presentation

fishing user avatarIneedanewscreenname20170204 reply : 

My fishing weaknesses:

- deep water

- electronics - I hear they do more than depth and temp?

- trying new techniques with patience

- fishing in wind

- buzzbaits

- most topwater - intend to try sammy this year...

- fishing cold water

- fishing clear water

- fishing hot water

maybe I should work on my golf game...

fishing user avatarjustbassintime reply : 

i wish i had more patients, i get so mad late in a tournament and i have a empty live well. I wish i could try a new bait, technique and fish it long enough to see if it will work or not.

fishing user avatarNitroBass23 reply : 

I would have to say my biggest weakness is to frequently going back to methods Im most comfortable with...which might be one of my strengths too...wierd

fishing user avatarFish M4ST3R reply : 

I fish too many different bodies of water because I hear slight rumours of good fishing. I go and find out it is not.

fishing user avatarThe Bassinator reply : 

1. I dont know the depth of the water im fishing when in my canoe

2. I'm not really good with a baitcaster but getting better

3. I fish from the bank too much because I dont want to take the canoe out

4. I try to vary lures but I go back to my soft plastics most of the time

fishing user avatarWild Bill [NY] reply : 

Work gets in the way....LOL !!!

So do so many other things.

So many lures; so little time to fish !!

fishing user avatarPez reply : 

1. Not being able to tell myself "one more cast"

2. Fishing in the wind (not using the wind to my advantage)

3. fishing deeper water

fishing user avatarNeedAnewScreenName-587943 reply : 

you guys are too hard on yourselves. fishing is fun :)


finding a boat parked on 'my' spot. some guys in our balt/dc reservoirs will work a prime spot all day because the lakes are small (e.g. 500-900 acres), few in number, and surrounded by millions of people. Around here, when you get a shot at prime real estate on Saturday, you don't let go. <my weakness is adjusting on the fly and not getting too frustrated when they don't move all day>

fishing user avatarskeeteroneal reply : 

Offshore structure is my goal for this year

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

Im not very good at drop shotting or winter fishing.

I havent been very successful with jigs but i think most of my porblem is the fat line i was using on them

Never gaught a fish on a buzzbait but have never really tried them a whole lot

Never caught a fish on a spinnerbait but ive only used them a few times im gonna try more this year

fishing user avatarPhranchise1213 reply : 

Well, my list is too long but among other things...for me my biggest weakness shows its ugly face in the winter time...and many of you know the little primate very well...he hides out in the closet and whispers things while you least that's my theory..i could be wrong, he could be under your bed for all I know. The fact remains that you wake up and before you even eat breakfast, you are scouring the web for deals on tackle and possibly considering skipping work to make a trip to BPS.


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