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Picture of Perry's bass!!!! 2024

fishing user avatarPond-Pro reply : 

There is now a picture of whats supposedley Perry's bass! It was in my bassmaster that I got today. I can't seem to find a pic to post yet, But it definetley looks 20lbs+.  :o

fishing user avatarcpvenom reply : 

Are you sure you arent thining of Mac Weakleys 25 pounder that he caught in march?  that was in the new bassmaster but there are no pictures of George Perry's bass.

fishing user avatarWill reply : 

Ya, I seen it. It's Perry's page 20 June issue.

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

Hold on! How the heck did you guys get your June bassmaster already???  :-?

Must be nice! LOL! I probably won't see mine for another week. Did I win any thing in the June one? hahaha!

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

What bass?

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

I havent got June yet, my latest is March

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Yes I saw it as well.  Looks pretty convincing.

fishing user avatarball_coach_1 reply : 

Yes, the pic is in the June issue, got it yesterday.

Agree with KU, the picture is convincing, and it would end any arguement it was a striper.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I usually have my next month's issue by this time.  If you guys just received yours in the last couple of days, maybe I'll be seeing mine soon.  

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

So...75 years for the photo to surface? Gee...I wonder why it surfaced in the age of computers and PHOTOSHOP!  ::)  ;D

If this photo surfaced in the 50's,60's,70's or even 80's...I'd buy it. But this is 2006. My 16 year old brother can probably chop a photo to make it look like I caught a 22 pounder also.

By the way...I have not seen the photo yet. But I'm skeptical even without seeing it. 75 years to release a photo that is in such demand?

Like I asked...what bass??

fishing user avatarHookem reply : 

If its the photo I'm thinking of,  it is a photo of the replica mount. There isn't a pic of the actual bass.

fishing user avatarRBR reply : 

You are right hook em, its a replica pic, the other one in Lake Dixon is real also, they said the guy Weakley offered a 1,000 dollars to the guy fishing it for 11 hours on the nest.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
You are right hook em, its a replica pic, the other one in Lake Dixon is real also, they said the guy Weakley offered a 1,000 dollars to the guy fishing it for 11 hours on the nest.

Well,  here comes the worms.  LOL

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 


fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

Not agin ::)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I hope we don't go threw this again.  :P

This horse has been beaten to death already.  She can't handle any more abuse.  LOL

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Until the IGFA gets it right...this dead horse will continue to be beaten to a bloody pulp. But...I'll take the high road on this one. I have already ranted enough about it.  :-X

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

No it's not the pic of the replica.  It's a pic of Perry with a little boy in his diapers holding the bass, supposedly outside the post office.  Before I could not believe the record at all.   There was tons of doubt in my mind.  "They" said there was a pic, but it couldn't be found.  Now it is found.  Now I can believe the record with a little more certainty.  100% ...... far from it.  But I guess I can believe it more than I can doubt it.

Like Capt. Cali said though ... Why now??  And in this day in age ..... Photoshop is always a possiblity.  Like for instance, I photoshop all my bass I put on here to make them SMALLER so they will fit in the camera. ;D ;D  Do I personally think it's photoshopped ... No.

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

They think it was one of Perry's relatives holding the fish in the pic that was found after an old relative died. The tree has palm trees in the background that are still where the pic was taken.......I Believe!!!!!!! ;D

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 
I photoshop all my bass I put on here to make them SMALLER so they will fit in the camera. ;D ;D

Didn't anyone teach you not to lie?! We all know you make them MUCH LARGER!!

hha ;D

Someone have a link to the picture of it...please

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Like for instance, I photoshop all my bass I put on here to make them SMALLER so they will fit in the camera.


I also shrink my bass so everyone will believe I really caught them.

And also because I don't want everyone fishing in my favorite lake.

Yah that's it, that's the reason I shrink my bassheadscratch.gif

(Those are a couple of 8 pounders in the avatar);)


fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Like for instance, I photoshop all my bass I put on here to make them SMALLER so they will fit in the camera.


I also shrink my bass so everyone will believe I really caught them.

And also because I don't want everyone fishing in my favorite lake.

Yah that's it, that's the reason I shrink my bassheadscratch.gif

(Those are a couple of 8 pounders in the avatar);)


You too .........  That one in mine was a hair over 10.  I don't know if you remember my previous one ......  she was 21 lbs even and a new TX record when I was down there.  I knew nobody would believe that so I shrunk her down to half that size ;) ;D

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 

Let the fish stories begin..haha

fishing user avatarMurray reply : 

what is a bass?

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Well, I took a look at the photo and read the article.  I gotta tell ya, it's pretty convincing.

It would take a heck of a photoshop wiz to have created that photo.  The article documents a link between the family of the woman who had the pic. and the perry family, pluse identification of the location where the photo was taken.

There is enough room for doubt though to keep the nay sayers happy.  But it looks like the real deal to me.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I don't know if you remember my previous one ...... she was 21 lbs even and a new TX record when I was down there. I knew nobody would believe that so I shrunk her down to half that size ;) ;D

I gotta tell you KU, that bass looked 21 lbs even after your photoshop editingdrool1.gif

fishing user avatarHookem reply : 

The picture I was referring to is the one on this link the caption "The Family Admires Replica".

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

So...75 years for the photo to surface? Gee...I wonder why it surfaced in the age of computers and PHOTOSHOP!

ding, ding, ding....we have a winner.

The photo is nice but after all these years???? If I was under scrutiny and been called a liar for decades, it might have been a priority to clear my good name by producing a photo I said I had....oh, in 1940 or so. Sorry guys, the WWB was caught at Lake Dixon this year by Mac Weakley.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

Can someone post a pic for those of us who still haven't gotten our issue of bassmaster

fishing user avatarMadGator reply : 

I've searched everywhere on the web for the pic.  I do have my new BassMasters at home.  I can not find the pic that is in the Magazine.  Interestingly enough the bass in that pic looks an awfull like Weakley's bass.  Just my two cents.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

The link is above, 2 replies back.

fishing user avatarfishingfrenzy reply : 

That pic isn't new, it has been around for a long time.  They also had the mount at the Atlanta, Georgia BPS.  The record won't be around much more, cause when I get my driving license (17) Dixon Lake is gonna be in trouble.  Along with Mac Weakley, Jed Dickerson, and the whole gang.  Any one care to join me ;)

fishing user avatarikebass15 reply : 

i saw it. it's definentaly 20+ lbs.  how abouy that 25 lb. one from cali!!

fishing user avatarp-funk reply : 
The link is above, 2 replies back.

Evidently that's not the correct picture.  Someone mentioned earlier that the picture in Bassmaster has Perry holding a baby in diapers and the fish.  

Someone just scan it or take a picture of the page and post it.  :D

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 
The link is above, 2 replies back.

Evidently that's not the correct picture. Someone mentioned earlier that the picture in Bassmaster has Perry holding a baby in diapers and the fish.

Someone just scan it or take a picture of the page and post it. :D

Alright I am on it!!!!

BTW - I said it was Perry holding the fish ......... Well after reading the atricle, they don't know who is holding the bass. They suspect it is his fishing buddy and they have no clue who the baby is.

I will post the pic in a few minutes.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Maybe the baby is Mac Weakley... :D

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Here it's is:


fishing user avatarAmBASSador reply : 
Sorry guys, the WWB was caught at Lake Dixon this year by Mac Weakley.

You might find some who will disagree with you, but I don't!

I was introduced to bass fishing in 1977 while in the Navy stationed at NAS Miramar. I was an avid fly-fisherman having grown up in Montana. One of my first thoughts arriving at Miramar was to seek out a place to catch trout. I ended up on lake Dixon the next day. The trout fishing was good there but different than I was used to. I met some other fishermen who rented a boat. They were Bass fishermen they talked me into trying it out. I rented a house off base, just north of Escondido and fished Dixon regularly for the next four years. We would carolina rig a live rainbow 10 to 12"( probably wasn't legal) and catch bass up to 9 lbs.

The bass in that lake eat a lot of big planted trout and a lot of them are fatter than they are long.

I was surprised when I heard Perry's record had been broken, but not when I heard where it was caught. I feel there are several record bass in there. Lower Otay Lake by San Diego also may hold a Record fish.

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Got mine a week ago and it looked good to me. :)

fishing user avatarPond-Pro reply : 

       Yeah, thats the picture I was refering to KU. Thanks for posting it. The palm trees in the back supposedly identify the spot where the fish was wieghed. The fish was wieghed at the Helena post office and those trees are still there today. (according to the Bassmaster article)

       I had major doubts before I seen this, but now that I have a pic, there is not much to argue about anymore.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

      I had major doubts before I seen this, but now that I have a pic, there is not much to argue about anymore.

That's kind of the way I felt too, but I still think there are some major doubts.  For instance, Who is in the pic??  Why don't we have a pic with Perry in it??  The article said the pic was found in 2005 ..... Why make it public now??  Then there is always the photoshop issue.

So do I 100% believe it ...... Not yet, but I believe it a whole lot MORE than before.

Did you also notice that Bassmaster Mag put a little on the side hoping someone would see this pic and be able to answer some more questions.  It kind of reminds me of that TV Show, "Unsolved Mysteries". :)

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 
We would carolina rig a live rainbow 10 to 12"( probably wasn't legal) and catch bass up to 9 lbs.

Totally illegal in California.

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

Anybody with about 50 grand could catch the world record bass.  Just pay a bunch of illegal aliens $5 an hour to scan the shoreline of dixon lake next spring until they spot that world record fish again.   I'll instruct them to sit on the fish while I fly down.  I'll work her nest over for days if needed to force her to bite.  Then I'll be hoisted upon the shoulders of California anglers and regarded as the greatest angler of all time.  Heck, it seems even if I foul hook her some don't care!  Not even finding the fish...offering to pay the people who found her...and then foul hooking that giant bass is about as impressive 7th place finish in my bass club tournament last weekend.  Ok...less impressive.  

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

I was already to admit I was wrong and that Perry's record is legit. But I after seeing that picture I still dont believe it. Why? The photo itself looks good but....................... Dan "LightnigRod" posted that exact photo last year when we had this debate on another board.  That picture has not "just" surfaced. I am not sure what to think about it. I have been contacted by one of the editors of Bassmaster because they quoted me or something like that in that same issue and I asked him about the details of the photo. I will let you know what he says.

I almost hope it is legit so my anger will go away but because I have seen the pic before I dont believe it. It looks like a 20lber that a guy caught with a kid in the pic.  That pic just doesnt prove anything to me. If only it was Perry himself in the picture, then I would honestly admit I was wrong and except it. but d**n it! Now I have to continue being mad about the WR because I dont believe it.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

here is a link to dans post

Natural. It is not that easy or cheap. The cost of rental boats there is rediculous. $30 a day plus a $5 permit. You cant bring your own boat. That fish also likes to live around the boat dock wich you are not alowed to fish off of.

That fish is getting tougher to catch too. This time she waited for bad weather to spawn, which is why it was dificult to see clearly what was happening.  

fishing user avatarjanalon reply : 
Yes, the pic is in the June issue, got it yesterday.

Agree with KU, the picture is convincing, and it would end any arguement it was a striper.


Just change your argument.

fishing user avatarDR_Bass reply : 

Thanks for posting the picture from the June issue of Bassmasters,  I haven't got mine yet....    but it doesn't clear much up for me.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

I heard Perry fouled hooked his too.  ;)

fishing user avatarjb_adams reply : 

I know Photoshop pretty well guys and I know others that can do amazing things with it and I have to say that photo that KU Bassmaster posted looks real to me.  The picture is fuzzy because of it's age.  Why show up now?  Have you guys ever tried to find something you valued dearly and lost it.  It takes a while.  That's why it's lost.... ;D

Just my 2 cents.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

JB the problem with that picture is not the picture itself.  The problem is its not Perry in the picture and nobody can authenticate it.  It could be anybody in that pic and that fish could have been caught anywhare or even found floating. I asked an editor at bassmaster magazine about it and

here is the response I got from bassmaster mag  "Yes, there's an alleged pic of Perry's fish.  As to its legitimacy, your guess is as good as mine!"

I actualy want to believe it. I realy do. Than I could sleep at night   If only it was Perry in the pic.  

For now I dondt think the picture has clearified anything. I will say that if it was Perry in the pic I would not dispute the pic itself or the size of the fish.  

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

OK I wasn't going to chime in on this one but what the heck.

I live in Georgia. I love Georgia and I am proud of being a Georgian. But there are so many holes in Perry's story how can anyone believe it. I look at it this way. Greater than 22lbs 4oz is a great goal and will be a super fish. If that weight was impossible to beat than it would suck. But it isn't. We know that from this past year. Those of you that fish in lakes that hold bass of that caliber need to consider yourself lucky. Now get out there and catch that stinkin fish. Dot all your i's and cross all your t's so we can put this record to rest. It stinks that a record that has so many holes in it stands, but what was the record before that. Do we even know? Just focus on the number and beat it. Please

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

If ya can't prove or disprove it. Georgia's Perry still owns the WR. Lets break it using the IGFA requirements if someone can. All hail to Georgia's world record until then.  ;D

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

I dont disagree with you guys. It just kills me that twice now the record has been beaten but they did it wrong. Weakley IMO made no mistakes other that setting the hook a second late. Duclos on the other hand. All he had to do was keep the fish and have it certified. It just kills me!

When Mike L breaks it evrything will be in order.

For now 22.4 is still the mark to beat.

fishing user avatarjanalon reply : 

If Perry was in the picture  I still do not think that would make everyone happy.

You cannot catch a WR bass 75 years ago and expect everyone to believe it.

We just said Weakly made no mistakes and turned around and said OUTLOUD PERRY IS NOT IN THE PICTURE. Was Weakly?

Excuse me while I set the hook!.

You can snag one in 2006 and NOT have your picture with it you are good to go.

But really, check out the size of that Georgia Bass, I know it Georgia because it has a Georgia dorsal fin.

If we are wonder where the California genes came from, it is not Levi!

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

why get all bent out of shape over the thing, regardless?  Thats what makes me laugh about all this world record talk.  Some people act like they have direct personal ties to it and so forth.  Its just a fishing record that is nothing more than a number.  When someone beats it the right way, then there you go..a new record that I'm sure everyone will inevitably moan and groan about.  

Remember, ITS JUST A FISH...not hurting one person one single bit.  To say that the record is not true because it happened so long ago, before the age of computers and internet and digital camera's and messageboards and so on is just as silly as someone saying the story is all true.  Thats a hawg bass in that picture and we all know that its there we have go out and catch YOUR world record and put some sunshine on your face.

fishing user avatarjanalon reply : 

Actually the naysayers are backing themselves into a corner.

Because, one day soon it will be broken and if it is in California, lets all shout in sync.....

World record broken? WHAT RECORD!!???

Look at some of the old post on some of the other subject's about Perry's Bass..

Those that say, " I want to see a picture of the Bass" those same now want Perry in the picture.

While the same people that demanded  a picture are now asking WHY THEY GOT IT!?

The double and triple standards are like reading a cork board at the local hair saloon.

But the mother of all battles has got to be the ones demanding that Perry be in the picture while supporting the Weakly Bass when Weakly is NOT?

Read the old post, it's like the enquire!


Where are the WMD's in Iraq, have you not heard, they are in jail!!!

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

I see what you are saying, but there is no doubt that Mac Weakley "caught" the bass.  There is eye witnesses and even video.  I also think there is a pic with Weakley with the bass somwhere out there.  It's just the one we are used to seeing is with his buddy.

I always doubted whether THE BASS ever existed or not.  Before I believed the WR about 10% or so.  Now after this pic, it's more like 85%.  There is still some holes in the story, but it's good enough for me to accept the record.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

janalon, The problem with the picture is that nobody knows anything about it. Its not Perry in the pic. It did not come from his children or brothers or sisters. Someone found it. there is no history with it. Its just a picture of a very large bass. The editor of the magazine that printed it called it alleged and could not authenticate it. As for weakley not in the pic, clever retort! but that is a mute point because the fish was never submitted It was however wittnessed and videod, so there is no question to the fact that Mac caught it. Yes I know he foul hooked it. So Perr's ghost lives on. I am a nay sayer because lack off proof and I will remain one until reasonable proof is shown. If that happens I will admit I was wrong. I dodnt have a problem with doing that. I swear if that would have been Perry in the pic it would have been enough for me. It would have been reasonable proof. But it is not reasonable to find a picture witha huge bass in it and assume it was Perry with nothing else to go on other then the big fish. Like I said before it could have been a floater. They found a 24lber dead and took pics of it a few years agou out here. It could have been from another state. who knows?

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 
janalon, The problem with the picture is that nobody knows anything about it. Its not Perry in the pic. It did not come from his children or brothers or sisters. Someone found it. there is no history with it. Its just a picture of a very large bass.

But it is not reasonable to find a picture witha huge bass in it and assume it was Perry with nothing else to go on other then the big fish. Like I said before it could have been a floater. They found a 24lber dead and took pics of it a few years agou out here. It could have been from another state. who knows?

Actually they picture does have "some" history that relates back to Perry.  The photo was found by Jerry Johnson when cleaning out his Aunt's things when she passed away.  Research has shown that the Perry and Johnson familes are connected. (How?? .... the article doesn't say :-/)

The palm trees in the back have also been identified today as to where Perry supposedly weighed the bass at the Helena Post office.  The Palm Trees are still there today as well as the modernized Post Office.

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

I think the interesting thing here is the IGFA's reluctance enact some type of standard for documentation for the earlier records.

They should take the lead what several states have done in excluding or making unofficial records for fish that lack proper documentation standards. Floridas Fritz Friebel caught and held not only the Florida state record but the World Record with a 20lb + bass in the early part of the 1900's. Lack of documentation has excluded his catch as being the official is on the books with an Perry's fish should be. There are several 20lb Florida fish that have suffered the same fate. In fact the Florida record in only 18+lbs. I know of bigger fish that people just don't feel the need to claim.

What the heck is a Georgia dorsal fin? If that wasn't a joke, it was likely a Florida strain bass Perry allegedly caught.

At least now we know it is just a matter of time that this hoax is wiped clean of the books. 2007 will likely see the record topple.

The coincidence that this photo has appeared just after there was much light put on the coincidence???'s just more of the same scam that started in 1932.

Review the facts:

Perry- no photo of fish, no photo with him holding a fish bigger tham 13lbs....and we all saw that fish and know it was smaller

Jack Page????? Who was this witness, where did he go and why was there no listing of him residing in Georgia when it was claimed he did?

The B.A.S.S. lie detector test...Perry refused to take it.

Perry extorting baits from Creek Chub claiming he would exchange a photo of the bass for them....never happened...cause there was no photo.

I caught it on a wigglefish, um a shiner, um I meant a moss mouse....errr....uhh......what baits will I get for free????? . Either this guy was senile or a big liar. I'm going with #2

To his credit, Perry didn't start the ball rolling for the Record, the Magazine did. He also didn't really capitalize off of it so in a sense, why the big facade? Don't know.

Holes, holes, holes.....this story should have been buried a long time ago.

Sorry, just venting as this makes me crazy.

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 
janalon, The problem with the picture is that nobody knows anything about it. Its not Perry in the pic. It did not come from his children or brothers or sisters. Someone found it. there is no history with it. Its just a picture of a very large bass. The editor of the magazine that printed it called it alleged and could not authenticate it. As for weakley not in the pic, clever retort! but that is a mute point because the fish was never submitted It was however wittnessed and videod, so there is no question to the fact that Mac caught it. Yes I know he foul hooked it. So Perr's ghost lives on. I am a nay sayer because lack off proof and I will remain one until reasonable proof is shown. If that happens I will admit I was wrong. I dodnt have a problem with doing that. I swear if that would have been Perry in the pic it would have been enough for me. It would have been reasonable proof. But it is not reasonable to find a picture witha huge bass in it and assume it was Perry with nothing else to go on other then the big fish. Like I said before it could have been a floater. They found a 24lber dead and took pics of it a few years agou out here. It could have been from another state. who knows?

really, what kind of "facts" are you going to get after 74 years?  Acting like this is some guy that made millions off the fish and all that stuff just sounds dumb.  What reason is there to be so adamently against this record?  Why do you care so much?  You're only going to believe what you're willing to accept..and from the sound of things, you don't accept that he caught the fish so you're basically asking for a one in a million chance to be proven wrong.  Why would the family really lie about it?  Or anyone else for that matter...they're not gonna gain anything from it.  The length to which some people are going to discredit a silly record..its humorous.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Ken your wrong. I am not asking for 1 in a million. I am asking for reasonable proof. If that was Perry in that pic I would be a believer, period. If they can actualy authenticate that pic I will be undisided. I am not that stuborn. I do not have a problem admiting when I am wrong. Why do I care so much about the record? Good question. maybe because I know it exists right here in my lakes and I am obseesed with trying to catch it. I lost a fish two years ago that I estimate around 20lbs. It could have been 17 but it could have been bigger. I will never know. The record in in my mind each night before I go fishing in one of the lakes I know to have fish in that class. I target big bass its what I dream about. I am addicted

KU the editor said his guess was as good as mine regaurding the pictures authenticity. Thats what he told me. So with that I still do not believe.

reasonable proof is all I ask for.

fishing user avatarjanalon reply : 

Ken and Matt, it seems it may not have been Perry in the picture.

I guess this means the record is not legit, I sure hope some one steps up and breakd the fake record soon. Maybe even with a fake striper.

The problem I have with a record that is not legit is the poor soul that breaks it.

I do agree with a lot of your selective enforcement.

Adding our own standards to the catch of the world recored will keep it elusive until we catch it ourself.

And that is an encourging thought is it not?

Ken, if you hook that bass and land it, I will like so many others, we are the majority, you know?

I will shake your hand and swear that Georgia will take take it back one day.


You know if you SHAKE it and DON'T FAKE IT, MR. Bass will TAKE IT.

fishing user avatarjanalon reply : 

The remark on the Georgia Dosal Fin was a joke.

Us Floridians are safe and secure.

Just make sure if you catch a WR bass......

Stamp it on the fin.

Enquiring Bass fisherman not not only want to know, they insist.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

All I know is, somebody is holding Georgia's WR bass in that photo. Ya wanted a photo. Ya got a photo. That's a huge bass. Yea, photos can be found later. How many cameras do think were around back then. Geez!!! I have found photos of my grandfather that I have never seen before. They said he was real all my life, but I never saw a picture of him. One day we found one of him. Somebody must have doctored the photo huh? Get real and break our record if you can. Later.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I saw it ,and it looks as big as the one that got away in CA.

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

I think Weakley's bass has deflated the record. It seems it is a matter of when, not if it will be broken. Who would have thought that a largemouth frame could even carry 25lbs.

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 
Ken your wrong. I am not asking for 1 in a million. I am asking for reasonable proof. If that was Perry in that pic I would be a believer, period. If they can actualy authenticate that pic I will be undisided. I am not that stuborn. I do not have a problem admiting when I am wrong. Why do I care so much about the record? Good question. maybe because I know it exists right here in my lakes and I am obseesed with trying to catch it. I lost a fish two years ago that I estimate around 20lbs. It could have been 17 but it could have been bigger. I will never know. The record in in my mind each night before I go fishing in one of the lakes I know to have fish in that class. I target big bass its what I dream about. I am addicted

KU the editor said his guess was as good as mine regaurding the pictures authenticity. Thats what he told me. So with that I still do not believe.

reasonable proof is all I ask for.

What am I wrong about?  You're asking for "reasonable proof" for something that happened 74 years ago and has been talked about for the last 50 by everyone and their mother who fishes.  What more are you going to learn?  Theres a snowballs chance in hell that some evidence has lasted through that much time to "prove" to you that he actually caught that fish.  I'm not trying to say you're a bad person or anything like that, just saying that its just a number that CAN be beaten and its one of the largest(and to me, entertaining) fish stories of all-time.  I can't really see anything wrong with that.  From my knowledge, all Perry received was a handful of lures from Creek Chub.   Quite a far cry from the myriad of things probably going to be thrown the way of whoever sets the new record.  All I'm really sayin though is this...get out there and try to break the record if you don't think it should stand.  Us humans are always "woulda coulda shoulda" but sometimes ya gotta just do it.  I just don't think Perry should be called a liar, a cheat, whatever happened so long ago and not one of us here were alive even remotely close to when he caught whatever fish he caught.

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 
I think Weakley's bass has deflated the record. It seems it is a matter of when, not if it will be broken. Who would have thought that a largemouth frame could even carry 25lbs.

With the technology and the research we have at our fingertips about growing things..I don't think there should be a doubt in ANYONES mind that the record WILL be broken.  We've already seen proof that fish can grow beyond 22 lbs and I'm sure there are some that are much larger than that but will never be caught because they're just too smart/inaccessible.  Thats why I don't think the record is a big deal, its going to fall to a new one..soon.  

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Believe me Ken I and many others are teying to break it. Mike long catches fish every year that are over 18lbs.  He will probably be the one

fishing user avatarTriton_Mike reply : 

I'm not touching this one with a 8ft swimbait rod ;) LMAO!!  

T Mike

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
I'm not touching this one with a 8ft swimbait rod ;) LMAO!!

T Mike

I am with you. ;)

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

I don't know why Mike. The spurts have spoken. ROTFLMAO

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Whether you believe or don't believe that Perry's record is legitimate doesn't matter.  It is accepted as the record and it is the weight that must be broken to set a new record.  Debating it won't change this.  It is what it is.  When everyone is finished debating, the record will still be 22 lbs 4 oz and you will have to catch a largemouth larger than this to change that fact.  

Remember the phrase from the old Serenity Prayer:  God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

This record can't be changed so all of us must accept it.  Irritation over this record will cut years off your life which means less time to fish for bass.   ;)

fishing user avatarsplat_baseball51 reply : 


fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

What a shame Mr. Weakley broke the laws of the state of California and drug the fish in to be weighed vs. releasing it, immediately, when he realized he foul hooked it.  Had he done so we wouldn't have people whining incessantly about this "new"  ::) world record bass.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

What amazes me is? These guys were supposed to be seasoned big bass hunters, knowing that the chances are pretty good that they will catch a huge bass. They were so unprepared. These so called big bass hunters should of had certified scales and a livewell cooler. Dragging a huge fish like that is deplorable. There were way too many rookies mistakes that might have killed that big bass.


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