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Worst Thing That Has Happened To You While Fishing? 2024

fishing user avatarRMcDuffee726 reply : 

Today I had a little kid run in front of my car so I had to slam the breaks and I skidded everywhere.  I didn't hit the kid, but I did manage to put my nice 8 foot kayak clean through my windshield.  Thank you god for insurance.  Definitely could have been worse, but it still wasn't an ideal situation to have happen haha.  The worst part is that I didn't even make it to my fishing spot.  :cry4:  :cry4:  :cry4:  :cry4:  

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

Lost a 8lb+ bass yesterday, PB is 5lbs, yeah so far that's the worst :L

fishing user avatarDjman72 reply : 

I've been skunked a few times....


That's the worst.


In all seriousness i've had good luck in this regard while fishing, the worst thing is I caught a nice treble to the shoulder from a friend's back cast.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 
  On 6/3/2014 at 7:51 AM, RMcDuffee726 said:

Today I had a little kid run in front of my car so I had to slam the breaks and I skidded everywhere. I didn't hit the kid, but I did manage to put my nice 8 foot kayak clean through my windshield. Thank you god for insurance. Definitely could have been worse, but it still wasn't an ideal situation to have happen haha. The worst part is that I didn't even make it to my fishing spot. :cry4::cry4::cry4::cry4:

Yea... Wow glad you didn't hit the child... Everything else is nothing to handle but man if you would have struck a chid? It would hurt for a very long time. Glad you both are safe! Godspeed on you're repairs!!!

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Caught on the water with a 16' boat in a micro burst.

I had a kid run into my car at a red light. As I went to move he rolled off my hood and ran.

fishing user avatarPondHopper96 reply : 

Snapping a rod! Or falling in ice cold water,

Not sure which was worse

fishing user avatarQUAKEnSHAKE reply : 

Couple years ago went to set the hook on a bass and BAM ZAP down I went. Lower back went out and in a world of pain and no vicodin with me. Im now crawling to a bench about 75' away praying dont get worse dont get worse. I manage to get to my feet by using the bench to pull up on. Too I had my bike with me so needed to get that now plus my rod/reel with the fish still on it. Im actually telling myself "Its time to MAN UP" make it to the suv 1/4 mile away.

I get the bike, go back get the rod, reel in the fish my arms shaking flop the fish back in the lake. Im walking now and feel my back getting tighter and tighter. Im now thinking Im not going to make it so; I get on the bike. The handlebars are helping with support of my back. Im standing up pedaling through the grass for about 100yards til I get to the paved path. Now I can coast for a bit but a slight hill to conquer still, manage that then its downslope to the suv.

Im at the suv now and the last part to get done, take the bike wheels off and get the bike in the suv. Im looking around for a person to help me see two older men and my pride took over and so no way could I embarrass myself by asking for help. After each tire comes off I have to brace myself on the trunk to let some pain subside. I dont have much left in me so I brace with one arm and grab bike frame with other and basically toss the frame in the back along with the tires and finally Im getting in to sit.

Im taking a few deep breaths a few WTH and some other language and now thinking Im glad I dont have a stick shift anymore. Home I went.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Found out how much water you can put it a 19' Champion & it not sink!

Pulled a guy out of the water who was thrown from his boat but not before it ran over him twice.

Found the body of a guy who had drown 3 days earlier.

fishing user avatarrmcguirk reply : 

I feel very lucky. The "worst" thing that has happened to me is getting skunked or one time getting a treble hook buried in my wrist -- and the worst thing about that was that it took me away from actively biting fish. Reading some of these stories, like I said, I feel pretty lucky.

fishing user avatarTylertut reply : 

Caught a 36" pike last summer in a river that I thought had no pike. It was way to far south. But I had to lip him because I was wading and had few tools on me. He shook and put two trebles straight through my knuckles. My father had to rip them out. Got some pretty scars from it. It was well worth my first pike though.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 6/3/2014 at 7:51 AM, RMcDuffee726 said:

Today I had a little kid run in front of my car so I had to slam the breaks and I skidded everywhere.  I didn't hit the kid, but I did manage to put my nice 8 foot kayak clean through my windshield.  Thank you god for insurance.  Definitely could have been worse, but it still wasn't an ideal situation to have happen haha.  The worst part is that I didn't even make it to my fishing spot.  :cry4:  :cry4:  :cry4:  :cry4:  



Slow Down.



fishing user avatarRMcDuffee726 reply : 
  On 6/3/2014 at 11:21 AM, A-Jay said:

Slow Down.



I was driving fine.

fishing user avatarTony L. reply : 

Well I certainly cant top that one. Thank God no one got hurt though, or it would have obviously been much worse still.

I think that my worst fishing experiences have all typically involved running a hook into some part of my body or another. Its usually my hand or finger, but I did once manage to catch myself right between the shoulder blades on my first attempt at learning how to use a fly rod. Still don't have that type of casting down-- its a completely different animal

fishing user avatarTony L. reply : 

When I was little, I mean like 4 years old little, I tried baiting my own hook with a nightcrawler to catch bluegill. I was probably too young to have been doing that for myself. Needless to say, one of my uncoordinated little fingers ended up stabbed by the hook point. Sobbing, startled, and obviously very confused about the source of my pain, I turned to my parents and proclaimed that "THE WORM BIT ME!"

I don't recall that being a very fun fishing experience....

fishing user avatarBuzzbaitBite28 reply : 

Worst thing had to be when me and my buddy were trolling for crappie and bass fishing on the side when I happened to cast my crappie rod into the water instead of my lure. Rod goes in the water and line wraps around the prop... That was a bad event but I ended up getting lucky and happened to have my rod tangled up enough to get it back

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 

Probably burying two points of a 2/0 treble hook into my knee. Way past the barb. But I did end up catching two nice stripers so the day wasn't a total wash-out.



fishing user avatarB@ssCrzy reply : 

Fishing a kayak tournament, catch-photo-release, and landed a hog at least for the lake that I was fishing.  She was the third fish of the morning so I had a full "bag" if you will.  Took some pictures and on the last picture she kicked and knocked my camera/cell phone in the water!!!!  Another angler took some pics of her for me and won big bass and the $60 that went with it.  Cost me $600 for new phone.  Would have placed second had I had the other pics. 

fishing user avatarRF813 reply : 

Casting sidearm under some trees while bank fishing. I didn't hear my Son coming up behind me and it smacked him pretty hard across the back of the head on a cast. :dazed-7:


He doesn't sneak up on me anymore.  (but I felt horrible).

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 
  On 6/3/2014 at 10:31 AM, QUAKEnSHAKE said:

Couple years ago went to set the hook on a bass and BAM ZAP down I went. Lower back went out and in a world of pain and no vicodin with me. Im now crawling to a bench about 75' away praying dont get worse dont get worse. I manage to get to my feet by using the bench to pull up on. Too I had my bike with me so needed to get that now plus my rod/reel with the fish still on it. Im actually telling myself "Its time to MAN UP" make it to the suv 1/4 mile away.

I get the bike, go back get the rod, reel in the fish my arms shaking flop the fish back in the lake. Im walking now and feel my back getting tighter and tighter. Im now thinking Im not going to make it so; I get on the bike. The handlebars are helping with support of my back. Im standing up pedaling through the grass for about 100yards til I get to the paved path. Now I can coast for a bit but a slight hill to conquer still, manage that then its downslope to the suv.

Im at the suv now and the last part to get done, take the bike wheels off and get the bike in the suv. Im looking around for a person to help me see two older men and my pride took over and so no way could I embarrass myself by asking for help. After each tire comes off I have to brace myself on the trunk to let some pain subside. I dont have much left in me so I brace with one arm and grab bike frame with other and basically toss the frame in the back along with the tires and finally Im getting in to sit.

Im taking a few deep breaths a few WTH and some other language and now thinking Im glad I dont have a stick shift anymore. Home I went.




Throwing one's back out must sound like science fiction to people who haven't experienced it.  Mine is killing me right now- I KNEW I shouldn't have moved that mattress alone!    

fishing user avatardam0007 reply : 

Striper fishing with my buddy from a pier that also serves as a storm drain run off. In the crack between sections a giant racoon and its babies came out trapping us at end of pier. So I grab my trusty filet knife in case they attacked us. They grabbed 2 of our mackrel and went back in the hole. I hand the filet knife to my buddy so I could jump over hole and move stuff up to the safe end. As soon as went to jump the big racoon jumps out as well startled me and I jumped back swinging my arm and my buddy unwillingly stabbed me in my pinky finger right through to the bone. It sucked!

fishing user avatarbulldogfandan reply : 

I broke my Fibia and Tibia about two years ago when I fell into shallow water while fishing. My grandpa had to take me up the hill in a wheelbarrow (that might be one of the worst experiences of my life) A couple days ago, I got off balanced in my jon boat, and while i was falling into the water, I broke my big toe, cracked the toenail on it, and got a bad cut on my toe, which leads down to the fracture, so there is a huge risk for infection. 

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 
  On 6/3/2014 at 10:50 AM, Catt said:

Found out how much water you can put it a 19' Champion & it not sink!

Pulled a guy out of the water who was thrown from his boat but not before it ran over him twice.

Found the body of a guy who had drown 3 days earlier.


Winner winner chicken dinner.  A prize (and experiences) I'm sure you'd prefer to pass on.  Did they guy who was thrown from his boat survive?

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 6/4/2014 at 3:03 AM, Ratherbfishing said:

Winner winner chicken dinner. A prize (and experiences) I'm sure you'd prefer to pass on. Did they guy who was thrown from his boat survive?[



This was before kill switches, he was hit by prop both times. The only way he could have avioded being hit was to dive under the boat. But he couldn't do because of his life jacket.

fishing user avatarFishes in trees reply : 

Just the normal stuff.  I've fallen out of the boat.  I've had hooks in my hands past the barb.  I've hooked a venomous snake with a buzz bait.  Recently I had motor issues with my outboard and hit a deer with my fishing truck, back to back in consecutive trips, so I missed most of the spring season.


In the past, I've stepped on snapping turtles (no damage, big scare) and tripped over nesting geese on an overgrown pond bank, where I got slapped around a little by its wings and got pecked a few times, no blood, some  bruises.  Once I got my wits about me, the Canada goose got some bruises also.  I'd call that quarrel a draw.  I've had a few good quality rods and reels go overboard, lost forever, because I did something dumb.


If you go fishing at all, it isn't a matter of if a calamity will happen,  it is just a matter of when will it happen.  Several years ago, I had an acquaintance

who was inadequately prepared weather wise for an early spring tournament.  By noon, he was showing signs of hypothermia (I think that is the term, i.e. he was way too cold and inadequately dressed for the weather and a 50 MPH trip in a bass boat) and his fingers got frostbit.  He got an overnight in the hospital out of it and minor damage to nerves in his fingertips is permanent.


None of this is a reason not to go fishing.  I just try to be aware that on occasion stuff will happen.  I just try to be prepared for current conditions and not make dumb stuff happen.

fishing user avatarZach P reply : 

I was in a small john boat on a private pond that is known for holding bass 5+ with some exceeding 7. I was with my buddy and we were positioned just slightly outside of a submerged group of trees. I had my spinnerbait literally 1 foot from the boat when a 7+ destroyed it. I was slowly working him around the boat when I realized we were drifting too close to the trees. My friend (who was manning the trolling motor) was in the process of tying on another bait when I saw the bass swim towards a tree limb and.....pop my line. Easily my worst day of fishing. That bass still haunts me today because it might be the biggest in the pond. To make matters worse 5 minutes later I saw him jump out of the water trying to dislodge my spinnerbait from his mouth.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Going to the ER to get a hook removed from my hand.  Not one of my favorite trips.

fishing user avatarhoosierbass07 reply : 

Last year was my first year fishing and the worst things to happen to me - catching big fish but grabbing the line right near the hook. When the bass jumps the line breaks. I did that three times and I know one of those would have been my personal best last year. I've learned tho, I never grab the line near the hook anymore. I do grab it but an arms length up the line. Also, I blame P-Line Floroclear for being nothing but junk. Now I use regular mono and no knot breaks yet.

fishing user avatarMacP reply : 

I got a hemorrhoid from pooping over the side of my boat once.  I think it was the weird angle.

fishing user avatarSuspendingjerk reply : 
  On 6/5/2014 at 3:03 AM, hoosierbass07 said:

Last year was my first year fishing and the worst things to happen to me - catching big fish but grabbing the line right near the hook. When the bass jumps the line breaks. I did that three times and I know one of those would have been my personal best last year. I've learned tho, I never grab the line near the hook anymore. I do grab it but an arms length up the line. Also, I blame P-Line Floroclear for being nothing but junk. Now I use regular mono and no knot breaks yet.

Man that sucks. I use p line on two of my reels with no problems. Have to lube the knot before tightening it.

  On 6/5/2014 at 3:58 AM, MacP said:

I got a hemorrhoid from pooping over the side of my boat once.  I think it was the weird angle.


fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 

The first time I took my youngest son fishing on Lake Fork, we were fishing some timbers and he got snagged up and didnt know to say something, The next thing I hear was SPLASH!!!  I looked back and Luke was GONE!  My heart stopped till I saw him still facing the timber he was hung up in (and yes, he had his PFV on). Unfortunately he lost his brand new Zebco 33. 

fishing user avatarNorthStar reply : 

I trusted a fart once and sharded myself, later that afternoon I gave the term Lake Commando a whole new meaning. 

fishing user avatarblackmax135 reply : 

I had finally gotten into bass fishing so i invested in a baitcaster got good with it.  So i made my buddy get one, if he was gonna get serious as i was about bass fishing.  He finally got it down pretty decent so we headed to the river and got in one of the natural lakes off the river.  This lake has tons of trees hanging over the water and it seamed that was were my friend was aiming lol every other cast we had to go to the tree and grab the stupid crankbait.  I had finally had enough and it was a tree we couldn't reach by hand i took the reel from him and started snatching and shacking the tree then wap! wap! two water mocassins fall on the front deck of the boat with me one lands on my foot and i sling him to the back of the boat and my friend didn't know what was going on so all he could do was trip and fall out the boat when he seen a snake.  I think that baitcaister is still hanging in that tree from six years ago. lol Earlier this week we took my little john boat to the swamp and i was fishing on a cooler in the middle of the john boat and my buddy (same guy from earlier) makes a sudden movement and there i go in the water back first.  Took 2 seconds to get back in the boat.  Goin over a tree farther down the swamp he was yanking on the boat standing on a tree trying to get over the tree laying down.  Splash down he went.  We don't have phones anymore

fishing user avatarsparky241 reply : 

I had a cat fish clamp down on my thumb when I was real young, that was my introduction to cat fish, I have a scar on my thumb still

fishing user avatarphototex reply : 

I've lost a couple of DD bass, and those were bad...but the worst was getting sprayed by a skunk when I let my boat drift too close to the bank one night.

fishing user avatarTNRanger reply : 

Kicked a flailing catfish as a young kid and he spurred me in the big toe (painful).

Dropped one of my dad's baitcasters over the edge of the boat while right after getting a small fish off the hook. It's still there.

Nearly lost a finger when my launching rope got caught on it once.

Forgot to tie my launching rope to the boat once and had to take a quick swim (or watch my boat float away).

Removed my aerator pump because it crapped out and forgot to put in the new one before I went out. Quickly found out water comes in through that hole.

fishing user avatarABW reply : 

ALMOST had something terrible happen. I snagged my lure onto an old crankbait laying in the water. I didn't see it until I yanked my rod to free my lure and it came flying at my face. I was quick enough to dart my head to the right to avoid getting hooked in the eye. lol

fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 

Forgot my trout fishing setup the other day at a creek, we had a bunch of rods in the car from bass fishing earlier and I didn't even know it was missing...$130 Setup, and the reel was a brand new shimano sahara. Went back to look for it the next day and it was gone. I learned my lesson for sure!

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

If I can put this down right, it is really funny. Have a spare key in my wallet. Put the boat in and leave the keys in truck. Fish down the bank and hook a 2-3 lb. smallie. Bring to the boat and proceed to have the fish and my thumb hooked to the same crankbait. Find my sidecutters and disengage  the fish but have a #200 bandit in my thumb. Back to the boat landing. My cell phone is in the truck. My key is in my wallet in my back pocket on the same side as the lure. I am standing in the parking lot, hook in hand and can't reach my wallet. Drop shorts and reach around. Bare azz in the parking lot to get to my key. To make matters worse, my cousins wife was the ER nurse and the whole family knew about my problem within hours.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Happens to me every time, I have to stop fishing and go home  :cry4:

fishing user avatarfishva reply : 

I accidentally slapped my friend in the face with a crappie once.

Oh wait, you said worst things. Wrong thread:)

fishing user avatarlmoore reply : 

Forgot to tie boat up when launching by myself and ended up swimming naked to get it (long story).

Had a big raccoon get into the boat one night while I had it outside ready to go for the morning, was taking my mom for a boat ride the next day and it chose to exit the boat doing about 30 in 3' rollers.  Turned out to be funny in hindsight.

Trolling motor died on me last weekend out in the middle of a flooded marsh on the Mississippi, had to walk it through trees and brush and backwater muck out to a main slough.  Had all sorts of creepy crawlies on me when I got back in the boat.

fishing user avatarFish_Whisperer reply : 

Here's my worst thing...

fishing user avatarteh_skeeze reply : 

When I was 17, my friend and I found a small pond along the railroad tracks and we had the idea to try and stock it. A couple of weeks later, I caught a 3.5 lb smallie, and put it on the stringer to take to the pond. Just before I go to make my next cast I feel a sharp pain in my right shoulder blade. Turns out my friend had just hooked me in the back. I had to let the fish go, and walked the 2 miles home with a hook and worm in my back. My dad had to push it through the other side and cut it to get it out.

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 

My dad hit me in the back of the head with a shaky head once. Thankfully thats all thats happened.

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

Fell in raging water over the top of my chest waders and dropped an $800 rod/reel combo. Got the rod back, reel was shot, company replaced the rod. That one scared me!

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 

One time I was fishing the area around the boat ramp after dark. I used my bow mount trolling motor to get back to the ramp because I was only a few hundred feet from it. Long story short, I forgot to pull up the trolling motor and proceeded to power load my boat onto the trailer. The crash was horrendous. Trolling motor was fine albeit a little bent, but the deck was a different story. 


This isn't the worst thing that's ever happened to me, but it's getting up there.

fishing user avatarBG RTR reply : 

I got a 6xd hung in the lower limbs of a tree. Co-angler was helping to get it out. He grabs the 6xd Boat moves. Treble goes into finger rather deep and long. Ended the day but glad I had a first aide kit.

fishing user avatarNibby reply : 

Me and a buddy ordered a few nice poppers from bass pro. Decided to go night fishing to test them out. He didn't use his lure holder and the only the the popper caught was the side of my face on the walk back. Had to push the single hook of the treble all the way through the skin before we broke it off. Needless to say haven't been night fishing since

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

My friend and I were on a trolling motor only lake.  We were in an area where there was only one submerged tree strump (visible, anyway).  It was breezy and somehow, while I was distracted, the front motor got wedged in the roots.  With the wind and waves, the boat shook back and forth and, unable to pull the motor up, RIIIIPPPPPP!!!!, the trolling motor ripped out of the deck.  Unhappily, I lay the motor down in the boat and we continued to fish with the back trolling motor.  We got into some thick slop and my friend was trying to run the fouled motor until all of a sudden, the wires on the motor began to melt and burn.  I had enough presence of mind to grab some plyers and yank the wires off the battery but afterwards I, myself, almost had a melt down.  It was my fault for not having a circuit breaker or fuse wired in place so I can't point the finger at anyone other than myself but THAT was a pretty crappy day.  The only good thing was that we were pretty close to the ramp when the second motor went out so I was able to paddle us back without too much difficulty.

fishing user avatargrumpydog reply : 

First time I fished with my wife (4 months after we met) I tried to impress her with my casting prowess. Ended up smacking her with a weedless frog, the kind with the weighted belly. Left her with a nice bruise on her cheek and some serious doubts.  It worked out though, 5 years later and we are still fishing together. :pray:

fishing user avatarbassh8er reply : 
  On 6/3/2014 at 11:21 AM, A-Jay said:

Slow Down.



Great advice. I'm guessing you've never driven fast enough to skid if something ran in front of your vehicle?

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Forgot to put plug in the boat when I took my wife out on the Historic James River.


She can't swim.


Boat started to sink when we stopped to have a picnic on the boat.


It was embarrassing but looking back we laugh about it now.


Plug goes into boat at home before I leave for the ramp.


(I had to run fast back to the ramp to get the water out of the boat; trailered it; went to a boating store and bought another plug; installed it; and returned to the river.  I now carry extra plugs on the boat.)

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 6/13/2014 at 12:52 PM, bassh8er said:

Great advice. I'm guessing you've never driven fast enough to skid if something ran in front of your vehicle?


Or I have and learned from it.


In Every Situation a driver is responsible for the speed at which a vehicle is operated.



fishing user avatarcook7200 reply : 

Just joined but thought I would tell my story. I hope this never happens to anyone! Was fishing late at night with FIL had a great night with him. We were trailering the boat, I attempted to get back on the boat after backing the trailer down and did not notice my foot control for trolling motor had flipped upside down. I climb in and slipped on the back side of the control. I flew up and parallel to the ground. My lower spine landed on the gunwale. I bounced off of it and landed in 12" of water on top of a 10" rock. I lost consciousness with my head below the water line. My FIL realized what had happened and grabbed me out of the water. I came back awake in pain. The boat began floating, thankfully I had a rope tied to the front. I grabbed the rope and gave it to my FIL. Cracked rib and spine, two weeks in bed, and the opportunity for my wife to say, now do you think it's wise to go fishing by yourself!!!! I'm glad my dad was with you. I am to. Valuable lesson learned that night

fishing user avatarTarleet reply : 

Two thing, broke my Dobyns Savvy Series rod and on my ocean kayak trident knocked my mojo bass rod in the water. Like an idiot I didn't put any rod floats on. Last time I went kayak fishing without a rod float in a rod.

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

My two sons and I decided to go to a local lake and try our luck. It was early in the year up north but they still wanted to use a couple float tubes to get out a bit further. Just to explain, my sons are grown men and tend to make their own decisions without listening to their father. Well I was in my kayak and they were in the float tubes. Fishing was going fine and I took a break and leaned back in my kayak and lost my new Oakley sunglasses overboard. Then my one son informs me that he is very cold. I didn't realize the water was that cold. So we decided to head back in right into the wind. Well they were both cold and it was a bit of a hike to get back to the landing so I let them grab onto the kayak and I paddled us home. While I was paddling, my older boy moved up into the path of my paddling and I caught his/my brand new rod/reel combo and it went into the drink. So final tally for the day was about $400 overboard, some sore shoulders from hauling float tubes into the wind and 2 very cold young men.

fishing user avatarFirstnameLastname reply : 

Follow me here. I; broke a rod, lost 10 or twelve bucks of equipment, bruised myself up badly and ruined some clothes. This was all in one day.

fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 

I have had a 60$ lost day. Lost crankbaits, ruined a spool of line, and while trying to retrieve my cranks, I lost my lure retriever. I'm glad my legend tournament made it through that day...

fishing user avatarbmlum415 reply : 

I lost an 8lber when I swung it up a 4 foot bank because I was too lazy to walk down and proceeded to lose a 6lber the following week next to the boat

fishing user avatarJohn V reply : 

my entire zipper bag (large lunchbox size) of soft plastics fell off the back of my truck TODAY, and I didn't notice because the rearview mirror fell off 3 days ago. (It's quite hot in the AL). Instead of fishing, I spent the morning walking hwy 67. someone must have scooped it up because I only found three items from the bag.

fishing user avatarC0lt reply : 

Worst fishing experience happened to me today. 


I walked across the street to my neighbors house, down through his back yard onto a short trail to a city reservoir. After fishing for a while a woman walked by with her dog who I knew (I was old friends with her daughter), we talked for a while, and she walked on. about 10 minutes later I heard someone screaming my name. I immediately dropped my rod (thank god not into the water) and ran over, at the other side of the dammed area was the one with her head and face covered in blood. I still don't know the whole story but some how she fell onto a pile of rocks and cut her head open pretty seriously in multiple spots. Luckily, I had been in the scouting program for about ten years so knew exactly what to do (call 911, preform first aid, which ruined one of my favorite t shirts, kind of bummed but i cant complain). Ended up having to sprint back up the trail to the roads to find the paramedics. She seemed like she was going to be ok she was just freaking out pretty badly. pretty scary experience. 


to make matters even worse, before this happened I lost my new buzz plug to a tree limb, and I had only caught 2 very small large mouths. I may go back tonight but it seems like a bad *** haha

fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 
  On 7/11/2014 at 3:54 AM, C0lt said:

Worst fishing experience happened to me today. 


I walked across the street to my neighbors house, down through his back yard onto a short trail to a city reservoir. After fishing for a while a woman walked by with her dog who I knew (I was old friends with her daughter), we talked for a while, and she walked on. about 10 minutes later I heard someone screaming my name. I immediately dropped my rod (thank god not into the water) and ran over, at the other side of the dammed area was the one with her head and face covered in blood. I still don't know the whole story but some how she fell onto a pile of rocks and cut her head open pretty seriously in multiple spots. Luckily, I had been in the scouting program for about ten years so knew exactly what to do (call 911, preform first aid, which ruined one of my favorite t shirts, kind of bummed but i cant complain). Ended up having to sprint back up the trail to the roads to find the paramedics. She seemed like she was going to be ok she was just freaking out pretty badly. pretty scary experience. 


to make matters even worse, before this happened I lost my new buzz plug to a tree limb, and I had only caught 2 very small large mouths. I may go back tonight but it seems like a bad *** haha

:sad78: :sad78: :sad78:

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

Worst thing to happen to me fishing, was losing one of my Dad's lures. I should've never fished it. I've regretted losing it for years.

fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 
  On 7/12/2014 at 3:58 AM, TNBassin said:

Worst thing to happen to me fishing, was losing one of my Dad's lures. I should've never fished it. I've regretted losing it for years.

Think of it as giving the water a gift.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

My worse experience was on a cottage trip. We decided to fish through the night and while moving to another spot, we had motor issues and were stranded on the river. We tried to row back, but we were struggling real bad with the swarm of mosquitoes. Literally being eaten alive. Luckily, a passing boater gave us a ride back to the cottage. Gave him a 6pack of beer to thank him.

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

On a party boat bluefishing, had my camera, phone and other valuables in a bag on the bench behind me. Genius next to me decides to try to cast, hooks my bag and flings it away into the deep blue....

fishing user avatarFishing Cop reply : 

I had to take a CRAP! So, I hung off the edge of my aluminum boat swaying and praying. But it hit the edge just right and bounced into the boat. I forgot to bring the toilet paper. Yea, you guessed it. I had to get it out. Sucked!!!

fishing user avatarNuffsaid23 reply : 

Getting chased by a giant hornets nest 500 yards out of the woods till eventually jumping in the lake and nearly landing on a snake that may or may not have been venomous...

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 

August 3rd 2013.

In the middle of Missisquoi Bay on Lake Champlain, about 130pm.

Tournament sucked.

Wife called and told me my dog had just died.

Sat in the back of the boat for a moment and cried, and talked to her.

About 15 minutes later a huge hail storm hit, by the time I got my rain gear on, it stopped.  I was wet and hot...  

240 pm trying to get back to the launch another hail storm.

I'm sad, wet, hot, and sore.

Got home at 500 to realize I had left my phone and wallet in the boat and they were at my boater's house, across the county...

Wife stops me before I go to get them and tells me she needs to tell me something...  greaaaaat...

About 10 minutes after she and I spoke about my dog, my step mother called and gave her the news that my father had 10 months to 2 years to live, his cancer had returned...

I'm tearing up writing this.


That my friends is a bad day of fishing.

fishing user avatarNuffsaid23 reply : 

Or me and my friend having to row 2 miles in a jon boat with one oar after the trolling motor died in 25 mile an hour wind with gust at 40 blowing against us. That was an all day journey right there.

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 

Hookset! Weirdness? Fish off. What's that on my line? Oh. It's my rod tip. Nice.

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

Where do I want to start......


1.  I hooked into a dead body.....  A small lake I had been fishing in for years when I was kid had become a dumping ground.  A nursing school dumped a cadaver and used medical supplies in it. I was fishing braid and got snagged.   The body was in shallow water.  It floated to the top.  I called the police and spent the rest of the day freaking out......


2.  When I was a child I went fishing with two of my brothers and my dad.  We went to a strip pit pond in the middle of no where (southern Indiana).  We drove off road for about 15 miles to get       to this honey hole.  When we got there, it was amazing.  We caught tons of fish,  Large Mouth bass, blue gill, and catfish.  When we got ready to leave, my dad asked my brother for the          keys to the car and he tossed them to my dad, four feet over his head and into the lake.  We spent the night outside on the ground.  We go eaten alive by bugs.  We then walked backed    to the nearest thing that looked like civilization.   I don't remember anything but walking forever.  What was the greatest trip turned into the worst.


3. I put a hook into my brothers forehead while trying to cast.  It was so deep it required surgery.


4.  While fishing with my father, he went to set the hook with some top water bait and pulled so hard he tipped the john boat over.  Dumping me and all of the equipment into the lake.  He lost his keys, wallet, and pocket money.  Bad thing was, he was fishing a new setup for the first time.  I can't remember exactly what it was but it was the most expensive set up he had.  To make matters worse, his friends and my friends all witnessed it.  About a month later, my dad did the same thing again only to hold onto his new, replacement rod and reel this time.  When he got back into the boat he reeled in his line and he had hooked into something.  It was the first rod and reel he dumped in lake.  Irony....

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

We were on a trip to far northern Miinesota, about 60 miles out from Grand Marais, into the Superior National Forest. Out fishing one evening, when I had a heart attack. We about as far from the lodge as we could get on that lake. It felt like somebody had driven a stake into the middle of my chest and then set it on fire. My wife was with me. She said I passed out twice, but I don't remember that.

They say, in a situation like this, that minutes count. Here's how the minutes added up.

30 minute boat ride back to the lodge.

Two hour wait for the only ambulance in the area.

90 minute ambulance ride to a clinic the size of my house. They gave me a $3000 shot that saved my life, and shot me full of morphine.

Two hours at the clinic waiting for a helicopter. More morphine. Lots of morphine.

Two hour helicopter ride to Duluth, completely stoned on morphine.

Got to Duluth about 2:00 am. the Doctor showed up about 5.

Into surgery, got two stents, and survived the experience.

Now, to add insult to injury, when all was said and done, my insurance company left me with $18,000 worth of unpaid bills.

I'm still fishing.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Geez...I think I might take up a different hobby after all that!

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 
  On 7/13/2014 at 12:28 PM, FishTank said:

Where do I want to start......

1. I hooked into a dead body..... A small lake I had been fishing in for years when I was kid had become a dumping ground. A nursing school dumped a cadaver and used medical supplies in it. I was fishing braid and got snagged. The body was in shallow water. It floated to the top. I called the police and spent the rest of the day freaking out......

2. When I was a child I went fishing with two of my brothers and my dad. We went to a strip pit pond in the middle of no where (southern Indiana). We drove off road for about 15 miles to get to this honey hole. When we got there, it was amazing. We caught tons of fish, Large Mouth bass, blue gill, and catfish. When we got ready to leave, my dad asked my brother for the keys to the car and he tossed them to my dad, four feet over his head and into the lake. We spent the night outside on the ground. We go eaten alive by bugs. We then walked backed to the nearest thing that looked like civilization. I don't remember anything but walking forever. What was the greatest trip turned into the worst.

3. I put a hook into my brothers forehead while trying to cast. It was so deep it required surgery.

4. While fishing with my father, he went to set the hook with some top water bait and pulled so hard he tipped the john boat over. Dumping me and all of the equipment into the lake. He lost his keys, wallet, and pocket money. Bad thing was, he was fishing a new setup for the first time. I can't remember exactly what it was but it was the most expensive set up he had. To make matters worse, his friends and my friends all witnessed it. About a month later, my dad did the same thing again only to hold onto his new, replacement rod and reel this time. When he got back into the boat he reeled in his line and he had hooked into something. It was the first rod and reel he dumped in lake. Irony....

man, theres a jinx in your family..

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

About 25 years ago, not long after I had bought my first boat, I was fishing on Kentucky Lake with a friend of mine. Were were about 1/2 mile from the dock when we decided to break for lunch. As I got the boat up on plane, one of my rods started moving and I thought it might fall out of the boat. As I reached over to grab it, I loosened my grip on the steering wheel. I had just gotten up on plane and had not yet trimmed the motor up so there was a lot of steering torque. The steering wheel spun out of my hand and the boat turned VERY hard to the right. The next thing I knew, I was falling, back first into the water. The kill switch was not connected and I was not wearing a life jacket. When I came to the surface, I saw the boat turning in a hard circle, motor running at high RPMs with no one in it. My fishing partner had also been thrown out. I can barely swim. I wasn't the least bit concerned about myself, but I was very worried my new boat was going to hit something. The good news was that we were both outside the circle the boat was turning in so we were not going to be hit. It wasn't long before good Samaritans came and fished us out of the water.  Boat police were soon there all the while the boat was still spinning in circles. They tried throwing a rope in front of the boat to catch in the prop and stall the motor but it didn't work. Eventually the boat ran out of gas before it hit anything.  The only real damage was that my friend had a large gash in his chin so I got him to the ER for some stitches.  While the episode was happening I was OK, but afterward, I was pretty shaken up having just nearly killed myself and a friend who was a new father. To this day, I seldom run my boat at wide open throttle.

 Several lessons learned. As stable as my boat is, life jackets while under power are a must as is the kill switch. I was very lucky.

fishing user avatarTNRanger reply : 
  On 7/14/2014 at 2:34 AM, Scott F said:

About 25 years ago, not long after I had bought my first boat, I was fishing on Kentucky Lake with a friend of mine. Were were about 1/2 mile from the dock when we decided to break for lunch. As I got the boat up on plane, one of my rods started moving and I thought it might fall out of the boat. As I reached over to grab it, I loosened my grip on the steering wheel. I had just gotten up on plane and had not yet trimmed the motor up so there was a lot of steering torque. The steering wheel spun out of my hand and the boat turned VERY hard to the right. The next thing I knew, I was falling, back first into the water. The kill switch was not connected and I was not wearing a life jacket. When I came to the surface, I saw the boat turning in a hard circle, motor running at high RPMs with no one in it. My fishing partner had also been thrown out. I can barely swim. I wasn't the least bit concerned about myself, but I was very worried my new boat was going to hit something. The good news was that we were both outside the circle the boat was turning in so we were not going to be hit. It wasn't long before good Samaritans came and fished us out of the water. Boat police were soon there all the while the boat was still spinning in circles. They tried throwing a rope in front of the boat to catch in the prop and stall the motor but it didn't work. Eventually the boat ran out of gas before it hit anything. The only real damage was that my friend had a large gash in his chin so I got him to the ER for some stitches. While the episode was happening I was OK, but afterward, I was pretty shaken up having just nearly killed myself and a friend who was a new father. To this day, I seldom run my boat at wide open throttle.

Several lessons learned. As stable as my boat is, life jackets while under power are a must as is the kill switch. I was very lucky.

Wow you and many others around you that day were very lucky


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