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Who's your favorite bass pro,old or young. 2024

fishing user avatarThomasL reply : 

Have to say mines ol bill dance with roland martin coming up second,oh son!

Funny thing some of the older guys are dying out,virgil ward,tom mann to name two. :'(

fishing user avatarRollONTwo reply : 

Hank Parker.

fishing user avatarjtbassman reply : 

Rick Clunn- what a classy guy, you gotta love him

fishing user avatarHamlet reply : 

stacey king.  

fishing user avatarBud reply : 

Tom Mann jr

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 


fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Triton Mike

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I like KVD and Zell best.

fishing user avatarThefishy1 reply : 

Local boys Jason Quinn and Davy Hite

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

Hank Parker is my all time favorite.

I used to like Orlando Wilson, but dunno what happened to him.

Jimmy Houston is cool, I met him, and he was very nice.

Kevan Vandam is way up there too.

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

Bill Dance.

fishing user avatartbird reply : 

I like Kelly Jordan ,Greg Hackney and Edwin Evers.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

rick clunn.  He broke all the stereotypes about what it means to be a bass fisherman

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

I like Davy Hite.  He has a silent confidence yet you can still tell he LOVES what he is doing.  Meaning he is not afraid to get excited about catching a big bass.

fishing user avatarBravoMaverick reply : 


fishing user avatarcarySE406 reply : 

Iaconelli, Evers, KVD, Ish, Crews

fishing user avatarbasspro48 reply : 

The local boys like John Crews, and Rick Morris. But I also pull for good ole Gerald Swindle, he is a great guy and can catch some fish.

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

   Brauer, Hackney, Zell.

fishing user avatarNEBassMan reply : 

Iaconelli and both Brauers

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I really tried to follow this tourny thing its not for me. But 2 shows really helped me with BASS Fishing so my 2  are AL LINDER AND BILL DANCE

fishing user avatarguest reply : 



fishing user avatarbass_finder reply : 

stacey king is a joke to whoever said him. i personally like kevin van dam. he is on his was to becoming the greatest professional fisherman of all time.

fishing user avatarThaSadDaddy reply : 

Id have to say Hank Parker and Bill Dance.

fishing user avatarGorgebassman reply : 

Local boys Denny Brauer, Rick Clunn, Guido Hibdon.

fishing user avatarWhopper-Stopper reply : 

Kevin Van Dam. I won't even buy a product that Jimmy Houston endorses after that high fenced deer hunting deal. What a loser.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Hank Parker, for all you old timers out there Virgil Ward.

fishing user avatarFALCON reply : 


fishing user avatarOther. reply : 


fishing user avatarbuzzbait100 reply : 

Rick Clunn and Hank Parker. Roland Martin [NOT] very rude wood not give the time of day.very rude to my son

fishing user avatarSmib reply : 

Jack Wingate

fishing user avatarHookemdown. reply : 

Gotta adore rick clunn and with him goes GMAN and Aaron martens

fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 
rick clunn.  He broke all the stereotypes about what it means to be a bass fisherman

Absolutely right, Avid.

fishing user avatarMadGator reply : 

KVD, Aarron Martins, and Rick Clunn  All class acts, Martins is a trip to watch, Clunn is an amazing fisherman, and well KVD is KVD and will proably become the greatest Bass fishermen of all time.  Being from the North country I'll have to throw a shout out to Al Linder and crew they know everything there is know about fish and fishing.

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

Uncle Virgil and also CLunn, I like the old timers but of the young guys Id say Edwin Evers.  

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

Aaron Martins

fishing user avatarZebco202 reply : 
Hank Parker is my all time favorite.

I used to like Orlando Wilson, but dunno what happened to him.

Jimmy Houston is cool, I met him, and he was very nice.

Kevan Vandam is way up there too.

Orlando is in commercial Real Estate in Adairsville, GA just about 45 or so north of Atlanta.  He just helped Cabela's secure land for a new location in Adairsville.  Supposed to be a real nice guy.  Never met him myself.

I grew up on Bill Dance, Roland Martin and Orlando Wilson.

My current favs:



Gerald Swindle

Peter T and Preston Clark

fishing user avatarSpinnerB reply : 

KVD is the man!!!

My wife likes long as he holds his temper

Davy Hite - fell in love with him when he busted the dance moves on his boat before winning an Elite Series event last year

Crews is my favorite up and comer....Have a friend who fished on his boat.

Don't have any old timer favorites...always looking forward  :)

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

David Fritts THE CRANKBAIT KING is #1 in my book.I've learned a ton about deep crankbaiting from him and to this day,it's still my favorite way to catch 'em.

I also like Davy Hite,he's got a great attitude and is a force to be reckoned with.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Ike, VanDam and Houston.

Its a three-way tie.

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

Iaconelli- A real classy guy, gotta love him. Oh wait, he's a jerk but still my favorite.

fishing user avatarseargant reply : 

Bill Dance and Hank Parker.....all of the names I read so far have their merit too....good question though..

fishing user avatarThatcher reply : 


fishing user avatartopwaterdog91 reply : 

Iaconelli and Skeet Reese.  

fishing user avatarhuskyjerk reply : 

Being from Michigan---I like Art Ferguson, Kim Stricker, and KVD---I like Bill Dance's show when he has that guy from the Cannonball Run movies on---what's his name?---anyway those 2 together are hilarious!  Roland Martin seems like kind of a d***.  I hate Iaconelli but he's obviously a great fisherman.  From the old pro's still fishing, I like Larry Nixon and Zell Rowland---both seem like class guys...

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

Shaw Grigsby and Hank Parker

fishing user avatarDePoy79 reply : 

KVD. gotta love my michigan boys. Hack too, because he's always fishing shallow, and thats how i like to fish.

fishing user avatarGhost who walks reply : 
Have to say mines ol bill dance with roland martin coming up second,oh son!

Funny thing some of the older guys are dying out,virgil ward,tom mann to name two. :'(

George Perry, his record has stood for decades. Those pond raised hand fed bass in California are turning the world record into a joke.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Joe Thomas, Clunn, and Brauer.

5 bass- your avitar REALLY makes me miss Smith Mountain   :-/

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

George Perry, his record has stood for decades. Those pond raised hand fed bass in California are turning the world record into a joke.

Ouch!   ;D

Orlando, Bill Dance, Hank and my all time favorite is Larry Nixon.

fishing user avatarSir Catch Alot reply : 

i like mike Iaconelli  and john crews

fishing user avatarejtaylor822 reply : 

Bill Dance - educational and entertaining, can go to either extreme at times.


fishing user avatarCrazedL.IFisherman reply : 

Kevin Van Dam is a definite and gerald swindle is a riot, i feel thats his personality and real life without the cameras as well

fishing user avatarFisher of Men reply : 

1. Jimmy Houston, 2. Hank Parker.  

I know there are other, more successful anglers out there, but I just like these two guys.  They seem like good all-around classy guys, IMO.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

My favorite bass pro's...

In this order each have taught me over the years..

Hank Parker..#1

Denny Brauer ..#2

Rick Clunn..#3

Shaw Grigsby..#4

Tight Lines!!!

fishing user avatarNate reply : 

Mike Iaconelli, Greg Hackney, KVD, and Bill Dance

fishing user avatarTravis reply : 

Bink Desaro, Aarron Martins, and Peter T.

fishing user avatarlubina reply : 

KVD and Brauer

fishing user avatarnjoynlfe reply : 


fishing user avatarFL_fisher reply : 

ike,kvd,Brauer and hackney

fishing user avatarCoRy reply : 

KVD all the way.  He fishes the same way I like to: spinnerbait as the #1 option most of the time.  I like IKE too.  I have a lot of respect for all of the pros, FLW or BASS, just because of making it to where they are.

fishing user avatarCraw reply : 

Denny Brauer-his mastery of jig fishing is awesome.

Rick Clunn-the spiritual aspect he applies to his craft is inspiring.

Kevin VanDam-fishes faster than anyone I've ever seen.

fishing user avatarSBM-RL reply : 

KVD i met him 3 or 4 years ago at a fishing show it was funny bc i was looking to get a good baitcaster but couldnt find one but then i saw Vandam walk by with three quantem energys in his hand didnt even relize it was him i just wanted to know where the booth was that he bought those at was so i asked he was real cool he told me he brought them from home then i forgot all about the reels bc i relize that was Vandam so me and my friends talked to him and took pictures he gave us tickets to come back the next day it was awesome he was so down to earth and actually sincerly cared about our questions his seminar was cool after he was casting hookless spinnerbaits and landing them right on peoples hats it was impressive.

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

          Bass-finder seems to think Stacey King is a joke.......  I don't ever remember seeing Bass finders name while flipping the pages of a BPS calalog. Never say someone is a joke, no one is.

          Was that my .02 ?  

fishing user avatarJohn Cullum reply : 

Denny Brauer , Aaron Martens and Jay Yelas.

fishing user avatarCK14 reply : 

luke clausen. won the FLW and BASS championships and he's from my home state of washington.

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

I have to 2nd Luke Clausen, also homestate hero. Stupid thing though is that most of WA State didnt even care that he won the classic, let alone know about it.


1# Joe Thomas- LOVE his TV Show and his marketing, plus his books

2#Luke Clausen- Homestate Hero

3# Denny Brauer- Good Ole Denny

4# Al Linder- Master Teacher

5# Aaron Martens/Ike/Swindle/Clunn- The best at what they do

fishing user avatarcpvenom reply : 

Im surprised no one has mentioned John Fox. My cousin and i used to always talk about becoming like him when we were about 8. I'd also say Bill Dance and Jimmy Houston.

fishing user avatarDR_Bass reply : 

Jay Yelas, Greg Hackney, and Andy Morgan

Greatest with a jig

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

5 bass- your avitar REALLY makes me miss Smith Mountain :-/

Josh,when were you here at Smith Mtn?

fishing user avatarifish4u reply : 

Hank parker...hands down for me! :)

fishing user avatarfishingdude41791 reply : 

gary yamomoto

fishing user avatarbassclown reply : 

aaron martens. something about the guys attitude and the way he fishes amazes me.

fishing user avatarksfishing reply : 

has to be davy hite for me

fishing user avatarmike22 reply : 

KVD, the guys a machine and a great guy.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Denny and any Lindner

For saltwater

Jose wejebe

The Dolph Brothers

Team Gallatti

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

aaron martens hands down for me.  he may not win as much as a lot of guys but he is consistently near the top and seems to be duking it out for angler of the year every year.  i also like ish monroe.  i like the guys like martens and monroe who are outside of the stereotypical good ole boy anglers.  actually i like good ole boys too, but still like guys that dont fit the mold (except ike i just cant get into that act that im convinced hes putting on nowadays)


fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

Rick Clunn! ;)

fishing user avatarwhat reply : 
Denny and any Lindner

For saltwater

Jose wejebe

The Dolph Brothers

Team Gallatti

jose wejebe live right by me like 10 miles away and he goes to my local slatwater bait shop cpt harrys. and hes my favorite aswell along with larry dahlberg but fresh water has to be iconelli zell rowland hank parker and of causre bill dance with his signature dead gonnet and may i never forget my altime favorite tred barta

fishing user avatarGAMEOVER reply : 

Rick Clunn . The best ever..

fishing user avatarvolman33 reply : 

got to go with bill dance he is a tennessee boy like me and he wears the vol hat

fishing user avatarBrad_Coovert reply : 

Dee Thomas

For those who do not know who he is, he invented flipping and he made one hell of a living doing it.  One heck of a great guy as well.



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