There's a short survey in the November BassMaster indicating that only about 2% of bass catchers eat their catch. How come? Does the fish not taste good or is it the strong commitment to catch and release?
dee tee :-/
Catch and release plus there are better tasting fish that are easier to catch ...
The thing about bass is... well it just plain out sucks to eat.
Mmmmmm Mmmmmmmmm
When me and my friends first started fishing (last summer) we thought we'd try some sometime. So we finally did and it was delicious! But it wasnt worth the trouble of filetting them and everything plus we'd rather catch them again than eat them so that was only a one time thing.
Every once in a while I'll eat a couple, not very often though. I tried smallmouth for the first time last year and found they taste ALOT better than largemouth. I still find it hard to kill such a pretty fish to eat it so for the most part I just stick to catfish, crappie, and shell crackers. (And store bought tilapia fillets..mmmmmmmm )
I kill spotted bass. They are delicious and I hate them. Good way to end up dead
Smallmouth and Largemouth are zero kill for me.
never have and never will , it's all about catch and release........
Never. Would be like eating my brother.
i much rather catch them again than eat them. panfish taste better.
Yes, I eat bass and have since I started fishing over 30 years ago. However, I am very critical of where Ill eat bass out of and I practice selective harvest. Ill only eat bass out of waters that I know are not polluted, and in CA this means higher elevation lakes with minimal upstream pollution sources. Flat ground waters are totally out of the question, I wont even swim in those waters. I selectively harvest only the small, barely keeper fish as well. Ill keep a limit of 12" spots every time I go to Shasta or Oroville. And for those that dont like the taste you havent cooked them right! Chunk the fillets, roll in egg and your favorite coating and deep fry. Then dip in your favorite sauce (for me thats ketchup with tabasco added).
I would never eat a larger bass, or any fish for that matter. I cant believe it when I see people keep 20 pound catfish out of Clear Lake. Totally disgusting.
I will take a bass or 2 from each trip, but I am allowed to keep up to 7 from my fishing lisence. I much prefer to eat other fishes such as crappie, walleye, trout, and especially salmon RAW (sushi).
bass is okay, but not the best tasting fish.
Salmon or walleye occasionally.
the only fish i eat is the aggravating red eye good way to thin them out plus they are really good to eat.
No, I prefer Flounder.
I haven't much in the past, but I plan to in the future. Almost every lake I fish is way overpopulated with LMB.
I only eat the 5lb plus fish.
Never. It makes no sense to me kill a fish i enjoy catching so much.
If i wanted to eat fish i would target crappie or others.
Never, if I want to eat freshwater fish I will catch some crappies or catfish or trout. Bass dont even taste remotely good. You might as well grab a chunk of weeds from the lake and stuff them in your mouth if you like the way Bass taste.
QuoteNever, if I want to eat freshwater fish I will catch some crappies or catfish or trout. Bass dont even taste remotely good. You might as well grab a chunk of weeds from the lake and stuff them in your mouth if you like the way Bass taste.
You've never had spotted bass then. Better than crappie.
QuoteNever, if I want to eat freshwater fish I will catch some crappies or catfish or trout. Bass dont even taste remotely good. You might as well grab a chunk of weeds from the lake and stuff them in your mouth if you like the way Bass taste.
You have no idea of what you are talking about
: 1 to 1 1/2 lb of bass fillets
In a bath of milk and egss, with dash of Tobascco
Corn Flour ( not corn meal) seasonded with salt,pepper,oregano, cyane pepper and garlic salt
Heat a heavy skillet up with vegatable oil in it
Drag the fillets trhough the flour mixture
Place in Frying pan, average size filllet, less than 2 minutes each side
It's great, learned it when I lived in New Orleans
I practice catch and release, I have friends who don't and I usually get called on to cook em, so I eat some. As long as the were caught leagally and within limit, imagine that what a novel idea, Man fishes for food :exclamation
Once or twice a year.
I generally don't eat bass, but I had some smallies from Lake O. that my cousin prepared similar to Muddy's recipe, except deep fried, and it was so good.
i fish some slot lakes and the only way foir the slot to work is to keep the under 15'' bass,so from time to time i do.small bass filleted and fried is excellent table fair.
the only thing that i take precaution w/ is there is high amounts of mercury build up in bass limit consumption to only a couple times a sure to fillet skin off as the mercury is highest there.
I am not too big on the catch then eat. I get disgusted for some reason haha. Anyways, that is not the reason I am into bass fishing. I am in it just for the sport. I have tried smallmouth and it is delicious breaded. but that was out of a lake in Idaho. The water is much more cleaner there. Catch and release please.
QuoteI am not too big on the catch then eat. I get disgusted for some reason haha. Anyways, that is not the reason I am into bass fishing. I am in it just for the sport. I have tried smallmouth and it is delicious breaded. but that was out of a lake in Idaho. The water is much more cleaner there. Catch and release please.
Dude, I didn't tell you, Bing is my father. We eat bass every day for breakfast, lunch , and dinner! LMAO
Yes and no. It depends on the fishery, if harvest is needed to prevent over population on smaller lakes and ponds, then harvesting the smaller 2 lb bass is helping. Catch & release has become a cult for some fisherman and isn't always the best choice. If you wound the bass fatally and it's bleeding or the bass has rolled over in the livewell, the survival rate is very low. Why toss it back for turtle food, take the fish home and eat it.
The thought of over harvesting a 20,000 acre reservior by keeping an occasional bass for dinner verses a highly fished 2,000 acre reservoir, goes beyond reason. Watching tournament fisherman release nearly dead bass is troulbing as watching the same fisherman take home a trophy size bass, both are wastefull. Practice selective harvest by eating a few smaller bass and releasing the trophy bass. Practice C & R by taking good care of the bass you put in the livewell; proper DO and temperature levels are essential, not optional. There isn't any reason to put bass in a livewell that you don't plan on weighing in during a tournament or taking home to eat. release the bass immediately, not at the boat ramp.
A couple two or three times a year we will stock up on some 15" fish to Filet out. Mostly in the summer time and fall. We try to leave the fish alone during the spawn but there is nothing wrong with taking some smaller fish out of the gene pool.
Any other time I practice C-P-R, but there is times where I catch for table fare.
The more I learn about proper management of a lake, the more I know that we must harvest some bass from a body of water. Selective harvest is the key. I my home lakes I keep whites, hybrids and a few LM bass. Your state DNR is banking on people keeping bass from the lake. That is how management works. As you fish your lake you will see the size that needs to be removed from your lake. This will improve the overall catch even in a small body of water that is stocked.
My home lake is inundated with 12" bass this year. Next year we will have to take some 15"s out to grow a healthy population of larger fish in future years.
Let the big ones go, based on the norm for your body of water. Mortality of hooked fish is another factor; keep them.
I haven't eaten the bass we have up here (Nebraska), but I had Peacock Bass in Florida a couple months ago and it was awesome. But Peacocks are actually cichlids, so I don't know if the taste would be similar or not.
Y'all are nuts, there is nothing like a pair of 'steaks' off of a fat 8-10 lb'er! Too much work cleaning the little ones, I only keep the big ones.
No way cause thats 1 less bass you could catch the next time your out on the be honest i hate when people > keep bass to eat
QuoteY'all are nuts, there is nothing like a pair of 'steaks' off of a fat 8-10 lb'er! Too much work cleaning the little ones, I only keep the big ones.
Do you BBQ them on your Webber mounted to the rear pedestal post, like most Texans do? You can use one of those beer can cookers and just shove that big pig face down, no need to even fillet it.
QuoteNo way cause thats 1 less bass you could catch the next time your out on the be honest i hate when people >keep bass to eat
Why? Isn't it just like hunting or fishing for something else you're going to eat like catfish? If someone has a taste for bass, why shouldn't they eat it if they catch it?
because they are also animals just like humans and if you keep them, you can never catch them again.
Quotebecause they are also animals just like humans and if you keep them, you can never catch them again.
If your fishing for the table.which is as legal and ethical as hunting for the table,why would catching them again be an issue?
I just think keeping fish is wrong. Lets stop there or else this thread could be locked.
not sure if "offended" is the right word to use here, but i'll use it anyway...
i really don't see why people get so offended when other people kill a bass to eat or put one in an aquarium. its not like bass are a sacred animal. as long as its legal (i know sometimes putting a bass in an aquarium isn't) then i dont see a problem with it.
however, i dont like to see people keeping big bass. these should be released so they can reproduce and keep the big bass gene in the lake
i've only kept bass once, and they were delicious! just like striper. i'm gonna have to keep a few more next season, they really are good.
just figured i'd give my input, and i'm not going to argue with anyone on the subject, because when it comes to stuff like this, nobody will change anybody else's opinion on the subject, so its pointless to even argue, and people just make an *** of themselves when they argue over such firmly held beliefs
Catch and Release definitley has it's values and so does harvest and eat. Ray Scott saw some bad stuff heading his way in days of the early tournaments and he wisely went catch and release.Those early issues of BASSMASTER with the huge catchs, some on stringers would cause a revolution today!
Trophy Hunters and Guides as well as pros all want catch and release for their various reasons
States like it, because they do not spend as much on bass as they do with trout, at least here in the NE, where a lot of aenceis do not even stock bass, as the reproduce so well.
People like to hunt and fish, to eat what they have actually harvested, that is how fishing started in the first place There is no sin in catching fish, within the laws and regulations of the various states and bodies of water,
If we keep it civil, this thread need not be locked and you need not worry about people who have a counter position. You were not even born when this all came about, perhaps reading the history of catch and release and the history of fishing may shed some light on this matter.
The only bass I eat come from a lake that needs culling. I keep a few 12-16 inchers a year.
Everything else goes back.
okay, I might sound stupid but if I were to keep something like a shark to eat, why should I have the right to complain when a shark eats me when I am swimming? I know I sound stupid but thats what I think.
Stating your opinion is never stupid, it is how we get to understand eachother 8-)
Last time I checked this isn't Jonestown and I am not drinking the catch and release Kool-Aid
I do not eat any bass but because most places I fish are right next to saltwater with crabs and other great seafood.
And anything will taste good with Old Bay on it ;D
I am not gonna get mad at some one if they if not do anything illegal.
If it is in the legal limit go for it, the limits there for a reason.
God gave man dominion over all animals which means we are the top of the food chain.
Catch & release is the right thing to do but the true sportsman knows selective harvesting is the better thing to do.
no too much of a fishy taste i feel
I feelin you there, I stopped eating steak becuase it has too much of a beefy taste
No. If you eat them, they can't grow bigger!!!
Someone did suggest pickerel though????
Quotei've only kept bass once, and they were delicious! just like striper.
Now that's funny!
Quoteokay, I might sound stupid but if I were to keep something like a shark to eat, why should I have the right to complain when a shark eats me when I am swimming? I know I sound stupid but thats what I think.
I agree! ;D
Come on, so because I eat beef, I would have no right to complain if the farmer down the road let his cattle get loose one ran out in front of my car at night and I was injured? That sounds mighty PETAish.
Reading these threads, one would think the largemouth bass was a threatened species.
Fish were meant to be caught, fileted, coated in starch and fried in hot oil.
QuoteReading these threads, one would think the largemouth bass was a threatened species.Fish were meant to be caught, fileted, coated in starch and fried in hot oil.
I'd call anything over 3lbs in R.I. "endangered"
Burley, I'm suprised you dont just pan fry your bass. Can't get much of a fillet of those monsters.
QuoteQuoteNever, if I want to eat freshwater fish I will catch some crappies or catfish or trout. Bass dont even taste remotely good. You might as well grab a chunk of weeds from the lake and stuff them in your mouth if you like the way Bass taste.You have no idea of what you are talking about
: 1 to 1 1/2 lb of bass fillets
In a bath of milk and egss, with dash of Tobascco
Corn Flour ( not corn meal) seasonded with salt,pepper,oregano, cyane pepper and garlic salt
Heat a heavy skillet up with vegatable oil in it
Drag the fillets trhough the flour mixture
Place in Frying pan, average size filllet, less than 2 minutes each side
It's great, learned it when I lived in New Orleans
I practice catch and release, I have friends who don't and I usually get called on to cook em, so I eat some. As long as the were caught leagally and within limit, imagine that what a novel idea, Man fishes for food :exclamation
With all that stuff on the fillet how do you even taste the fish?or is that the idea?
QuoteGod gave man dominion over all animals which means we are the top of the food chain.Catch & release is the right thing to do but the true sportsman knows selective harvesting is the better thing to do.
Any analogies that equate animals with humans don't make sense. People are inherently more valuable than animals and giving animals equivalent rights--even in analogy--just isn't a sound argument if you ask me.
Actually it compliments the taste and brings it out Zatarians mkes some real good and spicy fish fry, that enhances the taste of fis, you cshould try it some otme.
QuoteQuoteGod gave man dominion over all animals which means we are the top of the food chain.Catch & release is the right thing to do but the true sportsman knows selective harvesting is the better thing to do.
Any analogies that equate animals with humans don't make sense. People are inherently more valuable than animals and giving animals equivalent rights--even in analogy--just isn't a sound argument if you ask me.
Most prople are more valuable than animals . Some are below animals.
I always thought bass had a strong taste . I would rather catch them an let them go .
QuoteQuoteGod gave man dominion over all animals which means we are the top of the food chain.Catch & release is the right thing to do but the true sportsman knows selective harvesting is the better thing to do.
Any analogies that equate animals with humans don't make sense. People are inherently more valuable than animals and giving animals equivalent rights--even in analogy--just isn't a sound argument if you ask me.
Quoteokay, I might sound stupid but if I were to keep something like a shark to eat, why should I have the right to complain when a shark eats me when I am swimming? I know I sound stupid but thats what I think.
First of all, no you shouldn't complain if a fish eats you when you're in the water. You're in their habitat. Now, if they figured out how to get onto land, break into your house, and eat you there, you might have something to complain about. But really, all you could complain about is that you weren't properly prepared. We are the top of the food chain. We've figured out how to catch fish in their habitat. Either they outsmart us or bring a fight to our level, each of which would prevent us from eating them. I hope this helps you see where barbarians like us are coming from. ;D
I should keep some, but I'm too lazy to fillet them. Also, my wife doesn't like fish and doesn't cook it. So, if I want to eat it I have to cook it myself. That's 2 strikes against keeping fish and those are strong enough to keep me from keeping fish.
Quoteokay, I might sound stupid but if I were to keep something like a shark to eat, why should I have the right to complain when a shark eats me when I am swimming? I know I sound stupid but thats what I think.
I do not eat them very often, but I do enjoy an occasional fish fry when I visit my uncle. I think they taste great when battered with zatarains and deep fried.
Some people are only alive cause it's against the law to kill em
Love me some fried fish!!!
QuoteActually it compliments the taste and brings it out Zatarians mkes some real good and spicy fish fry, that enhances the taste of fis, you cshould try it some otme.
I will I was out this morning on the Ice and got a few walleye Ill be eating it tonight.
For those who opose eatting fish - Keep in mind man lived on fish and wild game in the old days - Although Technology evolved man realy hasn't .
As for me I havn't Eatten BASS i Catch and Release - Although would like to try some after hearing that recipee listed above.
20 years ago, when I first started bass fishing...I enjoyed nothing more that a good mess of fried or blackened Bass...especially out of some of the more pristine lakes in the area. I was away from the sport for some time, and have only been back fishing for 3-4 months. Since returning, I haven't been able to bring myself to save any of the fish I've catch and release. So...I can understand both points of view...but now choose to protect the resource.
I would say because of the big catch-and-release movement, plus perch and walleye taste MUCH better
"Some people are only alive cause it's against the law to kill em ;D"
In certain parts of the South, "He needed killin" is still a viable defense
I used to eat every legal bass I'd catch when I was a bit younger. They taste good if fried right but, I agree there are better tasting fish in the same waters. I am catch and release only now but have no problem with another man feeding himself with any bass he caught. It'd be a different story if someone was just throwing them on the bank...
QuoteQuoteokay, I might sound stupid but if I were to keep something like a shark to eat, why should I have the right to complain when a shark eats me when I am swimming? I know I sound stupid but thats what I think.Vegetarian?
No. PETA infiltrator.
Back in the day, we ate just about everything we caught. I think we might be overdoing C&R.
Most lakes and ponds would probably benefit from people keeping all their smaller fish. I just
don't have any interest in it anymore. I don't care if people keep green bass, white bass
and I hate Kentucky bass...but leave my pet brown bass alone!
With regard to big bass, unless it's a state record, I'm for releasing the fish 100% of the time.
In my neck of the woods, we have tons of "eatin' fish" and there is no limit on catfish, bream,
buffalo or drum! White bass have a limit of 15, but I have no idea what you would do with that
much trash! The best tablefare is crappie and sauger, both have generous limits.
I'm not morally opposed to keeping fish. It's generally a matter of supply and demand. Given how many fishermen I see on the lakes around where I live, it would be a crime if everyone took more than a small portion of what they caught. So I choose not to take any at all. But it also fits well with my lazy side. After a long day on the lake/river/pond, I'm usually tired and I don't feel like cleaning fish. Also, the moment I decide to keep a few fish to eat, it's usually about the time they stop biting. I don't like going through all the effort for just one or two puny fish. But I will keep bluegill from time to time.
QuoteI just think keeping fish is wrong. Lets stop there or else this thread could be locked.
Me thinks it's discourteous to try to get the last word in. Correct me if I'm wrong. :
I meant I was going to stop there.
I dont keep bass most of the time. mainly because i hate fileting. When i do keep fish i will state that before i go out and set aside time to filet. I have kept a few lmb but most of the time release them. Most catfish over 2-3 lbs i will keep. crappie +1lb. and any trout 1-4 lbs I will keep. I think trout is the best tasting freshwater fish. :)
QuoteI meant I was going to stop there.
Oh. my mistake.
Well now, if you didn't get in this thread in time,
the topic pops up every few months. Don't resurrect
it now, that's a no-no, but you'll have another opportunity
to comment in a few months...9 pages is enough for now.
Goodnight Irene
-Kent a.k.a. roadwarrior
Global Moderator