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Worst Lure ever bought? 2025

fishing user avatarWdyCrankbait reply : 

Curious, what is the worst or the fishing lure you are most ashamed to confess buying?

fishing user avatarowl reply : 

Don't know the name. It was a diving lure. It ran on 2 watch batteries. It had blinking red eyes. I cast it a few times. it hung, >;) I lost it. Good riddance!

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

None. What's yours ?

fishing user avatarWdyCrankbait reply : 

I picked up one of those jigs that when it fell in the water it would glide away from the fisherman, instead of straight down.   Does anyone remeber that lure?  I still have it, haha

fishing user avatarmhamlin reply : 

The Flying Lure!!! I hate to admit it, but when I was younger, I did very well with those pond fishing... Anyways... probably the most disappointing lure i've purchased recently is the Rage Craws. I know people swear by them on this board, and it's probably just a confidence thing with me, but I just can't seem to get bit enough to justify switching from say a Chigger Craw, or Speed Craw.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Castaic Platinum

fishing user avatarWdyCrankbait reply : 
The Flying Lure!!! I hate to admit it, but when I was younger, I did very well with those pond fishing... Anyways... probably the most disappointing lure i've purchased recently is the Rage Craws. I know people swear by them on this board, and it's probably just a confidence thing with me, but I just can't seem to get bit enough to justify switching from say a Chigger Craw, or Speed Craw.

YEP!  That is the name of it!  I never caught anything on those things!!  Not even a bite!

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

Probably the Evolution jig.

fishing user avatarbwillis reply : 

Creme Burke Weedless Frog, all it did for me was flip on it's back

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Probably the Evolution jig.


That's surprising, I fish the jig head with

and without a skirt. It's a favorite of mine.


fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Hydra lure......I'll admit i fell for it....

fishing user avatarCarrington reply : 

the worst i have bought was a strike king rattle trap.  i have yet to catch a fish with it.  yet i can catch fish on other rattle trap baits.

fishing user avatarPrimus reply : 

Matzuo crankbaits, horrible action.

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

Theres been a few over the years. One of the first when I was younger was a Burke talkin frog. It made a croaking sound when you got it wet. Anyone remember that one? ::D ;D

Most recently and most shamefully was the culprit ultimate topwater shad. Pure gimmick.I started a thread on here a few months ago and was boasting about how awesome this thing looks and I can't wait to get it. I called culrpit lures and they sent me 3 of them before they even had them listed on their website.Ultimate $hi# is what it is. Takes on water horribly and had NO action whatsoever on the water.Will not walk the dog at all and just looks like a childs bath time toy. Well theres your review for anyone else who was interested in those things.

....By the way I've got a few for sale...Send me a PM if interested ;)

fishing user avatarMtCarmelTriton20x reply : 

When I was young I would buy any lure I saw on TV because they always caught fish on TV. I saved my money from chores so I could buy some flying lures, Banjo minnows, etc. but the absolute worst was a topwater lure I bought that looked like a minnow but it was a hard bait. The minnow was laying on its side with the hooks on the bottom. It had a pull string that was where you tie to the lure to your line. When you would give the lure a quick jerk it would wind the lure up and its tail would flop up and down on the water. It was suppose to look like an injured fish but it really didn't. I am pretty sure that is the worst lure ever.

fishing user avatarowl reply : 

Mustn't  forget the helicopter lure. I actually caught  fish on it.

One I think. :;)

fishing user avatarRyneB reply : 

The flying lure. I was only 8 or so but it was junk. I would also say the Banjo Minnow. But i ound the kit last year and tried it out and actually caught a few fish. I was too young to know what i was doing when i first had it. I'v had a few off brand cranks that just spun around in the water, not dive characteristics at all. I bought a Spro BBZ1 shad this year and have a bad feeling that will end up in my pile of baits i regret buying. I hope not.

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

The Whole Ragetail thing got me. I mustve purchased $100 in different varieties.Tried em(Space Monkey,Anaconda,Craw) and only caught 2 fish. I was using a 10 inch Anaconda and caught a fish that was shorter than the bait. I tried em T-rigged,keel weighted,nothing seemed to work too well.

Theyre still in my tackle bag and I may break em out again,but I aint gettin my hopes up that they will catch decent fish(yet)

fishing user avatarRevo_Carrot Stix reply : 

Banjo Minnow...

I have fished it once and had to stop because it was driving the BIRDS around me insane! They sat in trees and waited (and calculated) my casts and dive bombed me. I was LOL...too bad it didn't work this good on the fish.

fishing user avatarMadd Lunacy reply : 
Banjo Minnow...

I have fished it once and had to stop because it was driving the BIRDS around me insane! They sat in trees and waited (and calculated) my casts and dive bombed me. I was LOL...too bad it didn't work this good on the fish.

Banjo Minnow has got to be mine too, but a previous poster said he didn't like the helicopter lure, but I had a ton of luck with that thing. I still buy them whenever I see one pop up.

fishing user avatarMadd Lunacy reply : 

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the Walking Worm too.

fishing user avatarbreakyourrod reply : 

Ragetail eeliminators....what a pieces of crap.

fishing user avatarfatmanslim247 reply : 

I like alot of the rage stuff, it has all performed real well for me.... Now the evolution jig.... JUNK!  Skirts fell apart, nothing special except the huge price tag.

fishing user avatar-nick- reply : 
Probably the Evolution jig.

x2 I spent 8 dollars on 2 and it was just put together poorly. All of the skirt was on the bottom of both of them with a big gap of no skirt on the top.

fishing user avatarzaraspook_dylan2 reply : 
the worst i have bought was a strike king rattle trap. i have yet to catch a fish with it. yet i can catch fish on other rattle trap baits.

totally agree with you

fishing user avatarBlade-Runner reply : 

Leverage Spinnerbait by McGuiness.

Good idea, not so good for people who use the spinnerbait as a primary heavy-cover bait.

I don't like buzzbaits with movable "wire" hooks either...

Might be better for open-water applications.

fishing user avatarzaraspook_dylan2 reply : 

Chatter bait, had one for three years and still haven't caught anything on it.. I think I'm fishing it wrong because I watch pro's catch bass on em ;)

fishing user avatarBriBass reply : 

walking worm

kicktail minnow

fishing user avatarskunked_again reply : 


thats my pick.

when you guys say strike kick rattle trap youre not talking about the Red Eyed Shad are you?

i killed the fish from the bank with that bait this year.

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 

Rapala Sub Walk. I gave it a good chance, finally threw it away. I was never more turned off on a bait. Might be ok for salt water.

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

Another +1 for the Banjo Minnow.

fishing user avatarsuperduperdan reply : 

I'm going with Blue Streak on this one.....the subwalk is not a good lure. (for me)

fishing user avatarurban_angler28 reply : 

banjo minnow

fishing user avatarmaineman reply : 

For me it is the banjo minnow except one afternoon years ago.I had my two son and two of there friends with me in the boat. We were fishing along along a stretch of shore line that i us to fish all the time from shore when i was a kid. One of the boys saw the banjo minnows in my tackle box and they all wanted to use them,no problem! I tied them on and stared catching one smallmouth after the other!And these smalles were all in the two to three # range, where if you catch one this size on this stretch it was rare!To say i was busy as a one leg-ed man in a *** kicking contest ,the boys were all 7 to 9 year olds.I know for a hour and a half they landed at less 16 bass.This is one of my fondest memories of fishing i ever had!I have never from that day one ever had any luck with the banjo,but what ever i pay for them is price less.I think ;) :'( :)god was smiling down on us that day. Ps TAKE A KID FISHING !!!!

fishing user avatardead eye reply : 

The Dancing eel, what a piece of crap. I could not catch anything but snags on it.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
The Whole Ragetail thing got me. I mustve purchased $100 in different varieties.Tried em(Space Monkey,Anaconda,Craw) and only caught 2 fish. I was using a 10 inch Anaconda and caught a fish that was shorter than the bait. I tried em T-rigged,keel weighted,nothing seemed to work too well.

Theyre still in my tackle bag and I may break em out again,but I aint gettin my hopes up that they will catch decent fish(yet)

Put them up for sale in the Flea Market.

We have plenty of Rage Tail fans. Offer

the lot with a reasonable discount and

they will sell immediately.



fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 
The Whole Ragetail thing got me. I mustve purchased $100 in different varieties.Tried em(Space Monkey,Anaconda,Craw) and only caught 2 fish. I was using a 10 inch Anaconda and caught a fish that was shorter than the bait. I tried em T-rigged,keel weighted,nothing seemed to work too well.

Theyre still in my tackle bag and I may break em out again,but I aint gettin my hopes up that they will catch decent fish(yet)

Put them up for sale in the Flea Market.

We have plenty of Rage Tail fans. Offer

the lot with a reasonable discount and

they will sell immediately.



rage tails have become one of my favorite plastics.  the smokin rooster which came out so late in the season, just a few weeks before the lakes froze in my area, will probably be tied on more than any other plastic this year.  they will sell FASTER than immediately lol

fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 

Whoever don't want their Rage Baits send them my way. After I catch a fish with them I'll send you a pic. :D

My worst bait has been, Matzuo Cranks. They roll on their side while cranking it. >;)

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
Curious, what is the worst or the fishing lure you are most ashamed to confess buying?

I ain 't ashamed, the worst lure I 've ever bought was Heddon 's Cousin and Heddon 's Cousin II, man I 've even thrown them into the thickest, nastiest, lure hangiest cover I 've found to see if I can loose them and nope, they always come back  ;), ahh, but I bet if I throw a Lucky Craft or a Megabass bait into the same mess and it 's going to hang up in an eyeblink.  Go figure  ::D.

fishing user avatarbear7625 reply : 

I don't remember who made them, but I bought a couple of surface baits that were made of rubber. They were really bad. We still laugh about them when they show up in one of the grand kids tackle box. ;D

fishing user avatarrat-l-trapper reply : 

Mine was a topwater made made by cotton cordell. This thing was small, and in the water it sat totaly vertical with only its head out of the water. It looked horrible no matter how I worked it.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Skirts fell apart on the evolution jig??? HMMM If something like that happened just call and i will give ya new ones- WHAT THE PROBLIM IZ ??

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

Rage tail shad. Again, I know plenty of guys swear by the RT line.  I have had no success with this, and have thrown this bait for hours with nothing. Same spot, same time of the day, I would slay them with a buzzbait.

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

My worst picks would be the Rapala Sub Walk, The Bill Dance Dancing Eel and the Matzuo cranks. I think all these hit the trash at some point and time or they are buried in the junk tackle box

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

I never thought I'd see a thread with the Banjo Minnow mentioned that would not be immediately taken down.

fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 

I've not been able to buy a bite on ragetail baits, flukes, or x-raps.  I think I've caught more fish on a banjo minnow than a fluke, and it's not from lack of trying.  I also don't really like LC Sammys, I'd rather have a spook.

fishing user avatarcowboy00 reply : 

yum dancing eel

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

Terminator Tiny T Jig.  Picked it up straight out of the box and the weedguard fell right out, lol.  The guard was one big glued mass of plastic strands.  Picked up the seond box, opened it and the same thing.  Will not buy another Terminator anything.

fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 

i'm gonna say the dancing eel IS complete crap. looks like a tadpole that took extenz. bass hate tadpoles. as far as the evo jig, i'm shocked. i thought that was a trustworthy proper name brand that was selling them for a bit more than the usual jig because it was guaranteed quality? sheeshh :-[

fishing user avatarowl reply : 

I've had very good luck with the Yum Dancin' Eel.

I need another. 

fishing user avatarFISHUNTER reply : 

Helicopter lure for me.  Seemed to send everything running the other way.  The fact that it resembles a helicopter, which is a common forage for bass :;).....should have been the dead givaway that this lure wasn't going to work

fishing user avatarBass XL reply : 
I also don't really like LC Sammys, I'd rather have a spook.

Competely agree. I'll keep using it, but just not a huge fan.

On a side note...No matter how much you bash the Banjo Minnow...I've seen first hand that lure catch some really good fish. Even though he gets crap for it, a good friend of mine swears by em.

fishing user avatarscrutch reply : 

yozuri jerk bait in green and white.  looked like the bait monkey drank some green and white paint, ate a hot dog whole and barfed it all up.  what was i thinking!?!

fishing user avatarbass or bass ? reply : 

One of my partners bought the Banjo Minnow. LMAO!

fishing user avatarRed Bear reply : 

x-raps have been bad for me. not as far as catching fish as much as the fish absolutely destroy it. the last one i bought was missing both eyes and the lip broke off after 3 fish.

also, i used to catch bass on the flying lure all the time as a kid

fishing user avatarWdyCrankbait reply : 
yozuri jerk bait in green and white. looked like the bait monkey drank some green and white paint, ate a hot dog whole and barfed it all up. what was i thinking!?!

WHAT!!  really, I have done well on those.  But, mostly catching pike.

fishing user avatarscrutch reply : 
yozuri jerk bait in green and white. looked like the bait monkey drank some green and white paint, ate a hot dog whole and barfed it all up. what was i thinking!?!

WHAT!! really, I have done well on those. But, mostly catching pike.

scares the hell out of bass

that lure is to bass as insane clown posse is to a wine and cheese dinner party.  yup pretty much clears the room.

fishing user avatarWdyCrankbait reply : 
yozuri jerk bait in green and white. looked like the bait monkey drank some green and white paint, ate a hot dog whole and barfed it all up. what was i thinking!?!

WHAT!! really, I have done well on those. But, mostly catching pike.

scares the hell out of bass

that lure is to bass as insane clown posse is to a wine and cheese dinner party. yup pretty much clears the room.

HAHAHAHAH, that is awesome!  (putting that one in the memory banks for later use.)

fishing user avatarJacobK reply : 

I absolutely LOVE my Evolution jigs, please if you don't want them i'd be more than happy to take them off of your hands.

I absolutely despise the BPS branded hard baits, Any form of Chatterbait, and BitsyBug jigs.  :-/

fishing user avatarBeastie Bass reply : 
Chatter bait, had one for three years and still haven't caught anything on it.. I think I'm fishing it wrong because I watch pro's catch bass on em ;)

Whoa! My wife bought me the chatterbait kit 3-4 yrs ago and from the first cast I KEEP HAMMERING FISH ON IT! I retrieve it with slow hops and it's seen as much use as my jigs. I bought the CHATTERSHAD though, what a joke! ::D

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 

Dancin' Eel, hands down.  As for the Flying Lure, I never used them for bass, but wore out crappie with the smaller ones.

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

I have caught a lot of fish on the banjo minnow. Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Brook Trout, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Walleye, Pike, Crappie, Perch and bluegills. They stink compared to flukes, sluggos, or senkos though.

The worst lure I have ever tried is the Lucky Craft Live Pointer. The tail doesn't swish and it has little action period. A cheap little crankbait called an "ugly duckling" also ranks up there, didn't dive at ALL, just ran STRAIGHT as an arrow on the surface.

fishing user avatarPrimus reply : 

I forgot about the Live Pointer, though I think Lucky Craft is one of the better tackle companies they sure released a dog with that bait.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
I forgot about the Live Pointer, though I think Lucky Craft is one of the better tackle companies they sure released a dog with that bait.

Man, ain't that a fact! Very disappointing,

but now that I have recently given two away,

I am interested to hear how those guys do

with them.


fishing user avatarROCbass reply : 

A lipless crank with no rattles with a hole thru the middle that supposedly creates turbulence that mimics a baitfish. I think it was called the Ambush Stealth Diver. I remember reading an article about them in In-Fisherman a few years back and bought a couple when I saw them on clearance at Gander Mtn. Never caught a thing on them, and have loaded the boat in the same spot after switching to a different lipless bait on a couple occasions.

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

Chatterbaits, Dancin' Eels, King Shad, Helicopter Lure... And... Gulp! Sucks!

fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

You know I thought the flying lure was junk as well, but,  come to think of it, the flying lure exibits almost exactly the same characteristics as my favorite smallie bait, THE FAT IKA..   hmmmmmmmm

Maybe it was more of a confidence thing, and the fact that you could bend the hooks with your hand.

RW  whats your take on this thought?????

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

Reaction strike 5" swimbait.. :;)

fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 
I've had very good luck with the Yum Dancin' Eel.

I need another.

i'll sell u mine for 99 cents

fishing user avatarnoway reply : 

Fat IKA fished every possible way.

Rage Tail Shad.  Watched fish just plain get out of the way of this pos.

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 
Fat IKA fished every possible way.

Rage Tail Shad. Watched fish just plain get out of the way of this pos.

The rage shad was my number 1 bait last year. simply deadly!!!

fishing user avatarjacobhookem reply : 
Don't know the name. It was a diving lure. It ran on 2 watch batteries. It had blinking red eyes. I cast it a few times. it hung, >:D I lost it. Good riddance!
haha i bought one of those things at the local sporting place and threw it one and it ran on its side all the way in. By the way the bait was suposed to dive to 20 feet... I guess it was just a horrible lure.  ;)
fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

After reading this thread I have to wonder if guys are not using certain baits when they should, or use them for their strengths. I realy do like my rage shads. Now I'll be honest, I preferr a good buzzbait. I am confident in a buzzer and I am good with them. However, there are many times I would like to throw a buzzer but I cant because its too weedy. This is where I use the rage shad. I use it for its weedlessness. Some guys might opt for a frog or toad but I preferr the rage shad as a weedless buzzbait.

Now I have to agree with the Dancin eel. I tried but I threw in the towel. I couldnt get bit on it. I have caught fish on the moto chug and it was exciting. Huge blow ups. I havent tried any other TV baits

fishing user avatarowl reply : 

I put yum on the Dancin eel. I fished it slow & stop. worked great.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Fat IKA fished every possible way.

Rage Tail Shad. Watched fish just plain get out of the way of this pos.

Surprising...I think most guys have had great

luck with both of these baits. The Fat Ika has

been just as productive as the Senko for me.


fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
I've had very good luck with the Yum Dancin' Eel.

I need another.

i'll sell u mine for 99 cents

Shipping included?  ;D

fishing user avatarShadcranker reply : 

Mann's Mosquito Hawk.

fishing user avatarPrimus reply : 
Reaction strike 5" swimbait.. :;)

You reminded me of another one where I threw money away along with their Bluegill bait.

fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 

Not sure what they r called but they are worms that "curl" up when @ rest like a "real" worm. The other was the doug hannon snakes. Tried those things many times, nothing. I still have them in my fridge as the directions instruct. Maybe they will catch something in there? Last but not least, yes, I was had by yet another infomercial for a set of lures that blink a red light when exposed to water. Some knock off no named brand that tries to copy lazer lure. For like 40 bucks you get a crankbait, rattle trap, and plug. They are all made of crap materials and have crap hooks. They look like my kid tried to paint patterns on them...... o and they don't catch fish. I would say I have spent at least 100 bucks on crap I have seen on fishing infomercials in the past. Never again though.

fishing user avatarWdyCrankbait reply : 
Not sure what they r called but they are worms that "curl" up when @ rest like a "real" worm. The other was the doug hannon snakes. Tried those things many times, nothing. I still have them in my fridge as the directions instruct. Maybe they will catch something in there? Last but not least, yes, I was had by yet another infomercial for a set of lures that blink a red light when exposed to water. Some knock off no named brand that tries to copy lazer lure. For like 40 bucks you get a crankbait, rattle trap, and plug. They are all made of crap materials and have crap hooks. They look like my kid tried to paint patterns on them...... o and they don't catch fish. I would say I have spent at least 100 bucks on crap I have seen on fishing infomercials in the past. Never again though.

The snakes might do better in the fridge, ROFL stuff there!!  I might have to find my flying lure and try it again, but if I do catch something on it I am not admitting to it.  Not eating my own words.

fishing user avatarStringjam reply : 

Arcadia Reef shallow crank. 

Expensive, beautiful, and completely worthless.   

fishing user avatardrop-shot fool reply : 
I have caught a lot of fish on the banjo minnow. Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Brook Trout, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Walleye, Pike, Crappie, Perch and bluegills. They stink compared to flukes, sluggos, or senkos though.

The worst lure I have ever tried is the Lucky Craft Live Pointer. The tail doesn't swish and it has little action period. A cheap little crankbait called an "ugly duckling" also ranks up there, didn't dive at ALL, just ran STRAIGHT as an arrow on the surface.

Wow. I have caught numerous 20lb+ bags on the live pointer. You have to work it like a fluke. Just finesse it and make is swim and they'll light it up. Won more money with it than probably anyting.

fishing user avatarMadd Lunacy reply : 
Not sure what they r called but they are worms that "curl" up when @ rest like a "real" worm.

I believe you are talking about the walking worm.

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

I need to try the ika.

fishing user avatardman reply : 

Chatterbait & fat Ika,  cant buy a bite.....Like someone mentioned though - i gotta be using them at bad times since other people do great with them

Evolution jigs....I think the idea is great and they will catch fish for sure but i think there is just quality control issues

fishing user avatardemonjd22 reply : 

Imma have to go with any of those Storm 5$ soft swimbait types.  I ended up buying a few bags of these cuz the colors matched the bluegills around here, and I don't think i could PAY bass to eat em lol.

fishing user avatarAndrewVT reply : 

A rapala weedless spoon in rainbow trout.  I don't know what is was about that lure, but I had no confidence in it and it really wasn't that weedless.  I think I bought the color becasue it was on sale, because rainbow trout certainly isn't forage around here.  Seems like it might do ok for redfish or seatrout if it was gold.  Just never worked for me.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Big Bud for starters.


Some people claim to have actually caught fish with the thing.  I never did though it was really a novelty item to begin with.

Berkley Frenzy crankbaits.

A couple different hard plastic slop type baits that didn't work worth a darn.

For free - Evolution jigs.  Using those is like cutting off the weedguards on all your other good jigs.

Best bait?  A littlle, clear/blue back, Rebel prop type bait sort of like a torpedo I got in a bargain bin at BPS years ago.  I've caught a ton of fish on that thing. 

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Strike King King Shad, CRAP...............................i lost one on a snag and ended up throwing the other two overboard just to get rid of them!

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 
Strike King King Shad, CRAP...............................i lost one on a snag and ended up throwing the other two overboard just to get rid of them!

Amen bro. I fished that thing in a variety of places and under multiple conditions and a multitude of retrieves it's just a joke. :;)

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 
Strike King King Shad, CRAP...............................i lost one on a snag and ended up throwing the other two overboard just to get rid of them!

Amen bro. I fished that thing in a variety of places and under multiple conditions and a multitude of retrieves it's just a joke. :;)

Me too, never caught a thing on them! I can't believe they cost the same as the Spro Shad, now that's a sweet lure!

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

Just thought of another one: The snagproof weed demon. Soft body weedless spook type wannabe bait.It is a complete turd. Thought it'd be great for slop fishing especially since I am a dog walking fan,uhh huh yeah right. :;)

fishing user avatarPrimus reply : 
Strike King King Shad, CRAP...............................i lost one on a snag and ended up throwing the other two overboard just to get rid of them!

I've caught some big Bass & Pike on this lure, surprised that some are having no success on it.

fishing user avatarjmh285 reply : 

Roland Matrin's Hellicopter Lure....saw it on TV and received the kit as a gift. Pretty cool action, especially on top water but only had one bass strike it. Granted, I didn't use the lure often, it just seemed useless.  :-?

fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 

rage tail anacondas , rage tail shads , storm bluegill , western plastics salamander , yum money minnows , yum buzz frogs , buzz baits , and a few more i can't think of right now ....

fishing user avatarWdyCrankbait reply : 
rage tail anacondas , rage tail shads , storm bluegill , western plastics salamander , yum money minnows , yum buzz frogs , buzz baits , and a few more i can't think of right now ....

Yes, Money Minnows! I saw some yesterday next to my tackle box, and I thought to myself " I was such an idiot for buying those!"

fishing user avatarHellbenderman reply : 

On a trip to Santee Cooper, more years ago than I can remember, we were having a terrible time, bad weather. We finally found some bass in tight to the cypress roots, and I do mean tight. We caught a few, but it was hell coaxing them out from those roots. That night we went to Wally World to get some line and there they were...the much denigrated Flying Lure! We looked at each other and then we each bought a package. The next day, we killed them with those stupid flying lures. You could actually swim them back into those roots a couple feet and keep them there. Worked for me! As for the worst...The Hawaiian Wiggler. Might as well have been fishing with a full key ring and a piece of pocket fuzz. What was I thinking? In 1964, you didn't have many alternatives, so you tried all six of them.

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 
Imma have to go with any of those Storm 5$ soft swimbait types. I ended up buying a few bags of these cuz the colors matched the bluegills around here, and I don't think i could PAY bass to eat em lol.

Are you talking about those "Wildeye" soft swimbaits? I actually have caught several 2-3 LB bass on those things. I have not thrown them too much but they have worked for me. Not bad for 3 for $5.

fishing user avatarGone_Phishin reply : 
One of my partners bought the Banjo Minnow. LMAO!

My buddy had the kit with the Banjo Frogs.  When he went out on the water with my partner and me, he really wouldn't fish much; if anything, he caused more problems than not.

Anyways, he would cast a Banjo Frog and let it trail behind the boat.  He always had three or four fish blow up on it every outing...but he was too busy screwing around to pick up his rod and set the hook.

fishing user avatarquantumtrue reply : 

without a doubt the worst that I ever bought was the flying lure and i got them as a kid and just knew that I had something  great... just nice paper weights now

fishing user avatarkickbasskid reply : 

Acme Spinning Bait. It was a heavy spinning blade with a treble hook. Probably took half the weeds out of my favorite pond.


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