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1st Baitcaster purchase 2025

fishing user avatarDaddyodo reply : 

I am getting ready to buy my 1st baitcaster reel. I have about 100 dollars to spend. What do you guys suggest I get :;)

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

Is that the most you can spend?

If you only have 100 then go to DICK's and pick up a Abu Garcia Silver Max/ Lightning rod custom combo. They run for about $70

fishing user avatarDr. Watson reply : 

I picked up an okuma cayenne 200w as my first, so far I love it check it out, I got mine for $89.99 shipped.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

A hundred bucks for just the reel?  BPS Pro Qualifier.  You won't regret buying one.

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

OH!!! Whoops I thought 100 was for the whole combo, not just a reel.

In that case pick up a BPS Pro Qualifier or Carbonlite. 8-)

fishing user avatarbandsr4me20 reply : 

abu garcia orra sx

fishing user avatarBobP reply : 

I'd throw in another $20 and buy a Shimano Citica.  You get what you pay for in reels and the Citica will give you years of service and high Shimano build quality.

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 
I'd throw in another $20 and buy a Shimano Citica. You get what you pay for in reels and the Citica will give you years of service and high Shimano build quality.

X 2.. ;)

fishing user avatarStasher1 reply : 
I'd throw in another $20 and buy a Shimano Citica. You get what you pay for in reels and the Citica will give you years of service and high Shimano build quality.

X 2.. ;)

Buying a Shimano doesn't guarantee you'll get a quality reel. Out of over 4 dozen reels I've purchased in the past few years, the ONLY one that was defective right out of the box was a Citica 200e.

fishing user avatarOHIO reply : 


fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 
I'd throw in another $20 and buy a Shimano Citica. You get what you pay for in reels and the Citica will give you years of service and high Shimano build quality.

X 2.. ;)

Buying a Shimano doesn't guarantee you'll get a quality reel. Out of over 4 dozen reels I've purchased in the past few years, the ONLY one that was defective right out of the box was a Citica 200e.

And that can happen to anyone, with re: to any brand of reel. None are perfect..  ;)

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I think I'd get the Citica, too.  Might as well start where you'll eventually end up.

fishing user avatarCFFF 1.5 reply : 
A hundred bucks for just the reel? BPS Pro Qualifier. You won't regret buying one.

Yep get the Pro Qualifier.

fishing user avatarNine Miler reply : 
I think I'd get the Citica, too.  Might as well start where you'll eventually end up.

Yep ;)

fishing user avatartrevor reply : 

Maybe consider the Ardent C400 on ebay for around $100.

fishing user avatarbwell reply : 

If its your first baitcaster I would definitely go with the Pro Qualifier...  It has dual braking which will help you out quite a bit when learning how to cast.

fishing user avatarNine Miler reply : 

Dual braking is not necessary.   Don't let that be what makes your decision.

fishing user avatarbwell reply : 

You are right it isn't necessary, but it is nice to have when learning how to use one. And for 100 bucks for a reel with dual braking is hard to beat. I just don't want him to buy a $120 reel and get discouraged because it is having a hard time adjusting it.

fishing user avatarrubba bubba reply : 
I think I'd get the Citica, too. Might as well start where you'll eventually end up.

Do the Revo zealots drink this much koolaid?

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
A hundred bucks for just the reel? BPS Pro Qualifier. You won't regret buying one.

Yep get the Pro Qualifier.

I agree.

fishing user avatarNine Miler reply : 
You are right it isn't necessary, but it is nice to have when learning how to use one. And for 100 bucks for a reel with dual braking is hard to beat. I just don't want him to buy a $120 reel and get discouraged because it is having a hard time adjusting it.

I am just saying people exaggerate the benefits of dual braking and there are other things more important to a purchase decision.  I have only used a PQ for a few minutes and they aren't for me but others love em.  I don't think you can go wrong either way, really.  I just prefer the Citica to the PQ, and I think more people than would like to admit probably would, too.  The problem is they bought the PQ already, and have learned to love it.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

I've got a Citica and a PQ.  I prefer using the PQ in all honesty.  They are both very comparable reels.  Having the different choices in gear ratios makes the PQ a very nice reel.  The dual braking is great when you're learning.  I don't use it all that much anymore.  I'll set the pins to whatever they need to be for the lure and set the Mag at zero.  That being said, being able to have the fine tuning of the magnetic is nice.  Especially if you're dealing with wind.

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 
I've got a Citica and a PQ. I prefer using the PQ in all honesty. They are both very comparable reels. Having the different choices in gear ratios makes the PQ a very nice reel. The dual braking is great when you're learning. I don't use it all that much anymore. I'll set the pins to whatever they need to be for the lure and set the Mag at zero. That being said, being able to have the fine tuning of the magnetic is nice. Especially if you're dealing with wind.

Couldn't have said it better myself  8-)

fishing user avatarDockhead reply : 

Well, I think you will be happy with either the citica or the pq.

I have both and like both a lot. I was pretty infatuated with the pq when I first got it. I was trying lots of different baits, constantly tinkering with the mag brake, just having a grand ole time. Something different to get my attention I guess, since I had been using centrifugal only reels for quite awhile.

But after a couple of months the newness wore off, and I realized that I throw a lot of different weights with my citicas, and never have to think about changing a dial.

So, having said all that, I'd vote for a citica. And btw, you can get one for less than $100 nib on ebay.  ;)

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

At the sub $100 dollar mark there is the Quantum Accurist PT from a couple of years ago on ebay for around $40-$60. Then there is the Daiwa Exceler which I have and use as a crank reel and it works pretty good tossing 1/4 oz cranks. The Cabelas Prodigy which is also made by Daiwa and on sale at Cabelas for about $70.

I have all 3 and right now the Exceler gets used more than any of them since I fish cranks primarily. I don't have a Citica or PQ as others have mention so I can't speak on them at all but I would go with the Exceler for tossing cranks, the accurist for pinching and flipping and the prodigy would be next in line.

fishing user avatars13john reply :

Call tw get a price match ... In the long run you will be much happier, also keep in mind that you can get diawa fuego's for near 100 in the flea market. Buy a reel from a reel maker not a NASCAR naton wal-mart.

fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 

I have a Citica and a Quantum Code, both great reels.  I've had 2 revo s reels, IMO there are way better options, both were stiff and didn't cast very well.  of those I have had, I'd say go with the Citica, great reel and the Shimano VBS is one if not the best centrifugal braking systems made.  Once you get it set right, it can be very good to you.

I know that recommending Shimano pigeon holds you but I'm far from a fan boy, I have reels form all the manufacturers that matter  ;) (Daiwa, Shimano, Pflueger, and Abu).  I have really found myself to gravitate toward Daiwa and Shimano. 

The PQ would be a great choice though.  I don't have one but have fished a lefty, for a minute, it's not for me.  It feels, casts, and retrieves very well.  The dual braking is a great starter tool, have two Patriarchs and a Supreme, over time it's pretty much added weight but comes in handy in a pinch without the hassle of opening up the reel.


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