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Abu Garcia Veritas 2.0 Vs Duckett Ghost! Please Help 2025

fishing user avatarokbassguy reply : 

Im trying to find a rod to pair up with the Lews Tournamnet MB im getting and im torn between the Abu Garcia Veritas 2.0 or the Duckket Ghost im not a tournament fisherman yet but im an all around fisherman I fish everything besides deep diving plugs,jigging spoons and A rigs which rod would be better for me? Or a suggestion on another rod around $100! PLEASE HELP

fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 

I've never owned either of those rods, so take my comments with a grain of salt. But I have handled both recently on two different trips to Bass Pro. I really like the feel of both of them! I don't think you can go wrong with either. But I really fell in love with that Duckett Ghost. I'm very tempted to buy one, even though I don't need a new rod right now. And this is coming from a guy who is usually a dedicated St Croix fan.

fishing user avatarcottny27 reply : 

Thats a toss up can't go wrong with either.  The Ghost has a longer and thicker handle I can tell you that much.  I have the Veritas micro and love it.  I have picked up the Ghost on a few occasions and it's very nice for the $.  Sorry, no help here.

fishing user avatarLewi reply : 

Toss up for me also.  I have 3 Veritas rods (not 2.0) and was planning on a Ghost also.  I think I have a soft spot for the white rod and wouldn't really care which I had!

fishing user avatarBassSlayer71 reply : 

Man... that's a toss up but the white on those Duckett's might do it for me lol.  (Bad when it comes down to which "looks" better)

fishing user avatarpaleus reply : 

The guides on the Veritas are better. The Veritas is probably a little stiffer, like all Abu rods.

fishing user avatarokbassguy reply : 

Thanks all of your comments helped!

fishing user avatarJGBassinAL reply : 

Don't pick up the Duckett because you like the white better than the white on the Veritas. I say this because the Ghost turns yellow the more it is exposed to sunlight. I agree with smallies24/7, the *** *** Black is leaps and bounds better than the Duckett Ghost and Abu Garcia Veritas.

fishing user avatarLip 'em! reply : 
  On 11/14/2014 at 8:03 AM, JGBassinAL said:

Don't pick up the Duckett because you like the white better than the white on the Veritas. I say this because the Ghost turns yellow the more it is exposed to sunlight. I agree with smallies24/7, the *** *** Black is leaps and bounds better than the Duckett Ghost and Abu Garcia Veritas.


I was about to say this. My ghost is an off white-yellowish color after less than a season. And the "Duckett Fishing" logo is worn off from treble hooks by the bait keeper. Otherwise, no major issues. I have the 7'6" mh deep cranking rod and even though it is a deep cranking rod I feel like it could be a tad more sensitive. I also have a couple of the older model veritas and I really like them. Broke the reel seat on my first one when setting the hook but they replaced it no questions asked. Overall both are pretty good rods for the money just go with whichever one you like the feel of more. Personally I lean a little more towards the abu. Like others have said remember they run stiff.

fishing user avatarBlues19 reply : 

I agree with Smallies24/7 in really likeing the ***. I have 2 Veritas' and an *** (Dont have a Ghost and havent fished one).  I like my Veritas Rods but I feel like the *** is the better of those two rods.  And being a similar price, I would go with an ***.

fishing user avatarMegastink reply : 


fishing user avatarbaileyjs reply : 

I don't want to hijack this thread, but I'm in the same situation (looking at the Veritas in particular) and it doesn't look like the 7' MHF *** is recommended for 1/4 oz jigs.  Would I get a way with using them with the added weight of the trailer or should I shy away from the ***?

fishing user avatarrobster80 reply : 


fishing user avatarfisherrw reply : 

Phenix maxim is what I'd get for that price.

fishing user avatarfishbowl807 reply : 

I have both. The Ghost is more sensitive and lighter however the Ghost rods have a long handle which I'm not a fan of. Both great rods though. Also like people have said I like my *** better than both of them.

fishing user avatarTorqueConverter reply : 
  On 11/14/2014 at 1:27 AM, okbassguy said:

Im trying to find a rod to pair up with the Lews Tournamnet MB im getting and im torn between the Abu Garcia Veritas 2.0 or the Duckket Ghost im not a tournament fisherman yet but im an all around fisherman I fish everything besides deep diving plugs,jigging spoons and A rigs which rod would be better for me? Or a suggestion on another rod around $100! PLEASE HELP


Veritas is a jig stick IMO and an excellent one at that but I'd want something with a softer tip for moving baits and 'all around use'.  I'm also a braid guy so maybe it'd be fine with that clear plastic stretchy stuff. .Just my $.02

fishing user avatarmjseverson24 reply : 

I have only used the veritas and the ***, and both are great rods. The *** is a little bit more sensitive, while I feel the veritas has a little bit more power, so depending on the applications they each can outshine the other... for all around it seems the *** is the better choice... no experience on the water with the ghost but in the stores i did not like the tapers of this series...



fishing user avatarSenkoGuru reply : 

 The *** is not leaps and bounds better than the Ghost and the handle of the *** is a deal breaker for me. While it is a good rod, it has the worst grip I have held on a rod. Also the first batch of Ghost rods did turn yellow looking but the problem has been fixed, it was a bad batch of epoxy from what I have been told and the newer ones do not do that. My Vote goes to the Duckett Ghost.

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 

The Veritas is a great rod for the money, especially if you can get a 1.0 on clearance.  I have one left in my arsenal, it is one of my favorite multi-purpose rods.  It is a MH/F - 7'3" rod, to me this is a perfect length.  I have used it as a plastics/jig rod, bladed baits, frogs, and pitching/flipping.

fishing user avatarMass Bassin' reply : 


fishing user avatarpbizzle reply : 

I absolutely LOVE my Veritas 2.0. I haven't used the Ghost, but I'm kind of avoiding them due to the guides on them.

fishing user avatarBlues19 reply : 
  On 1/15/2015 at 7:25 AM, baileyjs said:

I don't want to hijack this thread, but I'm in the same situation (looking at the Veritas in particular) and it doesn't look like the 7' MHF *** is recommended for 1/4 oz jigs.  Would I get a way with using them with the added weight of the trailer or should I shy away from the ***?

I have a MH *** and a MH Veritas, and I feel like the *** handles smaller weights better than the Veritas.

fishing user avatarbbodkin reply : 

Duckett ghosts are awesome, veritas' are crap IMHO, and idk if the *** black is good or not becuase it snapped on the first fish swinging it in the boat. The fish was a pound btw. My vote goes towards the duckett.

fishing user avatarAdkfishing reply : 

The ghost doesn't have guide inserts, so I don't like throwing braid on it. I prefer the veritas for frogs and such. 

fishing user avatarcottny27 reply : 

I have both and like my Ghost better.  Better feel, balance, and truer action.  Both are a good choice imo.  I got my Veritas micro from Walmart online for $70.  I think they screwed up because it was back to $100 a day later.  There was no sale stated.  Free ship to store.

fishing user avatarSMITTY0045 reply : 

Although you really can't go wrong with either rod, I picked the ghost when I was between the two. The ghost seemed to a a little bit softer tip and I just liked the feel better. Again, you can't go wrong with either rod, so I would just pick what you are most comfortable with

fishing user avatarJustinU1X reply : 


  On 1/8/2016 at 1:44 AM, SMITTY0045 said:

Although you really can't go wrong with either rod, I picked the ghost when I was between the two. The ghost seemed to a a little bit softer tip and I just liked the feel better. Again, you can't go wrong with either rod, so I would just pick what you are most comfortable with

I've had both as well and like SMITTY said the ghost had a softer tip and was more sensitive. I had the MH Veritas  and it was really stiff. The ceramic guides on the Veritas are sensitive as well. I had to have it shipped to me 3 times because they kept breaking when shipped. On the other hand the guides on the ghost didn't handle braid well, definitely groves from braid.


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