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Problem Casting 1/2 Jigs And Trailers? 2025

fishing user avatardfris reply : 

Hi guys,


I seem to be having a problem throwing/casting jig with trailers with my setup. I'm not sure if its the rod or reel to be honest.


The rod I have is the Skeet Reese Jig/worm rod. Its 7'1" med heavy, and lure size is 1/4 to 1 once


My reel is the Pflugger Patriarch 6:1 bait caster. Its not the new blue one its the Silver one.


Anyways, I can only get maybe 30 feet at best with a jig. I have 4 of these reels, I use for topwater, crank, spinner and jig. I can throw a spinnerbait a mile, and kvds 1.5 a good long ways. my topwater, say a spook or a fluke I can launch with these reels, but a jig, forget it.



Is this common? Should I be looking for another rod?


Some advice please




fishing user avatarnew2BC4bass reply : 

What weight jigs are you throwing?  I have no idea why your distance is so short considering how well you can cast a spinnerbait.  A jig and trailer should cast further than a spinnerbait of equal weight.  Spinnerbaits aren't known for their aerodynamics.  :teeth:


I have zero experience with the Skeet Reese rods, but I do know some brands of rods are known to be heavier than rated.  I can't cast a 3/8 oz. lure on my MH Villain rated for 3/8-1 1/4 oz.  Even a 1/2 oz. spinnerbait doesn't cast very well.


I don't have that particular Pflueger, but have read plenty of reviews on how good these reels are.  So unless it is a bad example, I doubt it is the reel.  I have a couple Trions and Patriarch XTs and they all cast very well.


I have to assume the reel is set up within reason since you aren't new to them.


I can throw a 1/2 oz. jig with 3-1/2 inch Mr. Twister a good distance on my 6'10" HF Tour Edition and a Trion.


Long distance help can be a problem with things like this.  Has the reel been cleaned?  How tight is the spool tension?  Did you miss an eye when stringing the line?  (Put it through a foot instead of the eye.)

fishing user avatardfris reply : 

Thanks for the reply,


I have been using a 3/8 jig with trailer, but have moved up to a 1/2 oz to try and get more distance. The reel is set correct, you can click the handle and the lure falls freely to the ground. I have set the magnets to 0 to try and get more distance. It just starts to backlash when the lure hits the water, and can set the magnets to 10 and get the backlash out but same distance. So the spool is set just about right. IDK, I first thought it was the size of the jig, but I figured a 1/2 would fly, but not much further than the 3/8 jig with trailers.


Could it be the jig and trailers itself, acting like a parachute? slowing down the lure? I'm using 12lbs fluorocarbon line could this be the problem?

fishing user avatarWhiteMike1018 reply : 

Check your brakes on and the casting control and also If the jig is really bulky as well as the trailer it tends to have a lot of resistance in the air as opposed to a thinner skirt/less bulky trailer ..also clean your rod guides a bit some with a toothbrush if they look a little crusty


I bought this rod over the winter at wal-mart for 50 bucks on sale and im sure ill beable to cast these things a mile.

fishing user avatarWhiteMike1018 reply : 
  On 2/28/2014 at 10:37 AM, dfris said:

Thanks for the reply,


I have been using a 3/8 jig with trailer, but have moved up to a 1/2 oz to try and get more distance. The reel is set correct, you can click the handle and the lure falls freely to the ground. I have set the magnets to 0 to try and get more distance. It just starts to backlash when the lure hits the water, and can set the magnets to 10 and get the backlash out but same distance. So the spool is set just about right. IDK, I first thought it was the size of the jig, but I figured a 1/2 would fly, but not much further than the 3/8 jig with trailers.


Could it be the jig and trailers itself, acting like a parachute? slowing down the lure? I'm using 12lbs fluorocarbon line could this be the problem?



I'ts most likely the jig and the trailer yes

fishing user avatardfris reply : 

White Mike, if it is the lure and trailer, what's the fix? thin the skirt out some? get a stiffer rod?

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 

That sounds very odd, I definitely can throw a 3/8 oz jig with trailer farther than a spinnerbait.  Is it the same trailer?  Maybe try throwing the jig without the trailer and see if that works?  Other thing it can be is what 2BC4 said, could be your rod can't load it up well.  Other suggestion is to get your reel serviced by a professional unless of course you know how to do it yourself.

fishing user avatarmjseverson24 reply : 

If something is not wrong with your reel, I would have to assume it is your casting technique. You should be able to cast a 1/2 oz jig quite a ways, especially with that reel, i would say close to 100'. anyway I hope you get it figured out, good luck...



fishing user avatariabass8 reply : 

Try throwing the bait on a different reel with the same rod. The reel may have too much oil on the spool shaft. This will cause very short casting distances. Clean the reel anyway.

fishing user avatardfris reply : 

Thanks Guys, Ill give all the tips a try. This is crazy

fishing user avatarTywithay reply : 

Believe that reel has dual braking systems. Probably too many centrifugal brakes turned on inside the sideplate.

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 
  On 2/28/2014 at 10:37 AM, WhiteMike1018 said:

If the jig is really bulky as well as the trailer it tends to have a lot of resistance in the air as opposed to a thinner skirt/less bulky trailer

I'd bet this is the reason for the shorter distances. I see it with the bulky baits I throw.

fishing user avatarTim Kelly reply : 

If you can only throw it 30ft there's something very wrong. Try undoing the mechanical cast control to the point that there is a tiny amount of side to side movement in the spool when the reel's disengaged. Even with all the other casting brakes on full you should be able to pitch at least twice that distance without any effort, overhead casts way way further. If that isn't the problem and you can't work out what it is, take it to a tackle shop or show it to a friend who has more experience. Try another reel on the rod and if the problem persists it must be your technique, but I doubt that's the case if you can throw other set ups a good distance.

fishing user avatarSmallmouth Hunter reply : 

Take off the trailer... It slows it down a lot when casting I find. Either take it off or trim the claws or whatever.

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

I'd have to say something is not right woth your reel. You say you get the same distance with the mag brakes at 10 as you do at zero. That is not right. Send it off the Mike at DVT, and let him correct the problem.

fishing user avatardaiwaguy reply : 

I agree with the reel issue. You should be able to cast any 1/2 ounce bait more than thirty feet actually even pitch more than 30' even with the brakes "turned way up". Try casting that bait with one of your other reels that you are casting well. If it works then you have your answer.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

30' only? Wow.... And with a 1/2 oz jig..

Are u using heavy braid? As in new braid?

Honestly I think you have a reel problem.. I think

I had a brand new Fuego once... It wouldn't cast more than 40 to 50 feet ... Massive backlashes

I knew the reel was bad.... Took it back... Bps gave me another.. First cast 180' it was a bad 250$ brand new reel... It happens

Good luck

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Also maybe it's a seized up spool bearing?

Irregardless ... I think it's in the reel


fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

The puzzling thing here is that one bait casts fine the next doesn't. A jig should cast at least as well as other baits of similar weight. I'd check the line again and make sure it is thru all the guides. I've gotten them thru the frame and wrapped around the rod and missed it at first glance.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 
  On 3/1/2014 at 12:10 AM, Delaware Valley Tackle said:

The puzzling thing here is that one bait casts fine the next doesn't. A jig should cast at least as well as other baits of similar weight. I'd check the line again and make sure it is thru all the guides. I've gotten them thru the frame and wrapped around the rod and missed it at first glance.

Exactly... Very very good point as well!

fishing user avatarFrankW reply : 
  On 2/28/2014 at 7:39 PM, Tywithay said:

Believe that reel has dual braking systems. Probably too many centrifugal brakes turned on inside the sideplate.


If this reel has the dual braking system then that is probably your problem.  That would explain why the distance doesn't change as you adjust the mag brake.  Take the side plate off and see if you have a centrifugal brake under the cover.  If so, reduce the brakes to one or two and that should solve your problem.   



fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

Weird. Sounds like the reel.

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 

I'm with DVT on this one.  Check your guides and make sure the line is thru them.  I have missed a guide before and it cost me distance.  Not to mention line damage.  Also, if the reel is casting fine with another lure of the same weight, it could be that the bait is catching air to slow it down.  It could be like throwing a spinner bait into the wind.

fishing user avatarJohn G reply : 

Have you tried changing the point at which you release your thumb on the spool during the cast. Maybe you are releasing too late?

fishing user avatarzachb34 reply : 

Set your internal breaks and make a cast check them again if the cast is short and see if more are turning on that was my problem with my lews TP

fishing user avatardfris reply : 



Ok I feel real stupid right about now. After posting this thread, and reading the feedback, I couldn't sleep. I got up this morning before work and took a look, and could not believe what I found. When I received this reel, I turned all the breaks off, as I do with all reels. Well it seems that I turned the Brakes all ON. I feel so stupid. The bad part is that this reel was originally on a skeet reese spinnerbait rod. I couldn't get any distance of the rod, and purchased a lucky 13 rod, But before I could get to the lake, I received a new Pflugger reel for Christmas the new blue ones. And put this reel on my jig rod. So the whole time was the fact that I turned the brakes on instead of OFF......


Live and learn I guess.

Anyway Thanks to everyone who posted trying to help me out.


fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 

Hey man, we've all had that "Where's my keys I can't find them anywhere?" moment.  They wound up being in your hand while walking around for 10 minutes.  Been there. Done that. And have the t-shirt. :laugh5:


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