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Shimano Citica 2025

fishing user avatarHawg Fan reply : 

Hey Everyone,

I am in need of another reel and I see that shimano is offering 50$ rebates on Curados and $30 rebates on the Citicas. I was thinking of buying a citica but was wondering if any of you have one, if you do like it, and which version should I buy. If you have any other suggestions for a high end reel for a good price let me know.



fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 

I bought a Citica Sunday, it's on its way. Haven't heard anything but good things about them.

fishing user avatarHawg Fan reply : 

Hey thanks for the reply. Yeah my friend has like 5 Curados and loves all of them. I have heard good and bad things about the Revo but im sure there are bad eggs in everyones batch

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 


The rebate has three weeks left.

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 

Of course. Just get what makes you happy. If you can, you should get the Curado. Go big, or go home! (As big as your wallet goes.) Most higher priced reels are worth it IMO.

fishing user avatarHawg Fan reply : 

My wallet is pretty much empty as it is :)

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 

Same here, but I really wanted a Citica.  :) Definitely look into the Citica though. ***.com is having a sale. I bought mine for $99.00 with free shipping and a $30 rebate. You can also check them out on eBay, but your'e not always eligible for the rebate.

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 

Oh, and a heads up... There's a guy selling a barely used one in the "Flea Market" section for $70 shipped.

fishing user avatarHawg Fan reply : 

I wonder if local shops honor rebates, has anyone had any small local shops do that if you have a coupon?

fishing user avatarHawg Fan reply : 

Thanks for the heads up, ill look into that.

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 

You print it off Shimano's website. It just has to be bought from an authorized Shimano dealer.

fishing user avatarHawg Fan reply : 

I would get the rebate instantly correct? Thanks again for helping me with this life of death decision :-/

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 

No sir, I hear it takes 6-8 weeks. I hear what your'e saying, I shopped for about 3 weeks!

fishing user avatarHawg Fan reply : 

Wow then ill definately have to go with the citica. Do you guys think that the Shimano Compre 7'0 Med/Hvy Fast Tip would be a good all around rod?

fishing user avatarJake P reply : 

I have had the urge to try a Citica really bad here lately so i was browsing through ebay and found what seems to be a good deal. Im quite content with my Revo's at the moment so if this deal looks good to you then i wont bid on it. Heres the link, let me know if you decide to go for it because if not i might. Good luck.

fishing user avatarHawg Fan reply : 

By all means man! Take the deal, im not much of an ebayer anyways. I appreciate it though.

fishing user avatarJake P reply : 

Im not either, ive never done the Ebay thing before so im kinda skeptical. I might just stick with ***.....

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 
Im not either, ive never done the Ebay thing before so im kinda skeptical. I might just stick with ***.....

That thing still has two more days on the auction. In the end there is no way that it will go for under 69.99

Go with *** for the piece of mind.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Delo's is a sponsor:

I would go with the CI100DSV


fishing user avatarBrockSamson reply : 

Just ordered the Citica 100DSV from *** yesterday.  I can't wait.  Now, to order the Loomis 7' MH IMX to pair it with 8-)

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 
Delo's is a sponsor:

I would go with the CI100DSV


Yeah but why order from there when you can get it 20 dollars cheaper before rebate at TW?

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

The rebate has three weeks left.

Dang!!! They don't have any lefty 101s

fishing user avatarhawgchaser reply : 

Hey Nick, What part of Arkansas are you from?

Anyway, IMO the best deal out there is the Baas Pro Extreme Combos. The extreme reels are tough to beat. I have curados, extreme's, a few quantums, and a few Pfluegers. I use the extreme reels 80-90% of the time.

However, I am in the minority b/c I think the extreme reel is much better than the Citica. It is certainly a better buy IMO.

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 

Citicas are aaaaaaaa mmmm aaaaaaaa zzzzzzz iiiiiiii nnnnnnn gggggg!!

fishing user avatarBrush Hog20 reply : 

I own several citica's great reel for the $....a little heavy but very trustworthy...I hardly ever backlash it.....I mean professional over-run it.... ;D

fishing user avatarLive.2.Fish reply : 

I just used my first Citica last weekend.  It was great, and very, very smooth.  Now if I can just catch a fish with it!  :'(

fishing user avatarHawg Fan reply : 

I'm from central arkansas, jacksonville to be exact. Thanks for all the replies. I went and looked at a shimano convergence rod today. 7'0 MH Fast Action.


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