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Cork sealer alternatives 2025

fishing user avatarburrows reply : 

I have a rod comming in a few days but I forgot to order u40 and I was wondering if there was an alternative cork sealer readily available at most hardware stores?  Any input would be much appreciated.

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

The only other product I use is TruOil

fishing user avatarburrows reply : 

I'm definitely going to have to go look for some, I want to be fishing by the weekend.

i never seald the cork on any rod. 

fishing user avatarTorn Thumb reply : 

Is it a bad idea to seal it after you've already used it a few times?

fishing user avatarburrows reply : 

Yeah this is an new rod I should have it in a couple of days so it'll be a new rod I'm sealing the old rods I'm not sealing those peicees of junk.

fishing user avatarTorn Thumb reply : 

I asked because I recently got a cork handled rod (nothing fancy) but I've gone ahead and used it a few times. Is it already too late to seal it is my question.

fishing user avatarburrows reply : 

I misread your comment sorry bout that ,but that is a good question ? I was reading on some other rod building thread that you can seal a used cork handle but you need to sand it a little bit before you seal it but hey I've never done it so take that as you will.

Edited by Burros
fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Simply wash the cork handle in warm water and dawn liquid soap, rinse and dry. No reason to ever seal good quality cork. If the cork get stained with attractants or oils clean with Mr. Clean Magic pads.


fishing user avatarTorn Thumb reply : 
  On 9/21/2016 at 11:24 AM, WRB said:

No reason to ever seal good quality cork.

Would the cork on a Fenwick hmx be considered "quality?"

fishing user avatarMolay1292 reply : 

I seal every cork handled rod I own, top end St.Croix and Loomis rods get the same treatment.   I clean them a little with magic eraser and then apply a coat of  U-40.  I do it to protect the cork, keeps it from ever becoming stained and prevents any filler from coming loose and leaving pits in the handle.     Typically I repeat the process over the winter for the following season.  

If you prefer your handles to be dried out, pitted and dirty I would not mess with it.


fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

Like anything else, if taken care of your cork handles will last a long time without treatment. Cork sealer will prolong its life by sealing out the elements that can lead to dry and pitted cork.  The added benefit is you get a better grip on the rod. 

My suggestion is to use the rod until you can get some U40 cork sealer and then do as WRB suggested. After applying it, if you prefer the feel of untreated cork, you can always wash it off.

fishing user avatarbigfruits reply : 

seal it later if you don't want to wait for your U40 to be delivered. If it looks dirty (it shouldn't if only used a few times) clean the cork with warm water and Dawn soap as WRB mentioned. Let it dry overnight before sealing.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

I have cork handle rods that are decades old and never sealed them, they are very condition. All I have ever done is wash them occasionally. If the cork has fillers, then you may need to seal it to prevent the fillers from falling out, don't own any rods with fillers in the cork and that is a problem with today's rods.


fishing user avatartimsford reply : 
  On 9/21/2016 at 10:35 PM, WRB said:

I have cork handle rods that are decades old and never sealed them, they are very condition. All I have ever done is wash them occasionally. If the cork has fillers, then you may need to seal it to prevent the fillers from falling out, don't own any rods with fillers in the cork and that is a problem with today's rods.


Amen to that. Customs and VERY FEW factory rods are the only ones I've seen in a few years with nice cork. It makes it hard when you despise foam, don't like the feel of the Winn grips, and customs or a 400 dollar legend elite are the only place to get a nice cork handle. I use u40 on all my cork rods since most have lots of filler. I have bought several used and just cleaned with dawn and water and magic erasers before sealing

fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 

another finish that quite a few people use is floor finish

try this one -

fishing user avatarMolay1292 reply : 
  On 9/22/2016 at 12:47 AM, timsford said:

Amen to that. Customs and VERY FEW factory rods are the only ones I've seen in a few years with nice cork. It makes it hard when you despise foam, don't like the feel of the Winn grips, and customs or a 400 dollar legend elite are the only place to get a nice cork handle. I use u40 on all my cork rods since most have lots of filler. I have bought several used and just cleaned with dawn and water and magic erasers before sealing

I have NRX's and 3 different versions of the Legend Elite and Extreme, they all have filler in the cork.   While the cork is better on these rods than some of the others I own there are still small imperfections that have been filled.

Cork with no imperfections is almost impossible to get, the best cork never makes it to the fishing industry or anywhere else.   The wine companies have the best cork purchased before anyone else ever has the opportunity to own it.

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 

Seal it now or seal it later. It doesn't matter. 

fishing user avatarTorn Thumb reply : 

Very good replies here. Thank you all.

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

Almost all cork nowadays has some level of filler. Sealing will help preserve it but isn't mandatory. You can seal it anytime after use. Just clean and dry it. U40 is a polymer so it will deal better than tru oil. Cork doesn't take finishes well. That's one of the qualities that make it great for handles. 

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

i've sealed a number of mine after using them for a bit.  i just hit them with a magic clean eraser and then apply the sealer.  

fishing user avatarMickD reply : 

After sealing with U40 the cork will look and feel almost unchanged from bare cork, but with Tru Oil, it will feel a little "harder."  That's not bad in my opinion, as I think people tend to over-rate how good bare cork feels.  Keep in mind that carbon fiber grips are very hard, but they are not uncomfortable.  Different, but not a bad feel, IMHO.  I have a couple rods I've used Tru Oil on that are many years old, and they just keep going on and on without change, without ever needing to be cleaned up. Noting seems to stick to them.

Your choice.  If in doubt, do an old rod grip in Tru Oil after "renewing" as others have suggested, and see if you like it.  With exotic burl cork it makes the "grain" stand out more, more contrasty, and a better look.

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 

I have never sealed the cork on any of my rods. I had this crazy theory that they need to "breathe" and sealing them would prevent that. Don't know where I got that idea from.

I wipe down my rods with a wet rag after every trip. I clean any stains with Dawn dishwashing detergent. I also repair any chips in the cork with a cork powder and white wood glue mixture. My rods are fine, even the ones that are a few decades old, without sealing.

fishing user avatarMickD reply : 
  On 9/22/2016 at 9:39 PM, Finesse Wayfarer said:

I have never sealed the cork on any of my rods. I had this crazy theory that they need to "breathe" and sealing them would prevent that. Don't know where I got that idea from.

I wipe down my rods with a wet rag after every trip. I clean any stains with Dawn dishwashing detergent. I also repair any chips in the cork with a cork powder and white wood glue mixture. My rods are fine, even the ones that are a few decades old, without sealing.

Sounds like a good plan.  And you've proven it works.

fishing user avatarRichD913 reply : 

I never knew the cork had to be maintained. I have a st croix premier with a full cork handle. It's beautiful, I want it to stay that way. The little bit of cork on my brothers mojo bass is really dark now, not like when he bought it. I don't want that to happen to my nice full cork on my somewhat pricey rod. This U40 will prevent that? Will the change the color/look upon using it? 

fishing user avataronetime reply : 
  On 9/26/2016 at 8:16 AM, RichD913 said:

I never knew the cork had to be maintained. I have a st croix premier with a full cork handle. It's beautiful, I want it to stay that way. The little bit of cork on my brothers mojo bass is really dark now, not like when he bought it. I don't want that to happen to my nice full cork on my somewhat pricey rod. This U40 will prevent that? Will the change the color/look upon using it? 

U40 will not "prevent" the cork from getting dirty, just makes cleaning easier. I seal all mine and it does not change the feel.

fishing user avatarMickD reply : 

Please read my previous post.

If you want your cork to retain its good looks, then definitely, use a sealer on it.  If you want its appearance unchanged, use U40.  One coat only.  Then, when it gets dirty, you can easily wash it to return it to (almost) its new appearance.

fishing user avatarbeardown34 reply : 

Alternative? I use Duck Brand Wrap-Fix Self-Fusing Silicone, $5 at Walmart. One roll wraps three 7 ft rod handles with some left over. Wipes down easy. The cork underneath has literally never been touched. The plastic wrap is still on it. I personally like the look and feel. Different strokes for different folks. It's more sturdy than a tennis grip wrap because it fuses to itself. It's used for low pressure water repairs so for all intents and purposes it is waterproof. 


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