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Deep Cranking Reel 2025

fishing user avatarJigMouth reply : 

Decided on a crankbait rod (805 cbrm dobyns champion) and now I need a reel. I was gonna go with the lews bb1 pro but they are now discontinued and sold. I'd prefer 100-200$ range and lews is preferred. Open to other brands to though. Thanks!

fishing user avatarPettis reply : 

TW has 3 in stock.

fishing user avatarJigMouth reply : 

Just saw that thanks^ still would like to hear people suggestions.

fishing user avatartravis23 reply : 

Daisha Zillion. It makes cranking a breeze, and you can get that 4:9 and buy a spare, faster gear set for backup. You can find them cheap right now too!! I never fish with anything 15-20ft, but I own some and have thrown them with this reel, and it is super easy to crank!!

fishing user avatarWPCfishing reply : 

I'm surprised they decided to discontinue the Reel. Must not have sold well. Glad I have mine. I use it mostly for square bills.

fishing user avatarRobert Riley reply : 

BB2 Pro? Only difference between the BB1 and the Pro is just the external brake dial I believe.

fishing user avatarWPCfishing reply : 

You can read the specs on the Lews site.

The Pro offers a lot more than different brakes.

I have a BB1 too. I use it solely for deep running cranks.

fishing user avatarWPCfishing reply : 
  On 8/26/2015 at 9:14 AM, JigMouth said:

Decided on a crankbait rod (805 cbrm dobyns champion) and now I need a reel. I was gonna go with the lews bb1 pro but they are now discontinued and sold. I'd prefer 100-200$ range and lews is preferred. Open to other brands to though. Thanks!

I just looked on the Lews site at the new and improved BB1 Pro is not discontinued. Who the hell told you that?

fishing user avatarJigMouth reply : 

I was told by *** the bb1 pro is now a discontinued reel.

fishing user avatarjbrew73 reply : 

tw told me they were discontinued only to have the new ones back in stock less than two weeks later. the new ones have the speed dial thing but still use the same model numbers. guess they were confused or mistaken.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

I use and really like the Abu Garcia Revo Winch. It's a workhorse of a reel and right in your price range.

fishing user avatarfishballer06 reply : 

Check out the Shimano Chronarch E5's. They're being discontinued as well, but they're one hell of a reel. 

fishing user avatarAl Wolbach reply : 
  On 8/26/2015 at 8:22 PM, Lucky Craft Man said:

I use and really like the Abu Garcia Revo Winch. It's a workhorse of a reel and right in your price range.


fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

The BPS PQ comes in 4.7:1 and shares a lot with the Lews and Abu. Any of the suggested reels will do a good job.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

The CTE100GT and CTE200GT come up for sale in our Flea Market occasionally.

These are my choices!

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

really liked my buddies abu winch when i tried his out a month or so ago.  really made the deep cranking a breeze.

fishing user avatarJosh Smith reply : 

Ambassaduer 5500 with bushings. Upgrade drag, and install bearings on driveshaft and worm gear.


fishing user avatarBass_Fanatic reply : 

Anything in the $100-200 range will be a good reel. I prefer the Daiwa Tatula for cranking. For right at $100 you won't find a better value.

fishing user avataraprilbass101 reply : 

Lews Tournament MG - 5:4 to 1....perfect for cranking ....$139....Very pleased with mine!

fishing user avatarJGBassinAL reply : 

I'm a big fan of the Curado E5. It has a 5.0:1 gear ratio as opposed to the Chronarch E5 with the 5.5:1 gear ratio. Both are great choices and the Curado IPG is great as well. I just really like Shimano lol. I have owned some Lew's in the past and they are good reels too but I would rather have a Shimano because it's a Shimano. Lew's, Abu Garcia, and Pflueger are all pretty much the same thing. With Shimano I know I am gonna get quality, not saying that other brands aren't, but with Shimano I KNOW.

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 

So I'm gonna probably be the only one that recommends these, but I like the older Quantum Smoke 150's in their 5:3.1 as well as the EXO 100 in the same ratio.  One just holds more line then the other but both perform great for me.


I've picked up both off Ebay as well for great prices NIB. Both under $125

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

The OP likes Lew's reels, that is what he should focus on.

A crank bait reel needs to have enough line capacity to make 40+ yard cast without radically changing the IPT rate, strong enough gears and spool bearings to hold up under the force of deep diving crankbaits and gear ratio that doesn't wear out the user. Most modern crankbaits rods are over 7' long, not lightest weight rods around, so the reel should balance well with the rod.

Just my 2 cents.


fishing user avatarbootytrain reply : 

The curado I PG. The xship makes it ridiculously smooth and powerful under load.

fishing user avatarJigMouth reply : 

Thanks for all the input guys. Its down to the bb1 pro (which is now in stock) and a tatula. I'll probably get the bb1

fishing user avatarjbrew73 reply : 
  On 8/27/2015 at 10:34 AM, JigMouth said:

Thanks for all the input guys. Its down to the bb1 pro (which is now in stock) and a tatula. I'll probably get the bb1

i sent you a pm

fishing user avatarWPCfishing reply : 

You know that BB1 reel is fantastic for cranks. You don't need a Pro unless you have other plans for the reel.

fishing user avatarrangerjockey reply : 

I fish both and really like the tatula and the BB1. I would stick with the pro. The externally adjustable breaking is really nice when changing baits or the wind kicks up.


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