This will be the thread I use during 2014 to show my videos and give reports on my fishing outings. After seeing Frog Turds 2013 thread and not wanting to post a new thread for each fishing report I think it’s best to have a “one stop shop”. Most of the videos I make are between 3-8 minutes and if there is ever anything you want to me expand on, include, or have ideas to better my vids give me feedback. I’m not an editing guru and my software is nothing great so I keep things simple and to the point for the most part.
Disclaimer: Yes my user name is MNbassman23 and I do live and fish in MN. I also live close to the Dakota’s (open bass season year round) and I fish there during the closed season in MN.
My first trip out this year I ended up getting the skunk. I fished a lot of water that has produced in the past, but this year the water was much colder than when I usually get out. The next trip out I made some adjustments, found some warmer water, and ended up with 2 small ones and lost 2 fish. The thread linked below was from that outing
Yesterday after I got off work I loaded up the boat and headed for the lake in hopes to expand on the bites I had gotten earlier in the week. I started off fishing were I had caught the 2 smaller fish, but with no luck. The water had cooled off again so I knew I needed to find warmer water. I went to a new area around 6:15pm and it looked like a good spawning bay. The water was significantly warmer so I started at the mouth of the bay in deeper water and continued to work into the bay checking the shallows. After about 1 hour of no luck I started to make my way out of the bay at a fairly quick pace on the opposite side I entered. As I was exiting the bay there was a long point that lead out into the main lake. At the base of this long point, which was the entry of the bay, was a small rock point that had a stump about 10 yards away from it. The deeper water ran along the long point leading into the bay and swung in towards this stump and small rock point. This was a prime spot for fish to stage on before the spawn. My first pitch next to the log instantly got smacked! Fought the fish and it ended up being a 4.56lber.
After this fish I got repositioned and made the same cast and was rewarded with another fish. This happened again, and again, and again. The fish were stacked on that log and small rock point in 4.5ft of water. There were 2 specific casts and both the spot and angles were key to catching them. I ended up with 17 fish in an hour of fishing. All caught on a 1/4oz t-rigged craw fatty in Okeechobee Craw.
Here is the video of some of the fish caught. Make sure to watch in HD.
Good job Branden, isn't it wonderful when you can get ok the fish like that.
Nice outing.
Great start Branden. Looking forward to your seasonal postings.
Thanks for the kind words fellas. It felt great to be out there and on a solid bite.
Brandon, I like your idea bro. Hopefully you have a change of scenery to fish. Roughly 1500 miles south of your current location. It would take you no time at all to post some dd's on this thread!! Good luck man....ill be staying tuned. Ill be tossing some hudds next week myself for the first time in over a year!
power hour!!
Great video and bass!!!
Good for you getting this going. Will be fun to see the results. Maybe you'll stick a 7 like Frog Turds since they seem to like the camera
Also, i enjoy the write up, always adds something to the video. Keep it up,
On 4/27/2014 at 8:30 AM, 1234567 said:Brandon, I like your idea bro. Hopefully you have a change of scenery to fish. Roughly 1500 miles south of your current location. It would take you no time at all to post some dd's on this thread!! Good luck man....ill be staying tuned. Ill be tossing some hudds next week myself for the first time in over a year!
Thanks Tony! Good luck on tossing those Hudds and let me know how it goes. Once I get on a solid bite I'll be throwing them around more. I started tossing them a bit yesterday, but not enough time to make it happen. Your due for a giant buddy!
On 4/27/2014 at 8:57 AM, Frog Turds said:power hour!!
Ya buddy! You inspire us all my friend. Hope this thread, and my showcasing, does half as good as yours did/will do this year
On 4/27/2014 at 9:53 AM, shimmy said:Good for you getting this going. Will be fun to see the results. Maybe you'll stick a 7 like Frog Turds since they seem to like the camera
Also, i enjoy the write up, always adds something to the video. Keep it up,
Thanks Shimmy I'll be doing my best to make this enjoyable for ya'll! I figured a bit of a write up helps put things in perspective. 7lber was my goal going into the year and getting it on camera as Frog Turds did would be awesome. I need me some of that Frog Turd mojo.
Make sure your digi has the weight on your fish.......that way Shimmy won't beat you up over the weights ahaha!!! What he says is true though, 8 pound bass seems to be the magic number for most fish posted!!! Still havn't broke six this year......I did tell you I suck right!
appreciate the good words B!! keep chuckin and you'll find her, i'll be waitin & watchin brother
Well I snuck out this past sunday afternoon and have a report. My father-in-law and I got to the lake and I realized something bad... I forgot the GoPro! I knew instantly that we were going to smack them and guess what? We sure did. We fished around the same spawning bay as my past outing and we found the chunky pre spawners on a every small rock point leading into the bay. We ended up with 30 fish and our top 5 went 5.97, 5.18, 4.91, 4.57, and 4. Here are a few pictures we took.
When I hooked into the 5.97 I knew it was big. She stayed deep pulling drag and finally came up right at the boat. When my father-in-law lipped her I said thats a 6lber. Well the scale put me in my place and told me to try again. Good thing the year is young, I have lots of time and need to find one 1.03 bigger We started off throwing a shaky head/craw fatty combo and got a lot of numbers up to 3.5lbs. Switched over to the NSCB knockout jig and thats when the big girls started to play.
I got out on Monday as well and remembered to bring the GoPro. Didn't do near as well on the big ones, but still had a decent trip. I'll work on the video tomorrow. I've been sick as a dog the past 2 days, but I promise to get it on here soon.
Way to go man! Some big ol chunks!
good work brother, some real dandy's!! well thats Murphy's law right there that bit you in the @ss = forget the camera and pound the blubber...season is young and your ahead of the game compared...looks like i got some catchin up to do in 17 days
Great fishing outing! Learned a lot, thanks!
Nice fish
On 5/8/2014 at 11:06 AM, MarkH024 said:Way to go man! Some big ol chunks!
Thanks Mark! You got plans to get out in WI anytime soon?
On 5/8/2014 at 12:06 PM, Frog Turds said:good work brother, some real dandy's!! well thats Murphy's law right there that bit you in the @ss = forget the camera and pound the blubber...season is young and your ahead of the game compared...looks like i got some catchin up to do in 17 days
Thanks man! Your spot on with the camera, it never fails. Hang in there bro and stay strong only 16 more days until the Toon comes out to play.
On 5/9/2014 at 7:30 AM, mnbassman23 said:Thanks Mark! You got plans to get out in WI anytime soon?
Started my thread in reports section. Did good....not quite like your chunks though.
Here is a short video of the fish I caught last monday. Finally feeling better and got around to putting it together. Nothing to special, but there is one over 4 on there. We snuck out again this afternoon for 2 hours and got on a good school of fish on a rock point. My biggest was only about 3 but the old man showed me a good ole butt whipping and landed a 5+ and 6+ both got to say hi to the GoPro. Video to come tomorrow.
The water temps continue to climb. Highest we've seen is 58 (in the bay) and all of our success has come from temps between 54-58. The weather looks like it is going to take a turn for the worse and get cold again. I'm hoping on Wednesday we can sneak out but it might be Thursday. If the weather would get warm and stay warm things will get really interesting. We haven't even touched the areas that have produced in the past (colder water).
Good fishing right there! Love all the pics and vids.
Here is the video as promised.
awesome to see pops get big fish honors of the day, makes it all the more sweeter of an outing
Frog turds- Actually Father-in-Law so that has to be extra brownie points for me huh? Haha I'd rather see him catch those fish any day. He's literally my 2nd dad and he treats me nothing short of a son. Great fishing partner to boot.
This is good stuff man... MN has exploded with bass, both numbers and quality... nice to see those big dakota bass in there as well... Good luck the rest of the season, look forward to more videos and reports...
Great videos man. I am going to have to keep a close eye on this thread. I also subscribed to your YouTube channel!
I also like the "one thread for all my videos" idea. I think I am going to start doing that.
On 5/13/2014 at 11:16 PM, mjseverson24 said:This is good stuff man... MN has exploded with bass, both numbers and quality... nice to see those big dakota bass in there as well... Good luck the rest of the season, look forward to more videos and reports...
Thanks Mitch. Us northerners are pretty blessed with great bass fisheries that are only getting better. Yes most guys don't want to deal with winter, but the quality fishing and lack of pressure sure is nice.
On 5/13/2014 at 11:37 PM, Z-Dunham said:Great videos man. I am going to have to keep a close eye on this thread. I also subscribed to your YouTube channel!
I also like the "one thread for all my videos" idea. I think I am going to start doing that.
Thanks man I gave you a sub back! Mr. Frog Turds started the trend of a one stop shop for posting vids/reports and it seems to be the most logical.
Great videos man, keep it up.
Nice work man.
Thanks for taking the time & sharing.
I have been slacking on this thread, but I'm ready to get it going again. Life has been busy and my time on this site has been very low in the past 3 weeks. So time to catch everyone up to speed.
Prior to this weekend I had been out on the water 7 times since my last post. None of them involved my gopro. 4 of the trips were with family and bringing a friend out to bass fish for the first time so I dedicated my time to getting those people on fish. Here are a few pictures from the trip I took one of my good friends out bass fishing for the first time.
The sizes of the 3 bass were 20", 19.5", and 20.75". He was not new to fishing (walleye guy) and had caught bass on accident so I told him to come along. He had a BLAST. We landed about 20 bass total and he even managed to break his rod and still land that nice bass. The funny part about the trip is I caught 9 walleye in 30 minutes all on a berkley havoc pit boss. He got a kick out of watching me boat flip those walleye and gave me a lot of crap for catching walleye when I took him out to catch bass. Probably one of my favorite trips of the year so far.
First bass on the boo rig. Closest thing I'll ever fish to an A-rig. I wasn't to sure about this setup, but there is a time and place for it.
First trip out with the wife yielded a nice 20" bass. She was blind in 1 eye (the fish not my wife).
I snuck out last thursday and got on a good post spawn bite. The bluegill were up bedding and the bass were cruising the shallows looking for some payback. I was throwing a 4" hard bodied swimbait and landed 6 fish. They wanted the bait reeled in fast and erratic which made for a fun and very visual bite. Biggest was 19" and I lost 2 different fish that were 20"+. I also took advantage of the bluegill and took a few home for the frying pan.
Then came this weekend. I made a trip to a few lakes that I have not fished since last August. Needless to say it was worth it. I fished for 4 hours friday (2pm-6pm), 9 hours saturday (9am-6pm), and 4 hours today (9am-1pm). I never got out for the early morning or evening bite which I can only imagine how good it was. It was a great weekend spent with the wife, on the boat, catching nice fish. On the drive home it really hit me, I cracked a smile and started to laugh. What had just happened is what drives me to fish. Catching big fish, numbers of fish, and enjoying it with loved ones makes for memories I'll never forget. I ended up with 70 fish total, most being between 15"-18". 10 went over 19" and 6 of those were 20-21".
Late Saturday I started to chuck my Hudd 68. In the process of throwing it my 3rd, and last, GoPro battery died. Not 5 minutes after that I landed this 18.5" bass.
I watched 2 larger bass come out from over hanging trees and eat my Hudd after this fish. I lost both of them which was the only part of the trip that didn't go as planned. They were both in that 20"-21" range.
Now to the videos! As you can see I was up shallow for 90% of the trip. These fish were post spawn and targeting bluegill around overhangs/lawdowns. This is one of my favorite patterns to fish. I watched about 40% of the fish eat my bait throughout the weekend. Watching those big fish come out to eat your bait is a rush. My top producer all week was a NorthStar Custom Baits new gill Flip and Swim. A craw trailer seemed to be the ticket when throwing it. I caught fish swimming it, jigging it, pitching it, and a combination of each. Swimming it into cover and creating deflection against the lawdowns (similar to many would do with a squarebill) produced a ton of good fish. This was one of those circumstances were being able to skip a jig and make precision pitches/roll casts got you a lot more bites.
I have one more video from today that I will try to upload tomorrow. I switched it up and went to a berkley hollow belly swimbait in the bluegill color. After having those big bites on the Hudd it got me thinking saturday night. With the hollow belly I was able to get it into those same hard to reach areas as the jig and it worked very very well. It put 4 more fish in that 20" range for me today. Video to come tomorrow!
good to see ya puttin a beat down on'em brudda!! like'n the part where your line was b!tched up on your reel and one smacked it lol i haven't been able to get out as much as i would like to yet...but the keyword is "yet", it cometh soon
Thanks buddy! I really thought that one was going to get the best of me haha. I'm just heading over to your thread to check out the goods. Get your arse out there and show me the pigs. The time will come bro
Here is the last video from this weekend. Throwing hollow belly swimbaits for post spawners.
Good fishing buddy. Way to smack em'!
Thanks Mark!
Been out a few trips since the last post. No stellar days on the water but have found a few fish each outing. Most fish have been caught on weed flats with 5" swimbaits. Did manage one fish that went 20.5" on the new Northstar Custom baits South Paw jig this past thursday. Here is the video of the fish. After catching her I noticed that one of my guides was slightly grooved causing the line break. Hopefully I can get out this week and put down some more footage.
Here is the latest video from yesterdays outing. Found a few nice fish willing to eat the jig and spinnerbait. Biggest went 21.5".
Snuck out tonight for 3 hours and found 2 nice fish. One on a NSCB jig and the other on a Mattlures U2 swimbait. JIg fish is on video but the swimbait bass happened after my gopro battery died. I'll upload the vid tomorrow.
Nice fish bro! You must be close to the water. I have an hour drive to the nearest decent water around me. Unless I go the whole day I do t go kn the boat. To be honest I have a hole close to home I bank fish frequently and have had over thirty fish days there. Sometimes its so good I think about selling the boat! Bro whats the heaviest lure rating your rods are rated at?
By the way....if I could catch bluegills like those id probably forgo bass fishni g more often and get those suckers!
Thanks Tony! The lakes I fish are anywhere from 10 minutes to 1.5 hours away. If its really nice out I'll try to sneak out of work by 3 or 4 and fish one of the closer ones for an afternoon. I don't fish for those bluegills enough. On an ultralight rod and 2-4lb test they are a riot to reel in. Don't go selling your boat dude lol. You need to get out and punch a few of those giants out of the mats. I may have to come down there someday and join you. I have a rod rated up to 6oz with a calcutta on it.
Couple of fish from the past few days. Weather has been crappy with a lot of small storms passing by and the fish have been hard to pattern. Snuck out this AM for a short while and got on a few more with one nice Kicker. Another video to come in the next day or so.
Way to go Branden. Nice fish!
Here's the video from yesterday. Nice and short since I only had 4 fish. Biggest fish came on a jig and the hookset on her felt reeaaallll good.
I've got out once since the last video. Bass fishing is full of highs and lows and today was pretty low. The video sums up my day in a nut shell. Had some minor trolling motor issues, weeds plugging up the big motor, jet skiers, people tubing within half a cast of the boat, horses at the landing, lost fish, a lot of w-t-f moments. The bad part is I let the little things get to me and it threw me off my game and it showed. I threw swimbaits all day and ended up losing 3 fish and had a follow from an absolute pig. One of the biggest bass I've ever laid eyes on in person. I seen her about 20ft out from the boat and she was right on the bait (Mattlures U2 gill). About 10 ft from the boat she started to lose interest so I stopped my bait to let it sink to the bottom and she ended up nosing down on it a bit while it started to sink and then she turned and headed back to the point she came from. Lots of adrenaline flowing for that short period yet a bit of heartbreak to watch her turn away. I'll be back out tomorrow with a better attitude to try and find her and get her to commit.
3 videos from the past weekend. 1st one is all largemouth caught mostly on jigs with a few frog and senko fish. There is one fish that jumped at the boat that I ended up losing. I've watched it in slow motion a few times and I'd really like to redo the situation because she was a pig and I should have never tried to boat flip her. Still ended up with a couple really nice fish.
Next video is me out chasing some Walleyes in between running my bass spots. Guys have been struggling on the lake because the weeds are getting thick and everyone avoids them like the plague. I grabbed a swimbait and got a few nice bites. I did catch one on a KVD 1.5 while I was going for bass.
Last video is from this AM. Got out for 2 hours before the wind blew me off. I stuck with a 5" hollowbelly the whole time and it paid off with a 5lb chunk and a 36" gator. I actually thought it was a muskie right away because it jumped. I've caught a lot of northerns and this is only the 2nd one i've ever seen go airborne.
Hey I just found this thread. Great stuff! I fish up North of you I bet and it's awesome to watch your successes. You and Frog Turd will keep me going through the work week until I can get over to MN and hit em!
Haven't been on here for awhile but I do have some pics and a video. Pictures all came from a hot sunny day pitching jigs to laydowns. Had never fished the lake before and it was a fun and very successful outing. Ended up with 35-40 fish and a few nice ones.
This trip was from the end of July but finally found time to put it together. Had a lot of fish hit my Hudd 68 but only managed to hook up with 1 nice fish, which threw the bait next to the boat. The good news was a lot of nice fish showed themselves and I got a few solid hookups on a Nothstar Custom Baits South Paw jig.
I have fished my go to lake probably 7 times since this last video and have been getting a lot of 1-2 (small) fish days and even 2 goose eggs. I had a TW package waiting for me today full of swimbaits and one of the baits in there produced 4 fish tonight. Biggest went 6 pounds. Video to come.
Thanks for watching!
Snuck out today for a few hours and ended up with 10 fish all on the jig. Most fish were under 15" but this one made the day.
As promised I have the video of the 6lb swimbait fish I caught uploaded. I put it in a new thread... Gan Craft 178 fish
Love the thread! I'm in northern Mn, ever made the trip up here to fish Rainy Lake/Rainy River? Big bass tourneys here with some big fat hogs brought in every year!
On 8/18/2014 at 11:15 AM, Maselyk said:Love the thread! I'm in northern Mn, ever made the trip up here to fish Rainy Lake/Rainy River? Big bass tourneys here with some big fat hogs brought in every year!
Thanks! I have never been up that far north to bass fish. Would love to some day with the great fishing/scenery!
You look like my buddy KJ, too bad he dont fish like that
Perfect september day and managed to get on a good jig bite
Same day as above. Grabbed the 6" triple trout thinking I would tie into some big fish. Ended up with 20 fish but most of them were only 12 inchers. Proves that bigger baits don't always mean big fish.
Last video. Bonus fish on a NSCB spinnerbait. Nice catch and release 27" walleye