First off, let me say this is kinda long and may sound unbelievable to some. So i get news that everyone at my work was going to have today off as part of the holiday weekend. There is a guy there that has been asking to fish with me for about 6 months now. So he calls me Sun and asks if i want to go out on the lake Mon. Since i didn't get to go Sat i said yes. We agreed to split gas and on a time and place Sun night(my truck and boat). Well this morning he calls at about 5am and tells me he needed his gas to drive to work this week and wants me to pick him up at his house. I delayed the trip 45min to go and get him. We stop to get gas and he asks me for $ for a cigarette lighter! We get on the lake and he has nothing but his rods/reels with him! Than he asks, "what ya got for breakfast"? He had no food, drinks, snacks, spare hooks/weights nothing! I gave him 1/2 my breakfast my wife always packs me and my drinks as well. Throughout the day he used three bags of Zoom worms i have in a color that is no longer sold in stores. A whole pack of my Gamakatsu hooks and tungsten weights! And picked up one of my Falcon rods and started using it without even saying a word! He never even asked if he could get my stuff! I was so shocked that i was expecting to wake up at any moment! I figured i would make the best of it and we start fishing. He catches the first 2 fish about 5min into it and can't stop bragging. He looks at me and says, "must suck to have all that expensive gear and get out fished by someone with Wal-Mart stuff"(all he uses). I ignore it and proceed to catch 15 fish within the next 5 hours while he got only 2 more! He than starts talking about how non competitive he is and doesn't care about who catches more!?! Needless to say i could not wait to drop him off! Anyone who knows me will say i am not a stingy person. All i ask is you be upfront and tell me how it is going down. I don't mind sharing food, tackle or whatever as long as you atleast ask first!
As i was typing this he calls me up and asks, "so we going fishing again next weekend"
> >
Sorry about the rant guys but it was either vent or punch him out tomorrow at work!!!!!!!!
Sounds like you should have showered down on the throttle while he was standing in the back. ;D
What a tool! Hard not to crack him over the head with one of his Ugly Stiks
sorry to hear that:T just never take him fishing again:D lesson learned
"Posted by: cyph3r Posted on: Today at 8:02pm
sorry to hear that:T just never take him fishing again:D lesson learned"
Wow that is garbage... whenever I go out as a rider (which is almost always unless I snag my fathers boat) I always pay for gas used on the lake *completely* as well as beer and food for the day...
the fact that he had no bait is insane... that guy sounds like a dead beat around here by me who will invite me to go to dinner with him then ask me to pay once the check comes because he has no money with him... same guy is a 28 y/o no job, no car parents pay his appartment rent and he has no electricity because he didn't pay his bill all winter and they finally shut it off in spring (since they legally can't in winter)
go ahead and punch him tomorrow at work too. what a wiener that guy is.
Freeloaders suk!!!!
Yeah dude, a serious beatdown needs to be administered. >
I love taking people with no boat out fishing with me and showing them a good time but this is ridiculous! Every person i have taken out on the lake will offer food and gas. I rarely take either unless they insist but it's the thought that counts. I will usually have my wife pack an extra plate for my partner anyways. I didn't today because we hardly know each other and i didn't know if he would take it(NO PROBLEM THERE)! I wouldn't have minded any of this if he would have just went about it the right way! I have had buddies tell me right away they are broke but will get it next time and that is fine with me! This guy never even offered and still had the nerve to ask if we were going again next weekend!
So are you taking him ?
Wow, thats so rude and ungrateful. Unbelievable.
If someone with a boat took me out fishing I sure as hell wouldn't use their stuff or ask for money. I would want to at least buy that person lunch and cover the gas for the trip.
Just move on, there is nothing to be gained by having ANY
discussion with the slug.
QuoteSo are you taking him ?
HECK NO i am not taking him anywhere! I forgot the best part though. When the day was over, i had to walk FAR to get the truck and trailer(parking lot is far away). After i back it up and load the boat he jumps in the truck, cranks up the a/c and just lays back. I usually spend about 15min cleaning up the trash, emptying live wells strapping the boat down etc. Needless to say, i did that on my own as well!
But, you are right RW, i am just going to forget this day ever happened and move on!
What do you expect? You seem to be quite the soft touch. I think the day would have went quite differently had you said something to the guy rather than kept your mouth shut.
How can you work with this guy and not notice his lack of manners? I would have provided for too since we were already at the lake but he wouldn't be using my tungstens or good hooks. He would have been using my back up lead weights and off color worms. Then I would have been poking smart asss remarks at him all day, like "dude, i cant believe you forgot your own tackle" or "do you need help tying your hook on?" Actually, knowing me, I probably would have turned around and went back home after he borrowed money for a lighter.
He definitely would never sit in my boat again.
QuoteHow can you work with this guy and not notice his lack of manners? I would have provided for too since we were already at the lake but he wouldn't be using my tungstens or good hooks. He would have been using my back up lead weights and off color worms. Then I would have been poking smart asss remarks at him all day, like "dude, i cant believe you forgot your own tackle" or "do you need help tying your hook on?" Actually, knowing me, I probably would have turned around and went back home after he borrowed money for a lighter.He definitely would never sit in my boat again.
It is a HUGE company and we are in different departments of it. We only see each other twice a week at scheduled meetings the company holds. Trust me, i had no idea man! And no Burley, i am no soft touch! I just hate confrontations on the water! I only fish once a week so i try my hardest to make it enjoyable each time!
oh, man.......
seriously, that straight up sucks man. and i feel your pain about not wanting to start something on the water......... you gotta make the best of it, and you dont want some idiot to ruin it (any more than it already was at least!!).
so, im wishing the best of luck to you on your next outing......
as i know it will be great, because the straight up ignorant mooch wont be along for the ride.
I'm with ya about not wanting to cause a problem on the water...but,I woulda said something about it once i saw him using my good rod. actually no,I wouldn't have said anything, other than I hope you can swim...
I learned my lesson with tree catchers, so I only take people out that I know can fish, all others are shore bound. The guy is clueless! Leave it be not worth your time.
That s**cks. I wish I had your patience. That guy would have found a home in the water pretty quick pulling stunts like that. I always help my buddies launch, load, and clean up. I pay for gas when its not my boat and they always reciprocate. Its a team effort when Im on the water with friends and thats what always makes it a good experience. Live and learn I suppose. Hell, I created what may quite posibly be the largest rats nest know to man last night during a hot streak and laughed it off because of the company. Makes you appreciate the good people out there that much more.
QuoteMakes you appreciate the good people out there that much more.
This pretty much sums it up for me. Sounds like the fishing was good, the company sucked, and you learned something that will keep you from making the same mistake twice. Not all bad.
HE told everyone at work how much fun it was fishing with me!?! I had many people call me and ask, you actually took that gy fishing!?! Yeah, now they warn me! LOL, live and learn i guess..................
QuoteHE told everyone at work how much fun it was fishing with me!?! I had many people call me and ask, you actually took that gy fishing!?! Yeah, now they warn me! LOL, live and learn i guess..................
Hmph!!! A little too late! But as you said, live and learn.
Reminds me of the time a coworker set me up on a blind date with someone she knew. Admitedly, the woman was bonafide gorgeous but about halfway into the evening, I would've chewed my foot off to get away. She wouldn't stop talking (one of those one-sided conversations) and it all had a negative bias. Later I wanted to ask my coworker what she had against me.
But back to you. Hope you don't have many repeated experiences like that one.
on a positive note, If you can catch fish that well with this guy getting under your skin, imagine the damage you'll do with a good partner. You have my props on that!
Anyone spot me $50 'till payday ? anyone ?...............Hellooooo........
Reminds me of a guy who talked his way into going camping with us years ago. Each of us agreed to bring certain food items so we'd eat good every night. He shows up with ketchup and mustard. I kid you not. So we got him good and drunk and let him sleep outside in a hammock. Lets just say the bugs feasted that night.
Yup, it's so hard to find a good fishing bud now a days, LOL!!!! I guess i will just ride solo for a while. Every person i fish with is either a deadbeat or too afraid to tell their wife they want to go fishing!
QuoteI learned my lesson with tree catchers, so I only take people out that I know can fish, all others are shore bound. The guy is clueless! Leave it be not worth your time.
I sorta agree and sort of not. I don't mind too much taking people that have no clue or those who are always in the trees,backlashing,can't rig a bait,use there rods/reel correctly. etc... I enjoy watching others catch fish and seeing them grow with experience.
The part that bothers me is when they don't want to learn anything or they take your advice and let it go in one ear and out the other. If your playing fishing guide and they figure they don't need to learn because your doing all the work anyways driving the boat,putting them on spots,telling them what baits to use,where to cast,how to work the baits,explaining why the fish are here or there,and dealling with all the cluster f***s etc.. It gets old real quick. As long as someone at least makes an effort then I don't mind all the extra problems.
QuoteWhat do you expect? You seem to be quite the soft touch. I think the day would have went quite differently had you said something to the guy rather than kept your mouth shut.
Sorry man, but I was LMAO(and shaking my head)through the whole story. I agree with the B man, and I think you should still say something. It will possibly set him straight, and if he wants to whine to others, well obviously they know him so that won't get him far. Maybe he will realize. Better luck next time. 8-)
Man that sucks! I recently got a boat and I told my buddies that when they go we split everything and if they don't like it they don't have to come. Some try and "forget" to give me there share but I have one of my buddies always ask what do I owe you for the drinks or whatever we need for that trip.
QuoteYup, it's so hard to find a good fishing bud now a days, LOL!!!! I guess i will just ride solo for a while. Every person i fish with is either a deadbeat or too afraid to tell their wife they want to go fishing!
X2 X2 X2, I hear ya buddy!
The other thing that gets me, I am a Non-Boater, and I have two friends with newer bass boats and they are too busy going to the bar 3-4 days a week, than to go fishing. Its a bummer, I have a crap load of tackle and always let them use everything of mine and usually put them on good fish. Some peoples priorities
Well the inevitable happened today at our weekly meeting! After it was over, he walks up to me and says " you ready for the weekend again"? I could not hold it and told him exactly what i thought of him. He than offered to give me $20 for gas and bring his own drinks!!!!! I just walked away and went to work! He doesn't even think he did anything wrong that day!
I'd dropped him off..... IN THE LAKE!!!!!!
what a loser >
Deadbeats are a dime a dozen, but since you work with this fellow,
I have a hunch that you knew what you were in for.
I worked with a fellow who had four kids and was quite poor. Although he was not a deadbeat,
Jimmy was the stingiest, grouchiest man in the world! Regardless, I happened to like the guy,
because he had other redeeming qualities. A bit of a soft-touch, I often invited Jim on my boat,
because I liked his company. But all I ever heard at work was, "How can you possibly spend a day with that guy?".
DW, this was completely different than your case, because Jimmy was not a user or a deadbeat, he was just poor.
It was my car, trailer, boat & motor, but he eagerly split all gas and tolls...Right To The Penny. ;D
I no longer have a boat but had one when I lived on a lake back in Michigan. You go fishing or boating with me just bring a smile and I will supply the rest unless cost was discussed beforehand and we had an agreement. Doesn't sound like an arrangement was made beforehand.
As Rolo said, you most likely had a thought as to this person's character.
If it were me I would be blaming myself for having poor judgement. The only one I ever complain to is my wife and she justs walks out of the room. Everyone has a bad day once in a while, hardly worth talking about, let it go.
QuoteI no longer have a boat but had one when I lived on a lake back in Michigan. You go fishing or boating with me just bring a smile and I will supply the rest unless cost was discussed beforehand and we had an agreement. Doesn't sound like an arrangement was made beforehand.As Rolo said, you most likely had a thought as to this person's character.
If it were me I would be blaming myself for having poor judgement. The only one I ever complain to is my wife and she justs walks out of the room. Everyone has a bad day once in a while, hardly worth talking about, let it go.
Guess you missed when i said we agreed to split gas before hand in the original post!?! And the part about us working for the same company but not together huh!?!
You were probably going fishing anyway so it wasn't like you were spending anymore for gas, so it wasn't an extra out of pocket expense. Whatever this person's shortcoming was it doesn't sound like that big of deal, just a day you wished would not have happened.
As your "deadbeat" fishing partner isn't here to defend himself, The original post may be a bit biased. There are always three sides to any story, yours.......his......& the truth.
QuoteYou were probably going fishing anyway so it wasn't like you were spending anymore for gas, so it wasn't an extra out of pocket expense. Whatever this person's shortcoming was it doesn't sound like that big of deal, just a day you wished would not have happened.As your "deadbeat" fishing partner isn't here to defend himself, The original post may be a bit biased. There are always three sides to any story, yours.......his......& the truth.
Are you kiddin me guy!?! I mean really!?! Are you one of these people or what.........................................
QuoteYou were probably going fishing anyway so it wasn't like you were spending anymore for gas, so it wasn't an extra out of pocket expense. Whatever this person's shortcoming was it doesn't sound like that big of deal, just a day you wished would not have happened.
Thats a pretty lame excuse. If a person takes me out on their boat, I think I should atleast offer to pay for part of the gas even if they were going fishing anyway. I know that when I take someone with me I often do burn more gas. I, as the boater, feel somewhat obligated to get them on fish and that usually means driving more than I regularly would. Utlimately if someone is nice enough to take you on the boat, you are sharing in the fun derived from that trip and thus should share in the expense the trip cost. Its not only the fair way to do it, its the right thing to do.
And, reading the story, the guy did more than just refuse to pay for gas. While we may not have the whole story, most of what was said isn't a gray area. It sounds pretty cut and dry. How do you justify taking a guys food and drink?
If that behavior is okay with you, so be it, to each his own. That person wouldn't go fishing with me again. And frankly, if that behavior is no big deal to you, I wouldn't want you on my boat either.
QuoteQuoteYou were probably going fishing anyway so it wasn't like you were spending anymore for gas, so it wasn't an extra out of pocket expense. Whatever this person's shortcoming was it doesn't sound like that big of deal, just a day you wished would not have happened.
Thats a pretty lame excuse. If a person takes me out on their boat, I think I should atleast offer to pay for part of the gas even if they were going fishing anyway. I know that when I take someone with me I often do burn more gas. I, as the boater, feel somewhat obligated to get them on fish and that usually means driving more than I regularly would. Utlimately if someone is nice enough to take you on the boat, you are sharing in the fun derived from that trip and thus should share in the expense the trip cost. Its not only the fair way to do it, its the right thing to do.
And, reading the story, the guy did more than just refuse to pay for gas. While we may not have the whole story, most of what was said isn't a gray area. It sounds pretty cut and dry. How do you justify taking a guys food and drink?
If that behavior is okay with you, so be it, to each his own. That person wouldn't go fishing with me again. And frankly, if that behavior is no big deal to you, I wouldn't want you on my boat either.
THANK YOU Ellesar!!!!! The point i tried to make was that it isn't about gas, money food or whatever! It is the way he went about things in general! His whole attitude was the part that upset me!
Yeh, I am one of those people. One of those people that when someone goes with me they goes as my guest even, if they offer to pay. For me that's the right thing to do and it makes me feel good helping another. After I settled down I probably would have a good chuckle over it, not worth stressing out.
I feel your pain. There is nothing worse than trying to entertain someone who has a conflicting personality.
If I invite you, you are considered my guest and get to use my secondary equipment and gas is free. Just bring food.
If you invite yourself and I accept then we are splitting everything and you better have a respectable amount of tackle.
Every time some 'acquaintance' asks me "when are you taking me fishing?" I usually tell them my brother fishes with me every week.
QuoteI feel your pain. There is nothing worse than trying to entertain someone who has a conflicting personality.If I invite you, you are considered my guest and get to use my secondary equipment and gas is free. Just bring food.
If you invite yourself and I accept then we are splitting everything and you better have a respectable amount of tackle.
Every time some 'acquaintance' asks me "when are you taking me fishing?" I usually tell them my brother fishes with me every week.
ha I do the my brother fishes with me thing too.
I'm still wondering how the dude used up 3 bags of plastics but only caught what, 4 fish?
QuoteI'm still wondering how the dude used up 3 bags of plastics but only caught what, 4 fish?
My thoughts exactly.
QuoteI'm still wondering how the dude used up 3 bags of plastics but only caught what, 4 fish?
My thoughts exactly.
QuoteI'm still wondering how the dude used up 3 bags of plastics but only caught what, 4 fish?
He couldn't stay out of the lily pad v stems or the overhanging trees for that matter! He doesn't try to pop or wiggle the lure free, he just sets the hook, LOL!
Sounds like it was handled poorly, all the way around.
1. Did you ask about gas $$$ when he called? (knowing the extra distance you'd be driving??)
2. Did you ask where his food/drinks/tackle were when you picked him up?
3. You loaned him money for a lighter and were surprised he didn't have gas money?
4. You didn't say anything when he grabbed your rods?
5. And after all that, you didn't lock the truck when you had to clean out the boat and put away tackle?
I think by the time you left the house, you knew (or should have known) almost every issue that was coming up that day... It's not worth the energy to get mad over. And if the was the first time you ever had an issue with a guest, you now know what to look out for.
I guess i just was not expecting none of it because i have never had anyone do that to me! I don't automatically look for the bad in people but i will now! When i picked him up i just saw him throw stuff in the boat but had no idea it was just rods and reels(dark as heck)! Oh well, it's all good! I went out solo today and caught a total of 17 fish. Two where over 3lbs and one went 5lb 9oz. The rest were all super dinks! I actually feel bad because there is a member here that PMed me about going fishing but i had been busy with work/holiday. Now that i got a chance today, i accidentally deleted his last message and i don't remember his screen name! Maybe he will see this and PM me again!
Just my 3 cents..but if someone in this case it was Dink, ask's someone if they'd like to fish on his boat, the Least that person could do is chip in for 1/2 the cost of the trip..NILIF..I know if I was offered a trip, I'd spring for more than 1/2 off the cost, but that's just me.
IMHO it shouldn't be up to Dink to scrutinize (sp) a person that's gonna be going, it should be up to the guest, to MAN UP, and pay his share, then again there will be a$$hats out there. Better luck next time Dink.
Hammer, I think if you invite a guest, it should be inclusive. In this case, the 'guest' asked for the trip and they had agreed to split costs, at least that's what dink said.... so the guy is a stiff for his actions, but I think it should have been nipped in the bud.
I never said look for the bad in people but really, if he needed $2 for a lighter, did you still think he had gas money? It's not like he was carrying exact change. ;D Or when he "threw stuff in the boat" you weren't out there to say good morning and show your guest where to stow his gear? knows how to load your boat for highway travel. When you got ice for the cooler, did you ask if he had drinks? You did say it was a good drive, so I wouldn't assume a non boater
I'm not trying to give you a hard time but I think you must have seen the warning signs.
Your a good guy Dink whisperer for going that far.Just forget about it and chalk it up as one bad experience.
Everybody gets a fast one pulled over them every now and then.
Next time just fake getting sick,drop the dude off and go fishing by yourself.It'll least make you feel better.I did that once,and i had a good day the rest of the time by myself.
QuoteHammer, I think if you invite a guest, it should be inclusive. In this case, the 'guest' asked for the trip and they had agreed to split costs, at least that's what dink said.... so the guy is a stiff for his actions, but I think it should have been nipped in the bud.Dink,
I never said look for the bad in people but really, if he needed $2 for a lighter, did you still think he had gas money? It's not like he was carrying exact change. ;D Or when he "threw stuff in the boat" you weren't out there to say good morning and show your guest where to stow his gear? knows how to load your boat for highway travel. When you got ice for the cooler, did you ask if he had drinks? You did say it was a good drive, so I wouldn't assume a non boater
I'm not trying to give you a hard time but I think you must have seen the warning signs.
I'd be split on this one. I would think it depends on the person. I invite my grandfather and/or friend many times. Sometimes we take my boat sometimes theirs. Our standing rule is, if they got the gas, the other guys gets everything else (food, bait, etc). We bot got smaller boats so Gas is like 6 gallons at best. We do NOT touch another mans rod or tackle without asking.
That being said, on a couple trips I have invited some noobs out. In those cases, I will explicitly tell them what they need to bring with them and cut them some slack on stuff they forget.
This guys though sounds like a <insert name here> though. You agreed on splitting gas, and other expenses and he just skimped out. Sorry, but that is just rude. Especially the gas part. If you are in a vehicle that has a loud motor, it probably runs on some type of gas. You would know gas is not free. Even if you know nothing more about fishing/boating you know that.
That being said, now that you got a good rant out of your system, I would go with grimlin, chalk it up as a bad experience, go out by yourself once or twice or a dozen times and get it out of your head.