I was at the Bass Pro Spring Classic this past weekend for a seminar on smallmouth bass. Mike Whitten, Mid-South Staff Writter for GYCB's Inside Line Magazine was the featured speaker. Mike demonstrated a variety of lures and presentations in the Bass Pro fish tank. This allows everyone to see how a presentation actually looks underwater and how the fish react. The tank contained largemouth, smallmouth , catfish, crappie and white bass. These are "resident" fish in the BPS aquarium in Memphis.
Mike Whitten demonstrated eight lures including tubes, grubs, Lucky Craft Pointer 100, Cordell Gay Blade, 5" Senko and the Magic Lure. Oddly, the smallmouth struck the single tail grub, but none of the largemouth seemed interested. The biggest largemouth in the tank was VERY intersted in the Pointer, but a couple of smaller 5-8 lb fish were more agressive and kept eating the lure. Everything except the catfish were attracted to the Gay Blade, senko and tube.
Mike focused on structure, boat positioning and lure presentation. Actually watching him work a bait through the structure in the tank was very educational. He talked about equipment, spinning verses baitcasting gear, specific recommendations as to weight, line size and had a number of interesting thoughts to share with us.
All this was interesting and very entertaining, but when he began fishing the Magic Lure, the entire crowd just stood there in awe.
Mike Whitten is the CEO of a large company, a member of BPS Pro Staff and a writer for GYCB. His presentation included several different brands of lures and equipment manufacturers. This was not a seminar on GYCB plastics, but the Magic Lure is. Mike first began with setting up the situations where you might use this bait, how to rig it and techniques to fish it. When he tossed it into the tank, it was immediately eaten by a 2-3 lb smallmouth, and he wouldn't let go. When the bait was finally released by the first fish, another smallmouth immediately attacked. Mike retrieved the lure to contiune his talk. The second pitch was about midway in the tank, away from where the smallmouth were suspending. As the lure slowly sank, the biggest bass in the tank came over to investigate, but a fast, more aggessive 7-8 lb largemouth grabbed it away. On the second or third strike by this fish, Mike let her hold the bait, once for five seconds, the next time for eleven. On the final cast, the results were similar: Every largemouth and smallmouth bass in the tank were after this lure, the catfish and white bass did not seem to care.
This was the most informational event I have been to in a long time. Whitten covered a lot of ground and talked about aspects of smallmouth fishing that would help even the most experienced fisherman. Other speakers were interesting and their presentations were fun, but no doubt, the Magic Lure stole the show!
Oh! The Magic Lure?
GYCB Fat Ika.
Cool story, RW, wish i'd been there. I read some of your earlier posts, and now have every color of palm tree's I can find. Been unable to locate ika's. I was just wondering, do you rig these weightless. They seem heavy enough. I've not had a chance to try them out yet, but we will be at Table Rock in a couple of weeks. In mid March the bass may still be deep. Have you tried these on a jighead or a t-rig? The only experimenting I've done was to rig one on a 4/0 EWG hook and drop it in the sink. It had a nice little wiggle as it sank. It seems to me, any added weight might kill that subtle action. Any thoughts?
The Fat Ika and the Palm Tree are the same bait, just different colors.
The "magic" of the lure is the slow fall, I would not (do not) fish it deep or with any kind of weight. Mike demonstrated it using 1/2 of a nail weight for a deeper presentation, but I still think it negates the most important aspect of the lure. I fish it weightless in <12' of water, skirt up.
Nothing better than getting somthing out of a seminar. It's usually old hat type stuff. Well, you were a believer before you even went so have you actaully gone out and bought stock yet? What's it selling at right now? lol
RW turned me on to these last year and Although I worked through the whole pack with decent success, I wasn't totally "hooked". I only fished them upside down, so they would shoot under the brush along a quick dropping bank that we have along one side of our lake.
I keep them in the line-up, bought 2 more bags but I would probably use it as a tube alternative.
RW-Can you elaborate on which techniques and rigging they used while explaining this bait?
I fish it on spinning tackle, #6 Yo-Zuri Hybrid Ultra Soft, 4/0 EWG Gamakatsu, T-rigged weightless and weedless, skirt up. Although the lure is often described as nothing more than a solid tube, the action is totally different. I work tubes with more of an exaggerated verticle hop so that the lure can exhibit its spiraling fall. The Fat Ika does not spiral.
I cast parallel to cover or structure, let the lure settle to the bottom and fish it like a Senko with a short (6-12") horizontal sweep. I then let the lure fall on slack line so that it falls vertically, not moving forward. I work the lure slowly, letting it pause for 10-20 seconds or more before moving it again. I like to picture a crawdad moving over rocks and hiding.
You will rarely miss a hook up. When the fish bites, reel down and set the hook firmly. Bass will not let go of this lure.
Thanks, RW!! Can't wait to get out and give 'em a try. I read somewhere, not sure where, that an underwater, "walk-the-dog" retrieve was effective. The game was, w-t-d, then kill it and let in sink on a slack line, then w-t-d etc. I'm thinking, this may be a good follow-up technique.
Thanks for the help.
Did Mike Whitten rig it skirt up? If so, on the fall, does it fall away from you or straight down??
I like LBH, I fished this a few times last year and had OK sucess with it. I think some of the bass at my lakes are getting tired of Senkos ..... the 6 and 7 inchers as well. This was/is a biat I was planning on trying to use a lot more this year.
No doubt about it, the Fat Ika is a great lure. I fish it a little differently than RW. I rig it the same i.e. skirt up, no weight but I cast directly to the cover not paralell to it. I keep the line semi slack. This causes the bait to "swim" away from you and down under the cover canopy. This is a great presentation to use in the deep South where you have floating mats of hydrilla etc.
This causes the bait to "swim" away from you and down under the cover canopy
That 's the secret of the magic bait.
Ok, I've read enough.
I'll check out some Fat Ika's on my next trip to the bait shop. Anyone have a picture handy that they could post?
Here you go:
If the link does not work, go to *** & type fat ika
I want to clarify something. By rigging the Fat Ika "skit up" you are referring to the skirt being closest to the eye of the hook right? :-/
When you work the lure the tentacle are pushed down on the lure then reverse and flutter when it falls. Work it in clear, shallow water so you can see how "alive" this lure actually looks. It is remarkable.
Seems like a pretty good flippin bait.
Unfortunately, I suck at flippin. :-/
You don 't need to flip it Papa, cast it as usual near the target in question and let it sink on a slightly slack line, the bait will swim AWAY from you and into the cover, as a matter of fact you can keep the bait in the same location just by pulling the line with your rod and allowing the bait to sink without retrieving, just by lowering your rod..........deadly.
QuoteThis causes the bait to "swim" away from you and down under the cover canopyThat 's the secret of the magic bait.
Didn't the flying lure do that as well?
QuoteQuoteThis causes the bait to "swim" away from you and down under the cover canopyThat 's the secret of the magic bait.
Didn't the flying lure do that as well?
I was thinking the same
I'd heard RW meantion this bait before and had put it on my list of things that needed further investigation. Well needless to say after reading this post they are all but ordered. I'm glad you guys got into the actual rigging of the bait. I'm sure I would have set it up more like a grub or a tube. This tentacles up presentation sounds deadly, and the fact that the bait moves away from you on the fall...it just doesn't get any better than that. Talk about being deadly on bass tucked way in under docks or topwater vegetation. Gary Y does it again. Awesome post Road!
i have used the big icka with much sucess
i bought the fat icka but a #4 ewg seemed too small and a #5 ewg seemed to big
but i never thought to rig it skirt up
i will be sure to check it out
Hmmm, great ideas. I have some Ika's but never really did well on them. Guess I'll have to try them again.
Would the "Magic Bait" work good just casting in open water about 10ft. deap?
"Rigged Skirt Up"
Can someone enlighten me on that type of rig setup..
rigged "skirt up"=rigged "backwards"
Rigged skirt up and weightless, eh?.... it does sound interesting.
I'm going to give it a try this weekend. I'll report back with my results. I have a hard time believing it can out-fish my mojo rig or typical Trick Worm, especially in the off-shore hydrilla that I usually fish, but I'm going to give it a fair shot. Something tells me this bait probably works best in tight cover, especially bed fishing and such.
In any case, do the Ikas come in different sizes? If so, whatchall recomend?
What you want is the FAT IKA.
The Ika is a smaller version and there is a 5" Ika, but it is an entirely different bait.
As for tight cover. It sounds like avid and Raul fish the Fat Ika IN cover, but I fish it AROUND or PARALLEL to cover and structure. For me, it's 90% structure or what some would describe as open water. Be careful throwing it around or under docks, you might get your arm broken!
what colors are working best for yall normal blacks, greens and browns or shad colors I bought alot of wild color senkos before I found the same natural colors a were best for me. Chart.and white caught me way better than it did fish and do the smaller 3 inch ika work as well .
Gotcha. "Fat Ika".
Honestly, I haven't discovered a consistent new worm setup in well over a year. I just get so used to using what I already know. But it would be nice to add another rig to my arsenal.
What has sold me so far is the "rigged skirt up" part. I like that trick.
I like dark colors: 194J, 208, 297.
This has been my #1 lure for largemouth over 5 lbs for the past two years.
The difference between the Fat and regular Ika against the Flying Lure is that you don 't have to purchase any "special" Flying Lure Kit, nor special jigheads nor special spare baits, Ikas are readily available anywhere, oh well, almost anywhere; besides the Flying Lure only swims away from you if you let it fall on a slack line, otherwise it doesn 't swim away from you. The only problem with the Fat Ika is that the bait is pretty beefy so you need a good wide gap hook or when you try to make the hookset you hook nothing.
The Ika is indeed a Magic Bait : :
For lunch today, I went by my local bait shop (bitter's bait and tackle). I wasn't too surprised to see that he didn't carry the Fat Ika.
When I got back to work, I checked Bass Pro Shops on-line to see if they have it. I live in Orlando and figured I'd just stop by later this week. But they don't offer it either.
So it looks as though I'm going to have to order them on-line if I want any Ika's. >
Ok, after a little bit of net surfing, I've found the following:
Gary Yamamoto Fat Boy Ika
Gary Yamamoto Ika
Gary Yamamoto Tiny Ika
I take it yall were referring to Yamamoto's "fat boy ika".... ? :-?
4" Fat Boy Ika
In all their literature, Yamamoto refers to the lure as the Fat Ika, but I see on their website it is actually called a Fat Boy Ika (92F-10). You can order them direct. My suggested colors are 194J, 208 & 297, but there are many others to choose from.
Thanks for your help.
So, is that where you buy em too? On-line?
When I went by the baitshop today to ask if they sold a worm called a Fat Ika, Mr. witty baitshop dude replied,
"A what? A Fat Ika!?!?!? Uhhh yeah! I got yer Fat Ika right here!!! If you want you can meet me out back and I'll let you hold it!"
Everyone's a comedian. :
I buy most of my GYCB direct, they obviously have the best selection, but you don't save any money!
I ordered some Fat Ikas this morning along with the regular MegaStrike, the GYCB Crawfish MegaStrike and some Gamakatsu 4/0 EWG hooks. Here fishy, fishy!
Interesting information. I am going to order some Fat Ikas. RW, I know you mentioned the darker colors but have you tried any of the lighter ones. Exactly what is the Fat Ika supposed to immitate?
A crawdad.
No, but that doesn't mean anything. I ONLY fish dark and/or natural colors. Maybe all the other colors work, I just don't fish them.
how would you rig and fish it in 6-7' weeded more open water? Would you still use it skirt up? Sounds like you would kind of fish it like a senko, right?
You may want to wait until the water warms up a little, depending on where you live. Rember this is a weightless presentation in water <12' deep. So, if your bass aren't there yet, you can't catch 'em!
Gobble- Practice makes perfect.
Do you use the Fat Ika for smallies? If yes, do you fish it the same way as you do for LM.
I'm pretty sure he does.
Very interesting read RW
Spurred by your previous endorsment of the Fat Ika, my cabela order has arrived last week.
If I didn't have to go to Jersey on business, Mr. Ika would have been put to the test by now.
I'm looking forward to rigging them 'skirt-forward' and backing them into the veggies
darn, it's so easy to sell you guys on new baits...magic baits....gotta love it!! ;D
The Fat Ika is very productive for smallmouth, too. In still water, like on a lake I have had some success, but I generally fish deeper for smallmouth. I have not used it extensively in strong current, again, I ususally fish deeper water and this lure will not fall fast enough to get down deep in moving water without weight. I don't use weights with the Fat Ika becaus the "magic" is created by the slow fall and weight would have a big impact on the action. It might work, I just haven't tried it weighted.
Thanks RW
I plan on giving the "magic lure" a try on some of Lake Erie's shallow bays this spring. Ill let you know how it worked.
The Fat Ika has been my go to bait since RW talked about them last year. I also think you get a better ratio of hook sets that you do with a senko, just because they inhale the IKA and sometimes the senko is picked up by the tail only. The other thing is that they really don't let that thing go. I also rig them skirt up with a 3/0 or 4/0 red ewg gammie. They are a little tricky to rig at first and like all Yamamoto baits the break apart very easily. I always carry lock tite from walmart and you can repair a small tear pretty quickly and get it right back in the water. Lastly you can throw them a mile un weighted.
Man...the more I hear about these the more I wanna try 'em out. I have the Gammie hooks already and the pics of how they are rigged. Does anyone happen to know where there may be an animated or step by step pics of how to rig them both ways? Also, what situation would you use the forwards rig in and what situations for the backwards rig? I know the colors recommended were 194J, 208, 297, but is therea website that shows what colors these are?
Valascus, ignore all the hype of the Fat Ika, they do not work. RW is just being paid by GYCB to help get rid of the old stock that has been sitting around for years. ;D
I only rig them skirt up, I don't know what situation you would want to rig them the other way for.
Colors should depend on water clarity, where I fish it's pretty clear so I use natural colors, green pumkin, water melon seed and sometimes motor oil all with different colored specs in them. If you fish stained water, you might want to try darker colors.
Go on the Yamamoto sight to see the different colors.
Hey GobbleDog,
I also live in Orlando and know who you are talking about.I generally deal with John and he seems to be a good guy.I ordered my Ikas from tackle warehouse online.I havent used them much yet to know how well they work here but the swim away action intrigues me.The flying lure has the same principle and I have killed them with it skipping them under docks.They will reach where most baits cant be presented.
Hmmm. Perhaps GYCB clipped the legs off of this bait to create the Fat Ika? http://www.***.com/descpageSFSYAMA-YA4DTHG.html Sure looks similar to me. For the money I would just buy a bag of these Hula grubs and cut the legs off and shazaaam I have a Magic Bait for less money.
The Fat Ika also looks like a Gitzit, but the action is SIGNIFICATLY different. I fish single tail and double tail Hula Grubs, too. They have SIGNIFICANTLY different action than the Fat Ika.
RW is right (no surprise ). I bought some kinami double tail hula grubs to use as jig trailers. Turns out they also worked pretty good for me pitching into weeds or casting to a drop off a little further from shore, t-rigged weightless. After one got pretty beat up, I tore off the tails to see if it would approximate an ika. NO WAY! The body is way too short and it had NO action whatsoever.
I'm waiting on my first order of FAT IKAs to arrive...can't wait!
gonna go pick up some of those definately
I am sorry if this has already been asked or said
but what color was the fat ika?
I will defere to RW and Fatboy since I have not held them in my hand or seen up close. They do look similar to the Hula Grub though although slightly smaller. That alone probably makes the action dissimilar.
I am sure they are fine baits. GY makes good baits. He just is so proud of those darn things though. :-/
I was at a seminar in 1997 and met a pro who introduced me to the Senko. Prior to that encounter, I was one of those guys that thought a great day fishing was catching a couple of bass, regardless of the size. That particular moment changed my bass fishing life, this was "THE MOMENT" I started catching big bass on a regular basis.
Today is July 13, 2006, nine years later.
The Fat Ika is "UNKNOWN". Away from this forum, virtually no one fishes this bait. I have never met anyone not associated with GYCB that has ever heard of the lure, let alone fishes it. This bait may be next year's hot item, but right now it's a sleeper.
I'm new to this forum as of today. I've got a fishing trip starting tomarrow for a week with the family (read that as can't fish as much as I want) and I had heard about the FAT BOY IKA somewhere else recently and had just recived my order of them this week. Saddly my rod snapped last friday and my new one hasn't arrived yet (read that as I'm going insane every day when I get home and it's not there yet). But I'm glad I found this thread I wouldn't have even though of riging it backwards and now I'm really looking forward to pitching it into Keoka Lake in Maine ( if my wife allows as soon as we get there tomarrow night.)
Let me also just say that I've been searching the internet extensivly for a forum that's this active for about a month and am really glad that I found this one. And you can bet that the 4" 297 GYCB FAT IKA will be the first thing pitched tomarrow in after reading this thread.
See you in a week.
>< I wish people wouldn't be so vocal about that bait lol. Thats my backpocket secret in my neck of the woods. I still have yet to see more than 3 people fish an ika here. Everyone loves those jigs...and they can have them.
anyone know where in alabama i can get those fat ika's?
i dont know if its the lure or not becuase i have been in ponds where fish have never seen a lure. back at my buddys house he didnt know this pond was on his property its like a small lake. but the fish would just come like crazy to the lures and hold them forever. 2 and 3 lb bass. i have had this happen with lures in ponds a couple of times. so those fish in the tank all they get fed by is the fish feeder people then when they saw that lure they hit it it was somthing different.
This thing works miracles for me ;D. I outfish my friends constantly now, and my friend still doubts it calling it "too stupid looking" but hey, when im pulling up 3 bass to your 1, then he doesn't say a word haha.
how & where are you fishing these??
texas,, weightless..Caro,,, ect..
slow retrieve,,, fast ,, ect...
deep water,, shallow..ect.
I tried the ika recently and unfortunately had no luck at all :'( Fishing from shore at one of my local ponds i know of a "Spot" that i always get afew nice ones. Not sure if its a brush pile or a drop off or what but anyway, i was throwing the Ika out there and not getting anything, not even a nibble, went up and down shore with it = nuthin. Tossed on my powertube (Same color as ika) and started getting them. No idea why. I fished the ika weightless texposed with the legs up top near my line. Not sure what was wrong but I havnt given up on it , it must work because of how people rave about it. Just having a hard time tying one on because of that experience. I'm thinkin i would have better luck in the River with it.
I wonder if you would have tried it with the legs ( as you called them )
to the back so it looked like the tube ??
I can't beleive it's been over a year since you posted this RW
I thought the MAGIC LURE title looked familiar.
I have a few bags collecting dust.
QuoteI have a few bags collecting dust.
I'll pay you $3 a bag plus postage...Don't care about the color
or even if you used a few. Just don't send them UPS, those guys
can't be trusted!
Grrrrr! I am still having trouble gaining confidence in this lure! I use it every now and again with very mild success.
I dont fish clear water much so maybe It would be a good idea if I seen it in clear water or a swimming pool so I could get an idea of what it looks like. :-?
Here it is in a fishtank. Doesn't get much clearer than that. Shows the lures action albeit's being worked a bit fast but hey it's a fish tank....
I just put in an order for 2 packs of *'s with the guys at ***. Will let you know how it goes with them here on Lake Norman. I got the green pumpkin and the watermelon seed with red and gold flake.
maybe , try another color for the murky water?
also try um hooked from both ends..
One end at a time of course.
now, ( thinking out loud )
where is the spell check button,, I know
Tin is watching. come on,, where is it,,
I pulled out a Fat Ika today as a result of this thread and had some success
I caught a little (13" or so) Largemouth and lost a much bigger one after it jumped and somehow threw the hook. These really are a great secret. My only problem with them is that it seems to be a "1 bait, 1 fish" type of bait.
Nah, I sometimes fish hours with one bait. The Fat Ika is so "fat' it
doesn't tear easily, but sometimes a big bass will throw it of the hook.
I guess that's the price you pay for catching big fish!
I cut 1/4 of an inch off mine basically in half up to the point of the hook...works wonders in better hook sets.It's lighter and has a slightly slower fall.
QuoteNah, I sometimes fish hours with one bait. The Fat Ika is so "fat' itdoesn't tear easily, but sometimes a big bass will throw it of the hook.
I guess that's the price you pay for catching big fish!
Or in this case, a 13" runt
Next time I'll get its momma
When I first joined this forum I read all 9 pages of this thread and after I was convinced that I had to try out the Fat Ika. I bought a couple packs of dark colors and tried them out a couple days later. Once I got down how to work them, I was getting bites almost every cast. In my first two trips I caught 15-20 bass from 10-15 inches along with many others that got off. I went to the same pond two nights ago and tried everything from Trigged worms to spinnerbaits to buzzbaits and could not catch anything. I put on a Fat Ika and instantly started catching bass. I ended the night catching 12 bass, one was four pounds, along with 5 crappie that were all over 12 inches long. Yesterday I went to bass pro and bought almost all the Palm Trees that they had left. This lure is the real deal. Thanks everyone for the information on it!
- John