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Must Have for 2009: 10" Anaconda 2025

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

These came out last fall and were an immediate hit.

I highly recommend the Anaconda:


fishing user avatarBUCKEYEone reply : 

Finally talked the ladies at my local bait shop into ordering some Rage Tail products (despite the business being for sale...anyone want a cheap bait shop near the water?). They said the lobsters, lizards, and 10" anacondas were on backorder from bps so I bought a couple pack of the 7"

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

They are great baits.  I fished mine on a Matzuo 5/0 long offset worm hook.  It's about 1/2" longer than the Gamakatsu.  This year I plan on trying a 7/0 Gamakatsu EWG.  I've got big expectations for this bait.  

fishing user avatarfathom reply : 

this one is on my list.

right at the top.

fishing user avatarfivesixone reply : 

Excellent worm! I have yet to use the 7" but the 10" has put numerous nice fish in the boat!! I T-rig it with a screw-in tungsten weight and a 5/0 Gamakatsu EWG. That worm just doesn't sit still!

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

The 10' work great with the 7/0 Owner hooks. I caught quite a few nice size bass with the Anacondas last fall.

Greg Hackney Set A New Heavyweight Record With The Rage Tail Anaconda at Falcon Lake in a November FLW Tournament.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Its all about the FrogTogs, Smart Shield sunblock,  and the Color C Lector.

Oh wait, thats Roland Martin's fishing infomercial, this is Bassresource's. ;)

fishing user avatarmoby bass reply : 

Any color recommendations?

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

On the Red side I tend to like Redbug because I have tested it against Plum when Plum is the proven color on one body of water and stayed neck'n'neck with it. What redbug gives me is two shades darker color leaning to red and green and sometimes it is THE ticket.

Big Tex has everything wrapped into side is Black/neon which is black w/red flake and other side is deep peanut butter brown w/orange and green flake. I like it as well as anything for a variety of water color and clarities.

Hard to beat green pumpkin anytime and there are several different color schemes off of this like one of the two colors that Greg Hackney used at Falcon to set the record, it was BamaBug which is green pumpkin one side and green flake on the other.

Red Shad is popular too as is Watermelon Red. Heck, I guess I like most all of them at different times depending on the water and the day.

Please don't underestimate the 5/0 to 6/0 keel weighted hook slow swim presentation in any depth of water. It is a slow and tedious process but worth learning. Most bodies of water have never seen this technique ever before and the fish are telling me that more and more.

Hope when you pick your colors, you slam the Monster you're lookin' for....after all aint that what it's all about. ;)

Big O

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

Please don't underestimate the 5/0 to 6/0 keel weighted hook slow swim presentation in any depth of water. It is a slow and tedious process but worth learning. Most bodies of water have never seen this technique ever before and the fish are telling me that more and more.

Big O

A regular swimbait hook?

fishing user avatarErn reply : 


I thought you were talking about a Colt 44 Magnum Revolver with a 10" barrel..........

Then I relized....THIS A FISHING FORUM...  my mistake. ;)

fishing user avatarfivesixone reply : 

Please don't underestimate the 5/0 to 6/0 keel weighted hook slow swim presentation in any depth of water. It is a slow and tedious process but worth learning. Most bodies of water have never seen this technique ever before and the fish are telling me that more and more.

Big O

A regular swimbait hook?

I don't know why I haven't tried this yet. Got a couple of strikes on it just reeling it in back to shore! Thanks! ;)

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Yes Micro, any swimbait hook will suffice just make sure it is 5/0 min. The action of the Anaconda illustrated on this video is with a 3/16 oz SB Hook.

Big O

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I actually already have some 7/0 Gamakatsu EWGs.  I got some crimp on hook weights that I am going to try.   I looked at Gamakatsu weighted swimbait hooks.  I would have had to go up to 10/0 to get a hook as long as the 7/0 Gama EWG.  

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

They all work well to me in fact the Annie slithers on the fall with just a  6/0 superline Gammy EWG but the KW hooks will fall a little quicker and let you fish it slightly quicker as well.

Big O  

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

What makes them better than the Zoom Ol' Monster, 10" Power Worm or any other long worm?

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

I haven't fished it yet, but the tail design is much more aggressive and looks to me like it would move a ton more water.  Probably not better in every situation, but hard to imagine that it wouldn't be in a lot of applications.

fishing user avatarflippin reply : 
What makes them better than the Zoom Ol' Monster, 10" Power Worm or any other long worm?

they arent

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 
Posted by: flippin Posted on: Today at 7:44pm

Burley Munson wrote on Today at 7:31pm:

What makes them better than the Zoom Ol' Monster, 10" Power Worm or any other long worm?

they arent  

Have you actually fished them? :-?  As I remember they were introduced about the time your fishing in Ohio was dieing down.  Imo, there is little difference if any between the design of the big worms produce by Zoom, Berkley, Net Bait(my favorite).  Like I said I haven't fished the Anaconda so I can't say they are wold beaters, but I do think I can say that they are the only unique 10" worm on the market b/c of the tail design.  At least fish it before coming on here with opinions that they aren't better than something esle.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Burley has fished them.

I have fished them as well. That will be the only pack I purchase.

fishing user avatarflippin reply : 

fished them at ky lake last fall not a bite fished power worm back though same area and caught fish

fishing user avatarMONSTERhudd reply : 
Its all about the FrogTogs, Smart Shield sunblock, and the Color C Lector.

Oh wait, thats Roland Martin's fishing infomercial, this is Bassresource's. ;)

Haha. So true.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Burley has fished them.

I have fished them as well. That will be the only pack I purchase.


I have great luck with the 10" Anaconda and started this thread

because I HIGHLY recommend the bait. As with any other,

some will not like them. Heck, we have had several guys post lately

that haven't caught a fish on the "Magic Lure". Go figure...


fishing user avatarmattm reply : 
[/quotPosted by: fourbizz Posted on: Today at 7:55pm

Burley has fished them.

I have fished them as well. That will be the only pack I purchase.  


Lol.....I wasn't trying to say you or Burley hadn't fished them.

Flippin, I owe you an apology I really had the impression you hadn't fished them. The impression was based soley on an assumption. I should of cleared that up before accusing you. I'm not suprised though that you said you had sucess w/ the powerbait and not the Annaconda b/c I really think the Annaconda is truley the only different option out there in a 10" worm from a bix box manf. I haven't fished them, but I'm not going to jump all over Strike King for trying something different.

Bizz and Burley you really don't think the tail design is different than a Zoom or Powerbait?


fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Obviously it looks different, i dont feel the action is significantly different. The price is also very different, 3.50 for power worms, 5.39 for the anaconda. They dont come in black, come on, its a big worm, how can you have a big worm that is not black?

Im just tired of all the hype, its not rage, its hype.

Yes, they are nice baits, but not worth the price and have yet to prove themselves worthy of the hype. I love big worms. They have caught me my two biggest fish. But the way that I fish them, I lose a ton of them. Sometimes 15 or 20 a night. That would be $21.56 in anacondas. Add in an owner oversize worm hook and a tru tungsten bullet weight, and it could be $60 worth of tackle very easily, trip after trip.I have also developed a ton of confidence in black worms.

I mean the basic rage tail (not neccesarily the anaconda's entire tail) is nothing but a bastardized net bait claw.

The netbait is 3.50 for a 9 pack.


The rage craw is 5.00 for a 7 pack


Main points being, imo, a nice bait, not that special. Too expensive. Doesnt come in black. Too much hype.

When everyone on here was chopping up that bait when it was first available, I was very interested. After fishing it, its just another big worm, but it is expensive.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I'm confused...What do craws have to do with the conversation?

I think the Anaconda is unique and a great value. I've caught some

nice bass on the bait and the biggest bass ever caught in tournament

competition was caught on this soft plastic.

What's the issue?


fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

The Annie has a unique action, unlike any twist-tail worm I've seen.  The fin on the back ungulates exactly like, well, a fish with a long dorsal fin.  That action looks slower and wavier than the twist-tail trailer on other worms.  There aren't any other baits out there like it.   It looks alive.

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 
The Annie has a unique action, unlike any twist-tail worm I've seen. The fin on the back ungulates exactly like, well, a fish with a long dorsal fin. That action looks slower and wavier than the twist-tail trailer on other worms. There aren't any other baits out there like it. It looks alive.

I don't think anyone is arguing this. The main point here is the cost outweighs the benefit.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

This website is replete with people that buy more, and better than they need.  And we're going to quibble over a couple of bucks.  

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

::);) 8-) :-?

Sorry just wanted to get all of the pompous smilies out of the way with one post.

Since when do you care about tournaments. Youre the number one tourney basher on this site.

I've got a 13-1 on a power worm, what you got on the anaconda?

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 


Here is a video that shows the Anaconda

I don't think there is or ever has been another worm that looks or swims like this and as far as the Craw comparisons, your photos perfectly illustrate just how much difference there is between those two brands which is a substantial difference IMO. It is all other brands that copied that shape and design, not Rage Tail.

As far as the prices of Rage Tails being higher than some of the others...I agree that they are. See we have found common ground now lets go have a beer  ;)

Big O


fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I've got a 13-1 on a power worm, what you got on the anaconda?

14-7 tree branch.  Beat that.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Many of the lakes I fish always have muddy or heavily stained water. I love to sight fish but on these lakes it is difficult at best.  I usually resort to swimming a lizard through spawning flats but I might have to give swimming an Anaconda a try. I used it once last year in clear water and didn't catch anything on it but I can tell you this. It's got a different action than any of my other 10" worms. It should give off allot more vibration in that muddy water. Who knows, I'll at least give it a good try.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Here is a video that shows the Anaconda

I don't think there is or ever has been another worm that looks or swims like this and as far as the Craw comparisons, your photos perfectly illustrate just how much difference there is between those two brands which is a substantial difference IMO. It is all other brands that copied that shape and design, not Rage Tail.

As far as the prices of Rage Tails being higher than some of the others...I agree that they are. See we have found common ground now lets go have a beer ;)

Big O


I am suprised to hear that your claw was the first of that general design. That being the case, I apologize for that. I had been fishing the paca chunk for at least a year before i ever saw the rage tail so I just assumed it was the first.

As I said, I do own them, they are different, and nice baits. Im just turned off by the lack of a black one, price, and more than anything else, some of the "fan-boyism" that seems to go along with them.

And as per your request, the first Miller Lite of the evening has just been cracked :)

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

This one is 13.40


fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Right back atcha Fourbizz, I'm on my 2nd one already, you gotta play catch up now.... ;D

Big O

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I didnt want to compete with you, just RW and his "HIGH" recomendations, lol ;D

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I don't think RW was high when he recommended it.  A little tipsy, maybe.  

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

You boys better watch out the 4 or 6th Bud Lite made me lob my attack at Flippin.

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Here is an article for your reading and viewing pleasure

Strike King Pro Greg Hackney, nicknamed Hack Attack', set a new 3-day total with a whopping 109 lb. 6 oz. weigh-in at the FLW East-West Fishoff at Falcon Lake in Zapata, TX in November.  His weapon of choice was the RageTail 10[ch8243] Anaconda worm in Bama Bug and Red Bug colors.

When he spotted bass under the boat, he cast out past the school. Instead of turning on his trolling motor, he let the wind push the boat and drag the Anaconda right into the school. He never turned the first bass that took his bait. The big bass took the Anaconda and kept going, finally breaking the line. It was a monster.  He sat down in his boat, and tied-on a new Anaconda. On the next three casts, he caught three 7-pounders in back-to-back casts one weighing 7-pounds 14-ounces, another 7-pounds 11-ounces, and yet another 7-pounds 8-ounces. On the first day, he ended up with 32 pounds of bass, and was in 4th place.

On the second day, Greg caught two bass on the Plum 10[ch8243] Anaconda.  He also used the new RageTail Lobster with his new Hack Attack Jig to show the bass a different lure.  He used a green-pumpkin-colored jig with a perch-colored skirt and a watermelon-red Rage Lobster on the back. He put the Rage Lobster, which is a really-big craw, on the back of that light jig to slow-down the fall of this jig. The bass wanted a bait with a big profile that fell really slowly. He would drag the lure through the brush very slowly to get the fish to bite.

The last day Greg caught four bass on the Anaconda and one bass on the Hack Attack jig. He weighed in 15 bass in the tournament and 12 of those were caught on the Anaconda, while three were caught on the Hack Attack jig. This was the first time he had fished the Anaconda in a tournament. He said the 7-pounders he caught during practice built his confidence in the bait. The Anaconda is a big worm but also has a really-big tail. About 2/3 of the worm's body is tail with a unique swimming action and a big profile that really turns-on the big bass. Hackney quoted, I've decided the Anaconda will be the only worm I fish. I caught nearly 110 pounds of bass using the Anaconda.

He took home a purse of $25,000 and qualified for the Forrest Wood Cup.  Not only did he set the 3 day FLW record, but he now owns the heaviest single day five bass limit at 39 lbs. 11 oz.  Great job, Greg.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 
You boys better watch out the 4 or 6th Bud Lite made me lob my attack at Flippin.



fishing user avatarmattm reply : 
Posted by: fourbizz Posted on: Today at 10:04pm

mattm wrote on Today at 10:03pm:

You boys better watch out the 4 or 6th Bud Lite made me lob my attack at Flippin.



Wait a second.  Do you mean that smiley for real or is it pompous ;) ;D.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 


this is the most pompous smilie there is.

it should be named "******" instead of "wink"


fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Lol....I think. Its even a bigger ****** since I can't even quote to make the smiley show up.

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Heres another Article if you want to read a little more.

Ward wins in Kentucky

Local pro takes first Stren Series victory

By Rob Newell - 26.Jul.2008

MURRAY, Ky. As the old saying goes, timing is everything, and nothing could be truer in the sport of professional bass fishing just ask Mike Ward of Paris, Tenn.

Like dozens of other pros fishing the Stren Series Central Division event this week, Ward ran down to the Paris-Danville area on Kentucky Lake each day, chucked big worms and jigs on ledges, and caught fish.

The only difference was, at the end of four days of fishing, Ward had amassed 78 pounds, 5 ounces of bass to win the Stren Series event worth $25,000 and a new Ranger boat and motor package.

And why Ward came out on top is still a mystery to him. Sure, Ward knows the water well; he works the night shift at UPS so he can fish during the day. But many of Ward's competitors know the water around Paris well, too.

Yet Ward was able to turn in daily weights of 22-2, 20-8, 19-0 and today's 16-11 without falling off the winning pace.

If I had to point to one thing, it might be timing, Ward said. Every good place on the river has the right time to be there it might be 8 o'clock, it might be 11:30, it might 3 in the afternoon but every place has a time when fish start feeding, and I was very much in tune with that this week.

It comes as no coincidence that the time frame Ward knew best was from about 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Since I work at night and early mornings, I don't get to the lake until about 10 o'clock on the days I fish, he mentioned. I know the best places to be from about 10 until noon.

As it turned out, many of Ward's competitors would run straight to some of his best holes first thing in the morning, fish them for a while without much luck and pull off at just A last-minute feeling to throw a crankbait produced these two tournament winners for Mike Ward. about the time when Ward was looking to get on them and bingo, the fish would start biting.

For much of the week, Ward fished a Strike King 10-inch Anaconda Rage worm and Strike King ¾-ounce jig tipped with a Rage Tail trailer.

While other competitors were fishing matted grass edges in some of the same areas Ward was fishing, he chose to stay away from grass and focus completely on hard-bottomed ledges, specifically shell bars.

I fished the grass for a day in practice, but I couldn't get that going like some of the other guys, so I just chose to stick with bare ledges out away from the grass, and that's what I won on.


fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Well looky here what I found, something else to read, another article...Hope you enjoy

Kevin VanDam won the 2008 Bassmaster Elite Event at Kentucky Lake, taking home a payday of $100,000 plus. Using the Series 6 Strike King crankbait in the sexy shad and chartreuse colors, Football Head jig with a Rage Craw trailer and the new 10" Rage Tail Anaconda.  With this win, he moved past the $3 million mark in all-time career winnings on the BASS circuit.

The week before, he finished second-place at Wheeler Lake in Alabama with similar bait choices  being the Sexy Shad crankbait in a Series 5, Football Head jig with Rage Craw trailer and the new 10" Rage Tail Anaconda. Apparently, these finishes fired him up and gave him the momentum he needed to capture his fourth coveted "Angler Of The Year" title.   Terrific season, KVD!


fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

If I keep going...I'll need to go to the beer store again....You ready fourbizz, I'll meet you down there... Heck, Did you pass out already, I'm just gettin started  ;D

Big O

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Here are some fish that were caught on the Anaconda and Jig n Lobster by some Old Fat Guy.....I think I'll have some Pizza with my beer. ;) Fourbizz, you gonna be at the Kentucky Road Trip? I'm gonna try to make it and maybe we can fish together'bout it?

Big O


fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 


Im still drinking. Setting the pace ;D

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Man those are some big fish.  I can dream...

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

I'm not suppose to be in the Cancer....but I'll tuff it out every now and then  8-)

Big O

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 
Fourbizz, you gonna be at the Kentucky Road Trip? I'm gonna try to make it and maybe we can fish together'bout it?

Big O

Not gonna make it. Too dang far, too dang broke, and the fish are too dang small ;).

Hopefully it will make its way west one of these days. Those are some amazing fish!

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
Its all about the FrogTogs, Smart Shield sunblock, and the Color C Lector.

Oh wait, thats Roland Martin's fishing infomercial, this is Bassresource's. :)

Yup, absolutely sickening..... >;)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Well, the Anaconda has produced some great fish for a lot of people.

If you haven't tried them, I suggest you do. Then, if you don't find

them "remarkable", post your bad review...


fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

The tails have too much RAGE...hinders casting distance =D

fishing user avatarjack1 reply : 

I've found that the rage toad has been the best buzz frog, so I will give the anaconda a try.

fishing user avatarCaptain Chaos II reply : 

Nope, they don't work at all.....obviously from the pictures and articles.

One thing...I can actually feel the tail vibrate thru my rod when using it.  Haven't tried it at night but I sure will this year.

fishing user avatarCrowcommander reply : 

I don't know what all the rage is about,pardon my pun,but if memory serves Riverside Bait has made a worm similar to the Anaconda. If I can find some in my archives I'll ask the wifey to post a picture. Most 10" worms seem to grade out the smaller fish and I seem to catch a larger bass with them.Yum and Zoom are my favorite although in all fairness I haven't tried the Anacondas. If one of my buddies give me a lesson on them I'll go that night and get some or order them overnight as I did when I first was introduced to Mr. PacaCraw. Crowcommander.

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

I have caught some nice bass with the 10" Anaconda here in Northern Virginia. I have been able to catch multiple fish with a single bait so the price really is not an issue to me.  Thanks Big O for designing such a great bait.

Here is a 3.5lb chunk I caught with the Anaconda.


fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

Here is a 4lb plus chunk I caught with the 10" Anaconda.


fishing user avatarMarc David reply : 

This topic, along with the pictures of the bass in it, has convinced me to buy some. Just placed an order along with a few other things from ***. Can't wait to try them this spring.

fishing user avatareyedabassman reply : 

I guide at night up here in Wisconsin and I love to fish big worms, so I will give it a try!

The way I look at this is, are we all out to catch bass and maybe a pig? As far as the cost if it helps me to get a pig or just to be a bass catching bait,then the cost was worth it!  And I would think that, that big tail would move alot more water than many other worms! And MAYBE just MAYBE, the people that did not catch anything did not have the faith in the bait from the first cast!

The senko is a high price bait and it may be the best bait to come along in long time! So maybe we should at least give  the Anaconda a chance,I know I will!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

We have members who haven't had much success with Senkos or Fat Ika,

why would the Anaconda be any different? Big O told me when I commented

the first time about this bait being a "big fish lure" that I was wrong, it attracts

tournament bass, too. Well, for me that isn't true for the most part. I haven't

caught many (any) bass under 4 lbs on this bait. So, like anything else,

most will like it, some will not.


fishing user avatar1inStripes reply : 
Its all about the FrogTogs, Smart Shield sunblock, and the Color C Lector.

Oh wait, thats Roland Martin's fishing infomercial, this is Bassresource's. :)

Yup, absolutely sickening..... >;)

I watched Rolands show for the first time in a long time a day or two ago.  He was fishing with Bill Dance and Johnny Morris in La. for redfish. That was probably the worst thing I have ever seen for advertising instead of fishing.


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