If it comes in a spray and is an oil base= it is basically worthless.What fish can smell must be a part of their natural environment. Nature does this not me.In other words it must be water soluable. Oil molecules are much to large to fit into the chemo receptors of the fish. It would be like a tennis ball rolling over the top of a wine glass. It must fit into the receptor in order to be tasted otherwise it basically goes undetected.Thats why some people in the know call them cover scents or masking agents. What these oil sprays do is block the receptors from the negative tastes from being tasted. The fish hits a bait out of reaction. If it looks like a minnow -acts like a minnow -swims like a minnow -it must be a minnow-RIGHT. After the fish strikes the artifical bait -it will hold on to it for a little while. Then its natural defense system kicks in and tells the preditor that it is not real and expels it.. Berkley labs have timed this to happen in some cases as fast as 1/4 of a second. Way faster than most fishermen can set a hook.As for the crawfish scent. Dont believe it. It is not real crawfish. I know these companies who make it. It is actually called a fragrance or an essence. It has no food value what so ever. It sells fishermen. Anise oil has nothing to do with catching fish . Neither does garlic-salt or pheromones. Pheromones are used to attract animals for sexual purposes. When a deer is in rutt or same with a bass.The last thing they are interested in is food. They are interested in one thing-pro creation.As for the WD40 theory. Same thing -it blocks the receptors. What we did at megastrike 14 years ago was break down what the fish eat. 99% of what they eat are smaller fish.We broke them down to the proteins. Then we broke down the proteins. The building blocks of proteins are the amino acids. There are only 20 different amino acids in the world. 10 essential-10 non -essential. They have been around since the beginning of life. Bass need amino acids just like every other living creature.We also know the Aminos stimulate nerve ending in the receptors. They actually send electrical pulses to the fishes brain telling them whatever I am eating is real. We use the aminos that build skin cells -blood cells-replenish their protective slime coatings -build body mass and muscle and help their digestive systemAmino acids have flavor and smell to them. Some actually smell pretty bad. The fish know what they are and they will eat them. Its been happening since the beginning of time.There have been massive studies and research done in the past few years in Europe using amino acids as part fish attractants. Hmmm I knew about them 14 years ago. go figure.I wrote this in a hurry and we could go on about it for days but if you have any questions just ask. Remember "THE ONLY STUPID QUESTION IS THE ONE THAT ISN'T ASKED"
Very educational Bobby. I wonder if you'd be willing to put that in article form for our archives? Awesome stuff.
dang, where was this 2 days ago when i ordered CB's Hawgsauce Crawfish spray from recomendation. But, to let you know a few weeks back I saw Dicks as a Vendor for Megastrike and my local Dicks did not have any. CB's takes Paypal so I wound up going with it. I will eventually try Megastrike though, maybe I can find it on ebay
QuoteI will eventually try Megastrike though, maybe I can find it on ebay
Why not buy it directly from our sponsor?
Thanks for the post.
Thanks Bobby for thr article. I must say I am a proud user of MegaStrike and am having success with it. I also use spray scents to mask any unwanted odors sometimes, such as BANG and Baitmate.
Even though Baitmate is oil based it is still said to contain amino acids..how is this different from megastrike?
Also is there any information on what berkley is actually using with their baits?
I know berkely products are unbelieveable at times, it has to be in the scent and taste because there are some days where powerbait just outproduces other plastics hands down.
Berkley is a great company. They have all the resources they need and are growing every day.I pretty much know what they are using. Something in theory different than what we use. Their attractant is water soluable but what happens with attractants like that is it dosent last long. It washes right off. We have it so it lasts and is actually dispersed by water temp.As for being in plastics-My theory is anything below the surface is wasted.Im not a fan of their plastic baits. I like Yamamoto or Zoom.Its just a different consistancy.I'm not here to badmouth any company. What I like to do is separate fact from fiction. Like I said Berkley is a great company and their products are also.
QuoteQuoteI will eventually try Megastrike though, maybe I can find it on ebayWhy not buy it directly from our sponsor?
Thanks for the post.
I tried, but they dont accept Paypal. :'(
I am credit card free.
Bobby, since you and others have stated anise oil has nothing to do with catching fish then maybe you can explain why does it works so well?
Catt, I had the same question about anise oil...
It has to do more than just mask my scents, or else it work just the same as any other "mask"
Just curious...
Trust me you didn't go wrong with CB's Sauce.
I've always used spray as a masking agent...I buy the cheapest areosol I can find. I've always thought 'attractant' was not an accurate definition of bait scents. There was a study done a couple of years ago with cotton pellets...fish were fed in a tank with pellets, and then after a while they went to cotton pellets enhanced with anise, garlic, salt, and a couple of other things. Anise bought you almost no extra time. Garlic was several seconds. Salt solution was around 10 seconds. There were a couple of others tested as well. I just gave a feeble attempt at googling it...I'm on my lunch break. So I wouldn't say salt impregnated lures wouldn't buy you extra time...
I'm in agreement with the natural. Attractant is the wrong term.
I've proven to my satisfaction that some scents/flavors work by masking odors and flavors I've added during handling. Power Bait works. Salt impregnated baits work. Anise works. Garlic works, except for crappie; they seem to hate it. And yes, megastrike works.
Salt added baits are a waste of time and make a big mess in my plastics bags. If the salt is not impregnated in the bait, it's a total waste of time. Adding salt to the bags is a good way to insure that I will not buy them.
I do know that I very seldom gut-hooked a bass until I started using Power Baits and Yamamoto baits. There are times when you have to be quick on the trigger, when using these two baits, or you'll be removing hooks from guts.
QuoteI tried, but they dont accept Paypal. :'(
I am credit card free.
There are a couple places that sell it that take paypal but my suggestion is to get a debit card... taken anywhere a credit card is. I live by mine!
CATT, I'm not here to insult anyones intelligence. Just to separate fact from fiction. Anise oil dosent work. Anise oil in its purest form is poison. It freezes at 52 degrees F . It is an oil and cannot and will never be tasted by the fish. The same as the garlic. It is put into so called attractant as garlic oil. Again goes undetected by the fish. When it is airborn. The smell is detected but not underwater. It is all heresay. Just like gas and oil. .The sunscreans are water soluable-the bug spray ingrediants are water soluable in some cases.Thats the stuff ya have to stay away from.The fish pick up the baits out of reaction. They hold on for a while with those so called attractants(they dont know any better)Some knucklehead sets the hook and catches the fish before it expels it and says "Hey this is the greatest thing since sliced bread" . Don't believe it. Its just coincidental.
The real kicker isn't whether they work or not, it the mental edge they give. If you think they work, thats all that counts.
I don't see how rubbing anise oil on your hands to mask scents is gonna hurt anything.
Confidence goes along ways.
Something about this stirs me the wrong way....
I'll stick to my CB hawg sauce....
Bobby, I've use Fish Formula II or Baitmate (clear) with a ½ oz of 100% pure anise oil added and have caught tens of thousands of bass with this spray. I know for a fact it does not freeze at 52 degrees because I keep a 1 ounce bottle in my attack bag in the boat at all times.
If it in fact anise oil doesn't work why is it added to many plastic types of bait sold on today's market?
I to am not here to insult any ones intelligence but you response sounds like so many other sales pitches for their product.
Pictured below is a bass caught on a V&M 9 Super Ringer worm which is enhanced with pork fat and anise oil already cooked into the bait.
QuoteI to am not here to insult any ones intelligence but you response sounds like so many other sales pitches for their product.
Kinda what I was thinking but didnt know how to word it without offending anyone....
I have no stock in any scent, or attractant, or mask, or whatever you wish to call it...I dont use them...But I do know that my baits that say they are infused with the Anise oil I catch a lot of fish on days when similar baits w/o Anise wont catch jack.
Dirk blows his cigar smoke on his bait for good luck. How much you want to put into this depends on how much time we have to go in circles. He has been catching fish alongside me for 20 yrs now,....neither one of us does significantly better than the other. (and we even smoke different brands,lmao)
QuoteDirk blows his cigar smoke on his bait for good luck. How much you want to put into this depends on how much time we have to go in circles. He has been catching fish alongside me for 20 yrs now,....neither one of us does significantly better than the other. (and we even smoke different brands,lmao)
So in another words it's pretty much about presentation/temptation to the fish to bite that lure.
bass here have a thing for hotdogs....i'm not kidding they love hotdogs here.
QuoteQuoteDirk blows his cigar smoke on his bait for good luck. How much you want to put into this depends on how much time we have to go in circles. He has been catching fish alongside me for 20 yrs now,....neither one of us does significantly better than the other. (and we even smoke different brands,lmao)So in another words it's pretty much about presentation/temptation to the fish to bite that lure.
bass here have a thing for hotdogs....i'm not kidding they love hotdogs here.
And sometimes it's not even about presentation. There is one lake where I live that contains religious bass. Sometimes they will fast for days. :
Hey Bobby could you fill us all in how you turn your product into a gel like substance. I could of sworn I heard it was a liquid with oily propertys in its pure form.
QuoteQuoteQuoteDirk blows his cigar smoke on his bait for good luck. How much you want to put into this depends on how much time we have to go in circles. He has been catching fish alongside me for 20 yrs now,....neither one of us does significantly better than the other. (and we even smoke different brands,lmao)So in another words it's pretty much about presentation/temptation to the fish to bite that lure.
bass here have a thing for hotdogs....i'm not kidding they love hotdogs here.
And sometimes it's not even about presentation. There is one lake where I live that contains religious bass. Sometimes they will fast for days. :
well that explains the lack of bite... ;D
Would somebody please read a SDS(Safety Data Sheet)on Pure anise oil. I do this all of the time with Chemicals. We have to. The Anise oil theory or folklore has been around since the fiftys. It is an oil . It is not soluable in cold water nor hot water. It cannot be smelled underwater nor can it be tasted.It goes undetected by fish-PERIOD THE END. Berkley has provided numerous controlled data forms on this theory its proven.. Its not about hype -our pushing a manufacturers product. Its separating fact from fiction,(The subject heading)People -the worst thing we can do as fishermen and human beings is close our minds. I know that the asnise oil can be smelled by being airborn. Tasted by humans and animals but not fish. Most of the so-called pure anise oil in barley that. It is what is called a food grade. The pure stuff will knock your socks off. If you put one drop on your tongue -it will be there tasteing wise for 15-20 minutes. If you inhale it for a while in deep breaths -talk about high -whew Thats the real stuff. At 52-62Degress you will see crystals forming. It is also combustable. Dont play with it-it is flamable.The reason its in baits or plastics is to have a sweet smell for fishermen and to lubricate the plastics. Thats it. Do you know what good Ol'Mr Yamamoto adds to his baits???? Amino acids. He also spent a lot of time studying how and why the fish use them.As for the salt-its for weighting purposes only.As for the porkfat-same theory of soluability in water.As for MegaStrike underwater. Our base is an oil. We figured out how to put water soluable amino acids in this base and break up the molecular structure underwater. Trade secret NO BS
I have a "stupid question" about scents and gel scents in particular. I think it was "kickin bass" or something like that my buddy has laying in his boat. I put it on a jig & when I took the jig off later (after many casts), the gel stayed on the lure and had a gummy feeling and it caused the skirt to look like I put hair gel on the skirt (lack of better description). I had to wash the jig with soapy water to get the gel off later so the skirt would flare like it's supposed to.
Is that a common trait with gel scents? It's the only one I've ever used.
Ok we gonna talk MSDS with an Engineer well alrighty then
Botanical: Pimpinella anisum (LINN.)
Family: N.O. Umbelliferae
DOT Hazard Class Vessel & Air Hazard Class: Non-Regulated
Flash Point: 182 F Closed Cup
Extinguishing Media: CO2, Foam, & Dry Chemical
Special Fire & Explosive Hazards: None
Unusual Fire & Explosive Hazards: None
Potential Acute Health Effect: Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritate), of eye contact (irritate), of inhalation (irritate).
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
Carcinogenic Effects: Not available
Mutagenic Effects: Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast
Teratogenic Effects: Not available
Developmental Toxicity: Not available
Repeated or prolonged exposure is not know to aggravate medical condition
Health Hazard: 2-Moderate
Fire Hazard: 2-Moderate
Reactivity: 0-insignificant
Playing devil's advocate here:
Isn't "oil" the carrier for the scent? The scent isn't the oil, the oil carries the chemical that carries the scent. Oil is used to prevent evaporation and being washed off too quickly by water. If fish can't smell oil based scents, why can we?
Some scents on the market seperate in the container and have to be shaken up before they are sprayed. Presumably because one ingrediant is oil based, the other water based.
If a fish can't smell the oil, it should be able to smell the scent, unless the scent molecule bonds to the oil molecule preventing its reception - which I'm not sure happens.
I don't use scents very often at all, and when I do, I don't catch anymore fish with them than without them.
According to the Columbia Encyclopedia
Anise: ([ch259]n '[ch301]s), annual plant (Pimpinella anisum) of the family Umbelliferae (parsley family), native to the Mediterranean region but long cultivated elsewhere for its aromatic and medicinal qualities. It has flat-topped clusters of small yellow or white flowers that become seed like fruitsthe aniseed of commerce, used in food flavoring. Anise oil is derived from the seeds and sometimes from the leaves. The oil, composed chiefly of anethole, is used in medicinal, dentifrices, perfumes, beverages, and, in drag hunting, to scent a trail for dogs in the absence of a fox.
According to The Scientific Literature on Selected Herbs, and Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of the Temperate Zone.
While the entire plant is fragrant, it is the fruit of anise, commercially called anise seed, that has been highly valued since antiquity. The delicate fragrance is widely used for flavoring curries, breads, soups, cakes, candies, desserts, nonalcoholic beverage, and such liqueurs as anisette and arak. The volatile or essential oil, obtained by steam distillation of the crushed anise seed, is valuable in perfumery and soaps and has been used in toothpastes, mouthwashes, and skin creams. Anise oil is sometimes used as an adulterant in the essential oil of licorice. The oil is sometimes used as sensitizer for bleaching colors in photography.
As a medicinal plant, anise has been used as a carminative, antiseptic, antispasmodic, expectorant, stimulant, and stomachic. In addition, it has been used to promote lactation in nursing mothers and as a medicine against bronchitis, indigestion and lice. Oil of anise is used today as an ingredient in cough medicine and lozenges and is reported to have diuretic and diaphoretic properties. If ingested in sufficient quantities, anise oil may induce nausea, vomiting, seizures, and pulmonary edema. Contact of the concentrated oil with the skin can cause irritation
Anise and oil of anise are generally regarded as safe for human consumption as a spice/natural flavoring and plant/oil extract (21 CFR sections 182.10, 182.20 [1982]).
A couple of points here . I have been eating homemade biscotti since I was a kid ( 56 now) one of the main ingredients is ANISE, and to get a very stong Anise Flavor My great grand mother, and my grand mother and then my MOM would add ANISE OIL: Are you saying THEY WERE TRYING TO POISION US ALL THIS TIME
I use PURE (YES PURE) Anise oil on my plastics and have been for years. IT IS VERY POSSIBLE TO HAVE FISH TASTE ANISE: EMULSIFICATION , thats an water/oil mixture ( Ya Wanna Get more technical than that , we can) that many non soulable medications are mixed into to inject or ingest into the body . is one. SUSPENSIONS OF oil/water mixtures also allow deliver of oil soluable into the body AND THEY ALL CAN BE TASTED: AMOXICILLIN is probablly the most popular of these. It is possible to maniipulate oil born molecules into a water enviorment and rather common , for the purposes of making them ingestible.
There have been many days when the difference on the water was ANISE OIL, it is not coincidence it is not a BELLS AND WHISTLES KINNDA THING this is from years of experience, so I cannot accept this ANISE OIL IS INEFFECTIVE and FISH CAN"T TASTE OR SMELL IT LINE!
Polar bears are known to sniff out a few tiny parts/million of fish oil in water and swims somew distances to get it!
I use Megastrike for its lasting properties. On both soft plastics and hard(plastic, metal, or wood) baits, it lasts for days. It also makes any bait slipperier and that makes for more effective hooksets, especially the larger the bait.
But.....................I loves me licorice.................. 8-)
That is great info bobby! I learned all of this after reading The book Knowing Bass.
I appreciate the refresher.
Muddy, You are almost there on the concept or theory of using emulsification. Just we do things a little differently ,a little more high tech..You are on the right track.We do not patent our process because when you patent something "You tell the world what you are doing". Let them copycats spend the time, money and hard work like I did to figure it out themselves. It would give them a short cut to bringing a new product to the market.As for the anise oil stuff. There are so many better food subjects you can use than anise oil.Think about it!!!When I say that the anise oil cannot be smelled or tasted by the fish, its true and the reason that its true is because the people that are using it, are still using it in the "oil"form. They have not converted it over technology wise to the form you started to elaborate on.Correct???? A bass nor any other fish is going to come all the way across the lake or even ten or fifteen feet to a bait because it has MegaStrike or any other enhancer on it.It just dosnt work that way. The baits are often moved around or worked to rapidly for the fish to detect the enhancer. The one fish that actually has a shot at this is the catfish. I believe that to be true because or the vast amout of receptors in the mouth and all over its body. Pretty much a scavenger fish though.The more realistic we can make a bait look,act,swim,sound and taste like a real subject or prey, the better chances of fooling that preditor into believeing whatever it is eating is real.How many times has this happened to you guys-You pitch out a bait -worm,jig ect. You feel the bass pick up the bait . You react by setting the hook. The fish expels the bait and the bait comes flying back and hits your partner in the head.It happens.What happens realistically is the fishes natural defense system kicks in and tells the fish that whatever it just inhaled had no food value to it.FISH ARE NOT INTELLEGENT CREATURES-THEY ARE CREATURES OF HABIT AND CONDITIONING'Nature made them that way or they would eat things with no food value and become extinct as a species. When you are able to fool or trick the fish by sight,sound or action,the last part of the equasion is the taste.Its all a puzzle .Put the pieces together and you have achived your goal.To catch a fish or more fish.Buy using real foods as an enhancer-I believe your odds get stacked better in your favor.Adding one or two more fish to your livewell because of this is the differance between winning a tournament, cashing a check or getting a pat on the back saying see ya next tournament.Nobody remembers who finishes second at the Classic-except Jim bitter.Like I said.We are all friends here.We are not here pushing product or scaming anyone. Use something you have confidence in. By knowing the facts behind it will give you more confidence that it will help you catch more fish. Thats why we are here. Remember what I said"There are no stupid questions except the ones that arent asked"We will try to find all of the answers to your questions. That is what we do.We learn more every day. How we do that is opening our minds as human beings and as fishermen.Thanks -Bobby@MegaStrike
PS no matter what you say the ITALIAN STRAIN of LMB like and can taste ZAMBUCCI
QuoteI have a "stupid question" about scents and gel scents in particular. I think it was "kickin bass" or something like that my buddy has laying in his boat. I put it on a jig & when I took the jig off later (after many casts), the gel stayed on the lure and had a gummy feeling and it caused the skirt to look like I put hair gel on the skirt (lack of better description). I had to wash the jig with soapy water to get the gel off later so the skirt would flare like it's supposed to.Is that a common trait with gel scents? It's the only one I've ever used.
Anybody got an explanation for this? :question
Bobby, thanks for the time in posting.
I agree with you on the taste and getting the fish to hold onto the bait a little longer.
QuoteBy knowing the facts behind it will give you more confidence that it will help you catch more fish.
I like proven facts. Does Berkley have anything published on their findings or is it confidential.
QuoteBobby, thanks for the time in posting.I agree with you on the taste and getting the fish to hold onto the bait a little longer.
QuoteBy knowing the facts behind it will give you more confidence that it will help you catch more fish.I like proven facts. Does Berkley have anything published on their findings or is it confidential.
You can read about this in the book titled, "Knowing Bass." The name of the author escapes me, but Bobby's comments about what the fish are capable of tasting are spot on with this book. If I am not mistaken, the author also refers to Berkley's findings, but don't quote me on that part.
Emulsification: to disperse (as an oil) in an emulsion; also: to convert (two or more immiscible liquids) into an emulsion.
An emulsion: ½ oz of 100% pure anise oil immersed in 8 ozs Fish Formula II or Baitmate
Anise oil of which this topic is about is an essential oil; an essential oil is any concentrated, hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants, which are called aromatic herbs or aromatic plants. They are also known as volatile or ethereal oils, or simply as the "oil of" the plant material from which they were extracted. This essential oil does not have the same properties as petroleum oil and will disperse in water which is way it can be used in foods.
Does anyone here actually believe Berkeley scientist would actually say or print anything that would not promote their product as the best available? The way they do this is to bad mouth their competition by saying bass will reject anise even going as far as stating it's poisonous. I've read the entire MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) and nowhere does it state anise oil is anything more than an irritate. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) sections 182.10, 182.20 plainly states safe for human consumption as a spice/natural flavoring and plant/oil extract
This is by no means an attack on Bobby or Megastrike but if you're going to use this tactic then use the truth.
Anise is generally cut down with alcohol. Ususally about 60% alcohol to 40% Anise. This is why a bottle of Anise that you buy in the store does not freeze/gel up. This is also why you can put X amount of Anise in food and not have the irritant issues. Your only putting in 40% of what you think you are really puting in. The alcohol evaporates out of the food as it's cooked, the Anise, in pure form, is left. Anise will break down in water, if it did not, it would not be used for food. Without it's ability to disperse in water, it would stay in pockets and as you eat the food, you would take bites of food with little to no Anise flavor, and other bites would have concentrated flavoring. A swirl effect, in an even more simple form, it would be like eating marble cake. Some bites are more chocolate cake, some are more white cake.
QuoteDoes Berkley have anything published on their findings or is it confidential.
"Dr. Jones" is employeed by Berkley. His work is NOT peer reviewed and his "testing" cannot be independently confirmed because his data base and methodology are "proprietary." From a purely scientific stand point (as Lane has pointed out), Berkley's/ Dr. Jones' findings are purely speculation or more pointedly, promotional propaganda.
Someone had asked about an article by Berkley regarding smell and scent I think this is it:
Now it might just be an urban legend, but I was once told by someone (a chemist to be exact) that the Berkley Powerbait formula and Velvetta Cheese have something in common.
QuoteSomeone had asked about an article by Berkley regarding smell and scent I think this is it:http://bassbuzz.outdoorsfanmedia.com/br_news_article.asp?thecat=2&ID=43
Now it might just be an urban legend, but I was once told by someone (a chemist to be exact) that the Berkley Powerbait formula and Velvetta Cheese have something in common.
Catt - great info on Anise and its consumption by humans. We're talking fish here, however. Totally different biochemistry. While I won't get into some needless argument with you, and waste time searching the Web for some snippet of a quote taken out of context to make a point, I will go as far as saying it's possible Anise oil may not be good for fish if they ingest it. I know garlic isn't good for them. Besides, can't say I've seen too many Anise plants growing in a lake lately. :
Not attacking you, just pointing out that what might be fine for humans, could be bad for fish to ingest. It's similar to chocolate - you wouldn't give that to your dog, now would you? It's toxic to them.
Consider chocolate is to dogs as anise and garlic is to bass.
Glenn, while I respect Bobby and your option my problem is Bobby stated Would somebody please read a SDS (Safety Data Sheet) on pure anise oil. Not only have I read the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) but I to have used it daily in my career as a Manufacturing Engineer, I'm also very familiar with The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). It's has been quoted many times that anise oil is a poison and bass will spite out any bait with this scent on it, first nowhere does any study show anise oil as a poison, secondly if anise oil is strongly rejected by bass why is it used through out the entire lure industry and why have thousands of anglers caught bass on lures with anise oil in them or on them.
Another quote taken out of contest is Oil molecules are much too large to fit into the chemo receptors of the fish. It would be like a tennis ball rolling over the top of a wine glass, this statement in its original was talking about petroleum oil but the part about chemo receptor of fish was added because it was a nice catch phrase.
As for Berkley and the book "Knowing Bass" by Dr. Keith Jones I refer you to roadwarrior's reply; "Dr. Jones" is employed by Berkley. His work is NOT peer reviewed and his "testing" cannot be independently confirmed because his data base and methodology are "proprietary." From a purely scientific stand point (as Lane has pointed out), Berkley's/ Dr. Jones' findings are purely speculation or more pointedly, promotional propaganda.
Finally Glenn yes I know how to search the Web to find verified, supported, proven, and accepted data, I'm an engineer and that's what I do.
Too much to say about nothin',...I'm sticking with cigar smoke ;D
Yep, I'm staying with my Pam cooking spray, it has worked all these years
so I don't see no need in changing now.
I never used scents and I never will.
QuoteI never used scents and I never will.![]()
You don't wear no deodorants either? Thats sad, I'm sorry, you can't get in my boat with your stinky ole self. LOL
Cologne does help attract a nice one once in awhile.
QuoteQuoteI never used scents and I never will.![]()
You don't wear no deodorants either? Thats sad, I'm sorry, you can't get in my boat with your stinky ole self. LOL
Cologne does help attract a nice one once in awhile.
I don't need deodorant, my sweat smells like roses! ;D ;D
Besides, I don't want to fish with you anyway! ;D ;D
Quote"Dr. Jones" is employeed by Berkley. His work is NOT peer reviewed and his "testing" cannot be independently confirmed because his data base and methodology are "proprietary." From a purely scientific stand point (as Lane has pointed out), Berkley's/ Dr. Jones' findings are purely speculation or more pointedly, promotional propaganda.
I suppose that's the difference between "pure science" and "applied science".
Very few scientists in any field are self-employed, and many of them do not go through peer review. That does not make their results "speculation" or "promotional propaganda". If a tree falls in the forest and you didn't hear it, did it make a sound? If George Richman hadn't died trying to copy Benjamin Franklin's lightning experiment would we still say that Benjamin Franklin performed a scientific experiment?
Of course, the more info made public the more confidence one can have in the results, but in applied science the scientific process (not the peer review process) is often what separates "speculation" from hypothesis and theory.
Secondly, if I remember correctly, most of what was in the book was about biology/physiology and subjects that have been covered in acedemic and gov. studies that usually are peer reviewed (and in some cases were even referenced). For example: he referenced a study that determined that pacific salmon could "smell" a mammal in the water. How much of that book was basic biology info was one of the things that surprised me about it. Very little of the book was about how Berkley uses that knowledge. While we may never see and may or may not beleive the test procedure and data of Berkley, there is lots of science in that book.
Thirdly, unless the articles in fishing mags I read were bogus, Berkley has made public some of their testing methods which could be duplicated if one chose to. Not to mention at least one experiment whose method was detailed in the book (the one about crawfish shapes with different or no claws on them).
I have been asked to respond to this thread, since I am a scientist and member of the AFS, of
which portions of published transcripts were used by Dr. Keith Jones to pursuade readers to
believe his theories and purchase Berkely/PureFishing products.
Most active research conducted at the Pure Fishing facility is conducted on smaller hatchery bass,
reared in captive conditions. At this time there is no scientific research that proves that his theory
or that scents or attractants in general increase capture rates. FoodSource Lures and other companies
do incorporate an amino acid that is found in high amounts in gelatin based products and eggs.
This particular protein has been used to stimulate feeding behavior in certain species of fish UNDER
CAPTIVE CONDITIONS (this is a variable and an important one) Bass hunt primarily through sight, and that is a proven fact.
Anise oil is not a known toxicant to fish, other natural plant extracts are. Glenn is correct that garlic
applied externally can harm fish! Rotenone is a POWERFUL fish toxicant and is derived primarily from
the derris root but can be found in weeds from the eastern US. Smallfry there is a big difference
between theory and applied science. Most of us in the scientific community call it JUNK SCIENCE
when correct scientific method is not used in the application, or the abstract is not clearly stated.
Variables must be clearly stated as well.
Hey Lane!
We appreciate professional comments from the front line. I also saw your post on the associated thread.
Thank you for contributing to the discussion.
Thanks for the post Lane. So is garlic scent sprays & baits bad for fish? If garlic is bad for fish, why do they sell so many garlic scented baits and attractants?
I personally have seen a bass go bananas when some garlic over-spray fell on the water surface. It either drove him nutts or it turned him off to the scent.
jb, What I said is that garlic applied externally is VERY BAD for the fish. Garlic is an irritant, and
when it comes in contact with the slime cells it irritates them. If fish are exposed to the irritant for
extended periods of time, the slime cells cease to produce mucus. The fish die from secondary
infections. We have documented the effects of garlic on fish in a closed environment, and it is
The reason why you have observed or witnessed bass go nuts or bananas is because they are trying
to REMOVE the source of irritation from their environment. The strike is out of pure AGRESSION.
Hopefully, this will help you to understand what you have observed.
Quotejb, What I said is that garlic applied externally is VERY BAD for the fish. Garlic is an irritant, andwhen it comes in contact with the slime cells it irritates them. If fish are exposed to the irritant for
extended periods of time, the slime cells cease to produce mucus. The fish die from secondary
infections. We have documented the effects of garlic on fish in a closed environment, and it is
The reason why you have observed or witnessed bass go nuts or bananas is because they are trying
to REMOVE the source of irritation from their environment. The strike is out of pure AGRESSION.
Hopefully, this will help you to understand what you have observed.
Thank you oh great and wise Yoda.....
I have been using YUM Spray in Crawfish scent on my jigs (don't know if im catching fish due to the spray, but there defenitely hittin my jig), and MegaStrike on my softbaits. I don't know what it is about the YUM Spray but when a drop of that stuff hits the water, it moves everything near it, like a shockwave going through the water. Wonder what it is.
YUM has done nothing for me thats for sure. i do not use scents (not that i am closed minded to it) just never had really seen the difference using them and not using them. i may try megastrike one day
It moves everything like a shock wave- given the conditions-oils will dance on the water (disperse) and I find that the warmer the oil the more it will disperse. It can eventually make a film on the water only one molecule thick.
Just my 2 cents, to be taken with a grain of salt. First off IMO I believe we should forget all this talk about scent Attractants for IMO bass are sight feeders first and foremost and anything in the scent market that's says Attractant is nothing more then marketing. Instead we should be focusing on TASTE and to some extent feel, after the fact of sight, the true attractor.
With that out of my system, the question then becomes not what bass can smell but what is it that they can taste, what they like to taste and what they will taste and hold onto longer. What taste good to the bass?
With this in mind after 20 some years of on the water bass fishing under my belt, after trying every goofy thing in bottle that says Attractant on it or other goofy claims, here is my opinion.
Whether or not a bass can smell oil based attractants can be debated forever but if you look at it from purely a taste and feel stand point, even if they can not taste Garlic, Craw or whatever oil, the oily feel of the stuff in a bass's mouth may be enough for the bass to think it's real food even if it can not taste what flavor it is. If its slimy like real bait fish, or in this case oily, he may accept that factor as real enough. However I think with oils he can make up his mind pretty quick to either eat it or spit it out. He may be passive and not taste anything yet eat it, or he may not taste anything and spit it out cause it has no taste or a taste he don't like, if you believe he can taste oil that is.
With this focusing on taste, it is my belief that Bobby MegaStrike is on the right path, or has hit the nail on the head, for amino acids are the key for everything a bass eats contains amino acids. The question in my mind is, in what form can a bass actually taste these amino acids. If bobby has truly, of which I believe he has, found a way to use an oil base that releases the water based amino acids, then Mr. Bass is going to be very happy with what he has put in his mouth and therefor hold on much longer, giving the angler more time to set the hook.
So there's my opinion for whatever it is worth. All's I can say for sure is that with MegaStrike or Edge Hot Sauce for that matter, the bass that I have caught with the stuff, do hold on longer, in fact I watched a small bass inhale a worm coated in old formula MegaStrike, hold on for a full 2 minutes before I decided to set the hook. It looked like he was chewing on it like bubble gum. Way cool.
Will so called attractants add more fish to you day? I don't think so Vern, at least in the 20 some years I have been bass fishing I have yet to see such make a difference in numbers of strikes, but at the same time how can one prove such? Even if you and your partner where fishing the exact same setup, one with scent and the other without, how can you prove the scent worked or if it was the action and location of the lure was the ticket. However I do believe that once you have attracted the bass with your lure and presentation of such lure, after he decides to strike such lure, that if he taste something good and it feels real, he's not going to let go so fast and bass like the taste of MegaStrike and therefor I use it for that reason, not because Bobby says so, not because Bill Dance says use this, not because KVD uses that, I use MegaStrike because it works for me and I believe in the direction MegaStrike has taken as opposed to other companies.
Can I get an AMEN??!!
Links to research?
Furbit -like me-like skeptics, want proof- believe me I want to see results also-It dosent matter if its lures-easy there"ATTRACTANTS"- the slice it dice it knife-anything- its a prove it to me society. Every day I go to work trying to improve everything I do- in the way of improving my catch ratio through baits I use or invent... I dont like last place or skunking either.. More for personal reasons than the fame and glory. Ok that too. I will say this- yes I think they are attractants - -LURES ARE LURES- they bring bass to your hook- smells and tastes (one in the same with fish)attract them to eat or strike the bait also when the "triggering qualities" of the baits didnt finish their jobs. How many times have you had a bass come up to your jig-worm whatever-you stop the bait and the bass looks at it and swims away. I have seen it a thousand times in the wild and tank testing. Using mega will often entice the bass into eating the bait when it wouldnt normally- HMMMM-Maybe we should call it Megastrike Fish Enticement. So as for not getting off the subject- The lure and the MegaStrike work in concert with each other. It will also allow fish (like furbit said) to hold on to baits for better strike detection and less fish lost due to them expelling the baits. I have seen bass inhale baits and expel them and you would never even known they were there. Get them to hold on- thats one of the qualities of the goo.--I"m Done- going fishing.
Ok y'all need to stop all this afore y'all make me buy a bottle of megastrike
Just watch the new Goo- it is very potent -dont get it on you. watched a arrogant guy at a show 2 weeks ago pick up a tube open it -squeeze it put it up to his nose and got some all over his mustache- My guys looked at me and said"he's dead LOL"
QuoteOk y'all need to stop all this afore y'all make me buy a bottle of megastrike![]()
LOL no kiddin'!
Bobby, I was not in any way trying to start an argument with you or claim I am the know all, in fact I started that post saying with a grain of salt. Also as I stated I believe in what your doing, the way your doing it and so forth. I believe in MegaStrike and the direction you are going with it now and for possible future formulas. You may very well be right, maybe smell has something to do with it at the last couple of seconds before he strikes, but where I am coming from is most companies claims would have you believe the fish come from miles just because there product is on the lure.
Look I am not saying Bobby is a nut case and does not know what he's talking about and I am the god of bass fishing, All's I am saying or reporting to you, is my experience's with your product so far of which as far as I am concerned is pretty dam good experiences. What you say about a last second smell before the hit, may very well be true, in fact I can believe that. So if your meaning of attractant is, the bass gets close to the lure or you get your lure close to the bass, be that an inch or a ft and the smell of the lure attracts him to the lure and even attracts him to hit it, now that makes scents. However what other companies claim is not the same for there claims are out of this world and total marketing bologna. They may or may not work for the bass fisherman, but there claims IMO are about as believable as me saying I have 20 playboy bunny's waiting for me in my bedroom right now.
LOL, I am going to go check my bedroom right now just in case. LOL
QuoteIt moves everything like a shock wave- given the conditions-oils will dance on the water (disperse) and I find that the warmer the oil the more it will disperse. It can eventually make a film on the water only one molecule thick.
So let me get this right. Fish can't smell or taste something that can disperse down to one molecule thick??? LMFAOROFLOL
I don't care about all that, I just wanna know... if I get Megastrike on my braided line, will it cause the braid to break? :-?
QuoteQuoteIt moves everything like a shock wave- given the conditions-oils will dance on the water (disperse) and I find that the warmer the oil the more it will disperse. It can eventually make a film on the water only one molecule thick.So let me get this right. Fish can't smell or taste something that can disperse down to one molecule thick??? LMFAOROFLOL
Bobby, you say that fish can't detect oils because they don't have chemo receptors for them, since oils aren't found in their natural environment. What about fats present in the food they eat? Fats are oils. Can fish taste and smell these?
You also mentioned that crawfish scents don't have any food value. True or not, I fail to see how that would automatically make it undesirable to fish. There are many recreational drugs and drugs of abuse that have no food value and are in many cases extremely maladaptive, but people continue to use them because they stimulate reward pathways in the brain and make the user feel good. Isn't it possible that some chemical compounds have similar drug effects on fish? I'm not saying that scents are crack for bass, just pointing out the possibility that bass may be motivated by factors other than food value.
Okie- I was stating that "fish attractants" with the oil basis will disperse on the top of the water(oils being lighter than water and not water soluble) Eventually they will spread so evenly that the film will / can be only one molecule thick. When there are oil spills from tankers ect- the slick can travel for miles- I often believe that the dispersion rate is governed by water temp. Matt -believe me it will not hinder the performance of your braid.
For everyone that doubts Megastrike, go buy a tube and try it. I recently picked up a tube, and can tell you it works. This stuff not only will help entice a Bass into striking, but will also make the Bass hold on much longer.
QuoteQuoteIt moves everything like a shock wave- given the conditions-oils will dance on the water (disperse) and I find that the warmer the oil the more it will disperse. It can eventually make a film on the water only one molecule thick.So let me get this right. Fish can't smell or taste something that can disperse down to one molecule thick??? LMFAOROFLOL
Well, it would probably help if you actually took the entire sentance rather than just a few words from it. If I just highlighted the "Fish can't smell or taste" portion of your post and made fun of it, would that be accurate?
Absolutely- unlike women LOL I believe smaller is better- the more potent and profuse the dissipation(dissolving) rate the better. The secret is to have the total package- Water soluble-profuse dissipation - but have a carrier (base) that will adhere to the baits so it lasts longer. the secret also is to have the fish foods and amino acids in there.
I read the whole post. If it can disperse down to only a molecule thick than a bass can smell or taste it, period. Whether it be on top of the water or not. When a bass bites and shakes a bait particles are going to be released. Oil based products cling to the bait and so if a bass bites a bait with the oil on it, the dispersed particles CAN be sensed by the bass. But when someone states that the particles are too big to be sensed and then turns around and states that they can be as small as a molecule I tend to not trust their opinion. If I'm wrong I'll apologize, but in this case its gonna take some serious proving. And I'm not poking fun at anyone. I just want the stated "facts" to make sense.
QuoteIf it can disperse down to only a molecule thick than a bass can smell or taste it, period.
This is pretty much all I need to respond to. Everything can be dispersed down to individual molecules but animals do not have the ability to experience a "taste" or "smell" for every single molecule in existence. For example, what does an O2 or CO2 molecule "taste" or "smell" like?
Ok I'm jumping onto the science box real quick. "Molecules" by definition are a cluster of atoms. I find it hard to believe that a bass's chemo receptors would be small enough or sensitive enough in the first place to sense a molecule. Particles, on the other hand, are more likely what the receptors can detect. And if, for instance, oil can disperse to a molecule thick, there should be ZERO problem that a bass could detect the particles of scent released from the oil. Oil is just the carrier of the scent and in my opinion would be a good one since it clings to baits. Now what can be debated is the release rate of oils compared to gels. But if someone is going come to a forum and post an article about facts it should be written with enough detail and supporting facts so as not to be debatable. Show me the actual facts behind your so called "facts" and if I'm wrong I'll apologize and back down. But until then I won't just take it on faith that someone who has a vested interest in a company has or is telling all of the information.
QuoteOk I'm jumping onto the science box real quick. "Molecules" by definition are a cluster of atoms. I find it hard to believe that a bass's chemo receptors would be small enough or sensitive enough in the first place to sense a molecule. Particles, on the other hand, are more likely what the receptors can detect. And if, for instance, oil can disperse to a molecule thick, there should be ZERO problem that a bass could detect the particles of scent released from the oil. Oil is just the carrier of the scent and in my opinion would be a good one since it clings to baits. Now what can be debated is the release rate of oils compared to gels. But if someone is going come to a forum and post an article about facts it should be written with enough detail and supporting facts so as not to be debatable. Show me the actual facts behind your so called "facts" and if I'm wrong I'll apologize and back down. But until then I won't just take it on faith that someone who has a vested interest in a company has or is telling all of the information.
Molecules in a biological sense are simply small particles at the cellular level, chemists define it as a small unit of atoms bound together.
So when he says a molecule it could be one molecule of the oil, whatever it is, which can actually be extremely long hydrocarbon chain.
You can think of it as a puzzle piece, no matter how small or large it is if it doesn't fit properly into the certain receptor the nerve won't send the signal to the brain. So you can jam pack the receptor full of as much oil or whatever you want, but if they don't bind together properly nothing happens
QuoteIf it comes in a spray and is an oil base= it is basically worthless.
THE OIL IS JUST THE CARRIER OF THE SCENT!!! And if the oil can disperse to only a molecule thick the particles of the actual scent ARE going to be released. Now if you said a different base for the scent has a higher release rate, that is a different story. But to come out and say oil based products are worthless is completely wrong. I would expect someone who has so much experience in the industry to understand the BASIC concepts of such things. I'm a 22yo with no college education and even I can see the flaws in your "facts".
QuoteOk I'm jumping onto the science box real quick. "Molecules" by definition are a cluster of atoms. I find it hard to believe that a bass's chemo receptors would be small enough or sensitive enough in the first place to sense a molecule. Particles, on the other hand, are more likely what the receptors can detect. And if, for instance, oil can disperse to a molecule thick, there should be ZERO problem that a bass could detect the particles of scent released from the oil. Oil is just the carrier of the scent and in my opinion would be a good one since it clings to baits. Now what can be debated is the release rate of oils compared to gels. But if someone is going come to a forum and post an article about facts it should be written with enough detail and supporting facts so as not to be debatable. Show me the actual facts behind your so called "facts" and if I'm wrong I'll apologize and back down. But until then I won't just take it on faith that someone who has a vested interest in a company has or is telling all of the information.
Well, why don't you give MegaStrike a try and see how you like it.
After using half the tube, ask Bobby for a refund, tax included! You
don't need to send it back or even explain what you don't like, just
send an e-mail or PM with your mailing address. Those of us that use
MegaStrike REALLY like it and believe the product increases the
number of bites as well as improving landing ratios. If you find
that is not the case, it will cost you nothing.
-Kent a.k.a. roasdwarrior
Global Moderator
QuoteI find it hard to believe that a bass's chemo receptors would be small enough or sensitive enough in the first place to sense a molecule.
You may find it hard to believe, but that is exactly how the sense of smell works (even in humans). For humans air passes through the nasal passages and individual molecules in that air stimulate the neurons in the nose. In fish the water passes through the nares and individual molecules stimulate the olfactory nerves inside the nares. The olfactory nerves contain individual receptors which are "capture" the individual "scent" molecules.
QuoteParticles, on the other hand, are more likely what the receptors can detect.
Do some research on this. You're incorrect.
QuoteAnd if, for instance, oil can disperse to a molecule thick, there should be ZERO problem that a bass could detect the particles of scent released from the oil.
Except in the case where the molecule is too big to activate the individual receptors in the olfactory nerves.
QuoteBut if someone is going come to a forum and post an article about facts it should be written with enough detail and supporting facts so as not to be debatable.
I'd say the same thing about someone who is trying to disprove/make fun of another's viewpoints.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not attacking Megastrike at all. Mike Iaconelli is my favorite angler and if its good enough for him its good enough for me. I've never once said Megastrike doesn't work. I just wanna see the proof that oil based products are as useless as he stated. I mean that's pretty much an attack on his part on half the fishing scent industry. I haven't used Megastrike before but I'm sure its an excellent product since many of you love it. Maybe oil based scents don't work as well as the gel form because of dispersion rates or something along those lines. But I wanna see the facts if someone is going to come out and say something does not work. I just want you guys to understand I'm not downing Megastrike in an way, shape, or form. I don't use scents very often but I'll probably pick some up the next time I'm in the market to give it a try.
Okie- believe me I have gone through this many times before . I am not hiding anything here. I try to state as much fact as I can without giving away trade secrets. I have stated previously that the reason I didn't patent Megastrike was when you patent something you tell the world what you are doing. If i give out one hint on a public forum it could open up a can of worms larger than the one we opened here.Therefore having a larger company or other smaller companies take the technology and use it to bid against myself. It makes no sense. There was a great commercial about two years ago that these corporate headhunters tried to get this gentleman to give them the information he developed. His response was "Hire me and I will tell you" I take it he got the job. As one answer- the oil molecules I was talking about that other companies use are certain fish oils.NOT THE CARRIER BASE. these are the molecules that group up or coagulate together. The oil slick that you see on the water after spraying an "attractant" pretty much bind together. The secret is to break them up. Ok I'm done. how bout those bears.
Six pages is about enough...
Goodnight Irene
-Kent a.k.a. roadwarrior
Global Moderator