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what do you ugly stick haters use? 2025

fishing user avatarrvrnr64 reply : 

Allright, now that some of you are hating on my ugly sticks what do you use? Let's keep in mind I don't like breaking rods and won't spend over 60 or 70 bucks for a rod. Also I use spinning reels.

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

Fenwick Eagle GT. Great rod for the price IMHO.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

well i dont hate ugly sticks but i use


guide series 6' MH

berkley excursion 6' M


shakespere IM7 6 1/2' MH

berkley cherrywood 6' MH

the cherrywood i really like and plan to replace the shakespere with one

fishing user avatarHawgin reply : 

I use fenwick, fenwick, fenwick, oh...and I have one st. croix.

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

get a bass pro bionic blade or extreme on sale.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

If you push your upper limit on price up to around $90 - $100 I would recommend a St Croix Premier or a Shimano Compre rod.  The Compre seven foot spinning rod lists for $89 and the 6 foot is $79.  

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 

I carry three spinning rods in the boat for "special occasions".  Two AllStars and one Castaway.

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 
get a bass pro bionic blade or extreme on sale.

Solid advice  ;)

I grabbed two Extremes on sale and my catch ratio went up exponentially. Great, great rods  8-)

fishing user avatarlinesider7 reply : 

Hello, my name is Aaron and I hate ugly sticks...

I currently use:

G loomis and All Star rods.  I do own others, but I typically fish only these.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I don't hate something I've never tried.

I use Allstars and some BPS Extremes.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I'm not a hater, everything has it's place.  If you are looking to get to the next level, it's time to upgrade,that's all.  You'll still want an ugly stick in the mix maybe for crankbaiting or something.

Extremes are a good rod for that next level.  Matt 5.0 is in your exact shoes, a couple weeks ahead of you.  His catching and understanding are improving dramatically.

You can get some great rods, maybe even 2 for $60-$70, you just have to hunt and ask lots of questions (here, not at the store ;) )

One of my favorite rods ever, the Mitchell spidershafts, retailed for $59.  I still use them.

Keep an eye in the flea market section of the forum for some great deals too.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

The Cabelas gold series JUST REISSUED AND ON SALE FOR 25 bucks is good at that price. The first time I stepped up from an Ugly Stick I went to a Lightning Rod then to a Fenwick Ventura. IOf I was gonna step up it would be one of four rods

BPS EXTREME_ they go on sale frequently

Pflueger High modulas Rod

Shimano Clarus ( yea posse i said Shimano) ;D

Fenwick GT for 60 bucks this is the best of this list

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

I had an ugly stick for a couple of years and it had its' place and purpose.  When I look at the wide variety of quality rods that are available today at the same price, I find it hard to believe that they are still popular.  I can remember putting a bell on the end of one and using it to pull in catfish everytime the bell chimed.  Needless to say, it was not a very sensitive rod but it would bring in fish and was tough as a 2X4.

Instead of an ugly stick, I would vote for a BPS Tourney Special.

fishing user avatarThaKing reply : 

Seems like Im one of the few shimano lovers?

I own 6 shimano rods

Carbomax 7'

Carbomax 6'6"

Clarus 6'6"

Clarus 7'

Crucial 6'6"

Compre 7'

Had an Uglystick but i dont know i guess for me it wasnt working out on the hooksets. But its great for catfishing.

I live 15 mins away from Shimano so all these rods i have i can take in and get them brand new for free if they break. I know not all of them have lifetime warranty but shimano still does it if you show up with your broken rod. I've only been there once, they have great equiptment.

fishing user avatarRecMar8541 reply : 

loomis loomis loomis, oh yeah and loomis.....they are unbeatable IMO.

I also do like the lightening rods, and have used them for years.

fishing user avatarBig T reply : 

I use to have some ugly sticks that I used for inshore fishing.

My rod arsenal now:

7'Mh Shimano Claurus SpinningPaid $59 or $69 dollars five years ago

7'h BPS ExtremeSpinning-Paid $59 at the Spring Classic last year

6'6" Shimano Convergence Baitcaster-$39

6'6" St.Croix Triumph -$60

I may purchase another Ugly Stick for lipless cranks, but I doubt it, when I pick one up and compare it to my other rods it seems so heavy. I do however like the Lites for saltwater fishing.

fishing user avatarDRat reply : 

We are not ugly stick haters. We have simpily moved up to better products. I am now at the point were I only use Loomis rods. Each to his own and what he thinks he wants to use. By the way, the only time I have broken a rod it was my fault. (not the door I closed it in or the pickup bed I threw it in)

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Shimano Crucial CRC-X610MH; Length: 6' 10 Line: 10-20 lb Lure: 3/8-3/4

Power: Medium Heavy Action: Extra Fast

Daiwa TD-V701MHRB Team Daiwa-V; Length: 7' 0 Line Class: 10-20 lb Lure Weight: ¼-1 oz

Castaway CSAP68 Sport Series Med. Heavy All Purpose; Length: 6' 8 Line Class: 10 to 17 lbs. Lure Weight: 5/16 to ¾ oz.

Castaway CSB66 Medium Heavy Bait Cast; Length: 6' 6 Line Class: 8 to 14 lbs. Lure Weight: ¼ oz to 5/8 oz.

Bass Pro Shops SG60MT Spiral Medium Heavy IM7 2 ea.; Length: 6' 0 Line Class: 8 to 17 lbs. Lure Weight: ¼ to 5/8 oz.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I 'm not an Ugly Stick "hater", I don 't hate Ugly Sticks, but don 't try to tell me they are the best thing since mankind invented the wheel cuz you are wrong.

I have my old 80 's LRs & Series One, GLoomis, Kistlers & Shimanos, other brands I have owned were either sold of given away ..... Kistlers are most probably going to follow the same path ( have to think about about that with more calm ).

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

if you live near a gander mountain their guide series rods are a great value. you can get an IM7 graphite rod for $40 or an IM8 for $60 and they have a two year warrenty good at any gander mountain. btw the two year warrenty is more like 5 I returned one that old and they didn't care, I even told them!

fishing user avatarPond-Pro reply : 

Ive never used an ugly stick. I have a BPS Extreme (very nice rod) , a berkley lightning rod, and a Shakespeare Tiger.  

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

I don't know if it is that we or I hate ugly sticks because I don't and I don't mind using them. However, one thing I don't like about them relative to other rods is how heavy they feel compared to other lighter rods. I am not a weight weenie by any means, but one trait in a rod that contributes to a rod's sensitivity is the rod's weight all day enjoyment by way of less fatigue.

So if you really love them and that is cool, then you might not want to pick a rod like a compre or even a clarus or other rod in this class or better. The weight difference is considerable and it might spark a temptation within you to try something new. ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Ugly sticks are the best selling rods ever.

That's an endorsement by itself.

They are virtually unbreakable.  Doesn't sound like a problem but it is.

the qualities that make it unbreakable are also the qualities that make it heavy, soft, and dull to fish with.

If your looking to upgrade I can't think of a better line than Fenwick.

It's good if you have access to a big tackle shop with lots of rod choices.  Once you approach the $80 -$120  price point, there are alot of very good rods to choose from.

You really need to hold them and see which feels best to you.

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

I love um but the only use i have for um is crankbaits and spinnerbaits for bass and live bait for saltwater fishing and a occasional BIG chugbug  bite on saltwater

fishing user avatarjacksize reply : 

the choice of rods really depend on your style and choice of lures you choose. i use to own 2 ugly sticks. that was when i was using live bait. lately i've been using mostly worms, senkos to be exact and the ugly sticks gets a little heavy after a couple hours of casting. i fish everyday from the bank and cast up to 100 cast every day. not just casting but working the worm with my wrist on the ugly stick started to hurt. i now have a 6'-6" shimano clarus mh which is what i use 90% of the time. for 60. bucks its the best that i can afford right now. it's not the perfect rod of my choice ( thank jesus christmas will be here ) but the arm and wrist sores at the end of the day has decreased greatly.  ;)

fishing user avatarste6168 reply : 

I dont HATE them either, because I do own one...  I own a 7' MH Ugly Stick for chunk baiting for catfish only.  For this I think they are great because I dont have to hold it all day nor do I have to actually "fish" with it.  All I do is real it in after the cat takes off with my drag.  On the other hand I use a Bionic Blade most of the time and will eventually own an Extreme also.  I think they are both great rods, but will probably also buy another 7' Ugly stick for another cat rod.  Overall, I dont HATE them, but would not want to use them for anything but catfish

fishing user avatarextreme1018 reply : 

BPS pro qualifier $119 but go on sale about twice a yeaqr

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

G-loomis rod is all I use. I do use the ugly stick inshore spinning rod for saltwater pier fishing and I think it's a good rod but it's no g-loomis. I have a 7'7" g-loomis bronzeback spinning rod that I just love for bass and beach fishing.

fishing user avatarjaslfan reply : 

I certainly don't hate Ugly Sticks. I have 5 of them.

But I don't use anything but the lightest action ones now because they are HEAVY.

I'm using BPS Pro Qualifiers and Extremes now. I don't have to add nearly as much weight to balance them because they are so much lighter. First time out with my first PQ I caught 2 nice bass that I'm sure I would never have felt with my Ugly Stick.

I thought I might keep one for crankin' since they're so soft on the tip, but my BPS Crankin' Stick is way lighter.

I'll never go back, and I used to love 'em.

fishing user avatarrvrnr64 reply : 

My eyes have been opened. I bought 2 BPS Extremes and love them even though my fishing trips have kinda sucked lately because of one thing or another. I guess what is said is true, they call it fishing not catching for a reason. I will continue to use my Sticks 'cause they have caught many a fish including a 3.5lb smallie but am going to get some more BPS Extremes as well as other  "on sale" rods. It would be nice if someone would alert me of a killer sale on rods when it happens.  

fishing user avatarThe Next KVD reply : 

I still have an ugly stick for panfish when bass season is closed in Minnesota.  If u want a decent rod at an affordable price St. Croix Triumph series are great! depending on the size and action they run from $40 to $70.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I don't hate Ugly Stiks.  I think they are underrated and next to impossible to break.

I have 3 All Star rods (2 American Clasics, 1 Team All Star IM10) , 5 Browning rods (4 Medallions, 1 Citori), 1 BPS Bionic Blade, and 3 Ugly Stiks.  

IMO, the Browning Medallions sold by BPS for $50 are fantastic rods for the money.  

fishing user avatarperch-jerker60 reply : 

Never really "hated" the ungly stick, I fish the Berk Bionix and an old school lowes......


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