Being somewhat new to this forum, I'm a bit curious as to why the old "round" baitcasting reels, (like my old 1978 ABU Ambassadeur ) are still popular, and some are also quite expensive? When there are so many of the newer 'low profile' models available, that seem to be much more suitable for casting.
What is it about the older style 'round' reels that they are still selling, and some at such high prices? Can they do some things the newer designs can not do?
Really interested to hear your opinions. . .
Those old Abu's just flat out work! They are the tanks of baitcasting reels! I would love for them to do an arbor type round casting reel. There is a lot of material that could be trimmed away to save weight.
Newer isn't always better.
I picked up a round reel this winter as I felt it was a better choice for using with swimbaits because of more line capacity.
The round reels are classic designs and IMHO, they will never look dated and there is nothing about a Shimano Calcutta that makes it not suitable for casting. Pricing for a quality round reel has been in line with what you would pay for a quality low profile reel.
A lot of the newer round reels have the same features and technology as the low pros. Just because they're round doesn't mean they're outdated or antiquated.
Agree with all the folks above. As John said, they are classics, and they are FUN to fish with. Would I fish exclusively with round reels? Not necessarily; there are lots of tools in the box to enjoy, both low-profile and round BC reels,...but I DO have a fondness for the round reels.
Now, if only a 50 or 100 size round reel had an IPT of around 26 to 28"...I could fish with round reels only...
My first was a calcutta...i love that reel!
Bought it in 2002 and i still use it quite often!
My cheap 1600 Black Max reels are excellent casting reels that handle light weights and strong winds better than some of my low profile reels. My 1600 size Morrums are extremely well built and casting machines as well. Both can be palmed rather easily.
I like my low profile reels too well to ever give them up, but neither do I plan on selling my round reels.
Nice looking collection, Goose!
A lot of guys learned baitcasting on round reels back in the day. Plus some of the best ones like the Calcutta, Morrum, or the old round Promax were built with components that just refuse to die. They tend to be mechanically simpler but heavier and less handy to palm than the latest low profile baitcasters but if you are used to throwing them, or if you need a reel with more line capacity, they are bullet-proof work horses. I prefer the handiness and balance of a light low profile reel but still use some round reels for heavy duty lures like C-rigs, heavy jigs, and umbrella rigs.
I dont think id like them for bass fishing, but i do enjoy them for cats
I used Abu Garcia Ambassadeur reels for bass fishing for about 10 years. I loved their looks, loved their strength and solid feel, but didn't care for their bulk and weight. When I got my first low profile of today's sizes I sold my old round reels since all I do is bass fish. Now I'd get another round reel in a minute if I went back to cat fishing or needed a lot of line capacity for something. As far as bass fishing them again, I know more now than I did then so that would never happen again.
Yep - Ambassadeurs can be a handful in the larger sizes. The 5000 in my photo isn't as much fun to use as a low-profile reel for sure. I like using the 1500 (silver Abu in the photo) - much nicer to palm but it still doesn't have a recessed reel foot so it's bigger than an LP. However - Calcuttas are a whole 'nother story. The deeply recessed reel foot makes them much easier to palm. In my hands, my 50-series Calcuttas & Conquests palm about the same as any of my LP reels.
Heavy weight? The Calcuttas I use the most - 50 and 100 sizes - weigh between 6.6 and 9.5 ounces - not bad.
Use the equipment that you enjoy the most...but if your only experience with round reels is with old-school Ambassadeurs, then you haven't had the complete round reel experience...
I purposely bought a large round reel for heavier line and more of it and heavier drag because I'm going for the record catfish in Maryland this year.
All I own are Calcutta & Cardiff because they are solid as an anvil, versatile as a pair of ChannelLocks, & dependable as a 30/30!
Technology has moved right along including Round Reels,thus making them fun to fish with.They palm very easily and probably are a little deceptive when you look at them from that aspect. With a recessed reel foot they do lay down real sweet onto the rod making them very comfortable to cast with. From the 50 up to the 300 they all have a home in my quiver....I would suggest you try one and see for yourself...The Round Ones minus a few.
My 4500 size Ambassadeurs are narrower than most low profiles and as easy to palm. My 2500/1500's are easier to palm than modern reels. Parts are still available, something that cannot be said for many low profiles that are only a few years old. There is nothing to maintaining them and I never need to send them to an 'expert'. Tons of customizing and super tuning parts are available and it offers me just another aspect of the sport to enjoy. The exteriors are much more durable and they look like new decades after being bought.
If anyone is interested I have a CTE200GT I would sell for $275.
9/10 cosmetically, 10/10 mechanically.
The round reels are durable, powerful, capable of high line capacity and are just plain fishing machines. Some every bit as refined as their low profile brothers.
I used to have three four Daiwa Millionaires; three 103s and a 253. I added outer pinion bearings, driveshaft bearings, levelwind bearings, carbontex drags, four bearing TD-Z handles and SS abec7 spool bearings to all four. Plus a full internal polishing. They were shweeet.
I still kick myself for selling them.
I have several Morrum 3600M, SX3600Mag, SX1600, SX3600Ferrell and a couple of Black Max and Pro Max 1600. I love the round reels.
I use, almost exclusively, the round, Swedish-built Ambassadeurs. Like others have said, they're strong, reliable workhorse reels that are every bit as good quality as most low-profile reels. Plus, they're easy to work on and parts are readily available, even for reels that are decades old. I bought my first Ambassadeur in 1968 and I've not yet found a compelling reason to switch.
In my case, the round reels just feel better in my hand. I have hands about the size of coal shovels and have no difficulty at all palming them, even the 5000 size.
On 2/28/2014 at 11:06 PM, Delaware Valley Tackle said:The round reels are durable, powerful, capable of high line capacity and are just plain fishing machines. Some every bit as refined as their low profile brothers.
~ X2~
For Sure.
I just bought my 1st round reel ... I was extremely curious about them and decided to invest in an Abu Ambassadeur. Can't wait to try it.
They generally offer more power and have a higher line capacity. As you can see here, many people still use them for bass fishing, but they seem to rule in the musky and northern niches.
i only have two baitcasters and both are round reels and both abu ambassadeurs. i love them. one i use for catfish and striper, the other i use for bass and catfish.
pretty much though, i have very little interest in low profile baitcasters. maybe one day, just not now...
On 3/1/2014 at 1:43 AM, WIGuide said:They generally offer more power and have a higher line capacity. As you can see here, many people still use them for bass fishing, but they seem to rule in the musky and northern niches.
This is so true. The "Swimbait" combo defenitely serves double duty in my case. Although my Lexa300 has done a nice job, something just feels right about throwing a bulldawg with a round reel.
All my musky reels are round because of what they must do. My bass reels are all low profile for comfort and they also get the job done.
That is one sweet Round Reel....very smooth.On 2/28/2014 at 11:02 PM, roadwarrior said:If anyone is interested I have a CTE200GT I would sell for $275.
9/10 cosmetically, 10/10 mechanically.
They still catch fish! I've been using mine since the 70's, and they still work great. Ambassadeurs being more Evolutionary than revolutionary, the newer upgrades are easily added to older reels like dual bearing worm gears, and bearing supported cog wheels, plus there's a lot of Aftermarket parts available like spools,, handles, and bearing upgrades that improve their performance. I use 1500-2500C's for all my finesse techniques, and 45-4600's for all other baits, and lures.
On 3/1/2014 at 11:26 AM, oldschoolbasser said:They still catch fish! I've been using mine since the 70's, and they still work great. Ambassadeurs being more Evolutionary than revolutionary, the newer upgrades are easily added to older reels like dual bearing worm gears, and bearing supported cog wheels, plus there's a lot of Aftermarket parts available like spools,, handles, and bearing upgrades that improve their performance. I use 1500-2500C's for all my finesse techniques, and 45-4600's for all other baits, and lures.
Very Impressive Collection Sir.
My local WalMart used to sell the round Ambasseuder reels. I think they were red in color. To be honest, I never gave them much consideration. Now I wish that I had bought one years ago.
If you guys that know the Ambasseuder reels were going to give advice on a bass sized Ambasseuder for a newcomer to buy on eBay, what reel would y'all tell that newcomer to buy?
I'm an Abu guy. I still have 5500 C3's in my lineup. Mind you, they are 20+ years old. I don't know how the new round reels compare.
On 3/1/2014 at 11:37 AM, John G said:My local WalMart used to sell the round Ambasseuder reels. I think they were red in color. To be honest, I never gave them much consideration. Now I wish that I had bought one years ago.
If you guys that know the Ambasseuder reels were going to give advice on a bass sized Ambasseuder for a newcomer to buy on eBay, what reel would y'all tell that newcomer to buy?
If they still make 5500 C3's, that's the reel you want. The 6000's are more for trolling
On 3/1/2014 at 11:44 AM, slonezp said:If they still make 5500 C3's, that's the reel you want. The 6000's are more for trolling
I will check them out! Thank you!
On 3/1/2014 at 11:37 AM, John G said:If you guys that know the Ambasseuder reels were going to give advice on a bass sized Ambasseuder for a newcomer to buy on eBay, what reel would y'all tell that newcomer to buy?
1500C. It holds all the 10lb line you need for bass fishing and is easier to palm than the 5000 size reels...
I only own 16 baitcasters, but three of them are old style round reels. At one time I had close to a dozen, but I started selling them off or giving them away. The only one I'm really sorry I let go was an Abu 5600 C4 (I think). I have big hands, so palming wasn't a problem. I just fell in love with the smaller, low profile reels after my first Daiwa Procaster
On 2/28/2014 at 6:38 PM, Catt said:All I own are Calcutta & Cardiff because they are solid as an anvil, versatile as a pair of ChannelLocks, & dependable as a 30/30!
Personally I'd go with vise grips and the 7x57mm Mauser.
If you like fishing plastics, I would recommend the 15-2500C's, Round Black Max,or Promax reels. For heavier baits like cranks or spinnerbaits I would go with the 45-4600 Series reels. All of these reels are easy to work on, and upgrades are available. I have a friend who is making parts for these reels. Dual bearing worm gears for the 15-2500C Series reels, and bearing supported drive shafts for the 15-2500,and 4000-6000 Series reels. He's also made skeletized line guides! BTW, my 45-4600 series reels have 11 bearings, and are Supertuned for added smoothness. 20 years from now, you'll probably still be able to get parts for these reels lol! They're the Zombies of the reel world, they just won't die!
On 3/1/2014 at 11:37 AM, John G said:My local WalMart used to sell the round Ambasseuder reels. I think they were red in color. To be honest, I never gave them much consideration. Now I wish that I had bought one years ago.
If you guys that know the Ambasseuder reels were going to give advice on a bass sized Ambasseuder for a newcomer to buy on eBay, what reel would y'all tell that newcomer to buy?
I don't "know" the Ambassadeurs, but do know I like my 1600s. I see someone who does "KNOW" Ambassadeurs answered your question before I could more than get started typing. My ideas for a round Ambassadeur bass reel pretty much fall in line with oldschoolbasser. I would use a 5000 size, but only because it was the first baitcasting reel I ever bought. I plan on giving it a shot this coming season, but I don't anticipate it seeing a lot of use because I don't fish techniques requiring that size reel.
12 bearings, swept carbon fiber handle, lightweight line guide,and cog wheel, Carbontex drag washers, bearing supported drive shaft, cog wheel, and worm gear. Custom light weight frame, side plates, and star drag wheel, Supertuned,my most radical Ambassadeur to date...............BTW one of my Alltime favorite Ambassadeurs is my "81" 4600 AL. 2 bushings, no bearings or upgrades. Bone stock,but one of the smoothest reels around.
Beautiful reel. I don't dare let my daughter see it, or she will pester me until I break down and try to find the same color reel. She is crazy for pink.
It's actually Violet color, but I do have it in pink. These were colors made for the JDM Ambassadeurs.
On 3/1/2014 at 12:18 PM, oldschoolbasser said:12 bearings, swept carbon fiber handle, lightweight line guide,and cog wheel, Carbontex drag washers, bearing supported drive shaft, cog wheel, and worm gear. Custom light weight frame, side plates, and star drag wheel, Supertuned,my most radical Ambassadeur to date...............BTW one of my Alltime favorite Ambassadeurs is my "81" 4600 AL. 2 bushings, no bearings or upgrades. Bone stock,but one of the smoothest reels around.
You have a very impressive collection of Abu's.
One in my collection. A mid 70's Ambassadeur 4500.
Notice, it says high speed. Back then "High Speed", was 4.7 to 1
On 3/1/2014 at 11:37 AM, John G said:My local WalMart used to sell the round Ambasseuder reels. I think they were red in color. To be honest, I never gave them much consideration. Now I wish that I had bought one years ago.
If you guys that know the Ambasseuder reels were going to give advice on a bass sized Ambasseuder for a newcomer to buy on eBay, what reel would y'all tell that newcomer to buy?
For bass fishing and since your down here...snook and reds, look for 4500 or 4600's. Using the wider 5500's will just turn you off to them after a long hot day of casting. Besides the narrower spool will be easier to control when the wind hits you head on while fishing the flats or Tampa Bay. On ebay now with the new series out, you can find last years version fairly cheap. If you want to educate yourself on which models are what check out for some history. is a fellow Florida guy who can give you great advise too and you'll like the pictures on his site too. If you find one of the red ones at walmart it'll be a 5000 with no ball bearings but often in the back of their crowded reel cases, getting pushed out of the way or covered by paintball stuff, you will find a 4600C3 or better a 4600C4Mag, or 5600CL Rocket(exclusive to walmart). They often dont have the boxes and paperwork anymore because of employee incompetence. So ask the store Mgr. to knock off some $ since you wont have the warranty card, Ive gotten them for $50 new that way.
On 3/1/2014 at 11:37 AM, John G said:My local WalMart used to sell the round Ambasseuder reels. I think they were red in color. To be honest, I never gave them much consideration. Now I wish that I had bought one years ago.
If you guys that know the Ambasseuder reels were going to give advice on a bass sized Ambasseuder for a newcomer to buy on eBay, what reel would y'all tell that newcomer to buy?
the walmart ones are most likely the made in china ones. the ambassadeur BCX models. I got one but not from walmart, i got the 5601 BCX model from bass pro shops because i wanted the left hand model. its held up pretty well through 3 seasons with no maintenance. i use it for bass and catfish...
On 3/1/2014 at 11:37 AM, John G said:My local WalMart used to sell the round Ambasseuder reels. I think they were red in color. To be honest, I never gave them much consideration. Now I wish that I had bought one years ago.
If you guys that know the Ambasseuder reels were going to give advice on a bass sized Ambasseuder for a newcomer to buy on eBay, what reel would y'all tell that newcomer to buy?
Look for a 4600 C or one or the many variants. C3, C4, CI, CB, etc. There are a lot of them on eBay. Be patient and you can get one for around $30. I just scored one for around that last week.
On 3/1/2014 at 12:28 PM, oldschoolbasser said:It's actually Violet color, but I do have it in pink. These were colors made for the JDM Ambassadeurs.
Show me Violet and Pink together, and I probably couldn't tell you which was which.
On 3/1/2014 at 7:39 PM, 119 said:For bass fishing and since your down here...snook and reds, look for 4500 or 4600's. Using the wider 5500's will just turn you off to them after a long hot day of casting. Besides the narrower spool will be easier to control when the wind hits you head on while fishing the flats or Tampa Bay. On ebay now with the new series out, you can find last years version fairly cheap. If you want to educate yourself on which models are what check out for some history. is a fellow Florida guy who can give you great advise too and you'll like the pictures on his site too. If you find one of the red ones at walmart it'll be a 5000 with no ball bearings but often in the back of their crowded reel cases, getting pushed out of the way or covered by paintball stuff, you will find a 4600C3 or better a 4600C4Mag, or 5600CL Rocket(exclusive to walmart). They often dont have the boxes and paperwork anymore because of employee incompetence. So ask the store Mgr. to knock off some $ since you wont have the warranty card, Ive gotten them for $50 new that way.
Thank you for the links.
Violet and Pink.
Violet and Pink. BTW I buld both bushing and bearing reels.I actually like bushing reels for jigs and blades.My largest bass came on a bushing reel, so there's a lot of sentiment behind those builds.
You guys are great!!! Thanks for the links and the advice!
No problem John,if you need any help let me know.
On 3/2/2014 at 2:44 PM, oldschoolbasser said:No problem John,if you need any help let me know.
Will do!
On 3/2/2014 at 1:04 PM, oldschoolbasser said:Violet and Pink.
I am sorry, but you must be color blind. What you are calling Pink is obviously least to me.
I will say that once you posted both I can see that what I thought was Pink isn't.
Now that I have a list of what to buy for cleaning reels I need to get started on my Black Max 1600s before it warms up enough to get out. Need to install the Carbontex drags and the one set of upgraded bearings I have. I have 2 of the same brand and model of rod so I can compare the bearing upgraded reel against a factory bearing reel to see what kind of improvement the bearings make.
Looks like fine jewelery.
On 2/28/2014 at 6:57 PM, Maico1 said:Technology has moved right along including Round Reels,thus making them fun to fish with.They palm very easily and probably are a little deceptive when you look at them from that aspect. With a recessed reel foot they do lay down real sweet onto the rod making them very comfortable to cast with. From the 50 up to the 300 they all have a home in my quiver....I would suggest you try one and see for yourself...The Round Ones minus a few.
I had never used a round baitcaster until 2 years ago. Was in a tournament with my uncle, almost over and I had broken a jig off so I grabbed his calcutta and on the second pitch I caught a 3 lber. We had to take off to the weigh in right after. I really liked the round baitcaster. Felt sooooooooo solid. Hes had that reel for a long time too, crazy to see how long it has lasted
I almost prefer the feel of a 51/101 sized round reel over LP.
The Shimano Conquest is my favourite reel.
Because they work and last forever.
This little beauty will be my next purchase.
Shimano Ocea Calcutta 200HG
90mm Handle and a 6.7:1 gear ratio.
I have several round abu's, the newest is about 11 years old.
On 3/1/2014 at 12:18 PM, oldschoolbasser said:12 bearings, swept carbon fiber handle, lightweight line guide,and cog wheel, Carbontex drag washers, bearing supported drive shaft, cog wheel, and worm gear. Custom light weight frame, side plates, and star drag wheel, Supertuned,my most radical Ambassadeur to date...............BTW one of my Alltime favorite Ambassadeurs is my "81" 4600 AL. 2 bushings, no bearings or upgrades. Bone stock,but one of the smoothest reels around.
Yup the oldman does have a great collection of tru classic round reels, all serviced by guess who...
I think the OP was asking about the classic round (70's - 80's all which have the raised emblem), of which the shimano round line are not.....
Tight Lines!
On 2/28/2014 at 8:15 AM, Goose52 said:Agree with all the folks above. As John said, they are classics, and they are FUN to fish with. Would I fish exclusively with round reels? Not necessarily; there are lots of tools in the box to enjoy, both low-profile and round BC reels,...but I DO have a fondness for the round reels.
Now, if only a 50 or 100 size round reel had an IPT of around 26 to 28"...I could fish with round reels only...
I see a Calcutta TE DC!!! That is a pretty reel.
On 3/1/2014 at 11:42 AM, slonezp said:I'm an Abu guy. I still have 5500 C3's in my lineup. Mind you, they are 20+ years old. I don't know how the new round reels compare.
Yep, my 5500 C3's are around 10 years old and are my favorite snook and redfish reels. Tons of power and indestructable.
Around 2006 I taught myself to use a bait casting reel using (relatively heavy) Penn Squidders to fish for striped bass in salt water. Shortly thereafter I discovered high end Abu Garcia Morrum reels and Shimano Calcutta reels (including the Japan Domestic Model Conquest series). Now, 12 years later, I'm fishing fresh water for large mouth bass and salt water using bait casting reels almost all the time. My spinning reels are in retirement.
I must admit I don't understand the appeal of low profile reels. Both round reels and low profile reels use the same round (cylindrical) spools and the line comes off the top of the spool. What is the difference between a low profile reel and a round reel? Mechanically they seem identical to me but cosmetically they look very different. What am I missing?
For larger lures, heavier lines and the required capacity round reels are just a better choice, some of the recent giant LP reels are silliness personified.
I hate it when I read a full page before I realize it was started in 2014, but it was a good read.....again
On 2/16/2018 at 8:47 PM, NHBull said:I hate it when I read a full page before I realize it was started in 2014, but it was a good read.....again
Yup. During this time of year one of the first things I look at is the date of the original post. Lots of times they are still good reading, but some are about gear or problems that were no doubt solved years ago. Anyone needing more information should start a new thread. It would make me feel better.
The old style round baitcasters tend to have more line capacity, and in many cases many more drag as well. You will never see people fishing for large saltwater fish and large catfish and other large species using a low profile reel, it's always a large baitcaster or a massive spinning reel.
Here are some of mine...the 4600C and the 2500C are custom made and the 6000 is all original that I found at a flea market and was produced between 1959-1961.
I still would like a custom Turquoise blue one with gold/silver accents and pearl handle as well!
Well, some of you folks know me well enough by now that you'd expect a response. I happen to be a long time fan of Ambassadeur line of BC reels. Started using them in the early 70's. I've bought 6 over the years, most being variations on the 5000 size; but one exception that I really love is the 6500-C, that casts 1 - 3 oz. swimbaits like a dream on an old Cabelas "musky" rod.
Two of my earlier models have been handed down to my grandkids who use them regularly - and just as effectively as I have over my many decades of use. Still have/use 4 of them, one being the 6500. I don't know, you can spend a awful lot of money on "higher-end" baitcasters, but I do not believe that I am limited in any way, performance wise. I've fished with a lot of guys. Many scoffed at my old reels. But they never showed me anything that they could do, that I couldn't do equally as well. Now that being said, if you using one of these higher end reels gives you the confidence to fish better, then by all means, more power to you. Confidence is the name of the game.
BTW, they ARE built like tanks too!
On 2/17/2018 at 12:38 AM, Big-Bass said:Here are some of mine...the 4600C and the 2500C are custom made and the 6000 is all original that I found at a flea market and was produced between 1959-1961.
I still would like a custom Turquoise blue one with gold/silver accents and pearl handle as well!
Very pretty colonel, very pretty...but can they fight ?
On 2/17/2018 at 1:01 AM, Columbia Craw said:
Very pretty colonel, very pretty...but can they fight ?
Yes sir!
On 2/17/2018 at 1:01 AM, Columbia Craw said:Very pretty colonel, very pretty...but can they fight ?
I rebuilt a 2500 for a customer. The "test fish" was a little 9 lb. steelhead. Reel worked like a champ.
On 2/16/2018 at 8:10 PM, reason said:For larger lures, heavier lines and the required capacity round reels are just a better choice, some of the recent giant LP reels are silliness personified.
My Lexa 400 is more comfortable to palm, has a faster retrieve, and has better braking than my Abu Ambassadeur 6500. Those are the advantages I've found that make big LowPros worth it. I enjoy both.
I have only three round reels, all Abu Garcia, a 5000, 5000 c and a newly purchased 5500 CS Pro Rocket Black Edition.
Round reels you say ~ I love them.
On 2/17/2018 at 8:23 AM, A-Jay said:Round reels you say ~ I love them.
Nothing small about that smallie!!
I have an Abu Garcia "round reel". I learned how to cast on one, so it is kind of a nostalgia thing for me!
On 2/17/2018 at 3:48 AM, Vilas15 said:My Lexa 400 is more comfortable to palm...
You must be popular with the ladies...
Perhaps a round reel really shines with large glide baits and heavy line size ?
On 2/17/2018 at 7:16 PM, reason said:You must be popular with the ladies...
Just one in particular . Being 6'7" has plenty of downsides too...
On 2/17/2018 at 8:23 AM, A-Jay said:Round reels you say ~ I love them.
Are there any reels in that photo? All I see is a BIG HONKIN' HEALTHY 'ZILLA SMALLMOUTH !
On 2/28/2014 at 8:15 AM, Goose52 said:Agree with all the folks above. As John said, they are classics, and they are FUN to fish with. Would I fish exclusively with round reels? Not necessarily; there are lots of tools in the box to enjoy, both low-profile and round BC reels,...but I DO have a fondness for the round reels.
This is what I said nearly 4 years ago and I still feel the same way. Round reels work - catch fish. I still have a couple modern round reels:
They still get out in the boat:
AND, I still have a couple older round reels:
Nice collection, Goose!
Love those smaller Ambassadeurs!
On 2/18/2018 at 4:42 AM, tholmes said:Nice collection, Goose!
Love those smaller Ambassadeurs!
Thanks !
I still fish the 1500/1600/2500/2600 reels from time to time.
On modern rods:
On '60s vintage rods:
And on a couple hybrid 60s Conolon/modern Veracity rods that I talked about here:
On 2/18/2018 at 4:56 AM, Goose52 said:Thanks !
I still fish the 1500/1600/2500/2600 reels from time to time.
On modern rods:
On '60s vintage rods:
And on a couple hybrid 60s Conolon/modern Veracity rods that I talked about here:
Sweet ~ Love those Pistol Grips.
I think I remember when you were looking for those . . .
Quite a find.
I just picked up my first round reel, a Daiwa Ringa SSS;
I am really liking it and it is surprisingly comfortable to palm, even with my tiny hands. I am thinking about picking up a Calcutta Conquest 50 to use as a saltwater BFS reel and kinda want one of the new Ryogas, but I think that might be a little too large for me.
On 2/18/2018 at 4:29 AM, Goose52 said:AND, I still have a couple older round reels:
Nice Reels what model is the green abu, it looks spectacular
My grandpa died in 1977 and one of the things he left me was an Ambassadeur reel. I still use it as my Muskie trolling and big giant carfish reel. I expect it will still be getting used 100 years from now.
Do the level winds disengage on the newer models?
Goose52,your 2600 Elite is worth more than than half of your reels! Those Reels are money in the bank. Not to mention they're the best small Ambassadeur ever made. Fortunately I have one too.
On 3/5/2019 at 9:36 AM, Elkins45 said:My grandpa died in 1977 and one of the things he left me was an Ambassadeur reel. I still use it as my Muskie trolling and big giant carfish reel. I expect it will still be getting used 100 years from now.
Do the level winds disengage on the newer models?
They don't. If you want an Ambassadeur with a disengaging level wind, look for a Black Max or Pro Max 1600/3600. They were made in '93 and '94. Those reels were way ahead of their time. I have an army of them and use them for everything from stream trout, to bass, to walleye, and big steelhead. If you get one, clean it up good, swap the Teflon drag washers for Carbontex, replace the white brake blocks with light weight blue blocks, and it'll be a casting machine.
I have an excellent Pinnacle Vision VST Limited (8 Bearing) with the box I would make someone a god deal on if interested.
Quotecurious as to why the old "round" baitcasting reels, (like my old 1978 ABU Ambassadeur ) are still popular, and some are also quite expensive?
Line capacity is generally greater but not sure that explains the entire price difference. Build quality? I have one round baitcaster and the only reason I bought it was because my local shop had it on sale for 33% off its original ridiculously high price (Calcutta Conquest 101 leftie). After using it for a season I find the build quality is unmatched compared to my other BC reels. It's solid. And far better at throwing lighter lures compared to my others. I'm sure there are low profile baitcasters that have these traits too but I haven't found them yet. I still find low profile reels more comfortable. The Calcutta is now dedicated to topwater & cranking (low gear ratio). It's a bit of an enigma to me but definitely has a place in the lineup.
On 3/5/2019 at 7:21 AM, KickingFish said:Nice Reels what model is the green abu, it looks spectacular
That is a 2500CDL in teal color. It was part of a limited run commissioned by Simmons Sporting Goods in 2012 - 200 reels total - 100 right-hand, 100 left-hand.
On 3/5/2019 at 9:45 AM, oldschoolbasser said:Goose52,your 2600 Elite is worth more than than half of your reels! Those Reels are money in the bank. Not to mention they're the best small Ambassadeur ever made. Fortunately I have one too.
Yep - as you well know - the 2600Cs are the pinnacle of the small Ambassadeurs. Mine will be worth a bit less at some point in the future as I will eventually fish it ...
On 3/9/2019 at 10:43 PM, Goose52 said:Yep - as you well know - the 2600Cs are the pinnacle of the small Ambassadeurs. Mine will be worth a bit less at some point in the future as I will eventually fish it ...
It's hard trying not to fish a pretty reel. I have a 4500CS Rocket in sunset orange, one of 100 made, and I want to fish it badly.
My very first baitcaster - I didn't go cheap and I knew technology enough that thumbing the spool was something you did not have to do:
Shimano Cacutta DC
it still works like it is brand new from the day I bought it in 2004. Plus it has the DC whine if you ever casted a DC reel.