First of all- Merry Christmas!! I hope all of you (that exchange gifts) had a new, working, undamaged goody to open this morning!
Well, Mrs. flechero went over budget - and I opened a Core 100 MG this morning... to my horror, it was already jacked!! :'( >
This was either hit by a truck and backed over again or a return that was sent out again. (but the box is perfect and has not even a scuff) The "shimano" is worn off the body (only the "s" remains) and all the internal packing is torn up. Here's a thought,shimano, spend $0.01 and (do like ABU) put a piece of foam over the reel, or better yet- put the reel in the stupid little felt bag you supply! I thought well, it's cosmetic so I can live with it... then I decide to spin the spool. Spinning the spool sounds like a few rocks are caught in the inside of the spool body!! I can't even explain how dissappointed I am.
This isn't the first time this has happened with a "brand new" shimano and bps/cabelas. I had sworn off of mail ordering anything from them but Mrs. didn't know all that. This actually makes reel #4 (in 12 months- it all started with a Christmas gift last year) that gets sent back and once again, I have to pay the return shipping charges. > Keep in mind, we already paid $16 shipping/insurance to get it here... now it's about same returned and another $16 if they ship a the new reel out. Talk about being penalized for thier mistakes! They will have made more profit off shipping to me than they can off the reel. Unless they will pay all the shipping, I am done for good this time. Last time bps and shimano pointed fingers at each other and left the me out in the cold.
I'll probably be buying a Revo Premier now instead. (in person from a different retailer)
the old thread-
So sorry to hear about your trouble with the reel.
My new Stradic 2500 F1 seems to have arrived fine from both Shimano and BPS.
I would think that either Shiamano or BPS would take the reel back and give you the shipping credit.
Even better, are you close to a BPS? I have found that if you return the item in person you get outstanding service.
I really hate when you receive something that has been damage in shipment. So sorry it happened to you.
Still, Merry Christmas!!!!
Sounds like someone returned a damaged model and told BPS there was nothing wrong with it. They probably didn't even check before sending it out.
Anyway, you sound like you have an awesome wife, and that's the best gift. Now you'll either have a new Core, or something else.
I know it's tuff keeping a smile on your face in front of the wife.
Thanks guys, it is definitely still a very merry Christmas around here... My only disappointment is a damaged gift- that's pretty tiny in the grand scheme of things!!
Been through this before... and there lies the rub. I argued (politely) until I spent nearly the shipping amount in long distance phone charges and got nowhere. It's not about the money, it's principal. They each say the other is at fault, and neither seem to want to fix it for the customer.
It's a case study in how not to run your customer service departments.
Man, that just sucks. Really. Spend that kind of money and get flogged by poor service etc. I hope all works out in your favor in t he end.
ordered a sustain 2500 from cabela's a few couple years back...bail was twisted like a pig's tail.
sent it back on cabela's quarter and, on cabela's quarter, they sent a replacement...this one sounded like gerbils playing basketball inside.
sent it back to cabela's, again on their quarter and, this time, simply returned for credit.
to cabela's credit, this is the only time have had a problem with them in the years have ordered from them...their service department does seem to bend over backwards to help you, at least in my case.
return the reel.........and keep the wife!
Good luck with your situation. I know that I have always had good luck with Cabelas. Not really bought much from bass pro. It really is difficult I am sure to have a new toy and not be able to mess with it.
I hope it all works out well for you. Merry Christmas.
Well my friend, that sucks!
Don't let it spoil your holiday,
From my family to yours.
that's terrible- just look at it this way; sounds like all of your bad luck is over and 2008 will be much better-
Yeah....just return it. Even Hondas break down every now and again .
There is a Ebay site simmonssportinggoods that has excellent prices. I live within 45 minutes of it and shop there quite often. They are honest people that will go out of their way to help. I just bought three shimano curado 100's there and after the rebate cost $110. apeice. Their have been in business since the 70's so doing something right. Just my 2 cents worth.
I've bought a few reels from simmons in the past 2 years, all of them have been perfect. They are great to deal with.
This is only an inconvenience that will cost me the return shipping... like I said, it's small potatoes. I just needed to "vent" this morning and wasn't able to express that to the wife since she worked really hard to but me such a reel.
I feel much worse for her, since that was my big gift she's bummed that it isn't right.
Merry Christmas to all!
That's true but a hug will go a long way. Was at Simmons Monday and it is packed wall to wall with fishing and hunting supplies. Customers were wall to wall also so just grabed reels and left. Bait monkey will hit after 1 st of year and will go back.
i would get them on the phone .. asap .... you shouldent be venting ,,, you should be mad .... first there is no way id pay the shipping charges ..... seconed why would they send you that reel .... id have to hear from them why .... thirdly since the reels box was fine it didnt seem to be a fed ex mistake .... that leaves them .... i mean they sent you the reel ..... get them on the phone ..... i just hate when this stuff happens ..... iv been real lucky ,,, at any rate most retailers will take care of you .... if you talk to them .....
Knock on wood I have never had an issue with BPS, Academy, or Cabelas. Sorry for your rotten luck. Look forward to a better 2008. Happy New Year...
Wow,that sucks...mad? Got every right to be!! I'm not sure how you are much calmer than i'd be!
Your wife is awesome though! Wanna trade? ;D...Just kidding...
I have never had an issue with BPS that wasn't handled quickly and in a very satisfactory manner. Use the 800 number and there are no long distance charges for you.
The last time I was BPS in Louisville back in June, they were restocking the some of their house brand reels and a sales guy their made a comment about how many reels they get in from their distribution center that are returned and still have line on them from the previous owner. For instance, he opened 6 Johnny Morris Reels and 4 of them had string on them. He seemed very discouraged that he had to go through all of what was supposed to be new and pull the string off several reels he had gotten in. This gave me a clue that not all is right with BPS but for me personally, I have never had a bad experience with the stores. If I have had a return or a problem, they have gone out of their way to make it right.
QuoteThe last time I was BPS in Louisville back in June, they were restocking the some of their house brand reels and a sales guy their made a comment about how many reels they get in from their distribution center that are returned and still have line on them from the previous owner. For instance, he opened 6 Johnny Morris Reels and 4 of them had string on them. He seemed very discouraged that he had to go through all of what was supposed to be new and pull the string off several reels he had gotten in. This gave me a clue that not all is right with BPS but for me personally, I have never had a bad experience with the stores. If I have had a return or a problem, they have gone out of their way to make it right.
Wouldn't that be called ripping off the customer who thought they may be getting a new reel?
I'm pleased to report a happy ending to this... I was at Sportsman's Warehouse yesterday (a monthly restocking run) and told one of the guys about my experience and he said, bring it in to us, you are a valued customer here, I'll gladly exchange it for you and send yours in for store credit. I went home got the reel and went back for a "new" one.
Just goes to show you that some places really appreciate their customers more than others!! I have been a Sportsman's Warehouse fan and customer for a long time but this really was going above and beyond as far as I'm concerned!
;D ;D ;D WHOO-HOO! ;D ;D ;D
Man, that's GREAT!
QuoteI'm pleased to report a happy ending to this... I was at Sportsman's Warehouse yesterday (a monthly restocking run) and told one of the guys about my experience and he said, bring it in to us, you are a valued customer here, I'll gladly exchange it for you and send yours in for store credit. I went home got the reel and went back for a "new" one.Just goes to show you that some places really appreciate their customers more than others!! I have been a Sportsman's Warehouse fan and customer for a long time but this really was going above and beyond as far as I'm concerned!
Now that's what I call great service......
It's stories like this, that will make you a customer for life. I wish more stores would offer such great service.
flechero, that's great news. That is Customer Service. I know where I would be spending all my fishing dollars.
WOW! now that's customer service!
Something tells me i need to head back out to my NEW sportsman's warehouse soon!
That is great, but that is the quality of the service at Sportmans Wharehouse, they love me in the Wichita store.
You know what all this has shown me?
That the anglers of this forum, and others, need to get off their dead backsides and try actually walking into the stores to purchase there gear. That way there is never an issue you don't know about up front.
Plus beware of all on-line catalog purchases...
You are exactly right. I have become an "in store" buyer when possible. (this reel was a surprise that my wife ordered) As you remember I had a few issues with ordering stuff so now I only order what I have to and will drive a good ways to do business in person.
Sportsman's Warehouse is an hour drive for me. The quality and service, coupled with good prices makes that drive (and Austin traffic ) a non issue for me.
If Sportsman's Warehouse would start accepting bps gift cards, I would be really hooked up!! ;D
Best to all....
Glad to hear a happy ending to your ordeal. I too like my local sportsman's store. The Fishing dept. manager and I are on a first name basis and I am always treated with excellent customer service and they know me by first name.
Kudos to them for giving you service above and beyond the call of duty.
I have slowly been becoming a fan of Sportsmans Warehouse. They seem to have rods that Cableas doesn't have in the store and they seem to have better deals on reels (as well as other items). I'm glad to hear everything turned out well for you.