the nightmare is back this time for freshwater i stopped using mono, and fluro in salt water because the only thing they are good at and good for is raising you're blood pressure so i got it stuck in my head thats there soul purpose in fishing with a bait caster. the only time i can stand using either of the 2 is tuna fishing etc.
any way everyone has been telling me i gotta switch to fluorocarbon so fish can't see it. well fresh water maybe different then salt but in salt water were mono sticks out like a sore thumb and crystal clear at least to me were braid blends in because its green and the water is a similar color in salt. so i got some 15# berkeley trilene fluro put on my abu revo sx hs. 7:1 gr. I'm having the exact same problem as i was before on my bait casters in salt water avoiding tangles and birds nest's are literally impossible. i went back to power pro not 1 birds nest throwing the exact same way. tried out the fluro on my other rod birds nest again. i don't under stand. i have my thumb on the spool. is there some sort of trick? i got to the point today were i was going to snap the brand new pole and throw the reel in the water. i even have the brake set properly. i don't get it i never have a single problem with braid. i would appreciate all help as to how to get this issue resolved.
Looks like you and fc don't get a long, lol. Just note that not all fc lines are equal in their handling characteristics so I hope you don't sign off on all fc lines.
For you it seems that you should stick with braid as your main line and opt with an fc leader. That way you get the best of both worlds.
You could give Seaguar invizx a try. It is the limpest fc line I have tried. It might help. I would opt for the former and use them in tandem.
Are you using a line conditioner? It helps a lot. Another possibility is the reel itself. I've read that the SX model can be very finicky to set up. My only Abus are an '09 STX (which isn't suppose to be as fuss free as the '10 and later reels), and 3 Black Max 1600C round reels which cast exceedingly well especially considering the brakes aren't adjustable. Disclosure. The 1600C I'm using appears to have 30 lb. braid.
Although new to the forum you seem to have a lot of fishing experience, but I am going to ask anyway. Is the line coiling when it comes off the spool?
As far as mono in salt water, why would green mono stick out like a sore thumb compared to green braid? Translucency? Got to admit to having a hard time seeing clear, green, or even red mono in fresh water. Course my eyes aren't that great either. One of the reasons I am trying 10 lb. Sufix 832 white braid on a spinning rod, and 12 lb. Neon Tangerine Sufix Siege on a baitcasting rod.
On 7/24/2012 at 12:30 PM, new2BC4bass said:Are you using a line conditioner? It helps a lot. Another possibility is the reel itself. I've read that the SX model can be very finicky to set up. My only Abus are an '09 STX (which isn't suppose to be as fuss free as the '10 and later reels), and 3 Black Max 1600C round reels which cast exceedingly well especially considering the brakes aren't adjustable. Disclosure. The 1600C I'm using appears to have 30 lb. braid.
Although new to the forum you seem to have a lot of fishing experience, but I am going to ask anyway. Is the line coiling when it comes off the spool?
As far as mono in salt water, why would green mono stick out like a sore thumb compared to green braid? Translucency? Got to admit to having a hard time seeing clear, green, or even red mono in fresh water. Course my eyes aren't that great either.
One of the reasons I am trying 10 lb. Sufix 832 white braid on a spinning rod, and 12 lb. Neon Tangerine Sufix Siege on a baitcasting rod.
i was referring to the whit mono and no it does not coil when coming out. i had had fluro on 3 different reels done it on all of them.
What Trilen are you using - XT or XL?
Trilen is a monofiliment line.
Are you "balancing" your rod, reel, line test and bait weight within the paramaters of the rod's specifications? Do you use the "drop test" method to make sure the biat is coming off the reel with no problems?
Have you tried Yo-Zuri Ultra Hybird? Or Trilene 100% Flourocarbon?
You may want to use an old pro's trick and place some Scotch tape or electrical tape over the line on your spool after you cast as far as you can to stop backlashes from going deeper into the spooled line.
When was the last time you had the baitcaster cleaned and greased?
15-pound flourocarbon line on a baitcaster should not give you problems. I set up my baitcasters with 17+ flourocarbon test lines and have no problems with any brands.
The Seaguer suggestion is very good. Give Invizx a try, too.
bait caster is brand new its the berkeley trilen 100% fluorocarbon, did the drop test that worked great. it don't birds nest right away its about 7 yards out. it won't do it every time most of the time it does. occasionally when it does not it just gets real lose and i have to take a minute click down and manually pull out until its back to tight line then manually reel in with pressure so its not loose. unless there is a different way of casting fluro over braid the way u have to hold the line while casting or pressure i don't know. the back lashes are annoying, and from what i hear fluro is great but i have been spending more time fixing the line then actually fishing with th eline testing it out. hope i can get this resolved for later on today when i go fishing so i can use it with hopefully no issues
On 7/24/2012 at 1:35 PM, Sam said:What Trilen are you using - XT or XL?
Trilen is a monofiliment line.
Are you "balancing" your rod, reel, line test and bait weight within the paramaters of the rod's specifications? Do you use the "drop test" method to make sure the biat is coming off the reel with no problems?
Have you tried Yo-Zuri Ultra Hybird? Or Trilene 100% Flourocarbon?
You may want to use an old pro's trick and place some Scotch tape or electrical tape over the line on your spool after you cast as far as you can to stop backlashes from going deeper into the spooled line.
When was the last time you had the baitcaster cleaned and greased?
15-pound flourocarbon line on a baitcaster should not give you problems. I set up my baitcasters with 17+ flourocarbon test lines and have no problems with any brands.
The Seaguer suggestion is very good. Give Invizx a try, too.
Are you setting the spool tension with the mag break off ? I've found the SX needs to be set like so...
Mag break on 0.. Then set the spool tension for the bait your using , set it so you have to shake the rod a little to get the bait to fall. now turn the mag break all the way up and leave it there. and back it off as you get comfortable. Also you need to thumb the spool ,.. I really don't think the line will make a night and day difference. but the 100% is some good stuff
On 7/24/2012 at 4:53 PM, rangerjockey said:Are you setting the spool tension with the mag break off ? I've found the SX needs to be set like so...
Mag break on 0.. Then set the spool tension for the bait your using , set it so you have to shake the rod a little to get the bait to fall. now turn the mag break all the way up and leave it there. and back it off as you get comfortable. Also you need to thumb the spool ,.. I really don't think the line will make a night and day difference. but the 100% is some good stuff
I agree. Maybe you need to have the mags on. The spool seems to be turning faster than you want causing the backlashes. Give it a try and let us know what happens.
This is a great mystery for us to try to solve for you.
Reel has to narrow of a spool for any line w' memory. Shouldn't be a problem on something like a 5000 size ABU or 200 size Shimano. I don't like reels with narrow spools due to the very thing you mention. Line problems. Never problem with braid. It has no memory.
Solutions 1. Get a reel with a wider spool. Most expensive option. 2. Get a line with less memory. Might be a more expensive line but less expensive than a new reel. 3. Find a way of managing the line. This is hit or miss.
On 7/24/2012 at 2:16 PM, bigt89 said:it don't birds nest right away its about 7 yards out.
This sounds like a combination of not enough spool tension and brakes...mostly spool tension. I keep my spool tension only tight enough to remove side-to-side play. Even with magnetic brakes at 7, the line will 'fluff' during the middle of the cast.
One of the reasons I got rid on my SX. Nice reel, but its just not good enough with just mag brakes.
i don't touch the brakes on the side (right side) i was told you only raise that when you want the lure to slowly fail into the water. ill give that a try. that also sucks if i need a new reel but when i was using mono and fluro when it came with my 2 salt bait casters there both big hold 300 yards it would do the exact same thing. I'm going to try adjusting that other knob on the right for the brakes all the way up and see if that helps any. if not when i go to get another reel spooled up later today with more braid ill talk to the guy to see what's going on he has been using bait casters probably as long as they been out. wonder if this is the main reason why people curse out mono and fluro on a bait caster and only use braid were i live.
I usually use Vicious FC, and it is pretty much considered by most to be garbage FC line. Which it is, until you use KVD line conditioner on it, then it is great
I am still not sold on FC line, but since I have switched my Braid for FC on all BC's I have had more catches.
I find that 15lb FC handles the best as far as Vicious goes, the 17lb and up is very stiff, and needs a good soak with KVD to break in.
I am having terrible problems out of a new Pinnacle Deadbolt Signature reel with 12lb Trilene 100% FC on it. My other Pinnacle reel I love...this one not so much right now. With a 1/2 oz. football jig I have the brake as tight as it will go and the tension as tight as it will go and it will backlash 9 out of 10 times. I cannot for the life of me figure out why it is giving me so many problems.
Be sure when you set the tension knob you just get the bait to slowly fall when you shake the rod tip, don't go any tighter or you can force the spool shaft into the disks inside the cap. and like I said be sure you do that with the mag break on zero , only after the tension is set turn the mag break up..and be sure to repeat that every time you change baits..
The sx is the only non shimano reel in my boat , they are not the easiest reel to learn on for sure, they do make a great pitchin reel also.
got the problem resolved for most part. i put the brakes up to 10 on the right side brakes. i started gettign them again occasionally when i turned the other brake on left down to get better casting difference. went back to were it was before with no problem and I'm happy now. it will still do a sort of birds nest/backspin after a certain point when the line goes out about 10 yards or so then just before the line hits water when its dropping the birds nest goes away and fixes it self.
also thanks for the help on the suggestions of what to do.
I use the BPS Flurocarbon Line in 17# for jig fishing. I also use quite a bit of the KVD line conditioner. It has worked well for me.
Have you watched this video yet?
Unless this is your first baitcaster and its a walmart 20 dollar reel, setting your break to 10 is over kill.
no i set it to 10 the issue got a little better backed it down a few and it was a complete nightmare all over i could still cast about 30-35 yards not like I'm trying to be 50-300 yards out like in the ocean trolling. and was always told you can't cast too too far other wise you won't catch anything its hard to set the hook if you have a lot of line out from what i was told. I'm going to pray the place i got it spooled up will give me a discount or more line i know the owner pretty well and maybe he has a trick for freshwater reels he's been using them for probably 20+ years mostly salt water though. some times i can't just go by the internet i need to see it done in person in order to get it right for some things
Gene's video is as close to in person as you can get but if you have a person who can show you that's even better.
One last question and I didn't see this covered but how is your cast? Whipping it or slow to fast follow through?
Make sure your reel settings are correct for the lure you are throwing (sorry, I know you know, just had to say it)
Also, I heard a lot of guys talking about Yo-zuri hybrid. I tried it in 12# test (actual breaking strength is like 19.9#). I have been using it on my worm rod. I've been throwing a 8" lizard on a 1/8 oz weight and roll casting it into the wind with no problem. I've been impressed with its manageablitiy. Maybe worth a try for the price?
On 7/26/2012 at 8:33 PM, rockchalk06 said:Gene's video is as close to in person as you can get but if you have a person who can show you that's even better.
One last question and I didn't see this covered but how is your cast? Whipping it or slow to fast follow through?
i whip it kind of from the side similar motion to a base ball bat minus the starting point
On 7/27/2012 at 10:46 AM, bigt89 said:i whip it kind of from the side similar motion to a base ball bat minus the starting point
Try just a smooth follow through without a fast whipping action. Start off slow and speed up on the follow through but don't go past your point of aim.
yea tried that i may have to get more line either stick with jerk 100% fluro 15# or try the yo-zuri and hope i can find kvd line conditioner
On 7/25/2012 at 9:31 AM, bigt89 said:got the problem resolved for most part. i put the brakes up to 10 on the right side brakes. i started gettign them again occasionally when i turned the other brake on left down to get better casting difference. went back to were it was before with no problem and I'm happy now. it will still do a sort of birds nest/backspin after a certain point when the line goes out about 10 yards or so then just before the line hits water when its dropping the birds nest goes away and fixes it self.
If you are still having occasional birdsnest even with full or all brakes on, add a drop or two of oil on the spool bearings. This will slow down the bearings and will result to less chance of overruns.
You don't need a new reel. The sx is a great reel (and I'm a shimano guy). You have to adjust the tension cap on the right. Hold your rod at a 45' angle, release the spool, and tighten the tension cap until your lure falls very slow.
What size lure are you using and what's the rod specs