This one is inspired by the post in the tackle section regarding $100+ swimbaits. How do you guys feel about super high dollar rods and reels? I was looking at some JDM stuff and came across these which made my jaw drop:
Megabass Monoblock
We're basically talking about $1000 gear here. The rod is almost a grand USED! Would you spend that kinda cash on gear? What's your limit?
I set a hard limit at $200. I'll drop $200 on a rod and another $200 on a reel. I can tell the difference between a $100 rod/reel and a $200 rod/reel. I'm pretty hard on gear so knowing that, I can't justify spending more on gear that I'm gonna be rough on. Your thoughts?
The most expensive combo I have is a $100 rod and $130 reel. But it is my dedicated frog combo and I didn't want to skimp. I still use 3 Berkley Lightning Rods for presentations where sensitivity doesn't matter. I tend to spend more on reels because i've had some cheap junk in the bast. I do have a Falcon rod that would have cost me $120 new, but I bought it used from a friend for $50. Deal of the century!
That all depends on my financial situation. If I was independently wealthy and had money coming out of my ears and no worries in the world because everything else was taken care of then I wouldn't have any trouble blowing ridiculous amounts of money on fishing related items. Since that is not the case I have a hard time bringing myself to spend over $100 on a rod or reel. My most expensive rod is $110 and my most expensive reel is $130 and the most expensive bait that I've ever purchased is $30 and even at these prices there was definitely a pause asking myself if I really needed something that expensive. Buy the best that YOU can afford...don't worry about keeping up with the Joneses as the Joneses may be in another (higher) income bracket then you are and while it might not put a strain on their wallet it could bankrupt yours. The fish don't care if your rod cost $100 or $1000 or if you're fishing with a $5 jerkbait or a $25 with what you can afford and have fun. Unless you have a legit goal to become a professional angler in which case you DO need to keep yourself on a level playing field with your competition but if you choose that route you have to have some capital to start with or you'll never make it with all the competition!
I tend to have higher dollar limit on rods than reels. I can definitely feel the difference between a $300 bottom contact rod vs a $150 bottom contact rod. Although there is a difference in the premium dollar reels, I tend to limit myself to
$200 MSRP reels tand search for "deals". I generally do not feel that spending much over $200 on a reel gives you as much "bang for the buck". That being said, I have accumulated a few premium price reels over the years and I do certainly enjoy them.
Wouldn't spend it even if I could afford it.
I settled long ago on BPS Carbonlite rods and on sale price ($100) I don't fish tournaments and these rods fill my needs nicely. I have an unfair advantage for reel buying because I have two adult daughters, who do well and so I get generous gift cards for special days. I only have one $270 reel though (Chronarch MGL). If not for gift cards I would not have that.
On 6/14/2018 at 4:26 AM, the reel ess said:The most expensive combo I have is a $100 rod and $130 reel. But it is my dedicated frog combo and I didn't want to skimp. I still use 3 Berkley Lightning Rods for presentations where sensitivity doesn't matter. I tend to spend more on reels because i've had some cheap junk in the bast. I do have a Falcon rod that would have cost me $120 new, but I bought it used from a friend for $50. Deal of the century!
Thats awesome. I scored one similar 2 weeks ago. Got a falcon cara from a friend for $70. After taking some light sandpaper to the cork it is in pretty good condition. Honestly he used it probably a dozen times over the 4 years he’s had it
I always spend more on rod than reel. Only one of my 7 rods retail for under $100. I have several that range in the $200-250 and can tell the difference. My opinion on reels is there are several sub $100 that can handle most anything under an ounce and have very good brakes and drag.
My Antares/Destroyer is about $1k including line. I don't think I'd have an arsenal of equipment that expensive, but if I really want it, I buy it.
My target range for a rod is typically around $100-160, with the Avid X I use for finesse being the exception. I will look to spend more on rods depending on presentation -- for example the rods I use for soft plastics are generally my most expensive.
For reels, it really depends if it's casting or spinning. I will spend around the same $100-160 price range for a quality casting reels (that retail up to $200), but I am usually able to find quality spinning reels like the Pflueger President or Daiwa BG for $50-80 (that retail up to $100).
I wouldn't hesitate to get something cheaper if it's not something I would use too often as well.
I generally get the best I can afford when the need arises. I got a lot going on normally with medical bills and such, sometimes I can afford to drop a few hundo if I need a rod or reel, sometimes I can't. Sometimes I can wait a bit to save up.
On rods I consistently spend 130 to 150 or so but I have a soft spot for favorite fishing defender lunkers edition.
I’ll spend somewhere around $100-$120 for a rod and the same for a reel.
I did have a Falcon rod and Shimano reel and an Abu Garcia Veritas 2.0 and Orra reel get stolen last year so I bought a few cheap combos to get by with.
I’m thinking about slowly upgrading my current lineup since most of them are $50-70 Bass Pro/Cabela’s combos except for a Mojo bass rod and Lew’s reel.
I max out at about $200 for a rod and $200 for a reel, I can’t convince myself to spend more on a setup that I’m only dedicating to one technique
The most I would go, if I could afford it, would be something like a JDM Shimano DC reel. I don't follow the flagship reels because I'm not anywhere near comfortable enough to spend $700 on a reel, but I think the Antares DC is in the ballpark.
As for the rod, honestly I can't see myself spending more than $200 at the most. If I knew someone who had $300+ rods and if I actually got to fish with them, I would possibly consider spending more, but it's hard to imagine justifying spending that much for a glorified stick.
I wonder of all the people who say they are only willing to spend 200 have ever fished a true high quality setup. There is just a total difference in the experience. The is always a sub group in every group that are enthusiast. Those are the people willing to pay to fish what they want. If you ask the question to the group at large you will always have more people who are not willing. Are you trying to find this sub group or find comfort in a limit that you set for yourself. How much money someone spends is very personal and those that spend the big bucks are not always ready to share due to being humble or deal with being called ridiculous.
On 6/14/2018 at 7:19 AM, Angry John said:I wonder of all the people who say they are only willing to spend 200 have ever fished a true high quality setup. There is just a total difference in the experience. The is always a sub group in every group that are enthusiast. Those are the people willing to pay to fish what they want. If you ask the question to the group at large you will always have more people who are not willing. Are you trying to find this sub group or find comfort in a limit that you set for yourself. How much money someone spends is very personal and those that spend the big bucks are not always ready to share due to being humble or deal with being called ridiculous.
The way I see it, you're only on this rock for a short while, so if you have the means, go for it. If anyone is worried about what others will think, they're doing this whole thing wrong.
My most expensive rod Is a Dobyns champ extreme, retails for $340.
While a very nice rod and I like it, not worth it IMO. My less expensive rods ($100 -$140) I like just as much.
Most expensive reels are at $200 each, a Lews tournament pro and pro z.
I like my two Shimano castitas better which retail for $100.
Spent up to 130.00 for a reel never a 100.00 or more for a rod and I feel just fine...good fishing...
If I was to set a hard limit on rods and reels it would probably be something like $100 a rod and $150 a reel. I won't pay full retail price for either one so the hard limit isn't too low. Just got to wait for the right deal or deals to get the most value for the money. I'd up the limit on either one for the right deal.
My most expensive combo would be my Abu Garcia Revo MGX SHS pared with a Abu Garcia Vendetta Next Gen 6' 6" medium fast rod. Got the reel on a 1 day BPS deal in late 2016 for $175 and bought the rod at retail but had a gift card to offset the price. I did look at more expensive rods but wound up with the Vendetta as I liked the feel of it in my hand....Combo feel more like an extension of my arm than a rod and reel. lol
2nd most expensive combo would be the BPS CarbonLite 2.0 baitcaster 7' Medium Heavy Fast combo I picked up back in Feb when BPS had them on sale for $120.
I’ve spent a lot more on beer and cigarettes over the years than the 50 rods on my racks. There’s worse ways you can spend your money
I will spend more money on gear for big game fishing in the ocean and nowhere near as much for bass, which almost any rod and reel can handle.
On 6/14/2018 at 4:53 AM, Mike L said:Wouldn't spend it even if I could afford it.
I would buy a $200 combo & goto the lake for a month!
On 6/14/2018 at 7:45 AM, long island basser said:My most expensive rod Is a Dobyns champ extreme, re
tails for $340.
While a very nice rod and I like it, not worth it IMO. My less expensive rods ($100 -$140) I like just as much.
Most expensive reels are at $200 each, a Lews tournament pro and pro z.
I like my two Shimano castitas better which retail for $100.
The dx743 I have might be the biggest disappointment I have ever been in a rod. My avids are way better.
$250 dollar combos for me. And that's including line. Mainly dobyns fury's, lews tp-1, falcon bucoo and daiwa tatula ct, fuego ct, or tatula sv.
4 years ago I would have said that spending $300 on a rod is ridiculous- this was before I tried them. Now I own about 15 of them and my most expensive combo is a light weight set up for trout coming in at just over $700. I figure after a lifetime of using crappy gear I deserve the best.
As long as I can pay cash why not? Life is short use what makes you happy!
My current favorite rod is a $65 JDM Teton...
A $30 ugly stick would catch just as many fish but after using quality gear its tough to go back. I would never go back to fishing out of a rubber raft either but it was fun at the time.
So many facets to this. To start, I would spend as much as I need so that I don't feel disadvantaged. Meaning that I don't feel like I'm losing ANY fish or missing ANY bites because of my gear. This is about $100-$200 for rods and above $120-$200 for reels.
For cover or bottom contact applications I'll shell out on the upper end, like my football jig rod or my t-rig/jig rod. You'll need both backbone and sensitivity. For MOST reaction I never felt a need to spend a lot of money. When they hit it, they hit it. the Lews TP1 is the best chatterbait rod I've ever used, and it's only $99.
For reels, I've had many many $99 dollar reels, most of which I look upon favorably. The only issue is that they tend to not last as many seasons as the more expensive ones. This is the only reason why I shell out more, just for durability. I've found even bumping up only about $30-$50 dollars yields a better return on investment.
I could never justify spending more than $200 for either. I can certainly understand why people do it, and there's some NICE stuff out there. But it's kind of like a $1000 guitar vs a $5000 guitar. At some point you're not losing any functionality or "sound quality". The margins become almost nothing.
300 for reel and 300 for rod is my limit but I have less expensive gear as well, I can't afford all of my combos to be that expensive.
I generally spend up to about $150 for the rod, and up to $200 for a reel for casting.
I go cheaper on spinning gear, $70-100 for a reel and about $100 for the rod.
I don't like to go more than $100 either. I don't pay MSRP. Having said that I have to admit that I've got about 5 reels I bought used in the low to mid $200 range and my most expensive was a new reel for $300 on closeout. Was $500 MSRP. Most expensive rod (my cost) was another used purchase for $175 and I now know I overpaid. Rod is excellent, just was more than a used rod at its original MSRP should have been. Now my most expensive MSRP rod cost me a whopping $75 on closeout....a $300 rod.
On 6/14/2018 at 7:19 AM, Angry John said:I wonder of all the people who say they are only willing to spend 200 have ever fished a true high quality setup. There is just a total difference in the experience. The is always a sub group in every group that are enthusiast. Those are the people willing to pay to fish what they want. If you ask the question to the group at large you will always have more people who are not willing. Are you trying to find this sub group or find comfort in a limit that you set for yourself. How much money someone spends is very personal and those that spend the big bucks are not always ready to share due to being humble or deal with being called ridiculous.
Define "high quality setup". Just because the rod or reel costs a bunch of money, doesn't mean that you're guaranteed a difference in experience due to any significant higher quality of the product. Take Big Baller Brand shoes for example. They are a high dollar product but the level of quality definitely doesn't match the price point. With JDM gear, you're also paying a decent chunk due to what it costs to get that piece of equipment into your hands straight from Japan.
I definitely am not passing judgement on anyone that buys high dollar equipment. I wouldn't even think of calling someone ridiculous for it. It's a choice they made and I'll never begrudge anyone for making that choice. I'm just interested in what makes someone choose that equipment.
My combos range from about $300-$500 with most right around $400 mark for the combo. The least expensive reel I own is a Citica (I have "hot-rodded" it with CU parts :) and the most expensive is a Calcutta D. Most of my bass reels are Curado's and Calcutta's. I feel like this is the best ROI as far as price meets performance. YMMV...
On 6/14/2018 at 10:51 PM, Shockwave said:Define "high quality setup". Just because the rod or reel costs a bunch of money, doesn't mean that you're guaranteed a difference in experience due to any significant higher quality of the product. Take Big Baller Brand shoes for example. They are a high dollar product but the level of quality definitely doesn't match the price point. With JDM gear, you're also paying a decent chunk due to what it costs to get that piece of equipment into your hands straight from Japan.
I definitely am not passing judgement on anyone that buys high dollar equipment. I wouldn't even think of calling someone ridiculous for it. It's a choice they made and I'll never begrudge anyone for making that choice. I'm just interested in what makes someone choose that equipment.
Buying reels from Japan is often FAR cheaper than sourcing them from American retailers. One piece rods usually get dinged in customs, so the price can jump a bit. As far as what makes me choose equipment, it's curiosity, I guess. I don't have to spenda ton of money either. My few most recent purchases were a $30 spinning reel, $50 baitcaster, and a $450 Steez...I was just as excited to receive each one. Fishing is essentially my only hobby, so I splurgea bit. I don't drink or smoke, no kids...might as well do what I enjoy.
Some day I will order a custom ALX Zolo rod for bottom contact stuff which will hopefully be well under $300. Every other rod and reel I own retails for $150ish, and I like it that way.
$1000 for a used rod? No thanks, I got bills.
y’all should try saltwater fly fishing????
I'll spend whatever it takes to get the exact gear I want.
Rods, I build whatever I want that is available, so they are probably more high-end than if I were buying them off the shelf or having them built for me. The guide train on some of my rods cost as much as, or even more than what some spend on a rod or a reel. Why? Cause I wanted to try Fuji Torzites.
Up until now, I haven't wanted any high-end reels. I Iave a couple Saharas, couple Stradics (FB, FI, Mg &CI4), couple older Sustains, few Chronarch SFs. The TwinPower HGS is probably the best reel I own.
A Stella and Exsence are in the short term plans, but I'm working on buying a new house and shop right now, so they'll have to wait.
$100 for a factory rod is my limit, my arsenal is mostly made up of $50 Abu Garcia Vengeance's, $55 Daiwa Aird-X's, $70 Daiwa Fuego's, $80 + $100 Fenwick HMX's and HMG's, and a few more expensive custom built rods.
$100 for a casting reel is my limit. Almost every casting reel I own are now Daiwa Fuego CT's which I paid $70 new for. Plus a few of the Abu Orra series which I like better than Revo's.
$75 for a spinning reel is my limit, mostly Daiwa Revros's, and Pflueger Predisdent's.
We have a really short season here, usually mid-April through early November.
I don't want/need to have a bunch of $$ tied up in stuff that sits around in storage for 5 months or more.
I would pay $1K for a rod/reel that would help me catch more fish but I'm absolutely convinced that I can catch just as many fish with a $250-$300 rig as I could with $1K rig.
Hard limit of $200 on a rod and $150 On a reel. I don't get to fish often enough, nor am i financially blessed enough to warrant a $600+ combo.
If I were able to fish daily and had money falling from my rear, I still wouldn't because I'm not skilled enough to reap the rewards.
I have wondered though, is the difference between a $200 rod and a $500 rod as drastic as a $200 rod and a $30 rod?
1000 dollars for a used rod, no thanks. But I don’t mind spending money. I am mainly a hunter and long range target shooter. So I’ve spent 7500 on 1 rifle. The girlfriend started to get annoyed and said fine a new hobby!!! Her mistake lol Now being in Canada prices are higher to begin with. A Shimano Zodias is 270, an e6x is 220-300, a loomis imx is 400-450, so an nrx is 650-700 roughly. Kistlers are 300-700 depending on models. A chronarch mgl is 379, and curado k is 250. So for me I’d be willing to spend 500 ish on a rod and 350-400 on a reel at most!!!
I would never call someone spending $1000 on a setup ridiculous, what they do with their money is up to them. I say spend what you can but know your budget! What IS ridiculous is someone who overspends their means to the point they can't pay the bills or their children go without new school clothes because daddy needs a new ultra expensive fishing setup...unless you are a professional angler stop trying to live like one if you can't afford it. I have to reign myself in every now and then...I always see something new and exciting I'd like to have but I have a family and am a working class "Joe" who doesn't make close to 6 figures a year so I have to tell myself that if I really want that new exciting lure, rod, reel it can wait until I do have the extra money to spend. I really don't care if there is "that much of a difference" between a $150 rod and a $500 rod...I can afford the $150 and I can't afford the $500...end of story. I would love to live life like the guys who say "you only go this way once" or "life isn't guaranteed to last forever" but I can't, my life has priorities and my #1 priority is my 7 year old son...everything else comes a distant 2nd. So kudos to those who could spend that kind of money, I will live vicariously through you but in the mean time I am satisfied and catching fish with my $300 combos and that's good enough for me!!!
On 6/14/2018 at 4:13 AM, Shockwave said:This one is inspired by the post in the tackle section regarding $100+ swimbaits. How do you guys feel about super high dollar rods and reels? I was looking at some JDM stuff and came across these which made my jaw drop:
Megabass Monoblock
We're basically talking about $1000 gear here. The rod is almost a grand USED! Would you spend that kinda cash on gear? What's your limit?
I set a hard limit at $200. I'll drop $200 on a rod and another $200 on a reel. I can tell the difference between a $100 rod/reel and a $200 rod/reel. I'm pretty hard on gear so knowing that, I can't justify spending more on gear that I'm gonna be rough on. Your thoughts?
My most expensive rods are GLoomis IMXs ans a GraphiteLeader Veloce, paid, give or take a few bucks, $250 for each, once I owned a GLX and to tell you the truth, the only difference I was able to tell between it and the IMXs was a slightly, barely perceptible lightness, so I see no point in me purchasing higher end rods if I’m not going to be able to feel the difference, so, $250 ish is my limit for rods.
Now reels ..... that is another story ! I like reels and collect what I like, would I shell out grand for a Megabass Monoblok Bespoke ? Most probably not, it’s not my kind of reel, I like low profiles and I own several limited edition reels ( mainly Daiwa/Megabss ) so if I see something that captures my attention I might purchase it. One of the reels that just seem to elude me is the Megabass TD-Itö 103H, when it’s available I don’t have the money, when I have the money then the danged thing isn’t available, it’s been years and I haven’t been able to put my hands on one.
These days you can get ggood setups for 200 to 300 dollars. Rod , reel, and line. I have a friend who has a hard line of 150, for combos. He catches lots of bass .Will that 1000 dollar combo make all the difference? Like many have said through the years, the best tackle in the world won't catch fish in the wrong areas.Location is everything in bass fishing, then tackle and lures. We all love fancy tackle, and if you can afford it, its all good. If not, buy the best you can, and take care of it. You'll still hook plenty of bass
Academy manager told me the Abu Garcia Black Max casting combo 69.99 best seller...can't keep enough of 'em...
good fishing...
On 6/16/2018 at 9:57 PM, Mobasser said:These days you can get good setups for 200 to 300 dollars. Rod , reel, and line. I have a friend who has a hard line of 150, for combos. He catches lots of bass .Will that 1000 dollar combo make all the difference? Like many have said through the years, the best tackle in the world won't catch fish in the wrong areas.Location is everything in bass fishing, then tackle and lures. We all love fancy tackle, and if you can afford it, its all good. If not, buy the best you can, and take care of it. You'll still hook plenty of bass
Nice equipment will not catch any more fish. I never see the claim that it does. Seems like it's the #1 reason given. A picture for your wall from Walmart fills the spot same as a the famous painting like the mona lisa. Only a select group could see the value and will take the time and effort.
My comfort zone on reels caps out at around $150 (after discounts), anything higher than that I'd need a really specific application or specialized need (i.e. heavy duty swimbait reel, offshore saltwater reel).
For rods I'm okay up to $200 (after discounts), with the same caveat as anything higher than that I'd need a really specific application or specialized need.
My most expensive reels at MSRP are probably my Shimano Curado 301 reels (though I did get a great deal on a used Metanium on the Flea Market on these forums). My most expensive MSRP rods are my St. Croix Legend Elite (but it's a Salmon Steelhead rod) and my LDC swimbait rod, followed by a Megabass Orochi and Shimano Expride. Note that everything above, I got at around $220 or under.
PS - Don't forget that Skeet Reese fishes the Elites with his $99 yellow rods, so take that for what it's worth.
I have several rods I’ve paid up to $500 or a little more. Such as some Kistler Rods ZBones. I subscribed to their email so I get emails a couple times a year when they have 30-40% off sales.
I also have several Daiwa Steez. So when I pair up ZBones and Steez, the combo is pushing $1000.
$100-$150 for a rod.
$100-$175 for a reel.
When I first got back into fishing about $100-130 for a combo.
Now my last two setups cost me $310.......St. Croix Bass Mojo's combined with Quantum Smoke S3's.
On 6/15/2018 at 3:54 AM, MI.Kayaker said:y’all should try saltwater fly fishing????
Yeah it will!
Freshwater fly fishing for teeth'll get you there too. Trout too...lot's of folks spend what sounds like crazy money to some people to present a tiny floating fly to 12" fish...
The 8 wt. rig (rod, reel and fly line) I just put together would retail north of $1500, and most people are paying all of that, eagerly. I'm glad I didn't have to spend anywhere near that, and in 10 wt., or 12 wt., which a lot of folks are going to for big muskies, it'd be easy to add several hundred dollars to that.
I've mentioned this before, but when I looked up custom bamboo fly rods a while back it even caught me off guard what the high end looked like cost wise.
Really puts "...everything is relative..." in perspective.
If any of you want to really get your eyes opened, go look at the world of high end shotguns...I walked through a tent at a clays shoot on Friday and easily say a half dozen guns approaching or slightly over $80,000. Bunches of them well into the low five-figures, and dozens and dozens well in the mid four-figures.
...and no, this wasn't a gathering of snooty elitists. I met new friends and old friends who were machine operators, office workers, teachers, fork lift drivers, medical techs...Lots of Chevy's Fords and Dodge trucks around...most of 'em not new...
On 6/14/2018 at 10:40 AM, Arcs&sparks said:I’ve spent a lot more on beer and cigarettes over the years than the 50 rods on my racks. There’s worse ways you can spend your money
Hah, I think the same way. I more or less gave up drinking and it was amazing how much more money I had to throw at tackle! Only downside is that when I do drink now I have to really watch myself, my tolerance is a lot lot lower than it used to be.
My "limit" for rods and reels creeps up a little every time I spend a little more. Reels I have no issue spending on as they *can* last more or less forever if you take care of them. I have smaller hands and churned through a bunch of reels before I found a few models that are comfortable to palm, there was definitely a noticeable tick up in smoothness/feel around the ~$250 point vs the sub $200 reels I have fished. Most of my reels are used ones I pick up on ebay or forums. I don't care a ton about appearance and with the yen being so low I have gotten some amazing deals on used reels from Japan.
Rods are more or less the same, but the the added risk of more easy breakage. I have paid msrp for a a few rods in the $300-400 range and been perfectly happy, but I am even happier to find a old model GLX for $200. I have yet to break a high-dollar rod, I might change my tune after that happens.
People have different priorities as well as budgets, my cars are always old and awful looking and I think even a $5 carwash is a waste of money. If I throw a few combos and a full tackle bag in the car for a day of bankbeating I bet the fishing gear would be worth more then the car.
If I had the money I would have an Shimano Aldebaran and a Metanium Dc paired with a couple high end Gloomis rods, but unfortunately I do not have that amount of money. My nice combos are around $250. Although I am seriously considering the new Curado DC.
Being frugal by nature and my Scottish blood line I tend to limit buying extravagant things for myself. If I determine a rod or reel meets my needs there isn't a budget limit but not into bells and whistles, it must be functional.
Fishing off shore tuna and marlin tournaments puts high cost rods and reels into perspective and will never spend more money for fresh water bass rods and reels then high quality big game salt water tackle.