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fishing user avatarghost reply : 

FINALLY, Cabelas has delivered!  I noticed on there website that the Carrot Stix were available, so I guess my order shouldn't be that far along.  I've waited over a month for these sticks to be at my doorstep & a round tube from Cabelas was what greeted me when I got home from fishing.

It was packed well in a round thick cardboard tube & wrapped in tape in 3 places while the rods were in individual long plastic bags.  The tip tops were wrapped w/ foam...very good job, both rods arrived in great unharmed shape.  I hate having rods delivered for the main reason that the chance of them getting screwed up in some way is high.  I prefer to be at the store hand picking the fishing rod I want.

I got the 6'10" MH b/c rod & the 7' Med spinning rod, here's my intial thoughts:

Both rods look fantastic, but not being able to see them before ordering, just pics on the net; the orange color isn't as bright as I thought it would be.  It's almost like a burnt deep orange color, like Kencor fiberglass rods.  The hook hangers on both are on weird spots, right by the first guide coming from the reel seat.  The b/c rod, the hook hanger is on the right side of the first guide & on the spinning rod it on top of the first guide....weird placement.  Only thing I'm concerned is on the b/c rod.  I just hope the line doesn't somehow get caught in the hook hanger.

The Pac Bay Lite guides I have to say look "cheap".  Almost reminiscent of the SS guides on my Berkley Cherrywood spinning rod & on the Berkley Series One rods.  I wish the guides were as nice like the zirconia guides on the Kistler Helium LTA rods...but not in the blue color like on the Heliums.  But I shouldn't be expecting too much for a rod that's $150, maybe at least Fuji Hardloy or Alconite guides; but I guess those guides would add weight.

The reel seats give your fingers full contact w/ the rod blank, just like on the Shimano Cumara rods.  They both feel very light, reminds me of the lightness of a Shimano Cumara.

One thing I found on the bottom of the spinning rod....MADE IN CHINA.  So, they are exported to Canada...all this time I thought they were made in Canada...NOT!  I guess the Boyd Duckett series are made in Canada, I don't know.

The rod action on the 7' Med spinning rod seems spot on.  It's the 6'9" MH b/c rod doesn't seem right.  It seems like it's more of a medium than MH.  The rods power is fast, I guess that would explaine why it feels like a Medium rod than MH.  If they only came out w/ it in extra fast.  I Won't know till I try them out tomorrow.  The action

Overall I guess I'm happy w/ them, they do look cool.  I guess sometime during this summer I may have to get the Daiwa Sol spinning & b/c reels to match up.

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

Glad it was worth the wait. Now if only the Shimano Rebates would come in.  ;D

fishing user avatarghost reply : 

Found out why the 6'9" MH didn't feel right, Cabelas sent me the 6'9" Med Parabolic.

I got it all fixed, Cabelas sending the right rod & I just have to send back the wrong one when the right one arrives.

fishing user avatarLakeAnnaBasser reply : 
Found out why the 6'9" MH didn't feel right, Cabelas sent me the 6'9" Med Parabolic.

I got it all fixed, Cabelas sending the right rod & I just have to send back the wrong one when the right one arrives.

Yep that would deffinatly be why it felt like a medium. At least Cabelas messed up and its not E21 making them weird.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
The hook hangers on both are on weird spots, right by the first guide coming from the reel seat.  

That would worry me.  You have a hook hanger which will be holding any variety of lures and treble hooks right in the meat of the rod...  begging it to knick or pop the wall.

But I shouldn't be expecting too much for a rod that's $150, maybe at least Fuji Hardloy or Alconite guides; but I guess those guides would add weight.

They would add cost to the rod.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
Found out why the 6'9" MH didn't feel right, Cabelas sent me the 6'9" Med Parabolic.

I got it all fixed, Cabelas sending the right rod & I just have to send back the wrong one when the right one arrives.

Yep that would deffinatly be why it felt like a medium. At least Cabelas messed up and its not E21 making them weird.

What do you call carrot fibers wrapped around a graphite core???

I'd call it weird... :o

Or maybe innovative?   :)

If it werent for people trying new things, you would still be wrapping cane poles.....

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

The carrot stix is a unique rod but can't you all wait a few years before you proclaim it a quality durable rod ? A little common sense goes a long way at arriving at a decision about something.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Actually nit is the other way around..... ::o

If it weren't for custom builders you would be still using cane poles, and the mfgs still wouldn't have an original idea..... :)

So, you are telling me "custom builders" decided to stop using steel and start using fiberglass?  And then those same custom builders decided that wasnt good enough, and started using graphite and/or other materials?

Look its obvious you know waaaaay more than I do, but I have a hard time believing that "custom builders" are the sole reason we are where we are in fishing technology....jmo.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
I don't want to high-jack this thread....... 8-)


So, you are telling me "custom builders" decided to stop using steel and start using fiberglass? And then those same custom builders decided that wasnt good enough, and started using graphite and/or other materials?

Yes now your getting it. That same steal rod you talk about was also the very first spiraled rod in 1902.. :o

but I have a hard time believing that "custom builders" are the sole reason we are where we are in fishing technology

To bad because if it weren't for innovative custom builders the fishing rod industry wouldn't be were it is today.....

I'm done... :)

Tight Lines!!!!!

And now you get it also....just because something is different, doesnt make it bad.  

I may concede to unproven, but definitely not a bad thing....

I will be done now too, sorry ghost!!!   :o

fishing user avatarpk reply : 
Found out why the 6'9" MH didn't feel right, Cabelas sent me the 6'9" Med Parabolic.

I got it all fixed, Cabelas sending the right rod & I just have to send back the wrong one when the right one arrives.

Yep that would deffinatly be why it felt like a medium. At least Cabelas messed up and its not E21 making them weird.

What do you call carrot fibers wrapped around a graphite core???

I'd call it weird... :)

Call it whatever you wanna....  But the one I got is great.  I've had no issues with my medium parabolic and I've used it probably 10 times now just within the past 2 weeks.  It seems incredibly sturdy.  I will admit I'm holding off for a few months before stocking up on these because I want to see how much abuse it can handle.

I snagged, fought, and landed a 10+ lb carp and it didn't snap in half.  

These things could be made out turnips for all I cared, but they are excellent rods at the price.

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Well, I'm more than satisfied with the two that I own. Was gonna spend the money on a custom rod, but the deal didn't work out, so I bought two rods instead.

I don't really get the whole "proven" theory. Here's my take. I hooked a Bass on my E21 rod.... reeled it to the boat, unhooked it, weighed it, photographed it and released it. I would say that it has "proven" to put fish in the boat.... 8-)

Oh yeah, and they're ugly...blah blah blah. Nobody like my rods 'cause they're orange......

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Anyone notice the only people that have issues with these rods are the people who have not used them??? ::)

This is just getting funny now.

fishing user avatarKevO reply : 

Well I hope they are as good you folks say they are.  I just ordered one today hopefully it will come monday.  I think they look cool and if im not satisfied I will just sell it on craigslist or on here.

fishing user avatarWillzx225 reply : 

I just got an email from TW saying that mine will be here Tuesday.  The only bad thing about that is that I leave Monday night for the Clarks Hill Elite   :'(  I really wanted that rod for that tournament.

fishing user avatarFish MD reply : 

I know everyone is going crazy over these rods but I have nothing but nightmares with them.  Bought a 6'9" para and hated the feel and the hook set.  Sent it back and got a 7'2" para and hated it even more.  Just got the Boyd edition and the reel seat broke.  Sent it back and the new reel seat broke again.  I have a buddy who has one and hasn't had issue but looses more fish with missed hook sets then I can count on my fingers and toes.

Last time I was this unhappy with a rod it said "All Star"on the side of it.

Not trying to bash just giving my experience and my opinion.  I'm sure plenty of people are loving them but I read a post on this website once saying they blow every GLX on the market out of the water.  I' not sure what that person is smoking but I love to either buy some or buy his GLXs off of him.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
I have a buddy who has one and hasn't had issue but looses more fish with missed hook sets then I can count on my fingers and toes.


And that's the rods fault how?  :-?

fishing user avatarFish MD reply : 
I have a buddy who has one and hasn't had issue but looses more fish with missed hook sets then I can count on my fingers and toes.

And that's the rods fault how? :-?


Guess it could be something else but I know his parabolic bend versus his medium action st croix looses hook sets on the same baits WAY more often.  Maybe the rod bending all over is allowing the line to not get as tight to drive that hook in.  But it was pointed out on the same jig and the same shakey head that the Carrot wasn't driving that hook in and the St Croix seemed to do the trick.  Different fish of course but the same day, same weight, even same line.  He "tested" it because he lost fish the weekend before.

Just a theory

fishing user avatarLakeAnnaBasser reply : 
I have a buddy who has one and hasn't had issue but looses more fish with missed hook sets then I can count on my fingers and toes.

And that's the rods fault how? :-?


Guess it could be something else but I know his parabolic bend versus his medium action st croix looses hook sets on the same baits WAY more often. Maybe the rod bending all over is allowing the line to not get as tight to drive that hook in. But it was pointed out on the same jig and the same shakey head that the Carrot wasn't driving that hook in and the St Croix seemed to do the trick. Different fish of course but the same day, same weight, even same line. He "tested" it because he lost fish the weekend before.

Just a theory

He shouldnt use a parabolic bend rod for jigs and shakey heads.

fishing user avatarsmcentee reply : 
The hook hangers on both are on weird spots, right by the first guide coming from the reel seat.

I wasn't crazy about the hook hanger design or location. Fuji EZ Keeper provided a quick, cheap, and light solution. Nothing wrong with a Carrot Stix weighing 3.41 oz. versus 3.40 ;D

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 
Anyone notice the only people that have issues with these rods are the people who have not used them??? ::)

This is just getting funny now.

Quote of the month.

fishing user avatarlubina reply : 
Anyone notice the only people that have issues with these rods are the people who have not used them??? ::)

This is just getting funny now.

Quote of the month.

With you Robert..... ;D

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

              For the love of Pete! Fish it for awhile and then run the mouth. The nay sayers don't own one.  I own(ed) Kistler, Grandt, All Star, Shimano, BPS, E21. I did not judge until I fished them. If your stuck on one brand, your trippin'!  

fishing user avatarTrevor in Burke reply : 

I managed a trade with Rob^ for his 6'9" medium parabolic, and I have to say I love this rod, matched with my MG it's the lightest combo I've ever felt or seen and it works great for a lot more than I originally thought it would, not only is it great for crankin' and I mean great, I love it for spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, wacky rig and flukes.  It turned out to be much more versatile than I thought it'd be.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
            For the love of Pete! Fish it for awhile and then run the mouth. The nay sayers don't own one. I own(ed) Kistler, Grandt, All Star, Shimano, BPS, E21. I did not judge until I fished them. If your stuck on one brand, your trippin'!

Well, some of the rod builders and a few guys that actually

know something about rod components and construction

have withdrawn their posts and quit responding. Questioning

how a rod is built, blank composition, guides and reel

seats seems like a legitimate approach.

When the Carrot Stix was introduced at ICAST, the hype revolved

around a new material used for constructing the rod blank. How do

carrot fibers improve or effect the physical integrity of the rod? Are

carrot fibers actually "incorporated" in the blank, superficially added

or are there actually any organic materials being used?

For those that already have a collection of equipment, exotic

gear is fun, regardless of function. However, when a new rod

is an "important" purchase, knowing a little more about what

you are getting comes into play.

I had an opportunity to handle Carl's rig at Guntersville, but did not

get to fish with the Carrot Stix. If felt great to me, but that doesn't

address legitimate issues that others have asked.

"Tastes Great!" "Less Filling!"

Both observations may be true, but some people are still curious as to

"What's in it?"


fishing user avatarTrevor in Burke reply : 

Have you used one?

fishing user avatarmuskyxl reply : 

i ordered a 7'2" para for cranks, last night and am anxious to see how this feels and performs...

and as for the orange...kinda like a gaudy color  ;D

fishing user avatarLakeAnnaBasser reply : 

Today in school my Psychology teacher was talking about some thing. During that some thing he mentioned a carrot and a stick and what they both represented. When I heard him mention that I started to pat attention. He ended his little speech by saying"If there is a situation where a carrot and a stick  are together don't mess with it. It will probably be bad." All I could think about was how bad I wanted one but after his little speech.... That could of been some sort of sign.It was weird. I still want one though.


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