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Unfortunate incident with fellow angler. 2025

fishing user avatarjamey1e reply : 

Well I had an unfortunate incident with an angler who showed just what class of individual we share the water with yesterday afternoon.  I was fishing in one of the many creeks off the main lake and was actually all the way in the back roughly 50-60 yards from the end.  I was going down the bank throwing a lipless and was only 20 or so yards off the bank with open water behind me when 2 guys came blasting in and sat down behind me.  They jump up and start fishing.  I really didn't care if they fished behind me but I guess they had other plans.  I kept an eye on them as they got closer and closer until they were right in front of me cutting between my boat and the bank.   I actually made a cast right in front of the boat and one guy turns and gives me the stink eye.  I casually asked why they thought it was ok to cut another angler off.   His reply with a lot of foul language was "I'm sorry but you don't own the lake".   At that point I could feel my blood pressure rising so to avoid confrontation I packed my stuff up and went elsewhere.  Honestly I've been cut in on before but never to this extent.  Seems like this sort of thing is happening more and more frequent and I'm to the point nothing surprise's me on the lake anymore.  Anything like this happen to you guys?

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 3/13/2017 at 6:53 AM, jamey1e said:

Well I had an unfortunate incident with an angler who showed just what class of individual we share the water with yesterday afternoon.  I was fishing in one of the many creeks off the main lake and was actually all the way in the back roughly 50-60 yards from the end.  I was going down the bank throwing a lipless and was only 20 or so yards off the bank with open water behind me when 2 guys came blasting in and sat down behind me.  They jump up and start fishing.  I really didn't care if they fished behind me but I guess they had other plans.  I kept an eye on them as they got closer and closer until they were right in front of me cutting between my boat and the bank.   I actually made a cast right in front of the boat and one guy turns and gives me the stink eye.  I casually asked why they thought it was ok to cut another angler off.   His reply with a lot of foul language was "I'm sorry but you don't own the lake".   At that point I could feel my blood pressure rising so to avoid confrontation I packed my stuff up and went elsewhere.  Honestly I've been cut in on before but never to this extent.  Seems like this sort of thing is happening more and more frequent and I'm to the point nothing surprise's me on the lake anymore.  Anything like this happen to you guys?


 You did the right thing - in the end you'll still be you and he'll still be him - which apparently must be quite a sad deal.

I'd highly encourage a picture of said Knuckle head with what ever you have available (Phone, camera, GoPro) and perhaps video would be even better. (especially if it was somehow done incognito)  And then Plaster it all over social media - someone in your area is bound to recognize this fine human - The curse filled rant would probably be rather entertaining for the rest of us socially acceptable people.



fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

His assertion that you don't own the lake is correct, but it's really his way of reasoning that he does. You had every right at that point to crank up and motor on front of him down the bank he was trying to fish because he doesn't own the lake. You're a better human being than him and he's the reason I don't fish public lakes much anymore.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 


I would've done exactly what you had done, but the incident would've left my mind as quickly it entered.

You done the right thing which makes you the bigger man, now turn the page  (life is short).



fishing user avatarBigSkyBasser reply : 

I like Ajay's approach. I would document this and let other local anglers know to watch out for him to the point where you could effectively ostracize him from the scene.


I think shaming in this instance is the only way to get their attention. Maybe if they realize how much every else thinks that they're being a D***K they would be more inclined to respect space on the water.

fishing user avatarDereck W reply : 

If I had been catching fish, I would have continued fishing hoping to catch one behind them. If not, you did right by moving.

fishing user avatarLandis Carrier reply : 

You did the right thing but it sucks that a$$holes like that know they can get away with it. I'm sure they laughed about it and will do it again. Shame. 

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

You did the right thing. The "me, myself & I" generation personified.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

Similar incidents happened to me a few times . Fish long enough , its inevitable .

fishing user avatarlazeebum reply : 

Your approach was the right one.  I have been working on the "let it go" approach.  I have been known to be as rude to people like that as they are to me, but as I get older, I realized the escalation of a situation will lead to one of three places.  If you win, jail, if you lose, the hospital or funeral home.  Let the ******** think they're being alpha males, but intelligent people know better.

fishing user avatarjamey1e reply : 

Didn't even think about videoing it.  I'm almost positive as quick as he snapped back this wasn't the first time he's done it. 

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

You absolutely did the right thing. Had a similar experience 

when a buddy and I were fishing some docks when a kid and

his (presumably) g'pa decided we weren't worthy to fish the

spot. They threw at my kayak. I had some choice words like
"Seriously?! Can you not see I was here first?" He mumbled

in reply...short story. I think I even posted about it here.


The elderly man did nothing to correct his idiot grandson of

his utter stupidity.


Fortunately I caught a (IIRC) 3 or 3.5# bass right in front of

them! :) Then I made plenty of noise with my paddles as I

got out of "their" spot.


But I've encountered more good-natured folks on the water 

than trash like that, thankfully.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Nope, never had it happen to me.


Guess I am just lucky, so far.



fishing user avatarshimmy reply : 

Aren't there distance regulations from the DNR? Can you not take a picture/video of it and send it to the DNR for further inquiry/investigation or am I misinformed?

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

I've had a few experiences like the OP's. I just think about all the other anglers who don't do things like that. It keeps me from acting on the few times people are rude and inconsiderate. 

fishing user avatarnew2BC4bass reply : 

Reminds me a lot of the drivers I see on the road every day.  Very few are courteous.  It is Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me and the he$$ with you you you you you you.

fishing user avatarFun4Me reply : 

I wonder what a 3/4 ounce rattle trap with sharp hooks feels like when it hits him square in the face. OOOOOOPPS, sorry bro, I meant to cast over there, just got away from me. ;)


Just kidding, you did the right thing by letting it go.

fishing user avatartander reply : 

You did good leaving, I hope I would, but I wouldn't bet on it.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 3/13/2017 at 7:44 AM, BigSkyBasser said:

I like Ajay's approach. I would document this and let other local anglers know to watch out for him to the point where you could effectively ostracize him from the scene.


I think shaming in this instance is the only way to get their attention. Maybe if they realize how much every else thinks that they're being a D***K they would be more inclined to respect space on the water.


When a grown man makes a conscious decision to conduct himself in a certain manner In Public, there can be no expectation of privacy.

So documenting & sharing the experience is perfectly acceptable - at least in my book.

Conversely, I have no problem with anyone documenting anything I do in public,  all I ask is that they kindly refrain from including GPS coordinates.

There's no shame in that.



fishing user avatargreentrout reply : 

If you live in a state that allows it, might consider keeping a firearm on your boat. In a remote area, you don't want to be in a situation when you can't protect yourself. Now I'm not advocating picking up a firearm for anything but only when common sense dictates you are in danger and it gives you an option. There are some criminal characters out there who show up at the parks and launching sites. Be wary.

fishing user avatarIndianaFinesse reply : 

Had one guy do almost the exact same thing to me once (actually twice, but the first time I "accidentally" casted and yanked some cheap and sharp cranks into his anchor rope) he apparently wanted us to get out of that area so he started circling around my boat with his outboard motor, over and over.  So I took a quick pic of him clearly motoring within 15 feet of me (this is on a lake that has a 50' minimum distance), and sent it to a security guy I know on the lake.  Long story short the guy was given the boot by the security officer and a written warning.

fishing user avatargreendragon reply : 

So sorry for people who act like idiots. I had a guy call me an MFer and other cuss words when he pulled in front of me in a tournament. I told him if he is that inconsiderate I feel sorry for him and left. I was by myself and there was two guys in his boat. They were in another tournament. 

fishing user avatarMNGeorge reply : 

Sadly, situations like this are becoming more and more prevalent all the time. The one's that really irritate me are the one's who act like this with their kids in the boat...nice role model for them...NOT!

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Sure would suck if he happen to run into your braid with his trolling motor as he cut between you and they bank :)


I've had some really bad ones. It's hard not to say anything, but I can't really afford to because of my job. I've taken pictures of guys who have done it in the past, video is a good idea too if you can. Problem is, you never know if it might set someone off and then you could really have a problem. 

fishing user avatarAdvantage reply : 

The guy was right...that you don't own the lake...but neither does he! I've had my share of run ins like that with total d-bags. Most times I've just kinda had to let it go and pick up and move on but there's been a few times there's been some words exchanged but have never really had any physical confrontations. (With the exception of a few 2oz egg sinkers being sent in the direction of an opposing watercraft). Lol

fishing user avatarWildmanWilson reply : 

It would be tough not to put a 4 oz. sinker on and start to throw it and see if he wants to fish in your line of fire. I have a hard time walking away from rude idiots. 

fishing user avatartoni63 reply : 

Troll quietly over, ask them how their day has been so far, "catching anything?" etc. Be nice, pleasant, tell them what you learned with your jaunt in that creek, wish them a good day fishing and the best of luck then troll away quietly until you are far enough off not to disturb the fish before firing up your outboard and heading somewhere else.


I have often found being nice to jerks can lead to some very interesting conversations, not confrontations. And if they don't feel like talking, leave quietly anyway. Bottom line is you can only be responsible for your own actions, not someone else's. Take the high road.


To me, you just never know how badly things might get if you confront and stand your ground, and its not like they are threatening your life or lives of your family. I can be right, but it won't matter if I am dead right. Pick your battles, and this is one where there is nothing good going to come from trying to out jerk a jerk.


And the video thing? If you seriously want a confrontation, pull out a camera and start pointing it at people like that. Like a red flag to a bull, so you're just adding fuel to the fire if you do. Now, if you have a go pro or something like that mounted and its running anyway, discretely, that's another story and probably worth sharing. But making a point of doing it deliberately at the time so its noticeable, well, with some folks you may as well just whip out a gun and point it at them. Just not worth the aggravation or risk.

fishing user avatarfrogflogger reply : 

You did right - life is far too short and fishing time too precious to let some nitwit ruin your day - I always figure they are motherless and had no one to teach them manners - as to being armed - once fire arms are brought into the equation all bets for a safe and sane ending are over.

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

Kudos to you for taking the high road. I always try to keep one thing in mind when confronted by morons.


Never try to argue with a moron. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. 

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

You handled it right, IMO.


I experienced similar....My wife and I rented a big Carolina Skiff with a trolling motor on a big lake we'd never been on.  Same situation, we were meticulously working back third of a narrow creek; pitching laydowns.  Couple guys in a beautiful Z21 roar into the bay and proceed to troll right on through us...between us and the bank...My blood was boiling and simply yelled "excuse me!"....the back seat said "Oh...are you guys fishing for bass?"...Like they didn't know...and even if they were too stupid to figure, what difference would it make???   My reply was clipped by my better half.  She proceeded to engage them very loudly with a non-stop stream of questions, comments, ect.  MUCH better approach...they didn't last 3 minutes of that barrage....she and I laughed our ***** off as they motored on out

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 3/13/2017 at 11:34 PM, Choporoz said:

You handled it right, IMO.


I experienced similar....My wife and I rented a big Carolina Skiff with a trolling motor on a big lake we'd never been on.  Same situation, we were meticulously working back third of a narrow creek; pitching laydowns.  Couple guys in a beautiful Z21 roar into the bay and proceed to troll right on through us...between us and the bank...My blood was boiling and simply yelled "excuse me!"....the back seat said "Oh...are you guys fishing for bass?"...Like they didn't know...and even if they were too stupid to figure, what difference would it make???   My reply was clipped by my better half.  She proceeded to engage them very loudly with a non-stop stream of questions, comments, ect.  MUCH better approach...they didn't last 3 minutes of that barrage....she and I laughed our ***** off as they motored on out

Yes! You see, since you weren't in the $50K boat, you have fewer rights than they. There's a definite snobbery that permiates the expensive boat crowd. Not all, by any means, but a select few, would run over their mothers to fish a spot before everyone else gets to it. Then they prefer to roar out of the creek past everyone they beat to it rather than idle. After all, there are other spots to ruin. My dad would always say "I hope he hits a stump" when they would do that.


fishing user avatarjamey1e reply : 

Thinking about this situation a little more I'm kind of proud of myself for just leaving it alone.  I have a horrible temper and when telling my wife about it she made the comment "I can't believe after that I didn't have to come get you out of jail".  It saddens me that people can be this inconsiderate and talking with a few buddies yesterday we all agree this sort of behavior is increasing everywhere you go.  

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

Last time it happened to me, some tournament musky guys pulled right in front of me close enough I could have flipped a jig easily on to his front deck. My reaction was just to say out loud, "Really?"  I took a picture, that I later sent to the tournament organizer, trimmed my motor almost out of the water, and made the biggest wake I could while I pulled away. I guess that is what as known as passive aggressive. 

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

You showed great restraint by doing things the way you did.  I don't know if I could have been that restrained.  In retrospect you did the right thing.  Its amazing how these low life's justify living the way they do.  At some point it is going to catch up with them!

fishing user avatarSpider reply : 

Honestly, I feel you did the right thing.


I had one of these rude fishermen, I was fishing the Fox chain of lakes "Northern IL.", There was an tournament going. A Ranger boat saw me and two buddy's fishing a bunch of Lilly pads and accelerated directly towards us, turned at the last second and nearly swamped our boat. We were soaking wet.


There's no telling what will happen.


Never provoke these kinds of guys, it is not worth it and you could end up injured or worse.

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

Can't say I would recommend throwing anything at his boat or him. Even if its a cast. Whether its a lure or a sinker or anything else. Just remember you can be charged with a crime if you do. He has a witness and you don't. Best just to let it go. People like that are in the minority. Again, think about all the good, friendly, polite boaters out there that you have met and don't let one idiot make you do something you may regret. I'm sure that rude boater knew what he was doing would tick you off but its up to you if you react. If you get angry he spoils your day and he wins. If you ignore it and enjoy your day out, you win. 

fishing user avatarLogan S reply : 

The guys that cut you off like that are simply showing you that they don't have any other options and don't posses the skill set to do well in their tournament without 'their' spot.  My typical response is to simply keep doing what I'm doing and then move on if they make that impossible...I rest easy letting them have the spot because they obviously need all the help they can get ;).  


More often than not I find myself skipping ahead of those types by the end of the day in the one place where it really counts....The tournament standings :).  

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 
  On 3/14/2017 at 3:21 AM, Logan S said:

The guys that cut you off like that are simply showing you that they don't have any other options and don't posses the skill set to do well in their tournament without 'their' spot.

could be...or could be that they're just ******* *****

fishing user avatarTmmytomato reply : 

Yes, that has happened but usually not that blatant. Partner and I were fishing a tournament a few years back working down a bank as you mentioned and had a boat jump in front of us by about 25 yards, knowing we were heading that way.  I had a good bite in a bush in prefish that I did not set on - sure enough they tossed into the bush I was working towards and pulled out a five# which I just know was the same fish.  Words would not have mattered - but they were guys I knew well. 

fishing user avatarlonnie g reply : 

you just prove that there are more good guys than not.  ive never met you or know you. but I would fish with you any day!! my dad always told me that when you see or here something that you don't like. just remember that you don't want to be like that. or don't do or say anything to any one that you wouldn't want to happen to you. I guess you would almost have to feel sorry for the other guy. I would hate to think a person goes thru life with that kind of demeaner. if nothing else you have taught younger anglers the proper way to handle situations. A PLUS!!

fishing user avatargimruis reply : 

I think you did the right move with a restrained reaction.  Considering you were outnumbered 2 to 1, you made the smart move to retreat.  Its war out there sometimes.  Next time show up with the calvary and you'll win.

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

Ive had a lot of similar incidents.When I was 18 I was fishing in close and another teen that was on the bank with some girls I knew threw a wet towel at me when my back was turnt, hit me in my sunburned back.He was laughing until I jumped out and went up and whipped his butt.

I would not recommend that nowdays.But back then you fought and it was over usually.

Ive had to pray hard to overcome my temper and now I usually leave before I get riled up.

You did the right thing.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

My mom used to tell me, "argue with a fool and you're liable to act like one." It took me many years to have enough maturity to actually follow her advice. As others have said, life is too short to fight with idiots unless they give you no other choice. Well done.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Just a week ago fishing an underwater island marked by a red river marker a guy in a boat was heading right at us while we were fishing....well...he had his work cut out for him as it stopped him cold.  Felt both sorry and disappointed for him.

P.S.  You did good in just turning away....I might of looked up and said ....GOD...this ones yours handle it.

fishing user avatarVAHunter reply : 

I had an incident many years ago almost just like the one you described.  I was throwing lipless baits on a flat leading into a creek.  I fish in a jon boat.  Had a guy and his buddy in a glass rig run right beside me on plane, then come off step and stop within a cast in front of my boat, directly where I was casting.  I looked at the guy in the front and said there's no way you are going to fish there, right?  You are literally sitting where I am casting.  He, too, gave me the eye.  His partner never even stood up to fish.  He just sat in the back of the boat with his hand over his face.  I made another cast (without much thought to accuracy) and it bounced off his outboard.  He didn't care much for that, but he left.  No, I don't own the water either, but I have enough respect to find somewhere else to fish when somebody beats me to an area I wanted to try. 

fishing user avatarjimf reply : 

It happens to everyone, and it's unfortunate.  You absolutely did the right thing by leaving.   I admit when I was younger I would not shy away from a confrontation, but now I've arrived at that stage in life where I just don't feel like wasting my time with that.  My time on the water is too precious, that and I'll find other water and catch my fish.  



fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

I know  a lot of people with real  nice boats and gear but not much fishing experience .  Sometimes they just dont know any better . In a large tournament I marked  a river channel with  buoys . I caught two keepers then before long    two competing boats     stop and start fishing my markers . There was one on each buoy . 

fishing user avatarBass Turd reply : 

I would go passive aggressive here. Take the rod and reel you need new line on and cast it right in front of his trolling motor. Then yell like a maniac that you just hooked a 10 pounder while his trolling motor spools you.  

fishing user avatarA5BLASTER reply : 


You did the right thing sir.


Some people were just never raised with manners and now that they are grow there is no hope for them to learn.


I have had a few run ins on the water and have been able to just let it go and find fish in other water, and that's not a easy thing for me to do.


The only time I lost my cool was two seasons ago I was in my flat fishing with my youngest girl, when a guy in a brand new ranger comes rolling up trolls up between us and the bank and sets his power pool.


I ask him to move because me and my lil girl is fishing this spot for bream, he tells me I have no right to the water because I don't own a bass boat, we through a few words back and forth, while my lil girl is asking me to leave, at that point I call him what he is and told him his dad should have beat his butt more when he was young.


He whips around and tells me to take my fat butt and my retarted kid ( my lil girl has a speech problem) and get are he was going to sink my boat.


I told him really, I pulled up and packed started the motor and eased up and cut his fuel line on both ends and told him good luck fishing today sir and rolled out.


I don't think I was right but it sure felt good.


But I think you the best thing sir.

fishing user avatarHez reply : 
  On 3/15/2017 at 12:39 AM, A5BLASTER said:

he tells me I have no right to the water because I don't own a bass boat



Unfortunately, I get the same treatment 90% of the time in my jon boat as well.  I have had people in bass boats fly by me so fast in a canal it nearly tipped my boat.  Countless times I have been fishing a bank...and someone in a bass boat just come and try to be a bully and cut me off directly...while I'm trolling down the bank.  It really ticks me off sometimes.


Most of the time I can bite my tongue.  Only once have I had to say something to someone...after they cut me off 3 times within an hour.  Total disrespect.  


I try to be considerate of other people in every facet of life...especially being on the water.  Sometimes people are just ignorant to certain things -and they mean no harm...just need to be educated.  Other times...people are just being jerks...those are the ones I hate dealing with.  


OP - you did good by being the bigger man.  I can only hope I make the same positive decision when faced with that situation again, as I know I will be.  

  On 3/14/2017 at 9:41 AM, N Florida Mike said:


Ive had to pray hard to overcome my temper and now I usually leave before I get riled up.




This is something I have to work hard on every day :wacko:

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 
  On 3/15/2017 at 1:40 AM, Hez said:


Unfortunately, I get the same treatment 90% of the time in my jon boat as well.  I have had people in bass boats fly by me so fast in a canal it nearly tipped my boat.  Countless times I have been fishing a bank...and someone in a bass boat just come and try to be a bully and cut me off directly...while I'm trolling down the bank.  It really ticks me off sometimes.


Most of the time I can bite my tongue.  Only once have I had to say something to someone...after they cut me off 3 times within an hour.  Total disrespect.  


I try to be considerate of other people in every facet of life...especially being on the water.  Sometimes people are just ignorant to certain things -and they mean no harm...just need to be educated.  Other times...people are just being jerks...those are the ones I hate dealing with.  


OP - you did good by being the bigger man.  I can only hope I make the same positive decision when faced with that situation again, as I know I will be.  


This is something I have to work hard on every day :wacko:



I know your feeling when they park right in front of you while fishing a bank.  Less then 50 yards away just gets my blood pressure up.  I fish canals all the time in the everglades, and I would rather have them run past me wide open with a bass boat, this puts out almost no wave.  If they slow down the wave becomes far greater then running wide open.  The wave action from a small wave actually stirs up the bait fish along a bank, which sometimes activates the bass bite.  Its like wind driven wave action on an exposed bank.  That thought actually reduces the anger level created from the ignorant low life.  Nothing better then catching bass behind these guys while their catching nothing.  I go Ike on every bass including the dinks.  They soon move away from the crazy guy behind them.

fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

I sleep well at night knowing I'm not one of "those" guys.  Oh the stories I could tell from guiding.  Both from other boats, dock owners, pleasure craft, tournament fishermen, etc.  I could write a book.  Yes, I've slipped up a few times and taken my revenge but in the long run it didn't make me feel any better, actually worse.  You did the right thing.  

fishing user avatarfrosty reply : 

Oh man it would be so fun to pull out the .45 and put a few holes in his hull for him, but you definitely did the right thing. I can honestly say I've never had anybody, other than my nephew, pull crap like that. Generally people will go out of their way to make sure they don't mess up your fishing. 

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

This type of un sportsmanship and total disregard for others on the water is what gives bass fishing a black eye. Unfortunately this type of behavior is more common with local club tournament bass anglers then the recreation fisherman. I have zero tolerance with any bass boat behaving like those idiots, but more tolerant today then I was a few years ago when jig bounced off their boat was clarify understood. I tell them you can have the water when I am finished fishing, usually resolves the issue.

I have had a few bass anglers threaten me and follow me to the ramp, I just get on my cell phone so they can clearly see I am making a call taking a photo and they always back off quickly.

It's a shame some bass anglers behave so poorly.



fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 3/15/2017 at 2:00 AM, geo g said:


I go Ike on every bass including dinks.  They soon move away from the crazy guy.


I Like That   :headbang:

It turns a potentially ugly situation into a comedic parody.

I've often entertained the notion of carrying a plastic replica of a 12-lb bass,

then netting that sucker time-after-time-after-time, accompanied by vocal hoopla. 



fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 
  On 3/15/2017 at 7:42 AM, RoLo said:


I've often entertained the notion of carrying a plastic replica of a 12-lb bass,

then netting that sucker time-after-time-after-time, accompanied by vocal hoopla. 





I resemble that remark .



fishing user avatarRB 77 reply : 

Other than actual "dangerous" behavior (full plane drive by's) cutting between us and the point/ shore might be my biggest pet peeve. Engaging them is usually a futile endeavor. Sounds like you played your cards right. Not that long ago we had a couple of guys come blasting in full plane on us in between us and the shore on a long (and I mean long) tapering point as we were working our way uphill only to drop shop and start fishing the shoreline. Head scratcher for sure...

fishing user avatarscrutch reply : 

Get back around in front of him, facing out of the cove, wait until he passes you again then trim the big motor up to a proper spraying position and nail it.  See ya boys! 


I know it isn't right, but it would be FUN!

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 3/15/2017 at 9:23 PM, scrutch said:

Get back around in front of him, facing out of the cove, wait until he passes you again then trim the big motor up to a proper spraying position and nail it.  See ya boys! 


I know it isn't right, but it would be FUN!


I thought for sure you were going to say "show him the moon"



fishing user avatarlonnie g reply : 
  On 3/15/2017 at 8:37 AM, scaleface said:



I resemble that remark .



NICE!! love it. that's probably as fun as actually catching one.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

Picking up and leaving the area is the right move. Getting into fisticuffs over fishing is stupid.


10 years ago.............I would have made a scene, but age and time have mellowed me out.


I am also fortunate, that I am known as the guy who runs most of the open tournaments on the lake. Ticking me off is not in most peoples best interest if they ever want to participate, therefore it's rarely been a problem. It's two fold, as the person who organizes and runs many tournaments I can't ever escalate these situations, as it would look very bad upon me. I don't abuse that position to infringe on other people, but it's sad fact that I have to be in that position for other people to respect my space on the water. 


I still bugs me, I give the jet skiers, wake boarders, and pleasure boaters no thought, they are ignorant to our situation, and while it's no excuse, it's forgivable. Most of the time a little kind talk goes a long ways with these people....something like "Hey guys, I don't know if you realize it, but your activity in my back pocket is highly disturbing me, if it's at all possible could you take it elsewhere?" 99% of the time I get.."oh hey, sorry buddy, yeah we'll go down the lake, we didn't know we were bothering you"


Other bass fisherman however..........they are often the worst, and yet they are the ones who should 100% know better.

fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 
  On 3/15/2017 at 10:29 PM, ww2farmer said:

Picking up and leaving the area is the right move. Getting into fisticuffs over fishing is stupid.


10 years ago.............I would have made a scene, but age and time have mellowed me out.


I am also fortunate, that I am known as the guy who runs most of the open tournaments on the lake. Ticking me off is not in most peoples best interest if they ever want to participate, therefore it's rarely been a problem. It's two fold, as the person who organizes and runs many tournaments I can't ever escalate these situations, as it would look very bad upon me. I don't abuse that position to infringe on other people, but it's sad fact that I have to be in that position for other people to respect my space on the water. 


I still bugs me, I give the jet skiers, wake boarders, and pleasure boaters no thought, they are ignorant to our situation, and while it's no excuse, it's forgivable. Most of the time a little kind talk goes a long ways with these people....something like "Hey guys, I don't know if you realize it, but your activity in my back pocket is highly disturbing me, if it's at all possible could you take it elsewhere?" 99% of the time I get.."oh hey, sorry buddy, yeah we'll go down the lake, we didn't know we were bothering you"


Other bass fisherman however..........they are often the worst, and yet they are the ones who should 100% know better.


If you run these tournaments do you have regulations covering your anglers conduct?  Do you enforce them?  

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 
  On 3/15/2017 at 11:40 PM, TOXIC said:


If you run these tournaments do you have regulations covering your anglers conduct?  Do you enforce them?  


Yes....and yes.


Have only had 1 or 2 issues over the last few years. The guys that fish my tournaments are , for the most part, a good bunch.


Without naming names, one issue was a couple of guys arguing in the parking lot over an accusation of one "cutting off" the other.  No formal complaints were brought to me in private, and instead they just decided to act like children in front of everyone. I had to nip that in the bud, and issue warnings publicly to shut that down, and bring any issues to me or the other guys that help me run stuff or not be welcomed back.


Another was a complaint from the local Marina, that guys were blasting in and out of the Marina regularly, rocking all the boats and creating a situation that could possibly cause damage to the boats docked there. I simply made a rule about blasting off, or coming in on that marina must be done in a "no wake"  fashion, or else it's an automatic DQ. Everyone who signs up is told. and I have only ever had to DQ one team for not following this rule.

fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

EXCELLENT!!  I wish there were more TD's out there like you.  I see a lot of TX fishermen bully and push weekend guys off spots and generally show their behinds because they know the weekend angler won't report them to the TD like another competitor will.  That bad karma always re-manifests itself in other ways.  TX anglers have a responsibility to be a good reflection of the sport.  

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 

Let it go! (Imagine the annoying Disney music as you read that line)


You did the right thing. Forget them as they are not worth a second thought.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Well let me see how i would have handled it. First if -he would have been more considerate and told me he was fishing a tournament -I might have given way and let him fish .If he curses and shoots his mouth off and says I dont own the water then we have another approach- But I have dealt with these types before - inconsiderate SOB's -they are bullys ---so in a nice way as he would have come closer behind me I would have power poled down let him get closer - sat nicely in my seat -started my motor -lifted my jack plate up trimmed up the motor and punched it-throwing the biggest rooster tail right in his face and boat-  Unless someone teaches him a lesson -he will keep doing it over and over -- Remember Trump is now President and I dont have to be politically correct any longer -actually never was for the ones of you that know me.  And dont forget to say--Have a nice day on the water

Hmm I just looked above at other comments and some of you would do the same thing-  Good for you 

fishing user avatarSubaqua Adinterim reply : 

You did right. As many others here have noted as well. 

People like those you dealt with usually are not thinking right, either because they are ignorant or they are not capable of thinking at all and have no perspective on the bigger picture.  Life will pass them by while you are enjoying yours.

You were able to get away from them and get on with having a good day. 

What is really troublesome is those that are on the water who aren't thinking right because they are clouded up by alcohol.  I hate to see this, and really hate that these people will be more dangerous when they leave the water than when they were on it.

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

Everyone here will reply about their own stories but either 1.  Wont mention when theyve been in wrong or 2.  Didnt realize when they were.


Maybe the other boat didnt realize how close and thought they gave enough room or maybe on the way to the cove you blew by them or ran over their spot without realizing and they felt like you think you own the lake.


Two sides to a story and sometimes its best to approach with a calm voice and ask clear and appropriate questions.  Ive had a couple run ins with ******** who ended up wishing me a good evening after we cut through the hotheadedness


fishing user avatarrunt4561 reply : 

here is the deal. it IS happening more and more these days because if it would have happened 20 years ago and the victim jumped in their boat and beat their eyes shut, it ended right there and the offenders learned a lesson. now, if that were to happen, you would be arrested or the offenders would catch up to you and shoot you.


I had the same thing happen to me on mothers day a few years ago. I took my mother out fishing and had to be subjected to that. made me so mad that I had to leave. totally ruined my whole day. but, by me or you in your incident leaving, we allowed these turds to win and they benifited from their actions. now guess what, these turds will continue to do it.


I don't like confrontation and treat everyone with respect. if they make the choice not to do the same that is on them. you and I are better for taking the high road. I can almost guarantee that the people in your story and mine have bigger problems in their life because they choose to act this way.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

All I can say is that I hope I meet up with that spot jumping leader of BR ,Glenn ,his bilge pumps couldn't handle the water I would throw in his boat . And that goes for that fluke catching gene  as well .

fishing user avatarKevinator1 reply : 

I've had a couple of inconsiderate scoundrels do that to me before and only had one confrontation.....i settled down and left but said my peace. Last summer i was on the other side of a point that is covered with trees and a teenager on a jet ski came flying around the point and buzzed right beside me....but he really must not have seen me because all of a sudden he stopped and looked terrified and said "sir, i'm so sorry i just didn't see you in time to stay away from you...I thought holy crap, this kid gets i told him i wasn't mad at all since he stopped and apologized. I told him that was good enough for me and told him to have fun. It was good to see that from a kid on a jet ski....apparently he had some parents that told him to respect the fishermen. 

fishing user avatarclark9312 reply : 

Next time someone cuts you off just kick the trolling motor up and jump right back in front of them, if they try and pass just kick it back up and race with them. By the time you're done playing leap frog you both would have passed up the spot that the guy cutting you off wanted to fish so just turn around and fish back. I've only done this once and the guy just pulled his trolling motor up and left. I even spoke as I was passing him lol

fishing user avatarnameiztaken reply : 

Reminds me of that time flair told that dude "you don't own the water, bro!"




  On 3/16/2017 at 12:23 AM, Bobby Uhrig said:

Well let me see how i would have handled it. First if -he would have been more considerate and told me he was fishing a tournament -I might have given way and let him fish .If he curses and shoots his mouth off and says I dont own the water then we have another approach- But I have dealt with these types before - inconsiderate SOB's -they are bullys ---so in a nice way as he would have come closer behind me I would have power poled down let him get closer - sat nicely in my seat -started my motor -lifted my jack plate up trimmed up the motor and punched it-throwing the biggest rooster tail right in his face and boat-  Unless someone teaches him a lesson -he will keep doing it over and over -- Remember Trump is now President and I dont have to be politically correct any longer -actually never was for the ones of you that know me.  And dont forget to say--Have a nice day on the water

Hmm I just looked above at other comments and some of you would do the same thing-  Good for you 

fishing user avatarRoweBoatRVA reply : 

It's ridiculous that it seems like situations like this happens more and more because people are not taught fishing etiquette. Taking a quality boating course can easily help people with situations like this if the time is taken.


@jamey1e hats off to you for being cool about it.

fishing user avatarwdp reply : 
  On 3/16/2017 at 9:31 PM, RoweBoatRVA said:

It's ridiculous that it seems like situations like this happens more and more because people are not taught fishing etiquette.

It's not that people aren't being taught fishing etiquette, I think people aren't being taught manners in general. Seems unchecked rudeness can be experienced in every facet of life. 


Ok, it's official. I just turned into my Dad. Lol. 

fishing user avatarA5BLASTER reply : 

You Sir are correct its that good manners aren't being taught at home in the growing up years.


Heck I'm only 36 and can say with out a doubt I'm not old but I was raised in a strict house hold ran with manners and a firm butt whoopin if you were rude or disrespecful.


And it's a shame to say this but I have meet very very few people my age or youger that knew what manners are, to many years of being told they are snow flakes and special is their problem.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

It's neither.  People have grown up learning to be selfish, thinking of no one but themselves.  Selflessness, even just quiet, unassuming fishing etiquette has all but disappeared.  There's no payoff, no selfie, no proclamation via a clever internet meme to claim glory for selflessness, because that isn't selfless at all.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 3/16/2017 at 10:02 PM, J Francho said:

It's neither.  People have grown up learning to be selfish, thinking of no one but themselves.  Selflessness, even just quiet, unassuming fishing etiquette has all but disappeared.  There's no payoff, no selfie, no proclamation via a clever internet meme to claim glory for selflessness, because that isn't selfless at all.


My Grandfather - a particularly proud & amazing Man, displayed the confidence, pride & inner strength that comes from being a truly good man & living a good life.    Didn't understand it really as a younger human, just knew it was there.  As time went on I came to admire it. 

The man had little to say but when he was inclined to pass something on, he chose his words wisely and he meant every one.   I listened.

The term Good Man, has virtually no meaning now; is of considerably less importance, and may be seeing very few men striving to be one.

In fact the term Man itself, one could argue is not nearly as defined as it once was.  Sort of like a completed pass in the NFL -




fishing user avatarokietroutbum reply : 

Ive found that waving a firearm in their general direction gets better manners out of them... j/k but some days i wish. Most of the time i just tell them theyre number one and move to a different spot.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Oh please let Glenn roll up on me

rooster tail.jpg

fishing user avatarrboat reply : 

This does happen way too much, with me it is normally some tool on a jet ski trying to show off, or a giant boat coming close and causing huge ways to crash over my deck. I always conceal carry, but brandishing a gun my just get you killed. I write down the numbers on their vessel and have the G & F office on speed dial. When I call, they take down all the information on the unsafe boater, description, where, when, etc. I do not know if they actually do anything, but it makes me feel better.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

If gene rolls up on me taking my spot

rooster tail 2.jpg

Ok enough fun on my part - What we all seem to agree on here at Bass Resource is what this angler did was wrong and very inconsiderate. How we as fellow anglers deal with it is pretty much how we deal with stuff in life. its what makes the world go round. There are 2 points here for me to make 

1 It sounds like none of us here at BR would be as inconsiderate as this guy ,which shows how much of a class act Glenn has as members here.

2.Well ok I dont have a second point 

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Boy I  miss this place- 


fishing user avatarS Hovanec reply : 

I think I would have accidentally put the boat in gear with the motor trimmed up and gave them an outboard shower as I was leaving.

fishing user avatarjamey1e reply : 
  On 3/16/2017 at 10:50 PM, A-Jay said:


My Grandfather - a particularly proud & amazing Man, displayed the confidence, pride & inner strength that comes from being a truly good man & living a good life.    Didn't understand it really as a younger human, just knew it was there.  As time went on I came to admire it. 

The man had little to say but when he was inclined to pass something on, he chose his words wisely and he meant every one.   I listened.

The term Good Man, has virtually no meaning now; is of considerably less importance, and may be seeing very few men striving to be one.

In fact the term Man itself, one could argue is not nearly as defined as it once was.  Sort of like a completed pass in the NFL -




That's the absolute truth.  One thing I used to think was that fellow anglers and hunters were like minded "good men".  However I've since learned that's not the case. 

fishing user avatarLast_Cast reply : 

Just reading that ticked me off. People are really something else.

fishing user avatarSneakyPete reply : 

Today, I had a guy purposely out gain me to get in front of me so he could pull out his boat ahead of me.  It was a day of idiots.  Cars with no trailers and kayakers parking their vehicles in the designated trailer parking lot.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 3/26/2017 at 11:29 AM, SneakyPete said:

Today, I had a guy purposely out gain me to get in front of me so he could pull out his boat ahead of me. 


As I see it, The Best place for this fine human to be Is In Front of me; both on the road & on the water.

 This gives ME all the control, and almost eliminates his opportunity to jack up me or my gear; because we both know he's almost certainly going to try, eventually.  

Once 'The Jack Wagon Syndrome' has been recognized, my standard defense is to simply slow down and then smile & wave as the 'accident waiting to happen' goes on by.  Then it's just a matter of sitting back, waiting & watching as the insanity ensues. 

Usually doesn't take long.



fishing user avatarwhitwolf reply : 

This type of thing Is the exact reason why I do my best to fish when there are few others. Of course there are times when that Is not possible and in that situation  I do my best to be Invisible. By that I mean fish In places that are difficult to get into or at the very least find the nastiest stuff I can fish, put my head down and mind my own business. In the event someone shows his hind end I smile, wave, pull up stakes and go elsewhere. 


In the Summer It's easy to get away(Fish at night) from the crowds and In the Fall the deer hunters cut the lake population In half. In the Spring I deal with the crowds in the stated ways above and refuse to fish for bedding fish. 


In the end the good folks far outweigh the bad and realizing there will be turds In all walks of life makes It simpler to be polite, let them have their way, and avoid as many as possible(anglers in general) to do something I love to do.


As for AJ'S comment of the watering down on "goodness" In the gene pool, he's correct but with a caveat; If you read/post here long enough you get to see good men and sportsman on a regular basis.  

fishing user avatariiTzChunky reply : 

My buddy has a privet lake by his house (not his) that he's been fishing for 2+ years and never had a problem. We go there just for fun all catch and release. Last weekend a teenage kid was there with his gf and just so happened to be right where my buddy had caught a 7#er a few day prior. He had it dead set he was going back to that place to fish it again and basically fished right on top of the kid... Well the kid called his dad and his dad came and kicked us out. We went to the other side of the lake and got problems from one of the home owners actually on the lake. Seems the dad had called him and asked him to kick us out. Was pretty crappie move on my buddies part. I know that place is full of some nice sized bass and now we're kicked out for a while till things hopefully cool off. 

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

A lot of people are new to boating / fishing some people are just rude .I'm sure I made some people upset when I first started out .  


 One day in particular I was catching  bass on a shallow rock hump that is "plainly" marked with buoys  . Here comes a bass boat on plane straight for it . I'm standing in the bow waving my arms trying to get his attention so he doesnt tear his transom off . He stops at the last possible moment creating a huge wake  and idles on top of the hump , precisely where I am casting , then shuts his motor off . He then looks at me and  ask what I wanted .  When I tell him about the rocks he  said " I know , I hit it yesterday. I just want to see what is here . " LOL.     Either he  was new to boating/fishing or a moron .

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

Sounds like the OP was fishing the Tennessee river......... I get cut off by bass boats almost every single time I go fishing, which is several times a week. I know that a lot of kids nowadays are jerks but the people that cut me off are generally older guys that can afford bass boats with power poles. So saying that kids nowadays have no respect is not necessarily the problem in my neck of the woods 

fishing user avatarJcost2131 reply : 

It's amazing how people just can't control themselves and their ego. You absolutely did the right thing and it's unfortunate that people out there have to ruin the great sport of fishing for others. People get so caught up in things they don't realize fishing is meant to be fun. Tight lines and I respect you keeping your cool in that situation. 

fishing user avatarBrown Town reply : 

That's why I always keep one of my muskie set ups on the deck with the biggest topwaters or Bulldawgs I can find. If I see guys coming up the bank quick and think they are trying to get in front of me I start fan casting with the muskie set up. After 2-3 loud splashes they usually look up and back off or go around me with a lot of space. Not saying I cast at them but usually the noise of the lure hitting the water is enough to scare guys into getting too close.

fishing user avatarColdbasser reply : 

Capital A holes are by there very nature cowards, I was fortunate to have played hockey for a living & still have all my own teeth. Lol that = I let my hands do my talking that said you did the right thing after all it's fishing.



fishing user avatarBassnChris reply : 
  On 3/13/2017 at 10:06 AM, A-Jay said:


When a grown man makes a conscious decision to conduct himself in a certain manner In Public, there can be no expectation of privacy.

So documenting & sharing the experience is perfectly acceptable - at least in my book.

Conversely, I have no problem with anyone documenting anything I do in public,  all I ask is that they kindly refrain from including GPS coordinates.

There's no shame in that.




I run 2 GoPro cameras on my boat.....not for that reason....but it would be a bonus.


They run constantly recording in a 5 minute loop.......if that happens to me, I would let them rant for about 4 minutes and the casually walk over to the camera and press the shutter button twice....that saves the last 5 minutes of video and restarts the case there was a round 2 ?


Like I said, just a bonus.....I have the camera to make pics of our catches and record funny things that happen on while out on the water with family and friends.....and some not so funny things like losing a trolling motor.


you did the right thing.

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

Last weekend at a electric only lake I launched and put TM down and kicked it on high to a small rocky point.  There was a kayaker fishing with his young son in another kayak that started heading to that bank fishing towars point but I was already past halfway there before i realized their intent.  I got there and apologized saying i didnt mean to.  Guy said it was no biggie and there was plenty of lake.



As for guys rushing to load up their boat...2 years ago my dad said a guy did just that and jumped ahead of dad loads up and about 3 miles down the road this jackass dumped his boat on the blacktop!!! :mellow:

fishing user avatarHez reply : 
  On 3/29/2017 at 10:43 PM, Montanaro said:

a guy did just that and jumped ahead of dad loads up and about 3 miles down the road this jackass dumped his boat on the blacktop!!! :mellow:


Karma at it's finest

fishing user avatarBassNJake reply : 

Props to everyone that has been able to walk away from idiots on the water.


I learned my lesson the hard way because I am that guy.

The guy that wasnt taking any more of this BS.

The guy that picked up a DT 10 and bounced it off the shiny new ranger that cut in front of me and started fishing all the way in the back of a cove.

The guy that threatened to fight these 2 inconsiderate jerks, the guy that motored right in front of them and harassed them until they left.


Then I was the guy at the boat ramp that had all 4 tires slashed on the truck and 5 more on the trailer.( they cut up the spare too)


Did these 2 idiots get their Karma? I'll never know.

I know I got mine for the way that I behaved.




fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

Let me just add that the rudeness exhibited by the weekend angler, fun fisherman, and tournament angler is not absent from the highest level of the hobby/sport we all enjoy.  I give a pass to anyone who appears not to know that they have crossed an invisible line that most fishermen and women know.  If they don't have a clue, then I'll educate them in a nice way so that the next time they know where that line is.  I made it a point to educate anyone who was in my boat on a guide trip as well.  With that being said, I attribute the general rudeness from those that KNOW where that line is to the example that filters down from the Elite level to those who consider themselves a tournament angler or a fan of the sport.  Just look at the televised confrontations in the FLW or Elite Series from the "Professionals".  Off the top of my head I can name a host of anglers who have had on the water beefs.  VanDam, Iconelli, Scott Martin, Biffle, Ish, that crazy dude that ran circles around anothers boat, Duckett and on and on.  I can relate a very personal experience where an Elite Series pro almost got his butt whipped by some personal friends of mine during a confrontation where they were 100% not at fault.  What kind of example do they set for those who follow the sport closely like the college anglers (who are super passionate) and the weekend series or open series fishermen?  What makes for interesting TV is influencing the lower levels of the sport.  Yes, crowded waterways don't help but my point is that it's not just a problem at the lower levels.  

fishing user avatarEmersonFish reply : 

I guess I'm fortunate while bass fishing not to see a lot of this down here in the Ozarks. Not claiming the Ozarks is above it; just saying I have been fortunate not to get a lot of it bass fishing. Catfishing, however, is a different story. And it is not fellow catfshermen who are the problem. It is these bowfishermen who come out at night and seem to have zero consideration for what anyone on the lake/river is doing. I'm sure there are some bowfishermen on here, and you may be very cognizant of what of is going on around you and do your best not to do anything inappropriate, but from my experience, you would be in the minority.


The OP certainly did the right thing. Since I have had kids, I have made it a priority to put their well being before my pride and consider how my actions might impact them; so I am happy to say that I have made good choices on multiple occasions and let things slide when these bowfishing idiots have made me want to unleash the hounds. I would likely do the same if a bass fishermen crossed me somehow. And I'd feel better for it. When I do get in a confrontation, it occupies my mind for far too long, and I feel like they win when that happens. When I was younger and cockier it would occupy my mind for too long if I felt like I let someone get over on me. I guess I'm a grown-up now.

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

I hate brewing over some no name idiot ill never see again.


Its a crappy negative behavior that drags you down.

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

I was surf fishing one time and the current dragged my line over the guys line next to me .Instead of trying to untangle it( which is always what most people do ) He cut MY line, and had his little daughter bring me what was left.I was really ticked off, because he lost or kept my weight ,then the manly man sends his little girl over to do his job.I stared at him for probably 30 seconds and he just kept his head turned.I had to leave,which is my way of staying out of a confrontation that surely would have happened in my former life.The thing that calmed me down slightly was that I heard him tell her something I think in french,and I didnt want to scare her anyway.So maybe thats how they do it there....?? 

Maybe Im just more bad tempered than I should be.

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 

You did good, no matter what you say or do they will never change. 


I've been cut off before like that, the last time was I was on a school of large mouth bass.  Another angler in a canoe saw me catch 3 fish in a row, they then decided to row over the area I was fishing and throw their line.  I was annoyed, I just shook my head and went to another spot.  They didn't catch a single bass, the best part.  :lol:  I usually just go away when things like that happen, not worth the effort. 

fishing user avatarjakebrake reply : 

mirroring everyone else, you did the right thing. the world is going batcrap crazy, and, there is no reason to escalate things.  we can be our own sports worst enemy at times.



fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I never knew there was different classes of people. Till I ran into them.


i accept the things I can't change and change the things within my power. I'm older and wiser now, life's too short.


A boater came by so close to us shore fishing he cut our lines my buddy just home from nam picked up a rock and hit the guy he was that close. In my teenage days.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 


This thread has the longevity of a Sequoia Tree, where 'nine lives' might be an understatement    :D



fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 

Truly a shame there are so many knuckleheads in a sport we love.


I always say it's hard to hate someone when you get to know them. After all we have so many things in common, family, bills, jobs, etc. When you see someone fishing you at least know you have that in common and it can be a springboard to start up a conversation and make a new friend.


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