I read day in and day out about how much everybody here loves fishing. Blah blah blah. Surely there are things you don't like OR would like to change about spending a day or week or lifetime on the water. Pleasure boats, jet skis, and bucketheads don't count because we all hate them.
My gripes.
1. All the boatable water in northern IL and southern WI is privately managed.This means I have to pay to launch the boat. Anywhere from $15-$25 a launch. I've fished many impoundments in the south and all the ramps are in pristine condition and FREE
2. Fishermen not respecting other fishermen. If I'm fishing a spot. When you come up on me, please go around the side I'm not casting to.
3. Clean up your frickin garbage. Don't throw your line in the water. It is magnetized to my prop. You shore guys...bring a garbage bag with you and pick up the garbage and worm containers that is left by the bucketheads. God gave us this resource and man will screw it up.
4. New guys on local forums, don't publicly hound guys on the boards for their honeyholes. I promise you, you'd get better feedback if you asked in a PM
What don't you guys like, or would want to change?
I feel the prices on equipment are high for what we are getting. $200 reels that dont perform much better or as well as older reels. Ive said it a few times about my 2003 $70 Pinnacle reel that performance wise matches my 50E's & Helios I had.
The worst is it seems most fisherpeople dont mind paying way over what something should be priced. Like these aftermarket $50- $80 handles for a little $4 piece of graphite & $5 in spindles.
Adding this as another example for around $80 truck chassis
Look at this graphite frame for an RC heli just $50 for all this:
A flooded boat...
A no show for fishing trip...
When you lend out poles while Sea fishing with the only stipulation is they need to wash it off with fresh water when done..and they don't...
On 12/14/2013 at 11:41 AM, slonezp said:3. Clean up your frickin garbage. Don't throw your line in the water. It is magnetized to my prop. You shore guys...bring a garbage bag with you and pick up the garbage and worm containers that is left by the bucketheads. God gave us this resource and man will screw it up.
This. This. This.
Nothing disgusts me more than people who leave their trash behind!
"What You Don't Like About Fishing?"
1. Nothing
2). Nothing
3). Nothing
Our lives have enough challenges to keep us duly occupied.
Seems counter productive to find fault on the small things that are good.
It's all about attitude.
"What You Don't Like About Fishing?"
Guys who commit to a week long fishing trip then back out at the last minute.
Walleye fishing. I'd rather stay home and paint my house.
Cold fronts.
On 12/14/2013 at 12:49 PM, A-Jay said:"What You Don't Like About Fishing?"
1. Nothing
2). Nothing
3). Nothing
Our lives have enough challenges to keep us duly occupied.
Seems counter productive to find fault on the small things that are good.
It's all about attitude.
I'm sure there's tons of things like losing lures or crappy boat launches but its all apart of the game, no matter how remedial or significant it still doesn't agrevate or ruin my fishing.
Im with ya on this slonezp.
We all fish because we love more about it than what we don't like. Or else we would golf or play badminton or some other silly activity. But in my view it would be unrealistic to not recognize the parts of fishing that make it less enjoyable on occasion. Maybe there is a way to turn a negative into a positive. But probably there isn't.
As said above, the cost associated with some items. I need a small outboard for my 14ft tin boat. Looking used and they are still pricey. I just need to not be poor anymore to solve that problem. We have to pay to launch at all locations up here, the conditions are pretty variable.
Im in a small boat fishing and someone in a ski boat cruises on by closer than they should be and faster. Sure, we all share the water but common sense buddy.
The wind. My main lake gets strong winds from the canyon around noon and can make it unfishable in my boat with the waves that go with it.
Oh yeah. WINTER. I can't fish open water around here until April usually.
Getting Skunked. I hate preparing for a day on the water with new presentations to try and the excitement that goes with it. Only to find you are in the wrong spot or throwing the wrong lure, but not realizing it until the day is over. This sucks, but it is a huge motivator to go back and find out what I did wrong and do it right next time around. Nothing is better than learning from a previous smelly outing, and applying what was learned. This is my favorite kind of success.
Too Many lure choices for a beginner
Yeah, I hate about garbage, but that's not limited to fishing per say. There are just so much garbage out there and there are so many who don't care. Amount of trash in this country is crazy.
And for things I would like to change about 'my' fishing situation is about the boat. It is a 'work' to get out there for me with my boat. I break sweat every time. At the same time, this is also what I feel thankful for, that I do have a way to be on the water.
I don't like getting skunked. I used to hate it, but not as much as before. Use of positive thinking made the difference. (So this thread is a bad thread, sloneZP )
The way my hands and fingers stink for hours even after numerous washings.
I can't say I hate fishing cause I do it everyday, but..................I have lost a lot of interest in bass fishing. I no longer fish from a boat in freshwater, been there and done that for many years, don't want another freshwater boat. Fishing bass from shore I'm getting tired of the snakes, fire ants, slow fishing, lack of open water, less challenging, less fight, not many fish over 6 or 7#, reduced public access. All said I'll keep doing it everyday, it's still the easiest game in town around here.
The only thing I can think of is the cost of fuel to tow the boat here and there. I average 40 to 50 bucks round trip for a day of fishing. The boat is cheap to operate because we do not have any large impoundments around here. I burn maybe two gallons of fuel per day of fishing, spending at least 95% of the time on the trolling motor. I can run from May - September on 55 gallons of fuel.
While I don't like the cost of fuel for towing, I enjoy the drives to the road trips and our daughter's home in GA. The ride home, not so much.
Thrash, garbage, plus which ever adjective or adverb y'all want to add!
No discussion required! Totally unacceptable period!
Mainly I just hate the high cost of gear/equipment these days. Use to be fishing was an "every-man's" sport (or every kids). Now a days, it is very expensive to maintain and buy equipment - and I'm not even thinking about your boat!
Then there's the "greenies" that have forced us here in MA to adopt a "No Lead" law. All because they found a dead loon that supposedly died of lead poisoning via ingested fishing sinkers. Especially now with the loon population exploding here. Unbelievalbe! Now we have to use "alternative" material jigs & sinkers. Very expensive move against we sportsmen. And don't even get me started on TUNGSTEN! LOL!
I ABSOLUTLY HATE the fact that there isn't a 10lber caught each time I go out!!! I mean can I catch a break please fishing gods lol
I'm heading out now actually so hopefully they bless me with one close to it lol
There is nothing I hate about fishing per say. Now, throw in careless and inconsiderate people from boats or from shore and you have yourself a entirely different thread. Are there fishing conditions that make my trip extremely challenging? Absolutely! Do I hate it? NO. I made a conscious choice to go out in those challenging conditions so that's on me.
There was a lot more that bothered me before I had my bout with acute pancreatitus. Not even wanting to pick up a fishing rod for a couple months was very strange when I look back on it. Now I'm blessed to be able to go again. Yeah costs keep me close to home...dang co-payments to docs keep me close. Praise the Lord I live close to several lakes here in Tennessee.
So yeah I hate the garbage...think I'm going to take a plastic bag along and spend five minutes on way back putting some other people's ?!@$ in it. I'm going to look at some of these people at the launch who can't seem to launch their boat and load their stuff untill they are right in the middle of the ramp with several people waiting. I'll just shake my head and maybe...maybe ask if they need help. The people who just pull in on me...well...thats a tough one but guess I'll have to work on that one and just shake my head maybe turn on big motor and leave quickly to get out of his way.
Tight Lines....Merry Christmas
It took a lot of thinking, but there is one thing I don't like about fishing. All my local lakes only have one or two boat ramps and they all open at 8am and close at sunset. It's like they don't want me fishing when the fish are biting! We have a dock we have access to on one of the lakes and in the summer if i cant take my boat i will get there around 5:30, or go fishing in the evening till 9:30. Sometimes we carry my boat (Pelican Bass Raider) down 3 flights of stairs and launch it from the dock so we can be on the lake before 8!
On 12/14/2013 at 12:49 PM, A-Jay said:"What You Don't Like About Fishing?"
1. Nothing
2). Nothing
3). Nothing
Our lives have enough challenges to keep us duly occupied.
Seems counter productive to find fault on the small things that are good.
It's all about attitude.
On 12/14/2013 at 2:02 PM, tomustang said:I'm sure there's tons of things like losing lures or crappy boat launches but its all apart of the game, no matter how remedial or significant it still doesn't agrevate or ruin my fishing.
Yes, I know, hate is a strong word. Don't get me wrong. There's not enough money in the world to get me to give up the game. I get thru every day on the water with a smile on my face no matter what the circumstances. It doesn't discount the fact that people need to change. My biggest irks are the lack of respect some have towards others in the the sport. (There's a recent article on *** about this) and the lack of respect towards the fisheries. It's not only the fishermen. There is so much trash in my home water from the pleasure boaters. The agency that manages my home water runs a volunteer cleanup every spring for one weekend after the thaw and before they raise the water to summer pool. Winner of bragging rights goes to the boat that collected the most trash. Shouldn't have to be this way. You'd think, since we have to pay user fees to operate a boat on the system, people would have some respect. Oh, and my ramp fees go to the Fox Lake American Legion Post. I'm not complaining about them. (except of course getting out of the parking lot on Bingo Sunday is next to impossible ) It's the ramp fees on the other fisheries
Horsepower restrictions. There are so many lakes here that are huge that have electric only or 9.9 HP restriction. This limits my boat use to about three areas out of about fifty. Most lakes are so big that the thought of even trying to cover them with a trolling motor is crazy. Why not just make them no wake lakes instead? A 9.9 is essentially a gas trolling motor anyway.
I hate when I take my kayak up to the lake for the day and all my spots are full of tournament fisherman. Its hard to get out beyond them on a kayak. If there are fun fisherman there it is usually one or two. I can work around them, but the tournament guys show up in flocks. I dont get mad at the guys. I dont own the lake so they have as much right to be there as I do, but its disappointing when I've put all my eggs in that one basket. I usually end up fishing unfamiliar water out of consideration for them.
Do I have to limit it to three? LOL
Off the top of my head:
#1..... I really don't know how to put this, because I enjoy fishing, and running tournaments, but the whole tournament culture bugs the crap out of me. That's why I started running my own, I get good turn out's, and it's a bunch of decent guys for the most part. Laid back atmosphere, low stress, low pressure, low entry fee's, 100% payback, open to all....we don't keep track of points/standings, we just have a little invite only "classic" at the end of the year for the guys who cashed during the season. I understand the structure and competiveness at the higher levels, but when it creeps down to the local weeknight/weekend tournaments........enough is enough.
#2.......The slobs and there garbage.....it's bad enough when the weekend pleasure boat crowd does it, but when it's other fisherman? I come unglued. Yeah we have all lost things in the water, or had crap fly/blow out of the boat, but as a fisherman to litter on purpose.....don't let me catch you doing it.
#3.......Excuse making and/or over analytical fisherman. I see people who spend lots of time on the water, and have for years, but are TERRIBLE fisherman.........if your out there for relaxation, and all, and it dosen't matter if you catch or not.......fine. Have at it, it's your right. BUT if you put the time in and still suck, man up and face the fact that you suck!! Don't blame it on the lake, the other guys, the weather, etc.....other people are figuring it out, your not. Go play golf. The flip side is the guy who has a scientific answer for everything under the sun, includeing why seagulls fart in one direction on low pressure days..................listen pal.........it's bass fishing............not the manhattan project. I'm sure if you would have selected the proper crankbait, that had just the right water displacment to imitate a perch sucking bloodworms off the bottom, in 73.4 degree water on the third sat. in June, under a new moon, you would have a won by 20lbs.........but you didn't, and you lost to a guy throwing a brown piece of plastic at a dock post......that's a shame.
"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference."
I absolutely hate breakdowns. I usually go with a certain amount of time and having something break on me on the way or on the water severly cuts down my fishing time. I HATE BREAKDOWNS.
I kinda hate getting skunked but that will be my fault.
I hate when people want everything digested. I have been working for months on a different way of fishing a certain bait. Its working very well and then this guy that I know wants to get all the inside information that has taken me countless hours without doing $#!t. Put in the work yourself! Its fine if you are a newbie I can teach you the little bit I know but you still have to work on it and practice. I had a guy once asked everything from the line to the weight, the plastic, my retrieve. He wanted a course on it.
1. I'm not a morning person, so getting up before dawn sucks.
2. An hour wait to launch, but see #1, if I'd get up I wouldn't have to wait.
3. Fuel costs
4. My biggest gripe is Uncle Arth-r, he always shows up and is a real pain. (arthritis)
1. I hate it when my thumb bleeds from lipping "too many" bass.
2. I hate it when my ribs are bruised from setting the hook on "too many" bass.
On a serious note.
3. I hate the fact that many people feel that its ok to throw their used plastics and fishing line into the lake. You brought it to the lake you take it home.
4. I truly hate the aches and pains that my body goes through after fishing hard for an extended period of time. It actually will limit the amount of pre-fishing I can do as I don't want to be wore out/sore during the tournament.
I cannot stand it when people mishandle fish. laying it in the dirt, holding it wrong, too long out of the water, etc, etc. Some people don't care, and others just don't know any better, so I do my part to help the ones that don't know any better, but it's the other jerk offs that make my blood boil.
Getting old and not being able to enjoy fishing all day or night. Stop whining and go fishing!
YupOn 12/15/2013 at 12:10 AM, Fishing Rhino said:"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference."
1. Trash. It is unfathomable to me that some people are that lazy. I do get the occasional snort out of finding the package for a DT-20 laying on the bank next to a max of 2' of water full of snaggy cover. Lost that one on the first cast, didn't ya, dipstick!
2. Dogs off leashes where they shouldn't be. I love dogs, just not when they're ramming a snout into my crotch while I'm playing a fish.
3. Ducks and geese. They infest a lot of good shoreline and crap everywhere. I know now why so many people shoot them.
P.S. - What's a buckethead?
On 12/15/2013 at 1:55 AM, Jolly Green said:
P.S. - What's a buckethead?
Someone who illegally harvests fish and keep everything he catches. I'll leave it at that. You can search previous threads to get a better idea.
Fish always change what they want, moody like women. Of course, this is also a good thing because if you could throw the same presentation all the time and catch fish, fishing would be plain boring. But it can be hard to build confidence in lures when fish hit them for 1 or 2 days, then they don't and you're left wondering why, and being limited to bank fishing and a very very small selection of tackle doesn't help in my situation. Sometimes I wish I could just tie on the lure that always works, toss it in, and reel in fish, but that is a longshot.
I hate Disrespectful boaters (jet skis/wave runners)/ skiers) or guys in new bass boats that think because they've spent thousands of dollars on a bass boat they should be able to cross my line or cast within 20 ft of my boat and if you anchor right next to me, don’t be mad when I start up my main engine and roar to a different spot (what did you really expect)
People who don’t wait for their turn at the boat ramp, politeness counts A Hole….
On 12/15/2013 at 2:42 AM, Bass Slayer 72 said:I hate Disrespectful boaters (jet skis/wave runners)/ skiers) or guys in new bass boats that think because they've spent thousands of dollars on a bass boat they should be able to cross my line or cast within 20 ft of my boat and if you anchor right next to me, don’t be mad when I start up my main engine and roar to a different spot (what did you really expect)
People who don’t wait for their turn at the boat ramp, politeness counts A Hole….
That can go both ways.
New or seasoned owners... doesn't matter I've seen it both.
At the ramp impatient and ones that take too long.
That's easy:
1. Braid
2. Flouro
3. Other anglers
"Luckily I'm agoraphobic AND antisocial, sometimes $#!t just works out..."
HATE....What a powerful word, and what a shame and a waste of precious time.
Having to go back to work on Monday
On 12/15/2013 at 2:42 AM, Bass Slayer 72 said:I hate Disrespectful boaters (jet skis/wave runners)/ skiers)
And Trash.
There several things that may be bothersome........but Jet Skis I Hate. I know not all of them are like that.....but I would say the vast majority of them are the most discourteous watercraft operators on the water.
When I took my boaters safety class two years ago.......the trooper said that a lot of states were dealing with fisherman pulling guns on jet ski operators, but we were not having these issues here in OK. I kind of chuckled under my breath and dismissed it.
My first time out on the lake 2 weeks later........I encountered the jet skis. By the end of the day I reflected on the troopers story and said out loud, "now I know why people are pulling guns on jet skiers."
We have road rage on the roads.........people hurting people while shopping on Black Friday........and soon we will hear of wave rage on the waterways........more respect for everyone from everyone.
Still hate jet skis though.
1. People - When I'm fishing I find people annoying and rather be left alone. I don't have problem with people who say hello or want to ask me a question, I hate people who don't keep their distance so I can cast, parents who don't tell their kids to give me space, people who surround me, people who make smart ass comments like "oh look, now you have dinner", etc.
2. Geese - Their poop is everywhere, they are in the way sometimes and they can be aggressive. They will take up the walk way as well.
3. Trash - Don't care much about trash on the grass or sides. When people throw trash into the lake or ponds I fish, it drives me nuts.
i dont like seeing multiples of big bass that someone post a picture of back at there house or camp ground and you know they are dead! I understand mounting your biggest bass or something over 8 pounds or whatever number some ppl have picked out to be big enough to mount but i always practice catch and release to hope that people will do the same and keep the spots that i fish going strong with good numbers of big bass but thats not always the case!!!! And i agree with the trash its pretty pathetic how lazy and disrespectful people can be about that!!
As said previously, hate is a strong work/emotion. But, I HATE the punks that just have to destroy a launch site. Such as, tipping over the porta potties, spin doughnuts in the parking lot and launch area, shoot out the lights. Somebody actually carried large pieces of granite/rip-rap from a dike, at least 10 miles away and put them in the water, at a launch site, just under the water so we could run our boats up on them. At another launch site, with very good and well taken care of bathrooms, they do their filthy business in the middle of the ramp.
I don't like, but am getting use to tournament fishers that think they have only two speeds, stop or wide open, no matter how close they come to me. I've learned to just turn my boat nose into the wake and then when I am moving I don't slow down for them. The other fishers that used manners get the same respect from me.
Trash is just disgusting. We used to teach the scouts, if you carried it out, you can carry it back. An awful lot of people just flat don't care about the mess they make. I don't like fishing in an area with the bottom littered with beer cans.
All that being said, I will still put up with it all so that I can get out on the water, catch a few fish and have a conversation with my maker about the wonderful creation that I enjoy.
toy dogs. i wouldn't call it a bark as much as a repetitive ear piercing chirp. i head to nature to get away from the city and noises. 2 of my fisheries have houses on them with toy dogs. these owners lock them outside and the #*(@) things scream all day long. it echoes off the water..and my brain. these places loose all serenity when the dogs are out. i've even encountered two men in a boat with a paris hilton dog that was literally barking for 3 hrs straight. it's bark was still echoing as i moved 500 yds away and ran out of water. these people are inconsiderate pet owner who just want a lap dog or arm decoration but they can't be bothered to discipline their 'dogs' and teach them not to bark? hate isn't a strong enough word for how i feel about these overgrown rats. i wouldn't mind rigging one up as musky bait. now let me tell how i really feel in the end it's the bad pet owners that gotta go. the dogs can stay.
i really dislike crowds personally, especially when the boat has been put away and i wake up at 6 for eyes. Nothing better than being the only boat on the water, IMO.
I love fishing. I love everything about it. What I don't like are the other influences that have a negitive effect on my fishing.
Whiney fishing partners who blame their fishing issues on everything but themselves. Fishing is a problem solving activity. If you don't like solving the problems in front of you go sit on the couch.
Know-it-alls. They are unteachable.
Weather Men. Always plan on them being wrong.
Cold fronts the day before i go fishing.
Having someone pull up and start fishing beside me or friends motor up to talk.
Fishing is the one thing in my life that's always been there for me. it changed my life honestly and turned my perspective of life around but there are a few things that bother me.
1) A lot of older guys will sometimes give younger guys rude comments when we celebrate a win or carry a sense of confidence. I know some young guns that take it to far and rub their success in other peoples faces. I personally don't think there is anything wrong with having confidence when you put out at daylight on tournament day. No matter if im fishing a college tournament or a local one I shoot out at the launch with the mentality that no one in that crowd can beat me that day. is that always true HECK NO. fishing is a losing sport but you must have confidence. now like I said there are some kids that take it to far but this is all just a thought.
2) and I second Gene's Know it all. When you think you know it all a 74 year old man will show up and drop a mega bag on you doing something you thought was out of date. (happened to me this morning) as a younger guy in the sport ill tell you right now if a older guys offers to take you fishing GO. and when you do, shut up, listen and just fish. you will be surprised what you will learn from the "old man"
I hate winter pool draw downs... makes my favorite ramps unusable and makes the fish go crazy for a week or so plus i can't fish the nasty shoreline cover any more.
Only thing I hate about it is when I'm on my way to work and pass someone towing a boat on their way to the lake. I start feeling an itch in my throat as though I should call in sick...
The few things that I dislike have already been mentioned. It comes down to people who have no respect for other people or the lakes they utilize. So nothing about fishing in general, just dumb people.
I really hate nothing about fishing. Only thing I really dislike are the negative things that some PEOPLE do. They've all been listed; trashy people, people who elbow in on fishing spots, people who keep everything they catch, people who hound you for spots with no intention of sharing any of their own, people who don't fish who complain about fishing. Even a bad day of fishing is pretty good, but if I leave the lake with any negative thoughts beyond what I could have done to catch more or bigger fish, chances are some knucklehead is the reason behind it.
1. Sunburn. The sun and I do not get along. I can max out the SPF and still be burned in under an hour.
2. Cold weather. I hate cold less than I love fishing, but not by much.
Running out of beer.
Let's see. Cold fronts, very windy days, people that leave trash out on the lake, and people that move their boats into the structure, or cover that I am fishing when they see me catch one.
What I hate is that I cant go , I hate having everything that allows me to go and just see it sitting there , in hind site , I appreciate it even more when I am able to go .
On 12/15/2013 at 12:06 AM, ww2farmer said:Do I have to limit it to three? LOL
Off the top of my head:
#1..... I really don't know how to put this, because I enjoy fishing, and running tournaments, but the whole tournament culture bugs the crap out of me. That's why I started running my own, I get good turn out's, and it's a bunch of decent guys for the most part. Laid back atmosphere, low stress, low pressure, low entry fee's, 100% payback, open to all....we don't keep track of points/standings, we just have a little invite only "classic" at the end of the year for the guys who cashed during the season. I understand the structure and competiveness at the higher levels, but when it creeps down to the local weeknight/weekend tournaments........enough is enough.
#2.......The slobs and there garbage.....it's bad enough when the weekend pleasure boat crowd does it, but when it's other fisherman? I come unglued. Yeah we have all lost things in the water, or had crap fly/blow out of the boat, but as a fisherman to litter on purpose.....don't let me catch you doing it.
#3.......Excuse making and/or over analytical fisherman. I see people who spend lots of time on the water, and have for years, but are TERRIBLE fisherman.........if your out there for relaxation, and all, and it dosen't matter if you catch or not.......fine. Have at it, it's your right. BUT if you put the time in and still suck, man up and face the fact that you suck!! Don't blame it on the lake, the other guys, the weather, etc.....other people are figuring it out, your not. Go play golf. The flip side is the guy who has a scientific answer for everything under the sun, includeing why seagulls fart in one direction on low pressure days..................listen pal.........it's bass fishing............not the manhattan project. I'm sure if you would have selected the proper crankbait, that had just the right water displacment to imitate a perch sucking bloodworms off the bottom, in 73.4 degree water on the third sat. in June, under a new moon, you would have a won by 20lbs.........but you didn't, and you lost to a guy throwing a brown piece of plastic at a dock post......that's a shame.
Amen, brother
On 12/15/2013 at 12:57 AM, retiredbosn said:1. I'm not a morning person, so getting up before dawn sucks.
I feel you man, especially of you were up late the night before watching tv till 1 in the morning... or till 3
On 12/15/2013 at 8:34 PM, roadwarrior said:Running out of beer.
Don't worry I'll go make a beer swim
just the tourney culture that the sport seems fixated on these days- from the "pros" peddling there sponsors to tiny club guys who think its their right to butt in on taken water because they donated their tourney fee that day to some other guy.
I enjoy tourney's, I just cant stand a lot of the culture that surrounds it.
also, IL waterways are awful in terms of size/availability.
When people are irritating, too aggressive or generally irresponsible it's a PIA, but I can usually go somewhere else, take constructive action at the time (pick up trash, get the x#!)rrrrr line out of the water, get the gum off my shoe, shimmy up a tree if someone sets their dogs on me etc. But the real thing that makes me boil over is when people damage the fisheries. The DNR can't be everywhere. they're funded poorly and overworked. I'm talking about criminals who introduce alien fish such as pike, which were put into trout and bass lakes because some fishermen "like" them. Never mind what it does to the ecology of the lake! They pour baitfish bought elsewhere into streams, illegally take fish of all kinds, and generally ignore the laws and efforts of the DNR to maintain healthy fisheries for all of us. These things I can't walk away from or correct on my own. Some of our laws may tempt me too, but I remember always that they're there for a good reason, put there by people who know a whole lot more than I do. Pardon the rant. And yes the dogs did almost get me
Homeowner associations who compell lake "managers" to dump chemicals in a lake and kill all the plant life.
The excessive number of geese around which attack you in the spring and then crap EVERYWHERE.
Crowded lakes and crowded boat ramps.
I will never complain about fishing! Lots of things disappoint me about the state of my fishing areas but I take the good with the bad and do what I can to "clean up" after those that take it all for granted!!
Oh! Just thought of one thing, time flies exponentially when on the water! Not enough time to get my fix!!
On 12/14/2013 at 8:06 PM, Crestliner2008 said:Mainly I just hate the high cost of gear/equipment these days. Use to be fishing was an "every-man's" sport (or every kids). Now a days, it is very expensive to maintain and buy equipment - and I'm not even thinking about your boat!
sorry, but i just cant get on board with this one. there is still plenty of low cost fishing gear out there that gets the job done just as well as some of the high cost gear. if you choose to buy the high cost items, then thats on you. i will put it like this, my oldest rod and reel happens to be the cheapest one i bought and it still works well. i have caught more bass on a walmart one dollar spinnerbait than i ever have on a war eagle. so really, in most cases, the cost is what you make it, thats all on you...
This is what I don't like about fishing:
1. Not enough time to do it, I'm always wanting to go out..but having little ones doesn't give me the luxury of going out all the time.
2. In Ontario - not only do you get hard water, but the bass season goes by FAST!
3. Like the OP those annoying guys who leave their garbage every where. This season I didn't notice as much as I spent more time on a kayak.
4. Not enough money to get what I want! My wish list keeps getting bigger and bigger, this industry is a money pit.
Their is one other thing that I forgot to mention. Sorry, that would number 4. It's all of you fishers of bass that tell all about all the fish you caught on a lure I don't have. You're all in cahoots with the bait monkey!
The biggest thing for me is dealing with the bucket people and their garbage they leave behind. I have limited my confrontations with them by altering my work schedule so i fish during the week and work the weekends. I fish from a kayak and carry one of those gripper devices that people use for picking up cans and branches without bending over. On slow fishing days i patrol the shoreline and pick up the litter others leave behind. Other than that the only other thing i hate about fishing is that the meditation effect i get from it makes it hard for me to want to come in and face the real world again.
On 12/17/2013 at 4:45 AM, Red Earth said:sorry, but i just cant get on board with this one. there is still plenty of low cost fishing gear out there that gets the job done just as well as some of the high cost gear. if you choose to buy the high cost items, then thats on you. i will put it like this, my oldest rod and reel happens to be the cheapest one i bought and it still works well. i have caught more bass on a walmart one dollar spinnerbait than i ever have on a war eagle. so really, in most cases, the cost is what you make it, thats all on you...
I pretty much agree. Only my own personal observation but some of the people that seem to hawk certain brands as being the best, aren't really catching the best fish or they don't have a camera. Some of the nicest fish I have seen on line or in person are being caught on modest equipment. Don't hate these "experts" as I've never met them, I do have a hard time giving much credence to some of the recommendations.
If I didn't love fishing I wouldn't be doing it everyday, I accept things the way they are, especially when out of my control. Even though this is freshwater time in South Florida I'm not enjoying it as I once did, I force myself to go, I just need to be outdoors.
Snook thats because after buying a color matched outfit and ultra pretty japanese domestic market lure, they dont have $ left to buy a GoPro. But.... I agree with the other guy, the prices are getting stupid. But so is the price of everything else in the world. And we are at fault of that because we keep on voting for the guys responsible for it.
On 12/17/2013 at 9:02 PM, 119 said:Snook thats because after buying a color matched outfit and ultra pretty japanese domestic market lure, they dont have $ left to buy a GoPro. But.... I agree with the other guy, the prices are getting stupid. But so is the price of everything else in the world. And we are at fault of that because we keep on voting for the guys responsible for it.
you can say the prices are getting stupid, and maybe they are for certain brands and models. but they still also sell $20 combos that is capable of catching just as many fish as a $200 combo....my opinion, its your choice to buy the expensive models, no one is forcing you to spend all that money...
On 12/17/2013 at 5:58 PM, SirSnookalot said:I pretty much agree. Only my own personal observation but some of the people that seem to hawk certain brands as being the best, aren't really catching the best fish or they don't have a camera. Some of the nicest fish I have seen on line or in person are being caught on modest equipment. Don't hate these "experts" as I've never met them, I do have a hard time giving much credence to some of the recommendations.
Some people collect stamps, others collect cars and a lot of guys here collect fishing tackle. You certainly don't need to spend
a lot of dough just to "catch" bass, but what you use MIGHT make the "fishing" part more fun. There is a lot of diversity in brands
even among the very best fishermen. On our road trips guys from all over the country bring what is special to them, but there are
several brands that nearly everyone has. I'm always happy to see our guys having success with our sponsors products.
BTW, that fish was caught on a Fat Ika, not one of our sponsored products, but one I recommend everyone carry in their bag!
a few things I hate about fishing...
1) in MN the lakes are frozen for 5 months(not good for bass fishing)
2) ground striking lightning(I typically will put down the 8' flippin stick when this happens... unless the bite is hot...)
3) people who are novice boaters who go out on the busiest days of the year( not good on the ramp or water)
4) people who keep larger than average bass(here in MN anything over 2.5 lbs should be considered a sport fish not food JMO)
5) lake associations and DNR that allow people to kill weeds in the lake because they want to swim... find another lake don't kill fish habitat so you can swim without touching weeds...
6) people who see you catch nice fish then follow you around to each spot( really annoying)
7) i hate that it is not light out longer in the summer i mean 2-3 hours of sleep is all i really need anyway...
8) that I am writhing this post instead of fishing...
Well, I can tell you my list is long so I'll just give you a taste.
Things I hate about fishing...
I can't fish up here from Nov to June
I have to work when I want to fish
I'll never be rich with a Cabela's so close
My thumb feels all scratchy after a good day
I never have enough fishing rods
Looking at my boat with snow on the cover parked next to my garage
Stupid posts from guys in Florida that are still catching bass in December
Kids with Snoopy poles that out fish me.
Trying to remember all the fishing knots over the winter
The way people ask dumb questions like, "If you don't keep the fish, why do you go?"
The Cabelas store and how it calls to me.
How easy it is to get on the internet and buy fishing stuff
Credit limits
OK, I think that's it for now.
I like to fish.
1. Hp restrictions instead of speed limits
2. I need 5 state licenses 4 non residents to fish a 50 mile radius.
3. Migratory birds and their nps guardians.
On 12/19/2013 at 12:15 PM, camovan said:1. Hp restrictions instead of speed limits
2. I need 5 state licenses 4 non residents to fish a 50 mile radius.
3. Migratory birds and their nps guardians.
that's a helluva van.
I already posted once but I want to add another one:
I hate that I spend far too much time daydreaming about fishing and not enough time actually doing it. My purchase of fishing tackle is, in part, a reflection of this. It is, of course, far worse in the winter months.
Having to leave the bite cause you have to push a deuce
Winter in Northwest Indiana
Chocolate Milk!
I don't like the cut throat attitude of competitive bass fishing. Don't show what your using, where your going, or how much you caught. I enjoy fishing with others in the boat, and sharing techniques and spots. I have learned allot from others I have fished with, and enjoy sharing what I have learned. Fishing is relaxing and a form mental therapy. If a partner is catching fish, and having fun, I am thrilled. I fish almost every evening during the week from the bank. There is nothing better then an open bank, Pandora, and a big fish on the line.
The fact that I can't fish enough! haha
Lakes often lack access/parking, not everyone is friendly at the ramp or on the water
Since I really do not like winter, ICE would be my final answer!!
Going to set the hook , then your line breaks
Another thing I don't like besides not catching a 10+ lb bass every cast is when you get that ANNOYING PESTERING BUG that won't leav you alone lol. I just don't like vein bothered by flying bugs period but they come with fishing so unfortunately they must be tolerated
Jet Skiers
Overall i have few complaints but i cannot stand people in power boats thinking they own the water when i am in my kayak and they start fishing close enough that i can cast and hit them....not saying i would/have tried to do that or anything....
Turtles that follow me around all day. They're awful mean when I try to unhook them. You'd think they'd be grateful.
On 12/24/2013 at 1:38 PM, slonezp said:Turtles that follow me around all day. They're awful mean when I try to unhook them. You'd think they'd be grateful.
Especially the heads that pop out
On 12/24/2013 at 1:38 PM, slonezp said:Turtles that follow me around all day. They're awful mean when I try to unhook them. You'd think they'd be grateful.
man, i dont even mess with them, i just cut the line and let them have my hook. usually when i catch a turtle though, im live bait fishing and the turtle is huge as hell with horns all over his head and hissing at me. i might feel different if it was a lure, but just a hook and im cutting it lol. one night me and my brother in law were night fishing off my uncles dock at Smith Mtn Lake, VA and kept getting harassed by this giant turtle, homie mustve had 10 hooks stuck in him by nights end...
On 12/24/2013 at 1:38 PM, slonezp said:Turtles that follow me around all day. They're awful mean when I try to unhook them. You'd think they'd be grateful.
I have that same problem but with gators!!
On 12/24/2013 at 11:51 PM, BassinLou said:I have that same problem but with gators!!
How do you unhook them?
When I was fishing 4 to 6 Times a week, i had plenty of things that I didn't like about fishing. But now that career path has forced my boat into dry storage most of the year. I can't really think of any... I mean sure I can think of a few things that used to rattle my nerves, but I'd take every jet ski on the lake coming by, all of the annoying bugs and harsh extreme weather to get back into the fishing groove that I was in.
I'm just greatful to be a fisherman, don't have too Much to complain about. But I wouldn't cry if fuel prices were to come down
On 12/25/2013 at 12:35 AM, slonezp said:How do you unhook them?
When one decides to take my lure, which is extremely, extremely, rare the gator gets to keep it. LOL
On 12/25/2013 at 3:07 AM, BassinLou said:When one decides to take my lure, which is extremely, extremely, rare the gator gets to keep it. LOL
And up here we are worried about turtles
Being brand new in town, a new lake, new to freshwater, and trying to keep up with all the styles,advice, do's, dont's, and........nevermind! Its actually pretty fun starting over again and reading all that you guys throw down just intrigues me to want to know more. Been fishing the texas gulf coast my whole life and had more fun fishing for Bass over the last 4 months than I can ever remember on the water.
That being said, be nice to the rookies..Its no the size of the Fish you caught, its the fact you were not at work. Merry Christmas.
On 12/25/2013 at 4:43 AM, red23fox said:Being brand new in town, a new lake, new to freshwater, and trying to keep up with all the styles,advice, do's, dont's, and........nevermind! Its actually pretty fun starting over again and reading all that you guys throw down just intrigues me to want to know more. Been fishing the texas gulf coast my whole life and had more fun fishing for Bass over the last 4 months than I can ever remember on the water.
That being said, be nice to the rookies..Its no the size of the Fish you caught, its the fact you were not at work. Merry Christmas.
Welcome to BR ~
On 12/25/2013 at 12:35 AM, slonezp said:How do you unhook them?
On 12/25/2013 at 12:35 AM, slonezp said:How do you unhook them?
You cut the line, crank it up and Leave!!
Trust me....
On 12/25/2013 at 11:31 PM, Mike L said:You cut the line, crank it up and Leave!!
Trust me....
I've seen gators a coupe times. Once on a trip to Santee Cooper and once on a trip to Toho. Seemed they were more scared of the boat than anything. I could see how a guy fishing from shore could be at risk, but they never bothered the boat. Do they hit baits?
Ok back to the question....
* Getting up at 2;30 am to be at the ramp by 6:00, and the coffee machine didnt come on...
* Un hooking my boaters boat when it's 40 deg and stepping in to thigh deep water, and having no towel, change of pant's or sock's...
* Going 70 mph around blind corners through a narrow cut on Big O...
* Inconsiderate airboat owners...
* Hooking a 14ft gator who isn't too happy about it...
On 12/25/2013 at 11:37 PM, slonezp said:I've seen gators a coupe times. Once on a trip to Santee Cooper and once on a trip to Toho. Seemed they were more scared of the boat than anything. I could see how a guy fishing from shore could be at risk, but they never bothered the boat. Do they hit baits?
They'll hit a top water [especially a bussbait or a frog] if you happen to drop it on top of them if they're submerged,
or if it lands close to shore and they happen to close by...I've had small ones 2-4 footers follow a frog right to the boat!
One time on Istopoka my boater threw a popping frog about a foot from a reed line, popped it a few times and the water exploded like a bomb went off. He rolled over a few times, the boater yanked and reeled so fast his reel came off the rod!
I thought that man was gonna have a heart attack..
We cranked it up and he didn't stop until we were on the other side of the lake!!
True story..
what i dont like, a skunk day
or not enough time to just go out.
Jet skis
Being from the south carolina lowcounty.....the only thing i hate about fishing is that bug spray doesnt keep sand gnats from eating you up
Try nonatz......it works.
I hate having to load my kayak on my van. Once I arrive at the launch site, I hate having to transfer and secure my gear onto the kayak. Packing up and going home is no thrill if I don't get any fish.
On 12/30/2013 at 6:32 AM, fish_oil said:I hate having to load my kayak on my van. Once I arrive at the launch site, I hate having to transfer and secure my gear onto the kayak. Packing up and going home is no thrill if I don't get any fish.
I can relate, that is why I am saving up for a trailer and then i can drive to the lake with everything pretty much rigged and ready to go.
I hate that I am not very good at it. If I can catch one or two times out I feel lucky.
Oh well,,,,, better than sitting at home.