When asked where I'm fishing at what I used, I never tell. Too many people around here catch to eat, even in catch and release waters, and I don't want that pressure.
Plenty of fish where I'm fishing at so I tell them the secrets. Baits, locations, even about my lucky deodorant. Its a mix of Hoppes gun oil and WD-40 with just a hint of diesel fuel. Drives the ladies crazy.
I am definitely a jerk. If it's a friend, I'm more willing to talk. But strangers? Nope.
"Catching anything?"
Me " A few."
"What on?"
Me "This and that. Bye"
I tell everyone pink buzzbaits.
Nah, I usually don't mind sharing info.
I just posted a snapchat of a musky showing my exact location which is pretty much on campus and it will be seen by over 150 people
When asked what I catch them on:
"Carolina rigged buzz bait..."
If I am fortunate to be catching fish and someone asks, I will try to point them in the right direction.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that the reason for this forum?
I'm definitely a jerk but that's unrelated to fishing. I'll usually tell you what I caught them on.
On 9/10/2017 at 9:34 AM, Weedwhacker said:
If I am fortunate to be catching fish and someone asks, I will try to point them in the right direction.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that the reason for this forum?
That's different. Most of us aren't fishing the same location. The same lakes and rivers in some cases, but different spots. Plus we know if you're here, you're a responsible angler. It's just different.
I will share what is working with other bass fishermen in boats that i believe are also C+r guys like me because even in a tourney i am there to have fun. I will also talk to people and if there good solid people i will share with them. The guy sitting on the bucket on the shore is getting nothing
I agree I'm a "jerk" when it comes to fishing .. a lot of people catch and take or they are careless. We also have a lot of Amish folks where I live and they literally catch and eat anything and everything which is annoying. If they ask I'll say yeah I got some but won't say on what.. it was funny the day I got my PB I was super excited and obviosuly could tell I got something big but when asked all I said was eh.. was round 2 pounds. Nothing big ha
around the lakes i fish the meat fishermen are usually using live bait for catfish or panfish.
Problem is most of the bass that are kept and eaten are caught incidentally by these guys.
whenever I get a chance, I try to explain the benefits of releasing the predators like bass, so the panfish population does not get overpopulated and stunted.
I'll tell whoever ask what I use and where I fish. My is private lake so it might be a little different.
I can certainly understand the OP perspective & sentiment regarding giving up prime fishing spots.
I will often give up a little info to an inquiring mind. But it's presented in a manner than if you had to ask, it probably won't help. But if you were experienced in 'listening' there could be some help tucked in the response somewhere.
Incidentally, every body of water I fish is Always call Lake Menderchuck - that's just the way it goes.
btw - there has to be a more appropriate name (if there even needs to be one) for keeping good lakes or spots to oneself, instead of 'jerk'.
Perhaps Mr. Magoo would be better.
On 9/10/2017 at 11:19 AM, A-Jay said:I can certainly understand the OP perspective & sentiment regarding giving up prime fishing spots.
I will often give up a little info to an inquiring mind. But it's presented in a manner than if you had to ask, it probably won't help. But if you were experienced in 'listening' there could be some help tucked in the response somewhere.
Incidentally, every body of water I fish is Always call Lake Menderchuck - that's just the way it goes.
btw - there has to be a more appropriate name (if there even needs to be one) for keeping good lakes or spots to oneself, instead of 'jerk'.
Perhaps Mr. Magoo would be better.
Funny story about that. I was fishing with my wife and son this evening when an old man known for eating every single thing he catches came up and asked if I had any luck. I told him nothing yet. My son being 9 chimed in and said, "What about that big one earlier?" Oh, that. It wasn't that big. The guy asked me what I used and I just said, "bait." I think he got the point. My wife laughed and called me a jerk (jokingly) afterwards. That whole exchange prompted the thread.
So y'all want to learn how to fish Toledo Bend?
260 pages, 6,494 replies, & 958,309 views!
Uh no! I'll share with anyone!
Just cause you know where I'm fishing doesn't mean you know how I'm catching em!
Oh yea!
If I see your car, truck, kayak, or boat I'll know where you're fishing & I aint here just to fish...I'm here for your fish!
Ask me, I have no problem sharing with what, I may even tell you where and how but you ain't me and it's my style what catches them.
I come off as a jerk on the internet. But ask anyone from Bass Resource (except wnybassman lol) who's met me. I'll bend over backwards to take them fishing, teach them how to fish my lake, and share (sometimes too much) info. BUT..part of this goes back to me being a jerk. I have the attitude of "I can show you everything I do/know, and your still not going to catch them better than me"....It's just the way I'm wired. That goes into another realm of what people might consider "being a jerk"....But I am not going to apologize for my confidence in my abilities. Plus....I have statistics to back it up, just ask me, and I'll be willing to share those as well LMAO.
Nobody asks.
As long as there isn't a 5 gallon bucket at your feet, I will tell you exactly what I am catching on and even offer up a few plastics if needed.
Personally, I'll tell others what i use and try to be a very friendly and positive angler if asked right.
I believe it really depends on how you go about it as a person and how you ask it.
When i started to trout fish, I was told to **** off by others most often or not and felt like giving up.
But this older angler told me to stop using power bait and offer to give me one of his pink worms.
I turned down his offer but he was not taking no for an answer, He stopped fishing just to came out of the river and rig my worm for me and said trust me you'll catch a fish with that, I felt bad but sure enough i got one.
It was a keeper and i wanted to give it to him as some kind of payment but he told me to keep it and said i earned it.
I ended to throwing it back and packed up and headed home.
From this point on, I still use these for trout,panfish,etc.
Sometime afterwards, I went to a lake with some anglers who happen to be from new york.
A guy and his buddy, We just got there and we were using a pink work + slipshot rig and they were laughing and being real jerks.
"You'll never catch a fish on that, The only fish you'll catch is a gay one and there are none, Look "name here" they'll never get anything with those rods/setups ahahaha, We're using spinners they're to advance for you."
Karma got them, In a total of a half hour we were pulling them in left and right and ended up taking four rainbows home for dinner in our bucket.
They only caught one rainbow out of the whole time being there.
It really depends on if I believe your gonna put everything you catch in the frying pan or not. That and if I know I'll be fishing against you that weekend ill keep my secrets to myself. Usually I'll try and be helpful though. I've had some really good sticks be really helpful and good to me so I try and pay it back.
I will usually give up the TYPE of bait I'm using.... square bill, jerk bait, soft plastics, top water baits, etc. if someone is really having a hard time. I don't feel obligated to share finishes, colors, presentation styles, etc.
As kind of a different perspective ,if I'm struggling and ask someone,( which I usually won't unless I know them or they approach me) I won't do what are you catching them on but more like what depth were you fishing? Or were you fishing on the main lake or in creek arms etc. I don't nat hem to do the work for me that's part of the fun just give me a little piece of info to point me in the right direction.
I don't mind sharing anything and everything MOST of the time. Fishing for already caught fish is a pattern that's way over rated. The skilled anglers usually will do well no matter what. Unskilled anglers usually will not. Imo
I'm usually an open book personally unless I know you're gonna eat the fish, but I understand other people not wanting to give up the secrets to their success for that day and I respect that. The only one that annoys me is people not wanting to say how they did or what they caught. I don't see how telling someone what you caught could possibly in any way give that person an advantage unless they were watching you all day, observing your technique and lure selection, in which case they already know how you did and telling them otherwise just makes you look like a pathological liar.
It's all relative. Divulging the exact presentation one might be catching fish with on a small lake that could potentially get pressured is not a good idea. Being less specific like just saying "soft plastics in shallow water" on Lake Erie is probably not going to bring out an army of anglers.
Yes, I'm 71 and have met some real nice "sharing" people in my travels. About five years ago a guide was coming off the water as I was putting in. I asked how he did and he not only shared info but gave me a couple swim baits that were working for him. So yes I share, I even have given a few soft plastic baits to fellow anglers. Especially young anglers when I'm on the water. It's a great feeling.
well here in VA about all the locals know , where , when, how and what to catch em on. The out of state'rs are not going to stay long enough to bother the Bass population any way. lol
While I'm fishing I really don't like being bothered, I'm kinda in the zone. That and it's usually not reciprocated. Today a guy cruises by and asks how I'm doing etc. and I tell him I'm doing alright etc. and then he's just like cool and moves on without sharing anything. That kinda irks me. I probably should just stay quiet or curt while on the water.
Once I'm off the water I have no problems sharing and talking about where/how I'm catching fish. Most of the bites around here change pretty quickly and I fish a handful of different lakes so if the person is following the bite instead of leading it it's really no skin off my back.
For me it depends a lot on the attitude of the person and where Im fishing. Im not too worried about" meat " fishermen.Many of the places I fish have TOO MANY bass anyway and they might even be stunted and need to be thinned out . If theyre asking they probably still wont catch many even with the extra knowledge. ( how many times have you gone out knowing what youre doing and still got skunked?) There are too many little details about bass fishing that a little knowledge given wont really help an inexperienced fisherman that much.I usually help kids and undemanding folks. I might even start the conversation.T hat being said,
I have a few trusted friends I search new ponds with. If I find a good one,I will share with them and they do the same with me. These we guard with our " circle of trust" . The ones a friend found I dont share with anyone else because that isnt fair to my friend. If I find one I may or may not share it depending on whos asking.
Yeah, I'm a cranky loner and a jerk. I don't ask for info on your locations, patterns, or anything else. I put in the effort to find productive waters and spots, and I try to figure them out myself. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don't. I expect others who share these small, public fisheries with me to do the same.
Sorry, I guess.
Just this saturday I had a guy, unsolicited, give me a tip that turned the day around. It was a small pond, so I am sure he saw me trying for an hour to get the bass to eat what they wanted all last month (pink robo on a dropshot) and as he passed me just said "throw a lipless out like you are trying to lose it and reel it in nice and fast". Sure enough, I did it and bagan catching almost immediately. I got about 5 in an hour and walked over to thank him. He said that he had been there since 6am (I arrived around 9am) and had "wasted two hours with a damm pink worm" as well, so he couldn't stand to see me waste my time too. It turns out that I had turned him onto the pink worm weeks ago and he was repaying the favour. He had a fly rod the first time and a pair of baitcaster the second, so I guess I remember gear more then faces, but my kindness was repaid and I ended the day with 8 bass all between 1.5 and 2.5, which is great for that spot.
Today there was a rather big tournament on my lake so I avoided some of my better spot. I set up on some shallows in the open part of the the lake.....an area surrounded by markers. Mid morning, a highly sponsored competitor buzzed withing 50 feet of me. His son was on board and quickly shut it down and circled back. He gestured to approach and I waved him in.....He apologized and threw me a bag of hula grubs. Then said, " if your looking for numbers go to x". He said he had seen me over the summer and we exchanged pleasantries. This was clearly a situation that could have got heated, but I felt pretty good after the encounter.
I seldom fish my better spots during a tournament .
On 9/10/2017 at 9:34 AM, Weedwhacker said:
If I am fortunate to be catching fish and someone asks, I will try to point them in the right direction.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that the reason for this forum?
Nope. I'll help a kid study, but I'm not going to help him take the test.
I am wary of people who catch and kill everything. I'm a huge rule enforcer haha. Especially during trout season. Overall, I try to be as helpful as I can to people. I learned A LOT from awesome local fisherman all over the country who were willing to help little ole rookie me. Including this forum. I will never forget where I started. Even if I see people struggling I'll take the time to show them a thing or two. We're all in this together. I can be your best friend or worst enemy. Since I just moved to a different state I'm still learning the area. The other day I said good morning to a father and his son and asked if the area was pretty decent since I have never fished it. They didn't even acknowledge me. Just looked at me and turned around. Maybe they didn't hear me so I asked again-same response. They didn't catch anything and I was laughing the entire time reeling in dem bass.
On 9/10/2017 at 9:19 AM, Gundog said:Plenty of fish where I'm fishing at so I tell them the secrets. Baits, locations, even about my lucky deodorant. Its a mix of Hoppes gun oil and WD-40 with just a hint of diesel fuel. Drives the ladies crazy.
Wow, thanks for sharing that secret with us, i am going to try it!
I've had a lot of veteran bass fishermen give me some very helpful tips, not specific lures or spots so much, but techniques and stuff to look for(which I think are far more valuable). I try to pass on the favor, although I feel my bass knowledge is limited, I try to pass on what I can.
I generally tailor the information to the person asking. I will give descriptions of what to look for structurally and presentations that should produce but I do not give specific spots away unless I really know the angler well.
I don't give out information Willy nilly, but have a group of friends we share info back and forth. I will help out a new angler as well. If I see a kid in a boat, I am all in with helping any way I can. It always brings a smile to my face when I see a parent with a kid fishing.
I am the opposite of a jerk. I share info for free. If someone asks me what I used I gladly tell em' I caught it on a wacky rigged senko or a ned rig. It's no secret anyone can catch on these baits and fish will always bite them.
As far as fishing spots go I have a few so if someone is in one of my favorite spots I move on to the next. I rarely stay in one place for more than 20 minutes to give everyone a chance at. I had a guy pass my kayak yesterday on his Lund (no offense A-Jay) and throw his hands up in the air. I can only imagine that was him trying to say why are you in that spot as why wouldn't you just wave like I did? He anchored about 50 feet away to start fishing. Once I left he moved in and anchored there wouldn't even look at me as he passed.
Really sad when people act this way. If you think about it I don't know this guy but I do know we have one thing in common already, fishing. We could have struck up a convo about that rather than getting pissy that I was in a local hot spot first.
People who keep everything are not educating fish. It's actually the strictly catch and release crowd that do that. I'm not judging either group. But the places I usually fish, there aren't many people fishing anyway so it doesn't matter what I tell them.
I'm definitely not a jerk about things, but what I share is very situational.
I would have very few issues with telling what I could, but I don't really know that much myself. How much detail I give out as to locations would depend on the circumstances. I would certainly be a lot more specific with an enthusiastic young person who is just trying to learn the sport than I would with someone older who just appears to be too lazy to try and work things out like I am doing for myself right now (with a lot of help from Bass Resource ).
I feel that in the right situation I would love to meet someone who is as clueless as I am so that we could practice and learn together, passing our discoveries back and forth to each other. At the moment, I have no fishing friends, so I'm a shore fisherman who is strictly on his own.
To me a "jerk" is someone who actively interferes with another fisherman's free access (on public waters) to this resource OR is simply unpleasant and/or unfriendly to other fishermen. Having said that, no, I'm not a jerk. They have as much right as I have to public waters and I am as pleasant as peach pie. As far as telling them WHERE the fish are and/or WHAT to use, etc, I'm rather unlikely to do the former but relatively likely to help them with the latter. IF they have a 5 gallon bucket or a stringer, I generally assume they are keeping fish (which is fine within their legal limit) but I am generally less helpful still.
It depends, if the conversation starts with "there any catfish in here" I usually just keep my mouth shut, I had a couple young men start the conversation by calling me sir and acting respectful... I was more open with details about where to go with them.
It depends who it is. Unfortunately my local pond has drivable shore line so I get people driving thier freaking car right up 6 ft. away from me and choke out a 'bitin?'. This can happen up to 6 times an hour and gets real aggrivating when it's obvious they aren't even fishing just looking for people to talk to. Im more than friendly to other c+r bassers or kids especially. I'll save bobbers and lures I find and give it to a kid in a minute. I don't mind sharing what's working to like-minded folks.
I'd fall into the camp where it's depending on the situation. I'll always be respectful, but tend to keep it very general at places that already receive an insane amount of pressure. If somebody is genuinely trying to learn though, or particularly if they're trying to get a kid on some fish, I don't hesitate at all to give out specifics or even lending baits I'm using as I'm leaving.
Where did you catch them?
"In the mouth"
On what?
Typically no more questions are asked after those two answers.
I will let people know what I am using. It doesn't really matter to me. Most of the time they won't know how to work the lure the right way if they need to ask random people what they're using.
I don't ask others what they are using. I might say, "any luck today?" or something of that nature.
I've had other anglers generally be pretty courteous to me, so unless someone is being a jerk, littering, or being generally obnoxious, I'm probably going to help them out. I've had people be patient with me while I've struggled with things in the past, and I genuinely enjoy seeing someone start to "get it".
To strangers while I'm fishing the response to "Catching anything?" is always "Not yet".
My fishing friends get full details.
I use jerk baits.
If I am asked a question, I tell no lies.
Only to people who give me a reason to be.
I'll share most of what I know. Just because somewhere knows where and on what I caught my fish, doesn't mean they're going to be able to go catch them too.
I'm not a jerk but I don't go into great detail. I never lie though.
I don't ever catch fish so no one ever asks me.
If is share things with others it is usually situational. So with people I know I will give them more specifics. With complete strangers it always depends.
Years back I was fishing a really tiny lake. Seen a mom with her boys out fishing(dad probably at work). They were friendly and polite but weren't catching much. I gave them some baits and terminal tackle and explained what they could try and where. They thanked me. Always enjoy helping/teaching when I can. It is also good to see kids outside and doing something other than being glued to a TV, video game, phone, or computer.
I have no problem telling what I am catching them on. I won't hesitate to ask what someone else is catching them on. Bass are fickcle so just because someone else is having success doesn't necessarily mean that someone else throwing the same stuff will yield the same results.
On 9/14/2017 at 8:57 AM, LxVE Bassin said:I have no problem telling what I am catching them on. I won't hesitate to ask what someone else is catching them on. Bass are fickcle so just because someone else is having success doesn't necessarily mean that someone else throwing the same stuff will yield the same results.
True. Last weekend I took my buddy out to a little pond that basically nobody fishes for bass because they don't believe there's anything in it, but awhile back I quickly found out that it's a hot spot and has some good ones. He hasn't caught a bass all year so I figured he had to be able to catch one here. NOPE. No luck. I even tried him on a Senko rigged Texas style, fishing slowly and showing him exactly how to do it. I caught my share including big mama pictured below but his technique was just not the same no matter how much I tried show him.
On 9/14/2017 at 9:04 AM, Sword of the Lord said:True. Last weekend I took my buddy out to a little pond that basically nobody fishes for bass because they don't believe there's anything in it, but awhile back I quickly found out that it's a hot spot and has some good ones. He hasn't caught a bass all year so I figured he had to be able to catch one here. NOPE. No luck. I even tried him on a Senko rigged Texas style, fishing slowly and showing him exactly how to do it. I caught my share including big mama pictured below but his technique was just not the same no matter how much I tried show him.
Good stuff, no one can fully duplicate how another person works a bait. You just proved it.
On 9/14/2017 at 9:17 AM, LxVE Bassin said:
Good stuff, no one can fully duplicate how another person works a bait. You just proved it.
It takes so much more time to get a technique down and know when and how to change it up than most people realize.
I guess I'm just super protective. I don't want to go fishing one day to find out that my blabber mouth resulted in heavy pressure, gut hooked and killed fished, illegal over harvesting, etc. I like my spots, and I want to keep liking them.
On 9/14/2017 at 9:28 AM, Sword of the Lord said:It takes so much more time to get a technique down and know when and how to change it up than most people realize.
I guess I'm just super protective. I don't want to go fishing one day to find out that my blabber mouth resulted in heavy pressure, gut hooked and killed fished, illegal over harvesting, etc. I like my spots, and I want to keep liking them.
Im with you, can't knock anybody for wanting to keep things private. You brought up great points.
Every area and spot I fish is 100% accessible to any person at any time. There are times when there are people there, and there are times when there are no people there. They see me catching, they see what lure I'm throwing, if they have it, they throw it and hopefully catch something.
When I post on another site that I frequent, I don't bother posting locations. Rather, I post techniques and the structure or environment I was fishing in as it's more helpful to anglers to learn how to apply what I'm doing rather than giving them a specific location.
I never catch anything so I can't tell them.
If I do, I'll tell 'em. Fishing is a community sport - the idea of keeping all these "honey holes" secret is obscene to me.
I'll tell anyone who wants to know anything they want about a good shoreline pattern that I'm on (outside of tournaments), that stuff comes and goes by the day. The one thing that I will not share with anybody, at all, is an offshore spot. That stuff stays the same forever, and holds fish year round. The only person who I would show an offshore spot to is the guy who showed me some of his offshore spots.
On 9/15/2017 at 5:21 AM, CybrSlydr said:I never catch anything so I can't tell them.
If I do, I'll tell 'em. Fishing is a community sport - the idea of keeping all these "honey holes" secret is obscene to me.
So the guy that never catches anything is against keeping honey holes a secret. Hmmmmm....
Reminds me of an old Russian story...
On 9/15/2017 at 5:21 AM, CybrSlydr said:I never catch anything so I can't tell them.
If I do, I'll tell 'em. Fishing is a community sport - the idea of keeping all these "honey holes" secret is obscene to me.
Sounds a whole lot like "I can't find them, help" but I digress.
I don't think it would be obscene to you if you've seen people around your spots just cut the line on gut hooked bass instead of try, harvest illegally, or bring the whole neighborhood down.
On 9/10/2017 at 10:21 AM, Angry John said:I will share what is working with other bass fishermen in boats that i believe are also C+r guys like me because even in a tourney i am there to have fun. I will also talk to people and if there good solid people i will share with them. The guy sitting on the bucket on the shore is getting nothing
As someone who exclusively fishes from the bank, that's a bummer to hear, but I guess I understand. Never catch me with a bucket though. Just a couple of rods and my backpack.
Last time I fished my local lake, I had a couple of guys in a boat ask me what I was using after I caught three right in front of them. I shared. Even tossed them a handful of the plastics because they didn't have anything in their boat that color.
Guess I fall on the other end of the spectrum. Don't mind sharing at all.
My experience is that if I give a little, I seem to get a lot. A couple of guys in a Jon boat saw me catch a couple of decent (1 1/2 - 2 pound) bass from one of my more productive spots and asked what I was using. They were using spinnerbaits with no success. We chatted a bit, swapping lies about how good we were, and I explained the weightless fluke I was using and how I was fishing it. They thanked me, then described how an old roadbed ran the length of the lake and how it meandered from one side to the other.
Now this occurred last year, but this past weekend when I was having no luck fishing shallow, I remembered the info they shared and moved out deeper to where I guessed that roadbed was and apparently guessed correctly because I caught three decent fish in less than a half hour. Since I fish from a kayak with no electronics, I would probably never have tried the area they described if they hadn't shared their knowledge. A whole new area of the lake was opened up to me and as the weather here in Massachusetts gets colder, I suspect I'm going to be fishing this area more and more.
There seem to be a lot of guys like me who just enjoy bass fishing and enjoy the camaraderie the sport provides. Now if they had been a couple of yahoos in one of those $70,000.00 fishing rockets, I would have told them I was using sardines soaked in panther sweat. My personal experience with that type is that they consider those of us who can't afford the fancy equipment as not being REAL fishermen. Not trying to rant - just relaying my personal experience. I have met a couple of them who were absolutely fantastic, but that doesn't seem to be the norm around here.
On 9/15/2017 at 9:58 AM, Sword of the Lord said:Sounds a whole lot like "I can't find them, help" but I digress.
I don't think it would be obscene to you if you've seen people around your spots just cut the line on gut hooked bass instead of try, harvest illegally, or bring the whole neighborhood down.
I'm not going to hide where I fish or prevent a fellow angler from doing so. I even post GPS locations in my threads Nobody owns the fish - if I can help someone else profit where I failed, I will.
I generally keep to myself. I'll give the most basic, broad answers that I can. However, my tournament partner tells people exactly what we've caught, what size, what we're using, and locations. Drives me nuts when he does that.
So.... what I'm getting is that yes, some fishermen are a bit on jerk side, while others are open and friendly and forthcoming about what, how and where they are catching. Good to know that some folks still believe in being neighborly. I'm something of a believer in karma, both good and bad, and I'd rather do what I can to attract the good kind.
On 9/16/2017 at 6:01 AM, RPreeb said:So.... what I'm getting is that yes, some fishermen are a bit on jerk side, while others are open and friendly and forthcoming about what, how and where they are catching. Good to know that some folks still believe in being neighborly. I'm something of a believer in karma, both good and bad, and I'd rather do what I can to attract the good kind.
Would always rather stay on the good side of karma
Unfortunately I'm not good enough to really have any great spots or baits. If I am fortunate enough to have some good outings I'll share especially if the person seems like a nice guy. Now if I find some kind of "honey hole" I may be a little more tight lipped.
However, a lot of my fishing revolves around fishing with high school kids and their boat captains. We share a lot.
On 9/15/2017 at 9:58 AM, Sword of the Lord said:Sounds a whole lot like "I can't find them, help" but I digress.
I don't think it would be obscene to you if you've seen people around your spots just cut the line on gut hooked bass instead of try, harvest illegally, or bring the whole neighborhood down.
Your spots? Do you own the land? If not, they are not "your" spots.
On 9/16/2017 at 8:28 AM, .ghoti. said:Your spots? Do you own the land? If not, they are not "your" spots.
This reply reminds me of people who scold people for saying "we" in regards to their sports teams. Nonsensical.
Please explain just what is nonsense about the legality of owning real estate.
On 9/16/2017 at 8:28 AM, .ghoti. said:Your spots? Do you own the land? If not, they are not "your" spots.
I must be lucky to live where I do. there are several good places to bass fish within an hour of my house.
I have trouble understanding the secret hole mentality. I don't fish just one spot on any lake.
the Smallest lake I fish is 400 acres.
a normal day on that little lake, there are at least 3 dozen different spots I fish.
if someone Is having trouble catching fish, I have no problem showing one to them and to look for similar areas around the lake.
hopefully if I am having a bad day, someone will do the same.
There are no secrets anymore.
They are not "my or your" spots. But if I have to put in the time and effort to find them then figure out how to put fish in the boat there so should everyone else. There are exceptions. If I find a spot holding a ton of Kentucky's in the 12-15 inch range I'll be real open with anybody. If I come onto a spot holding a school of 2-6 lbers my ole lady would be lucky if I took her there lol
I fish smaller waters such as creeks and retention ponds. This summer has produced the best largemouth fishing I've ever experienced in both size and numbers. I can attribute a lot of this to what I've read on these forums and from a member introducing me to some prime spots. That said, I tend to be very protective of my "honey holes". In reflection though it occurred to me that lots of big fish isn't the essence of our sport. (Did I just say that?). As hard as it is to believe, one can become bored catching 3-5 lbrs. all morning. It gives one pause to open up a little. (maybe)
On 9/18/2017 at 1:55 AM, The Bassman said:As hard as it is to believe, one can become bored catching 3-5 lbrs. all morning. It gives one pause to open up a little
Yeah, catching 3-5 pounders all morning is my idea of absolute hell also
I eat some of the legal keeper fish that I catch so I guess I am the jerk in this whole scenario. I don't ever ask other people what they were using or where, I just say hello or how's it going. I also share legal keepers with the less fortunate. In general it is my opinion that not being a jerk is always the best play. Who wants to be known as someone who doesn't share fish with their fellow man?
There aren't enough bass enthusiasts in my area for sharin' info to be a problem, it seems. Being new in town, I've spent the last weeks fishing every pond in town, putting in several hours every day. A few key pointers, vague ones but pointers nonetheless, have really helped me find a few crucial spots. I've met a few serious anglers, but no real bassheads so far. As someone who enjoys camaraderie, I never hesitate to chat it up with anyone who seems like they know what they're talking about.
On 9/22/2017 at 11:52 PM, TnRiver46 said:I eat some of the legal keeper fish that I catch so I guess I am the jerk in this whole scenario. I don't ever ask other people what they were using or where, I just say hello or how's it going. I also share legal keepers with the less fortunate. In general it is my opinion that not being a jerk is always the best play. Who wants to be known as someone who doesn't share fish with their fellow man?
I should definitely clarify that I refuse to share in a pond or a small lake because bass can easily become pressure, spots can be ruined, illegally harvested, and it can, just become a nightmare. Now a river, whatever. I'll tell ya, and I don't even care what you take. My spots on small waters are sacred. That's my enjoyment.
And again for certain people, me saying "my spot" is like saying "we won" when it comes to my sports teams. I know I don't own the spot and I'm not part of the team, but I'm invested.
I’ll tell anyone what I’ve been doing. I figure fishing so variable that even if I slaughter then one day or even consistently for awhile things will change fast. I also think patience and technique plays such a big role that the information doesn’t hurt, because success is not guaranteed.
Life is too short to hang around with jerks, and way too short to be one.
I believe it is the sporting (and proper) thing to share quality information with other sportsman.
There are no your or my spots.
If another boat is already on a "spot" and it is a small or confined area then it would be rude to bust in on them. Like a four way stop that befuzzles many, the first boat there is the spot owner until they move off or invite you in. In a large area, like a broad open point or shelf or linear drop-off, no point in being a jerk, it is their spot too as long as you do not need to put the fenders out to keep them off your boat. Boarding parties will be repelled, lol.
I have no problem sharing spots or saying what I'm using. Just because you know a spot or a bait doesn't mean you can catch fish. Over the years I have had plenty of friends and people who became friends, help me with locations and hot spots. I have no fear of company when I go fishing. If you want to know where and how, just ask!!!!!!!
I do have a couple of secret spots on a heavily fished lake that I dont think get fished real hard and I am mum about them . They hold fish spring , summer and fall, I dont fish winter . One of the places I have yet to identify why it is so good and I'm not taking anyone to it .
I'll always tell what lure , what depth ...and leave it up to them to figure out for themselves . One time I sold a couple of fellows a package of watermelon chartreuse Jelly worms and let them have the spot . I already pulled about fifty bass off of it and they were being skunked . They trolled out to ask how I was catching so many fish . As I was pulling away I glanced back and they were both hooked up .
Kind of off topic but on the point of "spot" sharing, come January they're removing the length limit on "spotted" bass here on ouachita. Any of y'all make it this way a lot of us would appreciate ya taking some of these "spots" home to eat. They are WAY too many. If ya make it this way and are bank bound I'll even share my boat with ya to help fill your freezer. ?
I usually tell if I'm asked (rarely happens). Doesn't mean anything to me.... I could give you all my gear and show you my waypoints but if ya ain't got it ya just ain't got it.
I don't mind sharing info with people that I know and I appreciate it when they do the same for me. But if a random person comes along and asks how the fishing is going or what baits I've been using I keep it pretty generalized.
I rode up behind a older guy on Saturday, he was trolling down a canal not fishing. I asked him if he was good, he said he was broken down. I asked if he needed a tow and he said no, he had a friend on the way.
I idled next to him for about 10 minutes just talking, come to find out he was practicing for a big state BASS tournament that is coming up this coming weekend. I explained that I was still pretty new to Bass fishing, but would like to try some bigger tournaments one day. He told me one of the best ways to learn is to sign up as a co-angler and try and learn from the angler.
We talked about where and how we had both been fishing earlier in the day, he told me a few of the areas where he had been doing well and how to fish them.
Overall he was really helpful and friendly(even given his current situation), its people like that that give the sport a good name.
Earlier this year an older(older than me and I'm 63) gentleman shared a good spot and technique with me on a lake that my wife and I were getting skunked more often than not. Using that info, I was able to locate several other similar spots on the lake that produced good results. Now I've shared those new spots with a couple of others.
As far as being a jerk goes... Am I a jerk for telling a ramp hog he should have prepped his boat up in the parking lot before clogging things up at the water? These guys that roll into the lot, immediately back down the ramp and then take 10-15 minutes to get their boat ready to launch really get my blood boiling. I'm on and off the ramp in less than 3 minutes when I'm by myself, so it sets me off when some inconsiderate clown does this.
Here's something you don't see every day. "Admiral Halsey" launched his boat "THE BOSS" and then discovered he had a dead battery. The truck was there to jump start the boat. There were 6 boats waiting.
I think I am easy going, I'll wait for ramp hogs and never try to crowd other fisherman, boaters, etc. However one time I totally lost it. We were fishing and a big thunder storm started coming up the lake. We booked for the ramp, as did everyone else. It was working well. We all queued in line and got our boats out in a orderly fashion. When our time came my wife held the boat at the dock while I ran to get the car. While I was gone a total jerk pulled up and tried to launch. When I pulled up to the launch he was on the dock yelling at my wife and trying to push our boat out of the way. My wife is hearing impaired , didn't know why he was yelling, what he was saying, and was scared to death.
I lost it, ran over, tore him a new one, threatened to have him arrested, and told him to back off. Luckily he did, and we loaded up and left. I didn't realize it at the moment, but Every one else still waiting to load up heard us, and two other guys had jumped on the dock to back me up. It was ugly, but thank goodness it didn't get worse. That's the angriest I have been in 20 yrs.
On 9/27/2017 at 10:27 PM, SuperCorona said:Earlier this year an older(older than me and I'm 63) gentleman shared a good spot and technique with me on a lake that my wife and I were getting skunked more often than not. Using that info, I was able to locate several other similar spots on the lake that produced good results. Now I've shared those new spots with a couple of others.
As far as being a jerk goes... Am I a jerk for telling a ramp hog he should have prepped his boat up in the parking lot before clogging things up at the water? These guys that roll into the lot, immediately back down the ramp and then take 10-15 minutes to get their boat ready to launch really get my blood boiling. I'm on and off the ramp in less than 3 minutes when I'm by myself, so it sets me off when some inconsiderate clown does this.
Here's something you don't see every day. "Admiral Halsey" launched his boat "THE BOSS" and then discovered he had a dead battery. The truck was there to jump start the boat. There were 6 boats waiting.
I agree with you 100%, nothing worse then the ramp hawgs. Over the years I have had to wait for long periods of time for these thoughtless guys. It doesn't happen that often, but these guys have no respect for others.
you might be. just lie and you wont come of as one though.
A lot of people seem to fish for ego gratification. I don't have any time for that.
I fish for fun. I'll tell anyone exactly where I fished and what I did.
I often post reports on a local forum. Recently, I ran into a husband and wife fishing in one of "my spots". They recognized me from my reports and told me that they've been enjoying catching fish there because of them. To me, knowing that I helped someone else enjoy fishing as much as I is gratifying.
Personally IDC I know there's plenty of fish in the lake and it's all about the challenge. I dont think anyones a big enough ******* to keep DD bass anyways which is what I'm after. Gave some mexican dude a 5lb the other day because and he was so happy that it made me kind of happy, hes been fishing for a lifetime and hasn't seen a bass that big. I tell people what lures etc i use but I'm a little reluctant to share what lake I fish online because as a bank angler I dont want my spots to be overcrowded
On 10/1/2017 at 2:37 PM, kosta said:Personally IDC I know there's plenty of fish in the lake and it's all about the challenge. I dont think anyones a big enough ******* to keep DD bass anyways which is what I'm after. Gave some mexican dude a 5lb the other day because and he was so happy that it made me kind of happy, hes been fishing for a lifetime and hasn't seen a bass that big. I tell people what lures etc i use but I'm a little reluctant to share what lake I fish online because as a bank angler I dont want my spots to be overcrowded
DD's are very rare in KS, but I know of 2 that got filleted and eaten this past winter from the same lake that were caught on limblines baited with sunfish and shad meant for catfish. To a lot of people, a big bass is just another fish.
On 10/1/2017 at 3:11 PM, Bluebasser86 said:DD's are very rare in KS, but I know of 2 that got filleted and eaten this past winter from the same lake that were caught on limblines baited with sunfish and shad meant for catfish. To a lot of people, a big bass is just another fish.
Dang that sucks, I know very few bass reach DD size and it takes a ridiculous amount of time... I guess it's a good thing sunfish is illegal to use as bait here as I noticed bait fishermen tend to eat whatever they catch
On 10/1/2017 at 3:16 PM, kosta said:Dang that sucks, I know very few bass reach DD size and it takes a ridiculous amount of time... I guess it's a good thing sunfish is illegal to use as bait here as I noticed bait fishermen tend to eat whatever they catch
It's frustrating. IMO, game fish shouldn't be legal to keep unless caught by rod and reel, but Kansas has very lax restrictions, especially when it comes to bass. You can keep 6 over 18" from the lake those fish came from, and I've seen buckets of big bass caught on live shad getting taken home. You can even use bass for live bait here as long as it's a keeper sized fish and you count it towards your daily limit.
On 10/1/2017 at 3:22 PM, Bluebasser86 said:It's frustrating. IMO, game fish shouldn't be legal to keep unless caught by rod and reel, but Kansas has very lax restrictions, especially when it comes to bass. You can keep 6 over 18" from the lake those fish came from, and I've seen buckets of big bass caught on live shad getting taken home. You can even use bass for live bait here as long as it's a keeper sized fish and you count it towards your daily limit.
On 10/1/2017 at 3:11 PM, Bluebasser86 said:.. think a big bass is just another fish...
Not just that, but that a jolly old man dressed in red with whiskers doesn't bring the toys!
(Unless of course the Mods think he does, in which case, I want Operation®, GI Joe with kung fu grip, and a Radio Flyer®...)