I caught my personal best largemouth yesterday while Kayak fishing on a lake here in Oklahoma. I was taking the celebratory photos with it, and the hog made a huge jump. I went to grab it, and my new iphone went with the fish overboard in 7-8 foot of water. It was too cold to go overboard to recover it yesterday, but I have the stump marked so I could hopefully return to get it. I'm only 5'3, so it's going to be fairly difficult to swim in and get it. Applecare won't replace it unless I can bring them the water damaged phone. Does anyone have any ideas on getting it back? It's only a few months old, so I'm stuck in contract for at least a year. I really wanted that photo back, and I've heard of iphones surviving lakes for a few days.
Thanks for any idea guys.
On 3/20/2017 at 5:22 AM, Stephen Selph said:I caught my personal best largemouth yesterday while Kayak fishing on a lake here in Oklahoma. I was taking the celebratory photos with it, and the hog made a huge jump. I went to grab it, and my new iphone went with the fish overboard in 7-8 foot of water. It was too cold to go overboard to recover it yesterday, but I have the stump marked so I could hopefully return to get it. I'm only 5'3, so it's going to be fairly difficult to swim in and get it. Applecare won't replace it unless I can bring them the water damaged phone. Does anyone have any ideas on getting it back? It's only a few months old, so I'm stuck in contract for at least a year. I really wanted that photo back, and I've heard of iphones surviving lakes for a few days.
Thanks for any idea guys.
Try True Value or Tractor Supply, get a heavy duty magnet with a string. That should work.
I would snorkel for it. The 700 would be worth it. I would do the same for a rod and reel setup. Have dry clothes waiting and the car warmed up.
srs..I'd swim for it.
Do you know Scuba Steve ?
On 3/20/2017 at 6:50 AM, SneakyPete said:Try True Value or Tractor Supply, get a heavy duty magnet with a string. That should work.
Magnet won't work on it unless it has a magnetic
mount on it. I use a magnet mount for my iPhone.
Have to mount a sticky plate, otherwise being
aluminum, no magnetism.
For this, he'll have to dive and recover the item
unless he knows someone with an aquatic video
drone and a robotic retrieval arm
Got any buddies with a Jon boat or something? Seems your only option is to swim but at least in a Jon you could dry off and change clothes pretty quickly
Were your photos backed up to the cloud? At least you could salvage the picture...
On 3/20/2017 at 7:10 AM, A-Jay said:
Do you know Scuba Steve ?
Scuba Steve, d**n you!
There will be divers in your area that you can pay to retrieve stuff. A buddy of mine lost a real high end setup last year and payed a guy $150 to dive and get it.
On 3/20/2017 at 6:50 AM, SneakyPete said:Try True Value or Tractor Supply, get a heavy duty magnet with a string. That should work.
If the visibility is fairly good, all you need is a wetsuit and a snorkel. You might want to try a dive shop, there should be someone there willing to do it. I have a buddy who has recovered all sorts of things in 4-30 feet in near 0 vis. If you were closer, I'd do it for you. Good luck.
Sorry to hear that. The only way to get it would be to swim for it. Try to find someone that has an aqua view or some other underwater camera so you know exactly where it is before you take the plunge.
Stephen, I just purchased an iPhone 7 Plus on Friday.
Paid another $110 for the waterproof case.
Son is going to order the orange floating case via Amazon Prime so if I do drop the phone in the water it will float.
I am sorry to read of your experience and may I suggest checking out the orange floating case for your current or replacement phone.
As to retrieve it from the bottom, all I can suggest is to X2 the idea of going into the water for it. BUT NOT BY YOURSELF.
Have two or three friends with you; tie a rope to your waist and have the guys hold onto you; wear a scuba suit, if possible; wear gloves so you don't cut your hands on submerged structure; have an emergency "pull me to the surface" system worked out; have a good set of goggles; and have a very strong and waterproof flashlight.
You know that street clothes will drag you under and you can't hit the water in your swim gear as hypothermia will nail you in a few minutes. You really need to consider renting a wet suit from a dive shop to keep warm along with a sturdy set of goggles and if possible, an underwater flashlight.
What concerns me is that although you did mark the exact place the phone went overboard, will any current move the phone down stream? An iPhone is not heavy and since it is flat, unless it gets stuck in the mud or in some structure the iPhone may be yards away where it went into the lake.
And guys, lakes do have current. Not as strong or pronounced as tidal rivers, but lakes have current.
Good luck finding the instrument and please let us have your report on your adventures trying to find the iPhone.
Safety first. Always, safety first. You can always purchase another iPhone but we can't have another Stephen.
Try taking a fishing net attached to a broom stick long enough to reach the phone and try to scoop it up.
Best of luck. I lost a $350 spinning setup last Summer so I feel your some of your pain.
Swim for it, heck I swam in 40 degree water for a 75¢ ned rig. Definitely worth getting cold and wet for a $700 phone, IMO.
A magnet will ruin the screen
A little too late now, I guess but why would you take a $700 phone in a kayak? I have a 20 dollar flip phone and it stays in the truck
sorry for your bad luck. get a good set of googles, sounds like you are going swimming. if you do retrieve it. turn it off, put it in a bag of rice for a day or two before trying to recharge to retrieve pics. congrats on the PB. now the story for the grandkids is going to start out by saying "let me tell you about my $700.00 bass" hope your year goes better.
Sorry to hear about that OP, but I'd say get a long net like @DogBone_384 suggested and try to scoop it up. It sounds like it's not too deep and that you know the exact spot more or less. Beyond that it sounds like a strong magnet or diving gear is your best option.
I would have already been in the lake and tried my best to come out with my phone. But I almost always have a partner with me. It's just quicker to get it over with. If you're scared get a friend or 2 to tie a rope to you or you him. Offer to pay him $100 if he brings it home and don't tell him but if he sincerely tries but can't get it toss him a good meal and $50.
I had a friend that lost his in a couple feet of water and we called it and he found it by the vibration. But we knew where it was within 8ft and it hadn't been left for a day to soak.
I am so glad I no longer have a contract. I've been off contract with Verizon for about 6 months and its great.
On 3/20/2017 at 9:30 AM, Bigchunk said:A magnet will ruin the screen
I think he is already planning to warranty it out but just needs the phone to turn in.
On 3/20/2017 at 5:22 AM, Stephen Selph said:Applecare won't replace it unless I can bring them the water damaged phone.
On 3/20/2017 at 9:12 AM, IndianaFinesse said:Swim for it, heck I swam in 40 degree water for a 75¢ ned rig. Definitely worth getting cold and wet for a $700 phone, IMO.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that will go in after a cheap bait.
So...you catch a personal best and you just happen to lose your phone.
Very convenient. It didnt happen if you cant provide pics!
On 3/20/2017 at 8:32 AM, Mosster47 said:There will be divers in your area that you can pay to retrieve stuff. A buddy of mine lost a real high end setup last year and payed a guy $150 to dive and get it.
Wow $150 to retrieve a combo? That diver must of dived deep or dived in a dangerous area to charge that much.
On 3/20/2017 at 10:33 AM, soflabasser said:
Wow $150 to retrieve a combo? That diver must of dived deep or dived in a dangerous area to charge that much.
If it was a $700 combo Id pay a $150 to get it back. Of course I doubt Ill ever own a $700 combo to lose.
On 3/20/2017 at 9:12 AM, IndianaFinesse said:Swim for it, heck I swam in 40 degree water for a 75¢ ned rig. Definitely worth getting cold and wet for a $700 phone, IMO.
A good wetsuit will keep you warm in 40 degree water.
On 3/20/2017 at 10:35 AM, S. Sass said:If it was a $700 combo Id pay a $150 to get it back. Of course I doubt Ill ever own a $700 combo to lose.
I will galdy jump in if I dropped one of my combos in the water,especially if it's a expensive combo!
Depending on the size of the lake, a few....maybe more than a few....truckloads of rice dumped in the lake will absorb the water. Once all the water has been absorbed into the rice,you will be able to simply walk over to the phone to retrieve it.
If its Oroville lake just wait it may empty itself.
A very strong magnet on some line would probably work. I put a magnet next to my phone and it didnt break anything, and I found this https://discussions.apple.com/thread/6574492?start=0&tstart=0
I dont know how much ferrous metal is in the iphone 7, but it might be enough.
If the water is clear, pool net?
dont take my word on this. Not saying it wont break anything.
Does it show up on a fishfinder? if it does, take a quick dive to it as others have mentioned.
Thank you everyone for the amazing ideas and the extreme consideration of my safety and wellbeing. I am going to a local scuba store in Tulsa tomorrow to see if I can get someone to assist me in removing the phone. I learned a very valuable, yet painful and expensive lesson. But when you caught your personal best, my clear and concise judgment went straight out of the window. I will keep everyone posted on this adventure. Hopefully someone at the dive shop can assist for a fee. I will definitely reward them for their time and effort whether or not we are successful. I'm glad I didn't jump in after it. Not worth losing my life over, no matter how bad I wanted that picture to show my buddies. Thanks again everyone. Keep posted for an update.
Cold water and swimming don't mix,
Get yourself a ten foot pole and put a dip net on the end of it and fish the phone out.
Then next time your out fishing put a leash on your phone case.
Again large dip net and ten foot pole.
On 3/20/2017 at 10:33 AM, soflabasser said:
Wow $150 to retrieve a combo? That diver must of dived deep or dived in a dangerous area to charge that much.
It's pretty reasonable. You figure they have to drive out, use their gear which isn't cheap, and take the time to find it.
It was three hours of his day at $50 an hour for a specialized thing that's totally fair.
Go pro at the end of a long pool net. I have the app where I can watch the video from my phone. Easy Peasy.
So, where's the photo's of this fish???
In all seriousness, I would not suggest taking a net and dragging it across the bottom hoping to scoop it up. You'll most likely bury the phone in mud/sand/algae and never be able to find it. If you have an Aqua Vu or even a Go-Pro, I would stick that thing under the water and see if you can see it. If you can, I'd be taking a dive and trying to recover it.
On 3/20/2017 at 10:14 PM, TOXIC said:Go pro at the end of a long pool net. I have the app where I can watch the video from my phone. Easy Peasy.
On 3/20/2017 at 10:16 PM, fishballer06 said:So, where's the photo's of this fish???
In all seriousness, I would not suggest taking a net and dragging it across the bottom hoping to scoop it up. You'll most likely bury the phone in mud/sand/algae and never be able to find it. If you have an Aqua Vu or even a Go-Pro, I would stick that thing under the water and see if you can see it. If you can, I'd be taking a dive and trying to recover it.
The GoPro idea is a good one, but it unfortunately won't work. The live view feature relies wifi which doesn't travel through water worth crap. You could make an external antenna to make it work, but I think other options like the aquaview would be a better option in this case.
I'd def go with some modified bottom dredging system unless it was a rocky bottom in which case a diver would be the only thing I could really think of. For a $700 phone you can pay someone $200 and still come out ahead.
On 3/20/2017 at 10:02 PM, Mosster47 said:
It's pretty reasonable. You figure they have to drive out, use their gear which isn't cheap, and take the time to find it.
It was three hours of his day at $50 an hour for a specialized thing that's totally fair.
I would dive for free to help a friend get back his lost phone,especially if it's one of my fishing buddies.Besides OP said he dropped his phone in less than 10 feet of water,which can easily be done freediving.
On 3/21/2017 at 12:56 AM, WIGuide said:
The GoPro idea is a good one, but it unfortunately won't work. The live view feature relies wifi which doesn't travel through water worth crap. You could make an external antenna to make it work, but I think other options like the aquaview would be a better option in this case.
You might be right but I had a buddy film a segment fot a TV shoe on deep bedding smallmouth and he used a gopro on the bottom in 5-7 feet of water and did get a signal in he phone app.
I was waiting for someone to ask how he could use the phone app when the phone was on the bottom.
On 3/20/2017 at 10:27 AM, Fun4Me said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one that will go in after a cheap bait.
never thought of a cell ph. as a cheap bait , but I like it! It could play the fish songs like "love me tender" or "here fishy fishy". keep your ear buds attached maybe the fish will give you a call and tell you where they are at and what they want for dinner .of course I would probably just see. that big ones selfie laughing at me.
On 3/21/2017 at 11:30 PM, lonnie g said:never thought of a cell ph. as a cheap bait , but I like it! It could play the fish songs like "love me tender" or "here fishy fishy". keep your ear buds attached maybe the fish will give you a call and tell you where they are at and what they want for dinner .of course I would probably just see. that big ones selfie laughing at me.
I was responding to a member who said he went swimming in 40 degree water for a 75 cent Ned Rig.
On 3/22/2017 at 12:16 AM, Fun4Me said:
I was responding to a member who said he went swimming in 40 degree water for a 75 cent Ned Rig.
I did understand you . I was just going with the original thread topic. people do some strange things sometimes. including myself, my wife tells me I'm crazy, maybe she 's right. oh well!! got to have some fun and stories to tell the grandkids.
Hope you get phone back safely. When you get a replacement, you'll want two things:
LifeProof Fre case and a RAM X-Grip Universal.
On 3/22/2017 at 1:13 AM, J Francho said:Hope you get phone back safely. When you get a replacement, you'll want two things:
LifeProof Fre case and a RAM X-Grip Universal.
X2- And if possible, maybe insurance...
On 3/22/2017 at 1:30 AM, J._Bricker said:
X2- And if possible, maybe insurance...
He has Apple Care.
On 3/22/2017 at 1:30 AM, J Francho said:
He has Apple Care.
Thx J., I didn't peruse the original post and missed the part where Stephen mentioned it.... my bad, JB
On 3/20/2017 at 5:22 AM, Stephen Selph said:I caught my personal best largemouth yesterday while Kayak fishing on a lake here in Oklahoma. I was taking the celebratory photos with it, and the hog made a huge jump. I went to grab it, and my new iphone went with the fish overboard in 7-8 foot of water. It was too cold to go overboard to recover it yesterday, but I have the stump marked so I could hopefully return to get it. I'm only 5'3, so it's going to be fairly difficult to swim in and get it. Applecare won't replace it unless I can bring them the water damaged phone. Does anyone have any ideas on getting it back? It's only a few months old, so I'm stuck in contract for at least a year. I really wanted that photo back, and I've heard of iphones surviving lakes for a few days.
Thanks for any idea guys.
Believe it or not I actually just dropped my one month old iPhone 7 in a lake this past Saturday too. I dropped it in like 15ft deep water and it was 33 degrees air temp when i dropped it so swimming really wasnt appealing to me. I went in to my verison store and lucky had insurance on the phone so they said if i paid $200 they would send me a new phone in the mail. Much better of a deal than buying a brand new iPhone at msrp price. Maybe try this if you still have the chance but if you have a different carrier that doesnt allow this best of luck getting it back!
On 3/22/2017 at 1:35 AM, J._Bricker said:
Thx J., I didn't peruse the original post and missed the part where Stephen mentioned it.... my bad, JB
The bad part about Applecare plus is they will only replace the phone if you have it still. It won't cover lost or stolen phones which would have been nice to know when I bought it. That's my fault for not reading the fine print!
On 3/22/2017 at 3:38 AM, Zachb6 said:Believe it or not I actually just dropped my one month old iPhone 7 in a lake this past Saturday too. I dropped it in like 15ft deep water and it was 33 degrees air temp when i dropped it so swimming really wasnt appealing to me. I went in to my verison store and lucky had insurance on the phone so they said if i paid $200 they would send me a new phone in the mail. Much better of a deal than buying a brand new iPhone at msrp price. Maybe try this if you still have the chance but if you have a different carrier that doesnt allow this best of luck getting it back!
I went into the AT&T store, and they said I didn't have their insurance on it. Just the applecare plus. I am trying to find someone who can help me out. Haven't heard back from the local dive store yet. Anyone here from the Tulsa area? lol
On 3/20/2017 at 5:22 AM, Stephen Selph said:I caught my personal best largemouth yesterday while Kayak fishing on a lake here in Oklahoma. I was taking the celebratory photos with it, and the hog made a huge jump. I went to grab it, and my new iphone went with the fish overboard in 7-8 foot of water. It was too cold to go overboard to recover it yesterday, but I have the stump marked so I could hopefully return to get it. I'm only 5'3, so it's going to be fairly difficult to swim in and get it. Applecare won't replace it unless I can bring them the water damaged phone. Does anyone have any ideas on getting it back? It's only a few months old, so I'm stuck in contract for at least a year. I really wanted that photo back, and I've heard of iphones surviving lakes for a few days.
Thanks for any idea guys.
get some (borrow) scuba diving fins and a good mask.. you should be able to get down for a little while and find it... if the lake has current...good luck...use a 3/4 water hose for air if you need more time...(hook it securely to a snorkel!!)
If the phone is already ruined, you should borrow a heavy duty magnet to drop doend and pick the phone up
If the water is that cold, cant you rent a wet suit or a dry suit for like $50/day or less? In 7' of water you should be able to recover it. Add a mask and a buddy in the boat holding the rope in case you don't come up in a minute or so... and you should have your phone back without incident.
To bad Im not close Id help. Im a wreck diver and have all the scuba equipment needed. Go to Scubaboard or a local scuba forum and ask for help. You will find someone to help, most divers love to help people that loose stuff. I help look for a outboard that fell off a Jon boat years before.
If the phone is as waterproof as they claim then an easy way to find it would be at night. Call the phone and look for the light underwater. If the phone is face up it should be easy to spot the glow in the dark of night.
If the phone is face down, covered in silt or the battery is dead then my theory is shot.
On 3/21/2017 at 7:09 PM, TOXIC said:You might be right but I had a buddy film a segment fot a TV shoe on deep bedding smallmouth and he used a gopro on the bottom in 5-7 feet of water and did get a signal in he phone app.
I was waiting for someone to ask how he could use the phone app when the phone was on the bottom.
Maybe he had made the antenna? The videos I've seen it will lose signal after about 6" deep. Haha yeah that might be tricky to use a phone app without the phone to begin with. It might be equally as tough to find a buddy who's going to let you borrow their phone so you can take it out on the water and use it to try to recover the phone you dropped in already!
I am going out tomorrow morning with a buddy. Bringing a rope for him to pull me up if I get stuck, or just need help getting to the surface quickly. I picked up some swimming goggles and a bringing a net down with me. It's been down there since Saturday afternoon, so hopefully it's not too deep in the silt/ mud. It's a fairly small lake with very little current. Wish me luck! I don't have a wet suit, so I'm going to have to act quick when I get in the water. Any other ideas to think of before I head out of there tomorrow morning? I know exactly where I dropped it, so hopefully it will still be there tomorrow.
On 3/23/2017 at 12:59 AM, WIGuide said:Maybe he had made the antenna? The videos I've seen it will lose signal after about 6" deep. Haha yeah that might be tricky to use a phone app without the phone to begin with. It might be equally as tough to find a buddy who's going to let you borrow their phone so you can take it out on the water and use it to try to recover the phone you dropped in already!
I cant say about a iphone but like I said a guy I know dropped his in about 2ft of water / mud and his still vibrated. That is how he felt/found it as I called it. It was a old Casio flip phone. So I know some can pick up a signal deeper than 6" just not sure about a iphone.
OP I suggest you and you buddy have a good plan of what he is to do and when to help you. A way for you to re enter the boat if you get cramped should be planned as 1 friend may not have the strength. Just take every precaution at this point its been there a while no rush now.
As mentioned previously, have a plan (including a ladder into the boat) if you don't have a wet suit... and have dry clothes in the boat or car and have the car warmed up if it's cold out. Be safe, good luck and I can't wait to see the pic after all this effort to recover!!
Bring a large quilt or comforter to wrap around you when you get out of the water, or a zippered sleeping bag.
Personally, I don't think it's worth it. You get in trouble and your buddy might not be able to haul you back onto the boat, and end up in the drink trying. Chalk it up to a life lesson, and move on.
None of us wants to read about a fisherman who died trying to retrieve a seven hundred dollar cell phone. You hit that cold water and it could literally paralyze you in seconds.
On 3/23/2017 at 8:10 AM, Fishing Rhino said:Bring a large quilt or comforter to wrap around you when you get out of the water, or a zippered sleeping bag.
Personally, I don't think it's worth it. You get in trouble and your buddy might not be able to haul you back onto the boat, and end up in the drink trying. Chalk it up to a life lesson, and move on.
None of us wants to read about a fisherman who died trying to retrieve a seven hundred dollar cell phone. You hit that cold water and it could literally paralyze you in seconds.
I'm with FR on this one, for all the reasons stated above. Even with a wetsuit, there's a reason hypothermia is dangerous and a major concern for what you're planning for this time of year.
That phone is long gone. A phone wont drop straight down. The water will grab it and it will shimmy different ways. Odds are its not in the same place you dropped it. Batteries probably dead.
Bring a friend, or two, and snorkel for it. Supposedly the iPhone 7 is waterproof so you may get lucky. Good Luck!!
I had to go to the AT&T store yesterday and asked about the 7 being waterproof and he quickly said "it's only water resistant, and rated for 3' for 30 minutes... we call it splash proof"
I had assumed the recovery was to save the cost of a new purchase vs. insurance claim with the bad phone... Are you guys thinking that the phone will still work??? Now that I think about it, if your phone backed up, your pic is in the cloud but if if hasn't then you pic may be lost forever. (or hopefully you texted or emailed the pic before you lost the phone)
I'm more curious than ever since I need to replace my phone pretty soon and looking at a 7 as a probable replacement.
On 3/23/2017 at 7:10 AM, S. Sass said:I cant say about a iphone but like I said a guy I know dropped his in about 2ft of water / mud and his still vibrated. That is how he felt/found it as I called it. It was a old Casio flip phone. So I know some can pick up a signal deeper than 6" just not sure about a iphone.
I was not talking about the phone getting signal underwater. We were discussing using a gopro as an underwater camera and watching the live feed on a phone/tablet to locate the dropped phone. That feed is transmitted from the gopro to a phone/tablet through a wifi connection and that is the signal that doesn't like to travel through water.
Awaiting for Status Report ....
Operation RecoveryIPHONE7: GO
On 3/24/2017 at 4:07 AM, Burke said:Awaiting for Status Report ....
Operation RecoveryIPHONE7: GO
He dropped it in less than 10 feet of water so it's possible he found his phone.Let's hope his phone is not damaged so he get the picture of his PB bass.
Starting to wonder where Stephen is...
On 3/24/2017 at 8:45 PM, flechero said:Starting to wonder where Stephen is...
I googled news reports out of Tulsa, OK about a missing fisherman. Nothing current thankfully.
If u by chance have a GoPro with a waterproof houseing on it, what I would do is tie something to the GoPro and lower it down and find exactly where it is. Then I would get a sticky plate or something and try to stick it. Good luck man
Lucky your not in the far southern states and have to deal with all the prehistoric lizards. Good luck with the find, the go pro idea sounds like a winner. Once found mark it with an anchor or something easy to find. Let us know how it goes.
On 3/25/2017 at 1:22 AM, geo g said:Lucky your not in the far southern states and have to deal with all the prehistoric lizards. Good luck with the find, the go pro idea sounds like a winner. Once found mark it with an anchor or something easy to find. Let us know how it goes.
nah the alligators here are friendly, they just want to give you alittle kiss, kiss of death that is.
C'mon, Steve! Of all OP's to follow-up on, it's this one!
Hope he's OK ~
Phone was lost 6 days ago and has been underwater ever since. That thing is a goner, even if he does somehow still recover it.
This thread has better life than the phone's batteries!
iphone 7
-March 19, 2017-
I sure hope Nessie didn't get a hold of him
On 3/25/2017 at 3:26 AM, hunterPRO1 said:nah the alligators here are friendly
Have dived in alligator infested waters before, it is definitely a experience you will never forget!Don't do it anymore but still dive in the ocean with sharks,now those are some impressive animals to see!
On 3/22/2017 at 11:46 PM, Finesse Wayfarer said:If the phone is as waterproof as they claim then an easy way to find it would be at night. Call the phone and look for the light underwater. If the phone is face up it should be easy to spot the glow in the dark of night.
If the phone is face down, covered in silt or the battery is dead then my theory is shot.
4G wireless signals dont travel through water, and this thread is a little old so I'm almost sure the battery is dead. And I also did hear a story of one being underwater (exact same story as this) for a month with no problems... Should be fine
On 3/23/2017 at 11:14 PM, WIGuide said:I was not talking about the phone getting signal underwater. We were discussing using a gopro as an underwater camera and watching the live feed on a phone/tablet to locate the dropped phone. That feed is transmitted from the gopro to a phone/tablet through a wifi connection and that is the signal that doesn't like to travel through water.
GoPros cant communicate w/ a phone underwater either, I've tried
your going for a dip fo sho. 7' not bad just being goggles and a decent water proof light. how cold is the water? i mean if it is above 60 your fine.
On 3/25/2017 at 5:20 AM, fissure_man said:http://www.newsok.com/news/breaking/coastguard-rescues-angler-diving-for-phone/?p1
fissure_man, you crack me up.
Lone Wolf, This is Wolf den do you read ?
Status Operation RecoveryIPHONE7: Unknown
Dive in hold your anchor ⚓️ when you go in it will get you down faster and will give you a line back to boat.make sure you don't stir up the bottom if you do you are f***** . Good luck ?
I lost a flip phone by a dock a few years back in three feet of water. Should have been easy to find right? Water was warm, saw EXACTLY where it went in, piece of cake. NOPE. Water clarity was coffee, bottom was mucky, black silt. I sank to my ankles when I stepped in and never found it. Not a lick of current. I couldn't have been more than two feet from it but I never found it.
If if it's clear water with sandy bottom you got a chance. Otherwise slims the word.
Ever seen that video of the guy catching a fish after using an iPhone as a lure?
Well I went out a few days ago but the wind was ridiculous, visibility was crap. The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, so I'm going to make one last valiant effort. Even if there's an inch of sediment covering it, I still think I have a chance of getting it back. I'm going prepared this time. Wetsuit, dive goggles, scuba tank and a rope using the anchor idea to give me something to get down/ back up easily. I'm getting this phone back if it's the last thing I ever do. Hopefully it's not though! lol
On 3/29/2017 at 1:28 PM, Stephen Selph said:Well I went out a few days ago but the wind was ridiculous, visibility was crap. The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, so I'm going to make one last valiant effort. Even if there's an inch of sediment covering it, I still think I have a chance of getting it back. I'm going prepared this time. Wetsuit, dive goggles, scuba tank and a rope using the anchor idea to give me something to get down/ back up easily. I'm getting this phone back if it's the last thing I ever do. Hopefully it's not though! lol
Man its good to hear back from you, I think everyone has been worried you were laying at the bottom of the lake with your iPhone.....
Yep, the silence was deafening! Thanks for checking in!
I hate gators
This thread is slowing dying without us ever knowing what became of Stephens I phone 7+.......
On 4/4/2017 at 5:28 AM, Bassin' Brad said:This thread is slowing dying without us ever knowing what became of Stephens I phone 7+.......
... or Stephen... should we worry...?
How big was the bass you photographed with the phone you dropped in the lake?
On 3/29/2017 at 1:28 PM, Stephen Selph said:The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, so I'm going to make one last valiant effort. Even if there's an inch of sediment covering it, I still think I have a chance of getting it back. I'm going prepared this time. Wetsuit, dive goggles, scuba tank and a rope using the anchor idea to give me something to get down/ back up easily. I'm getting this phone back if it's the last thing I ever do.
On 4/4/2017 at 5:28 AM, Bassin' Brad said:This thread is slowing dying without us ever knowing what became of Stephens I phone 7+.......
On 4/4/2017 at 5:32 AM, Bass Turd said:
... or Stephen... should we worry...?
Naw...I'm sure he's just fine. Maybe someone should call him? Or maybe a text?
Darwin Award winner here.
I dropped a smartphone in the lake once and to help find it, I had my buddy call it. Boy were we surprised when a 16 lb bass answered it. The bass asked who I was and when I told him Dave, he responded "Dave's not here". Then he started giggling & hung up.
We dove there the next day, but couldn't find the phone. The only things down there were a turntable, an old Cheech & Chong album and some roach clips.
It's probably destroyed by now anyways. Why do you think it would survive this long submerged? lol. Phones are water resistant, not water proof. It's probably done by now.
Applecare doesn't care if it's destroyed, but you have to be able to produce a phone. That's the derp :/
if you don't get it, give us coordinates! someone will go get it!
I went out there today and found my stump where the hone was, but we had 30mph wind gusts and no wetsuit. The water temp is now hitting low 60s. I will have that phone as soon as that water hits 65! Don't give up on me just get.
On 4/4/2017 at 6:11 AM, soflabasser said:How big was the bass you photographed with the phone you dropped in the lake?
It was only a 6.5 pounder, but I was so excited I was literally shaking.
And to the guy posting about the phone being dead and not worth the time, I have AppleCare plus. So as long as I get the phone back to them in any form, they will replace it under AppleCare for $99.
Sorry for not updating the thread in the last few days. I just lost my job of 7+ years this week due to retaliation from my boss. I've been dealing with that trying to get my job back. 7 year starts of never getting reprimanded, verbal warning or written up, she fires me on the spot Friday afternoon for reporting her to the ethics line. But the good thing is I have a week with nothing but fishing until I get to go back to work. I had 3 job offers the same day I was terminated. It's been a rough few weeks for me!
^^^Thanks for the update and I'm sorry to hear about your work situation. Are you going back to the same job or did you take another one?
On 4/11/2017 at 4:16 PM, Stephen Selph said:I went out there today and found my stump where the hone was, but we had 30mph wind gusts and no wetsuit. The water temp is now hitting low 60s. I will have that phone as soon as that water hits 65! Don't give up on me just get.
It was only a 6.5 pounder, but I was so excited I was literally shaking.
And to the guy posting about the phone being dead and not worth the time, I have AppleCare plus. So as long as I get the phone back to them in any form, they will replace it under AppleCare for $99.
Sorry for not updating the thread in the last few days. I just lost my job of 7+ years this week due to retaliation from my boss. I've been dealing with that trying to get my job back. 7 year starts of never getting reprimanded, verbal warning or written up, she fires me on the spot Friday afternoon for reporting her to the ethics line. But the good thing is I have a week with nothing but fishing until I get to go back to work. I had 3 job offers the same day I was terminated. It's been a rough few weeks for me!
Very sorry to hear you lost your job -
In reference to the bold type above - isn't that line anonymous & designed to prevent this very thing ?
Unless of course you happened to mention to your boss that you'd made the call, then I guess I could see why you got canned.
On 4/11/2017 at 8:21 PM, A-Jay said:
Very sorry to hear you lost your job -
In reference to the bold type above - isn't that line anonymous & designed to prevent this very thing ?
Unless of course you happened to mention to your boss that you'd made the call, then I guess I could see why you got canned.
Sounds like they need an ethics line for the ethics line! Does he work in D.C.? Lol
On 4/11/2017 at 8:21 PM, A-Jay said:
Very sorry to hear you lost your job -
In reference to the bold type above - isn't that line anonymous & designed to prevent this very thing ?
Unless of course you happened to mention to your boss that you'd made the call, then I guess I could see why you got canned.
I only have one boss, so it's pretty easy to find out who called her in when they started to investigate her. I never told her I made the call, but she figured it out and was threatened. I am the clinical coordinator for a sleep lab here in Tulsa, I take care of 6 different labs right now, or did. lol
I am fighting to get my job back and working through the appeal process right now. But if I don't get it back, I have plenty of other options. One of them is working 3 days per week, which would be awesome for my fishing.
This could the good Lord blessing you and setting you up for something better so look at your options carefully before jumping back into it. Total sidebar- but as a former HR guy, I always wonder what the specific words used for an on the spot firing are... the vast majority of emotional firings are ripe for wrongful termination.
On 4/12/2017 at 10:00 AM, flechero said:This could the good Lord blessing you and setting you up for something better so look at your options carefully before jumping back into it. Total sidebar- but as a former HR guy, I always wonder what the specific words used for an on the spot firing are... the vast majority of emotional firings are ripe for wrongful termination.
This was for purchasing my employees a measuring cup the needed to measure chemicals we clean our CPAP masks for. The firing was for falsification of records because I didn't clock out even though I was on company business. I have emails where my boss asked me to do all the purchasing, but of course I can't get to those because they cut my employee email off within 20 minutes of being fired.
Don't keep us hanging! Did you dive for the phone yet????????????????????
Did you try calling your phone? That hog may answer & she could just swim it up to U!
U wouldn't have to dive then!
20 mph winds yesterday and today! This Oklahoma weather is going to be the death of me. I'm not giving up! It's supposed to die down this weekend though. It's still there. I saw the marked sump yesterday, just 7 foot below the water. And the water temp is now 67, up from the high 50's when I lost it a few weeks ago.
JUMP IN!!!!!!