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How do boat fishermen really feel about kayak anglers? 2025

fishing user avatarYaknBassn reply : 

I figure the majority guys on this site fish from bass boats.  I'm curious to know how they REALLY feel about kayak anglers on the water, especially on the main lake.


I went from fishing from a boat to strictly kayak fishing.  Kayak fishing has exploded in popularity since I made the jump.  I feel like coming from a boat first and understanding the laws on the water was very useful.  With kayaks being as cheap as $200, you get people on the lakes that have no clue.  

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 


fishing user avatarYaknBassn reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 9:38 AM, slonezp said:


Just curious.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

No problem.


The kayakers have their rights and we respect them.


And we watch for them to make sure we don't hit them.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 9:39 AM, YaknBassn said:

Just curious.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it but the way the question is posed it sounds like you are getting negative reactions from boaters while out on the lake. As long as your kayak isn't a wake boat...:punch-2:

fishing user avatarYaknBassn reply : 

I think we all dislike the wake boats lol


I've had guys make comments my direction just for fishing a main lake ledge, like I've no business there because I'm in a a kayak.  There have even been guys that idle close, then throttle down just to create wake.  Even had a fella tell me that I shouldn't be using a boat ramp, because I'm not launching a motor boat.  I know that's probably the minority.  Most people don't say anything at all.  Some strike up conversation because they're genuinely interested to know how fishing works from a 12' plastic boat. 

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 

I have had boaters give me the side eye for fishing “their spot” It’s usually the run and gunners who speed to a spot, fish and then speed off.


In a kayak I am not going anywhere fast and it bothers folks. 

fishing user avatarRuss E reply : 

i own a fishing Kayak and a Bass Boat. I have no issues with Kayak fishermen.

I do have a problem with some pleasure Kayakers. 

A couple of the local lakes are very popular with the kayak crowd.

They tend to cruise around the lakes close to shore.

I have had multiple times, that i would be fishing a shoreline and a couple of them would cut between me and the shore.

I usually just let them go by, but some of them are rude. Those individuals have had baits land close to their boat.

fishing user avatarMassYak85 reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 10:03 AM, Russ E said:

i own a fishing Kayak and a Bass Boat. I have no issues with Kayak fishermen.

I do have a problem with some pleasure Kayakers. 

A couple of the local lakes are very popular with the kayak crowd.

They tend to cruise around the lakes close to shore.

I have had multiple times, that i would be fishing a shoreline and a couple of them would cut between me and the shore.

I usually just let them go by, but some of them are rude. Those individuals have had baits land close to their boat.

This, boat or kayak if I am fishing a popular lake/river (more so on rivers actually) it's pretty frequent that pleasure kayaks will cut in close to shore. It doesn't usually bother me since they probably don't know any better and of everyone on the lake kayaks have the quietest presence so I doubt it runs the fish off too bad. 

fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

They make me a little nervous when they're out in the middle of the lake with no clear markers or anything to make them standout from the water or horizon. As far as fishing goes, that's pretty terrible to hear some boaters act as though you're not just as entitled as them to fish any spot you can get to.


As far as slowing down off plane to create a wake... I'd be willing to bet at least some of those boaters feel they're being kind by going slower in your presence not realizing they're actually making things much worse. 

fishing user avatarYaknBassn reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 11:03 AM, NorcalBassin said:

They make me a little nervous when they're out in the middle of the lake with no clear markers or anything to make them standout from the water or horizon. As far as fishing goes, that's pretty terrible to hear some boaters act as though you're not just as entitled as them to fish any spot you can get to.


As far as slowing down off plane to create a wake... I'd be willing to bet at least some of those boaters feel they're being kind by going slower in your presence not realizing they're actually making things much worse. 

I shouldn't have said throttle down.  I meant the opposite.


But that does bring up a good point.  I'd so much rather boats just stay on plane.  I know folks mean when well when they slow down, but the wake that's created is rough. 

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

I've spent a fair amount of time on the water behind the wheel of many different types of power driven vessels as well as paddle powered crafts.  While under power & especially on plane, I'm following the rules of the road, keeping a safe distance from all vessels including kayaks. 

 While fishing from my canoe, while I 'can' fish where ever I want, I will rarely allow my safety to be dictated by another person's vigilance - or lack there of.

Meaning, I'm not ever putting myself anywhere near anyone who can kill me - regardless if I have 'the right to be there' or not.  Falls under the rule of gross tonnage. I'd also have the right to end up in a body bag.  If you choose to take that risk - that's your business. 

 At the very least get something like this ~

Please know that it can only help if & when the person operating / navigating the other vessel, is actually looking where they're going and or not some how otherwise distracted.

Good Luck.



fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I have both, so my opinion may not be the one you're looking for, but to me as long as they're respectful and courteous, I do the same. It's usually not a problem, it's the clueless pleasure kayakers that will paddle between me and the bank if I was 2 rod lengths off the bank. I sometimes wonder if some of them aren't anti-fishing and that's why they do it.

fishing user avatarGReb reply : 

The only time I get annoyed with kayakers is up river when they are in the channel which is only about 15 yards wide. Come around the bend and they’re right in the middle of your lane

fishing user avatarJunger reply : 

I usually have no problems with kayak fishermen, I fish both yaks and in my little boat. 


I have more problems with leisure kayakers, they usually take a path between my boat and the bank when I'm clearly casting to the bank, or they will sit at the BOAT ramp with their kayak chit chatting away with other people while there's a line of boats waiting to come in.

fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 

This isn't about anyone here, but boaters in real life tend to feel and show superiority and once in awhile you'll even find threads on here bashing yakers. I guess their money makes them big. 

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 9:36 AM, YaknBassn said:

I figure the majority guys on this site fish from bass boats.  I'm curious to know how they REALLY feel about kayak anglers on the water, especially on the main lake.


I went from fishing from a boat to strictly kayak fishing.  Kayak fishing has exploded in popularity since I made the jump.  I feel like coming from a boat first and understanding the laws on the water was very useful.  With kayaks being as cheap as $200, you get people on the lakes that have no clue.  

A kayak is a type of boat so I do not see why boaters would dislike them unless they do not want the kayakers fishing their ''spot''. People can have no clue on a boat as well and I know several of them here in Florida. These are boaters who spend thousands of dollars on bass fishing every year and do not even have a single 8 pound bass to show for it while many land based bass fishermen have lost count of the 8 pound or better bass they have caught from the bank.

  On 2/13/2019 at 9:59 AM, NYWayfarer said:

I have had boaters give me the side eye for fishing “their spot” It’s usually the run and gunners who speed to a spot, fish and then speed off.


In a kayak I am not going anywhere fast and it bothers folks. 

I have encountered similar boaters and they can be quite annoying with the way they speed in front of a kayak or person fishing from the shore. Those are the type of people I won't invite fishing with me and the type of people I say I caught nothing when they approach me with their boat (even if I caught a big bass earlier in the day).

fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 9:53 AM, YaknBassn said:

I think we all dislike the wake boats lol


I've had guys make comments my direction just for fishing a main lake ledge, like I've no business there because I'm in a a kayak.  There have even been guys that idle close, then throttle down just to create wake.  Even had a fella tell me that I shouldn't be using a boat ramp, because I'm not launching a motor boat.  I know that's probably the minority.  Most people don't say anything at all.  Some strike up conversation because they're genuinely interested to know how fishing works from a 12' plastic boat. 

All major problems we all experience with boaters. I actually watched one of my favorite yak anglers on YouTube some weeks ago almost get sunk by a jerk in a boat who was mad about a spot. Dude cussed him out and tried to create big waves to flip him. I've seen it. Felt it. Many have. You'll find threads on every fishing forum bashing the lowly yaker because we need to roll out a red carpet for the 60k bass boat and say yes sir and no sir. I have some animosity from experience and words read.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

When I fish  from a kayak , canoe or peilcan type boat  it isnt  in big waters where big wakes are inevitable . I choose smaller , quieter , safer waters and catch a lot of   bass doing so .  

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Our actions speak louder than only complaint for the most part about Yaks is and boats do this too they are just bigger is "NO LIGHTS".  And....rude and #@!$ people suck where ever they appear.

Sorry....worlds getting smaller and we need to get along and share.

fishing user avatarCrow Horse reply : 

The potential issues shared above are precisely why we don't fish bodies of water that allow motorized vessels. Years ago I lived on the water as my backyard was the bay. Every year there would be boating accidents mostly fueled by either alcohol, ignorance or stupidity. Many times there were fatalities. I have no intention of meeting the county coroner before my time........

fishing user avatarCrow Horse reply : 

Not the best pic, but it does display my "headlights as well as the 360° viewable white stern light. A flag would be prudent if sharing with motorized vessels during the day.... * Note - bow handle was a work in progress....


fishing user avatarCroakHunter reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 6:43 PM, scaleface said:

When I fish  from a kayak , canoe or peilcan type boat  it isnt  in big waters where big wakes are inevitable . I choose smaller , quieter , safer waters and catch a lot of   bass doing so .  

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

I have had more rude boaters than kayakers. The only time Ive gotten really angry at kayakers was when we were saltwater creek fishing and trying to outrun a storm back to the ramp. We came up behind a pod of kayakers and they would not get out of the way so we tried to pass and got stuck on a sandbar. We were not trying to speed pass them fast and maybe swamp them, but just pass them. The wind was blowing right in our faces at that part of the creek, and they were going very slow. It took us awhile to get off the bar, and then get back to the ramp and they had just got there and were VERY slowly loading up.  ( picture a sloth doing it ) , all while the storm is bearing down. I finally backed the trailer down between them, almost getting stuck again on the dirt/sand ramp. I literally could not say a word to them because I knew at that point it would not be good.

I own a kayak, J.boat, and bass hunter, but I use the JB the most. I could write a book on all the jerk boaters I have encountered through the years, and landowners as I was fishing by them. Kayakers?  not so much.

fishing user avatarBoatSquirrel reply : 

Has everyone else seen guy paddling across the middle of the busy lake in low light conditions with no lights/flag and wondered how he was still alive?  I am amazed some guys are brave enough to fish big lakes offshore in a kayak.  Seems like riding a bike on an interstate.  But hey, if thats where the bite is...

I limit mine to small, less busy water.

fishing user avatarjunyer357 reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 12:18 PM, GReb said:

The only time I get annoyed with kayakers is up river when they are in the channel which is only about 15 yards wide. Come around the bend and they’re right in the middle of your lane

Same here. Its no big deal if a kayak gets off the channel and paddle in alot of the lakes i fish, especially weiss lake. They can go right over the stuff underwater there. I get out of the channel and im tearing off a foot or beaching my boat. Its worse with ski and tubers though. 

fishing user avatarDens228 reply : 

I fish from a kayak......mostly in waters restricted to electric motors and human power.  

I fished the Fox chain here in Illinois one time last summer and it I must have just come across the few boaters that take exception to kayak fisherman.  


As I was getting ready to launch from the ramp there was only one other boater on the other ramp, he looked at my kayak, then told me I had no business kayak fishing there and should stay close to the ramp.


I fished this particular lake about 6 hours and during that time stayed relatively close to shore.  But I also had THREE different fishing boats see me, change direction, and speed past me fairly close to make sure they rocked me pretty good with their wake.  Now there were plenty that didn't but in my mind three a**es are three too many.

fishing user avatarTroy85 reply : 

Kayaks don't bother me, they have just as much of a right to be out there as anyone else.  I'd prefer to be surrounded by Kayacks than jet skis or wake boats that's for sure. I occasionally fish out of my dads Kayak, I do take more of the @A-Jay approach though, there are certain high traffic areas I personally stay away from, just because I don't trust the other guy behind the wheel.


fishing user avatarBassNJake reply : 

Kayak anglers - no problem

Kayak pleasure boaters - mainly clueless- have often crossed directly where I am casting

Bass boat guys - Most are very respectful/thoughtful but the ones that are not are go from 0 to idiot in a hurry


Then look at it as if it were people in cars and the same would apply - Most are very respectful/thoughtful but the ones that are not are go from 0 to idiot in a hurry


When I was younger I wanted to beat some sense into the idiots, then I got older and wanted to talk some sense to them and now I just let them be idiots and am grateful I have learned better

fishing user avatarBigAngus752 reply : 

The only thing that aggravates me is stupid people (in or out of a kayak).  If you aren't one of them, then enjoy!  I only have two issues:

1.  I've only been a boater for two years.  I worry about hitting or swamping a kayaker that I don't see in time, but that just makes me more careful which is a good thing. 

2.  I run a Ranger aluminum that drafts very shallow and yet YOU can get into a million places that I I'm jealous.  


P.S. Thanks for the info about the "throttling down".  I'll remember that it's better for you if I stay up on plane.  

fishing user avatarfishballer06 reply : 

Living in Pittsburgh, we have a large urban community, and outside of the 3 rivers downtown, and Lake Erie about 2.5 hours north of us, all of our lakes are limited horsepower lakes. Thus making prime water for kayakers to get out on safely without having to worry about big water that gets windy, or large, powerful boats with big wakes. 


A few of our local lakes are totally overrun with kayakers once Memorial Day hits. One lake in particular is a narrow, long lake (only about 100-200 yards wide in most parts). Groups of kayakers will go out in large floatilla's and string themselves out across the entire lake 20 yards apart and completely block the lake from any boat traffic. I'd say 90% of the time they aren't fishermen, they're just pleasure riders who are clueless to how ignorant they are being. In PA, you are responsible for your own wake, so if you blow past a kayakers and upset them and they get hurt or lose property, you can be responsible. 


Another thing that upsets me about the pleasure kayaker's is that they have no boat ramp common courtesy. Did you know that two kayaker's can take up an entire 4 boat wide ramp? They sure can, and they have no problem taking their sweet time and BS'ing with each other while multiple boats sit there patiently waiting. 


If you can't tell already, I'm not overly fond of the clueless kayaker's. In my experience, the majority of kayak fishermen know the rules of the water/ramp and are very courteous to boaters. So I have no problem with those guys at all, but man those pleasure kayaker's...

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

I have boats and kayaks. I have accidentally almost hit a kayaker a time or twelve while driving a boat.  I have never even come close to getting hit or in an altercation when I was in my kayak. Some folks just don't understand how to fish and where to drive which boats. If someone in a bass boat tells a kayaker they don't  belong  on  an offshore ledge on the TN river, the bass boater isn't being mean . He is trying to save the kayakers life. We have double decker party yachts, paddle wheel dinner cruises, 20 something year olds running wake boats into the tops of living trees (that happened last year, I think a girl died) barges carrying massive loads and bass boats capable of 90 mph. If theres anyone's opinion that is worth it's weight in this thread, I'm siding with the retired coast guard man who fishes from a canoe as well as a 55 mph boat . I have the right to ride a bicycle on the interstate but that doesnt mean I should 




fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

The chain of lakes I fish in Wisconsin are very heavy recreational lakes (26 lakes in the chain).  I get to fish around Yaks (both pleasure and fishing) paddle boards, paddle boats, ski boats, canoes, jet ski's, pontoons (fishing, tubing, cocktail cruising), wakeboard boats, speedboats, rowboats, sailboats, every size fishing boat from small jons to 22ft bassboats and even the big swan peddleboats.:lol:  There are fools in every style I mentioned.  It's wasted energy getting upset or mad.  I have a couple of outs.  Sking on these lakes is limited to certain times of the day and there are certain lakes that are no-wake.  I fish the ski lakes during the no sking hours, then move to the no-wake lakes.  Live and let live.  Now when we are in Michigan, there are yak tournaments that will put 15-20 yaks out in a specific area for example Metro Beach.  If the smallies are up shallow, you have all sorts of boats sharing the water and tempers get short.  Last season we even had kite skiers in the same area.  I'm in no way dissing the yak fishermen but I will admit, it was funny that if we would hook into a fish, the yaks with their knees pumping, would make a b-line to within about 20 feet of us and start fishing.  We chalk it up to "tournament fever".  The only time I've seen it get testy is when the big cabin cruisers come trolling through for musky or walleye and even if we are sitting power poles down, they only alter course enough not to hit you and will motor right through where you are fishing.   

fishing user avatarLogan S reply : 

I feel like some of them have a death-wish based on where I've seen them and the fact they had no lights/flags and their color choice for both yak and clothing might as well have been camouflage.  If you're going to put yourself in an area where motorized vessels will be running for the love of all that's good make yourself visible.  EXTREMELY visible.


I have a few other pet-peeves about yakkers, some are fair and maybe some others aren't so fair (just being honest)...But THIS particular issue bothers me the most.  

fishing user avatarfishwizzard reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 11:38 AM, Bluebasser86 said:

. It's usually not a problem, it's the clueless pleasure kayakers that will paddle between me and the bank if I was 2 rod lengths off the bank. I sometimes wonder if some of them aren't anti-fishing and that's why they do it.

I think most peoples' concept/experence of fishing is dropping a hook and bobber straight down or casting it like 5' off the end of the dock, so it does not occur to them that a someone in a boat fishing "takes up" more space then just the footprint of the boat.  


None of the places I regularity yak fish for bass allow gas motors so bass boats are just huge kayaks to me.  On tidal rivers with a lot of boat traffic I just assume that every power boat launched that day to specifically run me over and plan my fishing according.  

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I don't care what they think, whether I'm in my 22' bass boat, a tin can rental, canoe, or kayak.  My capabilities or whether they think what I'm doing is within my rights or risky is my business.  Do something reckless around me, I'll get your registration numbers, and call them in.  There is a very heavy presence on my waters by the sheriff, Coast Guard, and ICE.  They minutes away from most waters I fish.  It's as simple as that.  Pull what @BassNJake calls 0 to idiot, and your day will not end well.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

In our local waters alligators in excess of 10' are quite common which has a way of deterring kayakers. Local rivers & bayous are better suited for kayaks.


On Toledo Bend you'll see back in creek channel coves & around main lake shorelines. Never seen one out on the main lake but ya gotta keep in mind this lake will give @A-Jay Lund a work out!


Where kayaks have really caught on is in our inland salt/brackish waters. Many guides offer to take kayak anglers out to designated islands, drop em off, & return later to pick em up.


One recurring theme I noticed in this thread is not being able to see kayakers while posting on a previous thread about the importance of blending in!


fishing user avatarMickD reply : 

There must be something wrong with me.  I never thought about it before.  :-)


"it" being kayak fishermen.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 11:20 PM, J Francho said:

I don't care what they think, whether I'm in my 22' bass boat, a tin can rental, canoe, or kayak.  My capabilities or whether they think what I'm doing is within my rights or risky is my business.  Do something reckless around me, I'll get your registration numbers, and call them in.  There is a very heavy presence on my waters by the sheriff, Coast Guard, and ICE.  They minutes away from most waters I fish.  It's as simple as that.  Pull what @BassNJake calls 0 to idiot, and your day will not end well.

An encounter with the sheriff is a very good ending compared to what happens about 20 times a year on my local water. 

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 12:02 AM, TnRiver46 said:

An encounter with the sheriff is a very good ending compared to what happens about 20 times a year on my local water. 

Well, that's really the point, isn't it.

fishing user avatarredmeansdistortion reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 10:03 AM, Russ E said:

i own a fishing Kayak and a Bass Boat. I have no issues with Kayak fishermen.

I do have a problem with some pleasure Kayakers. 

A couple of the local lakes are very popular with the kayak crowd.

They tend to cruise around the lakes close to shore.

I have had multiple times, that i would be fishing a shoreline and a couple of them would cut between me and the shore.

I usually just let them go by, but some of them are rude. Those individuals have had baits land close to their boat.

The worst ones are drunk kayakers.  They infiltrate my favorite steelhead streams when spring rolls around.  Last spring I was fishing one of my favorite holes wading about 10yd from the bank and a group came through.  One of them shouted 'get the ____ out of the water or you're gonna get hit' and proceeded to throw a full beer at me.  They passed about 20yd out front of me and had more than enough room to get by.  I was even courteous enough to get my line off of the water when I heard them coming.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Oo-boy. Bad time of year to open up a potential issue. Just look at A-Jay's ice-out countdown thread. :) Luckily we know there's a happy ending, light at the end of that dark tunnel.


Boaters? Gee, I'm assuming they'd really like me!


More seriously, my yak is small, and the majority of my waters are too small for motors. So, again, I think they'd like me. But, for larger waters I have maintained some of my yak's lime green color, and have a flag I can raise, and wave, and... frantically wave... And flares -which can be directed straight up, or... straight at the incoming dunderhead... I mean... potential friend.

fishing user avatarMN Fisher reply : 

This also applies to canoe anglers (like me). Can't tell you how many times I was almost swamped by an idiot power boater - fishermen as well as day-cruisers - last year even though I only got out a few times. One of the reasons I put outriggers on my canoe this winter.


How hard is it to obey the laws - 40 mph max speed on Minnetonka - or to actually LOOK for something that you might cause issues for?


It's these reasons why I try to keep to smaller lakes/bays. Especially one lake where the max motor allowed is 10HP - designated trout lake. With the morons in their overpowered boats zooming along without a care, it's dangerous to go into the main bays of Minnetonka - even if you're wearing a high-visibility PFD, they're not looking.

fishing user avatarMobasser reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 12:19 AM, redmeansdistortion said:

The worst ones are drunk kayakers.  They infiltrate my favorite steelhead streams when spring rolls around.  Last spring I was fishing one of my favorite holes wading about 10yd from the bank and a group came through.  One of them shouted 'get the ____ out of the water or you're gonna get hit' and proceeded to throw a full beer at me.  They passed about 20yd out front of me and had more than enough room to get by.  I was even courteous enough to get my line off of the water when I heard them coming.

Drunks got no place fishing near me. Whatever boat you choose, use common sense and obey all the rules. If your in a kayak or canoe, stay out of main lake areas! You'll get blown away! Stay back in the coves and quiet areas. You'll still catch plenty of fish.If some guy is drunk, and not following the rules, he deserves to get the law called on him. He's ruining things for serious fisherman

fishing user avatarredmeansdistortion reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 1:08 AM, Mobasser said:

Drunks got no place fishing near me. Whatever boat you choose, use common sense and obey all the rules. If your in a kayak or canoe, stay out of main lake areas! You'll get blown away! Stay back in the coves and quiet areas. You'll still catch plenty of fish.If some guy is drunk, and not following the rules, he deserves to get the law called on him. He's ruining things for serious fisherman

What happened to me isn't a common occurrence where I fish.  The vast majority of the time, I get a wave, a nod, and the age old question, "Ya catching anything?" lol

fishing user avatarOkobojiEagle reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 10:14 PM, TnRiver46 said:

I have the right to ride a bicycle on the interstate but that doesnt mean I should 

actually... unless you can ride that bike of yours at least 45 mph, you don't have a right to ride on an interstate.


To those of you disturbed by pleasure boats (kayaks included) crossing between you and your shoreline target;  try positioning your boat in their path and cast parallel to the shoreline.  This usually forces the other boat to move around you in deeper water and is often a better casting angle for you anyway.



fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Kayak is a boat!

The question should be how do power boaters with bass boats feel about kayaker's?

I believe the op got his answer as some members have both types of boats.

The issue to me about boating safety and that has to do with the operators. A kayak in high speed boating zones isn't safe or is running at speed safe anytime you can't see well or in no wake zones. 

It's hard to see into the sun and nearly impossible to see very low profile boats like kayaks where you don't expect them to be, but it's up to the power boater to yield right of way to none powered boats under sail or oars/paddles.

I often fish out in mid lake areas and it gets dangerous at times so I aviod doing it under traffic conditions. 

Expecting boaters to be courteous and use common sense is getting to be a rare occurrence where I fish.


fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

There's a lot of days on chickamauga guntersville wheeler  Wilson Pickwick and Kentucky lake where it's not safe to drive my 18 ft center console. The moral of the story is use good judgement. Don't fish where you might die . I've had a friend/coworker drown while kayaking and I have lots of buddies that work for the state and they don't enjoy having to tell your mother what happened. That is after they spent a week or more trying to find your carcass 

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 1:29 AM, WRB said:

Kayak is a boat!

The question should be how do power boaters with bass boats feel about kayaker's?

I believe the op got his answer as some members have both types of boats.

The issue to me about boating safety and that has to do with the operators. A kayak in high speed boating zones isn't safe or is running at speed safe anytime you can't see well or in no wake zones. 

It's hard to see into the sun and nearly impossible to see very low profile bosts like kayaks where you don't expect them to be, but it's up to the power boater to yield right of way to none powered boats under sail or oars/paddles.

I often fish out in mid lake areas and it gets dangerous at times so I aviod doing it under traffic conditions. 

Expecting boaters to be courteous and use common sense is getting to be a rare occurrence where I fish.


I have actually approached many a manually powered vessel in places where power driven vessels are routinely on plane at speeds in excess of 75 ft per second (just over 51 mph), to politely notify them that due to the low light or low sun, combined with the sea state & the color of their clothing and craft - they are virtually INVISIBLE.  Some thank me. Some don't seem to care. And few - well we'll skip those. 



fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 12:39 AM, MN Fisher said:

...morons in their overpowered boats zooming along without a care...

I remember when the Great Lakes salmonid fisheries exploded onto the scene. Suddenly everyone had to have a boat. And, there's something about wide open spaces, and speed, that... can make morons out of just about any of us.


I remember the stories; Some tragic, some funny. One day I walked out onto a small pier to do some fishing, and their was a 21ft Sea Ray perched on top of the pier. I chuckled about it, until I found out someone's wife and brother-in-law had died there. :(

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

If I paid $30K or more for one, I'd probably want to fish some "clean water."


Now I don't fish from the kayak anywhere boats can run gas motors. Some of the places I fish, if you put a boat in, the water level would rise. For me, that's the point of the kayak to start with. These are like two different sports to me. I actually have an older boat but don't like to use it.


I do encounter some boats using electric motors. Some ask questions about the kayak, some wave, some ignore me. No one has ever said anything rude to me about it. On the other hand, when I used to fish from the boat at the local big lake, plenty of other boaters did and said rude things. It's amazing what they'll do and then tell you it's a big lake. That's why I got the kayak and sought out smaller waters.

fishing user avatarLog Catcher reply : 

I have one problem with people and kayaks. I try to slow down to idle speed to pass them safely and not cause a problem. Usually they won't quit paddling long enough for me to get by them. So I have start picking up speed again to get past them. If they get swamped sorry about your luck.

fishing user avatarMN Fisher reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 3:44 AM, Log Catcher said:

I have one problem with people and kayaks. I try to slow down to idle speed to pass them safely and not cause a problem. Usually they won't quit paddling long enough for me to get by them. So I have start picking up speed again to get past them. If they get swamped sorry about your luck.

Don't try that in'll get fined at the least.


"Nonmotorized Craft

Nonmotorized craft (sailboats, canoes, etc.) have the right-of-way over motorized craft in all situations, except when the nonmotorized craft is overtaking or passing."

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Just stay on plane and don't get too close. Planing bass boats make less wake than plowing water off plane.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

Despite the truth in that...facts may not help you if you try to apply that logic through a no-wake zone

fishing user avatarLog Catcher reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 3:49 AM, J Francho said:

Just stay on plane and don't get too close. Planing bass boats make less wake than plowing water off plane.

Guess you missed the part where I said I try to pass them at idle speed and not create much wake.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

What's a no wake zone?  Seriously, though, no wake means NO WAKE.  NO WAKE is probably not an issue for any vessel, powered or not.  My point was, if you are running and overtaking a non motorized vessel, GO AROUND THEM.  Slowing down just creates a big wake, and helps no one.  If you're idling, and you can't pass a kayaker, your boat is probably broken.  My boat idles at around 4 mph.  The fastest I've ever gotten my kayak going is a little over 5 mph, and I was really paddling or pedaling, depending on the boat.  Most often, I'd be moving at 2 to 2.5 mph.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

One of my favored kayak launches is in midst of half a dozen marinas.  Fortunately,  all no wake.  The bass boats are good....the 45+ footers are good....the weekend 25-30-something footers (maybe age, too) are a disaster in the making. 


fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 3:59 AM, J Francho said:

What's a no wake zone?  

Trick question?  Around here, a No Wake Zone is a section of navigable water, in which creation of a wake by a watercraft is prohibited....that's my interpretation...not legal language.    However,  a common interpretation is that you gotta go slow there....I don't think there's a speed limit, per se, but if you try to fly down this busy, no-wake river on plane, you are likely to have the sheriff or dnr called on you....whether you left any wake or not.

fishing user avatarMN Fisher reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 4:32 AM, Choporoz said:

Trick question?  Around here, a No Wake Zone is a section of navigable water, in which creation of a wake by a watercraft is prohibited....that's my interpretation...not legal language.    However,  a common interpretation is that you gotta go slow there....I don't think there's a speed limit, per se, but if you try to fly down this busy, no-wake river on plane, you are likely to have the sheriff or dnr called on you....whether you left any wake or not.

Minnesota law is more specific


"The most common restriction is slow no-wake speed. Slow no-wake means operating your boat at the slowest possible speed necessary to maintain steerage, but in no case greater than five miles-per-hour."

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 4:32 AM, Choporoz said:

Trick question?  Around here, a No Wake Zone is a section of navigable water, in which creation of a wake by a watercraft is prohibited....that's my interpretation...not legal language.    However,  a common interpretation is that you gotta go slow there....I don't think there's a speed limit, per se, but if you try to fly down this busy, no-wake river on plane, you are likely to have the sheriff or dnr called on you....whether you left any wake or not.

You wouldn't be making a wake in a no wake zone, so I don't understand your point as it pertains to boaters' opinions about kayaks, or the effects of a passing boat on a kayak.  It's moot.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

My point is that, while the three mile stretch of river here is a posted no-wake zone, you may well be ticketed if you try to transit it at 40mph...whether you make a wake or not.  There a race boat that launches where I do many Sundays.  He could do the 3 miles with no wake in about 2 min.  But, instead,  he has to take a half hour, idling a huge wake and rattling windows.  May not be right, but it is the reality. And the river is safer for kayaks because of that reality.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

My boat at idle will certainly not pass a kayaker paddling. I know this very well because I join a big float group on Sundays in summer with my motor boat if  i don't have time to run shuttle. When all my buddies launch and start paddling, I can't keep up unless I give it some gas. I have a 50 horse that idles about 1.7-1.9 mph on calm water.  The scenario @Log Catcher presented happens literally every time I try to pass one. I just have to laugh at the fact i can't idle faster than a canoe or kayak and hammer down . Where as when I'm the guy in the canoe or kayak, I pull over out of the way and wave hello. Once again, a little logic goes a long way. there a law that says pedestrians have the right of way but I don't walk in front of dump trucks 

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Again, just go around them.  Jeez.  It's not that hard.  The dude in the race boat should find somewhere else to launch.  Sounds obnoxious, but I doubt he's knocking little boats out of the water putting along at idel speed.

fishing user avatarHawkeye21 reply : 

I go fishing on a boat with others a few times a year by I'm a kayak fisherman.  I'm usually a very self aware person so I'm constantly thinking about what I'm doing and if it bothers others.  I prefer to launch along shorelines and if I have to use a ramp I wait till there are not many around and I try to do it was quickly as possible.  Because of this I have very few issues with boaters.  Most times I have them stop and ask me about my kayak and how the fishing is.


I have had a few instances with other fishing boats though and it's usually with fishing spots.  I feel like they think the have right to all spots because they're in a bigger boat.  They'll fish close to me and even cut me off.  It ticks me off but I just go around them or find a new spot.


I think there's one thing we can all agree on though, none of us care for jet skis.  They're the biggest nuisance on the water.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 5:32 AM, Hawkeye21 said:



I think there's one thing we can all agree on though, none of us care for jet skis.  They're the biggest nuisance on the water.

Yet smallest in size. Oh the irony........

fishing user avatarYaknBassn reply : 

Interesting to see boaters point of view on kayaks.  I've always wondered if I were visible.  I've got a flag, lights for low light, wear bright clothing when on bigger waters, and I've even got small mirrors on my paddle, just give a little extra flash. 


I try to avoid even crossing channels.  If I do, I try to make it a quick, straight shot.  It a motor boat is bearing down on me, I move towards the shore.  I want to live to fish another day. 

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

I avoid larger boating waters, though I venture into the York River for 

Striper fishing. That said, I stay clear from boats by taking routes around

them and not fishing near them unless there is a friendly exchange and/or



As for my local waters, they are electric-only, but even so, big bass boats

come out and fish the waters via trolling motor. I've only had one very

bad encounter which I've written about a while back. Otherwise I'd say it

is a generally friendly-or-keep-to-yourself type of water.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 6:46 AM, Darren. said:

I avoid larger boating waters, though I venture into the York River for 

Striper fishing. That said, I stay clear from boats by taking routes around

them and not fishing near them unless there is a friendly exchange and/or



As for my local waters, they are electric-only, but even so, big bass boats

come out and fish the waters via trolling motor. I've only had one very

bad encounter which I've written about a while back. Otherwise I'd say it

is a generally friendly-or-keep-to-yourself type of water.

I’ve never got a striper from a kayak but my cousin has and it was 42 lbs!!!! Looked like a farm pig . I also have another buddy that catches them from a gheenoe. That has to be awesome. Like water skiing without gasoline. The biggest striper I have caught was in kayak type water in shoals. I hooked it in a 14 foot v bottom and went for a ride!

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 7:58 AM, TnRiver46 said:

I’ve never got a striper from a kayak but my cousin has and it was 42 lbs!!!! Looked like a farm pig . I also have another buddy that catches them from a gheenoe. That has to be awesome. Like water skiing without gasoline. The biggest striper I have caught was in kayak type water in shoals. I hooked it in a 14 foot v bottom and went for a ride!

Biggest one I've caught was in freshwater -- 14# and about an inch

longer than my bump board (32"). And yes, even that size took me

for a nice ride in my yak.


I've got friends who've caught striper in the Chesapeake Bay well

over 50#. A dream.

fishing user avatarHarold Scoggins reply : 

I've never had a problem with other boaters, we get along fine.


fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

The only problem I've ever had with a Kayaker is my Brother-In-Law:P:lol:!!  As I said earlier, I go out when in Wisconsin at sunup and before any other powerboats hit the lakes.  The solitude is great!!  I was fishing a bank 2 large lakes away from the cottage we rent every year and having some good luck, enjoying the morning and sipping on my Tim Horton's coffee.  All of a sudden I hear a literal explosion that sounds like it 2 feet away from me.  It actually resonated through my body.  To say I jumped is an understatement!!  I actually screamed like a little girl and I might have wet myself a little!!!  I turned around and there was my BIL sitting in his yak laughing so hard he couldn't breathe!!  He snuck up on me and hand slapped my hull which sounded like a sonic boom!!  He is a yak fisherman so we both fished on down the bank and we still laugh about it every year.  


fishing user avatarstratoliner92 reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 8:17 PM, BoatSquirrel said:

Has everyone else seen guy paddling across the middle of the busy lake in low light conditions with no lights/flag and wondered how he was still alive? 

This is a real and very dangerous problem I've seen more than once.


Aggravating as others stated is going between me and bank while fishing, that always amazes me. I've got family and friends that use kayaks and me growing up canoeing I am very mindful of others on water when I'm in my boat 

fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 
  On 2/14/2019 at 6:34 PM, Harold Scoggins said:

I've never had a problem with other boaters, we get along fine.



fishing user avatarColumbia Craw reply : 

I don't have kayak FISHERMAN at all.  On one lake there are dozens of recreational kayakers.  I show courtesy to all.  It's when they use a BOAT launch to set up in groups and settle in groups right in front of the drive on lane that I take issue.  The one thing I never want to say while i'm running on plane, " is that what that bump was."

fishing user avatarMjmj reply : 

While 3 boats were waiting to loac


fishing user avatarRuss E reply : 
  On 2/15/2019 at 9:16 AM, Mjmj said:

While 3 boats were waiting to loac


Been in that situation before. It is usually not fisherman. Most of the time it is pleasure kayakers that  have no idea what they are doing.

fishing user avatarschplurg reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 10:14 PM, TnRiver46 said:

I have boats and kayaks. I have accidentally almost hit a kayaker a time or twelve while driving a boat.  I have never even come close to getting hit or in an altercation when I was in my kayak.




I hope I never kayak on a lake you are operating a boat on! 

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/15/2019 at 3:08 PM, schplurg said:


I hope I never kayak on a lake you are operating a boat on! 

When they are strung literally all the way across the TN river just before dark and I’m hugging the bank at idle speed trying to avoid them and one is amongst all the bushes, I have to almost hit them. It happens every Wednesday spring summer and fall. My boat goes 25 mph max, I think you’ll be alright. I’m not the guy that’s going to run you over , see picture of orange boat in trees above 

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 2/15/2019 at 9:16 AM, Mjmj said:

While 3 boats were waiting to loac


Almost the same as the family with a pontoon boat.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/15/2019 at 10:00 PM, J Francho said:

Almost the same as the family with a pontoon boat.

Oh man. Had to wait about 15 minutes on that scenario this summer. I almost got out of the truck and asked them if they wanted me to launch it instead. I was in no hurry though so I just observed. It was also a 2 wide launch and they were parked in the middle

fishing user avatarTucson reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 11:10 AM, YaknBassn said:

I shouldn't have said throttle down.  I meant the opposite.


But that does bring up a good point.  I'd so much rather boats just stay on plane.  I know folks mean when well when they slow down, but the wake that's created is rough. 

This is good to know, never certain which was better for them.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 2/15/2019 at 9:16 AM, Mjmj said:

While 3 boats were waiting to loac


I have launched my kayak a few times from regular boat ramps. Were I this guy, I would have carried the kayaks over to the grass on the right and lifted them in when ready to take off. If they don't have a regular boat, they don't know the etiquette. But they'll learn quickly.

  On 2/14/2019 at 7:24 PM, TOXIC said:

The only problem I've ever had with a Kayaker is my Brother-In-Law:P:lol:!!  As I said earlier, I go out when in Wisconsin at sunup and before any other powerboats hit the lakes.  The solitude is great!!  I was fishing a bank 2 large lakes away from the cottage we rent every year and having some good luck, enjoying the morning and sipping on my Tim Horton's coffee.  All of a sudden I hear a literal explosion that sounds like it 2 feet away from me.  It actually resonated through my body.  To say I jumped is an understatement!!  I actually screamed like a little girl and I might have wet myself a little!!!  I turned around and there was my BIL sitting in his yak laughing so hard he couldn't breathe!!  He snuck up on me and hand slapped my hull which sounded like a sonic boom!!  He is a yak fisherman so we both fished on down the bank and we still laugh about it every year.  


You'd have to sleep on the lake to beat powerboats out on our local lake. My family had a house on lake Wateree. I would trailer the boat over, launch, run it to be sure it was good to go and dock. Next morning, I would get up an hour before sunrise and go straight to the spot I wanted to fish. There'd already be two guys in the cove. If there was a good spot, you'd have to stage to fish it on weekends. That's when I decided I'd had enough, bought the kayak and started looking for private places to fish. Now I have 3 places I can come and go as I please and a couple more that I have access to.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/16/2019 at 2:34 AM, the reel ess said:

I have launched my kayak a few times from regular boat ramps. Were I this guy, I would have carried the kayaks over to the grass on the right and lifted them in when ready to take off. If they don't have a regular boat, they don't know the etiquette. But they'll learn quickly.

You'd have to sleep on the lake to beat powerboats out on our local lake. My family had a house on lake Wateree. I would trailer the boat over, launch, run it to be sure it was good to go and dock. Next morning, I would get up an hour before sunrise and go straight to the spot I wanted to fish. There'd already be two guys in the cove. If there was a good spot, you'd have to stage to fish it on weekends. That's when I decided I'd had enough, bought the kayak and started looking for private places to fish. Now I have 3 places I can come and go as I please and a couple more that I have access to.

And a bunch of new PBs

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 2/16/2019 at 3:02 AM, TnRiver46 said:

And a bunch of new PBs

Absolutely. I was competing with the big boys with expensive toys over mostly dinks on the big lake. It's hard to beat the feeling of playing a fish that's turning your boat. And it's exercise, to boot.

fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 
  On 2/16/2019 at 2:34 AM, the reel ess said:

You'd have to sleep on the lake to beat powerboats out on our local lake. My family had a house on lake Wateree. I would trailer the boat over, launch, run it to be sure it was good to go and dock. Next morning, I would get up an hour before sunrise and go straight to the spot I wanted to fish. There'd already be two guys in the cove. If there was a good spot, you'd have to stage to fish it on weekends. That's when I decided I'd had enough, bought the kayak and started looking for private places to fish. Now I have 3 places I can come and go as I please and a couple more that I have access to

I am lucky.


Water Skiing Hours 
Water Skiing Lakes
Rainbow, Round, Columbia, Long

Monday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 10 :00 am -7:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays:  10:00 am – 2:30 pm

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Absolutely no problems at all with a Kayak fisherman. They have the same right as anyone else.   All I ask is they make sure they are well visible in wavy water for safety.  I saw a Kayak-er almost get hit on St Clair by a cruiser boat.  The guy would disappear between waves due to the size of the waves.

fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 
  On 2/15/2019 at 8:06 AM, Columbia Craw said:

I don't have kayak FISHERMAN at all.  On one lake there are dozens of recreational kayakers.  I show courtesy to all.  It's when they use a BOAT launch to set up in groups and settle in groups right in front of the drive on lane that I take issue.  The one thing I never want to say while i'm running on plane, " is that what that bump was."

A lot of times it's the easiest way to get in the water especially in groups. Mama taught patience. 

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/16/2019 at 5:20 AM, Glaucus said:

A lot of times it's the easiest way to get in the water especially in groups. Mama taught patience. 

Make sure you check the bottom of the yaks from time to time. I guide kayak trips for beginners sometimes and we always load them in the boat on the ramp and give them a shove. Put a lot of holes in high end kayaks that way. One lady paddled about 200 yards and said "am I supposed to be sitting in water?" Luckily she remained calm and we switched kayaks. The holes are easy to fix at least, always dead center in the very back.  And never ever let a paddle board touch the concrete, at least the fiberglass ones they first came out with 

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

I have no problem with small craft when I'm in my big boat but use common sense . If there is a lot of boat traffic , there are going to be a  lot of waves . If I was to take my 22 footer and anchor at the end of a dike  on the Mississippi  , then a barge comes up-stream and swamps me , well then , that would be  poor decision on my part . 

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/16/2019 at 7:47 AM, scaleface said:

I have no problem with small craft when I'm in my big boat but use common sense . If there is a lot of boat traffic , there are going to be a  lot of waves . If I was to take my 22 footer and anchor at the end of a dike  on the Mississippi  , then a barge comes up-stream and swamps me , well then , that would be  poor decision on my part . 

That’s all I been trying to say this whole time 

fishing user avatarHawkeye21 reply : 

Common sense is not always all that common yet it should be a primary focus when on the water.

fishing user avatargimruis reply : 

I never encounter too many yaks on the water.  The ones I do encounter are often fishing in a minimum wake zone or a backwater area where boats aren't going to zoom by and potentially cause a problem.  My only negative experience with them is when there are group of 3 or 4 that go around the lake close to shore and they feel the need to go in between me and where I'm casting to.  I've sent more than a couple lures close enough to the yak so they get the point and don't do it again.  I guess the only question I have is whether its required to have/wear a PFD in a yak.  I've seen lots of them without PFDs on and I've always thought that a yak should be the most appropriate situation to wear one all the time.

fishing user avatarCrow Horse reply : 
  On 2/17/2019 at 4:24 AM, gimruis said:

I've seen lots of them without PFDs on and I've always thought that a yak should be the most appropriate situation to wear one all the time.

Agreed 1000%. I think that some states might require it by law. Maybe the states that don't just want to thin out the gene pool......

fishing user avatarHarold Scoggins reply : 

Don't be "that guy," on the ramp. Good advice.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I treat kayaks like other bass boats. As long as they don’t crowd me and try to fish where I’m fishing I don’t have a problem with them. 

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/18/2019 at 5:20 AM, Harold Scoggins said:

Don't be "that guy," on the ramp. Good advice.

Good video and some stuff I have never thought about . Drones? I’m lucky to make it back to the truck with my Keys and all my rods! Also that guy has some awesome boats 

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 

Haven’t been on in awhile so trying to catch up! But I usually don’t have to many problems as I fish in a canoe but sometimes boaters make fun of me. I also had one guy get mad bc I was fishing along the shoreline for hours and he decided to fly over to me and say I was “to close to his spot” and he tried to flip my canoe in thick grass. Or when I fish Lake Erie in spring time some “expensive boats” give me the weird eye but they soon get friendly when I out fish them 3:1 :)  

fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 
  On 2/23/2019 at 10:24 AM, Ksam1234 said:

Haven’t been on in awhile so trying to catch up! But I usually don’t have to many problems as I fish in a canoe but sometimes boaters make fun of me. I also had one guy get mad bc I was fishing along the shoreline for hours and he decided to fly over to me and say I was “to close to his spot” and he tried to flip my canoe in thick grass. Or when I fish Lake Erie in spring time some “expensive boats” give me the weird eye but they soon get friendly when I out fish them 3:1 :)  

This isn't common, but it's far too common. Exactly why I have some animosity about it. This behavior is criminal and dangerous. 

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/23/2019 at 10:24 AM, Ksam1234 said:

Haven’t been on in awhile so trying to catch up! But I usually don’t have to many problems as I fish in a canoe but sometimes boaters make fun of me. I also had one guy get mad bc I was fishing along the shoreline for hours and he decided to fly over to me and say I was “to close to his spot” and he tried to flip my canoe in thick grass. Or when I fish Lake Erie in spring time some “expensive boats” give me the weird eye but they soon get friendly when I out fish them 3:1 :)  

The fish never even hear you coming when you sneak up on them with a canoe. The only problem is my canoe is aluminum so when I drop a bullet sinker, birds (and fish) spook for 75 yards 

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 
  On 2/23/2019 at 12:07 PM, TnRiver46 said:

The fish never even hear you coming when you sneak up on them with a canoe. The only problem is my canoe is aluminum so when I drop a bullet sinker, birds (and fish) spook for 75 yards 

I have an old town saranac 15 ft and love it but this year I think I wanna upgrade. I was looking at the sportspal canoe and it looks amazing ! Was hoping it’s as good as it looks costing 1200$

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 2/23/2019 at 10:24 AM, Ksam1234 said:

I also had one guy get mad bc I was fishing along the shoreline for hours and he decided to fly over to me and say I was “to close to his spot” and he tried to flip my canoe in thick grass.

Another candidate for a photo of the reg numbers and a call to the sheriff.

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 
  On 2/25/2019 at 9:59 PM, J Francho said:

Another candidate for a photo of the reg numbers and a call to the sheriff.

Yeah I should of thought of that. I left about 10 minutes later and was hoping he didn’t follow me to the ramp as he had a few guys with him and I was alone. But it all worked out... some people just have nothing better to do I guess

fishing user avatarTimberTodd reply : 

Ive never had an issue with someone fishing from their boat. I give eveyone boat or bank their space. Now wakeboats and jetskis are a different story. I had a wakeboat come within about 80' of me and turn so that his tsunami of a wave came right at me. He wasn't even towing a wakeboarder.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/26/2019 at 5:01 AM, TimberTodd said:

Ive never had an issue with someone fishing from their boat. I give eveyone boat or bank their space. Now wakeboats and jetskis are a different story. I had a wakeboat come within about 80' of me and turn so that his tsunami of a wave came right at me. He wasn't even towing a wakeboarder.

Just turning fuel into noise 

fishing user avatarRatherbefishing75 reply : 

I to fish in a canoe and I launch it with the help of a boat trailer I’m quick to unload and quick to load as I get her ready to go out or to go home in the parking lot  I have seen way to many fart nockers  hog the ramp and thay are usually to  Pleasureboaters as far as respect in the water I have had no problems with other fishermen on water mainly because I like to get in to the spots that thay can’t ????

fishing user avatarAC870 reply : 

I got no problems with yaks but I’m concerned about their safety. I’ve seen a couple under Guntersville Lake bridges more than once and that is not s good place to be. 

fishing user avatarjbsoonerfan reply : 

I treat every vessel on the water the same. I am no longer a boater, but I was. If I'm on plane and a yak is in the main lake fishing a point, I will just keep going and stay as far away as possible (same as I would do with a bass boat). Most of the time people fishing out of a yak at least have a clue, it is the recreational people who don't even know what is going on. Those people don't get much respect from me for some of the things they have done.

fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 
  On 2/27/2019 at 12:26 PM, AC870 said:

I got no problems with yaks but I’m concerned about their safety. I’ve seen a couple under Guntersville Lake bridges more than once and that is not s good place to be. 

It's just as much a boaters responsibility to watch out for smaller crafts as it is a small crafts responsibility to be safe and be seen. The water is for everyone. What I'm learning throughout the thread is "you don't belong here." Everyone be safe and be smart. Everyone is entitled to the same water in whatever boat they're in. 

fishing user avatarjbsoonerfan reply : 
  On 2/27/2019 at 12:59 PM, Glaucus said:

It's just as much a boaters responsibility to watch out for smaller crafts as it is a small crafts responsibility to be safe and be seen. The water is for everyone. What I'm learning throughout the thread is "you don't belong here." Everyone be safe and be smart. Everyone is entitled to the same water in whatever boat they're in. 

Just like it is just as much a semi truck driver to look out for motorcycles, but unfortunately those motorcycle drivers think they can do what they want because they are on a motorcycle. I see groups of "bikers" all the time who ride the centerline with their foot hanging out as far as they can. I guarantee if I was on a bike, I would be as far from the centerline as possible. A gust of wind (especially here in Oklahoma) can sway a semi 1-2 feet. If the cocky biker rider isn't careful, he may lose a foot.

fishing user avatarstepup reply : 
  On 2/13/2019 at 9:36 AM, YaknBassn said:

I figure the majority guys on this site fish from bass boats.  I'm curious to know how they REALLY feel about kayak anglers on the water, especially on the main lake.


I went from fishing from a boat to strictly kayak fishing.  Kayak fishing has exploded in popularity since I made the jump.  I feel like coming from a boat first and understanding the laws on the water was very useful.  With kayaks being as cheap as $200, you get people on the lakes that have no clue.  

I would bet most are like me and fish from both.


fishing user avatarOsprey39 reply : 

I have no problem with kayakers as long as they aren't paddling around in the middle of a channel where they know powerboats are going to want to run.  For that matter, I don't like it when powerboats mill around in the middle of said channels either.  It's kind of like playing hockey on a highway, just not a very good idea.


That said, I don't really get the whole kayak fishing thing.  It seems like a de-evolution in fishing methods to me but hey, whatever blows your dress up I guess :P

fishing user avatarkenmitch reply : 

I had one snub me at the lake yesterday....He said I had more rods than a tournament fisherman! 


fishing user avatarHawkeye21 reply : 
  On 2/28/2019 at 2:41 AM, Osprey39 said:

I have no problem with kayakers as long as they aren't paddling around in the middle of a channel where they know powerboats are going to want to run.  For that matter, I don't like it when powerboats mill around in the middle of said channels either.  It's kind of like playing hockey on a highway, just not a very good idea.


That said, I don't really get the whole kayak fishing thing.  It seems like a de-evolution in fishing methods to me but hey, whatever blows your dress up I guess :P


This is the issue I think boaters have with kayaks, you don't get it.  People have a tendency to not care or disrespect things they don't get.  I'm not saying this is how you are but it is for a good amount.


As for the hockey on the highway analogy, that's a poor example.  The highway is not meant for everyone, it's meant for high speed traffic.  Public waters are meant for everyone and that includes kayaks, canoes, skiers, tubers, swimmers and people who just want to float around.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 
  On 2/27/2019 at 12:59 PM, Glaucus said:

What I'm learning throughout the thread is "you don't belong here."

I dont see it like  that  at all . 

fishing user avatarRuss E reply : 

this thread just keeps going.

Both sides need to be aware of the other.

On public water everyone has an equal right to be there.

When I am fishing from a kayak I do not fish in the middle of a busy boat channel. That is just plain ignorant.

When I am in my boat I always give a Kayak a wide berth. If one is in the boat channel I try to slowly idle by. 

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

No problem, I like to see them out in the glades.  We have gators bigger then the kayaks.   I’d rather be in my bass boat, but each to their own.  I have had a gator slap my boat with it’s tail, and many follow the boat for quite some time while fishing.  Would not want to be in a kayak when seeing 100 adult gators a trip.

fishing user avatarOsprey39 reply : 
  On 2/28/2019 at 11:08 PM, Hawkeye21 said:

As for the hockey on the highway analogy, that's a poor example.  The highway is not meant for everyone, it's meant for high speed traffic.  Public waters are meant for everyone and that includes kayaks, canoes, skiers, tubers, swimmers and people who just want to float around.

I was specifically talking about channels which are by and large meant for high speed traffic.  I've been on lakes in New Mexico where going outside the channel was asking for some serious lower unit damage.  Even here in Florida, you might end up running up on a sand bar or something.  I also said I didn't like it when powerboats loiter in the middle of the channel so I wasn't discriminating against paddlers when I said that.  It's just not a great place to fish or otherwise mill around in.

fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 
  On 3/1/2019 at 1:58 AM, geo g said:

No problem, I like to see them out in the glades.  We have gators bigger then the kayaks.   I’d rather be in my bass boat, but each to their own.  I have had a gator slap my boat with it’s tail, and many follow the boat for quite some time while fishing.  Would not want to be in a kayak when seeing 100 adult gators a trip.

Roland Martin recently put out a video where he was WADING in a lake in Florida. He said he's not concerned about the gators. That's absolutely insane. I would have a hard time bank fishing in Florida let alone kayaking or wading. I'd be terrified the whole time. 

fishing user avatarOsprey39 reply : 
  On 3/1/2019 at 6:49 AM, Glaucus said:

Roland Martin recently put out a video where he was WADING in a lake in Florida. He said he's not concerned about the gators. That's absolutely insane. I would have a hard time bank fishing in Florida let alone kayaking or wading. I'd be terrified the whole time. 

Most of the time there's no reason to be worried about them.  When I was a teenager, I was duck hunting with a friend of my dad's and we had a bird go down behind our blind.  He went wading out to get it and all of a sudden I heard a huge splash from his direction.  I yelled over at him, "Did you fall down?"  He yelled back, "Nah, I just stepped on about an 8 foot gator over here."  The gator just took off as they don't like being around humans.  


Now if it's their mating season, all bets are off.  They are very aggressive during that time of the year.

fishing user avatarTimberTodd reply : 
  On 2/28/2019 at 3:16 AM, kenmitch said:

I had one snub me at the lake yesterday....He said I had more rods than a tournament fisherman! 


He was just jealous????

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 2/27/2019 at 12:26 PM, AC870 said:

I got no problems with yaks but I’m concerned about their safety. I’ve seen a couple under Guntersville Lake bridges more than once and that is not s good place to be. 

Grand Central station

  On 3/1/2019 at 1:25 AM, Russ E said:

this thread just keeps going.

Both sides need to be aware of the other.

On public water everyone has an equal right to be there.

When I am fishing from a kayak I do not fish in the middle of a busy boat channel. That is just plain ignorant.

When I am in my boat I always give a Kayak a wide berth. If one is in the boat channel I try to slowly idle by. 

What on Earth are you thinking using common sense????!

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 
  On 3/1/2019 at 6:49 AM, Glaucus said:

Roland Martin recently put out a video where he was WADING in a lake in Florida. He said he's not concerned about the gators. That's absolutely insane. I would have a hard time bank fishing in Florida let alone kayaking or wading. I'd be terrified the whole time. 

I fish Florida 6 days a week for the last 40 years.  I bank fish 4 days a week and have never waded one time.  I have seen thousands of snakes over that time, and even had one go between my feet from behind.  Scared the crap out of me, and i'm not afraid of snakes.  Now we have 15 foot pythons on the loose.  NO WADING for me! 

I have had gators charge the boat, slap the side of the boat with there tail, and nose the trolling motor. Breeding season is the time when they get a little hissy.  Big males like their territory.  You can get away with wading many times, but if your in the wrong place at the right time, your in a world of hurt.

Pythons, Gators, Cotton Mouths, 100 pound snapping turtles, do you need more.

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

Reading some of the responses here makes me appreciate how grateful I am that my family raised me to not be afraid of wildlife while I am in the outdoors. I have dived both in freshwater with alligators and saltwater with sharks so I know a thing or two about being close to wildlife compared to someone who just fishes from a boat or on the shore. Yes you have to respect dangerous wildlife but not fear it like so many people do. You need to understand the biology of these animals and avoid them when they are most aggressive (alligator mating season for example). Being knowledgeable about the wildlife around me makes fishing much more enjoyable for me since I do not fear every animal that is near me and I can focus my efforts where it really matters which is catching more big bass from the bank.

  On 3/1/2019 at 6:49 AM, Glaucus said:

 WADING in a lake in Florida. I would have a hard time bank fishing in Florida let alone kayaking or wading. I'd be terrified the whole time. 

I often wade to release my bass, have wade fished for bass, and wade fish both in freshwater and saltwater. You need to know what you are doing and if you do you will be ok. Don't wade fish during alligator mating season and don't wade fish in water with less than 10 feet visibility. Pay attention to your surroundings at all times. If an alligator is showing his back and shows other aggressive body language then it would probably be best to leave the area and fish somewhere else.

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 3/1/2019 at 1:25 AM, Russ E said:

Both sides need to be aware of the other.

On public water everyone has an equal right to be there.

Try telling that to those with boats that drive +30mph in no wake zones, jet skiers, pleasure boaters, and other people who seem to not care for others fishing. Best thing to do is to adapt to the situation and be consistent at catching big bass, that is what I do and it keeps me happy while on the water.

fishing user avatarRip_lipz reply : 

I started on a kayak before I bought my glass boat. I have never had an issue, if they cut in front of me they probably don't know better. NOW, wake boats.. someone needs to teach these guys its not cool to do circles around my boat when I am trying to fish offshore. 


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