i would think everyone would eat a snack while fishing so that u are able to fish and not worry about being hungry well mine is quaker chewy bars anyone else?
I snap into a slim jim...oooooh yeahhhh! 8-)
Beef jerky and Craisins but not at the same time. ;D That way I can chew and fish at the same time.
Ah yes I remember those days. Now it's uncrustabe sandwich and some water.
beef jerky and water..............but I usually get so engrossed in my fishing that I ravenously devour the jerky on the way home.
Chewy granola bars and salted cashews, that is if I remember to eat...
a slim jim and fruit punch gatorade
Protein bar and gatorade.
Beef Jerky
homemade deer jerky, Coor's Light and Copenhagen.
i put a few hotdogs in a thermos and add boiling water, learned that on this website last year
Quotebeef jerky and water..............but I usually get so engrossed in my fishing that I ravenously devour the jerky on the way home.
That is exactly what I do.
raw dinks
Peanut butter cheese crackers. You can toss one in your mouth and continue to fish. 8-)
x2 Ronnie
Deer jerky, peanut butter or cheese crackers, skoal, and blue gatorade.
Skoal Mint
Red bull and boiled eggs. Or cheez and crackers & lots of water
A bag of chips, and beef jerky. I also always have a 12 pack of rootbeer or coke with me.
im usually too busy fishing to take the time to eat, but i like to have jerky and gatorade when i fish.
Gatorade and Doritos.... Best combination
Early spring and fall I never go fishing without my thermos of hot coffee. For the majority of the season we pack gallons of ice water. Snacks are usually Honey Wheat pretzels. Post fishing finds us at a 7-11.
A sandwich w/pepsi and an apple, Heineken and Grizzly wintergreen. But don't tell my wife about the last one! If I'm really hungry I'll eat my bait.
nutter butters, my fav
Pepsi,Chips Beef jerky, What ever is edible when I am hungary.
powerbar and water.
water and those cheese and crackers they sell at the gas station.
Boiled Peanuts and a Diet Sun Drop.
Venison Jerky, Pale Ale..........
Guiness=food and water all in one
a sub, granola bars, or ham samich with gatorade
i always keep atomic fireballs (cinnamon candy) in my pocket to suck on while im fishing.
I always carry a few Jolley Ranchers in my pocket.
Funyons, Chex Mix, Jerky and a Diet Red Bull.
Can't go wrong.
And, um, a roll of Tums.
Good question...
I learned last summer...PLENTY of water and I actually make a lunch for the day. Two reasons: keeps me feeling balanced all day, and I break it up into like 3-4 breaks. Clear my mind for a few minutes each snack, and think about how I've been fishing, get back to it.
And cigars!!
Breakfast: Egg & Cheese Sandwich from KK's Marina
Snack: Oranges, Granny Smith Apples, Bananas, Reece's Peanut Cups
Lunch/Supper: PB&J Sandwich, Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Fausto's Fried Chicken
Drink: Gatorade, water & milk
Pistachios (chewed like sunflower seeds)
Nature Valley Sweet and Salty. These things are a gift from God
My snack is heavily salted peanuts, with raisens and m&m's (I have to mix my own so I get my correct m&m ratio ).
peanut butter and honey sandwhiches are my lunch and larger meals.
Catt- did I just read you bring bananas on your boat
Happy Releasing,
Good Fried Chicken for real.. I like that HEB chicken is seems to keep fairly well..
OK so we have verified that a good bass fisherman NEVER goes hungey!!!! ;D
Turkey w/honey mustard
Nothin'. Ain't got time to eat... ;D (ref. Jesse the body in Predator, "I ain't got time to bleed." ;D"
Usually some coffee and a doughnut or two that might make a police officer proud.
A bag of fried chicken.
i usually fast while fishing, just not enough time to fish and eat at the same time ;D. i make up for it at the end of the day and eat 3 or 4 meals worth of food in a sitting.
Yea that's right bananas this Cajun aint superstitious', wonderful source of potassium during those high heat-high humidity days or nights.
Beef jerky and water. Sometimes a Dr. Pepper.
peanut butter crackers or snickers
Quotepeanut butter crackers or snickers
x2 + some jerky gatorade & a can of grizz
Sardines,smoked oysters,or vienna sausages on saltines and plenty of water. When I'm out fishin I can eat all that stuff that grosses out my wife if I eat it at home.
Clif bar and a Peach Nehi
QuoteSardines,smoked oysters,or vienna sausages on saltines and plenty of water. When I'm out fishin I can eat all that stuff that grosses out my wife if I eat it at home.Pegleg
WoW! what a salt loaded diet. Being a heart attack survivor, I'm on a salt restricted diet. Besides, all that salt just makes you even thirstier.
Hey islandbass....
We don't eat donuts anymore....we prefer croissants!!!
Hot tamales candy and an orange vitamin water or peach snapple.
.....Coffee, Jerky, water, Miller Lite..In that order....
Power bar, Jerky of some kind w/green tea or gatorade type drink. I can't do pop when it is hot.
Down a thermos of coffee by noon, then an apple and some p/b crackers or nacho-cheese combos. And supper at home that night always tastes ten times better than any other night for some reason.
pemmican beef jerky & mountain dew when i'm by myself.
pemmican beef jerky & bud light when i'm with my buddies.
Breakfast: Wawas Blueberry or Chocolate Chip Muffins, or Wawas Glazed or Boston Creme Donuts, sometimes Mom's fresh baked Blueberry Muffins with REAL blueberries, donut holes from Dunkin or a grocery store.
Lunch: Nuthin'... too busy fishing.
Dinner: Whatever the wife has made, whatever my mom has cooked up at their place, or... raiding the fridge at home.
Whatever I can grab on the way out the door or at the gas station. Usually water, peanut butter crackers, and granola bars.
hostess cup cakes my diabetic partner brings every fishing trip.
Crunchy peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich.
Beef Jerkey and orange Gatorade.
Swiss Cakes and Busch Light.
A little bit of something salty(peanut butter/cheese crackers,nachos, doritos,etc), something sweet (swiss rolls(Little Debbie), oreos, chocolate chipp cookies, some kind of chocolate bar), some fruits(bananas, apples,pears,etc) and WATER.
I take 2 diet cokes and a can of Timberwolf snuff,
Coors Light and deer jerky
Longhorn and some Venison Jerky
I'm surprised that so many actually drink beer while out on their boats whether fishing or not. I've always reserved my "cold one" for after a day on the water. Just too many boating accidents up here including the NYC reservoirs in rowboats that were directly related to beer drinking. :-/
Penut Butter & Chaeese nabs, banana moonpies, Propel water.
big bag of combos or m&ms or if i feel like cooking peanut butter nobakes are very good when fishing
Fried Chicken, I can eat it when I'm on the run.
just cant beat beef jerky and gatorade.
a red bull if i need it from the night before
Two full thottles on the way .A V-8 while waiting to blast off, and berry rain gatorade throughout the day.
I eat the 1st fish that comes into the boat, raw, and sip lake water throughout the day.
Trail Mix a fruit and a big bottle of Vitamin water (any brand)
Some times I will bring a double decker pb & j
Though for the most part I forget to bring something and end up hungry half way through the outing
PB and crackers, ham and cheese or bologna and cheese, pringles, bananas. Water or Gatorade to drink.
Wow! You're the 2nd guy to mention bringing Bananas. Just try that with any of my reservoir friends, and your bananas go over board pronto. ;D
QuoteWow! You're the 2nd guy to mention bringing Bananas. Just try that with any of my reservoir friends, and your bananas go over board pronto. ;D
yeah, I hear ya. I be sure to ask if bananas are allowed before boarding someone elses boat. lol. I'm not very superstitious about fishing. All the luck I need is between my ears. ;D You sure can't catch fish when your passed out on the deck becuase you didn't eat.
cliff bar, and a gatorade, water, pop, coffee, or energy drink 9depending on my mood and the time im fishin
I let the seasons dictate.
Nov - Mar *** hot tea and peanut butter crackers
Apr _ Oct *** lemonade/water/green tea and peanut crackers
Fluids are very necessary in hot weather here in Bama
Gatorade/Tea and Granola bars when I'm in my Kayak.
Gatorade, DP and Turkey or Ham sandwiches when I'm on the boat.
If available, I stop at a waterfront restaurent and get a burger, fries, a drink then use the facilities and go back to fishing. We have a nice place on the Potomac River with a deck and a bar right on the water. They also have crabs cooked with old bay, good stuff. I can do this because I pleasure fish I do not tournament fish.
Gatorade+Monster, Twizler ropes, and Beef jerkey
Mountain dew/coke/water/ or gatorade.Must keep hydrated...Don't leave home without one of those type of drinks.If early in morning i'll get an energy drink with me.
a box of donuts or slimjims on the way there...very rarely
a can of grizzy wintergreen(ALWAYS)
once in a great while i'll stop at McDonald's or a gas station with subways for a break if i've been out there all day.
Beef jerky and cheese. The wife allows me one beer per trip. Other than that it's coffee and water.
Who has time to eat? ;D
QuoteIf available, I stop at a waterfront restaurent and get a burger, fries, a drink then use the facilities and go back to fishing. We have a nice place on the Potomac River with a deck and a bar right on the water. They also have crabs cooked with old bay, good stuff. I can do this because I pleasure fish I do not tournament fish.
I like how you think!!!!!!!!! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Nutter Butter Cookies & apples.
When I'm fishing for fun I usually just take some gatorade and water and don't worry about eating. Only been in one tournament but I've already developed a plan: 1 energy drink before we launch, one for out on the water, and I stockpile the free stuff they hand out at registration (slim jims, rice krispy treats, etc.). Stuff that's small and quick to eat and will let me get back to fishing quick.
It's funny, but when I'm fishing I have only one thing on my mind, and do very little eating.
We used to bring fried chicken along but I got tired of trying to hold the rod with greasy hands.
I don't bother with any hard snacks, but usually sip on a can of diet coke, sprite or rip it.
Nowadays Lois just prepares sandwiches which I'll quickly gulp down, but only when I'm running on empty.
When we vacationed in Ontario in 2006, to my surprise I had lost 10 lbs in one week,
simply because I refused to lay the rod down until I was overcome by hunger
Some good chewing gum
Bass sushi
If I'm hungry, I try harder to catch fish ;D ;D ;D
SUNFLOWER SEEDS!!! ;D and a redbull
QuoteIt's funny, but when I'm fishing I have only one thing on my mind, and do very little eating.
We used to bring fried chicken along but I got tired of trying to hold the rod with greasy hands.
I don't bother with any hard snacks, but usually sip on a can of diet coke, sprite or rip it.
Nowadays Lois just prepares sandwiches which I'll quickly gulp down, but only when I'm running on empty.
When we vacationed in Ontario in 2006, to my surprise I had lost 10 lbs in one week,
simply because I refused to lay the rod down until I was overcome by hunger
I'm the exact same way, i won't eat or drink anything while I'm fishing. Prefishing or tournaments. I might drink something prefishing but thats about it, when i'm fun fishing i dont eat or drink at all either. I come back o the launch ramp parched and hungry at the end of a long hot day lol
nature valley bars!
16 oz. porterhouse, rare, and a bowl of creamed spinach.
I find it weird that some of you don't eat or drink when fishing.
I HAVE to have water even when its in the mid 60s and up. Even when its cold out I always keep drinking water in my truck.
If its hot out and I don't drink water I loose focus get tired and weak.
Not what you need on tournament day.....
Quotebeef jerky and water..............but I usually get so engrossed in my fishing that I ravenously devour the jerky on the way home.
Toasted Peanut butter crackers... fill you up and you can pop them in your mouth and never miss a beat.. well until you have to reach for the gatorade
Some pro needs to show this thread to the beef jerky co. It should be an easy sponsorship addition
Man 100 + posts on snacks who would have thought.
Mine - PB & J, chips & a banana for lunch or dinner
peanut butter crackers for snack
all low mess easy to pack stuff + water or soda
Sliced peperoni and provolone, bananas,trail mix and ice tea and 100% the time.no matter how hot it is a thermos full of good coffee 8-)
Most of my fishing is early morning:
Monster Low Carb
Gas Station McMuffin
pouch of Red Man
You know you are fishing to hard when you forget eat, drink or chew.
QuoteIt's funny, but when I'm fishing I have only one thing on my mind, and do very little eating.
We used to bring fried chicken along but I got tired of trying to hold the rod with greasy hands.
I don't bother with any hard snacks, but usually sip on a can of diet coke, sprite or rip it.
Nowadays Lois just prepares sandwiches which I'll quickly gulp down, but only when I'm running on empty.
When we vacationed in Ontario in 2006, to my surprise I had lost 10 lbs in one week,
simply because I refused to lay the rod down until I was overcome by hunger
Man, Roger, I know exactly what you're talking about. When your mind is intent on something it is amazing how sustenance never enters your thoughts. When my wife and I fish together she always brings something for us to snack on, but when I fish alone, I usually don't think of eating until I'm pulling my boat out of the water.
Beef Jerky, Corn Nuts and Ice Cold Miller Lite! Cant beat it!
Ten cups of ice coffee a snickers bar and 2 rolls of TP :-/
I buy those small snack paks in the meat counter at the super market. They have 8 small rounds of ham or turkey, 8 small squares of cheese and 8 crackers. You can throw them in your mouth and continue fishing. I also buy those half cans of soda as I don't have time to drink a big can.
Banana and red bull on the way, lots of peach propel while I'm there, wendys baconator on the way home.
Coke and a snickers!
Coffee,water and more coffee then a little more coffee.
Granola bars, sunflower seeds, lots of water.
Same as on land,...cold lobster tails in warm butter That would be my favorite,....
my most realistic would be the tried and true PB&J. Good solid energy food.
Wild Turkey and Camel lights....Dont worry...I fish from a dock...
Water, Sunflower seeds, bag of chips, energy bar, Marlboros and Sam Adams Summer Ale.
Nothing i'm too busy fishing throwing lures to stop. I eat on the way home at 7am or 8am. But i do grab a coffee and donuts on the way there the 24hr gas station one is open before there regular stores are open. For some reason i never get to finish that first coffee. When i hit the water its hammer time...
QuoteWild Turkey and Camel lights....Dont worry...I fish from a dock...
This got a good chuckle outta me. ;D
Never leave home without a bag of our Venison Jerky and snack stix. Bananas, oranges, nuts, sometimes a sammich. Water and iced tea. My dog fishes with me alot so I take a break while she enjoys the water and cools off. Oh, and she always likes a snack.
Jerky seems to keep me pretty busy if fishing aint so great
baby carrots and pineapple.both quench the thirst and stops the growling in the gut.i have jerky and crackers in the cooler along w/ water and power ade.
I bring the strawberry & PB crustables and diet Mtn Dew.... but I typically end up eating them on the way home. Time flies on the water when your trying to get 'em the boat before weigh-in. Need that cookie reciepe from KVD though...
Plus Skoal & a towel for the boat...
Welcome aboard!
Glad to be here. Need to know what Senko77 snacks on. Wished I had a little of whatever he was having while I was on Seminole
thats funny ;D
QuoteWild Turkey and Camel lights....Dont worry...I fish from a dock...