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Who's Your Favorite Pro? 2025

fishing user avatarmacmichael reply : 

Mine is Bill Dance.

fishing user avatarRangerphil reply : 

Guido hibdon, Greg hackney Jason Christie.

fishing user avatarwhitwolf reply : 

Hank Cherry



Edit: I'm adding Dustin Wilks and Tracy Adams because they are NC folks and good people.

fishing user avatarBassnChris reply : 

Bill Dance, Jimmy Houston, Shaw Grigsby.........there are several I like. Mostly for their personable ways.

Tommy Biffle.....he's a local and I know his kind of a more personal connection there.

fishing user avatarBig Bassman reply : 

Roland Martin, says a little about my age I guess. In his day he was like a Kevin Van Dam of today.


When I was watching the Classic the other day I was really impressed by the interviews Paul Mueller and Randy Howell gave. Both fellas knew exactly who to thank for their success and showed great humility. They appeared to be quality human beings. Congrats to both of them!

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 



Tight Lines

Pa Angler

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Larry Nixon ;)

fishing user avatartubedude reply : 

All time favorite would have to be Jimmy Houston...he is a crackup. Just a happy go lucky guy who loves to fish. Aaron Martens ranks up there in my book as far as the competing pros today. He seems like a classy guy from what I can tell.

fishing user avatardavi754 reply : 

I've never watched the classic before last week, so I only know of the big names in fishing. But I caught the interview with Paul Mueller after he set the record for most pounds in a day. I was impressed by his demeanor, and how he presented himself. He also knew who to give the credit to. I hope he does well in the world of fishing,and becomes a good role model for the sport.

fishing user avatarpaul25 reply : 

brandon palinuk, jason christie, and randall tharp

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

Ish, Ike, and Jason Quinn.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Dunno if I really have a *favorite*, but I like Hank Parker, Shaw Grigsby, KVD, Aaron Martens, Shin Fukae, Roland Martin, Bill Dance, Jimmy Houston, among others....

fishing user avatarjbsoonerfan reply : 

Too many probably, but EE, Hank Cherry, Jeff Kriet, Jason Christie, Ish, and Chris Lane.

fishing user avatarMysteryTackleBox reply : 

Karl VonDibble




:respect-059:  :respect-059:

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

Chris Lane, EE, Not KVD. No, not KVD. Sorry. Lost me a couple of years ago when he tried to stop others from going under the bridge in the classic. Nobody owns water.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 

Aaron Martens, because he is the best when conditions are the toughest. I also think he is the most intelligent.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Ike, Bill Dance, and Larry Nixon.

fishing user avatarlivetofish28 reply : 

Ike paulinuk Howell and Jon crews

Tight lines


fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

I'm a "younger guy" at 30 years old, however I like the old school king, Bill Dance. ;-)

fishing user avatarBrian6428 reply : 
  On 2/27/2014 at 7:23 PM, imanidiot777 said:

Aaron Martens, because he is the best when conditions are the toughest. I also think he is the most intelligent.


fishing user avatarChristian M reply : 

For me it's Ike. I really admire the fact that he "never gives up". Coming from New Jersey, I've seen so many people chase the dream and end up with nothing but an empty bank account and a broken home. In NJ a trophy size bass is 6lbs, a good day is 4 fish, and you only have 8 months out of the year on the water. Our biggest lakes are measured in square acres, not miles, and the lakes are probably some of the most pressured in the country. For Ike to compete sucessfully on a consistent basis, and win the most coveted trophy in the sport, I think deserves some serious credit. Plus I get a kick out of how crazy he goes when he lands a bass, and I respect how business savvy he is. My #2 is Bill Dance for obvious reasons. 

fishing user avatarmacmichael reply : 

Yea I really like Ike too. He's just a little crazy and very entertaining. I turned on a fishing show, City Limits Fishing, one day and he was right here in St. Louis fishing with Ryan Casey of Showme Catfishing. They caught some nice blues. Before the show was even over I called Ryan and scheduled a trip. Since then we do this twice a year. We have caught some mighty big blues. Ofcourse the wife,( alias The Warden), has caught the biggest. A 47 pounder. We usually keep around 10 fish under 10 pounds and let the big ones go so others can enjoy catching a big fish. It is a lot of fun. Sometimes we fish right in front of the Arch.

fishing user avatarWbeadlescomb reply : 

Denny brauer is my favorite him and hank Parker are the nicest two I've personally met. Talked to hank and his quite wife for quite awhile a few years ago at the classic about his son driving nascar. Denny is just the man he fishes the way I fish.

On the flip side Roland martin was a ***** and I would have fought Boyd duckett at the boat ramp in demopolis one day

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

I like a lot of the pro's. They're awesome guys and great human beings. My all time favorite has to be Jimmy Houston though. Great guy with an amazing personality and he has such a positive outlook on everything!

fishing user avatarmacmichael reply : 

I really don't know or have met any of them but am sure just like regular folks they have their good days and bad ones. Not excusing any of them either.

fishing user avatardaiwaguy reply : 

Ike, Denny Brauer and Ish

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

I really like Biffle, Martens just cause he is so laid back and Dave Lefebre

fishing user avatarWbeadlescomb reply : 

I don't care for martens mainly because he whines so much

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

KVD, day in and day out the best in the business.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Al Lindner

fishing user avatarslainempire reply : 

martens, ehrler, swindle for tourney pros.  zona and mercer for tv show pros.

fishing user avatarJigMe reply : 

Aaron Martens.

fishing user avatarbassmaster99 reply : 

Hank Cherry

fishing user avatarJack Fate reply : 

Timmy Horton, Bill Dance, Hank Parker, Shaw Grigsby, KVD,  Edwin Evers, Randy Howell

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

Ike, KVD and Aaron Martens.

fishing user avatarbuckeye_bass66 reply : 

Mr. Tom Biffle!!! I admire his flipping and pitching techniques

fishing user avatarSmallmouth Hunter reply : 


fishing user avatarDILLY07 reply : 

Brandon Palaniuk, Jordan Lee ( collegiate angler for Auburn University ) Randy Howell and a little bit of Michael Iaconelli 

fishing user avatarWildbillb reply : 

Linder brothers, Bill Lowen, JVD and Brandon Palaniuk

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

The late Tom Mann was my favorite, great personality, loved bass fishing and very friendly to everyone he met.

The best pro bass angler by far is KVD and also nice to the average bass angler in person, easy to talk to.

Both Greg Hackny and Shaw Grigsby are are good bass anglers and comfortable to talk to in person. I have known Aaron Martens since he was teenager, can't say he is my favorite bass pros...he is a good angler.

KVD is the man and my favorite today.


fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 
  On 2/28/2014 at 3:14 AM, roadwarrior said:

Al Lindner


X2 - One of the greatest multi-species anglers/pros in the business.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

It has to be Denny Brauer.... The guy is a Awesome flip/ pitch guy....

After he won the 98 ? Classic... He gave

Ozzy Osbourne a lesson on letterman

With a TDX... Frigging Ozzy thru a 1/2 oz jig

And nailed a taxi... I still laugh about that today

fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 
  On 2/28/2014 at 5:02 AM, Jack Fate said:

Timmy Horton, Bill Dance, Hank Parker, Shaw Grigsby, KVD,  Edwin Evers, Randy Howell

All good choices here. None of these guys are hammerheads like some of them.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

jason christie he's a classy dude

fishing user avatarBassnChris reply : 
  On 2/28/2014 at 3:14 AM, roadwarrior said:

Al Lindner

I like to listen to Al Linder talk. Very knowledgeable and acts like a regular joe.

fishing user avatarhookset on 3 reply : 

Well, I have to say there's two guys I've been watching on TV for 35 years. Started learning bass fishing techniques from them when I was about 17 years old. In my 50's now. For many years, I wouldn't miss their shows for anything.


One is a blond haired, jokester from Cookson, OK.


The other is one of original B.A.S.S. pros and wears a Tennessee hat.

fishing user avatarIowaHusker28 reply : 

Brandon Palaniuk, Ott Defoe, Shaw, Swindle, Kriet and the Lane brothers. But I also love watching the two best in their perspective tours KVD and Brent Ehrler. Its hard to pick one or two I just have many that I enjoy watching. 

fishing user avatarAQUA VELVA reply : 

KVD ,but that is probably because Im a Michigander. Those good ol' boys from down south ruled the roost for a long time. It was nice to see a northern boy show them that we know how to fish to. Unfortunatly, he does not seem to interview very well.

fishing user avatarJsinkic reply : 

Kevin Van Dam - His knowledge is unbelievable and he shares it

Gerald Swindle - He is hilarious and has some tough breaks but keeps on battling

brandon palinuk - He is a young guy has lots of heart and keeps battling at the DQ to come back and win the next tourney 

fishing user avatarbonzai22 reply : 

Ike, Palaniuk, and Ehrler.

fishing user avatarBryanBrown reply : 

Shaw Grigsby, Gerald Swindle &


fishing user avatarIntroC reply : 

Al Lindner by far. Just seems like an awsome dude in general and has to be one of the best all around fishermen as in multi species angler. My species of choice changes with the season as well.


For bass fishing KVD, The guy amazes me and he's a great teacher.

Edwin Evers like his personality, seems like a good ole boy.

Brent Ehrler, class act.

Randal Tharpe I like.

fishing user avatarBassThumbAddict reply : 

Jason Christie- local, classy.

Bill Dance- because he's taught more than anyone

Gerald Swindle-

because if this.
fishing user avatardoyle8218 reply : 

Shaw Grigsby and Denny Brauer all the way.

fishing user avatarJaiden reply : 

KVD as I used to live in his hometown and I got to meet him all the time. Scott Martin as he came to where I live currently to fish an FLW event and I got to hear an excellent speech from him about his faith and fishing.

fishing user avatarChampfishnva reply : 

John crews, Gman

fishing user avatarTopwaterspook reply : 

Timmy Horton, Rick Clunn, Ike, Gary Klein, Zell ..............I'd like to be able to fish with Tim for a couple days. He's without a doubt the most personable of the pros I've met. Byron Velvick is a very close second.

fishing user avatarmacmichael reply : 
  On 3/1/2014 at 8:07 PM, StevenSCentralOK said:

Jason Christie- local, classy.

Bill Dance- because he's taught more than anyone

Gerald Swindle-

because if this.

That's funny

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

Kevin Skeet Swindle.


fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 

On the FLW side I would go with Shinichi Fukae, great guy with a good sense of humour, and Scott Martin (though he needs to let go of the "dude" and "bro" stuff).


Over in BASS I like guys like Randy Howell, Shaw Grigsby, Kevin VanDam, Timmy Horton, Ish Monroe, Gerald Swindle and Denny Brauer. I get annoyed with Aaron Martens because of the whining (I know people defend it as a laconic humour but it sounds like whining) but I admire his absolute command of the sport.

fishing user avatarTaylor Peterson reply : 

Al Lindner, Jimmy Houston

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

Active: Larry Nixon

Semi retired: Gary Dobyns

Retired: Harold Allen, Dee Thomas and Tommy Martin 

Up and Coming: Brandon Palaniuk and Paul Mueller


The Lindner brothers are just a kick and, " It's super important to remember dat ! "

fishing user avatarVtGr0wn reply : 

Professional bass fisherman make me sick they turn fishing into nascar with their ******* sponsor patches all over their jackets... bassin is a hallowed tradition passed down from father to son or daughter. It is not something to be commercialized and raped by the media.... barf

fishing user avatarmikeeasttn reply : 

Bill Dance, Al Linder

fishing user avatarWaterlogged reply : 

Gerald Swindle. Casey Martin. Aaron Martins.

fishing user avatarbartdude186 reply : 

Jimmy Houston, met him at a resturant when i was 10 near the TN river loved him every since, great guy.

fishing user avatarDFrench97 reply : 

Mikeybalzz on YouTube.  He's my favorite to watch anyways!

Also Brent Ehrler, JP DerRose, and Karl Kalonka.

fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 
  On 3/3/2014 at 1:03 AM, DFrench97 said:

Mikeybalzz on YouTube.  He's my favorite to watch anyways!

Also Brent Ehrler, JP DerRose, and Karl Kalonka.


There are few people on television I am annoyed by more than Karl Kalonka.

fishing user avatarflyingmonkie reply : 

Edwin!  Tommy Biffle, Shaw Grigsby, and Skeet Reese come in behind that.

fishing user avatarDFrench97 reply : 
  On 3/4/2014 at 4:03 AM, SudburyBasser said:

There are few people on television I am annoyed by more than Karl Kalonka.

Lol yeah he puts way too much special effects on his show.  I just like him because he's Canadian and fishes lakes near me.

fishing user avatarmacmichael reply : 

After watching the classic, I really like Randy Howell. He does good things for people. Glad he won.

fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 
  On 3/4/2014 at 7:48 AM, DFrench97 said:

Lol yeah he puts way too much special effects on his show.  I just like him because he's Canadian and fishes lakes near me.


My problem with Kalonka is his personality. You could cut his head off and he'd still be talking meaningless babble. I don't need to hear a grown man baby talk bass for 30 straight minutes.


Which is the infuriating part -- the guy seriously knows his business. I actually do pick up stuff from his show. Instead of more of the wealth of information he has, though, he'd rather goo goo ga ga a fish.


In a related note, for those of you with WFN, I swear Joe Bucher is Karl Kalonka's father. Same baby talking and he looks like an older Kalonka.

fishing user avatarstarcraft1 reply : 

Dave Gliebe, Dee Thomas, Gary Dobbins, Gary Klien, Shaw Grisby. The 1st. 4 I know and 3 of them for yrs. Shaw I met when the Elites were out here at the delta & Clear lake.

The one I respect the most would have to be Gary Dobbins. I grew up in this sport with him and saw how much effort he put into what he is now. I can honestly say he earned all he has, and it wasn't easy.

fishing user avatarblongfishing reply : 

I liked Randy Howell before the classic. I admire his passion for the 3 f's. Faith. Family. Fishing. In that order.

fishing user avatarstratoliner92 reply : 

Bill Dance

fishing user avatarBillyD007 reply : 

Ike and Guido

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

Ya gotta love Howell's comeback at the classic and his sincerity...Mueller is a local so he makes the list too...Now for schmucks ...Kalonka is at the top of the list but Mercer and Zona are gaining rapidly. I'm not a big "song and dance" guy....Mikey D is better for just taking you fishing.

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 
  On 2/28/2014 at 3:14 AM, roadwarrior said:

Al Lindner

I loved the Lindners since they had In-Fisherman Magazine before they were on TV. Seem like just good people and super knowledgeable about all sorts of fishing.

fishing user avatarblack94gt50 reply : 

Edwin, Tim Horton, Denny brauer.

fishing user avataraharris reply : 

A-Mart b/c of his natural knowledge of fishing. He's a pretty cool dude too. It would be fun to fish with Scott Martin on the Big O though.

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

The guy on the left.



fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 3/7/2014 at 12:47 AM, Dwight Hottle said:

The guy on the left.




You guys are Bestest Buds ~



fishing user avatarDogBone_384 reply : 

Since I really don't follow the pro circuit at all, I'd have to go with Bill Dance and Roland Martin. It seems like they've been on TV forever.

fishing user avatarQUAKEnSHAKE reply : 

Virgil Ward


If you like watching Linders you have Ward to thank..

fishing user avatarNathanW reply : 

I dont have a favorite, I have a least favorite (hint he screams like a todler, dresses like a tween, and drives a boat like a 16 year old).


Favorites, and it changes all the time because I pretty much like em all...


Greg Hackney for his fishing skills/technique

Brent Ehler for his ability to pattern

Tommy Biffle for his shorts and ability to catch so many fish on one bait

Mike McClelland for his passion towards jerkbaits

Ish for his froggin skills

Jeff Kriet for his squirrel like shakyhead skills

Aaron Martin for his dry and sarcastic commentary

Alton Jones is just a good dude and an awesome big stick

Randal and Jason Christie are also awesome big stick guys that I have been following lately, both impressive.

KVD makes the list too because he is just great at explaining what he is doing and why.

fishing user avataraharris reply : 

How can you not like Ike? Just because he's not the stereotypical "fisherman"? I bet he's introduced more people to fishing than some of the other fishermen you listed. He helped a lot of guy realize that you don't have the be the typical "fisherman" to make it in the sport. They guy has passion...and he's different. You cant hate him for that.

fishing user avatarCincyBassMan reply : 

Denny Brauer and Tommy Biffle

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 

Tim Horton, Randall Tharp, Scott Martin, Byron Velvick...met Timmy and Byron and they were all class. I haven't me Randall or Scott but I like em and they seem like good peeps as well.

fishing user avatarChance_Taker4 reply : 


EE, Ike, KVD, Gerald Swindle, Jacob Wheeler, Andy Morgan, JT Kenny.



Aaron Martens-whiner

Ish- Blames other fishermen for his bad days

Bill Dance- every show seems to be on the same lake and only shows when her catches Lunkers

Denny Brauer- Never meet him but from interviews and watching him on the water makes him seem arrogant and a jerk

fishing user avatarCast_And_Blast reply : 

Greg Hackney #, simply because he's so funny in my opinion. Ish Monroe #2. Love watching him throw top waters! Also Edwin Evers, Shaw Grigsby, Ike, Timmy Horton, Gerald Swindale, and Takahiro Omori.

Don't know a whole lot of people but I always find myself liking them when watching them fish.

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 
  On 3/4/2014 at 8:05 AM, starcraft1 said:

Dave Gliebe, Dee Thomas, Gary Dobbins, Gary Klien, Shaw Grisby. The 1st. 4 I know and 3 of them for yrs. Shaw I met when the Elites were out here at the delta & Clear lake.

The one I respect the most would have to be Gary Dobbins. I grew up in this sport with him and saw how much effort he put into what he is now. I can honestly say he earned all he has, and it wasn't easy.

Grigsby, Dobyns

fishing user avatarkanasbassfisher08 reply : 
  On 2/27/2014 at 11:29 AM, paul25 said:

brandon palinuk, jason christie, and randall tharp


fishing user avatar5fishlimit reply : 

Bill Dance because he is funny as all get out. Aaron Martin for his demeanor. KVD for his overall awesomeness.

fishing user avatarHittmann reply : 

bill dance for the comedy aspect/ KVD for is ability 

fishing user avatardon53 reply : 

hank parker

fishing user avatarsoonerbass73 reply : 

ISH MONROE!!! That guy cracks me up!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Other than Al Lindner, I really have no favorite pro angler.

It's kind of a moving target that changes over time, muddied by migrations from B.A.S.S. to FLW:


1960s:              Bill Dance                           (Out of the chute, B.A.S.S. was known as All-American - Bill was top-dog)

1970s:              Roland Martin                     (A formidable force in his era)

1980s:              Larry Nixon / Rick Clunn     (By now, pro fishing had become much more advanced and competitive)

1990s:              Denny Brauer / Jay Yelas    (Brauer was then the biggest moneymaker - Yelas was lost in the shuffle between BASS & FLW)

2000 to Date:   Kevin VanDam                     (What can you say?  The man is part fish)



fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

That's a big ole Pig!



fishing user avatarMike L reply : 


Van Dam









fishing user avatarSFL BassHunter reply : 

Shaw Grigsby!

I think his personality is awesome, he is so likable. He is also a Florida guy. He is so easy to root for!

fishing user avatarWeekend-warrior17 reply : 

My man John Crews, but Iaconelli aint far behind and by far the most entertaining.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

Hank paker, kvd, rick clunn, shaw grigsby listened to him on the interveiws a few times on here. Ike. Aron Martin's, .

Idk i like alot of them. Can't pick one

fishing user avatarFlippinhook reply : 

Hackney Christie martens

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

The Guido Hibdon of the 80's, beating most pro's with a spinning reel and 6lb. mono.

fishing user avatarwisconsin heat reply : 








I like Ike the most probably for everything he does for the sport. Breaking the mold in every possible way, giving seminars, blogs and interviews to lots of people (Like BassResource) just to help out anglers like us. Awesome guy. 


So far bass fishing isn't like other sports where there are a few select jerks on the field or on a team or whatever. However Jonathon VanDam, and Alton Jones come to mind. Both of them "intruded" on the day 3 Leader's fishing spot only on the final day. I know it is not a written rule just seems like a disrespectful move to me.

fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 

Ish, Ike, Paulaniuk they all seem like great guys.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Who's my favorite pro?

The guys here who fish tournaments who are willing to share there knowledge to help us further improve our fishing skills.

No body has helped me more than the Glenn and the guys here. There the real pros of this sport.

fishing user avatarredux reply : 

I like 'em all.

fishing user avatarfishforlife14 reply : 

I am a big fan of KVD, Rick Clunn, and Dean Rojas

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 





I like him because he's a weirdo who has a ton of fun and I like weirdos who have a ton of fun.  

fishing user avatarhoosierbass07 reply : 

 I guess I'm not a big fan of any but those I would like to go fishing with or get my picture took with - probably Bill Dance.  Shaw Grigsby seems pretty cool too.  

fishing user avatarWbeadlescomb reply : 
  On 3/14/2014 at 8:08 PM, Chance Brown said:


EE, Ike, KVD, Gerald Swindle, Jacob Wheeler, Andy Morgan, JT Kenny.


Aaron Martens-whiner

Ish- Blames other fishermen for his bad days

Bill Dance- every show seems to be on the same lake and only shows when her catches Lunkers

Denny Brauer- Never meet him but from interviews and watching him on the water makes him seem arrogant and a jerk

Met Denny several times and he was just seemed like a regular guy. Nice looked you in the eyes when he shook your hand. He signed a few things for us and talked for a little while till we told him we had to run and it was nice to meet him.

fishing user avatarSpotswood reply : 

Al Lindner and Shaw Grigsby

fishing user avatarrabidsquirrel reply : 

I like them all. Some of them can get a bit repetitive / annoying at times, but hey, they are just human beings, the same as you and me. I really like the fact that the pros are getting to be a more diverse cast of personalities hailing from various backgrounds. This is a good thing for the sport. 


I recently caught an episode of "The Three Legends" - I think they were salt water fishing, and I thought they were hilarious together (Dance, Houston, Martin). I'd definitely watch more of those guys just fishing and cutting up. 


I don't keep up with FLW as much as I do the Elites, but there seem to be a lot of interesting dudes on that trail as well. 


Roland Martin



Hank Parker (Sounds/speaks just like one of my Uncles...)







Casey Martin (Saw that show where they followed him through his rookie season - great stuff)





I could honestly just about list them all, as most of them seem like good folks. 


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