Mine happened today - a Fishing Pole!?!
What's yours? Post pics if you have 'em!
Don't have a picture, but I also pulled up a whole rod and reel. It looked as if it had been there for a LONG time.
I set a line out for catfish one night and went in the house for a couple hours.When I pulled up to check it started thrashing around and I thought it was a big gar.As I got it out of the water I realized it was a giant freshwater eel , or so I thought.Then I saw two little arms sticking out right below the gills and realized it was a 3 foot Florida siren.Sort of an eel with arms.I have a pic. on Facebook but can't access it right now.Also had a very heavy 7 foot gator eat a bream I had just caught.
I have caught two chairs that blew off somebody's dock during a storm, a fish basket with a couple of crappie skeletons in it, and a tiny television someone must have tossed in the lake. Unfortunately I have also caught numerous big angry snapping turtles while catfishing. They are not any fun at all to unhook.
A shark fin mask was a bit of a surprise while dragging a jig on a lake, but the Delta has a bit of a reputation for some things you'd never want to see being "cemented" on the bottom. Once played around with a snag that was awkwardly heavy but would slowly give with pressure. My brain started playing some what if games with me so I decided to break it off. It was just a large branch I keep telling myself...
Pair of costas... Darn shame they were whooped
I once caught a red tailed hawk in mid flight. I was fishing the alley and made a long cast across the canal. A hawk flew out of no where and into my line, while the lure was in flight. The lure went up out of the water and into the wing where it meets the body. The Hawk dropped like a stone into the canal. I pulled the hawk to the boat on its back with the talons opening and closing. Luckily we had two big towels in the boat that we used to control the bird while we removed the hook. It was a weird day!
I also caught the back end of a GMC S10 back when the Alley was a two lane road with dirt ramps. The GMC was in one of the cuts at a bridge. My crank bait was firmly attached to the tailgate . I notified FHP and the truck was removed several months later. I think someone dumped it at the bridge.
I was fishing jigging spoons for white bass off the end of a boat ramp . I snagged two wrist watches, a spinning rod and reel and a dip net .
While jetty fishin the salt I snagged and landed an octopus. The head was about 8".I didn`t want to get inked so I put my foot next to its side and launched it back to the deep.
Also caught a baby duck while bream fishing.My friend distracted mama while I got the hook out.I took the same friend bass fishing for the first time when we were teens and he thought he had a fish.When he set the hook it was very heavy and my friend was very excited as he pulled it in.His look of pure excitement turned to utter surprise then disappointment as a cowboy boot came to the surface.I hollered" cast out again quick, maybe you'll catch the other one"! Also snagged a trotline during a night tournament and thought I had the new world record there for awhile.....
Either a seagull, a flip flop sandal or another fishing pole
One of those heavy duty 35 gallon garbage bags full of water out sturgeon fishing on the bay. It was running with an outgoing tide and put up one hell of a fight!
One of my strangest catches on rod and reel is when I catch decent sized Lobsters on bait meant for Snappers.Have caught other odd stuff like rod and reel combos,expensive lures,etc.
One evening my friend and I were fishing at a small trout pond that had some very large bass in it. As it was a little past sundown we were throwing top water baits. I had on a tiny torpedo. As I made a cast a bat swooped down and grabbed the bait out of the air and tried to fly off with it. I jerked the rod to hopefully get it away from the bat but that just set the hook on it. The bat hit the water and started to splash around as I was reeling it in. Finally got it to shore and released the bat by stepping on it and pulling the lure free. The bat limped away and climbed up a nearby tree.
A snapping turtle with about a 16 inch shell. Hooked him right in the roof of his mouth while dragging a worn along the bottom.
Released him by holding the line tight and twisting out the hook with pliers. Still not fun reaching toward a snappers mouth.
I've caught a seagull freelining shad, an owl at night on a black jitterbug, then there was this guy.
About 10 years ago the we were having a drought and the lake levels were way down. I hooked something that would not move, and I thought it was an old tree stump. Turned out to be a 10 pound anchor that somebody had dropped overboard.
About 20 years ago I pulled up to the dock from all day fishing. When I tied my boat up I was looking up at the sky and lost my balance and fell in. Well if that wasn't enough, when I came up my prescription sunglasses was gone. Got the boat loaded and took a Bagley DB3 and started casting for them. On the 10th cast I caught them. That was about a $350 cast.
at Tenoroc caught a giant turtle,thought I hooked world record bass! very next cast caught 9 lb. catfish what a day!
couple lobsters, a seagull, a few rods, one a decent 6' ugly sick that i now use for squid fishin,,...lol squid!, a deflated basketball, a tacklebox, a denim jacket., a ten speed bike, the stock for a shotgun, a 6' freshwater eel, a megander, a radio, a gajillion branches,...lol
i used to use alot of crankbaits
Monster snapping turtle..
I've caught two pink Princess fishing poles. One had a weightless senko rigged wacky... kids these days....
I also caught the elastic waist band of some BVD's. No one was in them thank goodness...
On 3/22/2016 at 10:13 AM, Centralinfinnesse said:I have caught two chairs that blew off somebody's dock during a storm, a fish basket with a couple of crappie skeletons in it, and a tiny television someone must have tossed in the lake. Unfortunately I have also caught numerous big angry snapping turtles while catfishing. They are not any fun at all to unhook.
Same here on the turtles, sometimes impossible to unhook, and with $2 to $3 on my setup it can add up quickly.
Was fishing a private pond in GA once at night from the bank. It was so dark I couldn't hardly see my hand in front of my face. Was throwing a big midnight special spinnerbait. Thing felt funny as I was reeling it. Reeled it in and saw a big clump of grass on it. Grabbed the lure to pick the grass off and the dang grass latched onto my hand and started screetching. I started hollering and shaking my hand up and down and flung the grass down only to see it flutter away. That clump of grass was a freaking bat. Gave me the creeps for a year after that while fishing at night. Gave me goosebumps typing this.
On 3/23/2016 at 1:41 AM, RHuff said:Was fishing a private pond in GA once at night from the bank. It was so dark I couldn't hardly see my hand in front of my face. Was throwing a big midnight special spinnerbait. Thing felt funny as I was reeling it. Reeled it in and saw a big clump of grass on it. Grabbed the lure to pick the grass off and the dang grass latched onto my hand and started screetching. I started hollering and shaking my hand up and down and flung the grass down only to see it flutter away. That clump of grass was a freaking bat. Gave me the creeps for a year after that while fishing at night. Gave me goosebumps typing this.
Lmao.... that's crazy... I would of ran around like a maniac... I will never forget the time that I was fishing and stepped on a ground bees nest.. I thought I ran into a pricker bush and kept fishing till the pain got worse.. Looked down and I had about 20 bees on my leg.. I threw my rod and started running and took my shirt off and they were all over me.. Sucked...
i've caught a brick it had a wire attached to it and that's what i snagged
Caught a beaver while fly fishing the beaver dams in Vedauwoo Wilderness, WY. Wasn't paying attention to anything but the trout that were plentiful so I didn't see him until he was too close to get my line out of his way. It was a juvenile so not terribly big (or heavy) but did put quite a strain on the 3 wt. fly rod I was using. Long story short I snagged him right behind the right fore leg, needless to say he wasn't too happy about it. As I got him closer, it dawned on me that the hook had to come out. I quickly decided to snip the leader, saving myself and the beaver from further harm.
Best catch that wasn't a fish...my wife!
I was fly fishing for striped bass off South Beach at Cape Cod one spring and hooked something really, really big... it just swam away without even a headshake, peeling the line, then the backing, off my reel. I thought I was going to get spooled when the run suddenly stopped. Out near where I figured my fly was, a seal surfaced. I thought "No way... can't be." I gave the line a good tug and sure enough, the seal took off and the reel started screaming again. I cinched down on the spool and broke him off.
Tight lines,
Late 60s snagged & pulled up the body of a drowned angler!
Something I don't care to duplicate!
I had a pelican dive-bomb my lure. Getting him free was a real fiasco. Had to straddle him, pry open his bill, and unhook the lure from his throat. We both survived the ordeal.
You ever see an old cartoon of a guy catching a boot? I did that. Caught a boot; the old style buckle up rain boot with a crankbait. Was looking around for Wiley E Coyote.
Also caught a cheap aluminum folder ladder, on a senko.
On 3/23/2016 at 1:57 AM, LastCast721 said:Lmao.... that's crazy... I would of ran around like a maniac... I will never forget the time that I was fishing and stepped on a ground bees nest.. I thought I ran into a pricker bush and kept fishing till the pain got worse.. Looked down and I had about 20 bees on my leg.. I threw my rod and started running and took my shirt off and they were all over me.. Sucked...
Been there done that, got the welts. Once while hiking to a small lake in the middle of nowhere in Michigan I found a nice clearing in the trees and decided to take a break and eat lunch. little did I know that the clearing was full of fire ant holes! I had sat down so I had the fire ants way up my pants, on face, and everywhere else. I am glad no one was around cause I ripped all my clothes off and ran out of there as fast as I could.
On 3/23/2016 at 4:46 AM, FrogFreak said:Best catch that wasn't a fish...my wife!
Dang it!! You beat me to it.
I caught a clam once on a T rig Jelly worm. Must have thrown it right into the shell.
On 3/23/2016 at 9:01 AM, Centralinfinnesse said:Been there done that, got the welts. Once while hiking to a small lake in the middle of nowhere in Michigan I found a nice clearing in the trees and decided to take a break and eat lunch. little did I know that the clearing was full of fire ant holes! I had sat down so I had the fire ants way up my pants, on face, and everywhere else. I am glad no one was around cause I ripped all my clothes off and ran out of there as fast as I could.
Yeah, you got me on that one.. Crazy...
On 3/23/2016 at 1:57 AM, LastCast721 said:Lmao.... that's crazy... I would of ran around like a maniac... I will never forget the time that I was fishing and stepped on a ground bees nest.. I thought I ran into a pricker bush and kept fishing till the pain got worse.. Looked down and I had about 20 bees on my leg.. I threw my rod and started running and took my shirt off and they were all over me.. Sucked...
Uuuugh I did that once, they flew straight up my pants!! Stung me up something fierce and so fast all over I thought I was being electrocuted! I had to rip off my belt, literally somersaulted out of my shoes/pants and ran away from my jeans barefoot and swatting like you see in the cartoons- 2ft off the ground the whole time haha wow that hurt... Jewels saved though, totally worth it!!
On 3/23/2016 at 4:46 AM, FrogFreak said:Best catch that wasn't a fish...my wife!
Brownie points lol.
The list is pretty long. From what I can remember ... A big gator, duck flying by, couple fishing rods.
My wife.
Hooked a brick on a football jig once. When I set the hook it started rolling down the bank. Felt like a 10lb spot
On 3/23/2016 at 5:41 AM, Catt said:Late 60s snagged & pulled up the body of a drowned angler!
Something I don't care to duplicate!
Oh my Gosh. Can we just acknowledge this guys? What the hey!? That's traumatizing.
Last summer I was fishing a small pond next to the St. Johns river. I had a KVD frog on, and I tossed it to one end of the pond and after a few twitches a Red Tail Hawk swooped down and grabbed it. For 10 or 12 seconds he was holding on to it and wouldn't let go, thank god he finally let it go! It was definitely the wildest thing I've caught.
On 3/23/2016 at 5:41 AM, Catt said:Late 60s snagged & pulled up the body of a drowned angler!
Something I don't care to duplicate!
You win the Internet for today with that response. I agree with you I wouldn't want to duplicate that catch either!
On 3/23/2016 at 5:41 AM, Catt said:Late 60s snagged & pulled up the body of a drowned angler!
Something I don't care to duplicate!
I was waiting for someone to pull up a gun or a body. That must have been awful. I imagine bodies don't look so great after being in the water for a few days
When I first started fishing tournament it was pretty cool to start catching shells. You always hear guys saying to fish shell beds and its a good way to find fish. I was snagging small ones and then I ran into one the size of my hand. That was pretty natural but some of the unnatural things I've snagged are a pole, my own lost bait, socks, trash bags,beer bottle, and much more. There's trash everywhere and it really sucks. The coolest thing was a giant metal table. I snagged it in murky water one day and didnt know what it was. I thought it was a metal piece of the dock. When the water cleared the next day I was able to see an entire outdoor table. No others near it to match just right in the water, I'll post a picture down the road if its still there.
^ Couple weeks and the hooks on the spro still didnt rust out. I don't believe in the "hook will rust out" mentality.
I must not fish as much as any of you (which I don't believe to be the case) or I fish in some boring waters because the only thing I've ever pulled out of the water is a sandal.....
20 dollar bill in a plastic bag , used it to by some fishing line later
Folding lawn chair that I thought was the new state record bass. Rods, stringers, shoes, bike, shopping cart, volleyball net, deer leg, orange cone.
On 3/23/2016 at 10:10 PM, SemperBass said:I must not fish as much as any of you (which I don't believe to be the case) or I fish in some boring waters because the only thing I've ever pulled out of the water is a sandal.....
Oh c'mon Semper, you could have embellished a little and said it was all that was left of Osama
On 3/24/2016 at 4:23 AM, wnspain said:Oh c'mon Semper, you could have embellished a little and said it was all that was left of Osama
Now that you say that, I do recall a leg attached. Phew, thanks for the reminder! I almost had a heart attack thinking I was boring!
I caught a Commorant under water on a crankbait one time. My son caught a women's high heel shoe one time that looked fairly new. We thought there might be a body down there also so we called the cops and they took our statement but never did anything for some reason. I guess nobody was reported missing. We call that part of the lake dead ladies corner and don't fish it anymore. We are still a little freaked out by catching a high heel that didn't look like it was under water long.
I hooked a loon once on a jerkbait.
I'm thankful it was able to shake itself free, because I likely would have cut the line. That bird was going berserk!
Craziest thing I ever caught that wasn't a fish was a 6-7 foot gator on a 4" shad on a jighead.. Don't know if he ate it or I snagged him but it happened subsurface and I thought I had the biggest snook known to man.. Had my kayak flying through this little backwater, my hands were shaking.. Then it surfaced and all of a sudden I was like ehhhhh I don't need that lure.. palmed the spool and popped him off.. Not that dream 40lb snook but it had my adrenaline pumping just the same for about a minute..
Caught Some large rocks and snagged a bike while pulling up the anchor
I was fishing under a bridge one time and heard a car stop above us.All of a sudden there was a huge splash in front of us from something landing in the water that sounded like 20 bowling balls hitting the water.We called the police and reported it to no avail.So I know how you feel!
On 3/23/2016 at 1:44 PM, tbone1993 said:
When I first started fishing tournament it was pretty cool to start catching shells. You always hear guys saying to fish shell beds and its a good way to find fish. I was snagging small ones and then I ran into one the size of my hand. That was pretty natural but some of the unnatural things I've snagged are a pole, my own lost bait, socks, trash bags,beer bottle, and much more. There's trash everywhere and it really sucks. The coolest thing was a giant metal table. I snagged it in murky water one day and didnt know what it was. I thought it was a metal piece of the dock. When the water cleared the next day I was able to see an entire outdoor table. No others near it to match just right in the water, I'll post a picture down the road if its still there.
^ Couple weeks and the hooks on the spro still didnt rust out. I don't believe in the "hook will rust out" mentality.
well the thing is, and i dont know if true or not, is that people say that fish have an enzyme or something that will help rust the hook out. so if its not in a fishes mouth it may not have started to rust yet. atleast thats something ive read here, yet its not anything ive seen confirmed...
On 3/23/2016 at 11:02 AM, FloridaBasser1 said:Last summer I was fishing a small pond next to the St. Johns river. I had a KVD frog on, and I tossed it to one end of the pond and after a few twitches a Red Tail Hawk swooped down and grabbed it. For 10 or 12 seconds he was holding on to it and wouldn't let go, thank god he finally let it go! It was definitely the wildest thing I've caught.
I did that once, only it was an osprey. He grabbed a spook and flew off with it. Luckily, he dropped it before he got hooked. I wouldn't want to try to get that off of the hook!
Another time, I snagged an Ambassadeur 5000D on a Lew's speed stick. It cleaned up nice but I never liked that reel. I gave it to a buddy to use as a catfish rig.
Two things...unfortunately, no pictures...
Caught a Seagull in mid-flight with a spinnerbait! And I caught a really old lawn chair with a jig!
I let my ex-monster-in-law use a Zebco 33 combo of mine and she somehow managed to throw it so far out that I couldn't find it swimming. I caught it a few years later.
On 3/23/2016 at 4:46 AM, FrogFreak said:Best catch that wasn't a fish...my wife!
I've caught two. Threw one back.
Branches and line. I must be doing something wrong because i have never caught any rods!
Sunglasses, rod n reel, measuring stick, lawn chair, drift sock all come to mind. I also once hooked a loon when it was swimming underwater. The bat story someone told earlier in this thread was awesome. Those things carry rabies you know.
My old man hooked me last summer in the back of the head with a crankbait. So if he were on this thread he would say "my son."
We were trolling for walleye up in Canada and I pulled in an ANCIENT zebco rod and reel. They had to have been down there for 30 years
Craziest thing that I have ever caught ended up busting my nose, blacking my eye and knocking me in the river. For when I was 12 years old I wound up for a big cast and little did I know my brother had walked behind me. I cast so hard that the hook actually broke off in his hand. After he beat the crap out of me and threw me off the dock. He helped me get back on the dock and I in return help do hook removal. When we went home I walk in with a swollen nose and a shiner soak and wet, my brother walks in with a bandage on his hand. Dad asked " How was fishing" " we both say good" He looks at us and says get cleaned up before your mom gets home.
Miss the days of when boys could boys
My dad caught this a few years ago
That looks like the one I lost a few years ago!
In January I caught a cheap 6'6" Med. Casting rod with a lews reel on it in perfect condition. Retail value of the setup was over $100
In Florida last spring my little brother caught a Tern while freelining a pilchard. We saw that it had a band on its leg. After unhooking the bird we took the band off and called it in, the bird was banded in North Carolina!
On 3/23/2016 at 5:41 AM, Catt said:Late 60s snagged & pulled up the body of a drowned angler!
Something I don't care to duplicate!
Catt... I'm very sorry but I just can't resist....
Did you have to pry his (insert your brand of reel here.... Lews, Shimano... etc...) from his cold ...... hand?
That's how they are gonna find me anyway....
On 3/26/2016 at 1:13 AM, Bass Turd said:Catt... I'm very sorry but I just can't resist....
Did you have to pry his (insert your brand of reel here.... Lews, Shimano... etc...) from his cold ...... hand?
That's how they are gonna find me anyway....
That's funny right there
a 3 foot snapping turtle...
On 3/22/2016 at 10:13 AM, Centralinfinnesse said:I have caught two chairs that blew off somebody's dock during a storm, a fish basket with a couple of crappie skeletons in it, and a tiny television someone must have tossed in the lake. Unfortunately I have also caught numerous big angry snapping turtles while catfishing. They are not any fun at all to unhook.
Yeah unhooking snappers is no fun. Caught one or two and they are quite feisty.
On 3/22/2016 at 10:23 AM, geo g said:I once caught a red tailed hawk in mid flight. I was fishing the alley and made a long cast across the canal. A hawk flew out of no where and into my line, while the lure was in flight. The lure went up out of the water and into the wing where it meets the body. The Hawk dropped like a stone into the canal. I pulled the hawk to the boat on its back with the talons opening and closing. Luckily we had two big towels in the boat that we used to control the bird while we removed the hook. It was a weird day!
I also caught the back end of a Chevy S10 back when the Alley was a two lane road with dirt ramps. The Truck was in one of the cuts at a bridge. My crank bait was firmly attached to the tailgate . I notified FHP and the truck was removed several months later. I think someone dumped it at the bridge.
On 3/26/2016 at 9:56 AM, HoosierHawgs said:Yeah unhooking snappers is no fun. Caught one or two and they are quite feisty.
It's sure not easy to unhook them, most guys will tell you to grab them behind the head with one hand and keep the rest of the turtle's body still with the other. But the problem is first off getting your hand behind it's head with all of your fingers still attached, and if there is a place on a snapping turtles shell where they can't rake your hand apart with three inch claws, I sure haven't found it. And unfortuanately for you, the place you normally fish is loaded with snapping turtles. I've only fished there about ten or twelve times, and I have caught already caught two of them there.
I was surf fishing and we had the beach all to ourselves and here comes 3 surfers and they could have gone anywhere else on the beach but they chose to surf directly in front of our lines.I had cast out and the dang surfer started padding out and somehow the rig got hung on his fin.I hollered but he couldn't hear me and kept going. it was a good fight but I couldn't gain any line on him and he was spooling all the line off.I jerked real hard and it came loose without hooking him.He didn't even know what happened but he sure found out when he got back to the beach.I'm laid back but I told him he needed to go anywhere else on the beach but there and he did.
My wife.
I've caught quite a few rods. Most memorable was pulling a zebco 33 combo out from under a dock. I put it up on the dock and when I fished through the area again the next day there was a "thank you" sign on the dock.
Funniest was when someone else in the boat, who will remain nameless, caught one of those swim fins that goes on your feet when diving. Fought it for 5 minutes while I was ready with the net. He will never live that one down.
Lake wateree, SC I caught a big deep diving crank bait on a Texas rig. I guess the hook had punched through the bait a bit and it caught the bait perfectly in the front eye. Still use it to this day.
I have caught large clumps of Zebra mussels in lake Erie, I have also caught large mussels, hooked in there mouth opening, in the river I fish when the water is wadeable. Caught plenty of sticks, man its hard to belive how much a long stick feels like a fish for several seconds, fishing a local reservoir one Sunday morn I hooked what I thought was a monster, I am yelling for my wife to get the net out, she was having a hard time pulling the folding handle out, I was giving her hell telling her to hurry when..........out of the gloom a stick with a bunch of very heavy mono wrapped around it came up. She started laughing so hard I thought she was going to fall out of the boat, the rest of the day she could not look at me without laughing.
My older brother caught a pair of Oakleys and he sent them back to Oakley. Oakley replaced the sunglasses and he gave them to me. A friend caught a boat anchor. He gave it to me to use on my jon boat it didn't have an anchor at the time. All in all the bottom of local waters have been pretty good to me. Pulled up an extremely large old tree trunk all the way to the boat when I was much younger. Haven't been able to reel in an entire tree trunk without the line breaking since then.
A pair of underwear..............I am pretty sure they were not mine, I have always come home from the lake with the same underwear on that I had on when I got there. Other memorable non-fish catches were a flip-flop that I swore was a fish, it put up a hell of a fight, and a rain coat...........a rain coat I lost a week earlier when I took it off after the rain stopped, but a gust of wind blew it off the back deck of the boat, and I never noticed it was gone. I caught it about 2 miles up the lake from where I noticed it was missing, if it could only talk. I took it home, cleaned it up, and still use it to this day.
I've never caught anything else spectacular, but I can't resist posing this:
Shimano Stella + St. Croix LTB when I was clueless about fishing (before BR)
On 3/23/2016 at 1:41 AM, RHuff said:Was fishing a private pond in GA once at night from the bank. It was so dark I couldn't hardly see my hand in front of my face. Was throwing a big midnight special spinnerbait. Thing felt funny as I was reeling it. Reeled it in and saw a big clump of grass on it. Grabbed the lure to pick the grass off and the dang grass latched onto my hand and started screetching. I started hollering and shaking my hand up and down and flung the grass down only to see it flutter away. That clump of grass was a freaking bat. Gave me the creeps for a year after that while fishing at night. Gave me goosebumps typing this.
We catch bats all the time in Sturgeon Bay. Especially in the early spring and late fall. We don't actually hook them but they have a way of tangling themselves up in the fishing lines.
I've caught a broom, my own flipping rod that got kicked into the lake, someone else's combo, turtles, mud puppies, a one legged pelican, a dead loon, miscellaneous boat accessories, probably some other stuff as well
On 3/27/2016 at 10:04 PM, slonezp said:We catch bats all the time in Sturgeon Bay. Especially in the early spring and late fall. We don't actually hook them but they have a way of tangling themselves up in the fishing lines.
I've caught a broom, my own flipping rod that got kicked into the lake, someone else's combo, turtles, mud puppies, a one legged pelican, a dead loon, miscellaneous boat accessories, probably some other stuff as well
Ive had bats hit my line when night fishing for catfish . I set the hook on a catfish shortly after one hit my line and it snapped a few feet from the rod tip. I swear, that bat bit my line .
I had been throwing a red eye shad (red craw) and it broke off an hour into the trip. 2 hours later at the other end of the lake I set the hook on what I thought was a fish, but it was someone elses fishing line who had caught bottom and broke off. The lure came free and I was able to reel in the whole mess and on the end of the line it was the same exact color red eye shad, only with rusted off hooks and split rings.
Sorry,I keep remembering more stuff.One day When I was a teen,I caught around 20 bream and had them on a stringer in the water tied to a oar hole in the boat.As I was rowing off I saw the stringer come untied and all the fish sinking out of sight.I jumped in and walked around for awhile and couldn't find them.The water being only chest deep.So about a year or so later I snagged the stringer with 20 or so fish heads on it...My favorite one though I told on a different thread a couple months ago. My wife asked me what I wanted for fathers day one year and I told her a new baitcaster combo.She unexpectedly took the kids fishing one day and she hooked a baitcaster combo and gave it to me for father's day .True story.
There you are fishing your favorite lure when suddenly you feel the bite. You start reeling frantically. It runs to the left! You switch back and it runs to the right! Now your really excited! You get it near the boat, only to find out it was a stick.
Come on, you know you've done it!
I lost my last silver blue back Xcaliber XR50 while I was bank fishing one day. Next day I was in the boat fishing a chrome black back XR50 and got snagged on the same spot. Pulled a little and it popped loose but felt like I was dragging part of the snag with me. Reeled it in and saw this.
About 25 years ago, when I worked in Florida for a year, I accidentally hooked into a manitee when I was fishing in one of the canals near Cape Canaveral. I was really overmatched for that hookup,using only 10# test. Reeled in as much line as possible and then cut it off.
Then on one of those party boats that go out of Port Canaveral, I hooked into something that felt like a refrigerator. The crew on the boat was really excited thinking I hooked into a huge grouper. After strenously reeling for quite a while, it surfaced behind the boat - a giant sea turtle. Very disappointing. Another endangered species that I had to cut the line on.
My earliest fishing memory of was with my father, some cousins and uncles from the bank of the Mohawk River under a bridge, near Utica. I think I was about 5 years old. No one caught a fish, however, my uncle pulled in a record. Literally caught a record, a large LP record. Whenever I see an article about an angler catching a record (referring to a fish of course), I think about that dirty plastic record being dragged from the water under the bridge and laugh.
No pics, but I have caught a snapping turtle, an alligator, a water snake, a pair of jorts, and a couple of broken rods. I also found a pair of Ray-Bans wading while fishing for trout and redfish.
On 3/24/2016 at 8:13 AM, Bassguytom said:My son caught a women's high heel shoe... thought there might be a body down there... call that part of the lake dead ladies corner
I'm guessing it might be more appropriate to call it, "Happy Ladies Corner". I can see a woman, feet in the air, flailing about, throws a shoe. In other words, I would fish that area regularly.
Darn thing tried knocking an eye out when I grabbed it to remove fishing line.
Turtles lots of turtles big and small. The fishing can be tough when the turtles are around.
A trench coat tied up in a bundle. The bundle contained almost two complete sets of clothing and two pairs of shoes. Each stuff with rows of snap on sockets. To weight the hole thing down. And the icing on the cake to bank money bags. Empty of corse.
Was fishing the spring walleye bite from shore on the missisipee river near mpls mn you know how to spell it!!! Well I reeled in a condom 2.5 inches around by 14 inches long!!! Use your imagination what that belonged to! Lol
On 4/5/2016 at 7:08 AM, Junebugman said:Was fishing the spring walleye bite from shore on the missisipee river near mpls mn you know how to spell it!!! Well I reeled in a condom 2.5 inches around by 14 inches long!!! Use your imagination what that belonged to! Lol
Sounds like Bigfoot got some!
When I was younger a buddy and I were fishing our home lake in Central Iowa. Fishing a steep drop with deep diving crankbaits in the summer. My buddy in the back of the boat claims he has a fish but pulls a HUGE thong into the boat. Cut it off over the water with a pair of scissors so he wouldn't have to touch it. Not before we took a picture. The spot we were fishing was not more than 100 yards away from the beach area of the lake. Wonder what the lady left the beach looking like if her thong wasn't on?
You didn't specify caught with a hook.
Lobstering: I've caught a sail for a Hinckly thirty five foot sailboat that wrapped around our ground line. Must have been washed overboard. A couple of weeks later, I caught the bag for the sail. Countless anchors. Sea turtles and basking sharks.
In the fall we fished areas that the party boats from Montauk Point and Point Judith fish for cod. We called them porcupine boats since all the rods hanging off the sides of the boats looked like quills. When they drifted across our ground line many would get snagged. We'd come up with all manner of diamond jigs, sinkers in all shapes and sizes. One year, we filled a five gallon bucket with bank sinkers.
We also pulled up parts of boats that had sunk years before.
Fishing is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.
So after everyone replying and me not catching anything that strange you will not believe what I pulled out of the local skunk river yesterday.
Someone has to be upset they lost this.
a floating high end fish finder, which works. Tried everything I could do to locate the owner, but no go, so it's getting mounted as soon as all the stuff comes to do it.
I've caught a ton of tackle, socks, and probably some weirder stuff over the years. The most terrifying was catfish fishing muddy ponds and thinking I hooked either a new state record channel cat or 20+lb carp. What was it? The biggest, angriest snapping turtle I've ever seen. The visual of me trying to deal with it was ridiculous. I was knee deep in mud, had a knife or pliers in one hand to deal with the line, and a baseball bat sized branch in my other hand to keep it at distance while I went to work getting out/freeing the hook.
And then there was the time we were fishing for carp with treble hooks covered in dough balls and a squirrel took off with one, hooked itself, and lashed itself to an oak tree. That was real weird and a huge mess.
When I was little, I was worm fishing for trout. The wind blew my cast behind me and I reeled in a robin for a good 20 yards...
When i was five i would always want to catch minnows with a bait trap. I woke up one summer morning, ran down to the lake and checked my trap. as i was bringing it in, i saw a HUGE doggie with a collar on it. when it turned around, i realized that it was a 450 pound black bear (confirmed by my neighbor who is an avid hunter). I ran away screaming.
also caught a kids fishing pole 100 yard offshore in a private pond
I caught a seagull tons of snapping turtles and a alligator
Last summer I left a minnow trap in a small stream for a week, and when I came back, I found two eels and around 20 half-digested minnows in it. Smelled horrible
4 foot alligator on a live shrimp while seeking redfish.
I have two. The first has now happened to me twice on the river. I hooked and landed a rock, I am amazed that they didn't fall off. I even was able to get a picture of one of them it wasn't exactly tiny.
The second was pretty awesome. We were trolling with bottom bouncers and spinners for a Walleye and my rod just doubled over. Killed the trolling motor thinking I had a snag, but it kind of felt like it was fighting. Well somehow I got to the boat. My father in law had the net ready and well it was a 5 1/2 ft piece of wood I snagged.
Well now the rest of the story lol. It was at night and I had him drag it in the boat for a picture. When he tossed it back in he almost went over the other side of the boat, it was not light and made a splash like someone fell in the water. I of course opened my big mouth and not quietly said 'man it sounds like we just tossed a dead body overboard'. And as I looked up well crap, another boat was slowly motoring past not 20 feet away. Funniest thing that has happened to me on the water, not sure what that boat thought was going on!
On 3/26/2016 at 4:17 PM, Sam said:My wife.
Took it until page three for this one to come up - quite surprised!
I'll agree, and she's not even on the forum.
Well, considering the title this is cheating a little bit, but I'll say it anyways.
Last year I was dragging a t-rig on the bottom and it started to feel kind of weird. I reeled it in and realized I had snagged some broken off line that was on the bottom, which isn't that unusual. I start pulling in the other line after I get my t-rig untangled and to my surprise a small catfish is still alive and attached to the other end. Unhooked the little guy and threw him back.
I managed to hook into a rock, at Table Rock, while casting a Spro Rkcrawler. Also once caught a lure by buddy lost the day before. Except this lure was attached to a 6lber.
Not sure if i can top anyones but the strangest has to be a couch a harley Davidson and my little brother but that was on the cast at the dock dont know if that counts
A pair of women's underwear, sunglasses and a condom.
A sawzall about 10 feet out from a drainpipe. Cord and all.
Fly fishing I have caught a bat and a couple of birds while the fly was in mid-air. It's not that uncommon to do actually, I would bet many fly fishers have done that at some point in their lives. Such a weird feeling to execute the backcast, feel the rod load, and then transition to the forward cast when something feels really really wrong. Kind of like picking up that empty can of beer that you thought was full.
I've caught a rock on an inline spinner, a blue crab on a hot dog and bobber, a bunch of turtles (painted turtles, snapping turtles, even a soft shelled turtle!), and a picnic table. My least favorite though, was around 50 lb of weeds that covered a 6 inch smallmouth bass, (would have been my first and only smallie) which got off the moment the weeds collected. However, the 6 lb mono held up against the current of the Delaware and the weight of the weeds.
10 or 11 seagulls from the jetties at Destin, FL with frozen cigar minnows (early 80's). An otter on a worm in the Everglades. Wife "caught" an alligator there as well. Mussels, freshwater clams. Lots of sticks and branches.