I think I'm done with BPS unless they have incredible sales like the rod/reel trade ins.
It could be just my store but I feel their customer service is second to Cabelas and they constantly pester me to sign up for their time shares.
Of course I'm buying from Ron at Valley when I want a brand that he sells
Just venting
A little tip to avoid the time share pestering. When you get to that part of the store, put your cellphone up to your ear. No one will bother you.
I was very disappointed when guys at my local bass pro started pestering me about the time shares. I'm in there a lot though, since it's 5 minutes from my house, and the time share guys know not to bother with me anymore.
You feel free to vent BPS seems to bring it out in me sometimes as well.
As far as the time share issue do what I do walk around looking mad all the time everybody leaves you alone.
One thing I have noticed about BPS is there BPS product line is not very good quality. It does not seem to hold up very well hooks, jig heads, soft baits, etc. Before any anyone tells to stop being a cheap skate and buy the good stuff I am learning this on my own which brings up another issue I have with BPS THERE SALES ARE NEVER SALES I have my catalog from the winter, my bass catalog and my classic sales paper and the prices are the same other than the trade in deal. Ok I am venting now
Don't ever sign up for a boat or truck giveaway either. They will bombard your phone and e-mail with time share and Allstate insurance promo's. *** usually runs actual sales on gear as far as price goes.
In my opinion, BPS lost the ball to Tackle Warehouse about 3 years back.
With today's exorbitant shipping costs, one-stop shopping is where it's at.
BPS does not inventory many of my favorite lures and has dropped many that they once carried (this hurts BPS, not the consumer).
And it wasn't a one time event either.
A couple of months ago I asked an associate there if they had any of the live bait bait ball crank baits and the guy looked at me like I was an idiot because he had never heard of them.
He didn't even bother to say "I'll check on that" he just brushed me off.
I told him I saw the baits in a bass magazine too.
You would think that an employee of a company would be somewhat knowledgeable of what they sell
On 3/2/2014 at 8:55 AM, crankcaster100 said:You would think that an employee of a company would be somewhat knowledgeable of what they sell
I don't want to pile on too much (there are admittedly some positives), but this strikes me just about any time I ask a question in there. When I asked about the Curado I a guy told me they were holding them back until the one day $99 sale... told him that was the G and he looked at me like I was speaking another language. They moved things around a bit so I asked another guy where the jig heads for tubes were and he didn't know what I meant/wanted. It seems like they'd print out a "coming soon" product list for the employees or something. If I knew that little about my job I wouldn't still have it.
Ahh, you might expect that but it's not true. They do the same as others, just hire people to fill positions, and sometimes they use the person's experience to place them, sometimes not. Even if they do, they don't know everything about everything. I've fished for 17 years but until last night I'd never heard of the bait ball, and yet I still think I'd know enough that BPS would hire me. However, they SHOULD HAVE offered to find out for you. I always did when I worked at Walmart.
Bps is ok, not a big fan tho... I'll stick to my greentop
I got out out with them today also was going to pick up some curados for me my uncle and dad. Only doing a one day sale alright fine whatever I drove 10 miles down the road and picked up 6 of them for 99 bps's loss
Shopped there a few times met a young man in his early 70s with a wealth kniwkegd. i talked,to,him for about an hour. He called a few times to,the department he was working but he said he was busy with a customer. Thats the type of employee i want,to,talk to. Not getting pestered aboutntime,shares......
I've never experienced this sales pitch here at the Hampton, VA store. Are the time-shares something unveiled along with the Spring Classic?
I'm planning to go for the rod trade-in. The only thing they pester me with is the pitch for a (another) BPS credit card.
EVERYTIME that I've asked for help, mostly at the reel counter, I got the vibe that it was a massive undertaking to help me.
That included pulling a 200HG off the shelf this morning at 9:01, when I was the ONLY person at the reel counter....with 3 BPS employees just staring at me.
Now, I do wear my TW shirts when I shop at BPS....and let loose of a little "rebellious" behavior...after many terrible experiences.
My bps has their booth right in the middle of the fish section and 2 or 3 are walking around with their clipboards
I like the suggestion to put your cell phone to your ear when they approach
I must just look poor. No one has ever approached me about a time share. I was at the one in Leeds today and the only person I spoke to was the cashier.
On 3/2/2014 at 9:37 AM, DarrenM said:I've never experienced this sales pitch here at the Hampton, VA store. Are the time-shares something unveiled along with the Spring Classic?
I'm planning to go for the rod trade-in. The only thing they pester me with is the pitch for a (another) BPS credit card.
They may be by the boat sales area. That is where they are in my BPS.
When they start talking I immediately interrupt them and say no thanks. Win win situation because they stop talking to me and they know ahead of time to talk to someone else.
Cabelas is worse though. You get the credit card guys as soon as you walking into the door AND guys walking around the store randomly asking people. It's best to just say yes I have one already and be done with it.
I've been to several bps and cabelas in various states and gotta say bps has more employees walking the floor asking around if customers need assistance. When it comes to the sack bars they haven bps has the rudest behind the counter and cabelas has the nicest
The time share people are relentless. Guy last year at hte one in branson was just hammering me for that lodge they have down there. musta cost em to much to build now they gotta pay for it lol
Crank, my wife and I went on the BPS sales tour in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina since the motel was free.
We had a nice time but the weather was overcast and cold during our visit and we never set foot on the beach.
We did sit through a painful three-hour presentation on time shares.
Overall, we had a pretty good time but that presentation was a killer.
For you guys who have not gone, I suggest you just smile and pass it by.
We don't have the time shares but we have the vacation package pushers. Generally nice folks.
The only thing that bothers me about our store in Detroit is they don't stock enough reels, especially lefties. I just can't bring myself to drop over $200 on a display reel.
Another thing that I am going to add is bps is an expensive store for the most part and your dollars don't go a long way even if your buying the cheapest items on the shelves.
With that being said we all know what we want when we go there and I just think it's rude for them to push us on this stuff taking for granted that we are spending out hard earned dollars there.
I know I'm overreacting on this but it always does bother me. I guess I don't really care for sales people
There are usually 5+ people on staff trying to sell vacations....right between the tank and the fishing area here in Orlando. They are VERY aggressive.
I've used the ignore, the cell phone, the mad as hell, and the polite techniques. None work any better than the other. Now I just take extra time to just walk out of the way and avoid that whole deal. It is a nightmare, and reminds me of people hassling me at a shopping mall.
Just tell them you allready went last 5 months ago. That seems to shut them up.
IMHO ---- CABELAS & TACKLE WAREHOUSE RULE THE ROOST. There always has to be a #1 & a #2. In this case though there are two in first place ----- Cabelas & Tackle warehouse. Tackle Warehouse for shipping and Cabelas for in-store shopping.
On 3/2/2014 at 10:04 AM, gripnrip said:They may be by the boat sales area. That is where they are in my BPS.
I'll keep my eye out. Only time I go into the boats section is when the boys want to go look. Otherwise it's tackle all the time for me.
Last time I shopped at BPS I wore a brand new Cabela's hat. Not for spite, just cause I liked it. I had the BPS manager offer to trade me one of theirs for it, just to get me to take it off. I declined, and kept it on.On 3/2/2014 at 9:53 AM, Tartan34 said:EVERYTIME that I've asked for help, mostly at the reel counter, I got the vibe that it was a massive undertaking to help me.
That included pulling a 200HG off the shelf this morning at 9:01, when I was the ONLY person at the reel counter....with 3 BPS employees just staring at me.
Now, I do wear my TW shirts when I shop at BPS....and let loose of a little "rebellious" behavior...after many terrible experiences.
I don't understand everyone getting pestered by sales pitches and being bothered by it. Just blow them off. That's what I'd do. Wouldn't think a thing of it, being rude or otherwise. Heck I'd probably laugh afterwards, or maybe even while doing it.
As for the reel counter experience, I'd have had him set three of them out so I could open all the boxes and check each to see which was the smoothest.
If you want a good experience at any place you shop, it's always best when it just happens naturally but if the only way to get it is to take charge then that's what you do. Never let them run over you or take control. I'm always in control. It's what I want, when and how I want, or it's the highway, if it's the highway, then while I'm driving down that highway I'm also on the phone to some higher ups and somebody's getting a write up later that day. Take charge!
Wow, I am so glad I've not noticed this before. I absolutely *hate* that sort of thing. My wife dragged me to a time-share deal in Myrtle Beach, SC once. It was awful. I think we got a $60 dinner voucher or something like that. I swore "never again!"
She has the kahunas to go and just get the freebies patiently waiting to say "no" at the end. I won't do it. On that, she's better than me, LOL.
When in college I did some time making ends meet with moving companies and telemarketing. The telemarketing thing was the worst gig I ever did. I felt awful every time someone said "no" and I had to flip the card templates to their "excuse" and read the rebuttal. Always felt that when I said "no" I meant "no", but they said "no" actually means "yes".
I was young and needed money. Never again!
On 3/2/2014 at 11:07 AM, Tartan34 said:There are usually 5+ people on staff trying to sell vacations....right between the tank and the fishing area here in Orlando. They are VERY aggressive.
I've used the ignore, the cell phone, the mad as hell, and the polite techniques. None work any better than the other. Now I just take extra time to just walk out of the way and avoid that whole deal. It is a nightmare, and reminds me of people hassling me at a shopping mall.
Two words. Squirt gun.
When it comes to telemarketers, the cutoff button is your friend. On my cell phone I can see what state the call is coming in from and most times I answer just long enough to hear a voice and then hang up on whoever it is. That way I don't get a voice mail left.
You know I bought one of thses 3 day 2 night excursions. $125. the wife and I had to sit through a 45 minute orientation. My brother in law and his wife went with us. We shared the cost and I recieved $100 in Bass Pro gift certificates. It wasn't bad at all. We spent 45 minutes with them and the rest on Table Rock Lake. The accomadations are first class. We connected up with a guy and he rents us his timeshare for a full week twice a year. Again we split the cost. All we do is fish, fish, fish, and have fun. It's a great vacation. The ladies do most of the cooking and all the shopping. I would recommend this to everyone. The whole trip costs us about $ 500 per man and wife.
How does the ignore technique not work? I find it very effective. But if you want them to stop talking immediately, just tell them you're not even remotely interested, couldn't be less interested, and keep walking with your hand up in the "talk to the hand" gesture.On 3/2/2014 at 11:07 AM, Tartan34 said:There are usually 5+ people on staff trying to sell vacations....right between the tank and the fishing area here in Orlando. They are VERY aggressive.
I've used the ignore, the cell phone, the mad as hell, and the polite techniques. None work any better than the other. Now I just take extra time to just walk out of the way and avoid that whole deal. It is a nightmare, and reminds me of people hassling me at a shopping mall.
I had them pestering me about a vacation the first time I ever went there. Someone asked me if I wanted to enter a sweepstakes for a free boat. Hell yeah! Why wouldn't I? Didn't realize that that's how they get ya. As I'm filling out the card, this guy approaches and starts with the 20 questions about where I usually go on vacation and how much I spend on one on average and if I'd ever been here or there and if I could go anywhere in the US where would it be and BPS has vacation packages available in this state and that state, etc. etc. etc... Didn't bother him in the slightest when I told him I delivered pizzas for a living and could barely afford to pay my rent. I even told the guy I only had enough money to pay for the rod I was planning on buying and the guy said that if I put that money towards one of their vacation that he'd give me that much plus an extra $25 bucks in BPS gift cards. And then after I finally got away from them, I was approached 2 or 3 more times while I was shopping. Very annoying.
Their prices kill me. Them and Cabela's both are always 1 or 2 dollars more per bait than TW and the other small shops around here. I can't go in there without spending $50 anyways so why not order it online and have it shipped to my house for free with no sales tax?? As far as the time share people, I'm good at telling people no, it's what I do for a living
TW gets most of my business. Now Ron will take a large portion from TW in the future. I have not used BPS for several years. If I need it now then it's Dicks or one of the small independent shops around here.
If you think BPS pesters you about time shares, don't go to a Mexican resort area or even Disney, they come in a pitch while you're having dinner. When I go to BPS I'm focused on why I'm there, buy what I want and leave. I do know a couple of guys that work in the fishing department, I see them at the jettie, can't complain about my experiences there. I don't buy on line from them too often, don't care for their shipping rates, I will buy their hot lips bucktail jigs which is still cheaper and more convenient than driving 40 miles each way.
Not that I'm ranting because I just delete the emails without reading them, the subscription tackle sites are always sending me something. They carry nothing I want.
WOW! BPS is taking a beating here. Now I thought that was against the rules. Oh well....lol.
I was looking for a new pair of cold weather winter boots. Now, I am a BPS fan and never had a bad experience. I looked at the muck arctic which at the time was about $180 at BPS. I called up the local muck dealer... $112 out the door tax included.
I order any fishing stuff I can out of state, mainly TW because I dont pay tax and they always offer free shipping over $50.
On 3/2/2014 at 8:55 AM, crankcaster100 said:And it wasn't a one time event either.
A couple of months ago I asked an associate there if they had any of the live bait bait ball crank baits and the guy looked at me like I was an idiot because he had never heard of them.
He didn't even bother to say "I'll check on that" he just brushed me off.
I told him I saw the baits in a bass magazine too.
You would think that an employee of a company would be somewhat knowledgeable of what they sell
I remember my first experience at BPS, I asked if they carried Bandit crankbaits and got the same look. They didn't even know what Bandit crankbaits were.
Well I just enjoy going threw all tackle stores. I've been around long enough and have been blessed to own quite a bit of tackle so I just enjoy seeing whats out there. The BBS here in east tenn to me seems to be pretty decent and as far as telemarketers I just stay away or say no quickly.
But I do love looking at tackle and do buy some online also but my favorite way to purchase is having in the hand when I leave a store.
Tight Lines
Time shares are so .......................................................... yesterday.
I refuse to get into a conversation with anyone hawking time shares or anything else. I look 'em square in the eye, shake my head no, look away, and keep on walking. If they persist, I ignore them. Works like a charm.
I was there yesterday. The employees at the local BPS are quite knowledgeable, actually. The timeshare people will ask but don't persist after you say "no." They didn't even bother to ask yesterday because it was just my brother and I there, and we're both 16.
On a side note, this thread kinda makes me want to work there. It sounds like some stores have crappy employees, and I know enough to help a lot of customers. Maybe I'll look into it as a summer job.
BPS doesn't impress me anymore. I'm not so.e with them, but they are down on my list.
I go to the BPS in Leeds Alabama and I have not had any problems with bad attitudes, pestering, or the likes. All is good here! I even met and talk to a few pro's about fishing. They all took time out to speak to me and was very pleasant. I invited one to go fish with me and he seemed interested, only his schedule is very busy. Perhaps one day we can make that happen. If not, it's all good. Being a Classic winner puts allot of extras into the fire.
On 3/2/2014 at 3:41 PM, Bluebasser86 said:Their prices kill me. Them and Cabela's both are always 1 or 2 dollars more per bait than TW and the other small shops around here. I can't go in there without spending $50 anyways so why not order it online and have it shipped to my house for free with no sales tax?? As far as the time share people, I'm good at telling people no, it's what I do for a living
Sorry to hear so many of you are having a negative shopping experience with BPS. Ive been doing mail order with them since the mid 90's and have never had a problem. Sometimes they will drop a product but I can usually get what I need. Never had a problem with customer service or tech help. BPS is a big outfit and Im sure there will always be room for improvement.
My work does a rewards program and BPS gift cards are one of the options, so free gear. I am happy that they participate in the program. Plus it sure beats going into any other store my wife enjoys hahahaha.
I know what you guys mean, I can't stand the place either. I am thinking about heading over there after work today, any of you guys want to go with.
On 3/2/2014 at 11:41 PM, Valley Sports said:I know that I don't know about a lot of product out there but at least if we don't have it I'll offer to see if I can find it.
Good idea about the TW shirt. Maybe I need to get some made up for you guys?
I think getting TW shirts made up is a bad move
Hmm im feeling like a lepper i have been to ours out here several times..lol..no one every tried to sell me a thing..
BUT i knew what i was going for every time i go..you all might want to ck out.. fishandsave.com.. they have some killer sales some times.
I live about 4 hours away from the nearest BPS (the Toronto/Vaughn Hills location) and can't say that I've ever been bothered about the credit card or the time share. I do recall being approached once but I politely said no and have been never approached since though I do see them in the store. Could be we Canadians are more polite :-)
Regarding prices -- I don't find BPS to be any better or worse than my local outfitter except that they obviously have a far bigger selection. Usually if I can't find it locally I'll order it from BPS. I've never tried Cabella's so I can't compare the two companies.
I only buy stuff from BPS during the spring sale which is on right now. I much rather buy off TWH or LeBaron!
Hmm. I enjoy the experiences I've had at my local bps. I know some people have stated bps exclusive products aren't top notch, but I find that some of their hard baits are really tough to beat for the money. (Their xps squarebills and rattleshads are a staple in my tackle box).
The BPS Stik-O goes great on a shaky head too.
I rarely shop at BPS unless I need somethign right then and there.
I will say the Memphis Store, the fishing section is ran by fishermen. They know where everything is and if you have a question on rigging, baits, ect ect they are happy to help and share their experiences.
The Memphis BPS is staffed with some good guys, knowledgeable and GREAT sticks!
Several of these guys are friends, one is a "main" fishin partner and I have fished with
a dozen others. Although I don't actually fish any BPS house tackle, I think it represents
"value" for many anglers.
Regarding "the experience", man the Spring Sale ROCKS! All the big local names and
guides throughout the region are there and most demonstrate their skills in the tank.
Want to talk with Bill Dance? He is there along with several of the current stars.
I never had a problem when Im at BPS in Altoona, Iowa by Des Monies. It seems they never stock reels and only reels I use is Abu Garcia and they only have Silver Max. I went there after Christmas and seeing if they have Pro Max and Revo S. They tell me order it on the internet.
I haven't had any issues with BPS. Employees make the difference, not the corporate logo on the store. Apparently there are some employees out there giving particular stores a bad name.
On 3/3/2014 at 4:28 AM, roadwarrior said:The Memphis BPS is staffed with some good guys, knowledgeable and GREAT sticks!
Several of these guys are friends, one is a "main" fishin partner and I have fished with
a dozen others. Although I don't actually fish any BPS house tackle, I think it represents
"value" for many anglers.
Regarding "the experience", man the Spring Sale ROCKS! All the big local names and
guides throughout the region are there and most demonstrate their skills in the tank.
Want to talk with Bill Dance? He is there along with several of the current stars.
I agree...... Can't wait till they open up the pyramid downtown Memphis.. What's the word on the store out east they keeping it open?
On 3/3/2014 at 9:03 AM, MemphisFF said:I agree...... Can't wait till they open up the pyramid downtown Memphis.. What's the word on the store out east they keeping it open?
I was told by one of the employees that they're keeping it open that it makes a killing at that location and that Walmart wishes they could have that building back. Walmart actually leases the building to BPS, but now they're wishing they could put in one of those Walmart neighborhood markets there.
I am fortunate enough to live within a 15 minute drive of a Cabelas and a 30 minute drive to a BPS. I prefer Cabelas IMHO. The staff in Hammond are extremely friendly and knowledgable. Hell, I was debating between a Revo BC or a Pflueger a few months back and the guy at the reel counter came up and helped me decide. We talked for another 30 minutes just shooting the **** fishing.
That being said BPS employees seem to brush me off when I have questions. BPS does seem to have a much larger selection of fishing gear compaired to Cabelas. I only go to BPS when they have a good sale or if they have a specific lure that Cabelas doesnt carry.
Wow, I must be the lucky one. I've been to the in Concord NC many times. Great service. The people with the time share stuff, I just put my cell to my ear. The new BPS in Cary NC is about 15 minutes from my house. No time share people there. Great service and selection. Nothing but good to say about both locations. We have a Gander mountain here in Cary too. Higher prices than BPS, poor customer sevice, and small selection. I still shop and support my local BPS. My .02 cents.
I love our BPS here. Service is great. The time share people are annoying but I've learned to just ignore them. I don't even acknowledge they are there.
, These time share folks are just doing their job. They are probably just glad to have one. I know in these times I would be.
True that
Whenever I go to Cabela's or BPS, nobody ever bothers me when I'm shopping unless they are offering to help. Perks of being <18
Cabelas selection is very limited brand-wise. Bass Pro Shops is not my favorite place to go either. Honestly, Tackle Warehouse is the greatest thing ever. Occasionally I will go and buy some stuff at Dick's Sporting Goods. Their customer service is much better.
I wish I had a BPS near me where they try to hock me some time shares. I do not have any of these stores near me, except for Dick's. If I need something I'll hit up Dick's first, and if they don't have it I'll go to the interwebs and hit up the BPS and Cabelas sites. I've ordered from both but I lean more towards Cabelas for some reason.
I love Cabelas...
I've never had an unpleasant experience at BPS. I'm not there on a daily basis given that the closest store is about 6 hours away. However I've been to BPS stores all around the country and I was only approached once about a time share. All I had to do was say I wasn't interested and it was done. As far as prices, they seem to be competitive with pretty much all the other big stores. It's unfortunate that some of you have had bad experiences, but don't rule them out.
When they try to sell time shares to me I just say...I have bought one everytime I been in here and don't have the extra change today. They will get the message.
I bought into the time share, not a bad deal in my opinion. Get to go to table rock lake and the lodge is really nice. I'm going again next weekend and its only 240 bucks for all of us (me ,wife, and three kids) on the lake... its about a 10 hour drive and we always have fun. So i just tell em that I already have one and go about my business.
It does beat hunting down a nice vacation spot, at least you know where you going, how much you are gonna spend, and best of all you know what fish are gonna be there.
WIGuide- well said.
On 3/2/2014 at 9:34 PM, TrippyJai said:I remember my first experience at BPS, I asked if they carried Bandit crankbaits and got the same look. They didn't even know what Bandit crankbaits were.
Happened to me at Cabela's. I asked the manager of the fishing department if they had the gear for flick-shaking (this was the time when it was emerging in the U.S. and was in all the fishing mags).
Any company doing 4 billion a year in sales and growing, must be doing something right. Companies with this type of stature employ other companies specializing in all sorts of behind the scenes activities, like demographics for store locations.
For the most part a simple polite "no thanks" goes a long way in not having to deal with them. From personal experience there have been times I wasn't in the mood for them, I was curt for no real reason other than wanting to be left alone. Other times I've been more gregarious and enjoyed a short conversation. How the interaction goes is usually whether I'm feeling carefree or have a wild hair up my posterior. These people are only trying to make a buck and BPS is only trying to make more money, for me it's best just to accept it for what is and no more.
On 3/3/2014 at 3:29 AM, SudburyBasser said:I live about 4 hours away from the nearest BPS (the Toronto/Vaughn Hills location) and can't say that I've ever been bothered about the credit card or the time share. I do recall being approached once but I politely said no and have been never approached since though I do see them in the store. Could be we Canadians are more polite :-)
Regarding prices -- I don't find BPS to be any better or worse than my local outfitter except that they obviously have a far bigger selection. Usually if I can't find it locally I'll order it from BPS. I've never tried Cabella's so I can't compare the two companies.
I also go to this BPS...but I find the fishing department lacking in knowledge about their products. It gets a little annoying when they don't know the different types of jigs..etc. Overall though the prices are better than my local shops (lure/plastics wise) and fair. However the reel and rods around these parts are bloated in price. I still look forward to BPS, I don't just go for equipment (go to the seminars, meet local pros..etc)...I just like the "atmosphere" and I never had a timeshare person bug me either.
I grew up going to the BPS in Springfield, MO on vacation (BPS National Headquarters), so I have a lot of fond memories. But I can honestly say I haven't bought anything from them in a couple of years because it's cost prohibitive. I will also say that I am angry they took out their soft serve ice cream machine...because it was my favorite place in the world to get ice cream (kinda lame I know, but more about memories).
Plus I have an Academy Sports that went in just down the road and I couldn't enjoy their everyday low price scheme any better! Sometimes Academy has some killer clearance like the $20 Suffix 50lb braided camo line I paid $4 a couple of days ago thanks to a tip from someone on these forums.
I also forgot to mention the best way to deal with Timeshare folks at BPS is to do what Adam Sandler did in the movie "Billy Madison" and say "No I will not make out with you" really loudly when they come up to you. Hahahahaha. If anyone here ever tries this let me know!!
I just got back from the Cabela's in Green Bay. ($115 bait monkey bite) and asked the fishing dept. mgr. if they had the new Curado 1 . His answer was "What new Curado" God I wish I had a BPS closer than Chicago.
When I started this thread I didn't expect it would have any traction. I think I may have overreacted about my BPS experience. I don't hate the store by any means and yes I understand that those guys are just doing their jobs trying to get you to fill out their forms.
I'm sure I'll be back buying there soon enough
I can say I haven't been overly impressed in bass pro shops, I have drawn up my own business plans for a bait and tackle shop chain but refuse to go in debt to get it launched. At some point in my life I will open it up. If it lasts, good, if not I won't be bankrupt atleast. Most of the issues everyone here has is the same issues I've had. It's what has driven me to start taking my ideas more serious. Lots of tackle shops come and go which is going to be the biggest obstacle to overcome first.
I just wish I had a BPS to go in and shop at. The closest one is 5+ hours one way. The closest cabelas is 3 hours. I ordered a little under a hundred bucks worth of baits off cabelas(gift card) I had to pay about a 8% sales tax and 12.95 shipping. I was mad considering the box couldn't have weighed more than a couple pounds and it came late.
On 3/4/2014 at 8:41 AM, crankcaster100 said:Wow!
When I started this thread I didn't expect it would have any traction. I think I may have overreacted about my BPS experience. I don't hate the store by any means and yes I understand that those guys are just doing their jobs trying to get you to fill out their forms.
I'm sure I'll be back buying there soon enough
Not to change the subject, but how is Busse doing? Cut my teeth there 20 some years ago.
I shop at the BPS in Ashland Va. I just pretend I'm on a mission and don't give them a chance to start...
It has worked so far. I gave the boat sales person my email and # to contact me when the motors went on sale and he did so... and I have NOT thank goodness gotten spammed to death.
Not sure if anyone said it but the help at bps can be hit or miss. My bps had a lot of really good locals that used to work there ( people I knew and have fished with) and some that are just ok. Last time I went there the people were really helpful but one guy at the reel counter was clueless. I had my gf that doesnt fish help me find shad raps while I asked the guy at the counter where they kept their wiggle warts. He had no idea what I was talking about. My gf came back with shad raps and wiggle warts because they were right by eachother. Seriously dont know how he worked their not knowing what a wiggle wart was.
Hey Flip
Busse is pressured but it's 15 minutes from home so I can't complain
I'll be fishing every morning there this summer before work
I worked nights in Wood Dale, back then, and in the morning fished Busse every day while traffic on the Kennedy died off. I kinda miss that time. Perhaps we'll meet up there some time.
And to your original thread. I have found BPS has sadly down-graded since they opened (Chicago/Gurnee). I don't go there too often due to their poor selections, not the people they employ. I don't use XPS and if I did, I'd expect those knockoffs to be 50% cheaper than the originals. The originals were inventions and innovations, not copies, and they have a value worth paying for. As for the timeshare folks.....just walk past, I'm not there for them.
Flip I work in Wood Dale off of Thorndale
I heard there's going to be some br Illinois event in Geneva or Delavan
I'm in if it happens
I'd be interested in that aswell. If you see more info, please share.
Also worked off Thorndale. Florstar, next to Market Day. It was a kid's job, but I was young enough to be a kid
On 3/4/2014 at 8:41 AM, crankcaster100 said:Wow!
When I started this thread I didn't expect it would have any traction. I think I may have overreacted about my BPS experience. I don't hate the store by any means and yes I understand that those guys are just doing their jobs trying to get you to fill out their forms.
I'm sure I'll be back buying there soon enough
It went from you just complaining about the time share hockers to "Lets boycott BPS and Cabelas" ... It makes for good reading.
On 3/4/2014 at 8:59 AM, Pz3 said:I can say I haven't been overly impressed in bass pro shops, I have drawn up my own business plans for a bait and tackle shop chain but refuse to go in debt to get it launched. At some point in my life I will open it up. If it lasts, good, if not I won't be bankrupt atleast. Most of the issues everyone here has is the same issues I've had. It's what has driven me to start taking my ideas more serious. Lots of tackle shops come and go which is going to be the biggest obstacle to overcome first.
I'm pretty sure Johnny Morris had the same Idea, and didn't expect it to get this big.
On 3/3/2014 at 4:21 AM, Brian Needham said:I will say the Memphis Store, the fishing section is ran by fishermen. They know where everything is and if you have a question on rigging, baits, ect ect they are happy to help and share their experiences.
Pearl,MS store is same way. I've got family close and visit that location often. Great guys in fishing dept. They always come over when im shopping to say hi and see how its going.
Crystal Springs...... wow I havent seen that name in a long time.
I don't care for the harrisburg pa store much. I get gift cards and have to go. I haven't encountered any time share people but the help is not great. I went in with my gift card and a reel trade in. I ask about the new curado, they don't have them and don't know when they will get them. I then ask about a core. "we never carried cores". That was just a blatant lie I had one in my hands at their sale the year before. I was then lectured by the shimano rep about how the ci4 is made from the same materials that would be used if mankind had to build a tunnel into space to transport fuel. I was getting a chronarch no matter what but this guy almost made me put the reel down. I spent my gift cards, hopefully I don't get anymore.
On 3/5/2014 at 2:57 AM, Brian Needham said:Crystal Springs...... wow I havent seen that name in a long time.
Nothing has changed here...ha!!
Just about done here guys...Who wants the last word?
On 3/2/2014 at 6:17 AM, Missourifishin said:I was very disappointed when guys at my local bass pro started pestering me about the time shares. I'm in there a lot though, since it's 5 minutes from my house, and the time share guys know not to bother with me anymore.
I have only had a few of them at our BPS pester me. I usually act like I am talking in a bluetooth similar to waht Hootie said.
On 3/6/2014 at 12:12 AM, roadwarrior said:Just about done here guys...Who wants the last word?
me me me, Please?
On 3/6/2014 at 6:52 AM, Brian Needham said:me me me, Please?
Well ya can't have it....lol.
I agree with most on this post. Two separate occasions I stopped at BPS here in Cincinnati and they didnt sell something simple on my list. Last yr it was the Bombshell Turtles and this yr its Megastrike. The salesman directed me to the Ranger boat dealer almost 20 miles away. Oddly enough I found both of these products at a local state run lake that has all of its tackle on a sinlge 10x5 wall. Id almost consider wally world a better shop if they sold left handed baitcasters.
My buddy went into the new BPS in Hooksett NH and the guy didn't know what smelly jelly or Megastrike was. My friend thought he was kidding but turns out he really didn't know what it was or if they sold either one...didn't know what scents were...true story
I thought this topic got locked.
Testing the theory that threads will eventually die...I killed this one a week or so ago,
but we decided to let it run its course.
On 3/13/2014 at 11:02 PM, Smokinal said:My buddy went into the new BPS in Hooksett NH and the guy didn't know what smelly jelly or Megastrike was. My friend thought he was kidding but turns out he really didn't know what it was or if they sold either one...didn't know what scents were...true story
in fairness BPS does sell spike it, bang, fish sticks, and other scents.
I am not directing this to to Smokinal............ half the fun is looking for yourself, walking down each isle to find all the other stuff you cant live/fish without..... just like casinos, if you can easily find the exit, you cant stay inside and play.
The BPS by me is awful for the time shares and I am too young to sign up for it and still get hounded by them. I started phasing them out when they started getting rid of products to make more room for their products. The big turn off was when I bought three Revos STX and the guy didn't know what he was doing and when I got home I had a left handed SX, a left handed STX and a right handed STX. And not one of them were in the Gear ratio I asked for and I am right handed. Another thing that set me off was that I chated with an online rep and they told me I could get the Rapala DT Ike's colors at my store however when I get to the store one guy didn't know what I was talking about and another one whispered to me like the baits were top secret that they only sell them online and they are the ONLY place to get them even though I bought mine from TW. DANG you got me venting now.
i do go to the BPS near Louisville.. and the one in Cincinnati. never had a problem with either. in fact both staffs have held stuff behind the counter until i get there. and have looked for items while i am on the phone so i don't drive there and then they not have it. their prices are higher, so i only buy what i am pressed to get there.
never been approached by the "time share" guys. but just think. ...they have a job to do and if they weren't aggressive they would probably have no luck at all. i have been approached by many time share people while in florida...never had problem ignoring them. so just ignore them...
I must be one of the minority, on this thread. First off, I didn't even know BPS had time shares. I live between two BPS and the staff in both stores have been extremely helpful every time I have needed or looking for something. As far as baits and terminal tackle, for my liking they have everything I need.
On 3/15/2014 at 1:47 AM, BassinLou said:I must be one of the minority, on this thread. First off, I didn't even know BPS had time shares.
I live between two BPS and the staff in both stores have been extremely helpful every time I have needed or looking for something. As far as baits and terminal tackle, for my liking they have everything I need.
I have the same experience with my Bass Pro. I wonder how much of this nonsense that goes on is because of the spring classic or spring time in general. That seems to be the time when most bass fishing and tackle purchases are made.
On 3/4/2014 at 8:59 AM, Pz3 said:I can say I haven't been overly impressed in bass pro shops, I have drawn up my own business plans for a bait and tackle shop chain but refuse to go in debt to get it launched. At some point in my life I will open it up. If it lasts, good, if not I won't be bankrupt atleast. Most of the issues everyone here has is the same issues I've had. It's what has driven me to start taking my ideas more serious. Lots of tackle shops come and go which is going to be the biggest obstacle to overcome first.
Do what my buddy did and open an outdoor consignment store. He carries new stuff but it helps a ton when you aren't paying for 75% of the stuff in the store
BPS in Charlotte >>>>>>>>>>> BPS in Orlando
The Charlotte store gave me an incredible shopping experience and a terrific inventory. If the Orlando BPS had the same quality of inventory, I'd deal with the other BS.
It is pretty clear that they pound Orlando REALLY hard on the timeshares....as I'm sure the majority of consumers are not Central Florida residents.
Going to my first bass pro shop as a shopper tomorrow. They have the catch and release pond and my 4 yr old is itching to fish. Also have a pro going to be there tomorrow to talk so the 12 yr and old and myself are interested in that also have a couple of combos im interested in. Guess I'll judge for myself tomorrow. Can't believe people still do timeshare though such a rip off but lets not start on that debate lol. If you have a time share and love it. Good for you
On 3/13/2014 at 11:34 PM, roadwarrior said:Testing the theory that threads will eventually die...I killed this one a week or so ago,
but we decided to let it run its course.
Would this thread be still alive if bit was titled, "Done with Megastrike" or "Done with Valley Sports"?
Seems like you would have closed it long ago if you thought you had a chance with BPS.
In Florida tackle is purchased throughout the year. My last trip to BPS was October 2013, I was solicited for a time share and I filled out some paperwork. I did receive ensuing phone calls, already owning a timeshare in Mexico I told them I was not interested, the phone calls stopped. I have no negative comments about BPS, the staff has always been helpful and I usually can find what I'm looking for. I do have the option of buying on line with a much larger inventory.
Whether a topic dies a natural death due to a lack of interest, or in the case of this thread people still showing an interest. Proves to me that any topic should never be closed, unless of a rules violation.
I do cut my braid with teeth.
My local BPS employees are almost all college kids, they seem to make an effort to help out kids from the local colleges. Thats fine with me that they have no idea about fishing stuff. I have never gone there wanting advise. I have never been approached by the time share folks, I still have the 'cop look' thank God and can pretty much get the point across with a stare. I just wish BPS would get back to concentrating on fishing tackle instead of nic-nacs and fancy boy clothes.
On 3/15/2014 at 2:29 PM, SirSnookalot said:...Whether a topic dies a natural death due to a lack of interest, or in the case of this thread people still showing an interest. Proves to me that any topic should never be closed, unless of a rules violation.
I do cut my braid with teeth.
All that salt sea air has made you a tough old bird as my father used to say . Cutting braid with your teeth is not for everyone! As far as this thread is concerned if I were King it would have been closed very early on. I see no value in it even if lasts till the end of time. I am not, so I'm interested to see what happens next.
Bass Pro does many things right, and I still use them for many of my fishing needs. If I am looking for something to #@*%! about while there I can certainly find it. That is true about anywhere else I go though.
I'm just getting started with BPS
I went today found the prices to be hit or miss. Compared what I bought to *** and was either dead on or muchhhh cheaper than TW. So that's a plus. No time share people there today, wife and kids waited in line over 2 hrs to each catch one fish a piece lol never do that again. I spent 240.00 (30.00 on food items etc - anyone ever tried their batters etc the jerkey was good) and on the items I bought I could buy on TW I saved literally 100.00. A lot of that on the reel alone but that was thanks to me being left handed.
I was at BPS today and of course I had to talk to a sales lady on time shares.
Here's what she offered me. A full week, yep 7 days at Big Cedar Lodge for with an adjusted cost of $499. You pay $699 and she gives you a $100 gift certificate right on the spot. You ger another one for $75 when you take the 45 minute tour and if you book in the next 30 days another one for $25. I don't think that's a bad deal for a a 2 bedroom condo with 3 tv's, 2 kitchens, 2 full baths, fireplace, and it sleeps 8 comfortably. We do this twice a year and split it with our in laws. 14 days of pure enjoyment. Just my 2 cents worth.
On 3/16/2014 at 11:33 AM, macmichael said:I was at BPS today and of course I had to talk to a sales lady on time shares.
Here's what she offered me. A full week, yep 7 days at Big Cedar Lodge for with an adjusted cost of $499. You pay $699 and she gives you a $100 gift certificate right on the spot. You ger another one for $75 when you take the 45 minute tour and if you book in the next 30 days another one for $25. I don't think that's a bad deal for a a 2 bedroom condo with 3 tv's, 2 kitchens, 2 full baths, fireplace, and it sleeps 8 comfortably. We do this twice a year and split it with our in laws. 14 days of pure enjoyment. Just my 2 cents worth.
What time share is that company etc?! That's a lot dif than the typical pay 200.00 a month or 300.00 a month for a time share. I'd be down for that all day everyday.
Sounds more like a vacation package than a timeshare, appears to be an excellent price.
Typically timeshares are purchased for a week per year, the trend of some of the companies is a point system now rather than the week format. There's an upfront cash outlay that will vary on the popularity of the location destination as well as the actual resort. Additionally there are yearly maintenance fees, again prices vary with resorts, they do not remain fixed. Many people that wish to travel to other destinations join an exchange company like RCI, don't know if Interval is still around, another yearly fee.
We have one in Cabo San Lucas.
yeah I think the word "timeshare" has been misused in this thread...... as the BPS folks sell more weekend/vacation packages than a true timeshare. They may indeed use those vacation packages to sell a full blown timeshare over time, I dont know.
as far as the theory of threads safely dieing a quite death........ I think we can safely call that one "mythbusted"
Living in Puerto Rico means everything I buy is found online. there are a couple very small tackle stores in the island but both are around a 1.5 hour drive. I order exclusively through TW. they have the best customer service, they offer 2nd day ups to us here which is the option I always pick and for a great price. BPS wants to rip us off. The shipping for rods longer than 7' is obsene. their regular shipping takes over 3 weeks to get here. Its absurd. I hate waiting.
The thing with TW is that I have to make a good order so that the shipping money is not a waste. If I only have money to buy two lures or 2 packages of plastics or small stuff I buy it on fleabay.
Now when im on vacation on the states going to the store is like a tourist trip of its own lol annoying time share sales and all.