Hi all,
Just wondering, what snacks do you guys pack to hold you off on a fishing trip?
i rarely if ever take anything to eat when i am fishing. I will when i know i have a long paddle and it is usually some energy bars or a hoagie. The key for me is staying hydrated so i always have gatorades and water.
If I know I'll be more than a few hours, I'll bring some
protein bars, some water.
And the all-important sunflower seeds!!!
Tim Hortons sausage egg and cheese on a plain bagel, a large coffee...
Whatever I can get my hands on... So hungry....that's pretty much how it goes.
Gatorade for Hydration, as well as Carbs for energy. Beef Jerky offers Protein to stay satiated.
Hash brownies and space cakes
Granola bars.
I really like to eat - so I'm always packing food for a day (or night) out on the water.
Cliff bars are almost always part of the plan along with some seasonal fruit and perhaps a cheese stick or two.
Staying hydrated is an absolute priority.
Small bag of dried fruit and nuts or a protein bar. BUT water > food.
Normally water, black coffee, and a Diet Pepsi. I get this vanilla granola from nuts.com that's pretty good, so sometimes either that and/or almonds and raisins. Usually I'll just go to Timmy's on the way home. Egg and cheese on a nine-grain bagel hype.
Fish sticks.
For me, going fishing is an all day thing. I'll get breakfast on the way - generally a slice or 2 of Casey's breakfast pizza and coffee. Cooler has water, ice and a few beers. I will stop and buy a sandwich for lunch somewhere, either Walmart or Caseys and put it in a zip lock bag in the cooler. Lately, a V-8 has hit the spot as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. After I get off the water and get all loaded up, I check my blood sugar and that kind of lets me know what I can have for supper. There are great BBQ and other styles of restaurants on the way home.
Cliff bars, trail mix, jerky and fruit.
Gallon of H2O, coffee, turkey sub, & cigar.
Sunflower seeds, peanut butter crackers, and cold pizza occasionally. I usually just bring water, though.
I usually stop at walmart and get a sub. Snack on it all day .
I take a Cuban sub, Lance peanut butter crackers, a banana, and several Snicker candy bites. For drinks I take Gatorade, Tropicana lemonade, and a can of Coke-Cola in my small cooler with ice. But sometimes I bring half that stuff back home.
BTW -- has anyone ever heard it's bad luck to go fishing and have a banana in your boat?
Granola bar, maybe some trail mix. Water and a diet Coke for the ride home.
boiled eggs and homemade oatmeal, raisin, choc. chip cookies
Coffee, mac and cheese, beans and rice, and near anything else I can cook with a canteen stove and cup. Trioxane fuel tabs work nicely, as does a Sterno stove if I will be out longer.
I usually forget to eat whatever I took. But I'll take granola bars if I take anything. If I take my daughter, she always wants to have a picnic, complete with pork and beans and a snack cake of some kind.
Beef jerky, granola bars, Gatorade, and water.
Bad Mojo dudeOn 7/3/2015 at 12:37 PM, zeth said:Bananas
On 7/3/2015 at 8:20 PM, Thornback said:I take a Cuban sub, Lance peanut butter crackers, a banana, and several Snicker candy bites. For drinks I take Gatorade, Tropicana lemonade, and a can of Coke-Cola in my small cooler with ice. But sometimes I bring half that stuff back home.
BTW -- has anyone ever heard it's bad luck to go fishing and have a banana in your boat?
Thanks for the link. I will still carry a banana when going fishing. I just don't believe in superstitions and that includes black cats or Friday the 13th
On 7/4/2015 at 1:58 AM, Thornback said:Thanks for the link. I will still carry a banana when going fishing. I just don't believe in superstitions and that includes black cats or Friday the 13th
I bet you to eat a banana in your boat with a black cat on Friday the 13th.
Always have a bag of nuts or seeds.
Can't eat in the morning, never could.
I used to bring a sandwich, some cookies, fruit and anything else Mrs Mike would throw in.
Now I just pick up one of those lunchable things with the cheese, crackers and ham. 2 bottles of water and I'm good.
A lot easier and less messy, especially in someone else's boat.
This is how I roll at lunch time on the water.
I know a guy that had a pizza delivered to him on the lake during a tournament....
For me in a tournament I bring lots of water and two P&J's sandwiches. Before I go I'll have a bowl of cereal and coffee.
Coors Light and some seeds.
On 7/4/2015 at 5:08 AM, MassBass said:Always have a bag of nuts or seeds.
I have fished with a few nuts
On 7/4/2015 at 7:27 PM, fish devil said:I know a guy that had a pizza delivered to him on the lake during a tournament....
I thought that looked like a Pizza Hut pizza box up in the reeds
What's this thing about bananas being bad luck..?
On 7/4/2015 at 9:58 PM, Josh Smith said:What's this thing about bananas being bad luck..?
Go to link supplied by jakob . . .
Beef Jerky
Red Bull
Couple IPAs
Enjoy it while you got it.
Beef Jerky
Cheese Crackers
Water Lots
One bottle of Coke
Deer jerky, trail mix, and coffee if I am fishing all night.
I have my lifestraw in my tackle box as a gift from my aunt, but the thought of drinking the green soup of summertime lakes is too much to bear, so I just chicken out and bring bottles of water, and some chips.
I don`t pack anything but water,because even if i did bring something i would be to busy fishing to eat it.
Head cheese.
Spam works too, in a pinch.
Protein bars, protein shakes and water.
I bring a one of those Camelbak bottles filled with water and maybe some sunflower seeds. Cracked pepper, of course.
On 7/3/2015 at 9:52 AM, RoLo said:Hash brownies and space cakes
Hahahahahaha. BEST answer EVER!!!
On 7/3/2015 at 11:27 AM, Fishes in trees said:For me, going fishing is an all day thing. I'll get breakfast on the way - generally a slice or 2 of Casey's breakfast pizza and coffee. Cooler has water, ice and a few beers. I will stop and buy a sandwich for lunch somewhere, either Walmart or Caseys and put it in a zip lock bag in the cooler. Lately, a V-8 has hit the spot as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. After I get off the water and get all loaded up, I check my blood sugar and that kind of lets me know what I can have for supper. There are great BBQ and other styles of restaurants on the way home.
Lemme guess... You got the DIABETIS?!?! Me too.
On 7/4/2015 at 10:04 PM, Thornback said:Go to link supplied by jakob . . .
I thought this pertained to saltwater applications more myself...
Looks like it does. Funny how fisherman are none the less. Look up luggage on crab boats.On 7/5/2015 at 8:19 PM, Shanes7614 said:I thought this pertained to saltwater applications more myself...
On 7/3/2015 at 9:52 AM, RoLo said:Hash brownies and space cakes
LMAO!!! Cant remeber why thats funny haha
pb&j most of the time...on my first tournament i didn't know bananas were bad luck...never brought them after that first time...but i did win first with the heaviest weight in the pool of boaters and nonboaters...plus big bass...so....good luck for me?
On 7/6/2015 at 3:09 AM, BASSPATROL247 said:LMAO!!! Cant remeber why thats funny haha
I don't even remember typing that, I was too busy eating
On 7/6/2015 at 3:11 AM, raoka said:pb&j most of the time...on my first tournament i didn't know bananas were bad luck...never brought them after that first time...but i did win first with the heaviest weight in the pool of boaters and nonboaters...plus big bass...so....good luck for me?
Look above. Only pertains to salt water fishing.
On 7/6/2015 at 4:45 AM, RoLo said:I don't even remember typing that, I was too busy eating
I'll bring a bag of those smoked almonds. Sometimes some jerky. Payday candy bars are good because they don't melt.
BIG cold green grapes, capri sun and i always have to have almonds since they are so healthy.
FOODS banned on my boat:
trail mix
anything chocolate
sunflower seeds
I usually go with trail mix, homemade jerky, and red vines. If I'm gonna be out there all day long, I'll bring a couple pb&j sammiches as well.
PBJ and cold water is hard to beat!
Normally a large cup of joe on the way to the water, a water or two during the day and maybe a Pepsi if I am thinking of it.
Food wise it is generally just a bag of chips or something small like that, also like to bring a bag of Jerky on the boat (more filling than the chips).
Krave Beef Jerky.
I always take a high protein snack with low carbs. Nuts, beef jerkey even bacon! protein sticks with you and generally wont give you a crash like a high carb snack could. time spent snacking is time not fishing (unless youre running to your next spot that is!).
On 7/8/2015 at 1:45 AM, StinkyBass said:time spent snacking is time not fishing (unless youre running to your next spot that is!).
That's one of the beautiful things about red vines! I can fish and snack at the same time. Usually, if I feel the need to munch on something, you'll find me fishing with a red vine hanging outta my mouth!
Pop Tarts and water!
plenty of water and gatorade for sure....
i usually pack a couple snacks, just whatever is home.... if i stop by the store i would grab a little debbie oatmeal pie, slim jim and some cool ranch doritos!
On 7/4/2015 at 7:27 PM, fish devil said:I know a guy that had a pizza delivered to him on the lake during a tournament....
Silver Lake over in Dover, De you can access McDonalds and a beer store from the same dock!! McNuggets for the kiddo and Miller Lite for the big Kids
Dang that sounds good. I always pack slim Jim's as well.On 7/9/2015 at 2:59 AM, buzzed bait said:plenty of water and gatorade for sure....
i usually pack a couple snacks, just whatever is home.... if i stop by the store i would grab a little debbie oatmeal pie, slim jim and some cool ranch doritos!
Granola or Nutri-grain bars.
Boat always has granola bars in it. As I get older I find eating between stops keeps me going better all day. Sandwich or two, apple, snickers...water and gatoraid.
I used to bring bacon sandwiches but got to lazy. Now pretty much PBJ, water and Gatorade.
If evening fishing - cooler of beer or a thermos of the mixed drink family
On 7/3/2015 at 9:03 AM, rchiuz said:Hi all,
Just wondering, what snacks do you guys pack to hold you off on a fishing trip?
cheez its, granola bars, water....I bring 1 low ABV beer along to enjoy after fishing once the boat and gear are packed.
Granola Bars, Chips, A Sandwich, Water, and the occasional Monster.
Wow! This OP drew a ton of replies. Actually some were interesting and I learned something. One thing I do is take a cup of hot coffee and sip on it as I head to the ramp. I drink about half and place the rest in my cup holder. When I head back home I sip on the cold coffee.
Ham,turkey and cheese sandwich,on a poppy seed roll.Cheese crackers,plenty of water,if it's in the am,i bring cawfee.
This thread inspired me to look into making my own beef jerk. Seeing the price per bag I hate paying the amount asked. A quick google search revealed I have been over paying for jerky for some time. It's super easy to make at home but you do need to set some time aside to make it.
Here is a vid showing you how to make it in your oven
Plenty of recipes online to fit your pallet. This first batch is a bit bland for me so I know I need to adjust my measurements or try bolder ingredients. Simple healthy snack (since you control the ingredients) so you can fight off hunger and keep fishing. Added bonus I don't need to have a cooler to keep it cool/cold, toss it in a zip lock back and go.
I took my normal PB&J on Friday and threw in 2 bananas and had a great day on a lake that I don't fish much. So the bananas thing has been debunked..lol.
I'm a big fan of nuts or granola bars. Something that's going to give me some energy with little effort. Mostly water and poweraid other than that. The occasional PB&J is a nice change. Sometimes those protein shakes that come already in the bottle are a good thing I can chug quickly too. Don't want to take too much time away from the fishing.
When it gets light early in the summer I'll get a coffee at a gas station and drink it on the way to whatever lake I pick. When it gets lighter later I might stop by a donut shop and do coffee and donuts. On the water I always bring a large Camelbak water bottle and Clif bars/protein bars. Lately I've also been taking a pack of Belvita breakfast wafers (omg the chocolate or blueberry ones are tasty).
On 7/3/2015 at 9:03 AM, rchiuz said:Hi all,
Just wondering, what snacks do you guys pack to hold you off on a fishing trip?
Night crawlers.
Copenhagen, clif bars, water and more Copenhagen.
On 7/4/2015 at 7:16 PM, Bluebasser86 said:This is how I roll at lunch time on the water.
I have to pass my PB&J secret on.
Toast two blueberry eggo waffles and use them as the bread. The crispness helps keep it from getting mushy and the little squares lock in all the goodness. I love them for skiing because I can wrap them in foil and stuff them in a pocket and they're rigid enough to not get crushed.
For food Kind bars and rice crispie treats. Being gluten free I am happy to finally have a bar that tastes good. And for drinks start with 5 hour energy and then switch to soda, hate water. Used to drink some alcohol, but fishing has taken top billing lately.
I don't bring along beer anymore, I did in my younger days but dehydration + alcohol = not fun
I once went fishing while sick with the flu and a fever of 102 degrees, and brought along a 6-pack. That's about all I remember of that day. Ahh, I miss those care free days sometimes.
As far as snacks Jerky is good and usually what I carry with me now.
For me it's always the same.....Water, sunflower seeds, beef jerky and a fresh can of Grizzly straight
On 7/19/2015 at 5:45 PM, wytstang said:This thread inspired me to look into making my own beef jerk. Seeing the price per bag I hate paying the amount asked. A quick google search revealed I have been over paying for jerky for some time. It's super easy to make at home but you do need to set some time aside to make it.
Here is a vid showing you how to make it in your oven
Plenty of recipes online to fit your pallet. This first batch is a bit bland for me so I know I need to adjust my measurements or try bolder ingredients. Simple healthy snack (since you control the ingredients) so you can fight off hunger and keep fishing. Added bonus I don't need to have a cooler to keep it cool/cold, toss it in a zip lock back and go.
Great stuff.
I have a hunter friend who supplies me with venison jerky.
Chicken Vienna sausage and saltine crackers. Peanut butter (Jiff) & grape jelly (Welch's) sandwich with plenty of water and diet ginger ale. Also, plenty of Planter's peanuts.
The Old School Basser....
Chocolate chip cookies are the best.
Have you guys ever heard of "Hunter's Bacon"??
It's bacon but fully smoked- it looks raw but it's good to eat. I had some about two weeks ago and it blew my mind. If there was a place that sold it around here I would be in HUGE trouble.
For me it's the ever faithful protein bars and water. With some chew and gum mixed in. I did take some Rev's one time, and those were nice. But it eliminates a bottle of water from my cooler, which was a no no.
Liverwurst on white bread soaked in lake water.
On 7/19/2015 at 5:45 PM, wytstang said:This thread inspired me to look into making my own beef jerk. Seeing the price per bag I hate paying the amount asked. A quick google search revealed I have been over paying for jerky for some time. It's super easy to make at home but you do need to set some time aside to make it.
Here is a vid showing you how to make it in your oven
Plenty of recipes online to fit your pallet. This first batch is a bit bland for me so I know I need to adjust my measurements or try bolder ingredients. Simple healthy snack (since you control the ingredients) so you can fight off hunger and keep fishing. Added bonus I don't need to have a cooler to keep it cool/cold, toss it in a zip lock back and go.
This is a neat idea. I really like making my own foods because I really get to control what is in it. I really like beef jerky, and it is much better for you than many other snacks, but many brands are chocked full of preservatives. Make your own, no preservatives!
Laughing at some oddly specific answers.
I'm a shore fisherman, so most of my outings are only 5 hours or so. I'll be picking my buddy up in about three and a half hours, and we'll probably stop for a bacon egg and cheese on the way to the Rez. As for bringing stuff to the water, it's usually a couple big bottles of water, a Gatorade, and some sort of small snack or candy, preferably peanut m&ms or local jerkey. When I do get out in the water though I'll usually stop at nardellis (curious to see if anyone lives by one of these)
water, cope, maybe a hero.
Spam & Ramen (chicken flavor).
Fried chicken (16 piece), jerky, three pounds of bacon&sausages(the maple kind), pizza, blueberry muffins, brownies, homemade chocolate chip cookies, chips, soda(crème,root beer,&pepsi), Gatorade, thermos of coffee, and a couple sandwiches. I almost always fish for three days in a row and sleep on my boat so I need a lot of food. That and my friends always come by for the food! True story....g man LOL
Chewy granola bars. The crunchy ones are terrible b/c they get all over you and your boat/kayak.
Beef Jerky.
On 7/3/2015 at 9:52 AM, RoLo said:Hash brownies and space cakes
Classic! The penguin makes it that much better! Haha.
For me the "go to" is protein bars and small bags of peanuts. Jerky if i'm feeling spendy. Lunch is usually a sub. For drinks water is a must and an ice cold sports drink is a thirst quencher!
If we're renting a boat here for the day it's p&j sandwiches. Or salami and cheese because the salami could be bait too. We were trout fishing once. Two boats near each other one used corn while we used Velveeta cheese. We compared our fish ours were bigger. You have to be lightening fast with cheese you get one very fast bite. I personally don't use corn. Thirty years ago we chummed with cream corn that we ran through the blender again and fished with cheese. I don't think it's legal anymore.
Great camping breakfast,
Fry English muffins I a pat of butter till toasted. Fry sausage patties, scrambled eggs with cheese. Put the sandwich together. It tastes so good in the fresh air.
Water, Mountain Dew, Pepperoni Roll, Cope Wintergreen Long Cut
Mt Dew, tin of skoal...
im in Mexco, so burritos and beer....
I take no more than 239 beans. Why stop at 239? Because one more would be 240.
On 8/12/2015 at 8:10 PM, g man said:Fried chicken (16 piece), jerky, three pounds of bacon&sausages(the maple kind), pizza, blueberry muffins, brownies, homemade chocolate chip cookies, chips, soda(crème,root beer,&pepsi), Gatorade, thermos of coffee, and a couple sandwiches. I almost always fish for three days in a row and sleep on my boat so I need a lot of food. That and my friends always come by for the food! True story....g man LOL
That's a fine assortment right there ~
Don't forget the Dude Wipes g man.
Lately it's a baguette cut into small section sammiches with proscuitto, sharp cheddar cheese, salami, lots of mayo and this incredibly spicy mustard I bought in Paris. Plus salt/vinegar potato chips, sour patch kids, a monster energy drink and a few ice cold PBRs.
Again yea I'll die a few years (decades) early but it will be worth it.
I don't eat anything when I'm fishing. Most times, I don't bring anything to drink, either.
On 8/13/2015 at 10:46 PM, Thornback said:I take no more than 239 beans. Why stop at 239? Because one more would be 240.[/quoteOn 8/13/2015 at 10:46 PM, Thornback said:I take no more than 239 beans. Why stop at 239? Because one more would be 240.You need to tell that joke with an Irish accent to make it work, "toofarty"
On 8/14/2015 at 7:21 AM, Scott F said:I take no more than 239 beans. Why stop at 239? Because one more would be 240.
You need to tell that joke with an Irish accent to make it work, "toofarty"
Aarrg matey, I tell it with a pirate's accent. And no cutthroat brings more than 239 beans aboard me ship.
Natural, homemade beef jerky.
Lunchables! And monster in the morning and water through the day
no offense man but that is 1 of the dumbest questions i have seen on here....
Not a dumb question at all. In fact, after being on the water for 3 hours yesterday, I found myself, afterward, almost wanting to drink the d**n lake water!! We returned, and I downed 2 bottles of water in record time.
Maybe I SHOULD start bringing something..........
I drink a lot of water, and snack on sunflower seeds and kashi bars.
On 8/16/2015 at 11:27 PM, joeblowwwww said:no offense man but that is 1 of the dumbest questions i have seen on here....
Well that really added value to the thread. Reminds me of that old saying about "if you don't have anything nice to say......"
Homemade jerky, sandwiches, and granola bars.
trail mix, lots of water, anything else I'm in the mood for to be honest.
On 8/16/2015 at 11:27 PM, joeblowwwww said:no offense man but that is 1 of the dumbest questions i have seen on here....
why would it be dumb?
PB&J, protein Bar and gallon of Water, I sometimes paddle miles and the last thing I would want is to exhaust with nothing to pick me back up.
Bland sandwiches, Pringles, whatever little random things my wife sticks in snack bags if she gets around to it. Little Debbies seem to get in the boat quite a bit. It's your basic nutritionists nightmare. Water, diet pop, and Gatorade in the cooler. I always forget to eat and drink as much as I should when I'm out there. I'm usually starving, and a little dehydrating at the end of the day.
.On 8/18/2015 at 8:55 PM, chris7390 said:why would it be dumb?
Because, he doesn't believe in snacks.
hard salami sandwiches and plenty of Founder's All Day IPA.