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Holy Cow Jimmy H. is a piece of crap. 2024

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

I know this is a "Bass Fishing" board, but this shocking story

involves bass angler Jimmy Houston. What a piece of dog crap

he is. I hope he loses all of his sponsors.

Glenn, I am sorry for linking to other sites, but everyone has to

see this.

If you don't have time to watch all 12 minutes, just go to the 3rd

clip down and watch Jimmy Houston hunt caged deer.

His own website has even set up a special area on the forums where

he can get ripped for it. I have yet to see him post a response.,200.0.html

That is just SICK!!! >:(

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

I didnt get to see the video becuase it would show up on my screen, but i did listen to it and read of his actions. I CANT BELIEVE I USED TO BE A FAN OF JIMMY HOUSTON! THAT HORRIBLE PERSON, NO SPORTSMANSHIP OR ETHICS WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

WOW!!!!!  I would love to hear Jimmy's explanation of that one.  Did this happen recently??  I think he was suppose to speak at the Bassmaster U in KC this weekend, but I don't think he showed up.  Someone that was there can correct me if I'm wrong.

It's too bad too.  I actually liked his show even though you didn't learn a whole lot about fishing.  He "was" very entertaining.  Now I can never look at him the same way.  If his show is on I will just keep on going.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

If you watch his show a lot he talked about this on one of them. I think it was about a month or two ago. He explained that a guy that was his guide was going to trial over a show of his. I think Jimmy's position was that he didn't know it was such a small enclosure.

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

Somewhere in the video it said the area was only around 3 acres. I am pretty

sure that from a tree you could see a 6' fence on any side of 3 acres.

My yard at my old house was 2 1/2 acres and I could see a golf ball from

one end to the other. I think that is a poor excuse for old Jimmy.

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

I agree

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

I am not a big hunting advocate to begin with, so this is even more dispicable for me, compounded by the fact that I thought Jimmy was a pretty good guy.  I had heard a few ramblings about this the past couple days, but after seeing it..its just sickening.

I understand the sport of fishing, catch and release, its not such a deadly thing..but hunting has always kinda gotten to me because I know a lot of guys who hunt just to put trophies on the wall.  Don't know any fisherman who keeps them just for trophies.  This just cements how much I dislike hunting, and especially hunting shows.  I know there are a lot of hunters on this site, and I don't have a problem with someone doing it ethically and with well reasoned intentions, but I see no need to kill for the sake of killing.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

"I didn't know" ...doesn't cut it.

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

Just because someone famous did something really stupid in any sport we need to be careful in the way we present it to others. Outdoor participation such as fishing and hunting are becoming an ever smaller percentage of the population and as a result our continued enjoyment can rest in the hands of our fellow citizens that have no understanding of what we do and why. When the law is broken then the law needs to be enforced and those guilty punished.

Ethics is a choice we all face be it a pen hunt, staking out fish before a tournament, or using illegal means to harvest fish, foul, or other game. The actions need condemnation as policing ourselves strengthens our cause. There are unscrupulous fishermen and hunters and I wish I could say I have never known any but I have. I have also turned in those that choose not to follow the law and see nothing wrong in breaking it. But just as important is challenging fellow sportsmen when the line of ethical actions is crossed. I have seen way too many turn a blind eye towards others lapses including myself. We can point out actions that are questionable in a way that states our displeasure without personal attacks. We are all human and have done things we later regretted. Jimmy Houston should face the consequences of his actions but please leave enough room for repentance by him. If it's a pattern then it's different than a lapse of judgment; I just think it's a little too early too condemn the man's whole life but condemning his action can not be made strong enough. Just my thoughts. :'(

fishing user avatarCephkiller reply : 

I am going to wait this one out before I pass judgement.  I think Jimmy's reputation gives him the benefit of the doubt until I get more information.

Even if the incident actually happened as portrayed, here is something to chew on:

These animals are bred and raised for the purpose of being killed.  From this perspective, they are no more noble than cattle or chickens.  I despise payed hunts of all types.  Is this really that much worse than paying to go to a "ranch" and following a guide to a certain spot where he knows a deer will pass.  In this scenario, the hunter has done none of the work and success is virtually assured.  The only ethical lapse Jimmy may or may not have had is not disclosing the unfair advantage he had to his viewers.  In this respect, he is no worse than TV fisherman who catch "trophies" on privately stocked and managed ponds and representing it as a fair catch - *cough* Bill Dance *cough*.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I just talked to a friend that used to be on one of Jimmy's video crews. He said that Jimmy used to always keep a couple of big bass in his live well just incase he didn't catch anything on a filming trip. He raised these bass in his private pond. He would take one out, put a hook in it and put it in the water then start rolling film.  That's just sad. I wonder if anyone else does this?

fishing user avatarUpnorth reply : 

Truly disgusting. I found an online petition that is being sent to ESPN, The Outdoor Channel and other Houston sponsors. I have signed it and it only takes a minute of your time. Here's the link:

fishing user avatarCephkiller reply : 
I just talked to a friend that used to be on one of Jimmy's video crews. He said that Jimmy used to always keep a couple of big bass in his live well just incase he didn't catch anything on a filming trip. He raised these bass in his private pond. He would take one out, put a hook in it and put it in the water then start rolling film. That's just sad. I wonder if anyone else does this?

This is the stuff you here about all the time.  Babe Winkelman came to my hometown ~20 years ago to film with a local fishing "celebrity" and people claimed he was paying people for big bass to use for the same purpose.  I bet many others have similar stories about all the TV fisherman.  I'm not sure if they're true or not.

fishing user avatarBassChaser57 reply : 

Well the dark side has come to light.

This is wrong in my book but it says alot about dollars and cents. When we all demand these shows and the producers want the film for the least cost it is a $$$ issue with getting the show. As long as there are fenced hunts we will have these kind of images to contend with. Of course different fishing shows do what they need to do to get the fish. At least Bill Dance fishes his private oxbow lake and has no need for trickery.

I have seen this first hand while flying corporate customers on a company sponsored duck and quail hunt. These guys thought they were really doing something shooting pen raised wing clipped birds. When you get checking into it, it is a very ugly industry. :(

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 
I just talked to a friend that used to be on one of Jimmy's video crews. He said that Jimmy used to always keep a couple of big bass in his live well just incase he didn't catch anything on a filming trip. He raised these bass in his private pond. He would take one out, put a hook in it and put it in the water then start rolling film. That's just sad. I wonder if anyone else does this?

Have you read Ike's book?  He says that kind of stuff goes on all the time.

fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

That video of JH could easily be edited (cut fence shots) to make it look like a legitimate hunt. I figure that many hunting and fishing shows are staged. It reminds me of slaughtering animals on a farm, just "playing" around with them before you kill them. Not much sporting involved just cruelty and disrespect.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Does everything Jimmy is being accused of on tape? No editing. Because this was brought out a couple years ago also. The same scenerio, its not new, and I believe he answered the critics then as to say it was a PETA person who accused him of it after a video was edited. There was the original video, and the altered, and Jimmy showed his original video, then showed how the original was altered and posted on lots of sights.

This was 2 yrs ago, jimmy said the man was convicted, but his hunts were not as bad as press was being written.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Something else just came to mind.  I don't know if it's the intro to his show or a whole show in itself, but I vividly remember the words "The deer started running right at me"  coming out of his mouth.  Could this not be the only time?  Did that deer run right at him because he was caged??????

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

IMO. You should not make judgments until you personally see and hear both sides of the story.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

I will say this, if I spent $10K on a trophy hunt, I know I wouldn't shoot anything like the scenerio has been painted.    How many people would pay $20,000 dollars to shoot a sick buck laying on the ground as reported.   I don't know famous celebs, but the hunters I do know would not even think of such  a hunt and would take a few of those guys teeth out pretty quick to pull some of that crap off.  


If you want some more reading on this, google:  Jimmy houston and canned hunts, that will do it.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

All those canned hunts are unethical. I'd be asking for my money back once I saw what was going on.

fishing user avatarSENKOSAM reply : 

This is the stuff you here about all the time. Babe Winkelman came to my hometown ~20 years ago to film with a local fishing "celebrity" and people claimed he was paying people for big bass to use for the same purpose. I bet many others have similar stories about all the TV fisherman. I'm not sure if they're true or not.

BW was also fined for using walky talkies to track and kill game.

Houston made a show in NY during closed season and wasn't caught by the DEC because the tip came too late.

Fishing shows are simple to edit and truth in advertising doesn't apply to ad men like Grigsby or Dance.  He**, these guy were never up for sainthood, so why the surprise?

fishing user avatarHookhead reply : 

This happens all the time and I'm not surprised. I'm disgusted but not surprised. On a related topic, I was watching BPSs fishing show a few days ago. They had Woo Davies and a BPS general manager on a boat trolling for swordfish. There were 5 deck hands rigging and setting up planer boards while the BPS GM was doing some full-time brown nosing with davies. During the conversation you see one of the rods bend on the back of the boat and a deck hand sprint over to it, yank it our of its holder and hand it to the BPS guy. The BPS guy proceeds to fight the fish until it gets near the boat where the deck hands bring it onboard. The next 5 minutes are spent posing next to his fish while he boasts, "it was a hard fight.." It makes me sick knowing that at some BPS store there is a huge picture of this fool with fish he "caught". I have absolutley NO RESPECT for these people. >:( How would you get any sense of accomplishment knowing that someone else did all the work it took to catch that fish?

Woo Davies was next and the exact same scenario took place. That's not fishing. That's "reeling". Any idiot can reel in a fish.

It's just like Jimmy Houston. I've watched several of his shows where he's hunting with a guide and miraculously comes across a GIANT deer or elk. I've hunted deer for 20 years and I know what it takes to locate and kill a decent buck. It certainly isn't that easy.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

Isn't it sad what some people do to make money. There other shows out there that do just the same Bill jordan's realtree outdoor comes to mind Killing deer on a ranch somerwhere when they come to a feeder how is that hunting that ain't the only show that does it I'm sure. I hunt but rarely watch a hunting show because thats all you see anymore is morons killing deer or something else while it was comeing to a feeder then thinking they accomplised something I can't stand it. What these idiots are doiing is building a case for peta by unethicaly killing game which in turn screws the average true hearted fair chase hunter's out there. When non hunters who never had a problem with people huntning before see stuff like this they assume all hunters do it, and put them all in the same category. It makes me sick to think most of these show do this crap to sell something. It saden's me to think that Jimmy H would do something this low. I don't care if it was his first time doing something like this and I am sure it isn't How can you call yourself a true sportsman knowing you killed a cage deer or drugged deer

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 
IMO. You should not make judgments until you personally see and hear both sides of the story.

How much do you really need to see and hear when there is clear video of Jimmy Houston in a tree in the middle of a pen no wider than a normal backyard in a subdivision? On top of that its pretty clear to see the deer running to fences, only to stop and try to run in another direction. Like LBH said, "I didn' t know" won't fly because there was no way NOT to know. Its just a disgusting situation, the same as these guys who claim to be "excellent" fishermen that pull em out of livewells.

I don't really have an ethical problem with what Bill Dance does, he's still actually catching the fish, as far as I know. Is what he does any different than having a private pond raised to trophy bass status, just without camera's around? He still casts out, reels in, and hopes he gets bitten. Hunting in a cage is not hunting, its killing. And for the record, I HATE PETA! Watch this video and you'll probably not like them, either.   Its a Penn & Teller episode of "Bull****" so it may not be work safe for all of you.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 
IMO. You should not make judgments until you personally see and hear both sides of the story.

In most cases that is very true. There is NOTHING he can say to warrant his actions. Like LBH , "I didn't know", ain't going to cut it this time. You figure an experienced hunter as himself should know something was up. I have never been hunting a day in my life, but I know it's not the norm for many deer just to be wandering around below your tree stand running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

BTW - Great video Ken

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

Ken. Because I don't know if videos, transcripts, or internet postings have been edited. I have not personally heard actual mouth to my ear what has happened. Until I have set in the courtroom and heard it all. I can't make a judgement on any of Bellar's clients. Bellar's is guilty though.

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

I'm with Rattletrap on this one.I just don't know the whole story.I am however in total shock.Say it ain't so JIMMY!Say it ain't so!

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

i hope theres something else to the story cause jimmy was a favorite of mine

fishing user avataryoungbasser87 reply : 

I say that we take Jimmy's weapons away and throw him in that high fenced area with about 15 horny bucks and tinks doe-in-heat all over his a**

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 


fishing user avatarjusttrying reply : 

got home today & had a new bps flyer in the mail. was advertising the 2006 spring fishing classic, going on at the myrtle beach store next weekend.   ......guess who the pro is feb 16 & 17.  ..the flyer says it's "America's Favorite Fisherman - Jimmy Houston!"

that is going to be an intersting presentation!

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 
got home today & had a new bps flyer in the mail. was advertising the 2006 spring fishing classic, going on at the myrtle beach store next weekend. ......guess who the pro is feb 16 & 17. ..the flyer says it's "America's Favorite Fisherman - Jimmy Houston!"

that is going to be an intersting presentation!

Bet you money he dosen't show up I say we start a petiton and send it to his sponsers 3000 plus members have to stand for something.

fishing user avatarYankee_Bassman reply : 

This is more fodder for the PETA people.

A friend of mine was fishing on El Salto in Mexico when JH was filming there; he told me JH would hold up a 3-4 lb. bass, and tell the camera it was 8-9 lbs. He said all the guides made fun of him. I was skeptical, until I realized that watching the Bassmaster shows on TV, I'm often way off on the size of the fish when they first boat them, especially those above three lbs. I guess he could get away with it. What a "sportsman"......

fishing user avatarbixbybasspro reply : 

Sad, Sad, Sad ole' Jimmy :-/ :-/ :-/ :-/ :o :o :o

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

This is troubling. I hope Jimmy will come clean, own up to whatever happened and tell the whole story. He needs to tell the truth. He's a religious man, he should know how to ask for forgiveness. Some will give it and some won't.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 
i hope theres something else to the story cause jimmy was a favorite of mine

What could he possibly say to make things better.  He's done in my book.  What a pitiful outdoorsman or sportsman.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I can understand alot of what the tv personalities do to make a good show.  I don't doubt for a minute that fish are hooked onto featured lures etc.  but this hunting drugged animals in a caged up pen is just way out of line.  I'm wondering why he wasn't prosecuted.  If the owner broke the law the surely the hunters did so also.

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

you guys should write to his sponspors and not buy their products if you feel this strongly about it.that would include shimano!!!i have written to his sponsors and espn and will not buy anything he has ties with. :o

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

It may be time for ole Jimmy to retire.  I would love for him to write a book where he "tells all" about all the sneaky tricks the big time hunting/fishing celebs use to make their shows look so exciting.  I'm sure it would be quite an eye opener :o, and I'll bet not many of the big TV stars would come up smelling like roses

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

Avid,I with you on the fact that there are probally alot of TV anglers and hunters who are guilty of canned hunting and faking a catch.Although I don't think Jimmy is going to pull a "Jose Canseco"and tell all.It would be interesting though.I hope he does come clean and give an honest explanation.He owes that to his fans.I think the celeberties who found themselves in a bad situations,for example Canseco and O.J have used the "write a book and get rich while bringing everbody else down with them",are cowards!

fishing user avatarball_coach_1 reply : 

Say it ain't so.  I truly hope this stuff isn't accurate.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

This happened almost two years ago, and Jimmy is doing fine. This isn't news, it happened long ago and Peta webs are pushing it again.

Last time I checked, your innocent until guilty. Anyone see him shoot anything? I admit it doesn't look good, but the owner has been convicted of this last year. Over half millon in fines.

This is more PETA pushed than anything. Anybody go to Jimmy's busy web site and look at the responses.

Notice the date is over a year old on this report.

In the second site, they actually call jimmy as an witness along with Ronnie Dunn of Brooks and Dunn.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

Somebody needs to flush PETA.

fishing user avatarjusttrying reply : 

i've been thinking about this thing a lot the last day or so.

i really hope that when all the facts are known that jimmy doesn't come out being  the "piece of crap" that mr jt bagwell called him., let me say, i don't know mr bagwell, but i really enjoy his input on this forum & i've read all his articles on br (even the one about the senkos! LOL)..and he has my respect, i was just kinda stunned at the heading.

what i've seen of jimmy houston through the years has always been honorable, but, i've never seen  him anyplace but on tv & i know how that can be "tilted."  he just appears to be a nice guy, & somehow, i think he is.

he may have just made an awful mistake, or, ...i don't know.   it's just sad to see something like this out of someone you've admired.

just one last thing before i quit rambling.  ...i did an awful thing one time.  it hurt a lot of people's lives.  i didn't think i'd live through it, but, i did.  i paid, & am paying, a very high price.   ..i needed peoples understanding & forgiveness, & still do. taught me many things, but at what cost!   mr houston may be going through just such time.

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

I have talked to atleast 3 tournament fishmen who have said Jimmy was the nicest and most outgoing guys in the TV/fishing industry.He would talk to anybody about fishing and has spent alot of time talking to people personally at his showings.I have not had the chance to meet him,but still anxious to.Even though some people think he is a peice of crap,nobody has more fun fishing on TV than Jimmy Houston.I feel he has played a big part in where the fishing industry is today.

fishing user avatarstrick9 reply : 

First of all I want to say that I think any kind of "canned" hunting is totally WRONG and unethical if not illegal. If Jimmy Houston is guilty of this and this was not edited in any way then he should be prosecuted and should be blackballed from legitimate outdoors TV and his sponsors boycotted, but untill I've heard all the evidence I will reserve judgement.

As far as the staged catches on TV fishing shows goes, I don't like it if that's happening but I also don't know many that would watch a show about nothing (except Seinfeld).

This reminds me of the complaining going on on this site as well as others during last years Bassmasters Classic when there were no big fish being caught. I remember hearing how bad this was to watch, we want to see more big fish caught. Well this year that may be the case at the Classic since it will be held at Lake Toho in Florida during spawning season. Sure sight fishing for big bass makes great TV but it sure sounds alot like those "canned" hunts we were just complaining about. In my opinion catching a bass that is by nature protecting its beds and putting it in a live well for hours before being handled at a weigh in is no better than the hunting. I have no problem with immediate catch and release and I know what is said about the mortality rate of the fish returned after being caught, but these fish are not making back to thier beds and that is bad for our sport.

Just thought ther might be a little hypocritical thinking going on here. IMHO.

fishing user avatarMr.Bass12 reply : 


fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

I too have put alot of thought into this issue with jimmy h today while at work.  We all make mistakes.  I think I would feel better about this issue if jimmy aleast said, Hey guy's I screwed up can you forgive me. I would.   I was pretty steamed about it yesterday. I do have to disagree with a couple of post's saying lets wait until the full story comes out and that we didn't actually see him shoot the deer.   I'm not trying to be a smart elic here but he was in a treestand with a compound bow I don't think he was there just to watch it run around. If there wasn't a video showing him there and someone just saying he did it I would have to agree wait until we see evidence of it. But it is cut and dry in my book.  I used to work at a prision for juvenile boys who were commited to the state for felony convictions and one of the biggest things I would preach to them was, We all make mistakes it's what you learn from them that count's. hopefully jimmy has learn something from this

fishing user avatarARCHER reply : 

Jimmy Houston's fishing show is the worst I've seen.

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

Archer,I take it you have never seen Randy Jones Strike Zone.Anyway,Jimmy has wrote a letter to his forums on his website with an apology.You can read it and judge for yourself.His wife has also posted a letter.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 
Archer,I take it you have never seen Randy Jones Strike Zone.Anyway.

LOL, Agreed.  Jerry McKinnis and Strike Zone are the worst shows out there IMO, in that order.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

I don't trust PETA with anything. They show up to Bass tournaments with pictures of dogs with hooks in their mouths. I would not back or show any of their videos. They are the enemy of both ethical and nonethical sportsman. They want to take away your Rods and Guns. Flush Peta from this site.

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

I went to Jimmy's site and read the letters of explanation/apology from both Jimmy and his wife Christine. I feel that I got what I was looking for in his letter. I've decided to look at his entire body of work. I'm not going to judge him on his best day or his worst one for that matter. Jimmy has been a great promoter of outdoor sports and has brought bass fishing into a lot of people's living rooms. He's always come across as a good Christian man and his charitable works certainly reinforce that image. As I read some of the posts over that site I was having difficulty figuring out who was an outraged sportsman and who were PETA members frothing at the mouth at the thought of publicity and creating a hunter vs. hunter situation. Will I think of Jimmy differently because of this situation? Yes. Things have changed a bit but I think overall the good outweighs the bad. I've had to ask for some pretty serious forgiveness in my time, I guess along the way I learned how to offer some as well. Hang in there Jimmy.

fishing user avatarcabela10 reply : 
I just talked to a friend that used to be on one of Jimmy's video crews. He said that Jimmy used to always keep a couple of big bass in his live well just incase he didn't catch anything on a filming trip. He raised these bass in his private pond. He would take one out, put a hook in it and put it in the water then start rolling film. That's just sad. I wonder if anyone else does this?

Have you read Ike's book? He says that kind of stuff goes on all the time.

I have the book and don't recall reading anything like this... guide me to a page.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

I don't know the real deal, but I know everybody makes mistakes. Everybody on this board has made mistakes before, and I know you would not want that mistake held against you. Everybody deserves a second chance.


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