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Not Cool 2024

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

I went up to Muskegon, MI for the walleye opener and stayed at a friends place. I took him out on the water at midnight and I hooked a beauty of a smallmouth, 4lb.12oz. 

He landed it and I took a photo with his smartphone. After weighing it and before I could get a pic of myself and the fish, he released it!  What's worse, he posted the pic on social media saying HE caught it. 

He has up to his place a couple of times a year, but I'm thinking of declining next time. Thoughts?

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 

doesn't sound like much of a friend to me. I wouldn't have anything else to do with him after that. 

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Geez Louise. That's crass of him.


Probably decline next invite. Perhaps confront

him on the matter and ask why he did it...or

don't. Whatever will soothe your ire.

fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 

Sounds like someone I'd stop calling or returning calls to.  Is he an actual friend or a fishing acquaintance?

fishing user avatarAustin11C reply : 

Yeah man that's definitely not cool. I would have been upset. My younger brother used to do that to me with deer. I'd kill a deer and he'd take a picture and post it on his social media and say he killed it etc etc. I started commenting on all his post saying it was mine. Fixed that problem ??.  If you're not up to losing a friend I'd talk to him and tell him you think it's messed up 1st off to release it like he did and especially the fact he's claiming it. 

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 


I'm afraid he'd be my X friend

I could overlook the quick release,

but not false representation (dishonesty)




fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

Didn't happen.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

LOL , yep . I have a friend like that . 

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Maybe it's some kind of joke ? ? ? 

Either way, sounds like real nice fella ~ inviting you up to his place a few times a year and all.

In return,  I suppose it's only right for you to repay that kind of generosity.

Perhaps you could help him out by advertising his place there in Muskegon, MI for rent at a super low price.

Don't forget to state that because he works  very off hours he can only take phone calls regarding this between 2 - 5 AM.

I'm betting he'll appreciate this gesture quite a bit.





fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 

I'm from Muskegon.. visit there every year and spent most of my life there. I can tell you there are alot more shady things going on in Muskegon than taking credit for someone else's fish. 


I had a buddy like that once. Except he did catch the fish. It was the first season I used a stickbait. And it was hot everywhere we went. I was having an awesome night and after he was getting skunked I lent him a senko and showed him how to use it . He caught one 23" . And bragged on dramabook how he was Mr BA at bass fishing. Also ran to the truck with the bass and acted a fool. I was not pleased and never went fishing with him again. 


Live and learn. Dude is not your buddy. 


Should have took me :D

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

That's... small.

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

Sounds like a story made up to get reactions. Just my,sometimes silly, opinion.

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 
  On 5/3/2017 at 9:11 AM, deaknh03 said:

Sounds like a story made up to get reactions. Just my,sometimes silly, opinion.

egads, have we been duped?

fishing user avatardavid in va reply : 

 If he was a true friend of yours, I do not think you would have posted what he did. But I am a southern boy and look at things a bit different I guess

fishing user avatarCrappiebasser reply : 

I would have clogged his toilet and called a bunch of 1-900 numbers on his phone.

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

He is a friend, but as such I accept him 'as is'  I just wasn't aware of this side of him.  I've had fishing partners pull some crazy dodo, but this really through me for a loop.  I really don't know how to react and I'm what you'd call non-confrontational.  I could care less about the quick release and lost photo op. I'll likely just rib him about it in front of his other friends, but not at his next get together up there.

fishing user avatarSki213 reply : 

There's part of me that wants to believe that no one could possibly act like that and that this is a joke. Nothing should really surprise me anymore though. There's part of me that wants to make some retribution suggestions. I'm not going to.


From the sounds of it he's got some issues of some kind. Self esteem maybe. Maybe just something he's got going on right now where he craves attention. Might've just been a lapse in judgement on his part though. 


Only you can make an informed decision about whether you need him in your life or not and whether or not the pros outweigh the cons. You're the one that knows him. If he's going through something and you accept him as is then maybe just let him know you're ticked and why. If he's just a ***** either call him out or just cull him. 


We fish cause we love it l, and for a lot of us it's an escape. You don't need the drama. 

fishing user avatarHawkeyeSmallie reply : 

No normal intelligent person pulls something like that. Sounds like a major dummy with some issues.



fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Just boat flip all your fish so he doesn't have a chance to touch them. 

fishing user avatarBass_Fishing_Socal reply : 

At least he should let you take some picture with that fish, so you both can claim over that fish.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Posting a photo of himself with a fish caught by another person is fraud.


I would write him off.

fishing user avatarSubaqua Adinterim reply : 

From your picture and the number of posts that you have, you've caught fish as big as the one in question and will probably catch more in the future.  So in the overall scope of things this is so small as to be laughable.

So your friend posted this on social media; he maybe has integrity issues or maybe just having fun with you.   Social media is nonsense anyway, so take that part of it with a grain of salt. You know more about the overall relationship you have than what you have summarized in 3 sentences; so you already know the answer as to how to deal with this without broadcasting for advice on this site.  Since you're asking, I would talk to this friend directly.

On the positive side, he is nice enough to let you stay at his place a few times a year.  How was the walleye fishing?

fishing user avatarHawkeye21 reply : 

It works both ways.  If he wants to put false information on social media in order to look good then he better be ready to get called out and embarrassed on social media.

fishing user avatarGotfishyfingers? reply : 

Maybe next time , don't take a picture of him holding your fish? problem solved....:dontknow:

fishing user avatarfishballer06 reply : 

Do you care about catching fish or what he posts on social media?


Sounds like he's got a good fishing hole. I'd lean more towards the first opinion.

fishing user avatarkylek reply : 

Man... it's just a fish.  I wouldn't give up a friendship over a 4lb fish.  You know YOU caught it. That is all you need to know.  

fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 
  On 5/3/2017 at 10:15 PM, kylek said:

Man... it's just a fish.  I wouldn't give up a friendship over a 4lb fish.  You know YOU caught it. That is all you need to know.  


I don't think it's the fish really. Just the "friends" lack of integrity

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 5/3/2017 at 10:15 PM, kylek said:

Man... it's just a fish.  I wouldn't give up a friendship over a 4lb fish.  You know YOU caught it. That is all you need to know.  


For starters, 4-lb 12-oz is more like a 5-pound fish.

More importantly, how do you measure friendship in fish pounds?

If that smallmouth weighed 7-pounds, would that change your mind?    :dontknow:



fishing user avatarfrosty reply : 
  On 5/3/2017 at 8:55 AM, A-Jay said:

Maybe it's some kind of joke ? ? ? 

Either way, sounds like real nice fella ~ inviting you up to his place a few times a year and all.

In return,  I suppose it's only right for you to repay that kind of generosity.

Perhaps you could help him out by advertising his place there in Muskegon, MI for rent at a super low price.

Don't forget to state that because he works  very off hours he can only take phone calls regarding this between 2 - 5 AM.

I'm betting he'll appreciate this gesture quite a bit.





Somebody please remind me to stay on A-Jay's good side!



You should have thrown him in after your fish! Honestly if one of my friends threw it back, I would have definitely had something to say, but the idea of him posting it saying it was his catch would definitely make it hard for me to trust him. 

fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 
  On 5/3/2017 at 9:11 AM, deaknh03 said:

Sounds like a story made up to get reactions. Just my,sometimes silly, opinion.

There was a post just like OP's about a year ago. Some kid claiming a friend was doing the exact same thing.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

In the whole scheme of things this is a pretty minor situation.  He was nice enough to invite you to the house several times, probably fed you, and provided you the opportunity to fish.  I would tease him about it, and be thankful for the opportunity he granted to you.  It was only a fish, and you have the opportunity to catch more, and bigger ones.  Just don;t let him touch a fish you catch.  Cancer is something to worry about, not this crap!:thumbsup:

fishing user avatarColumbia Craw reply : 

I'm with geo g on this one.  You need to define what your friendship with this guy means to you. If you're not vested in the relationship then sever it. Real friends are hard to come by and relationships some times require some uncomfortable conversation. There's no need for paybacks. You know the truth and the truth somehow seems to surface at the right time. I would tell him that you didn't like what he did and that's not what you would expect from him.  Then let him respond. His response will be the evidence if you are HIS friend.

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 

Why did he land your fish???  Did you hand him your rod after you hooked the fish, like you would do with a kid?

fishing user avatarkadas reply : 
  On 5/3/2017 at 8:46 AM, RoLo said:


I'm afraid he'd be my X friend

I could overlook the quick release,

but not false representation (dishonesty)




 Agree with roger--EX friend--life is too short for this kind of stuff--move on without him

fishing user avatarRMax reply : 

Dang.  I get PO'd when I don't get to touch the fish I caught.  I would probably confront him and then keep fishing with him, if possible.

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

I've never had a " friend" do that....

fishing user avatarkylek reply : 
  On 5/4/2017 at 5:52 AM, RoLo said:


For starters, 4-lb 12-oz is more like a 5-pound fish.

More importantly, how do you measure friendship in fish pounds?

If that smallmouth weighed 7-pounds, would that change your mind?    :dontknow:




I don't have a problem with this.  Maybe it is just me, but there are far greater things to worry about.  


You would really tell a friend to take a hike because of a picture?  

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

He landed the bass didn't he?


He isnt wrong



fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

More important things in life to get bent about.


My thoughts............., if this is real, is you both look like fools.


You for complaining about it in public like a child, and him for pulling a move like that.


Two wrongs don't make a right.



fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 5/4/2017 at 8:27 PM, kylek said:

I don't have a problem with this.  Maybe it is just me, but there are far greater things to worry about.

You would really tell a friend to take a hike because of a picture?  


No I wouldn't Kylek, and I respect your point.

On the other hand, I place a lot of value on all my friendships, and after discovering

an honesty issue (ego problem), I just wouldn't have the same enthusiasm to maintain that friendship,

which is not healthy. There are plenty of fish in the sea, and I'll bet the ranch

that you've met truckloads of anglers who are great guys and great gals.       Why settle?  :)



fishing user avatarjimf reply : 

It's not the fish, it's the intent of the act.   I'm trying to understand what kind of insecurity/need for attention or whatever a person would need to do that.   I don't get it, so I don't know that I would want to hang out with someone like that.   Now if it was one my childhood buddies where we are always pranking each other, ok that's different.   But if a person really wanted to steal the show there like that ... that's just weird. 

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

The NEXT thing you know, he's going to be telling you that you have a "case of the Mondays."


I wonder what compels people to lie?  I'd keep an eye on him.  A person that can't be trusted in small ways might not be trustworthy in other ways (and, especially, large ways).  You might even ask him-though the answer might not be satisfactory, anyway.

fishing user avatarLures'n'Liberty reply : 

I was once on a week long trout fishing trip where we realized on the last day that we forgot to buy bait every single time that we went back to town for beer. My buddy caught one fish that day, and we all took a couple pictures with it, in different places, so that our wives and girlfriends would believe that we actually fished all week and didn't just get drunk and tell stories. Totally different situation, I'm sure, but in this case it was totally OK.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

I'd be more upset he thru dinner back in the drink

fishing user avatarA5BLASTER reply : 

If it was me I would calmly let him know that posting himself with the fish I caught online and saying he caught it is not cool at all.


And if he had a smart butt response are acted like he had a problem with you letting him know you don't like so called freinds acting this way. I would stop beingin that freindship.

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

Thanks for everyone's replies. 

This guy is more than just a fishing buddy and I would never end a friendship over this. We only get together to fish twice a year. 

Next time I head up to his place, my boat will stay at home in my driveway. Oh yea, we will joke about this over a couple of drinks at next weeks fish fry here at my place. 


fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 
  On 5/5/2017 at 5:15 AM, slonezp said:

I'd be more upset he thru dinner back in the drink

You wanna eat a 5lb smallie ? Lol 

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
  On 5/5/2017 at 9:23 PM, Yeajray231 said:

You wanna eat a 5lb smallie ? Lol 

I've had smallie before. Taste definitely depends on what body of water it comes out of. Largemouth is a much better tasting meat

fishing user avatarRic2504 reply : 

With friends like that who needs enemies ? When I go fishing for Australian Bass with my mate, when we hit a a "hot spot" where fish are on the bite, we take it in turns to cast into a particular area; help each other to measure and de-hook and release - congratulate each other when it is warranted (and good heartedly make fun of smaller fish and general stuff ups each other make) - and generally have fun and a good time in each other's company. Find a fishing mate like mine.


Cheers, Ric

fishing user avatarMosster47 reply : 

If I had a place to stay for free in an area with great fish they could tell people whatever they want. I don't fish for pictures.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
  On 5/8/2017 at 2:09 AM, Mosster47 said:

If I had a place to stay for free in an area with great fish they could tell people whatever they want. I don't fish for pictures.


I really don't care either.



fishing user avatarPro Logcatcher reply : 

Easy. I've never caught a fish worth stealing xD


fishing user avatarSuperCorona reply : 
  On 5/3/2017 at 10:01 AM, papajoe222 said:

He is a friend, but as such I accept him 'as is'  I just wasn't aware of this side of him.  I've had fishing partners pull some crazy dodo, but this really through me for a loop.  I really don't know how to react and I'm what you'd call non-confrontational.  I could care less about the quick release and lost photo op. I'll likely just rib him about it in front of his other friends, but not at his next get together up there.


  On 5/3/2017 at 9:49 AM, Crappiebasser said:

I would have clogged his toilet and called a bunch of 1-900 numbers on his phone.

Upper decker just before leaving would be even better.  A plugged toilet on a fishing trip would be pretty inconvenient.

fishing user avatarRB 77 reply : 

Meh, personally I wouldn't put to much thought into it. Seems strange, but harmless. The longer I live the more I realize that people just get weird!

fishing user avatarBen Miller reply : 

I don't understand why you would let him reel it in?  Laughing, because of witnessed a very similar situation.  But my thoughts are he caught the fish.  He landed it.  His fishing hole.  And I don't care about the fame.  My 2 personal bests, I don't even have pictures of but it was fun catching them.  :)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 11/3/2017 at 8:37 PM, Ben Miller said:

I don't understand why you would let him reel it in?  Laughing, because of witnessed a very similar situation.  But my thoughts are he caught the fish.  He landed it.  His fishing hole.  And I don't care about the fame.  My 2 personal bests, I don't even have pictures of but it was fun catching them.  :)

He means that his friend netted the fish.  So, you catch a fish, I lip it or net it, take pics of myself, and toss it back before you can get a pic.


Personally, I wouldn't have let anyone else net/lip/land the fish in the first place. 


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