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Whats In Your Box Thats Not Tackle? 2024

fishing user avatarMT2 reply : 

I mean something you will not leave with other than a cell phone, snacks, drinks etc......

I ask cos I just turned 35 Friday, got up and was getting my stuff together. And suddenly I look in my dry box, where's my Icy Hot? O man....running around.....turning the house upside down. I knew I should of took it out applied a little and put it back!!!! Finally found it....what a releif. When the though cross's your mind w/o it do I really want to go?

Got me wondering what type of stuff do you guys HAVE TO HAVE to go thats not on the average anglers list. What is your "Maintence Wipe"? Swindle fans know what I mean.

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

A roll of toilet paper. Seriously.

Never know when that Taco Bell will come a runnin'.

I prefer Charmin.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 


fishing user avatarZoff reply : 

In order...

  1. TP (Yeah... it's that important)
  2. One dose of whatever Meds I need (Mostly Nexium and Pain Killer) lol
  3. Money
  4. Band-aids
  5. Baby Wipes
  6. Hand Sanitizer
  7. Extra Wristwatch
  8. ParaCord

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

- Two Head lamps & extra batteries

- Spot light

- Insect Repellent

- Mess Head Net

- Camera w/ extra battery

- Small First Aid Kit

- Extra Pair of Glasses (knot tying in the dark)


fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

Hand sanitizer, and band•aids.


fishing user avatarRobertBG reply : 

my 1st aid kit/survival crap,leatherman and at times extra ammo and if I'm on my property or not driving I might also have a bottle of whiskey :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarclayton86 reply : 

Mega strike that's about it oh and my gerber multi tool I don't bring first aide or any of that stuff money is a given I think everyone brings there wallet with there id, creditcards/money, and fishing license. I dont bring anything out of the ordinary with my just fishing stuff.

fishing user avatarBassfisherMass reply : 

my .45



fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

leatherman, bug spray, tp, ipod.

fishing user avatarriskkid 2 reply : 

Sunscreen, TP, Towel, Camera (always optomistic for a picture fish)

fishing user avatarBassHunter_Hunt reply : 



flash light

extra battery for phone

fishing user avatarMike L reply : 


Bug Spray

Sun block

First Aid kit

Ben ***


fishing user avatarJake P reply : 

I dont think anything out of the ordinary. I consider bug spray, multi tool/ pliers, camera etc. all usual things.

fishing user avatarbman310 reply : 


-hand wipes

-pepper spray


fishing user avatarMT2 reply : 
  On 8/19/2012 at 10:27 PM, BassfisherMass said:

my .45



I always though one of those Tarus Judge's would be the perfect side peice for a outdoorsman.

fishing user avatarBassAssassin726 reply : 


Extra packs of Cigarettes

And always have a pair of binoculars, never know what kind of cool wildlife you'll come across on the water.

fishing user avatarJSPOONE reply : 
  On 8/19/2012 at 9:59 PM, RobertBG said:

I might also have a bottle of whiskey :eyebrows:

good man right there u can never go wrong with a bottle of whiskey.. i ususally keep the money i hide from my gf in my tackle box :respect-059:

fishing user avatarRobertBG reply : 
  On 8/20/2012 at 1:53 AM, MT2 said:

I always though one of those Tarus Judge's would be the perfect side peice for a outdoorsman.

Funny enough but a hunting friend who happens to be a judge was less then thrilled with the judge he bought.I personally couldnt ask for anything better then a Ruger super blackhawk 44mag.I keep a round or 2 of shotshell chambered for snakes and the rest for bear/other large furry problem causing creatures.

fishing user avatarSissySticks reply : 

TP, headlamp, duct and electrical tape, lighter, small notepad/pencil for taking notes, camera + batteries, super glue, small first aid kit, scissors, long-nose pliers (which I would seriously consider not going fishing if I didn't have), polarized sunglasses, paracord.

fishing user avatarBass Slayer 72 reply : 

Ha, you guys make me laugh.... What good is your side arm all tucked away in your tackle box? but to answer the main question,

  1. Needle nose Pliers
  2. surgical forceps
  3. Surefire defender
  4. extra clip/mag
  5. bug spray
  6. band aids
  7. hand sanitizer
  8. fish rag
  9. muli-tool

My .45 is always on my hip or in conceal holster in the small of my back, with 1 in chamber... If you look at my profile pic you can see it on my hip under the fish.....=:)

fishing user avatarZoff reply : 
  On 8/20/2012 at 4:10 AM, Bass Slayer 72 said:

Ha, you guys make me laugh.... What good is your side arm all tucked away in your tackle box? but to answer the main question,

  1. Needle nose Pliers
  2. surgical forceps
  3. Surefire defender
  4. extra clip/mag
  5. bug spray
  6. band aids
  7. hand sanitizer
  8. fish rag
  9. muli-tool

My .45 is always on my hip or in conceal holster in the small of my back, with 1 in chamber... If you look at my profile pic you can see it on my hip under the fish.....= :)

  On 8/19/2012 at 10:27 PM, BassfisherMass said:

my .45



Mine is always CC in a Bladetech. Fishing last night... two Game Wardens pulled up and I was not carrying CC. It was in a pancake holster and my shirt had ridden up exposing my 21SF. I noticed they saw it and immediately put my right hand above shoulder level and stated "I know you see what I have. I am a cop." Turned out, as they go closer, one of them was a friend of mine.

fishing user avatarShane J reply : 

Scale, spare batteries

camera, spare batteries

hand towel

JJ's Magic (3 colors)

Mega Strike

2 headlamps

multi tool


hook sharpener

5 hour energy drinks (usually 2 or so)

Qtips (to apply JJ's)


Flex tripod

KVD Line and Lure conditioner

spool of 12lb flouro

spool of 6lb co poly

sun screen

bug spray

carbide cutters

cloth tape measure


rain poncho

multi drive screw driver

crazy glue

spare SD card

spare boat key

backup ciggs


hot hands

fishing user avatarHighhawk1948 reply : 

small first aid kit


small reel wrench

Abu-garcia reel oil


bug spray


2 ft of heavy trimmer line to out P tube

3 pen flares

.38 revolver

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Rain suit, sunblock, extra hat, and knife. That's about it.

fishing user avatarrockchalk06 reply : 

Baby wipes! Man those things can take the bumper off of crome

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

TP in a big empty Folgers container, best waterproof TP container I've found.


first aid kit


spare fuses

hose clamps

electric and duct tape

spare fuse holders

50lb digital scale

100lb spring scale (a guy can hope can't he :eyebrows: )

hot hands

line conditioner


gulp spray

JJ's, chartruese and clear

bug spray and a Thermacell if I'm night fishing

2 headlamps

2 or 3 flashlights and spare batteries

throw net


measuring board

pliers of all types

2 drift socks

6 rod holders

Obviously some items are not in my tackle box but in my boats storage.

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 

First-aid kit


tool kit w/ straight-blade and phillips screwdrivers, abu garcia wrench and oil, small needle-nose vise grips

S&W Model 10

cigars & lighter


fishing user avatarKevinator1 reply : 

Salma Hayek......I wish.

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 
  On 8/21/2012 at 1:41 AM, kevinator said:

Salma Hayek......I wish.

Touchdown! :clap:

Boca Grip


Fin Clips

Fizzing Needle

Line Clipper with Jig eye cleaner

hook file


fishing user avatarmatstone7 reply : 

I can think of a few things: btw, my tackle box is actually a daypack

Fishing License


waterproof box for phone

copy of boat registration

always a few napkins for emergency

spare pair of glove liners

some loose change, few lighters, pieces of leaves, bark, some lint for sure and a piece of deer antler (memento from a trip with my bud to Mexico)

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

1. Needle Nose Pliers

2. Sissors

3. Metal cutting Pliers

That's All Folks!

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

My meds




Chewing gum

Tin foil


Was I the only macguyver fan here???

fishing user avatarprjavelin reply : 

low_budget hopes to pick up chicks at the lake LOL

some of you guys need a box only for the extra stuff

I carry:

baby wipes travel pack



jj magic


xacto knives

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Yup,.....big fat ones! :D

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 8/23/2012 at 6:00 PM, Low_Budget_Hooker said:

Yup,.....big fat ones! :D

Getting fixed would be a better option

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Well THAT'S no fun....

fishing user avatarMT2 reply : 

No one carries any lucky charms? And no eating a bowl before you go dont count. :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Big Red (the boat) IS the lucky charm. That and my rods which were all either gifts or made for me. They pack karma and karma catches fish!! (well,....karma backed confidence does anyway,lol)

fishing user avatarBair reply : 

1. Pliers

2. Food


4.Head lamp

5. Money

Stuff to avoid lake security at night. Normal stuff.

fishing user avatarOK Bass Hunter reply : 

Back up cigarettes, pliers, tools, Megastrike, couple of knives and a rain poncho among other things.

fishing user avatarflyeaglesfly5186 reply : 




and my machette,

best tool for cutting your way through the hills of schuylkill county pa trying to get to the river.

fishing user avatarbkohlman reply : 

Camera, Pliers, Phone, Wallet, Fishing License

fishing user avatarBigMoneyGrip reply : 

A couple of the small packs of tissue. You never know when a deuce may slip up on ya.

fishing user avatarTalmadge reply : 
  On 8/20/2012 at 3:48 AM, RobertBG said:

Funny enough but a hunting friend who happens to be a judge was less then thrilled with the judge he bought.I personally couldnt ask for anything better then a Ruger super blackhawk 44mag.I keep a round or 2 of shotshell chambered for snakes and the rest for bear/other large furry problem causing creatures.

  On 8/20/2012 at 3:48 AM, RobertBG said:

Funny enough but a hunting friend who happens to be a judge was less then thrilled with the judge he bought.I personally couldnt ask for anything better then a Ruger super blackhawk 44mag.I keep a round or 2 of shotshell chambered for snakes and the rest for bear/other large furry problem causing creatures.

yeah ive shot the judge before and its just not for me idk why i love my blackhawk tho best revolver ive owned

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

My 12 gauge when im wakling in the woods by myself you never know whats in there.

A couple canw of Grizzly straight

wallet, Ipod. bug spray ,flash lights

fishing user avatarrb56 reply : 

more than what is tackle. tp, tic tacs, xtra cigs and lighter, multi tool, binoculars, flashlight, (3 kinds, a red, green and white glow stick type...hey even canoes have to have running lights at night), knife, first aid, numerous fix it nuts and bolts, shear pins, trash bag, bungie cords, zip ties, velcro ties, a frogg togg cloth. the later is at walmart in the camping section. i bought one as it claimed to stay cool when wet. it was 107 that day when i took groceries home in the bed of my truck, when home i took it out and it felt like it had come from the fridge.

fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 

  • Flashlight
  • Bug dope
  • Sun screen
  • Small first aid kit
  • Poncho

fishing user avatarj.bruno reply : 

Bath salt

Band aids

fishing user avatarTuckahoe Joe reply : 

geeze...some of you guys have more extra stuff than i have actual tackle. aside from lures and hooks and stuff i got my line clipper, needle nose pliers, a good sharp knife and a stringer. i also have the fishing guide pamphlet they gave me when i bought my liscense. it lists all the local lakes and rivers and has pictures of fish for easy identification and the size and catch limits. but then again im new. all you expieriencd fisherman probably dont need something like that.

fishing user avatarreal_horror_show reply : 





-Multi Tool

-Bug Spray

-First Aid Supply

fishing user avatarTexfisherman reply : 

Great question; had to chime in on this one.

Let's see: Mini-Mag Flashlight, ball cap flashlights, sun block, fisherman's soap, Spike It! - Garlic spray, surgical scissors, needle-nose pliers (for hook retrieval), wire cutters (in case a bass swallows the hook I can cut the hook in half... usually), digital camera, eyeglass screwdrivers for my reels, cloth tape, glow-in-the-dark paint, extra batteries for camera and flashlights, Deep Woods Off, 2-3 lighters... I think that's all. Oh, and Zantac 75 lol!!

fishing user avatarJesse Ours reply : 

Teddy bear and hankerchief for when i get emotional :laugh5:

fishing user avatarNoBoatLance reply : 

i might take different items depending upon where im planning on fishing. But i always take plenty of neosporin, bandaids, electircal tape, and a fitted gardening glove. all three combined can make the difference between heading home because you cut your hand or continuing to fish without incident.

fishing user avatarguitarkid reply : 

shark repellant bat spray and a battle axe



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