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Has this site helped you? 2024

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

I believe that the people on this site have helped me to gain lots of confidence in my fishing abilities, therefore making me a better angler.  How have the posts on this site helped you to become a better angler?  Was it the tips and techniques, the forums, the articles, or just the friendly folks in the forums that helped to make your confidence soar like mine?

fishing user avatarvincedia reply : 

Well I can honestly say that certain videos (LBH to name one "Hot fun in the summertime") kept me in the game longer than I would have without them. Those types of videos give me that little extra push I need to give it a go.

I also picked up the little things that frustrated me to no end! Rigging a t-rig properly... that is without the Q shaped worm tip  :-?

Learning the different styles of presentation, how they are applied, and when to use em. This has prevented me from going completely crazy, and is giving me plenty of options, almost too many options.

I believe that BR does a great job of keeping things organized for the newbie, as well as giving plenty of tips and resources for the seasoned angler. I can't wait to take advantage of those tools ;)

Vince - just my $.02

fishing user avatarNJfishinGuy reply : 

i havent been here long or anything but i have gotton a few good tips and read some stuff that i think has increased my knowledge a bit, i havent gone from nuttin to a pro by the info nor have i increased my catch drasitcallly but i feel i am learning valuabe info and im sure ill learn more.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

To anyone just learning fishing to the person who is a diehard fisherman, this site is absolutely invaluable. I have learned more here about bass fishing since becoming a member than all the time I have spent on it before that on my own. The people here are very knowledgable, generous, and try their best to boost confidence. My confidence soared just reading all the articles available in the library and sitting there thinking, "Gee..why didn't I think of that? That's a good idea!" It has helped fuel the change from a "hoo-hum I'll fish when I get the chance on my limited tackle and cheezy Zebco 33" to an angler that has no end for my thirst for knowledge and wants nothing more than to go fishing as often as other obligations permit. It has made me want to spread the joy, tranquility (fishing is my Moment of Zen ;D), and enjoyment of fishing to as many people as I can.  Ya just can't beat this site!  

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

Twice this year I've had boat trouble. Both times I got advice that helped me identify the problem and get it fixed quickly! THANK YOU Way2Slow, Ben, and Team Dougherty (and whoever else I missed)!

Also, I never fished a Senko before reading about them here. They are now my go to bait. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!

Excellent site. Thank you Glenn.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

The answer is abolutely, yes.  I've fished for a long time but no one person can know everything about every technique, every lure, every piece of equipment, every thing about boats, etc.  The repository of knowledge is greatly increased when you have access to approximately 6000 other minds.  I can't believe how much I have learned from this site.  I don't think we can ever thank Glenn enough for what he has provided here.  

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 




fishing user avatarNCangler0506 reply : 

I don't know what i would do without this site, it has helped me tremendously over the years, nad has taught me pretty much everything i know about bass fishing

fishing user avatarZebco202 reply : 

I'll ditto what others have said.

This site has really been a big help to me.  I love reading the articles and I enjoy being able to ask questions here in the forums.  I've really learned alot that has made me a better fisherman, I only hope to be able to pass some of that on to others.

fishing user avatardwhite reply : 
The answer is abolutely, yes. I've fished for a long time but no one person can know everything about every technique, every lure, every piece of equipment, every thing about boats, etc. The repository of knowledge is greatly increased when you have access to approximately 6000 other minds. I can't believe how much I have learned from this site. I don't think we can ever thank Glenn enough for what he has provided here.

I agree 100%

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Yes, yes and yes.

I have learned so much for these guys about bass fishing and boating that no formal classes could ever offer.

I have been helped fishing specific bodies of water; made a great friend and we fish together; met Cajun for Louisiana who shares his love of fishing and LSU with me; and have had dialog with some of the nicest people you will ever meet.

So yes, this site has helped me.

Thanks to Glen for getting it started.

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

     I seem to retain some tid bits.........LOL. This site (not just the forum) has been a great help. I have fished with some pretty cool guys from here and hope to fish with alot more of them.

fishing user avatarRiskKid. reply : 

Absolutely. I can't say enough good things about this site or even begin to thank everyone for all the advice they have so freely given. It ranges from equipment, techniques, tackle and just plain fun with some great folks (check out the everything else section)

Great job and KUDOS to Glenn and all the moderaters for this site

fishing user avatarRottManK9 reply : 

I hadn't fished in quite a few years. Got back into it a few years ago and fumbled my way through it. I found this site and it's helped me with presentations, rods and reels, fishing line, and even someone to talke me fishing when I was in another state! Yes this site helped me!

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

Finally, people actually answered one of my posts, Great! How about a response from some of the moderaters, or maybe the great and powerful Glenn? Thanks to all you folks who make this awesome site possible.

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

i second what eveyone else says            sam its been an honor to chat with you           great site  lets keep her going strong  by keeping our standards high

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


I have learned more about tackle,rods,reels,bass location and behavior,lures and tequiniques and not to forget Knots. I have also learned 2 non fishing skills. How to work a Computer, which is now helping me on my OnLine Colege Course. And how to temper my self so we can diassagree w/o being dissagreable. Glenn and the moderators have deleted a few of my KNCUKLEHEAD REPLIES, you know The Im taking this personal and firing back kind. This are the times I need to close a thread and take some time and filter it b/c most the time It aint worth the key strokes any way

PS and watch out for that fury little guy  BAD MONKEY!!!!!!!!


fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

This site has helped me in a number of ways.....Well, mostly. That danged Bait Monkey never existed before I found this place. ;D

But seriously, this site is great and I love coming here to learn and communicate with others of our affliction. :D

It's Awesome!

fishing user avatarKillerTomato reply : 

yes, this site is the best

fishing user avatarutser reply : 

yes helped me alot. advice  really helped me learn to cast a baitcast reel.  found lures and how to use them. most of all found good people.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
How about a response from some of the moderaters  

The site has helped me appreciate my passion.

Allowing me an outlet to share and a plethura of opinions to poll for anything under the sun from fishing to family. Many friends I hold here with deep respect, far too many to name.

We are the best board out there, that's not my opinion, that's THE opinion.

In the end, it's up to you guys though. Up to you to obey the rules and encourage the feeling we try to initiate here, a feeling of the passionate pursuit to do and be better and also a feeling of comaraderie and family.

I've made lots of friends and have grown in many ways. Glenn is an inspiration and a great role model. He really leads by example and the board and all it's wealth is the end product.

fishing user avatarejtaylor822 reply : 

Yes, this is the greatest fishing site I have seen/found.

Has helped tremendously, can't even begin to describe the amount of help, advice and tips I have gotten off this site. I am on almost every day and constantly learning.

What makes it so great are the people and thier wilingness to share and the moderators that keep us in line.  :D


fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

     This sight is the best and most informitive I've ever seen.

Its taken my fishing abbilitys to new hights. Now if i can find a sight that will help me with my spelling I'd be all good.      

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I knew this site was special the very first time I logged on.Glenn has offered us a great place to visit,teach,learn and make friends.I enjoy all the different threads and the info that comes with them.I've read every article the site has to offer and gained alot from them also.

6,000+ members and growing everyday.Glenn's got a great thing going.I'm glad to be a part of it......there's no tellin' how far this place can go.Thanks Glenn,you the man.


fishing user avatarOther. reply : 

This sight rocks out loud. I learn alot from It and a bunch of other stuff and things. LBH is right This sight is the best Forum out there. I have seen alot of other forums that were out of control, Ugly, or had no good information. I cant say any of those about this site. Thanks Glenn for making this forum and site better then all the others and Thank you to the mods who keep this site in order.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

It is a fact that this site is the best there is for improving anyone's chances and opportunities to catch more bass. It is a privilege to be a Moderator. I would like to thank you guys for making my/our job easy. This is not Glenn's and the Mod's site it's your's and we're just along for the ride. And what a great ride it is.

As for me personally. There is no way of measuring how much I have grown as a bass fisherman and a person sense joining this site. I have made so many great friends and a couple enemies, laughed and laughed harder and enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks again to all the members for being here. This would not be what it is without you.

fishing user avatarstroz reply : 

This site has improved my fishing 100% :o.I love reading about a technique and going out and catching them the next day with it. Thanks Glenn and all the other Mods for all the great info and articles. I read the articles over and over . The Bait monkey loves this site I know that much ;D


fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

yes sir, this site has helped me gain confidence in lures and expand my knowledge. I found that there are so many articles on here its almost impossible to read all of them. Even though I have been working on it. Made some good internet friends.

Next goal Mod.

fishing user avatarNorm reply : 

As I've said before, I'm new to bass fishing.  I've fished since I was young, mostly panfish, with a little saltwater thrown in the past few years, but I just recently became really interested in bass.  I don't have anyone nearby to show me the ropes, so I've had to try to pick up information on my own where I can find it.  Until I found this board, it was pretty slim pickings.  Now that I've found the site, it's a wealth of information.  There's so much to be found on the message boards that I've barely even begun to read the articles on the other areas of the site.  I can easily lose track of time when I log in here.


fishing user avatarRochesterBasser reply : 
Was it the tips and techniques, the forums, the articles, or just the friendly folks in the forums that helped to make your confidence soar like mine?

E) All of the above.

Seriously, this is the best site ever.  Lots of great info, great people, and to top it all off, a great group of guys keeping this site going. (they aren't people like us, they're gods)  :D

I knew this site was special the very first time I logged on.

I'm with you 100% on that one 5.

Thanks to everyone for all the advice that I've gotten, confidence that I've gained, and fun times that I've had.


fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 


I used to fish crankbaits all the time.  Reading the advice from the people on this forum gave me the confidence to go out and try plastics and jigs.  This is a great forum for bass fishing info, or just to hang out in for a while.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I have seen alot of fishing sites come and go over the years.  There are couple other pretty good ones out there, but nothing that comes close to  The knowledge, sharing, comraderie, humor and vigilance by Glenn and the mods keep this the best of the best.

It would be impossible for anyone, and I mean anyone, to spend time here and not become a better bass angler.

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

When I first visited this site it immediatly nailed me that fishing is something I want to do for the rest of my life. I have learned so much, its truly unbelievebale. I went from bobber and worm to advanced presentations in an astonishing amount of time for a newbie angler. I have now been fishing for almost a year straight and get out on the water about 150 times a year, the only thing stopping me from bass fishing is the ice, and then it is time to pull some fiesty pike out. This site is amazing, it opened me up to all sorts of things like using different baits and getting the feel for them, improving my equipment and realizing the difference it made. This is pretty much the only site I visit whenever I go online and I just can't get enough of it. I still have a ton to learn and am looking forward to many years of membership with the site. Thanks Glenn and all the Mods...

fishing user avatarSnakemover reply : 

A friend got me into fishing. I bought a cheap little Zebco all-in-one pack and started with that. Just throwin real worms and hoping something would pick it up. After reading the articles and posts on this site, I still haven't caught a bass bigger than 12", but I've learned how to tie diff. knots and how to look for structure. I'm hopeful that I'll catch that lunker eventually.  ;) Thanks to ALL OF YOU who have posted your tips and tricks, answered my newbee questions and made this a great informative site.

Posted by: Low_Budget_Hookers Posted on: Today at 8:03pm

We are the best board out there, that's not my opinion, that's THE opinion.  

I didn't know there were other sites out there.  ::)

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 


What an amazing thread this is for me to read. I am extremely humbled by the comments and praise, and am simply blown away by how much this site has affected so many people in such a positive manner. It really hasn't hit me before. I can't tell you how much these comments from so many people whom I respect and admire means to me. Thank you so much!

Although I can take credit for building and overseeing this site, it's you that give it heart and soul. Without you, it's an empty place.

It's like your favorite bar or hangout. It's a nice facility, built in such a way it makes it easy to talk to your friends and enjoy the atmosphere. But if nobody was there, it would be just another building. You folks give it life.

I built this place with you in mind. I wanted a place where you would feel comfortable enough to stay, share your personality and knowledge, and learn just as much as you enjoy teaching. It's taken almost a decade to get there, but I think it's finally reached "breakthrough" (as coined by Jim Collins).

I'm delighted this site has helped you, and honored you've stayed. So many intelligent, polite, helpful, and insightful people here....I'm humbled you've chosen this site as your "hangout".

And to the mods - what a crew! I never dreamed such an amazing dream team could exist!! I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything you do here. You guys are phenomenal!!

Thank you everyone for your help making this site what it is today. And we're only just getting started!

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

It is truely amazing that one person can touch so many peoples' lives in ways that they will never even know about. Think about all the relationships that have stemmed from this forum, and its information. Glad you created this site, and thanks for posting Glenn.  You have over 6,000 on this site, but your dedication, and effort has touched the lives of so incredibly many people, it is incomprehensible. Thanks again to Glenn, and all the moderators, authors of the articles, advertisers, the long time posters, and all those from the younger generation that will keep this place going when we are all long gone.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Without this site I would not be the angler I am today. It would have taken me years to gain some of the knowledge I have gained from here. There is no way to put into words how much this place means to me.

fishing user avatarBrian_Reeves reply : 

This site has helped me a lot.  It makes me think about situations that I normally don't get to fish in because of various people's questions about their locations.  Sometimes those same conditions and scenarios show up down here and now I know what to do.  I've already thought about it and talked to people about it so I'm ready for it.

It also helped me gain confidence and faith in my abilities to avoid getting skunked.  It's very rare that I don't catch a fish when I go out now.  If I had the time and money, I'd do like LBH and refuse to go home until I have landed 5 fish but I always have time constraints.   :(  

Mostly, this site has helped me by allowing me to talk to people.  I like talking over the internet and I'm not much for chatrooms so this site is awesome.  It helps me have fun and do better at my fishing...which is my ultimate fun.

fishing user avatarGorgebassman reply : 

There is a reason that this is the best bass site on the web. I have picked up alot of tricks from alot of people. Things that I would have never thought of I been bass fishing alot of years and its nice to get some fresh input and tricks from the people on this forum.

fishing user avatarCraw reply : 

Great site! Has already helped me a lot and I can't wait to be a part of it throughout the seasons. Glenn has done a great job with the format and the moderators are VERY helpful. The members all have a passion for every conceivable aspect of fishing and a willingness to share what works for them. The possibilities here are endless. My deepest thanks...        Craw

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

Yep, it sure has helped me. There are allot of knowledgeable folks on this site. I enjoy learning from so many and also sharing something in return. I am passionate about fishing and enjoy speaking with others who share the same love I do. Thanks for such a great site  

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

My fishing has been very limited for the last several months due to health problems, but over that same time I have learned much about bass fishing and found a place to enjoy the fellowship that is for me, so much a part of the sport. Talking about tackle, techniques, and the experiences of fishing is a large part of the joy of fishing IMHO, and we can do that here in a comfortable setting. As Avid said it is the "knowledge, sharing, comraderie, humor, and vigilance" that I find here that makes visiting this site a daily occurrence. Thank you all.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I agree, this site has been a really fine place to hang out in. Being involved in the forums has forced me to think about things I wouldn't otherwise think about, which of course improves whatever I do, and adds whatever I needed to know and do. For a lot of years I just fished instinctively without input except from partners and from a bunch of guides. The guides changed my fishing big time long before joining fishing sites, but this site is beginning to rival the input I got from them, as though they are contributing here after getting better. Maybe some of you did guide me somewhere  ;D  

I also figure some fishing magazine writers are getting some cool ideas to write about by lurking around the site. They have nothing on us. They might be writing about what a pro or guide taught them, but where did the pro or guide get some of that?  This place is far better than the magazines because it's interactive here, and in my opinion ranks highest of all fishing sites. So many are mostly idle chit chat talk about anything sites now. How many prompt, personal responses have you received from a fishing magazine or pro/guide site? Keeping an open mind about fishing is critical towards keeping up with bass changing moods and habits too quickly. You get an open mind right here.


fishing user avatarBassinfreak2 reply : 

Without a doubt this site has helped my fishing improve. I have only been a member for a short time but the many ideas and techniques have improved my catch rate and enjoyment of bass fishing. Also I now know who the bait monkey is and that helps explain where all my hard earned $ go. It is easier for me to tell my wife that the monkey stopped by.  Thanks for putting out such a great site and allowing me to be a member.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

This site has taught me more than any Tv Show about fishing even thought of.   I have definatly become better due to this site and hope to become even better in the future with the Knowledge of the great members here and the staff that run it.  I have even been able to pass on tips to some pro anglers that I learn from here and have them thinking I was some kind of pro  (obviously I'm not)  but it was nice to be able to share the info with them and actually see them very interested in it and asking more.  We all are succesful through each other I beleve and has made us truly better sportsmen in pursuit of our passion   Thanks to all who made and make it possable :)

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

This site has helped me become a more versitle fisherman.What's helped me the most is reading about what everybody else is having success with in terms of different baits and techniques for catching bass.Also reading members explain how to fish these different baits has helped.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
Also I now know who the bait monkey is and that helps explain where all my hard earned $ go.

He comes with the territory......I just wish he had a job. ;D

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

this is a great site with lot's of knowledgeable members.the articles section is really a great place to learn a lot.even guys who have fished for years could pick up a couple of tips there.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

Absolutely. Without this site, I would have had no way to learn anything more about fishing. I went from only knowing basic fishing that a kid knows to knowing how to catch more fish, and it has really helped me have more fun. As a college student from a very suburban area, I would have had no people in my normal life to learn anything about fishing from. With this site, I've found a source that can expand my abilities and knowledge faster and more extensively than I ever would have been able to before. Without a doubt, I would not still be fishing without this site.

fishing user avatarThaSadDaddy reply : 

This site is full of information and there is always someone to help when you have a question.

fishing user avatarCrazedL.IFisherman reply : 

100 percent yes, in another post i just meantioned i got my renewal to bassmaster magazine, and i let it sit there for a few days, decided its definitely not going to be renewed, number one reason is because of you guys and the owner and maintenance guys of this site, this site is all i need and the actual on the lake studying, thanks more than you can know guys

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

This site gives me more fishing information than I need, but that's a good thing.  I don't get to go fishing as much as I'd like, but who does?  I visit this site every day, I would visit it every hour if I could, but I can't.  I appreciate all the people, mods, and administrator on this site.  Here's to you!  

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

I have learned a ton of new information from this site about bass fishing, but unfortunately I haven't been able to take these new tips and become more successful yet. Oh well, I am still learning and it's only a matter of time before everything I have learned comes together and I start lighting up all of my local lakes and rivers. Thanks Glenn and the other moderators for creating and maintaining this awesome website. ;)

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

For sure and the friends are great here!



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