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Do you listen to music while you fish?? 2024

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I was wondering how many anglers here listen to music while they fished?  This is something that I tried out this morning and had very good success with.  I won a iPod shuffle at our company Christmas party and downloaded some songs on it for my fishing trip.

For some reason I felt like I was more calm and was able to slow down my presentation which was the main factor to my success.  

What do yall think??

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

I have before, i used to fish in a highly fished reservior full of good local fisherman. I did listen to music because i didnt want to get into confrontations with them or listen to them when i am trying to enjoy fishing.

fishing user avatarCraw reply : 

I've got no problems with anyone wanting to listen to music while they fish. I myself, cannot zone in on my fishing while listening to my ipod. It just messes up my rhythm or something. I don't really understand why. I drive, work and workout to music with no problem, but just can't fish up to my skill level when wearing my headphones. Go figure.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Nope, I am not a big nature freak, but I like nature's music when fishing. It's part of the fishing experience IMO.

I did try to listen to my Ipod a couple of years ago though. .......... HATED it.  Taking away one of my senses really gave me an unsecure feeling out there on the water.  That lasted about 20 minutes or so.  I suppose if I had a radio/CD player built into the boat, then maybe

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

I listen on boat rides that take a little while.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I want to hear everything the lake has the say.

The wind, the birds, the slurping sound of feeding bass.


fishing user avatarSam reply : 

No, if I listen to anything it is football games on my portable radio.

If you really want oto be boared and slow down, tune in to baseball games!!!!

fishing user avatarNew 2 Bass reply : 

I voted no but wanted to say sometimes.

I nailed a bass to hendrix voodoo child once.  As the sun was coming up, you know w/ the red sky.  Very nice.

Usually I fish in silence.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

Absolute silence for me. Although sometimes I will talk to myself.   :D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
If you really want oto be boared and slow down, tune in to baseball games!!!!

I want to slow down not commit suicide!!!   LOL

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

If I'm by myself, I will listen to the stereo on the boat. I will listen for weather upates as well as the music.


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Always, the bass on Toledo Bend are partial to Lynyrd Skynyrd 8-)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Absolute silence for me. Although sometimes I will talk to myself. :D

;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatardink reply : 

No... but I sing.  It keeps everyone out of my fishing holes. ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

though about trying it once after seeing ish monroe do it on the busch shootout. Never did fish with my ipod. I think I am with KU on this one, thats the same way I would feel if I did.

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 
Absolute silence for me. Although sometimes I will talk to myself. :D

Ha Valascus I do that as well, sometimes.  ;D

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

NO, I like the sounds of nature tried the CD thing don't need it disturbs the quiet and serenity.


fishing user avatarVyron reply : 
No... but I sing.  It keeps everyone out of my fishing holes. ;D ;D ;D ;D


fishing user avatarCyBasser reply : 

Nice good ol' Greek music (Zeibekiko) when I used to fish for catfish.

When I fish for bass I enjoy nature's music and the swearing of my buddies and myself when we lose a big' un ;D!

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

I voted Yes, but i usualy dont. (i gave away my MP3 player)

I think it is cool to listen to music, but it is also cool not too. Win-win situation.

fishing user avatarHale reply : 

I do when Im by myself. For some reason I can get into a good pattern and the zone quicker when I got the ipod hooked up. I believe it makes me stop thinking about other elements and just fish.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

I have a few buddies I fish with that make some "music" of their own when they fish.   Can't say I haven't composed some "ballads" myself! ;D

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
I have a few buddies I fish with that make some "music" of their own when they fish. Can't say I haven't composed some "ballads" myself! ;D

That aint right...LOL

fishing user avatarMobydick reply : 

I think it causes too much vibration, so i just sing it in my head.

fishing user avatarBassMaster_1 reply : 

I think if it involved head phones then no.  I like to be able to use all my senses, and not being able to hear around me wouldn't go over well.  I do have 4 8's in my boat that I will turn on and keep low, keeps the wife happy and interested as long as she can listen to her country music.

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

I like to put in my cd called The Sound of Nature when I'm fishing. Somehow it just makes me feel closer to the outdoors. LOL!

Seriously, I voted no. When I'm out on the lake it's my time to unwind and I like to hear the peaceful calm when I'm fishing.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I listen to my ipod with one headphone in on a low volume setting. I had a five completely blow up on a topwater swimbait in the dark, and i was listening to one of my favorite metal songs, 'twas a beautiful experience!

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 


fishing user avatarbassnleo reply : 
I do when Im by myself. For some reason I can get into a good pattern and the zone quicker when I got the ipod hooked up. I believe it makes me stop thinking about other elements and just fish.


fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

I dont listen to music whil eim fishing but at Okeechobee when we go from spot to spot it can be a 30 to 40 minute drive so I listen to my i-pod during the rides

fishing user avatarNEBassMan reply : 

Only have once, and it wasn't music.  I took a radio along to listen to the Husker Football Game.  It wasn't on TV that day, so i headed to the pond and took the radio along.  Was a great day for fishing and football.


fishing user avataryamasenko reply : 

I have never myself listend to music while fishing,  but it does sound like a good idea (when ever I get to go out by myself)  thanks for the idea

fishing user avatarRottManK9 reply : 

I have taken my MP3 player while I fished from the bank when I'm by myself, if I'm with someone else I feel it's rude to block them out.  But I do tend to zone out when I'm fishing and can concentrate more on what my bait is doing.  Just my 2 cents.

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

" Absolute silence for me. Although sometimes I will talk to myself. "  

Agree. When I'm talking to myself, I'm talking to the smartest guy around.  ;D  

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 
Absolute silence for me. Although sometimes I will talk to myself. :D

Me to. I have found that it keeps other people at arms reach

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

I have a few buddies I fish with that make some "music" of their own when they fish.   Can't say I haven't composed some "ballads" myself!  

I've been known to display my virtuosity on the "trouser trumpet" from time to time.  :D

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

No.  I love music intensely.  I love nature and fishing intensely.  At times in the past I would mix the two, but I haven't in a long time.  I like to give each my full attention when I am experiencing them.  

fishing user avatarwillfish4foodms reply : 

The reason I go fishing is to get away from work, phone ,tv and radio. I myself like the peace and quite. The only other sound I like to hear is "Daddy I got one"

fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 

All the time!!

I agree with fourbizzle.

There is nothing better than nailing a jig fish in the back of heavy cover while blasting G&R's "Welcome to the Jungle."

fishing user avatarNBR reply : 

Absolutely not. I want to hear if a fish breaks the water near me and the birds and animals around the lake make enough noise. Animals includes the two legged ones that I will talk to from time to time.

fishing user avatarFloridabassking352 reply : 

I never listen to music while fishing for two reasons:

1. I don't feel like taking my cd player on the boat.

2. If I have headphones on and am listening I can't concentrate on what my lure is doing or detect strikes as well (I have tried listening to music while fishing once).

The only exception I make is if I'm saltwater fishing off a pier in which case it's no hassle to bring a radio/boombox along. But if I'm fishing from a boat or shore it's too much to carry a radio with me.

fishing user avatarkbkindle reply : 

kb here    no way there will be no music in my boat   i cant do two things at once  listen to music and fish.   if i want to listen to music ill stay home  kb

fishing user avataruiubassmaster reply : 

For me, one of the best things that go along with fishing is the sounds that come with it. whether its birds and bugs in the morning, or the splashing of a fish or frog. or even the sounds the leaves make as the wind whistles through them... And then theres the best sound of all, the grunt of both the angler and the reel as he sets thee hook on a fish, the splash the fish makes as it jumps in and out of the water and joy in the angler's voice as he gets his catch in the boat.  Without noises like these, fishing wouldn't be fishing, I'll save the music for the drive home...

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

I like to listen to music when fishing alone. But when fishing with my buddy were jacking your jaws and laughing to munch to hear the music.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 
Absolute silence for me. Although sometimes I will talk to myself. :D

Well atleast I'm not the only crazy one.  I do the same.

fishing user avatarbronzebackcrippler reply : 

No prettier music when fishing than the sound of braided line getting ripped through a heavy action rod.

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Nope, the loudest thing I want to hear in my boat while I am fishing is a buzzbait churning across the water. :) It does get loud in my boat if I take along a stick of deer baloney, that stuff always gives my fishing buddy and I  gas. ;D

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

The loudest thing you will hear on my boat it the pop-top on my beer can.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

To me at least, mixing Manmade Noise with Natural Sound is profane!

I believe that there's a time and place for everything.


fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Does that mean that there is a time and place for mixing man made noise and natural sound then? :D:P

I think that forcing OTHERS to endure your man made noise while they are trying to enjoy nature is VERY UNCOOL! But music makes me happy and so does fishing.

Chocolate Chip cookies are awesome in their own right, but throw in a glass of milk and it gets even better!

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

I do listen to music, i helps at times. ;)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

No way, my ears are 1 tool I won't sacrifice. For the folks that listen to music when fishing, do you also wear a blindfold?

I understand that fishing can be different from 1 person to the next, some aren't out there with the same goal as myself. For many, It's just to relax. In this case, sure, bring your tunes, but if you are on a serious hunt, I suggest leaving the walkman at home. JMO

Although,.....If we play the music WHILE we are fishing, the videos would be a lot easier to make,lol.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

If you can't heard the sound of nature then you music is too loud (having grown up in the 60s I can't believe I just said that). I carry a small CD player with a select number of albums; I keep the volume at a minimum. I don't own anything with head phones because they irritate me to no end. Some nights I never turn the CD player on but on those nights when it's hours between bites a little Southern Rock sure make the wait easier.

fishing user avatarllPa1nll reply : 

When I am fishing alone I wouldnt mind listening to music in the background (no earphones) but my bassboat is not equipped with a radio. When I am fishing with friends its usually chatting about fishing, different patterns to try, things that are going on in real life.


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