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Why Do You Fish? 2024

fishing user avatarLuna2406 reply : 

There are few things that get me up at 5am faster than knowing I have a day of fishing ahead of me. I consider myself a new guy, I've only been passionately bass fishing for about 3 years now, I didnt grow up in an area where there were lakes and rivers to fish. It wasn't until I joined the military and moved around that I found this new passion of mine. Being out on the water with no one around, watching the steam lift from the water in the early morning, calms me and relaxes me more than anything else in the world. Fishing is my release after a long week, fishing takes me away from all the negativity in this world. Feeling the pull at the end of my line not knowing what is there, or how big it is, is something that gets my heart pumping every time. The challenge of tricking a predator into biting my presentation is an addiction, and with every fish I learn something new. I look forward to many many more years on the water. What drives you to spend hours on the water, fishing, learning, living?

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

What motivates me the most in bass fishing is catching big bass in highly pressured areas and knowing I was able to trick a smarter than average bass to bite my lure. This desire to catch big bass is my fuel to bass fish year after year,decade after decade. 

fishing user avatarj bab reply : 

It's challenging and exciting. And I know that it will never stop being challenging. There will always be more to learn and there will always be a new spot I could fish. I'll never get bored of it.

fishing user avatarKyhokie reply : 

This is a great question. When I think on it, I'm not really sure. I love being outside and just really enjoy the water. I'm definitely a fisher, and not a catcher, meaning that while I rarely skunk, I don't mind casting for hours on end even if the bite is slow. I've got some buddies that only like catching, not "fishing". I'm glad that I enjoy the process...

fishing user avatarriverbasser reply : 

The challenge, and the amazing feeling of reeling one in. Grew up on the gulf. Also lived with my grandmother who had a pond on her property and in the country there wasn't much else to do. 

Now why I bass fish? Because it's extremely addicting and I have an addicting personality. It's one of the better addictions to have

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

I wrote an article about this, entitled "Why We Fish," here on BR about a year and a half ago or so.

fishing user avatarFish the Mitt reply : 

It's Nature's challenge. It's Nature's 3-D chess match. Coupled with the beautiful views and relaxation. What's not to love?!

fishing user avatarDye99 reply : 

I grew up in Texas bass fishing.

I gave it up for a few years while away, and when I came home I was diagnosed with PTSD.

By accident I found that something Id been doing most of my life was actually a form of therapy. Calming, quiet, a challenge, and just downright fun.

I spend 1-3 days a week in a kayak, chasing these d**n fish by myself and it has an amazing calming effect with every other aspect of my life. Now Im getting my oldest son involved, and I thank God for what bass fishing has done for my family and I.

Tight lines!

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

Why do I fish?

Im married, with children...

fishing user avatarSki reply : 
  On 5/20/2016 at 10:15 AM, Senko lover said:

I wrote an article about this, entitled "Why We Fish," here on BR about a year and a half ago or so.


fishing user avatarGLK reply : 
  On 5/20/2016 at 10:15 AM, Senko lover said:

I wrote an article about this, entitled "Why We Fish," here on BR about a year and a half ago or so.

Well done

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 5/20/2016 at 9:00 AM, Luna2406 said:

There are few things that get me up at 5am faster than knowing I have a day of fishing ahead of me. I consider myself a new guy, I've only been passionately bass fishing for about 3 years now, I didnt grow up in an area where there were lakes and rivers to fish. It wasn't until I joined the military and moved around that I found this new passion of mine. Being out on the water with no one around, watching the steam lift from the water in the early morning, calms me and relaxes me more than anything else in the world. Fishing is my release after a long week, fishing takes me away from all the negativity in this world. Feeling the pull at the end of my line not knowing what is there, or how big it is, is something that gets my heart pumping every time. The challenge of tricking a predator into biting my presentation is an addiction, and with every fish I learn something new. I look forward to many many more years on the water. What drives you to spend hours on the water, fishing, learning, living?

First Off ~ Thank You for your Service.

Secondly - I'll say that I feel much the same way.

And Lastly - If you haven't been doing it already, I'd like to encourage you (and every bass angler), if the opportunity is there, go bass fishing at Night.  It's a way to take this great sport to the next level.  All of the feelings & excitement your senses experience during the day will be heightened & Stimulated in a whole new way.  The first few times out, ones intestinal fortitude is tested a bit, but after that, Night Ops will take your angling to a place you never thought possible when fishing only day light hours.



fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 

hi, my name is lo. i am a fishaholic.

fishing user avatarDogfish_Jones reply : 

Loving the outdoors for one thing. Second is the challenge to persuade a fish to bite your lure. Third, the calming effect of floating on the water, water in itself is a calming source. Fourth, the added friendship you can and will enjoy oif you take another person with you. Fifth, the high of pulling in that fish and winning to fight to boat him, then releasing him back into the water to fight again.

Of course you just have to like or love the total aspect of fishing for so many reason already listed above. Like why people like hunting, racing cars, playing checkers, anything I guess we can call a hobby.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 
  On 5/20/2016 at 9:00 AM, Luna2406 said:

Why do you fish?

Ours not to reason why, ours but to fish and die....


I am not really the contemplative sort.....If I haven't been fishing for more than about 36 hours, I start getting antsy...I don't even realize it....sometimes not until my wife says "you better go fishing or you're going to drive me nuts"

fishing user avatarSteveo-1969 reply : 

I just love the whole fishing experience.  I am also one of those guys who can cast for hours without a fish or a bite and be perfectly content.  A tug on the line will add to the experience, but NOT catching a fish certainly doesn't detract from it.

Everyone is different though. I fish with a buddy in his boat occasionally and if we don't catch fish he thinks the day was a total loss.  On the other hand he can sit in his tree stand from sun up to sun down without seeing a deer and still love the experience.

fishing user avatarBASSnRacks reply : 

Same reason I hunt. I live to be outdoors and I love the challenge of catching bass and shooting big bucks. I also find nature to be extremely calming and reflect upon life. I also find time to talk to GOD and find I can appreciate the world HE created much better then staring at a pew in front of me.

fishing user avatarjtipton91 reply : 

I found bass fishing while recovering from a methamphetamine addiction 2 years ago. Needed something to do to fill my time so I picked it up on a whim. Found out I enjoyed the never ending learning process and pure fun, and now I'm addicted to bass fishing. Lol

fishing user avatarKYBassin' reply : 

It's fun.  And that's because I think it taps into some genetic link to our hunter/gatherer past.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

Fishing has defined me for over 50 years. It is what I am.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 5/20/2016 at 11:02 PM, Crestliner2008 said:

Fishing has defined me for over 50 years. It is what I am.

That's Half a Century of Awesome right there.



fishing user avatarDevinFishing29 reply : 

I love fishing because I love pulling in fish and enjoying the beautiful outdoors!

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

That smile & the memories! ;)

download (1).jpg


fishing user avatarHurricane reply : 

I love it... That's the only thing I could come up with....

fishing user avatarbowhunter63 reply : 

Grew up with it,Kept us kids out of trouble.Its a way of life now.Love bass fishing,Cant ever see life without it.

fishing user avatardrc9805 reply : 
  On 5/20/2016 at 9:11 PM, A-Jay said:

First Off ~ Thank You for your Service.

Secondly - I'll say that I feel much the same way.

And Lastly - If you haven't been doing it already, I'd like to encourage you (and every bass angler), if the opportunity is there, go bass fishing at Night.  It's a way to take this great sport to the next level.  All of the feelings & excitement your sense experience during the day will be heightened & Stimulated in a whole new way.  The first few times out, ones intestinal fortitude is tested a bit, but after that, Night Ops will take your angling to a place you never thought possible when fishing only day light hours.



A-Jay, what times do you usually go when you night fish? 

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 5/21/2016 at 3:54 AM, drc9805 said:

A-Jay, what times do you usually go when you night fish? 

Sent you a PM -

Didn't want to hijack the thread.



fishing user avatar"hamma" reply : 

I fish much for the same reason you do luna,.. and a couple funny but true stories

I grew up in salem massachusetts, the ocean is right there. I had 3 older brothers that teased me as a kid when they would go with dad fishing, and i was too young to go. and boy could they rub it in,.. then at the age of 4 dad took us all to sunapee lake in nh for a week in a cabin on the waters edge. I finally got to fish, I was so excited, I'd run from bluegill bed to bluegill bed catching any fish i could see. That night I had a dream that someone stole my fishies, (I was told later by my parents) I had woken everyone up at 2;30 AM,... I was up sleep walking ransacking the whole cabin looking for my fishies , every bureau drawer in every room got checked, even the kitchen drawers, the refridgerator, the stove, and while i was doing so i was sobbing "someone stole my fishies, where are my fishies" and no one could wake me up.,... i finally passed out on the couch at about 4 am. 

Maybe im still searching for them, im not sure, but i know I havent stopped fishing since,.

 At the age of 7 we moved to neighboring Peabody ,...At the age of ten i had a paper route, and fridays was payday. i looked forward to it every week, saving money for my own saltwater fishing rod. I had drop lines already, but that shiny reel with that awesome black and red rod  I saw at jerrys department store in downtown salem,.. I desired more than anything. So every morning before school id pedal my butt off on my bike (which I bought with paper route earnings) to get the route done before school. Finally the day came that I had enough to buy my rod, i couldnt wait to get out of school. School lets out and Im on my way to jerry's, going down a steep hill im pedaling like the wind trying to get there as quick as I can, when a car comes out of a sidestreet right in front of me, I jam on the brakes and the bikes rear end slides out from under me, and we tumble about eighty feet down the pavement. When I woke in the hospital battered, blooded, and bruised, my mom asked " do you want anything?",... My reply?  "that black and red fishing rod in jerry's front window" ,. when the hospital finally released me, it was lying on my bed when i got home.

 So like many here, I've been doing my whole life, it's what I do, my vice you could say. Some say Im crazy owning almost seventy rods and two boats with the idea of two more, enough tackle to embarass a good stocked tackle store, and wanting more. Maybe I am crazy, or mentally disturbed,... but if you were to ask a shrink? I could point out my brothers taunting me about fishing from day 1 has twisted my thinking from the very beginning... lmao!!

fishing user avatarYudo1 reply : 

When I was younger I used to do the night crawler and bobber deal and always enjoyed, but it wasn't until I was introduced to bass fishing that I became an obsessed maniac.  I used to see different lures and not understand why a fish would be fooled.  One day me and my buddy were bank fishing on the river with shiners.  We caught a couple smallies but then my buddy pulls out a bag of senkos.  He throws it out there and immediately got bit.  He and I were in shock when he caught more fish in 15 minutes than we caught all day on shiners.  I was hooked.  The next day I bought 5 bags of senkos and the rest is history.  

fishing user avatarcrypt reply : 

I love every aspect of fishing,the prep,organizing,making my rods,modifying tackle,reels. even sharpening hooks ! then getting up at 4 am,driving 3-4 hours.getting there and the weather turns to crap…..that's what I love……..can't wait to go this weekend.  at least until I die.then we'll see what happens after that…...

fishing user avatargimruis reply : 

When I was younger and had FAR less patience, I went to catch fish and to harvest them.  As I grew older, my patience got to be a lot better and I appreciated just the time out on the water.  Nowadays its more about getting away from my job, emails, cell phones, traffic, and the other items that consume me on a daily basis.  When I started deer and turkey hunting it was the same way - no patience.  Now I can sit there for hours and hours.  A guy can sure get a lot of thinking done.  Catching fish is a bit of an afterthought now but it sure makes the day better, that's for sure.

fishing user avatarLuna2406 reply : 
  On 5/20/2016 at 10:24 AM, Dye99 said:

I grew up in Texas bass fishing.

-Thank you for your service, glad you were able to get help and find it in the most unexpected place. No matter whats going on in life I know that on the water none of that matters. Tight Lines!!!

  On 5/20/2016 at 9:11 PM, A-Jay said:

And Lastly - If you haven't been doing it already, I'd like to encourage you (and every bass angler), if the opportunity is there, go bass fishing at Night.  It's a way to take this great sport to the next level.  All of the feelings & excitement your sense experience during the day will be heightened & Stimulated in a whole new way.  The first few times out, ones intestinal fortitude is tested a bit, but after that, Night Ops will take your angling to a place you never thought possible when fishing only day light hours.



-Ive always wanted to try it, just not sure where to start and what I would need haha if you wouldnt mind sending me a PM with some info I would truly appreciate any info on night ops!! haha thanks!!

  On 5/20/2016 at 10:22 PM, BASSnRacks said:

Same reason I hunt. I live to be outdoors and I love the challenge of catching bass and shooting big bucks. I also find nature to be extremely calming and reflect upon life. I also find time to talk to GOD and find I can appreciate the world HE created much better then staring at a pew in front of me.

-I couldn't have said it better myself man, I feel like I have my own relationship with GOD and being on the water is my version of going to Church. Love being out on the water seeing what HE has created. 

  On 5/20/2016 at 10:27 PM, jtipton91 said:

I found bass fishing while recovering from a methamphetamine addiction 2 years ago. Needed something to do to fill my time so I picked it up on a whim. Found out I enjoyed the never ending learning process and pure fun, and now I'm addicted to bass fishing. Lol

-This is awesome man, you never know what road people have traveled to be where they are at. Wish you the best, tight lines man!!

  On 5/20/2016 at 11:02 PM, Crestliner2008 said:

Fishing has defined me for over 50 years. It is what I am.

-Hoping to be writing this years down the road! 

fishing user avatarr3825 reply : 

I grew up fishing with my grandpa, it was our thing, he has 33 grandkids but I was his fishing buddy.  I'm all grown up now and he doesn't get around like he used to so now we talk fishing instead of going and I share all of my fishing magazines with him.  Lots of great memories made with him in the past and I make more with my 3 kids every chance I get.  I love it.

fishing user avatarLuna2406 reply : 
  On 5/21/2016 at 5:59 AM, Keith "Hamma" Hatch said:

 So like many here, I've been doing my whole life, it's what I do, my vice you could say. Some say Im crazy owning almost seventy rods and two boats with the idea of two more, enough tackle to embarass a good stocked tackle store, and wanting more. Maybe I am crazy, or mentally disturbed,... but if you were to ask a shrink? I could point out my brothers taunting me about fishing from day 1 has twisted my thinking from the very beginning... lmao!!

-haha thanks for the stories man, fishing has definitely defined you. I love trying new baits and seeing what I can get my hands on. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing with all the gear and tackle I have but hey it keeps me sane haha 

  On 5/21/2016 at 8:54 AM, crypt said:

I love every aspect of fishing,the prep,organizing,making my rods,modifying tackle,reels. even sharpening hooks ! then getting up at 4 am,driving 3-4 hours.getting there and the weather turns to crap…..that's what I love……..can't wait to go this weekend.  at least until I die.then we'll see what happens after that…...

Theres something about fishing in rain/bad weather that I love, not many people will be out there but I love it!

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 5/21/2016 at 10:14 AM, Luna2406 said:

--Ive always wanted to try it, just not sure where to start and what I would need haha if you wouldnt mind sending me a PM with some info I would truly appreciate any info on night ops!! haha thanks!!

Fortunately for both of us the Bass Resource Articles Section has plenty of solid information on all things Bass including angling at night.

The bottom of that page (linked) there are more night bassing articles as well.


fishing user avatarmrmacwvu1 reply : 

The first fish I caught was with my great grandfather my grandfather my father and brother. I have known no other way of life. Since then all have passed other than my brother. Now it is him and his son. It should always be passed down. To me it is like breathing.

fishing user avatarcrypt reply : 

amen to that 

fishing user avatarBuffdaddy54 reply : 

I love being outdoors, not a hunter nor a true angler yet, but I love being outdoors. In fishing I love the aspect of "it's just you" If you catch a fish "it's you" if you miss a fish "it's you" there is no one else taking the credit nor is there anyone else to take the blame. Same way with golf. There is this feeling you get being alone outdoors with just you and your creator. Very humbling know that while you are out there the world does not stop. 

When im walking my dog in the woods there is such a peaceful feeling that engulfs me that it is hard to put into words. Same feeling I get when I fish. I used to think that it sucked not having a boat but now I have come to enjoy the world around me, trees and their different make ups, flowers, snakes, bugs, Sky,so many things I used to take for granted. Now I relish every opportunity and I agree with others here, for me it's not about catching fish, if that happens great. It's more about being out and enjoying what are creator has gifted us with.

The earth and the heavens truly do declare the glory of our creator.


now I'm off toBP to appease the bait monkey??

fishing user avatarBass Turd reply : 

... because it's cheaper than therapy... mostly...

fishing user avatarLuna2406 reply : 
  On 5/22/2016 at 12:23 AM, Buffdaddy54 said:

I used to think that it sucked not having a boat but now I have come to enjoy the world around me, trees and their different make ups, flowers, snakes, bugs,

-Im with you all the way...minus the snakes...haha i have a fear of them and it seems like lately I can't go anywhere without seeing them. 

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 5/21/2016 at 4:45 AM, A-Jay said:

Sent you a PM -

Didn't want to hijack the thread.



Alright not secrets! ;)

Start a new thread?

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 

Relaxing, fun, challenging, collecting gear and most of all the hunt for the big one.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 5/22/2016 at 10:02 AM, Catt said:

Alright not secrets! ;)

Start a new thread?

OK ~ I'll start an "Everything Night Fishing Thread" in a bit

But we both know who the Night Bassing Rock Star is & it's not me.

Once it's up I'd certainly appreciate some of your incite.



fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 5/22/2016 at 6:32 PM, A-Jay said:

OK ~ I'll start an "Everything Night Fishing Thread" in a bit

But we both know who the Night Bassing Rock Star is & it's not me.

Once it's up I'd certainly appreciate some of your incite.



You know I will! ;)

fishing user avatarracedad reply : 

It relaxes me and frees my mind of all the day to day BS.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I like getting out by myself, and leaving everything behind for a while.  Out on the water it's just me, nature, and the bass.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

My dad is my fishing partner and got me fishing    as a toddler . When we would travel somewhere all I wanted to do is fish at all the bodies of water I saw and he   allowed me if possible . Luckily I grew up two miles from the Mississippi river and my parents would let me to go about anytime , by myself . Bass fishing is something that I slowly got into . I spent many years cutting my teeth on bluegills , bullheads , crappie , channel cats , carp...

Dad worked for the corp of engineers at a Lock and Dam. Lots of time I would go to work with him , night or day and fish below it for eight hours . How lucky could a kid get .  

 My fishing  partners birthday was yesterday  and hes in a nursing home now , unable to get out . It breaks my heart everytime he says he would like to go fishing . 





fishing user avatarLuna2406 reply : 

When I started this thread I didnt expect to read some of the stories I have read. Guess another reason I fish is the fishing community in general, I have yet to meet another fisherman I do not like. I've never run into a fisherman that isn't friendly and isn't all about helping a newbie out. If I'm ever out on the water and I see kids fishing, I stop and give them bags of baits just to keep their passion going. Thanks for sharing some of your experiences with us, its awesome hearing where people come from and what has shaped them into the person they are today. Tight lines everyone!! Looking forward to reading many more stories about what got us hooked on this amazing past time. 

fishing user avatarWillbroberg reply : 

Found this in one of my textbooks I think. Just about sums it up for me. I enjoy my own company sometimes, and can take along a friend at other times. Looking into the water knowing something is in there and figuring out how to bring it out. It's like a constant puzzle.


fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 5/22/2016 at 9:13 PM, scaleface said:

My dad is my fishing partner and got me fishing    as a toddler . When we would travel somewhere all I wanted to do is fish at all the bodies of water I saw and he   allowed me if possible . Luckily I grew up two miles from the Mississippi river and my parents would let me to go about anytime , by myself . Bass fishing is something that I slowly got into . I spent many years cutting my teeth on bluegills , bullheads , crappie , channel cats , carp...

Dad worked for the corp of engineers at a Lock and Dam. Lots of time I would go to work with him , night or day and fish below it for eight hours . How lucky could a kid get .  

 My fishing  partners birthday was yesterday  and hes in a nursing home now , unable to get out . It breaks my heart everytime he says he would like to go fishing . 





I have that same boat, Procraft F/S, but mine's red. And I can relate about the fishing partner. My dad's gotten old and doesn't want to fish anymore. Says he's just too old and tired. My fishing buddy's dad has Alzheimer's and he's unable to go. So we're in the same boat, so to speak.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

When people asked me I always said that when i got that familiar "tap-tap" on the line I forgot all my worries. And when they were really biting, I forgot them all day. But I heard it put succinctly recently. "It's impossible to worry while fishing." I've heard it said that days spent fishing don't count against your life span. And it really does feel like they add to your life.

Now I'm really fishing for big ones. I want more PB's. I've gone through most of the phases on the way here: Cane pole and worms, crappie fishing, keeping and cleaning everything, catching white bass and stripers where I find them, bass fishing the local big lake, now kayak fishing at a nearby water hole with trophy bass in it. I even like to watch others catch big fish nowadays. Of course, I still want to feel that familiar tap-tap that empties out my mind.

fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 

I quit fishing once I went off to college and for the next 25 years it was all classrooms, cubicles, and being indoors at home watching TV or playing video games.  4 years ago while on a family trip to Pismo Beach my brother convinced me to fish from the pier for the first time in ages, and the wide open bite hooked me again.  I started to fish again but mainly in the surf, but a few months later decided to give bass fishing a try again.  Lots of stumbling around only fishing a Carolina rig (since that's how i rig in the surf, and it was the only rig I knew), reading online about Texas rigging, reading up on wacky rigging and how if could work because I couldn't fathom how a plain stick with no action or flappers would catch fish, then getting more and more comfortable and confident as I found good spots to fish.

Somewhere along the line something just clicked and now I'm confident I can go to any new body of water and catch SOMETHING!  For me it's getting out of the house/office and away from the concrete jungle.  I still don't like going to places with paved/manicured shoreline or a lot of man made structure when you look around.  I like going to a lake and seeing just a lake, walking on dirt trails, hearing the ground underneath my boots, hearing the water and wildlife.  As for the fishing, each cast and twitch of the rod is like scratching off a lottery ticket, with a bite being like a "winning" ticket, landing a fish confirming a winning ticket, and the size of the fish being the prize.

One other thing I've noticed is that when i fish, all I think about is the fish.  Where they could be, how I can get them to bite.  I don't think about other distractions in life, not work, not people, just me and the fish.  BUT if I'm on the water and there is something I'm thinking about besides the fish, whether it's something going on at work, finances, something someone said, another person, then that's when I know that's something I need to address when I get back to the real world.

fishing user avatarLuna2406 reply : 
  On 5/23/2016 at 11:16 PM, the reel ess said:

When people asked me I always said that when i got that familiar "tap-tap" on the line I forgot all my worries. And when they were really biting, I forgot them all day. But I heard it put succinctly recently. "It's impossible to worry while fishing." I've heard it said that days spent fishing don't count against your life span. And it really does feel like they add to your life.

- I've never heard it put like that but that has no become one of my favorite sayings. Im the same way man if I'm fishing its just me, nature, and those little green guys. I dont have any worries, the only worries i get is when I catch a bush or a tree haha 

  On 5/24/2016 at 12:25 AM, blckshirt98 said:

As for the fishing, each cast and twitch of the rod is like scratching off a lottery ticket, with a bite being like a "winning" ticket, landing a fish confirming a winning ticket, and the size of the fish being the prize.

One other thing I've noticed is that when i fish, all I think about is the fish.  Where they could be, how I can get them to bite.  I don't think about other distractions in life, not work, not people, just me and the fish.  BUT if I'm on the water and there is something I'm thinking about besides the fish, whether it's something going on at work, finances, something someone said, another person, then that's when I know that's something I need to address when I get back to the real world.

- Im no betting man but your lottery ticket comparison is spot on! Maybe we now know why fishing gets so addicting, always trying to win that bigger prize. Sometimes when I'm on the water and there is something really bugging me, it also tells me I need to deal with it. And its usually on the water that i figure out the solution to that problem. Being able to completely clear your mind of all distractions and focus on one thing makes solving issues so much easier. 

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

Mainly because my dad took me.When I was 4 I caught some kind of little fish while fishing at Ft Fisher NC.When I was 8 or so I caught a good size black drum while surf fishing at ocean isle beach in NC.Then I was hooked and wanted to go all the time( when I wasn't playing baseball).I started bass fishing when I was 14-15.And its consistently been my favorite although I love all kinds of fishing.I do it now for fellowship with friends and family and God,sometimes for food( although we usually eat more saltwater and other freshwater fish than bass.) And just because they're really interesting and fun to catch.I think they're really cool fish.The adrenaline rush when a fish picks up the worm..Enjoying time on the water but seeing the lights on at home down the lake...Feeling that nice little breeze as you make your way up the lake..Seeing the G-kids excitement in catching even a small fish...The shock of a fish nailing a top water bait when you least expected it...Seeing bass bedding around the full moon when you were expecting they would...And on and on And on.....


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