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What do you consider yourself? 2024

fishing user avatarliquidsoap reply : 

What kind of basser do you consider yourself?

I consider myself a junk fisherman because I dont stay with the same bait and will throw everything I got at them till I got a pattern that will bring in the numbers and size.  

fishing user avatarDeuceu72 reply : 

slow & methodical for me...................

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

a bass fisher that won't let weather, lack of tackle and lack of lakes stop him.

fishing user avatarCrazedL.IFisherman reply : 

I am definitely a slop fisherman, man theres nothing like getting hit over that stuff, it feels like they are coming from nowhere  ;D

fishing user avatarBanor reply : 

Fast and methodical.  Mostly soft plastics.  I use soft plastics as search baits and fish them faster than most.

fishing user avatarCraw reply : 

I think of myself as an "area fisherman". I like to find areas that I believe hold concentrations of fish and work the different patterns within that area.

Example...upper end of my home reservoir. Within the confines of this area I will fish the flats, channel ledges and high percentage shoreline cover. If I find fish at a particular spot on a channel ledge I don't run all over the lake looking for channel ledges. I stay in my area(upper end). I work the spot as best as I can and I lay off it for a little while. I'll most likely continue working on down the ledge to find other prime spots but I may head over to the big flats to try and pick off a couple fish or hit some shoreline. I will absolutely return to the channel ledge that yielded fish earlier and probably several times and I'll comb it with several lures from several angles.

Fall will be here soon and I'll be following the bait around in the creeks. Whatever section of creek the bait are using on a particular day will be my "area" and I'll fish it the same way.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Trophy bass angler. Whatever it takes, I just do it.



(when I am bass fishing anyway :-) Otherwise trophy sized fish, of what ever other species I happen to be casting at !

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I'm a "smiler"   :)

As long as there's a smile, there is success.  At least in my little world.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
slow & methodical for me...................

Me too.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I am a learning fisherman. But I love to pick structure apart.

fishing user avatarScroGG ToGG reply : 
a bass fisher that won't let weather, lack of tackle and lack of lakes stop him.

I really like this answer! although i would consider myself more of a stubborn fisherman who will ALWAYS feel that im lacking tackle.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I'm a junk fisherman, I think anyway. I was almost strictly a wormer for decades, but am more adaptable now, trying all classes of lures as needed. I've stopped being too particular, like predicting what lures I'll need tomorrow, pre-tying 7 rods the night before. I end up replacing them all right away. I strongly believe in wetting SOMETHING immediately and continually, never letting the line dry out while in a boat unless crossing the lake. While doing that ideas come in suggesting a better bait choice for whatever conditions I am looking at. I might end up with a gallon sized pile of failed lure choices, but all those led me to better choices.


fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

I am a junker.

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

I'm a power fisherman. Kinda like KVD but a little lacking in skills and toys, compared to him!!!! LOL!

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

I am a student fisherman.I am constantly trying to learn something new!

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

Pathetic & Wannabe comes to mind  ;D ;D Seriously, I would say a little of this and a little of that. Sort of a observant Hodge Podge fisherman. I can do the power fishing thing and wear them out on Cranks, spinners and buzzers. I can also slow down and catch them on worms and plastics.

The main thing is to enjoy the time God has given me to enjoy his outdoors, friends and family. I like to think I am the kind of guy who stops and smells the roses in life. I enjoy my surroundings at all times when I am out fishing.

fishing user avatarwhat reply : 

i consider my self an ANGLER

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

I will pretty much throw anything at this point. I am willing to try anything ya give me. So I guess I consider myself a Junk Angler.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Im a grateful bass man Im grateful for evry day i get to fish 8-)

fishing user avatarj-bass reply : 

I would consider myself a tactical angler rather than a junk fishermen.  I might throw a variety of different lures w/ different presentations, but there is method to my madness.  I always try to shoot for the precision cast w/ the proper lure and presentation for where I am fishing.  'Junk' sounds sloppy, 'tactical' makes it sound as if you know exactly what you are doing...........don't ruin my moment.  ::)

fishing user avatarDane reply : 

I am a versatility angler.  I will anchor the boat at spots where I get multiple areas with different kinds of structure/cover, and i'll have one pole with a small swivel for spinners and cranks, and one with a slip sinker and hook for the soft plastics, allowing me to then become the biggest junk fisherman in the world.

My tackle box looks like the trail a twister leaves behind in the sooner state after every trip.

fishing user avatarjayhawkfishin reply : 

I am a bank/dock beater.  I am in a boat but just am not good at catching fish deep.  But if the fish are on the shore or by something I see i can do a good job.  

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

Structure fisher for me. Any type usually holds fish, and where there is fish, thats where I am.

fishing user avatarThefishy1 reply : 

Sight and Finesse fisherman I like to throw wacky worms and small plastics as limit baits but they sometimes catch a monster

fishing user avatarstroz reply : 

I would say Junk it's like being a mixed martial artist use what works and toss the rest to the side.


fishing user avatarvincedia reply : 

I'm learning. I have yet ot cath a fish that was worth a report.

I don't know proper use of any of the lures I have, or when to use em.

So I try everything for a bit of time. Once I find what works, I may start

building confidence in something.

I think soft plastic is my favorite right now, but that's only because I

scored a baby 3" on one...hehe


fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

Always thinking of ways to win a check. Always doing something different from the pack. I like finding cover and structure that the water covers all the time and pick it apart.

fishing user avatarRochesterBasser reply : 
Im a grateful bass man Im grateful for evry day i get to fish

I'm with ya on this one my muddy buddy!

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Well Everybody.....I'm not sure. :)

I fish for bass.

I use many techniques.

I use many different lures and rigs,

I use a few different pole / reel bait casters, Y'all can have 'em.

I fish light.

I fish heavy.

I use a boat.

I don't use a boat.

I fish lakes.

I fish creeks and rivers.

I use minnows and worms sometimes.

I fish in sun.

I fish in rain.

I fish and freeze.....and thaw out and fish some more....or Not. ::)

I have a fair amount of tackle.

I have some tackle that I swear by.

I have some that I swear at yet still lug it around.

I fish in the morning. Cold or Hot. Rain or Shine. Evenings are for my Lady.

I like to break off from Bass fishin'. Panfish tempt me and my Ultra-Lights need exercise.

I fish when I'm mad.

I fish when I'm blue.

I fish when I'm happy....which usually happens soon after being mad or blue. :)

I am happy with any bass I catch, be it "junk" or otherwise.

I just fish......

I just fish and it makes me happy.

I like that.

fishing user avatarDR_Bass reply : 
Well Everybody.....I'm not sure. :)

I fish for bass.

I use many techniques.

I use many different lures and rigs,

I use a few different pole / reel bait casters, Y'all can have 'em.

I fish light.

I fish heavy.

I use a boat.

I don't use a boat.

I fish lakes.

I fish creeks and rivers.

I use minnows and worms sometimes.

I fish in sun.

I fish in rain.

I fish and freeze.....and thaw out and fish some more....or Not. ::)

I have a fair amount of tackle.

I have some tackle that I swear by.

I have some that I swear at yet still lug it around.

I fish in the morning. Cold or Hot. Rain or Shine. Evenings are for my Lady.

I like to break off from Bass fishin'. Panfish tempt me and my Ultra-Lights need exercise.

I fish when I'm mad.

I fish when I'm blue.

I fish when I'm happy....which usually happens soon after being mad or blue. :)

I am happy with any bass I catch, be it "junk" or otherwise.

I just fish......

I just fish and it makes me happy.

I like that.

Instant classic, that was brillant. You need to put a copyright on that one!  

I personally like to flip more than anything else. Im always trying to become more and more accurate with my pitching and flipping. My next alternative would be finnesse fishing, but the fish don't alway agree with me and I have to change.

fishing user avatarfishingJ reply : 


fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 
Pathetic & Wannabe comes to mind

What Keithscratch said! Some days I'm Mr. Way Cool Angler, and other days I'm just an uncoordinated clueless schmuck. Either way, if I'm on the water I'm have the time of my life . . .

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Norman you seem more like the gentleman basser  ::)

fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

Aw, shucks, muddy. Now you've got me blushing. :-*

fishing user avatarOther. reply : 

Junky on the shore but tactical in a boat and wading in streams. Other then that Im still learning but I know what to use in what situations.

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

I consider myself an 'under cover' fisherman. I like to fish the nastiest, thickest, sticks, weeds, timber, bushes and blowdowns. I have sacraficed countless lures to the snag devil, but I have cheated him out of a few fish too. I love throwing back 1/2 a pound of weeds & lilly pads before I remove a hook.  ;)


fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

I'm a fisherman. I don't care what I gotta use or where I gotta go as long as I'm out there.

I'm not as good as some but better than a few. I tri all kinds of baits and cant wait till I get out the next time. I fish when its hot cold raining or windy (I'm not so found of rain :P but if i'm out and it starts raining i wont leve soon >:() I'm also a big victum of the bait monky



fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I'm a power fisherman all the way.Crankbait,jerkbait,spinnerbait etc.....I like to keep my baits movin',not real big on the finesse stuff although that's how I originally learned to fish bass.A spinning rod,small worms,grubs and tiny jigs.

fishing user avatarHillbilly_Hooker reply : 

I'm a fish, a junker.  I'll throw everything until something starts catching fish!


fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Junk until I catch a fish of decent size and then I slow down and try and put something together.  Somedays it happens and many others turn into 5 or 6 rods constantly on the deck with several rods taken out and others put back into the rod box as conditions dictate.

fishing user avatartennsopher reply : 

Im a student of the game.After 40 yrs I find Im still learning,and smiling each time something new works for me.

fishing user avatarfoul hooked reply : 

I flat out like to fish, can't get enough. I will try any techniques. I like to fish alone.

fishing user avatarFALCON reply : 


fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

A going through my second childhood, I've been gone 25 years from freshwater bass fishing, how the H#ll do you catch these fish at times fisherman. Hey if you can't laugh at yourself sometimes who can you laugh at? It's all part of the fun!


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Rocky that picture with all that stuff is very funny. Con sidering all you go through and still maintain a sense of humor You are an example and inspiration to many of us  

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

junky junky junky!!!  a lot of this stems from always wanting to learn new things and try new techniques.  i think this started when i first got into fishing i had to buy and learn to use every lure i saw someone win a tournament on.  i was looking for that magical lure that would whack em all the time.  when i figured out that lure did not exist i became more selective but my interest in learrning new stuff (and that siren-sing-song of the baitmonkey) keeps calling.

i love buying tackle and things and this keeps me trying new things.  i may have caught more fish if i had never taken a senko or a jig off of my rod but i wouldnt have as much fun and that is how i presently judge success.  if a situation comes up that a certain technique is called for i want to know how to handle it.

if i had to pick though i love pitching heavy cover.  something about trying to get my lure where others may not be able to with the perfect pitch appeals to me.  


fishing user avatarWishICouldFish reply : 

I would have to go with wanna be!!

fishing user avatarZebco202 reply : 

Junk fisherman.  I throw everything and anything.

fishing user avatarTucson reply : 

I like to find a quiet piece of water with some weeds/structure/shoreline to play in.  Usually start with a weightless Senko and go from there, easily spending an hour or more on a spot depending on how it feels.  I see a lot of hit and run fisherman burning up the lake and they probably know more about fishing than I do but I like my method.  

fishing user avatarejtaylor822 reply : 

I go through phases.....

Start out very tactical - take note of the surrondings, cover, pattern, etc. Think about what they might be eating, or, wanting to eat and consider what the bottom might be - weeds, mud, sand, etc.  I then select the lure I want to use - try to make an "educated guess" - guess that's the fly fishing part of me.  But, if I don't get any strikes or hits after a "reasonable" amount of time I instantly turn into a big JUNKER.  Start throwing everything in the tackle box at 'em until something works - plastics, cranks, stick, spinners, spoons - everything.  If nothing is working at all I turn into the "product tester" and just start throwing my latest cool lures to see how they do and work on technique.

Same is true for flyfishing.  Try to notice what might be in the hatch, flying around, falling in, etc. and start with that.  No luck after a little while and I am slinging whatever is in the box or on the vest.  After that, I am working on technique and distance.

As FiveBassLimit mentioned, I am definitely a "power fisherman" as I like to keep the bait/lures/flies moving.  Not much of one to sit/stand and watch the water or things float.

Bottom line, like others, I just LOVE to fish!


fishing user avatarBassProKevin reply : 
I would consider myself a tactical angler rather than a junk fishermen. I might throw a variety of different lures w/ different presentations, but there is method to my madness. I always try to shoot for the precision cast w/ the proper lure and presentation for where I am fishing. 'Junk' sounds sloppy, 'tactical' makes it sound as if you know exactly what you are doing...........don't ruin my moment. ::)

haha that sounds so awesome

yeah i'll go with tactical

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Thanks Dr Bass.

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

A person who puts fishing first and safety last. It's not very smart, but I love to fish so much that even lightning won't stop me.


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