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do you prefer to fish alone? 2024

fishing user avatarblanked reply : 

i fish alone for 2 reasons.  one is i have my style of fishing that i like to do and someone else will have there own style.  i.e. i want to finese fish and he wants to cover a lot of water with search lures.   two if the person is just an occasional fisherman, and expecting me to put him into lots of fish,  i dont like that kind of expectation so i dont bring them along.  am i selfish or are others similiar?

fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

well it all depends...if im goin out to do some serious fishing I will go alone for the same reasons as you....but 50 percent of the time I bring some one. And I love when they expect me to put them on some nice fish most the time I cant but I fell great when they pull a nice one in.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I fish alone for many reasons, I have always been serious about bass fishing and have little patience for other adults who don't take the fishing as seriously as I do. ALso my little bass boat when loaded would be too small for 2 people to fish comfortably. They only time I do not fish alone is when some one asks me to take there kids fishing......I love to see how excited the kids get when they catch something. Next year my daughter will be old enough to take out.......I can't wait.

fishing user avatarKana reply : 

i have to say i fish alone most often.  some factors make it awkward to have a partner. bank fishing for example,  the 2 people most usually need to get off well to be able to catch fish without annoying the other.  however ina boat theres a completely different circumstance.  i dont have my own boat, so most often i am the guest.  i like to go with the flow and compliment what my partner is doing.  in a boat, where neither of us are fimilar with the water, we are usually trying to put together a pattern and 2 people need to be willing to vary their stlyes to find what is catching fish.  sometimes i am just focused on fishing and sometimes i dont talk, my partner needs to understand this, and not be offended if im not talking all the time, its not that i am trying to ignore him, its just my thing sometimes!  other times i just have to fish alone for the peace.  ill never turn down a partner, unless its someone who will just destroy the experience, and usually ends up not going for the fishing.  me personally, i like to fish long and hard, and if i intend on frequently fishing with the same person, its important to find a partner whose traits are similar to your own, so the trip will be enjoyable for both of you.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

My wife and son fish with me some,but I fish alone about 95 % of the time.As others have stated,I'm serious about my bassin'.I have a gameplan each time that I go.I love for wife and son to go(I'm hoping my son more and more...I'm being patient),but when others are along it's basically them fishing and me guiding,picking out backlashes,and just shooting the breeze.This morning, for example,I didn't do too well(3 dinks).Well,I took the opportunity to cruise around the lake with my fish finder looking for structure that I don't already know about and marking it down.That's as fun as fishing to me,but with someone along I wouldn't feel as free to do it.

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

I like to do both but there is a pretty short list of anglers that I get excited about fishing with. I enjoy taking a kid and teaching them some of the basics and watching them get excited about the sport. I usually don't fish a whole lot myself during these type outings. The other type is like to go with is another hardcore experience bass fisherman. Someone who brings something to the table, skill and technique wise, and can make some good conversation. We can work together to unravel that days pattern.  At this stage of the game I don't really seem to have much use for those who fall in between these two types. If I'm going to be hanging out with someone who is just so-so about fishing I'd actually rather go do something that they like.

fishing user avatarBrian_Reeves reply : 

My buddy and do A LOT of team fishing.  We have similar tactics and styles, though our bait choices differ somewhat.  We have been doing a great job getting on the fish every time we go out, never catching less than a limit (unless we bring our kids along.)  Fishing with someone that knows what they're doing and also compliments your style is fun, educational at times, and if anything else, faster to pattern fish.  We hope to do some team fishing on FLW tournaments and whatnot pretty soon.  Still looking for some sponsors, though it's coming.  All in good time

fishing user avatarpapa smurf reply : 

I prefer to fish with someone as long as the are willing to fish.  What I hate is to take or go with someone who wants to leave after 30 min. because they haven't caught a fish yet.

fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 
I prefer to fish with someone as long as the are willing to fish. What I hate is to take or go with someone who wants to leave after 30 min. because they haven't caught a fish yet.

I have this buddy and I took him once I was like whats the worse thing that could happen...well I planned on fishing a 13 hour day and 30 minutes in he wanted to go so I had to drive all the way back to the dock (on the other end of the lake and drop him off(waste of time) well im going on a trip later this afternoon and this buddy of mine wants to avoid his girl friend today so he asked if he could come with me..Ive been planning this trip 3 months. I laught when he asked ;D

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

I usually fish alone because I am the only dedicated bass fisherman that I know.  Usually, the only time I am fishing WITH someone is when my dad is catfishing and i'm bass fishing.  

fishing user avatarrboat reply : 

I usually fish alone. It gives me time to think and fish the way I like. Sometimes a friend will come, but then I feel I must do and go where he wants. My wife and son will sometimes come with, but the wife doesn't fish and my son is still young and impatient. I hope someday he will love it like myself. Fishing alone seems to work best. It would be nice to have someone with if you ever run into trouble on the water though.

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

I fish more with other people now then I did for several years, but I don't know if I prefer one over the other depends on the day.  I have always gone by myself unless taken the dogs except if it's hot and seem to get into the natural aspects and feel of being outdoors alot more then with a friend.  But buds keep things livelier, offer a competative spirit and help launch the boat.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I fish alone most of the time but I certainly welcome taking my wife or son.  Obviously the overall tone of the trip changes when they're along, not that I mind. My wife loves to bass fish and she often outfished me which she loves to rub in.  My son OTOH isn't quite into fishing as much as me.  I like to take him if I know the fish are biting good and he's likely to easily catch a fish.

Otherwise, I wouldn't mind sharing a boat with someone of equal skill level or someone less skilled whose willing to learn.  The only type I wouldn't want to take out is someone completely unskilled in angling including rod and reel skills.  If I was guiding for money that would be OK but not for a day on the lake where I'd like to have a little enjoyment too.

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

Helping launch the boat is the reason why i always take someon.

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

I've fished by myself and enjoyed it but today I'm about enjoying life while catching some fish. Talking, kidding, and just having fun are all part of the experience for me. I no longer have that competive nature as I did when I was younger.   :)

fishing user avatarblanked reply : 

sounds like we are  all in the same boat.   so what do you tell people who keep asking you to bring them along???  do you tell them the truth or something else

fishing user avatarNick B reply : 

I usually fish alone, I had a partner, but he went and bought himself a boat. I have tried to take the wife and kids but if the fish arent jumping in the boat they dont want to fish. So usually I tell the wife I am going, and she used to get mad. I asked her why and she said that I didnt ask if she wanted to go. I told her that she has an open invitation. She wanted to be asked so I asked and she said No thanks. I said why did I even need to ask. She said I just wanted to feel included. Women huh.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I fish alone virtually all of the time.  The ony times I don't are when I have made plans to fish with someone else (rare) or when I hire a guide (rarer).

I used to have a fishin' buddy and we were very compatible on the water.  That ended when he moved and I have never found anyone else I can fish with from a boat.  

I need to fish when I want, how I want, where I want, and for as long as I want.  If I want to talk to someone, I'll call them on my cell phone, which I occasionally do.  I will take a youngster out fishing sometimes, but that is not what I call fishing with someone, that is teaching a kid how to fish.  I don't fish at all when training a yougin'.

fishing user avatarmferris reply : 

i prefer and usually fish alone..i can start and leave when i want and i seem to concentrate on my lures more..i too used to have a friend that went alot but his back is in bad shape and he can't stay in the boat for very long and i got used to going by myself...

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I mostly fish alone because my work hours make it nearly impossible for anyone to go with me. I work 4 tens Wed-Sat, until 2 AM. I had 8 fishing partners I grew up with but their declining health has reduced that to 3 lately, and those 3 have new Rangers, so they take me if we go together, which is fine. All are serious anglers, and we have it the top gun takes all the fish we keep. It keeps a little competition going which I think leads to more serious fishing. When I do have an adult guest I tell them the only way they will cut the trip short is catch another ride to the ramp, swim, or need an ambulance at the ramp, so nobody is going that is inclined to want to leave early because fishing is poor. I don't mind taking a newbie, especially a juvenile that gets hung up or lots of birdsnests; they need to learn sometime from someone. My preference is to go fishing with a really successful angler that fishes more than I do. Occasionally I do that for mutual safety if fishing at night. Come settled weather I'll take the boat to work and be on the water by 2:15 AM and fish until good light, partner needing to go to work, me to get some sleep.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I fish out of a 14 Old Towne Canoe.  I often stand and fish in it.  It's pretty stable, but still, it's a canoe and it has tipped.  I didn't get the canoe to discourage fishing with people but it does give me an easy way to say "no" to the occasional guy who asks to come aboard.

fishing user avataruiubassmaster reply : 

Don't get me wrong, I love fishing with others, especially when the weather cooperates and we're both catching fish, but I also like fishing by myself too.  I mean, I personally don't think there's anything better than getting out on the water by myself and fishing in the quiet, pristine sounds of nature.  Just being in the wilderness and taking in all of nature is one of the greatest rewards of fishing to me.

fishing user avatartopwaterbob reply : 

I used to always like some buds with me when I walleye fished. Now that I am obsessed with bass I like to go alone. No one that I fish with wants to spend over 12 hours fishing. That is mainly on days off and vacation.  Once in awhile I will share my boat with my girlfriends son and son in law. They are both pretty good companions. They do pretty good too so I don't feel bad catching fish when they are with me. If someone wants to go they know my routine and have to abide with my times and boat placement.  I have a 14 ft boat and carry about 8 or 9 rods and 3 tackle boxes so there isn't too much room for anyone else. lol  Time goes quickly enough and moving the boat to get a bait retrieved from a bush or something takes time. Not saying that I don't do it but  when one or two other guys get stuck it wastes my fishing time. Maybe if that perfect buddy who doesn't mind the back of the boat and can put in as many hours as me comes along I'll change my mind. ;)


fishing user avatardink reply : 

I fish alone more often than not for the simple fact that I go fishing at the drop of a hat.  I have been known to drive for an hour one way to fish for an hour.  It is not easy finding someone to be willing to do that on short notice.  I do enjoy fishing with others for the learning and teaching aspects of it.  One can only learn so much from fishing alone and reading articles.  The valuable bits of info are learned in person quite often.  Other than that, I will have to agree with the 'sounds of nature at sunrise' theory.  THAT is Heaven on Earth.... no comparison!

fishing user avatarZebco202 reply : 

I enjoy fishing with someone.  I'm not much of a talker when I fish, but I do enjoy having someone to jaw with before and after.  I really like to fish with someone whose more experienced than me, because I enjoy picking up some new techniques etc...

However, I'm finding that I probably need to just start going alone.  Too many people have too many excuses and I don't like having to wait on other people.  Also, I hate to cut a trip short, if I'm going I'd just as soon stay all day.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Never had a problem either way.     Communications is key when fishing with a new partner.     A quick rundown on what your plans are should cover it.   Out all day, cover lots of water, no coming back to the dock, no cell phones on.   And if I invite someone, I expect to pay for my expenses, after all, I invited the person.  Bring drinks, snacks, bring this much tackle as my boat has small storage.    Having a fishing buddy is part of the experience sometimes.

Fish on!

fishing user avatarHawgin reply : 

Man, am I glad that I'm not friends with you bunch of grumpy scoundrels.  

As someone who just picked up the sport a little over a year ago, I'm certainly glad that my buddies actually don't mind fishing with an inexperienced angler and are willing to share their tips and time with me.  Yes, I am willing to spend as much time on the water as they want, and I am willing to fish however/whatever/where ever it is that they are fishing, and I'm willing to take the time to practice my techniques, and to "study" up on bass fishing so I'm not a hindrance on them so maybe that makes my case different.  If it was not for them and their patience I would have probably already walked away from this sport because at times it can get pretty frustrating, but instead since they have taken the time to fish with me, I now fish in tournaments (with some decent success) and I've actually picked up on some techniques that I can share with them.  

I agree that taking a kid fishing and having patience with them is a great way to get them hooked on the sport, but sometimes that kid is 28 years old and can fall in love with the sport just as much as you are.

fishing user avatarBassJunkie reply : 

As most others stated, I too fish alone 90% of the time.  I have yet to meet anyone (except on here) that is in to fishing as much as I am.  The last time I took someone out we went out mid-day fishing a few areas, I mainly wanted to show him how crazy some of these fish were getting on the topwater action right before dark but he wanted to leave 3 or 4 hours before dark so he would be home in time for dinner.  I guess thats the difference between me and others, when I am fishing there really isn't much that bothers me, or much I think about other than fishing.  The downside to fishing alone is I see some WEIRD and CRAZY stuff sometimes that you could never see without being outside alot, and sometimes things are so weird that I think people don't believe me lol.  If I had a witness... ;D

fishing user avatargatrboy53 reply : 

i usually fish alone,well almost, me and the lord talk alot when im fishin alone,i would like to find a compatable tx. partner but so far ive never found one that we feed off each other.i would love for my wife to fish w/ me but she cares nothing about fishing.i have taken my daughter out and hope to do more of that.but when im bass fishin i prefer to fish alone.

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 
Man, am I glad that I'm not friends with you bunch of grumpy scoundrels.

As someone who just picked up the sport a little over a year ago, I'm certainly glad that my buddies actually don't mind fishing with an inexperienced angler and are willing to share their tips and time with me. Yes, I am willing to spend as much time on the water as they want, and I am willing to fish however/whatever/where ever it is that they are fishing, and I'm willing to take the time to practice my techniques, and to "study" up on bass fishing so I'm not a hindrance on them so maybe that makes my case different. If it was not for them and their patience I would have probably already walked away from this sport because at times it can get pretty frustrating, but instead since they have taken the time to fish with me, I now fish in tournaments (with some decent success) and I've actually picked up on some techniques that I can share with them.

I agree that taking a kid fishing and having patience with them is a great way to get them hooked on the sport, but sometimes that kid is 28 years old and can fall in love with the sport just as much as you are.

if you notice..most people refer to not wanting to take someone because they aren't dedicated to doing it or aren't willing to learn and give things time.  You are definitely a different case.  

Its a lot like seeing poker on TV.  Everyone see's these guys playing for huge money and always being involved in a these new people think that they can play and they sit down, play every hand, and lose all their money before they have time to light a cigarette.  They don't see the underside of a professional poker player with all the folding, the dedication, the many years it took to get that on and so forth.

Likewise, people see bass fishing on TV and think that the way it works is you go out on a lake and wherever you are, theres big fish.  They see all these pro's catching fish after fish and don't realize the many hours it took to understand where the fish would be and what'd they'd bite on.  These new people think that if they don't catch a fish in 30 minutes that fishing sucks and its time to go home.  I've also noticed that a lot of people aren't willing to do the constant work it takes to catch a largemouth i.e. they aren't willing to work a bait painfully slow, or make cast after cast, or any of that.  THOSE are the ones who are a chore to fish with.  People like you are AWESOME to fish with.

fishing user avatarajd15 reply : 

I almost always fish with one of two buddies.  We all have about the same skill and focus levels, and basically get along well.

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

This is a great question.  My answer is; It depends.  I would say 60-70% of the time I like to fish alone.  It depends on the mood I'm in.   There are times when I really have no desire to have anyone else around.  This is when I really want to intensely fish.  Other times, I will want to have another guy with me to have some comradery, and fun conversation.  The thing is, if we goin my boat, I tend to be very accomodating to my guest.  When this happens it does take away form my time fishing.  

I do like to take my college son with me.  We get a chance to catch up.  We also have a time to discuss world events and other things.  You know, the bonding thing.   It alos makes me feel real good when I can give him a piec of fishing advice and he nails one with it.  What a great feeling!!

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

I fish about 50-50 alone/with someone.  Which do I prefer .... it dpends.  My main fishing buddy is soooooooooo close minded when it come to fishing.  I am not trying to be big headed, but I know a whole lot more than him and you figure he would pick up on a few of the things I do.  NOPE!!!!  He throws one bait, ALL the time, no matter what the conditions, no matter what the time of year ..... a 5" Yum Dinger either watermelon or black.  Tell you the truth .... I don't even know why he owns a tackle box.  It can get frustrating fishing with him when I am fish a crankbait or some other fater moving bait.  Since I am in the back of my own boat (I only have a transom mount trolling motor ... right now), his line is always in my casting area.  Even if I am just killing them with something other than a Dinger and he has caught squat ...... will he change it up ..... nope.  So if I am powerfsihing, he is extemely hard to go with.  If I am finesse fishing, no problem.

fishing user avatarj-bass reply : 

it usually depends, if I am shore fishing, I really don't care who tags along because you can stll do your own thing.  When I am in the boat that is a differtent story.  When I first bought it, I thought about how cool it would be to take all of my freinds out.  After enough trips, I have found that usally, when I take out my friends, all I wind up doing is carting them around and trying to put them in the best spots, while not being able to really fish myself.  For this, I would rather be alone............much more peacefull.

fishing user avatargrove83 reply : 

Being new to the sport...I like to go out with someone else.  I don't have a boat, and my cousins boat is still waiting for the papers.  So most of the fishing we do is in the river where we can wade.  I like to go with someone mainly for the company.  Showing what we catch, my fish is bigger then your fish,..etc.  I would really like to find someone that has a boat and would like to teach me how to fish "properly".    However, most people, even though I try to "read up" on the fishing techniques and such, don't want to go out with someone "inexperienced".  So me and the guys walk the river and creeks...been pretty fun so far.  Even if we only catch "dinks".

fishing user avataruiubassin reply : 

I like to fish with someone, because I like to release all my fish and don't have a camera yet, I like someone there to witness the fish that I catch. Usually, I just go with a couple friends, and we get away from school and just relax, it feels so good to just relax with your friends and catch fish, but there is a problem with going with people around the college here. If you find a good spot to fish, then the next day it seems like the whole college is at your spot fishing. That really makes me mad sometimes.

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 

Alone, usually because I just go where I want to go and I am stubborn when someone else tells me where to go. Plus if he thinks I am a bad driver, he won't shutup the whole time. I don't like sharing my fishing secrets either with just anyone.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I fish alone about 80% of the time.  I like the time away from noise and the hustle and bustle.  I have a couple of fishing partners, and the main one is my wife.  Our trouble is that she is almost strictly a crappie fisherman and I love to fish for bass.  This does lead to an occasional disagreement on the water. :-/

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

NAH its more fun when the fish are there too  ::) Actually 90% of the time I fish with my frien Ron and we always have a blast

fishing user avatarPeterF reply : 

I like fishing with my fishing buddy. The build up is the best. 3 days of talking crap about how the other doesn't know what he's doing. My last outing with my buddy I was up 8 to 0. I caught the next fish while he was looking for a worm and I let the fish slap him around a little (priceless)  ;D.

fishing user avatarJ@k3 01s3n reply : 

I usually go bassin alone too. Mostly its because no one really likes to fish for as long of a period of time as I do. My wife tends to get bored after a little while(she's getting better), and my father-in-law only throws hula poppers and rat-l-traps, and so after about an hour or two of nothing he gives up. Its not that I don't like to fish with others, but I don't like the burden of time constraints. That said, I do like to take my wife, son, and sister bluegill fishing. We all catch plenty and have a good time. I also will go bobber fishing for whatever the water offers with my family a couple times a summer. Its all a matter of balance for me. I have my serious bass fishing days, and then I have my leisure days with the family.

fishing user avatarvtbassin reply : 

I do both. I have a couple of buddies that will stay in the boat as long as I do. I also have a friend who is an occasional fisherman and he has the best time when I get him onto some bass. :o I love the look on his face when he sets the hook into a big fish. :o Sometimes I just need to get out of the house and typically I will go alone at the last minute. 8-) I have also had a couple of people want to go out fishing and then show up at the house empty handed. I will usually dig out a couple of ugly sticks for them and go out for a while. They are not the all day 1/2 the night type ;)

fishing user avatarball_coach_1 reply : 

Depends on my mood....I like to fish with others that take it seriously, and make for fun conversation, or teach me new techniques on the water....many of my most fond memories are times with buddies on the waters and recalling stories later.  BUT, most of the time, my best fishing days are alone with a specific plan and only having a solitary relationship with nature.

fishing user avatarDon_B reply : 

I prefer fishing alone when out on my jet. I will take my kids anytime that they want to go, which is every now and then. I will take a friend with me maybe about once or twice a year though.

I tried to fish with a guy on a sort of regular basis, but it was awful. He never offered to pay for anything, and his talking about himself over and over just made me want to just jump into the river/or out of the truck! I put an end to that after about three or four painful boat/truck trips.

I try to be prepared for just about any fishing situation, so I usually bring about 5-6 rods/reels and two small gear bags, which doesn't leave much space on the casting decks for someone else's gear.

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

I found this interesting.  I did a tally of who likes to fish alone / who likes to fish with someone else 50% OF THE TIME /  Fish with someone else most of the time.  Here's the tally:

Fish alone:  22

50/50:         8

Fish with others: 12

Seems most of us like to fish alone.  I wonder what that means?   Most of the reponses for fishing alone had to do with our desire to fish how/where/when and for how long without the constraints of having to deal with someone else's  patience..

A few who took others fihsing were taking kids.  

Others like the comradery of a fishing partner.


fishing user avatarreellittlephish reply : 

Yes, mostly go alone.  Just too cranky I guess.  Seriously it is cause I'll go at a moments notice and I have a schedule where it is difficualt to plan time off in advance.  I'm always trying to get my son to go, but has no interest right now.

fishing user avatarlubina reply : 

50/50 for me, I fish with my club and with other dedicated guys from my regional forum, in addition of my partner in buddy tourneys, in my area is more the rule that I know someone in most of the lakes that I usually go. I can't do it with the occasional fisherman and my family doesn't care about fishing at all. It is just the time for fishing is for me to valuable.

fishing user avatargajpb reply : 

I prefer to fish alone, but after several solo trips--nice long days on my own--I usually enjoy someone else in the boat. But there are only a few people I am fully comfortable fishing with because I KNOW they will give me their opinion on a spot or a lure instead of sayin, "You're driving, so whatever you think." I like having someone who is not afraid to say what they think. Also, I have a handheld transistor radio i got on ebay that pick up some local stations.

fishing user avatardoog reply : 

i fish with my buddy because we both have the same style of fishing and we think of the same things to try so it works out

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

When I fish ponds I don't mind to have someone come along.  But when I'm at a lake I prefer to fish alone.  Then I guess it all depends on what your fishing for.


Bass- alone

Catfish- bring friend

Crappie and Brean- bring friend


Bass, catfish, crappie, and bream-  take a friend

fishing user avatarTiki Stik reply : 

I'm very serious about my bass fishing, but I hate going alone.  :-/ To me, it's all about "sharing the moment". If I see a coon on the bank, looking for food, I want to be able to say "Hey, check that out!". Or if I catch a nice fish, I want to hold it up and say "Nice, huh?". Or just while casting... casting ... casting... I want someone to speak to. It's practically no fun for me....just sitting there alone.... waiting for a bite. The only problem is.... finding someone that can last sun-up to sun-down with me!!!!!!!! I can't understand these people that get out on water at 6am and then they are ready to go home at 10am. I hate that! It costs me just as much money to fish 4 hours as it does 10 hours. Plus, if I go home, the wife will want me to cut the yard! Screwww that!

fishing user avatarJus3263 reply : 

I fish with someone all of the time.  Its always good to have someone else there with you to ask for advice and to help with the boat, take pics. or help out with anything else or vice versa.  

fishing user avatarScootZilla reply : 

Well every time i go fishing me and my little cousin go he is 17 and iam 22 and we are pretty close.We both fish the same style most the time.But we fish on the other side from each other or about 20 to 30 feet away from each other so we dont bug each other.But we have a blast.



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