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Pictures of mounts? 2024

fishing user avatarmynameisgeorgel reply : 

Not trying to step on anyone's toes because I know some people are very anal about catch and release.  But I was wondering if any of you ever mount your trophys?  What's the minimum size that you would mount and do you have any pictures of current fish you have on the wall?

fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply : 

once in high school i mounted a 7.4 lb bass....

i would never do that now.

im all about catch and release..

i made a personal pact to myself that the only fish i would ever consider mounting again would have to be over 13lbs...

although i doubt i would....a few pics are more than enough..

as for pics of my mount....let me find some, or take some for that matter, and i'll post'em for ya....

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

It would have to be a state record for me because replica mounts look better and last longer.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

They cost so much that i would rather just have some good photos! If i ever did, it would have to be atleast over 15lbs! Although the Bass Pro Shop offers a free replica if you catch a big fish and donate it to there aquariums!

fishing user avatarMuad Dib reply : 

just get a replica mount they look awwwwwwwesome and you still are a conservationist. and the fishery will thank you

fishing user avatartallydude reply : 

Under NO circumstance would I keep a bass to have it mounted. If a fish is that nice, I'll get pictures and measurements and perhaps get a replica made. A fish like that is far more impressive swimming away.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I would mount any bass over 10lbs that died on me by accident due to its injuries from being caught.

I would never willfully kill a trophy class bass for a skin mount.

fishing user avatarmynameisgeorgel reply : 

I guess things are different around here.  Its hard to find a bass fisherman who doesnt have a few fish mounted.  If you catch a lunker, its common practice to put it on the wall.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

well.... some of us have limited wall space ;D

fishing user avatartallydude reply : 
I guess things are different around here. Its hard to find a bass fisherman who doesnt have a few fish mounted. If you catch a lunker, its common practice to put it on the wall.

I don't know about that. I think with most of the guys here, if you catch a lunker, you want to get it back in the water as soon as possible.

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
I guess things are different around here. Its hard to find a bass fisherman who doesnt have a few fish mounted. If you catch a lunker, its common practice to put it on the wall.

If I put it on my wall then how am I supposed to catch it again after it has grown larger?

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

here is a pic of a 7.5lber reproduction I had done years ago.  Well probably about 10 yrs ago now.

Kinda crappy pic too.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Man, that looks really cool! I have ALWAYS wanted a mount but have never had the heart to kill a big one! And i am too cheap to spend over $200 on a replica, LOL!!!

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 

Like bizz said, If a big girl died on me for some reason, I would definitely honor her and mount it.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Here's a replica of my 15.8.... it was supposed to be for my 16.5, but it looks so much closer in shape to the 15.8, so that's just what I call it....


And here's the replica for my 18.4. I LOVE this replica ;-) I think the closed mouth looks so natural.


BTW, both of these look WAY better in natural lighting (not with flash).

With replicas like these, theirs just no good reason to kill a big fish..... except maybe if your absolutely determined "to make sure you don't catch it again, when it has gotten even bigger" ! I mean, how terrible would that be ?!?!  :o



PS, I'd love to have all kinds of replicas, for all different species... like for all of my PB's..... but then, I'd love to have lots of $$$, and still play as much as I do, too  :)

I LOVE fish art :)

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 
once in high school i mounted a 7.4 lb bass....

Didn't the fins get in the way?

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

Not trying to step on anyones toes or Hijack this thread,But what does this particular topic have to do with"My tournament or Outing?"

Shouldnt this be moved to the General Section?

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
Not trying to step on anyone's toes because I know some people are very anal about catch and release. But I was wondering if any of you ever mount your trophys? What's the minimum size that you would mount and do you have any pictures of current fish you have on the wall?

How many have you mounted ?

fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

Our home only has one mount and that was when my son caught his first fish on a Senko, a 6.2lb from our local lake.  He was six.  It is his prized possession.

fishing user avatarcato reply : 

I have no desire to mount a bass period. If the fish is big enough that I feel the need to show it off then some pictures will do and if its REALLY big I will dish out the money for a replica. I have seen so many people around here keep every single thing they catch and that just pi$$es me off. On a side note I do believe that if someone's kid catches a very nice bass and wants it mounted I couldn't argue with that.

fishing user avatartallydude reply : 
once in high school i mounted a 7.4 lb bass....

Didn't the fins get in the way?


fishing user avatarmynameisgeorgel reply : 

I've got one bass mounted and had one north Georgia trout mounted that my dad did for me when I was younger cause it was my first fish.  The bass I had mounted was the biggest I've ever caught in the 16 years I've been fishing.  I don't mount everything I catch, i've got pictures of fish between 3-9lbs that I just put back.

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 
I guess things are different around here. Its hard to find a bass fisherman who doesnt have a few fish mounted. If you catch a lunker, its common practice to put it on the wall.

yeah its common practice in your part of the country. replica mounts are getting really popular.

fishing user avatarbassmajor reply : 

WOW.  this thread has really opened my eyes.  My FIL is a taxidermist and a hunter which means he has lots of mounts in his house.  I've always thought they looked pretty cool.  Since I've known him I've gotten a few things mounted, both animals and fish.  I like looking at them and remembering the hunt/fishing trip (I do the same thing...I have a bunch of them too).  I always told myself I'd only mount a LMB if it was over 8lbs....BIG for my neck of the woods.  Now I am going to really consider a replica.  I've always thought I had a respect for wildlife, but now if I do catch that big mama I'll take it too  the next level by lettin' her swim and skipping the skin mount.    

fishing user avatarbassmajor reply : 
Here's a replica of my 15.8.... it was supposed to be for my 16.5, but it looks so much closer in shape to the 15.8, so that's just what I call it....


And here's the replica for my 18.4. I LOVE this replica ;-) I think the closed mouth looks so natural.


BTW, both of these look WAY better in natural lighting (not with flash).

With replicas like these, theirs just no good reason to kill a big fish..... except maybe if your absolutely determined "to make sure you don't catch it again, when it has gotten even bigger" ! I mean, how terrible would that be ?!?! :o



PS, I'd love to have all kinds of replicas, for all different species... like for all of my PB's..... but then, I'd love to have lots of $$$, and still play as much as I do, too :)

I LOVE fish art :)

I love the closed mouth replica too.  Cuz you know she's had THAT look 99.9% of the time.  But YOU were the one who convinced her to open it just ONE time.....and that's all it took!  WTG!!!

fishing user avatarBassnMan Mike reply : 

Fish Chris, who did the mounts for you? They look great!

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Thanks guys. Hey Bass-Mike, Lake Fork Taxidermy did my 15.8 replica. They do really good work, but at the time, they did not have too many really big bass blanks (say 15 to 18 lb'ers) to choose from.

Robert Munoz of Robert's Fish Mounts (from So Cal) did they 18.4. He does REALLY good work, at REALLY good prices, and has the best selection of giant bass blanks / molds of anybody on the planet. Unfortunately, it's probably harder to "catch him" and get a job set up, than it is to catch an 18 lb'er in the first place :-(

But anyway......



fishing user avatarEddie Munster reply : 

I tip my cap to those who choose to put the fish back in and get a replica mount (if anything). Unless it's a record fish, measure it, take several pics then let her go.

However, if I caught an 15 lber I might give the local Bass Pro Shop a call to see if they'd give me a mount if I give them the fish for their tank.

Nice mounts Chris and way to go for putting them back.   8-)

fishing user avatarfivesixone reply : 
Didn't the fins get in the way?

;D ;D ;D

I would never do a skin mount. If I catch a monster worth mounting, you better believe she's goin' back in the lake to get fatter!! I'd either get a replica or blow-up a picture of me holding it and frame it! ;D

fishing user avatar-HAWK- reply : 

Incredible replica mounts Fishchris! That is some the best work I have seen.  

fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 

wow....i need to move to california lol..

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

In 1986 i had my 10.4 mounted my grandma paid for it im gonna do pics but this was a while back the mount aint new looking  :)

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Lake fork taxidermy that mounted FC first bass is verry good. Roberts fishmounts and Lyons and Ohaver are world class and are quite a bit better then lake fork taxidermy as you can see by looking at those pics. I perfect blue ribbon competition skinmount can only looks as good as FC second fish. However it will most likely never even look close to that good. a replica gives you a canvas that is 95% good. A good taxidermist can easily make it 99%

Most skin mounts are around 75% good and they get worse and worse with age. You never see replicas with deformed bodies, over tourqued mouths and overstreached fins but those are common traits with skin mounts. Also replicas will look freash for as long as you have them with a little dusting. Skin mounts get yellow and cracked and even more deformed with age. FishChris's beatiful mounts will look just like they do now 20 years from now as long as they stay out of direct sunlight and he doesnt drop them. Replicas are more natural and they are superior in ever way. If I accidentaly kill a big bass I will honor it by making a mold of it and then make a replica.  

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Hey Matt

Replicas are more natural and they are superior in ever way. If I accidentaly kill a big bass I will honor it by making a mold of it and then make a replica.

Exactly ! In fact, if you played your cards right (hooked up with the right people) you might even be able to "donate" your accidentaly killed big bass, and after they use it to make 2 or 3 molds, they might pay you back with one of the finished replicas :-)

I've already had that offer for a big Smallie.... I just can't bring myself to purposely kill a big Smallie....



fishing user avatarjoshuaryan reply : 

It's too pricey to get it mounted.  I'm happy with a couple of pictures and the feeling of releasing the big girl.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Well "too pricey" is subjective of course. I mean people pay 10's of thousands of $ for little rocks made out of hard carbon ! Now to me, their couldn't be a bigger waste of $$$.

The way I look at is, true art of any kind, is expensine..... But I LOVE true art. Which is why even though I'm a poor guy, the $800 or so, that I spent on my two replicas was money VERY well spent.

BTW, I agree that photos are a great way to preserve the memory also....

But then they had better be GOOD photos. Their are just so many guys who don't even carry a camera on every trip ??? ......or, nearly as bad, guys who think they can just use one of those rediculous cell phone cameras  :o :-/

Geeez, I can't wait to be on the water tomorrow :-)



fishing user avatarmynameisgeorgel reply : 

to tell you the truth, i don't see much difference from killing a deer with the purpose of mounting it.  There are 100's of hunting shows dedicated to killing trophy whitetails, whats the difference in fishing?  Sure you put the bass back to let it grow,  just like you can let a deer walk with the intent on letting it get bigger.  Or if you feel like this deer or fish is the biggest you've ever seen or caught, why not save that trophy?

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Submittd via email by Tom Young

The replica mount bass I'm holding is 19.3 lbs., lake Castaic, March 5, 1993, caught on a hair jig with Super Pork trailer. Roberts Fish Mounts,, Robert Munoz; 626/222.1366

For your information, none of my giant bass were targeted bed fish; they were caught in deep water staging during pre spawn.


fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

LBH that mount is AWESOME!!!    :o

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 


fishing user avatarmynameisgeorgel reply : 

LBH, how much did that replica cost

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
Submittd via email by Tom Young

The replica mount bass I'm holding is 19.3 lbs., lake Castaic, March 5, 1993, caught on a hair jig with Super Pork trailer. Roberts Fish Mounts,, Robert Munoz; 626/222.1366

For your information, none of my giant bass were targeted bed fish; they were caught in deep water staging during pre spawn.


OK, now you have a name and face that goes with WRB.

This mount was made in 1993 just before the '94 earthquake. As you can see the mount looks like new and received only minor fin damage as a result of the quake that did over 100K damage to my home.

Today their isn't any reason to have a skin mount or to kill a bass to have it mounted. You need a photo of the bass and it's length and girth measurements.

This bass was 29" long with 28 1/2'" girth, a true giant.


PS, LBH; thank you posting the photo, know how to catch them, not post them.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
LBH, how much did that replica cost

The price back 1993, when this was mounted, was $12 per inch and I believe it's about the same today for a high quality replica mount.


aka; WRB

fishing user avatarMike__D reply : 

I too have one fish mounted. Though it was my dad that had it done seeing as though i was only 7.

I would never mount another fish just for a keep sake.


fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 

7.8 Lbs 23 1/2" Replica


fishing user avatarumahunter reply : 

farthest ive gone is to print out a digital pic i just cant justify taken a biggen outta the gene pool ive caught  a couple lunkers and have caught many of them more than once  i would much rather have a replica vs killing a big fish maker  

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Pitchinkid that is a very nice replica. Who did the work and how much if ya dont mind me asking

fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 

Bass Pro Actually. My dad got it done for me for Christmas. I caught it earlier that July and took measurements and he kept asking me what they were and to my surprise he ordered the replica mount. Im not sure the cost but i think somewhere between $250 - $300. Thats with a driftwood mount and a little plaque and delivery of course. I was quite pleased with it. The picture really dont do it justice. One of the better replica mounts ive seen.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Not a bass, dont have any of those.

Here is a pic of a 25" Brown Trout caught on a dry fly (caddis)

Disregard the swimbaits   ;D

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

19" Brook Trout caught on a Wooly Bugger

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

19" Palomino

fishing user avatarbenito reply : 

My PB - 9lb, 12 oz....Done by Lake Fork Taxidermy - VERY pleased with their work (looks better in person - without flash, and the color us more natural in person)



fishing user avatarmynameisgeorgel reply : 

all those look great


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