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'Bass fishing bullies', or what??? 2024

fishing user avatarOldbritguy reply : 

It was the opening day of our Ontario bass season, last Saturday. I was anchored in my little aluminum flatbottom jonboat, quietly trying to finesse some visible clearwater largemouth by pitching plastic craws into the weeds on my favourite spot, just 300 yards from my dock.

A glittering 250+HP 'tournament-style' bass boat roars out of nowhere, two well-decorated guys plus large dog on board, plus array of about a dozen or more rods, etc etc. drops to a halt about 50 yards from me, zooms in closer using electric motor, and starts slinging large spinnerbaits crashing into the water within a few feet of where I'm fishing. My visible bass quickly become invisible. . .

Not being used to this kind of intimidating situation, I quietly pull up my anchor and row away, wondering if this is what serious bass fisherman consider normal behaviour. If so, I can understand the antagonism of many of my local friends against tournament fishing in general, and tournament fisherrmen in particular. . .

My question is: are there any 'unwritten' rules regarding how close one should approach other fishing boats. Is there any code of behaviour among serious bass fishermen regarding consideration for other people already using the same piece of water? Or is it a simple case of " big powerful well-equipped bassboat with 'professional-looking' equipment and occupants, takes precedence over scruffy little aluminum jonboat with 9.9 HP and oars, manned by old man in straw hat trying to finesse fish in the weeds".

I was pretty disgusted by the whole scenario. Went back to my house and watched them through binoculars. Didn't see them catch a thing for half an hour, when they took off screaming away down the bay, as fast as they arrived.

Incidentally, went back out again later and had five nice bass, plus two small pike from the same general area. (Bass returned, pike kept).

Any comments, you 'serious bassbusters'? Do you feel you have more rights to the water and the fish than us "amateurs"?

How would YOU handle this kind of situation if it happened to you, ( presuming you were also 75 years old and just trying to enjoy a quiet morning's bass fishing. . . ?)

fishing user avatarFrogman reply : 

Well theres not really alot that you can do other than start bouncing Rat L Traps off that nice fiberglass bass boat. Lol..JK Don't do that!  ha!  General rule in a tournament is 50 yards of another boat anchored or with trolling motor down.  Most people ive met tournament fishing have been great sportsmen and great people who would not intrude on anyone, but as with everything you have your bad apples!

fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 

next time it happens just take off all your clothes and start fishing naked. i promise...they will leave ;D

fishing user avatarDiablos reply : 

You did the right thing by just leaving. We all have bad moments on the water where you feel like a bit of your manhood has been stripped. There is nothing worse then feeling inferior.

With that being said, just think of all the good times you have fishing. I don't think anyone here can't say that 99% of their fishing time has been peaceful and fun.

Most of my 1% stress comes from boat ramp shenanigans. The tournament guys here know this too because they are guilty of this. If you are at lake/pond and their tournament is over and you want to pull your boat out, forget it! They will cut you in line to make sure their "crew" gets out first. You have to spend an extra 20-30minutes on the water or face the possibility of 20 aggressive men. It's usually my only gripe of water etiquette.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

That is the kind of behavior that gives all tournament fishermen a bad name. As in any any activity there are always a few...

I would find out who put the tourny on, and contact the Director. Maybe it helps in the future. As far as what I would have done; I would have told them very clearly that I didn't appreciate their pirating my spot, and that I had their hull number, intended to notify the Director and the Dept. of Natural Resources (or whatever the controlling agency) of their conduct.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Its an unfortunate incident, but the boat has nothing to do with it.

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

I don't fish anywhere near anyone, and don't even like to drive the boat past people that are fishing... my lake is not that big, so sometimes it's unavoidable, but if possible i'd rather go a lil out of my way to not disturb someone's spot.

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

J Franch is right - it ain't the boat, it's the boater - the thing is it happens all the time - but some of my greatest thrills have been pulling a "big ol' pig" right out from under their boat - that happens sometimes, too.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

Stories like these really make me love the fact that I fish small lakes that get little to no fishing pressure.  Stuff like that would make my agent orange act up.  I'd get incredibly PO'd at that.

fishing user avatarevrgladesbasser reply : 
I don't fish anywhere near anyone, and don't even like to drive the boat past people that are fishing... my lake is not that big, so sometimes it's unavoidable, but if possible i'd rather go a lil out of my way to not disturb someone's spot.


Tell those "well decorated" guys to kiss your butt. I would have started casting my lines right across their bow cause that crap just don't fly with me. And if they push the issue I could tell you how to put your oars to good use.

To answer your question, NO, a big boat has no more rights than a dingy. Hearing this kind of thing ticks me off so freakin much...... Sorry you had to deal with this crap dang that ticks me off

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 
That is the kind of behavior that gives all tournament fishermen a bad name. As in any any activity there are always a few...

I would find out who put the tourny on, and contact the Director. Maybe it helps in the future. As far as what I would have done; I would have told them very clearly that I didn't appreciate their pirating my spot, and that I had their hull number, intended to notify the Director and the Dept. of Natural Resources (or whatever the controlling agency) of their conduct.

X2...K Mac is right and this is the correct way to react ;) Sorry to hear that happened to you. I also despise those who do that regardless of the situation and asking them to keep their distance is absolutely your right. Those who refuse deserve reporting.

I'm just glad that there are more Terrific Folks on the water than disrespectful pukes.

Big O

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

No I would not do that to anyone I would have politely asked permission, after all you were there first and if the answer was no I would have given you enough room to fish your spot without disturbing you, Most likely at least 100 yards or would have just moved on to another spot.

Sorry to hear about your encounter please don't think that all of the people out there are like that.

You did what you felt to be the right thing to do and I applaud you for doing so ( well with the exception of the spy glasses ;D ) But you should feel good about going back and catching fish it shows that you have a lot more wisdom than they did good job.

fishing user avatarunageo09 reply : 

Our 40 hp motor doesn't make all that big a wake but we always slow near people who are anchored fishing, especially catfishing. We usually try to stay 50-100 yards away from someone. If we are drifting and someone is anchored, we'll just take the trolling motor and go well around them and try to make as little impact on them as possible. Fishing during the week seems to help a lot too. Less boat traffic to contend with and most of the fisherman are respectable. Had I been in the same position as you, i would have probably just motored away too to another spot and come later just to avoid confrontation.

fishing user avatarNBR reply : 

Proof that some jerks fish T's but my experience  has been that most T guys are courtious.

fishing user avatarSenkoman12 reply : 

that just breaks the "code of fishing", when i ever see someone fishing i will give them lots of space and dont go into a spot where there is other fisherman and if someone invades me i just return the favor of being a jerk

fishing user avatarmrclean77 reply : 

I gotta be honest, that kinda thing would raise my blood pressure, but after reading the whole story, I see it:

Oldbritguy - 1 (or 5 or 7, however you wanna look at it)

well-decorated guys - 0


fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

I don't think I would have left. I would have politely asked them to move elsewhere. I have been on the water in a tin boat while a tourney was going on, and none of the guys/gals in the tourney were so disrespectful as to do something like that. In fact a few them asked if they could fish in some of pockets, or small coves we were in, we always let them in..and wished them luck.

If they refused to back off, I would have contacted the tourney director to tell him about the situation. I guess it's my old age..and the old adage, don't tread on me pops up more often these days.. ;D

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

This is a sad commentary on what is pure rudeness.  The person who acted so poorly most likely has the same or a similar attitude in his other behaviors.  You were and are the sportsman and the gentleman in this scenario.  Enjoy the rest of your fishing season !!!!!!

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

fishing the twin cities here in MN it happens constantly it doesn't even bother me any more. the ones who do though are the water skiers, on the lake I fish they are always out around 6 30 and set up a course right around one of the best areas on the lake to fish, and of course they have to be 30 yards behind me though I have had them run, pulling a guy 20 feet from me between me and the edge of the cover I was working after the third pass calls were made. but thats another topic, I guess people are just arrogant every where you go just ignore them and don't move they will move on eventually.

fishing user avatarbasser223 reply : 
next time it happens just take off all your clothes and start fishing naked. i promise...they will leave ;D


fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 

I am sure those guys take their arrogance and rudeness with them where ever they go. Enter them in the " butt head " column.

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 
My question is: are there any 'unwritten' rules regarding how close one should approach other fishing boats. Is there any code of behaviour among serious bass fishermen regarding consideration for other people already using the same piece of water?

I don't know anything about tournaments, but my own code is that the first person there owns that piece of water. Whether fishing on the bank, or from the boat, I imagine an arc around them that represents their casting distance, and I make sure MY cast doesn't end up in their water. My lakes here aren't crowded and I have plenty of water left to fish using this policy...

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Trust me there all over out there.

We were circling a school of weak fish in long iland sound trolling and picking them off a little at a time when a clown roars right into the school and stands up and casts out and drove them down.

My buddy who just got back from nam had his dads new boat out fishing anchored when a guy came up right against his dads boat. My buddy pulled anchor and moved and the guy followed him. He them bumped his dads new boat so my buddy moved again and again the guy followed and bumped the new boat again. Well that was it my buddy lost it and pull his 45 and told the guy to move away or theres going to be a hole below his waterline. I felt bad for my buddy since the war he isn't wrapped too tight but he got pushed.

My brother was fishing on a local dock with about 50 other guys catching blue fish. A boat came in too close trolling and he hooked my brothers lure. The boat guy had words with my brother and the whole dock fired up and told the boat guy to come ashore. My brother had a 14' harnell custom rod and i could see his cast go farther than anyone elses. Plus my brother could press 175lbs barbell with one arm. He did cement work. Luckily the guy never came ashore.

I have more stories but there worse so i won't post them.

My job working for the engineering group put me on the road at times.  I was going from the wilds in the green mountains in VT on weekends to the heart of new york city to work during the week.  I knew already i liked it better with the wild animals in VT.  I went from zoo to zoo.

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

I can't say that I have ever had a problem with tournament fishermen encroaching on my water.  It's the bream (bluegill) fishermen around these parts that just can't seem to understand that you need to give other fishermen room.

There is one old man on Lake Talquin that has twice pulled in within 30 feet of me.  Both times I asked him what he thought he was doing and all he would say is, "Dis is my bream hole."

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

I've had similar problems develop over the years. Especially fishing deep, off-shore structures for smallies. Some fishermen "know" my boat and deliberately follow me around. They feel they can capture a "short cut" to success I guess? That's when I usually take them "for a ride" and sight seeing tour. They usually get fed up after about 15 min. of being run around pointlessly.

I had one guy zoom up on me like that once and park his rig barely a cast (short cast) away from me. Now understand, this is a HUGE reservoir and there are plenty of off-shore structures to fish. I calmly pulled anchor my anchor and moved up right along side the dude's boat (I'm talking about being right along side him, almost touching!) and started fishing. When asked what I was doing, I asked, "You don't like it? Then why do it to me?" They moved, I didn't.

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

I always ask and never assume. If I see a boat coming to me while in my spot, I'll ask if they are in a tournament. Most times I troll to a different area and let them have it, but only if I am just out fishing for fun. If I am pre-fishing or in a tournament, I'll move on after I've worked it good.

Most of what I worry about are the cruisers or family boaters literally coming at me top speed then finally "seeing me" and turning at the last second. I've been doused by their wake or nearly knocked off the boat by the wake.

fishing user avatarNebraska Bassin reply : 

Most of the tournament fishermen I know wouldn't do that sort of thing, even if a weekend fisherman was in their usual spot during a tournament.

fishing user avatarTuckman reply : 

People who do this enough get a bad reputation. The worst thing a tournament fisherman can have is a bad rep.

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

I know this isn't the best solution, but when this happens and I'm on fish and the bite stops, sometimes I get so P.O.'d I crank up the big motor and blast off right in front of them and try to continue on the path I think they will be fishing. This is probably the equivalent of road rage by getting cut off.

On smaller natural lakes I fish, there does not seen to be any etiquette. The locals tend to be the worst, and I'm a local. I wouldn't think of pulling 30 yards in front of another boat and fishing the same drop or weedline he is fishing as I would hope noone does that to

me. But it happens more than I would like so the only way to let them know is to blast off as close to them as you can get and hope they get the message. I'm 6'3" and can take care of myself, but have never needed to.

Maybe keep this in mind. Violence is never the correct solution but opening someones eyes can wake them up.

Tournament or not, we all pay the license fees which entitle us to fish where we please

so I don't care if someone is fishing a tournament or not. This could be my only day in the month I can get out. I don't appreciate someone thinking they have more right to a spot because they are in a tournament. I would move off from the Elite pros if nothing else, just to watch them.

Difference is, they would ask me if it's O.K to share the water.

fishing user avatarHitmanFO reply : 

I play blind and dumb... I don't see anything, I don't do anything different, "oops, sorry, didn't realize you were there" as I cast right where they cast, cast beside their boat, etc.  They know when they are being rude... they just don't care.  So, I play the same game, right back at'em.  In every situation like that I've been in so far, it's just a matter of minutes before they get bored with playing games instead of fishing and they move off. 

Of course, I've been the guilty party before, accidentally cutting off a guy that I thought was maintaining his position when he was actually drifting a flat... just a simple "hey man, you're cutting me off" is enough for me to apologize and move out... whoops.  No need for cursing or violence!

fishing user avatargarland7 reply : 

I have been in those scenario's before, and they are flat out wrong! he obviously didn't read my blog on ethics. Sorry it happened to you, but as stated, this is normally the exception instead of the rule.

fishing user avatarBig Tom reply : 

There are idiots all over the world.  Some of them just happen to like tournament fishing.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Why is this even about tournaments?  Nothing was said that they were in a tournament.  Many own bass boats, and don't fish tournaments.

Really, this is simply about etiquette and perception.  It sounds like those guys would have probably done the same thing in a kayak or float tube.

fishing user avatarBig Tom reply : 

I thought his post made it sound as if they were dressed to be in a tournament.  Maybe I shouldn't have assumed that.

In any case, it doesn't take long to figure out that we share our waters with some truly idiotic individuals.

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

Well i wouldn't blame them for the whole roaring out of the place things because if u spend 40 grand on a boat your gonna use it.If you had one like it im pretty sure you'd do it too. But yea it really grinds my gears when we'll be fishing a bridge piling or a big ol tully stretch and these tournament guys pull up 50 feet ahead of us and cut us of.And what makes me mad the most is that they act completely normal like they think its okay and they just sset down the trolling motor and start fishing like nothing happened and everythings fine.Talk about horrible fishing ethics

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 
Its an unfortunate incident, but the boat has nothing to do with it.

Exactly. Just because they have a nice boat doesn't mean they're stuck up jerks, even know what they did was wrong.I bet youd like to have a boat like that and if you got one that doesn't mean your a tournament beasty whos inconsiderate of everyone else.Just a couple of bad apples like everyone else said

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 
I don't fish anywhere near anyone, and don't even like to drive the boat past people that are fishing... my lake is not that big, so sometimes it's unavoidable, but if possible i'd rather go a lil out of my way to not disturb someone's spot.


Tell those "well decorated" guys to kiss your butt. I would have started casting my lines right across their bow cause that crap just don't fly with me. And if they push the issue I could tell you how to put your oars to good use.

To answer your question, NO, a big boat has no more rights than a dingy. Hearing this kind of thing ticks me off so freakin much...... Sorry you had to deal with this crap dang that ticks me off


fishing user avatarcufishin reply : 
I've had similar problems develop over the years. Especially fishing deep, off-shore structures for smallies. Some fishermen "know" my boat and deliberately follow me around. They feel they can capture a "short cut" to success I guess? That's when I usually take them "for a ride" and sight seeing tour. They usually get fed up after about 15 min. of being run around pointlessly.

I had a similar thing happen on the Puget Sound, a buddy and I were fishing our favorite bottom fish spot drifting over a drop-off and had some guys in a big cruiser try to mimic our pattern. We caught a small ling cod and decided to have some fun, we used a small hook, about 100' of line and a balloon to rig up our "marker buoy" to the ling cod. We knew that the ling would go back to his 70' deep hole that was 20-30 yards away from the drop-off. We spent the next 45 min trying not to laugh loud enough for them to hear us, never seen anyone have so much trouble positioning a boat close to a marker.

After they left we pulled the ling back in and release it unharmed. Of course we knew he was fine the whole time the way he had been swimming around.

fishing user avatarDockhead reply : 

I have been pulled in on by guys fishing tournaments and I've been pulled in on when I was fishing a tournament by guys that weren't. It happens in all kinds of different

scenarios but it's always the same guys, just wearing different clothes.

(If you know what I mean.)

I think the biggest problem is this whole deal keeps paying itself forward. Somebody gets cut-off, then they figure they have the right to do it to others. It's contagious to a lot of people unfortunately.

For example:

I was fishing a draw tourney in a small club, and as I pulled in through the fog I saw someone from the club working the shoreline I was headed towards. I told my co-angler we should just move on down so I sped off. When we got down there he chided me saying that the other guy would have butted in on me so I should have done it to him. I didn't say much about it.

Then at the end of the day we pulled into a cove to get out of a fierce wind. It had maybe 10 docks in it, we started at the first. The 3rd had a brush pile off the front. We weren't there 2 minutes when that same boat that I stayed away from earlier pulls in, on the third dock. I felt kind of stupid, because of course the co-angler couldn't stop talking about it and saying he told me so. Still, I knew I did the right thing and that is what matters to me. I just told him that's not my style.

But I'm sure that situation just reinforced his philosophy of, "Do unto others before they do it to you."

fishing user avatarVABassin'14 reply : 

I have been cut off by people in boats while fishing on the bank, but they don't make me as mad as idiots on jet skis when I'm on a boat. Some of them idiots act like they own the lake and that you aren't even there.

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

I've had more than a few incidents where anglers have used their boat to position themselves in front of where I am fishing; even my kids... I normally find that if you politely ask them to move on they will.

Its unfortunate that people choose to act like that...

fishing user avatarLocked reply : 

i would have to say my first second and third reaction would be to tie on the biggest heaviest lure in my box and start casting directly at them and their boat.  but i would then be just like the two idiots on the boat...  after thinking about it,  you did the right thing.  i don't know if i would've been man enough to do the same.

fishing user avatarchromedog reply : 


We have had that happen and usually a "hey, we are fishing here" works.  As long as I can't cast and hit your boat then I am usually ok.  Anything closer, well, I have been known to speak my mind.  That usually solves the problem.  But I like the naked idea.

The one that bothers me is people launching and putting their boats on trailers.  Give people enough room and courtesy.  It isn't rocket science. 

fishing user avatarGale1980 reply : 

one thing i didn't see mentioned was. ignorance... maybe these guys had no clue what they were doing was rude...??? even with a 50k bass boat and jerseys that doesnt make them tenured or knowledgable fishermen. i have had this happen a few times and i just calmly say something to them and most go away. it would suprise you how many don't even know what they did is wrong. the ones that do and stay i just ask them next time if they wanna ride and fish together it will save some gas... :)

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

It seems a code of ethics only works with people who give a darn.   >:(There is, evidently, a certain percentage of folks who think that being in a tourney or have a fast, expensive boat gives them certain "entitlements."  Fortunately, they are the exception rather than the rule.  But like the one piece of trash that's thrown on a lawn, it's that trash that catches the eye rather than the other 99% of the lawn where there isn't garbage.  "Garbage" is a good word for the folks you've described.  I think I would've asked if they were finishing a tournament and, if they said yes, asked what the club/tourney was and who the president was.  If they refused to say, a lot of lakes require tournaments to register and you could find out that way.  Anyway, I wouldn't do anything unethical (though I'd be tempted) but I would make their actions be known to their peers.

fishing user avatarIncheon Basser reply : 
next time it happens just take off all your clothes and start fishing naked. i promise...they will leave ;D


Thats sounds like something Mike I would do lol

fishing user avatarrboat reply : 

I have the department of game and fish for my state on speed dial. I simply whip out the cell phone and report the incident. I can't tell you how many personal watercraft hull numbers I have reported for reckless and dangerous operating to close to me while I am trying to fish.  They take it serious and give me a report number that is being filed. I hope they catch the scoundrels and slap a big fine on them, and that cash goes to improve fishing!

P.S. I have also reported idiots at the ramp for taking way too long to load or unload.  >:(

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
I have the department of game and fish for my state on speed dial. I simply whip out the cell phone and report the incident. I can't tell you how many personal watercraft hull numbers I have reported for reckless and dangerous operating to close to me while I am trying to fish. They take it serious and give me a report number that is being filed. I hope they catch the scoundrels and slap a big fine on them, and that cash goes to improve fishing!

P.S. I have also reported idiots at the ramp for taking way too long to load or unload. >:(

What law did the offending party break?

fishing user avatarNebraska Bassin reply : 
I have the department of game and fish for my state on speed dial. I simply whip out the cell phone and report the incident. I can't tell you how many personal watercraft hull numbers I have reported for reckless and dangerous operating to close to me while I am trying to fish. They take it serious and give me a report number that is being filed. I hope they catch the scoundrels and slap a big fine on them, and that cash goes to improve fishing!

P.S. I have also reported idiots at the ramp for taking way too long to load or unload. >:(

What law did the offending party break?


Littering and... littering and... littering and... littering and...

Actually, I think he was just kidding.  :P

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
I have the department of game and fish for my state on speed dial. I simply whip out the cell phone and report the incident. I can't tell you how many personal watercraft hull numbers I have reported for reckless and dangerous operating to close to me while I am trying to fish. They take it serious and give me a report number that is being filed. I hope they catch the scoundrels and slap a big fine on them, and that cash goes to improve fishing!

P.S. I have also reported idiots at the ramp for taking way too long to load or unload. >:(

Someone gets their feathers ruffled a little easy. I hope you report legit incidents and not just because people are to close to you. I was fishing docks one time and a guy called the cops and said I was fishing on his property and was too close to his boat. lol

Don't think all guys with bass boats are tools. Although if they are both dressed up in tournament jerseys and fun fishing they are in my book.

Next time just tie on a big c-rig sinker and take off some gel-coat.   ;D

fishing user avatarKC Bass Fanatic reply : 

Unfortunately this scene is becoming more and more common.  There is some unwritten etiquette: 50 yards behind a boat, 100 yards in front...etc

I can't tell you how many times I get cut off when someone buzzes me on the outboard only to drop their trolling motor 40 yards AHEAD of me.

Most tourney fishermen know better, unfortunately the ones that don't or don't care are increasing.

fishing user avatarDean reply : 

start raisin your pirate flag, gets em' to go every time

fishing user avatarrboat reply : 

Trust me Burley, reckless operating of any watercraft is against the law. Also parking your shizzit on the ramp so no one can use it is also against code for loitering.


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