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Who introduced you to fishing? 2024

fishing user avatarbenzo73 reply : 

My grandfather and grandmother got me started as a kid, I remember leaving before sunrise those are the best memories I have as a kid. I take my boys as much as I can hope they say the same down the road.

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

I grew up on a farm - it wasn't our farm but we lived there because my Dad worked for the man who owned it.  There was a creek that ran through the farm and I spent most of my time on the creek while growing up.  Ther was a low-water dam just down the hill that created a pond for the cattle to be able to drink and the spill way beyond the dam created a pool that was always full of sunfish.  I can remember Sunday afternoons when my parents, grandparents and I would spend our time catching these little critters one right after another.  I also had uncles who liked to fish on the river and would take me with them sometimes.  We moved to town when I was 14 and there was a pond behind our house that was off limits to me for fishing, but I managed to slip in there quite often and caught my biggest catfish ever from there.  I was 16 the first time I fished from a boat that a friend of mine had -- probably a 10 footer/no motor (outboard or trolling)-- we had to row out on the lake.  I can't remember a time when I didn't fish, but I guess my Dad loved it as much as I do, he just had to work so much that he didn't get the time to very often.  I'm sure I got my start because of him.

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

Like every kid in the world, I remember my dad taking me crappy fishing when I was a little kid. But c'mon, that's not real fishing.

I learned how to bass fish on my own. I started about the same time as one of my good friends and we've been hardcore fishing together for about 10+ years now.  At first we started out mostly salt-water fishing in Tampa Bay for snook and whatnot and then I slowly turned into a bass fisherman (because I'm stuck in Orlando).

I'm now teaching other a few other friends how to bass fish.  Right off the bat, they're getting set up with nice rods, reels, Power Pro, Senkos, Trick Worms etc... all the stuff that took me 10+ years of time and money to learn.  

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

My father introduced me to fishing. I remember crying when I was 5 because my dad was leaving to go to the store to get drinks for our fishing trip and I tought he was going fishing without me. Besides that great memories with my dad.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

I'm kind of like Gobbledog.  My dad intoduced me to fishing at a pretty early age, but I taught myself how to bass fish pretty much on my own.  Then I got my dad into bass fishing.

fishing user avatarTriton21 reply : 

My Brother got me started as soon as I could walk.  I was lucky enough to grow up within 50 feet of what Field and Stream wrote in 1958 "The Best Smallmouth Stream in the Eastern United States".  I started out with some sewing thread and a bent pin.  Caught my first bass(Smallmouth) on a cricket at age 3.  I am 62 and have fished all my life(up to now).  I Live to FISH.


fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

My Dad. We started out (at least what I remember) with trout derbies. Of course, I was always one of the kids to get atleast a little wet! LOL!

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

my grandfather started me on bream and perch.i started going bass fishing at 15 with my he got me started on bassin'.

fishing user avatarbenzo73 reply : 

My father did'nt enjoy fishing till he was older, I tought him everything he knows(lol). We went up to grand lake last year we we're fishing with rapalas #9 floating minnows we probably were there for 15 minutes tops when he I heard him say oh s#!t! I said did you get snagged he said I hooked myself I thought he was joking sure enough he had the rear treble in his coat the other in his middle finger. I forgot my multi tool at my truck so I had to run about a mile back to get it I drove as close as I could ran back cut it loose from his coat. I said lets go home he insisted I keep fishing and he would get it out. So now I am back fishing he says got it,I run over to see he cut the hook out I still can't believe he cut it out.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

I can remember when I was about 5 is when my grandfather took me.  Now I take him as much as possible.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
I can remember when I was about 5 is when my grandfather took me. Now I take him as much as possible.

That 's because you 're a good egg GLoomisman, good to see that you take care of your elders.

I wish I could say my dad or my grandpa introduced me to fishing  :-/, in my case such thing never happened, it was one of my dad 's friends the one who introduced me to fishing. This person is extremely wealthy and owns a ranch called "Santa Helena" in the mountains that surround the city of Tulancingo in Hidalgo state, he has dressage horses and raises prime quality Charolais cattle and Suffolk sheep just because, the ranch also has a small lake feed by a spring and since the temperature there can be quite cold he has the lake stocked with rainbow trout, that 's where I was hooked on fishing when I was 9 years old.

fishing user avataralhuff reply : 

My dad. Fishing was part of our life growing up and is still something we do as often as we can. I remember being on a shrimp boat at age 5.

Fishing was just a natural thing for us growing up.


fishing user avatarVyron reply : 

My uncle but most by my self. My dad cares only for hunting  :(

fishing user avatarBassKinG reply : 

My father introduced me to fishing, mainly panfish and trout ever since I can remember.  I learned how to bass fish by myself like a few of you have already posted.  

fishing user avatarsrv1990 reply : 

My immediate family (I'm the youngest of 8) has always been very much into sports, but not fishing, hunting, etc.  When I was around 8 or 9 my great aunt and uncle used to take me their place on the Mississippi, about an hour or so north of St. Louis, and we fished for catfish.  I loved it!  Years later (i'm 40 now) two of my best friends taught me how to bass fish.

fishing user avatarRose_Jackets67 reply : 

Nice topic  ;)

Anyways, it was my father who introduce me to fishing, as most of you have said. Growing up we'd make a yearly trip to a lake away from home and camp or rent a cabin and fish for a week or two at the end of the summer before school started back up.

My drive to fish for bass specifically comes mostly from my oldest brother (10 years older). By the time I was 13 or 14, my dad had become an executive type and had much less time to fish. My brother lived fairly near by, and we would fish together every weekend and sometimes during the week for smallies on lake Wherspan (sp) and other smaller lakes around Omaha, NE.

fishing user avatarcpt2669 reply : 

No one introduced me but as a kid I would take a cane pole we had to the creek we lived on. Wouldn't catch anything but had fun. At 16 I went to Yellow Stone with a friend and cought 3 small cut throat. That was the last time until last year when I wanted to take my son. I'm now 36. I wish that I keeped on fishing back in my teen years. I really love fishing!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

My dad introduced me to fishing, he also got me started hunting at age 10.

We fished from a bank for catfish and carp and used Y-shaped branches

for rod holders. Then my dad went all out and bought a used 10-ft rowboat.

The combined weight of my father, my brother and myself practically swamped

that little soaky toy. My dad died very young, so I was never able to repay him

by taking him bass fishing.

fishing user avatarJawjacker reply : 

My two great aunts one of whom was an old maid. They were of Scotch/Irish desent & never threw anything away or bought anything they could make. So I learned to fish with a cane pole, but does this bring back fond memories. Thanks for the topic :)

fishing user avatarbenzo73 reply : 
Nice topic ;)]


I wished I could of repayed my Grandfather and took him fishing but I was a troubled young adult did'nt realize then that he would'nt always be here. He was truely a good person he gave me my first everything tv,car etc.... I still regret I was'nt a better person in his final years, when I was able to do things for him like mow his grass, take him fishing.

fishing user avatarSCarter reply : 

The greatest fisherman I ever knew - my father. He taught me the secrets of creek fishing for bream; crappie fishing on Lake Weiss during it's glory days (70's 7 80's); running trotlines and jugs for big cats on the Coosa river; bass fishing it seems like ever lake from N Ga to Fla. Never forget the day we came back to our lake house from a morning of getting skunked and my mother was standing beside the dock and ask my father to get a fish of the hook for her. 8 lb+ bass with a Zebco 33 on a red wiggler. His face was priceless. Best fishing partner I ever had. Wish I could just sit on the lake one more time with him.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 


fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

My moms boyfriend taught me to fish. Then when i moved to iowa. I didnt fish for like 7 years. Then my senior year my friend asked if i wanted to go fishing. So it started agian. After i moved back to wis i didnt fish for like a year. Once i found this site i got back in to fishing. So thanks guys for geting me back in to fishing.

fishing user avatarbasspro48 reply : 

I remember my dad takin me crappie fishing with live minnows a looooong time ago. My cousins actually got me into bass fishing about 3 years ago

fishing user avatarmgmoore7 reply : 

My father got me started I guess mostly with bluegill and shiners.  I caught my 1st bass when fishing with my father and 2 uncles (all "bass fishermen") and I caught the only bass on that day.  I guess that got me hooked.  But beyond that I pretty much taught myself how to bass fish.  

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Mom and Dad both took me fishing, mom and I did more bass fishing than any other type.   My mom has taken numerous bass trips to Mexico in the 70's.  My Dad was the one who let me throw a "plug" as he called them when I was going into the second grade on Amistad.   Been "pluggin" every since.  

Thank you Mom and Dad.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I started "fishing" a long time ago with my dad, brother and grandfather, but it wasn't until about eight years ago that I started "catching" big fish. The biggest influence has been hooking up with my fishing buddy, Pickwick Guide, Speedy Madewell. We started out catching big stripers on the Tennessee River in the summer of 2000 and graduated to trophy smallmouth in the fall and winter.

I credit Gary Yamamoto for getting me back into largemouth fishing. In the early '60's I fished my first "Magic Bait", the original balsa Rapala. In 1997 I "discovered" the Senko. That is when I found out that even I could catch big bass, and I have been hooked ever since.

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 

My dad introduced me to fishing. When I was a little kid he bought an old wore out fiberglass fishing boat and he'd go out trying to catch bass, but I would start bragging about all the bream I was catching, so he'd have to quit bass fishing and toss out a worm or cricket and shut me up. ;D Then one day I messed up and caught a NICE bass (probably a pound or so) and I was hooked. After a while he bought an aluminum bass boat (that I later bought from him so he could get a bigger boat) and I haven't had a dime to my name since then. I'm on my 5th boat now (a beautiful Skeeter) and I have the priviledge of taking my dad fishing almost every Friday. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

fishing user avatarKana reply : 

my dad, and my grandfater, both about the same time.  they took me fishing for anything that would bite to keep me interested.  after about 10 years old my dad and uncle got me into bass fishing and its was all over from there.  spent my allowance on new baits.  bummed fishng trips form anyone that was going.  great memories, and liek many others its now my turn to take my dad out and return the love that he showed me.  but now getting up making coffee and breakfast are as much as part of the trip as fishing itself.  great topic!

fishing user avatartexasbass1 reply : 

It was my Dad. I've been fishing for as long as I can remember. I live in Texas and Dad is in AZ, but when we get together we still go fishing. Lots of great memories.

fishing user avatarfisherman_54 reply : 

i remeber going fishing when i was like 5. me and my brother went with our dad out to our aunts pond to catch bluegills. wed catch them by the boatload. my grandfather was probably the one that took me fishing the most. i started bass fishing about 2 years ago. ive learned a lot the past 2 years. my friend was probably the one that got me into fishing. i went with him to a farm pond and we caught about 40 bass that day. now i can outfish all my friends thanks to all the info i read, watch, or just from listening. i got my brother into fish about 8 months ago and now he does redfishing. i also got my stepdad back into fishing about a year ago. now we go out in our boat quite often. now im working on my mom. shes starting to like it. im glad that i could bring some people into fishing. i pretty much taught myself what to do though

fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

My dad was a great fisherman and got me into fishing, but I never remember actually fishing with him. I tagged along when he went trout fishing when I was about 4 or 5 yrs old. He got me a Zebco and let me go fish for catfish and sunnies in the Schuykill River that ran through town with my older sisters and their friends not long after that, but he worked 6-7 days a week all year and got 2 weeks off in the summer and he went to Canada then.

He died when I was still young, but the cool thing is, almost every picture I have of him he is fishing. Most from the 1950's and 60's in Canada.

Except for work that's apparently all he did :). Now, the other day my youngest daughter asked me if I use money for anything other than buying fishing stuff!!

fishing user avatardink reply : 

Dad took me to Lake Havasu in TX when I was four.  We fished with minnows or shineres on the bottom.  I caught six bass that day 15 -18" and almost left the boat when the biggest one made a run underneath.  My tiny ahnds had a death grip on that pole and my dad had me by the seat of my pants. LOL  By the age of seven I was Texas rigging my own Mann's jellyworms.  Been all downhill from there.  I owe that man more than I could ever repay him.  (But I will still kick his butt this summer on Barkley)

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Well, I wish I could say my dad.  But it wasn't. I got myself into fishing after catching my first little bluegill in a city park back in Indiana at about 10 yrs old.  My first rod and reel was a 3 1/2 ft fiberglass rod with a Bronson spincast reel.  Frankly I caught more fish with this setup than all my others  combines I have today. (Mostly bream and perch)

It's been OJT for me regarding fishing.  No real mentors or pros showing me the ropes (except for all of you guys on this forum).  Thanks for all your advice!

fishing user avatarHula_King reply : 

My grandpa got me started, and then my uncle really "taught" me how to fish.  Some of my earliest memories are sitting in my uncle's boat fishing.  Ah...those were the good ol' days.   :)

fishing user avatarTatakai reply : 

My Papaw took me fishing when I was 4 or 5 and I remember coming in from school and on Saturdays going to the pond and fishing all day long.  Sitting in that ole flat bottom boat with him was the best thing in the world to me still to this day. I have got to take my son now fishing in that same pond, the boat is gone now but the memories remain and new ones have been made with my son on the same pond in the same place that I caught fish so many years ago.


fishing user avatarmudcatwilly reply : 

My dad started me out trout fishing in the Yuba River in CA when I was a kid.  We then graduated to striper and sturgeon fishing in the CA delta.  I took up bass fishing on my own at the age of 31.  I found regular bait fishing to be a little slow for me.  I caught a spotted bass on a plastic worm my first time out and I was hooked.

fishing user avatarutser reply : 

my dad. trout fishing small streams. but trout fishing didnt hit it with me, i was always after smallies ;).

fishing user avatarjake reply : 

My dad and grandfather were both there when i caught my first fish. A sunny. I was about 5. Did it all by myself. I have a picture too. As I got older dad would take me trout fishing opening day. HATED it. Seemed like it was always cold and rainy. But it was really my Grandparents who got me into fishing. I can remember sitting at the lake all night for hours catching catfish. Grandma loves her catfish. Funny she would use everything for bait. Chicken hearts, livers you name it. But when it came to putting on a nightcrawler...she wouldn't touch it.  Spending days on end out on Raystown Lake with them is what got me hooked on bass fishing. I was 8 when i first drove that boat around the lake and I'm still driving at 33.

Great subject! this has brought back alot of great memories i've had with them. thanks

fishing user avatartru fire 4x4 reply : 

my dad and grandpa got me fishing since before i can remember, mostly for small brookes, but really didnt get obessesd till i was 9 or 10 when my dad taught me to flyfish, its been bent rods and tight lines ever since

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

when I was 11 my dad got us a bungalow for the summer in Greenwood Lake NY to get us out of the city for the summer I promptly carved my initals in a tree on the property next to ours My father made me confess and mow the guys lawn for free the rest of the summer(the old push mowers this being the early 60's) the guy felt the punishment was too severe and just happened to own a boat rental on the lake so he gave me a job at 10 bucks a week to clean up all the boats on Wed then he would take me out bass fishing He used an old pyramid sinker on a rope painted different colors for depth and when he pulled it up with weeds on it he knew where the weed beds were and taught me how to use my still favorite lure the original floating rapala So this is who to me how to fish

fishing user avatarHookhead reply : 

I love to hear stories like yours Muddy, that is just awesome.

First time fishing:

Like many of you my father got me into fishing. Strangely, I've never really fished with him. He was into gold-panning in the late 70's and would take me with him to the American River here in northern Cali. I must have been 7 or 8 years old the first time we went. He bought me a little white and green Zebco setup with some worm hooks and weights. He'd be running his sluice box by the river bank and I'd be floating live crawlers. I caught a few nice rainbows and he'd glow in disbelief every time. When I was 9 I started fishing at a neighbor's pond and would catch giant blue gill on almost every cast. That went on until I started high school and didn't pick up a rod again until 1998, 15 years later.

First time bass fishing:

In 98 I hooked up with an old high school buddy at our 10 year re-union. He convinced me to go bass fishing with him so we could get away from our wives, BS and have a few beers. I borrowed a rod and bought a Luhr-Jenson Kwikfish about the size of a grass-hopper. At that time I had absolutely no idea what I was doing (kind of like now). I clamped on a few split shot weights about 10" above the kwikfish and chucked it as far out as possible. On the first retrieve I nailed a 10" dink. That was it. The beginning of an almost unhealthy obsession. :)

I'm trying to get my 9 year old son out on the boat to go fishing with me but he's isn't the least bit interested. I practically have to twist his arm to go bank fishing with me. :(

I'm wearing on him though!


fishing user avatarball_coach_1 reply : 

Enjoying the posts.

My grandfather and my buddy's grandfather when we were kids.

Can't wait to fish with them again on the 'other side'.

Hope my son posts on a site someday that he loves the days on the water with me.

fishing user avatarRebbasser reply : 

Like many, my dad got me started.  I started perch jerking with a cane pole and the rest, as they say, is history.  I do have one regret, though-my dad passed away a few years back, and about a year after he left us I bought my bass boat.  My regret is I never got to take him out in it.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

My father started me off early with trout fishing. But I didn't start bass fishing untill my best friend Adam (aka Doghouse) took me fishing 15 years ago.

fishing user avatarrazyrsharpe reply : 

i have to give the props to my dad...James Robert Cooper 12/25/27 - 1/13/02...when we moved from michigan to south carolina in 1973.  i was seven years old and we made the major move for his health, his heart condition couldn't take the severe cold weather in MI.  he took over running a small convenience store on lake marion in Santee, SC.  we lived about 100 ft. from the water's edge.  i got bit by the bug and haven't recovered.  thanks dad.

fishing user avatarMichael H reply : 

my grandfather got me started fishing, he took me trolling for smallies i had a great time lol i caught more then him but i dont think he really cared

fishing user avatarKudzuLander reply : 

An Uncle taught me way back in the early 60's. Sadly he was taken by cancer a few years later at age 33. Thanks Uncle Gene, I'll never forget you.

fishing user avatarkid with a rapala reply : 

my grandfather tought me how to fish we fished for catfish all the time i remember catching i think it was my first catfish on a roostertail on my cheap green spin cast reel THE GOOD OLE DAYS :)

fishing user avatarMaineiac reply : 

My foster brother came home safley from Korea in 1954 and on July 4th of that summer we had a big cook out and family get together at the local pond. While there I got to fish a worm under a bobber and at the age of 6 caught my first bass. Big it wasn't but I was hookedand have been ever since. Dad and my uncle would take me meat fishing for perch and bullheads and that was a blast. Dad loved stream fishing for brookies and I never really got into it the same as he did but loved fishing with him for pickerel for chowder fish for gram. It was after marrying and meeting my first wifes uncle that I got hopelessly adicted to basfishing in the early 70's that I really headed down this slippery road to fishing perditon and have loved all of it. Now it's all about turning on the grandsons to what their great grandfather and great granduncle turned me on to. Got two hooked one to go. Hey he's over 2 now and times awasting.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I would have to say that my step-father got me into bass fishing.  He might as well be called my real dad.  He didn't have to invest the time that he did, but I'm sure glad he did.  We still, to this day, bass and catfish together.  I sure LOVE this man and will never forget all the things he has taught me about fishing and LIFE.   These are the special moments that I will spend with my daughter.

fishing user avatarBasspastor reply : 

I was a lucky kid who probably had a rod in hand round about the time I learned to walk.  My family had a cabin on Lake Sylvia/Twin in Central Minnesota and we would spend most of our spring and summer weekends there.  Sylvia/Twin is a great numbers bass lake and it may very well be that the first fish I ever caught was a bass, nobody remembers my first fish cause it was so long ago.

My fondest memories of childhood are those early mornings or lazy afternoons spent in the boat with dad fishing for Bass or Crappies in the Spring.  When I was young my mom would fish with us kids too, along with my Grandmother who owned the cabin.

For some reason as my dad has gotten older he just lost interest in fishing pretty much.  We were on the water once last year and that was the first time for him in many years.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

MY dad and mom introduced me to fishing we live on a farm and have a farm pond that we would fish alot I can remember catching  2 and 3 pounders on a rooster tail and thinking I was catching record fish. I use to think the rooster tail was the only bait to catch a bass with.  My dad liked to catfish alot would do a little bass fishing here and there but do to accident  when I was a baby that put Him in a wheel chair for over a year his legs hurt alot when standing so he preferred just casting out a line and sitting there waiting for a big ole cat to bite. Man this really brings back some memorys, my how the hands of the time just turn seems like yesterday So many memorys so little time to stop and reflect on them busy making new ones with my own daughter now. She is only two and casting her barbie pole really good ask's me all the time can I go fishing with you. That's the only thing that makes me not want to go is the fact that it's to cold for her to go with me. But when the warm weather rolls around you can bet I am going to fill up the ole memory bank with me and her fishing and my future children as well.  My only regret is I wish I had enough money that I could afford to buy  equipment for kids who have never had the enjoyment that we have I would love to be alble to give a bunch of kids fishing rods and reels and just take them fishing.  I used to work at a boys prison for juvenile boys who commited felony crimes. It was truly sad to hear alot of them say they have never been fishing in there life I always used to wonder if maybe they had the oppertunites that I have had would they even be here now. well I had better stop now once I get rambeling about something I just keep going sorry for the long post it just got me thinking

fishing user avatarPanamoka_Bassin reply : 

Not to sound like a broken record, here, but it was my dad also who got me into fishing. I was, and am, lucky to be on Long Island growing up, so more than anything else we would salt water fish. I can remember being about 10 or so fishing for snappers (baby bluefish) on Shinnecock Canal when the fish were so thick you could practically walk across the water on them. A few years after that, dad got me a job as a "dock johnny" at a local marina, where I again was lucky to go out deep sea fishing. As my dad used to be a mate on a charter boat, he called in a favor with his former captain. Back in the day, around mid-August every year, there would be a HUGE migration of white marlin just a few miles off shore of the Shinnecock Inlet, and the whole fleet it seemed to be out there fishing.

One of those days, I can remember it so clearly, we were out there trying our luck, but after a few hours of sea-sickness, I had no desire but to get back onto dry land. As I lay on the hard top of the bridge, spotting fish as it were, we came into a set of about 5 or 6 marlins. The fish played around with the baits as we trolled, but never actually took a bait. I watched my dad pick up a rod with a Green Machine on it and essentially jig the lure. As soon as he did this, a big marlin came up and engulfed the bait. Dad handed me the rod, and about 20 minutes later, after several great jumps, I had my first marlin in the boat. We steamed back into port, the marina where I worked, and I brought my prize over to the weigh-in station. I was perhaps TOO excited about it, and must have messed up putting the tail rope on, because as I hoisted the fish on the block and tackle, she let loose and fell into the drink. Luckily for me, the water wasn't too deep and I was able to get the fish back, but now without a bill because it went into the dock and snapped off. Finally got the thing on the scale properlly and tipped out at 91 pounds, a very respectable weight for white marlin.

Since then, I have caught many fish much bigger than that (tuna, mako, thresher shark, blue marlin, and one swordfish), but I never would have gone on those trips if I hadn't caught that marlin with my dad.

Thanks, dad...Wish you were here


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