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How did you find out about this site, and when you registered... (and a little about myself) 2024

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

Weren't you surprised how much information there was? When I first registered I only looked at the General Bass Fishing Forum, thinking that there was too much to read. Now I post all the time and am growing into a better angler than most of my buddies by coming to this site.

I credit most of what I know about bass fishing to this site. This site probably is what turned me into an enthusiast for bass fishing. Originally I looked at this site when I was trying to become more successful at fishing the Carolina rig. Who would have thought I would be checking this out more than my E-mail?

Who has helped you out on the bass forums? I have learned so much from the moderators, old timers, and I am always looking forward to reading anything writen by members like T-rig, Hawg Caller, and Fourbizz. Thanks guys.

To be honest, the last few months I have been fishing a lot, and coming to this site all the time. The reason for this is that I'm on probation, and bass fishing is pretty much all I can do. Partying is something that I LOVE, but bass fishing has really has helped the time go by, and fishing is my FAVORITE thing to.

Thanks Broddas for everything!

fishing user avatarFish Man reply : 

i found out about BR when my uncle that i fish with and i would cruise the internet looking for tips this site would be the first to pop i started to read them more and more and eventually decided to register.

i to credit alot of my knowledge to BR because of all the great guys on here that are willing to share their secrets to help somone else catch a few fish, and how could i forget glenn who gives us the site and the mods who run it and make it a great place

there are a few guys on the site i talk to outisde of BR mostly on aim that have also helped me alot

thanks to everyone for making this a great place

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

I had caught a nice bass and was trying to photograph by myself.  A jogger was running by and offered to to help.  He told me about BR and here I am.  I don't know who the jogger is nor do I know his screen name but thank you to whom ever you are.

If the mysterious jogger reads this, It was in Sherbrook Estates.

fishing user avatarflippincrazy reply : 

I was researching bass fishing and stumbled on the BR articles. After a couple weeks of reading those I clicked on the forums button.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I was an assistant moderator over on Bass Fishing Home on MSN when I found this site after doing a search on Yahoo. I've always thought these guys know what they are talking about this was in the late 90s or early 2000s. BFHP eventually died & one day I was reading new articles before a trip to Toledo Bend when the word Forum just stuck out like a neon sign. Who have I learned from? Huh couldn't tell ya but it's dozens; some times I may sound like I don't agree when in the back of my mind a little light is faintly starting to come on.  

fishing user avatarKimbro reply : 

I learned about this site from a fishing buddy Mike Branch. Funny thing is, I've never seen him here. I joined probably about a year ago but am a man of few words when it comes to posting. I should post more but I get more enjoyment out of reading others' posts. I really enjoy the site and a big thanks to the mods and active members like Avid, Muddy, Redline Robert etc. that make this forum so enjoyable.


fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I was at work one weekend in Feb 05. I googled something to do with bass fishing and this site popped up. It was the first bass fishing forum I had ever been so I checked it out and signed up. I quickly got addicted to the place and have been stuck here ever since. I think I was the 365 member to sign up.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

My fishing partner forwarded me the link and said "There is some good reading in the "articles" at this place."

I had NEVER used a forum board previously.

And here we are ::)  11,896 posts later,lol.  I bet RW was in the same boat.

fishing user avatarKorea_Bassin reply : 

I found BR through a web search while looking for bass information.  I've been on this site for about 5-6 years now, but just checked out the forum for the first time a couple of weeks ago.  Why?  Because most forums I have come across on the web are full of argument and bickering and personal attacks between different groups within the forum and I'm just not into that stuff.  Well, when I finally checked out the forum here, what I discovered really surprised me and I now check in a couple of times a day just to see what's going on in other parts of the fishing world and have a few good hearted chuckles.  The members here are nothing short of fantastic...always helpful and willing to offer their opinion or advice, but not in a way to ridicule anyone else.  Easily the friendliest forum of any type I have ever been on.  Another thing that I find surprising is the way that people seem as though they have known each other for years.  Maybe they have in some cases, but I suspect that in other cases, they have never met besides here.  I really appreciate the forum and the friendly people who visit here.  Maybe I can be of assistance to someone some day.

Next time any of you are in Korea, shoot me a line.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Your comments are very appreciated,  They also hit the nail on the head.  We make a lot of effort to follow Glenn's mission statement and  run a "different" kind of board.  

We are a family here.  Sure, families have arguments and differences of opinion but in the end, when handled with respect,we find that we are still family.

Next time someone asks you if you have any brothers or sisters, just say,.."Yup,....11,880 of them" :)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I don't actually recall "finding" the Forum, but this was the first forum

of any kind I had ever joined. Internet chit-chat was just not my thing.

My, how things have changed!


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
Internet stuff-chat was just not my thing.

My, how things have changed!


(post # 11,918,....I guess so bud!! :) )

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

Yup,found this place while searching for tips on a certain technique.Been reading articles for prob 2 years here,never even checked the forum as I hate internet chatting and message rooms in general.Also just like POINTER said,I thought it was just too much info to try to scan through at first.Boy was I wrong!

 This place is great! I always send threads and articles to my buds and try to get them to join too.

  Also wanted to take a sec to thank the various members and mods that frequent these boards.Some of the long time members for making this place enjoyable and the mods for making it tolerable. ;)

 When I win the lottery(LOL :D) My dream trip is to basically just tour the U.S and fish anywhere and everywhere I can In my new Triton.I would then post a thread here and ask everyone if they would be interested in going. I would definitely love to meet a lot of the people here and spend some good times flippin fish over the rail.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Back around 2004 is when I first started visiting I was a member of N.A.F.C. for a few years and it was getting pretty lame. I was looking for a fish weight calculator and one of the other members said I should check out this "fantastic bass fishing site".

I've never been a big fan of forums, in fact, in three years at N.A.F.C. I had barely 200 posts. Now here in less than a year and a half I have over 1300. Thanks to a great group moderators and a friendly and informative group of people, I feel "AT HOME".

Thank you Glenn for starting and maintaining such a great place, and allowing me to be a part of it.


fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

I found this place while looking for parts for a couple of reels. I found Reel Mechanic's website, which has a link to here. I spent a few months just reading the articles before even looking at the forum. I'm like RW; the whole chat-room thing did not appeal to me at all. Things do indeeed change.

I eventually took a look at the forums, liked what I found, lurked around for a while, finally registered, and have been here ever since. It's been a little over two years since I signed up, and about 5 months since Glenn made me part of the crew. I've had some fun learning new stuff while working in the background in behalf of this site. The pay ain't much, but the challenges and learning opportunities are rewarding, in and of themselves. I like being a part of this, and being able to contribute, in a small way, to the place that has become a sort of home away from home.

This is quite a unique community we have here. It is rather like a large extended family, in many ways. There are some very knowledgable folks here; RoLo, Chris, Fish Chris, Raul, Reel Mech, Matt Fly and George Welcome come to mind, and I'm sure I missed a few that will occur to me later. We also have some not-so-knowledgable people too; and what family doesn't have a few of those? There are some very opinionated members, a few hotheads, a group of funny guys, some just plain weirdo's, and several cantankerous old farts. ( Yeah, I know. I resemble that remark. ) What's really cool is, I have a bunch of new friends I've never met, several of whom I talk to on a regular basis.

What's also so cool is you can ask anything here and get an answer from somebody who knows what they're talking about. Getting answers from some who obviously don't know what they're talking about is just part of the fun.

So, thanks Glenn for starting this up, and keeping it running so smoothly. Thanks to all the mod's for everyting you do to keep this place on an even keel. And thanks to all the members for joining the family.



fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I didn 't find the site, not even looked for it, I was directed to it as usual when somebody asked the question ( generally speaking ) that always makes me join a site: Bass fishing in Mexico ?, in this case I think it was Rebbasser who drove me here.

fishing user avatarBassinWill301 reply : 

I found out about this site from the podcast BassFeed.  

I believe it was LBH who was being interviewed and he mentioned bassresource so I went and checked it out.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 
I was researching bass fishing and stumbled on the BR articles. After a couple weeks of reading those I clicked on the forums button.

same exact thing happend to me.  ;D

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 
I found this place while looking for parts for a couple of reels. I found Reel Mechanic's website, which has a link to here. I spent a few months just reading the articles before even looking at the forum. I'm like RW; the whole chat-room thing did not appeal to me at all. Things do indeeed change.

I eventually took a look at the forums, liked what I found, lurked around for a while, finally registered, and have been here ever since. It's been a little over two years since I signed up, and about 5 months since Glenn made me part of the crew. I've had some fun learning new stuff while working in the background in behalf of this site. The pay ain't much, but the challenges and learning opportunities are rewarding, in and of themselves. I like being a part of this, and being able to contribute, in a small way, to the place that has become a sort of home away from home.

This is quite a unique community we have here. It is rather like a large extended family, in many ways. There are some very knowledgable folks here; RoLo, Chris, Fish Chris, Raul, Reel Mech, Matt Fly and George Welcome come to mind, and I'm sure I missed a few that will occur to me later. We also have some not-so-knowledgable people too; and what family doesn't have a few of those? There are some very opinionated members, a few hotheads, a group of funny guys, some just plain weirdo's, and several cantankerous old farts. ( Yeah, I know. I resemble that remark. ) What's really cool is, I have a bunch of new friends I've never met, several of whom I talk to on a regular basis.

What's also so cool is you can ask anything here and get an answer from somebody who knows what they're talking about. Getting answers from some who obviously don't know what they're talking about is just part of the fun.

So, thanks Glenn for starting this up, and keeping it running so smoothly. Thanks to all the mod's for everyting you do to keep this place on an even keel. And thanks to all the members for joining the family.



That definitely sums it up. Being able to ask questions and get answers from excellent bass fisherman is what has helped me out so much.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Found this site back in may mentioned by another site.Didn't start posting serious till fall when my fishing season closed.Once April/may comes around i'll probably disappear again.. ;D

fishing user avatarfisherdave reply : 

I had just got my boat and was searching some things on how to modify it and came across this web site. Its a great web page and lots of good people with great advise. I want to thank everyone that has helped me with any question I have had its nice to know you have some where to go and ask questions or just BS with good people.

Thanks to all and especially Glen


What about Glen what made you think of this and to keep it going as long as it has and did you think it would ever turn into something like this?

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

It was just another day at work, surfin the web for porn when I accidentally typed a b in fornt of my interest of the day.   Lo and behold there was this strange light that filled the room and music that sounded like............angels singing.  

with trembling fingers I opened up the website and my life was changed forever.

And that's the absolute truth bud.    

fishing user avatarHookemdown. reply : 
It was just another day at work, surfin the web for porn when I accidentally typed a b in fornt of my interest of the day.   Lo and behold there was this strange light that filled the room and music that sounded like............angels singing.  

with trembling fingers I opened up the website and my life was changed forever.

And that's the absolute truth bud.    

It wouldn't be as funny if is wasn't so true... ;)

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

I learned of this site from my cousin Cigarlover.  He was home for the hollidays back in 06 and showed it to me.  

I have learned alot and have tried many of the things I have read on here so it was a great thing to find out about.

fishing user avatarFish Man reply : 

[quote author=494E4E4A444C454E564F210 link=1200368751/20#22 date=1200454665

fishing user avatarFishin-Psyantist reply : 

 Saw a website name across the back window of a pickup here in town sitting in front of a sporting goods store. Decided to check it out and found it to be a local fishing tournament website. It had a link posted for this website. Did not know so much bass fishing information existed, so I joined in September of 07. I enjoy reading the forums and posting some too. Hope to be as much of a help to BR future members to come as those here today have been a great help to me. Ive got alot to learn though.

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 
It was just another day at work, surfin the web for porn when I accidentally typed a b in fornt of my interest of the day. Lo and behold there was this strange light that filled the room and music that sounded like............angels singing.

with trembling fingers I opened up the website and my life was changed forever.

And that's the absolute truth bud.

I have read a lot of funny stuff this year but I have to give you the top honor in making me fall out of my seat.  I literally LAUGHED OUT LOUD!!  

I found this place October 17, 2006 by Google on bass info.  I lurked until March 2007.  I am really glad I joined.  I feel like I missed out on something if I don't get to check it out at least once a day.  Always a blast coming here.  Thanks guys and gals!!  ;)

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

 Looked up a certain TV fisherman's name and took a look at the forum on his site. Didn't really care for the way things were handled there. Went looking for something else and found BFR. Must have lurked for a year, thinking it was gonna turn into the same as the afore mentioned site. Never came across anything like that! Finally bit the bullet in Jan. of last year and found out that I had friends that I had never met...

                                    As Ever,


fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 
It was just another day at work, surfin the web for porn when I accidentally typed a b in fornt of my interest of the day.   Lo and behold there was this strange light that filled the room and music that sounded like............angels singing.  

with trembling fingers I opened up the website and my life was changed forever.

And that's the absolute truth bud.    

Wow avid I am bawling laughing

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Like some others, I was searching Google for information on bass fishing, and I came across a couple articles that brought me to this site.  I immediately saved the site because of the number of articles, and I didn't even know that there was a forum until a couple of weeks later.  I started reading, was totally impressed by the amount of info, and the rest is history.  I couldn't believe the number of active posters on the site, and when I first posted, within an hour or two there were like 8 or 10 responses, which was a huge change from the first bass forum I joined.  

Anyway, thanks to everyone for such a tremendous site, especially Glen and the mods.  I've learned so much, and I can't wait til spring comes and I can apply all of my new knowledge to chase the bigger bass.

Another thing, since joining the site and reading all of the posts in the tackle and rods and reels section, I've spent a ton of money upgrading all of my equipment; equipment I never knew existed  ;D

fishing user avatarGrandpa reply : 

I found this place after I moved to a home near a lake. I had always enjoyed fishing but was getting discouraged after not doing as well as the locals. Now that I found BR I am one of the guys people are asking for advice.

Still not much of a poster here but I sure enjoy all of the information.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
Another thing, since joining the site and reading all of the posts in the tackle and rods and reels section, I've spent a ton of money upgrading all of my equipment; equipment I never knew existed ;D

Don 't blame me, you ask I reply and that 's it.

fishing user avatarF15HGuy reply : 

I found the articles one day last summer while looking for any info I could find to help me become a better angler. I read articles for days and days. When I finally checked out the forums I liked what I saw and signed up. Been hanging around and learnig ever since. I wish I could thank a few individual members  but I can't name just a few. I feel I am able to take something from almost every post I read.

  Thanks guys!

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Dammit Avid, you beat to the punch!  >:(

fishing user avatardave reply : 

Searched bass fishing back in late 2004,  came across the site.  Joined in Jan. 2005.  I too like 5bass was one of the first few hundred to join.  There were a couple of guys that used to post all of the time.  One I think was BigBill and one was a young kid that posted a lot.  (can't remember his name)  I always wonder if they are still around,  at least looking and not posting.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 
Searched bass fishing back in late 2004, came across the site. Joined in Jan. 2005. I too like 5bass was one of the first few hundred to join. There were a couple of guys that used to post all of the time. One I think was BigBill and one was a young kid that posted a lot. (can't remember his name) I always wonder if they are still around, at least looking and not posting.

That young kid was Nick Barr. He still comes around every once in a while. He is a sponsored tournament angler now. He even has a boat sponsor.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Let's see, "How did I find out about this site?"  Hmmm...... let me think....

OH!  That's right! When I THOUGHT about it! LOL!!

Thanks for the kind words, guys.  I truly appreciate it.  The mods, Ghoti, and I work hard on this site every day.  But we wouldn't do it if we didn't enjoy it.  Hearing your comments and kudos really makes it all worth while!   :D

If you're interested, here's how it all began

fishing user avatardave reply : 
Searched bass fishing back in late 2004,  came across the site.  Joined in Jan. 2005.  I too like 5bass was one of the first few hundred to join.  There were a couple of guys that used to post all of the time.  One I think was BigBill and one was a young kid that posted a lot.  (can't remember his name)  I always wonder if they are still around,  at least looking and not posting.

That young kid was Nick Barr. He still comes around every once in a while. He is a sponsored tournament angler now. He even has a boat sponsor.

I think I remember Nick's name from back then.  I think this might have been someone different.  It might have been Will.  Profile says he is 20 now.

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 
It was just another day at work, surfin the web for porn when I accidentally typed a b in fornt of my interest of the day. Lo and behold there was this strange light that filled the room and music that sounded like............angels singing.

with trembling fingers I opened up the website and my life was changed forever.

And that's the absolute truth bud.

seriously one of the funniest things i've ever read!

like many others i googled "bass fishing" and ended up here, lurked for a while and started posting once i realized this site isn't full of idiots and @55holes. i can't believe the amount of info i've learned in the few months i've been here. i also can't believe the amount of money i've spent on gear in those months....

this really is the most informative and well-maintained forum i've ever been a part of. props to the mods and especially to glenn.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Articles. I think I have read all of the articles that aren't tournament strategy type articles.

I sifned up on the forums in the spring and lurked until I had a really good trip and couldn't help but brag a little.

As for me, if RoLo, Catt, or Randall, writes it, I pay attention!

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

Googled bassfishing and just started  yesterday but have read lots of post for awhile now . Also wanted to meet people that loved to bassfish/fish as much as I do. Now that I have a desk job I can browse the net.  

fishing user avatarMobydick reply : 

I found out about this site from basser89. He mentioned it and I checked it out, and here I am! :) I agree this is the best bass fishing forums on the web!

fishing user avatarDean reply : 

Found out about this site from some people over on the forums. This site is awesome!!!

fishing user avatarfooman reply : 

Been reading the articles on here for a while then just recently stumbled in to the forum...


I especialy like the boating forum..Everythings discussed from kayaks and canoes to big bass boats..its not just focused on the $50,000 bass boats but everything..

Keep up the good post's guys

fishing user avatar2000WHITEGMC reply : 

Google did the trick for me and now I am addicted.  If the boss knew how much time I spend on here he'd flip.  Keep it up guys

fishing user avatarABC123 reply : 

Well, I was an active member of a general fishing forum, a Walleye fishing forum, and local (state) forum.

I got kicked off the local forum becouse it seems that you were entitled to an opinion, as long as it was the same as the long time posters. Whether they were right or wrong.

The Walleye forum posted a poll on whether the forum should be open to registered members only, becouse of all the unregistered posting garbage. The vast majority said to leave it open to all the unregistered people to post too. I had enough and left.

I was down to a nice general forum, but not many active members. I wanted to raise my Bass fishing another level or two and did a Yahoo search. This site came up as an active one, so I joined. So far, pretty darn good. 8-)

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 
It was just another day at work, surfin the web for porn when I accidentally typed a b in fornt of my interest of the day.   Lo and behold there was this strange light that filled the room and music that sounded like............angels singing.  

with trembling fingers I opened up the website and my life was changed forever.

And that's the absolute truth bud.    

Avid you realy do make me laugh. You are probably the most entertaining member of the forums. You always have funny stuff to say.

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 

Also you know your addicted to this site when you are a senior member and have been on the forum for less than a year.....

fishing user avatarDean reply : 
It was just another day at work, surfin the web for porn when I accidentally typed a b in fornt of my interest of the day. Lo and behold there was this strange light that filled the room and music that sounded like............angels singing.

with trembling fingers I opened up the website and my life was changed forever.

And that's the absolute truth bud.

Avid you realy do make me laugh. You are probably the most entertaining member of the forums. You always have funny stuff to say.

LMAO Avid that was great

fishing user avatarlsmith500 reply : 

Found the site in a search.  Definately like what I see so far and look forward to learning more

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Chuck Norris called me.   He said, "Join Bassresource or I will kick your butt".

I listened.

fishing user avatarBassinDave reply : 

I found it during a serch for some information and was amazed by how much was here. I just read articles and forum entries for 6-8 months before actually joining.

fishing user avataraltamahajon reply : 

While searching for information on Bass Fishing and Lures, I clicked on a link from another site. I have only been registered now for just a few hours. However let me say that I have yet to find a site that was so informative, intense and dedicated to the Angler. Just the past few hours has really encouraged me to learn more about bass fishing and wanting to dive in deeper.

I have alot of time on my hands since medical retirement from back and neck surgery. Hard to find alot of things to do that can relax you and help with pain issues... Last year while on vacation, my cousin invited me to go with them fishing that evening. I had never been one to do serious fishing. I have always been and outdoors person camping, motorcycles etc. but not fishing.

Well to make a long story short, that day I caught a 20 pound and 16 pound catfish with in and hour and a half. I have been HOOKED ON FISHING sense.

My wife and I have purchase a 16 foot Alum boat with 25 hp Johnson, Trolley motor, rods reels, tackle and I dont know what all. We try our best to wet a hook every chance we get....

I do wish to thank all those that put so much time in to newbies like me and teaching them with the vast amount of experience you have learned and now sharing. I wished that I had not wasted so many years of my life by not getting in the waters earlier with this great hobby.



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